The Unexpected Cosmology Podcast

368 | The Shot Heard Around the World and Donald Trump: Staged Hoax or Inside Job?

Article on TUC Website: The Shot Heard Around the World PDF: https://unexpected-cosmology.nyc3.dig... Ministry and Widow Fund: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support:   / membership   Contact: Facebook:   / theunexpectedcosmology

2h 5m
Broadcast on:
17 Jul 2024
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Article on TUC Website: The Shot Heard Around the World PDF: https://unexpected-cosmology.nyc3.dig... Ministry and Widow Fund: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support:   / membership   Contact: Facebook:   / theunexpectedcosmology  

It was last Friday night. I was speaking to my Sabbath group. We were meeting together, getting ready to go to YouTube live. We meet every single Friday night in our Discord group and we were talking about politics. We were talking about Trump, talking about Biden and I made the comments that it felt like we were just watching this script unfold, like we were watching a movie and the context of course was talking about the debate and how bad Biden did and how before the debate, the Democrats were going out there on CNN and stuff and saying if you think there's something wrong with Biden, you're the crazy one. They were gaslighting everybody and then right afterwards they just turned on, they threw them under the bus and we're watching this whole thing unfold. We had of course no clue that Saturday was going to happen. Now we've been waiting for this event, this assassination attempt or assassination, they quote unquote head wound for a good, I don't know, eight years now, probably 2016 back to 2015 when we first started seeing Trump make the rounds and a lot of talk was there and then boom, it happened over the weekend. I was all gearing up to give a talk on the Anaki tonight and I called up my friends here all and everybody here we have before is John Q, Dove and Branch, also goes by Chuck, Graham and Matthew, they are all members of the tech community on Discord, I love every single one of them. I've met John Q and person, Graham has had a dinner, he said at my house and I'm sorry for that beeping going off over here, I can't stop it. Okay, so we're going to be talking about this tonight and before we do of course I went live and I just realized I didn't bring up the paper I've been working on. I do have under this YouTube video for everyone that is interested, I've been working on a Trump assassination attempt paper called the shot heard around the world and I'm looking at it from two angles and this is what I kind of want to talk about tonight, is this a hoax or is this an inside job? Now depending on how you look at the world stage, you're going to look at it from two different potential angles and I think that for the individuals that will state that everything is a hoax and I have a lot of papers that I've written, a lot of hoax pieces that I've covered everything from the Titanic to I don't, there's some things actually I don't want to say right now that I've covered but a great number of things that I've covered on different potential hoaxes and it's an unthinkable thought for the hoax crowd to see this is legitimate just as much as the, I don't know, the inside job or the non-crowd is going to have a hard time seeing this as a hoax because if it's a hoax it means Trump is not the person they hope he is and of course if the hoax crowd, if there is legitimacy to this and there was actually a shot fire that grazed his ear, then we have, they have problems because now you see people who actually want to take him out and we're looking at the potential, the intervention of YAH in real time and history actually preserving a person's life. Now you guys, everybody out there has seen this video footage 100 times already, alright so my apologies, well I'm not apologize actually, but we're going to play this again for historical purposes because we're going to be discussing this tonight so I want to play the footage it's about two minutes as you guys know of the assassination attempt and then I'll bring you guys all on and we'll start talking about it so here we go, hold that chart, that charts a couple of months old and if you want to really see something that said take a look at what happened. [Crowd noise] [Crowd noise] [Crowd noise] [Crowd noise] [Crowd noise] [Crowd noise] [Crowd noise] [Crowd noise] Alright, now whether or not that was a hoax that we saw on a stage, which it was ironically on a stage, or if it was a legitimate bullet that came after President Trump, I think everybody listening and watching can agree that this is going to go down as one of the most momentous moments on the world stage in history and that's why we're discussing this right now so welcome everybody, let's see if I can bring this back up, okay good. Alright, so I have with me John Q, he is no stranger here, I've had him on a few times, this is the first time I've ever had on Dove and Branch or Chuck as he goes as he's known, Graham and Matthew, so welcome everybody, what I want to do is we're going to go across and just take 30 seconds a minute and just introduce yourself, tell us a little bit about yourself starting with you, John Q. Yeah, thanks for having me, it's great to be here with you and these fine gentlemen, John Q. Adams, I sort of woke up from the 2020 election, that was my precipice, my awakening, although I was starting to slur our stirrens out of my slumber before then during COVID, I am a United States Marine combat veteran, two tours in Iraq, proud father of two and husband to a loving wife. Alright, Chuck, alright, yeah, my name is Chuck, I kind of came to the truth of things back in probably 2012, 2013, I've been doing this for almost 11 years now, I am married for 19 years and I have four children and I served for eight years in the United States Army in multiple different MOSs, I did advanced seer trading through them, which is a search of aid and rescue type stuff, I did a combat tour in Iraq as well and I did two different tours to both Kuwait where we did missions into Syria in Iraq and I've been using firearms since I was old enough to hold them basically, so I got a lot of experience with weaponry. After that I did five years in the Air Force, trained as an intel analyst and finished out as a cyber systems administrator, so I did a lot of different things with the military and training and now I work just as a contractor for DOD, but, okay, good, alright, Graham. So yes, I've been in the truth movement since I guess maybe around 2008, 2009, somewhere in there and got them, you know, flat earth around 2016, 15, 16, I've been in the tuck group here now for what, three years, four years, four years, a while, something like that. Of course, you guys all just showed up in my life. Can you hear me? We're still good. I can hear you just fine. So, in the context of Trump, I voted for him in 2016, I followed a lot of the Q stuff and when he did not win the 2020 election, I kind of fell away and was studying other things and didn't really follow politics. I actually purposely didn't vote in 2020 because I had the attitude that it was all rigged and they were all selected which I do feel that it's always pretty much been that way or at least as long as I've been alive and, but I do see that there's something different happening here and when we started looking into the millennial kingdom aspect of it, I saw how Q kind of ties in really with a lot of the belief system I have through scripture and I see that coming together not a compartmentalized thing, but anyway, so I've been following the Q, I wouldn't really consider myself in a non because I'm not really a researcher, but I listen to a lot of people who do research and form my opinions and I'm excited to talk about it tonight. I'm a landscaper. I live in Georgia. I'm a father of six daughters in my second marriage, halfway from the first marriage, but yeah, that's me, I'm great. All right and Matthew, welcome. Yes, it's good to be here. So my name is Matthew. You might know me as cyber sailor on a discord. I've been around in the Q circles for quite some time. I have first started my truth seeking with the flat earth and then I've known about Q about the same time, but I just kind of held it off for quite some time. When I jumped into that game, it was a little bit tougher because you were getting into the 4chan and the 8chan. That was before it became easier to access Q alerts as a way I go now, but that would have been around December 10th of 2018. When I came on, he was doing the ask me anything and I asked him how do I think it is, you know, specifically referring to JFK jr, so if you're not aware of that, there's quite a few people that are in witness protection and they're coming out. So of all the people here, as far as my expertise goes, it's more familiarity with the Q post, putting together different pieces and different theories, which doesn't have so much of an expertise background to like back up anything, but it's the fun kind of wealth card. So that's me. Now, man, I'm sorry for this beeping that's going off. I can't silence my discord. So anybody on discord right now, maybe you guys toned it down a little bit. So all right. I just want to let everyone know out there that I am myself, I'm not in an on, I'm not associated with Q, I don't follow Q post, Q and on or anything like that. How many of you would say you are a Grammy said you're maybe not, but you kind of lean that way. Matthew, you identified yourself as an on John Q, would you say you're in an on? I think that's safe to say but I want to make sure I mean, I don't I don't consider myself for sure. I don't consider myself an OG and on because I didn't even know about the Q drops until like after the, you know, November 25th, 2020, fourth or whatever that day was. I try to remain anonymous. So in that sense, I consider myself in an on and I have dove into the drops and I've researched them and I've formed my own conclusions and so yeah, I guess I can say in that sense I'm an on, but I'm definitely not an OG and on. Okay. Dev, Dev ranch shot. What would you say? Yes. I have literally no association with it whatsoever other than listening to a few times you've had John on. Okay. Good. Thank you. All right. So I just want to show everybody really quickly and you guys saw the footage. This is what I'm writing right now. This is linked underneath. You guys can check it out. I'm working on this all week. So I think I'm like 20 pages in, it'll probably be like a, you know, a typical 4050 page report for me by the time I'm done, but the thing that I really wanted to focus on first was looking at the head wound and the wound of the ear, the bullet, the blood and trying to figure out the, you know, is there, when does the blood appear? Can we see a wound on the ear? These kind of questions, right? Do we see a bullet as a bullet faked, you know, you're looking at the order of the precision of the pop, pop, pop with the flinching and everything like that. It's an amazing clockwork precision. So before we go into all of this, I want to just throw this out to you guys. What do you guys, what can, looking at that footage and the events around the day, but it's mostly like the footage and then, and then the rest kind of have to go with eyewitness testimony, speculation and the crowd, things that they saw or didn't see, that kind of stuff, different various angles. What would you guys looking at this, the events or the last few days ascertain as, as you could take this as a fact, like something that you were like, okay, I think this is true. Yeah, I'll, I'll, I'll start. So my, my opinion, I can, I can say that those, the sounds that occurred at 6/11 p.m. Eastern were, I instantly knew what they were. I knew that they were a 5, 5, 6 or, or, you know, round. Yeah, 2, 2, 3, or 5, 6, 2, 3, or 5, 6, I, I, I've heard that, you know, I know that sounds like instantly I can recognize that I can recognize instantly in a K-47. I can recognize instance instantly, you know, a 50 cow Barrett. There's, there's so many things I can instantly recognize. I knew it coming through the TV screen. I knew what that was. Yeah, I can confirm. Like, that's the very first thing because I was, I was sitting on my couch, basically had some family over for the weekend, family came in from out of town, and we were all hanging around, and somebody was just like, hey, turn on the news, Trump just got shot at. Okay. So we, we turned it on. And as soon as the, they played the footage the first time, I'm like, I'm like that. The first shooting is shooting a semi-automatic 2, 2, 3, or 5, 5, 6, it's, it's, it's, it's a, you've heard it so many times if you've shot those weapons, like, and being in the military, both John and I have, have shot those weapons thousands of times, like even range days. I mean, you've, you've sprayed tons of those bullets. It's an instinctive sound. You know what it sounds like. So. I agree. I am not thousands, but I've shot hundreds. I have a AR-15, I've shot 2, 2, 3, and 5, 5, 6, and I recognized it too. You know, you can also hear when the bullet is fired and when it hits, when the impact occurs, you know, it's like a pop pow. And, and then you hear the first group of five or so, and then you hear a little bit of a pause and then the other group of return fire where they were shooting back at the, the shooter. But yeah, that was, that was pretty distinctive. So you guys can correct me if I'm wrong here. What I heard initially was the first three shots, which were consistent with a shot grouping, then I heard a slight pause for about a second and a half. There were two successive shots immediately after that and then it was about 15 seconds had passed and then there was another shot. So that's, that's what I heard. So I don't know, there's people that say there was as many as seven shots fired. But you can hear kind of from the audio, especially if you're wearing headphones while you're watching it, you can kind of hear that those shots come from different angles. So they were not all coming from the same trajectory. So I agree and that's, you don't know if y'all want to get into this yet, but I, not a hoax, but inside job is what I'm leaning to toward currently. It seems very JFK assassination had that kind of feel to it. And you know, they instantly ID the, the shooter and ID on him, but they were able to do a DNA test like really quickly and confirm it. And then, you know, it's supposed to keep us from questioning further. And, and if you listen to what they're talking about now concerning the so-called shooter, it's all psychoanalysis, you know, who were his friends, what did he do? But the question that no one seems to be asking is, who did he work for? Who hired him to shoot President Trump? You know, those are the real issues, but I, you know, the whole lone gunman is, is awfully familiar and he was, they had him in the sights, you know, the, the secret service for like seven minutes, watched him crawl into place. It was to me, in my opinion, as if they were instructed to wait and shoot him after he shot Trump so they could kill him and, you know, he wouldn't be around to answer any questions. But, but yeah, there's a lot of suspicion about whether, was there another shooter, maybe on the water tower, I heard today, there's another metal building is 488 yards away and they were able to, through the ballistics testing, determine that some of the rounds that came in came from 488 yards away, not the 150 or so that was the official story. So I think there's more to come out and I think that there's going to be a lot for some time to come. But we also live in a time, this is the difference between now and JFK was everybody had their cell phones out and the whole thing was even recorded from all different angles and, and I think that this, the truth, whatever the truth is, is going to come out a lot faster. Yeah, this was definitely, this was definitely a live activity. Now, let's, let's talk about the, the, the hoax aspect a little bit and there are those out there. I noticed so far, when we started looking into this, in our discord community, I invited a lot of people, we've had an incredible conversation the last three or four days. I've really enjoyed it. It's kind of been like kind of a, a bromance between us and others who've been in there. And there were some who are just coming at this with mockery. You believe any of this, you know, you, you, you, you, you're, you know, your soul's been sucked out, you're blinded, these kind of things. And I will say to everyone out there is that I've always been a big believer. I put a lot of emphasis into showing things are hoaxes and you've got to be able to show it. Right. I have a paper on Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing, these kinds of things where I could show, okay, this video footage is fake. This photo is fake and here's why. And so one of the immediate things you guys talked about the, the, the rounds that went off, which is really interesting because you're, you're picking up on things that, you know, I'm not a gun expert. I've said that multiple times. They said that to you guys, but the things that I wanted to focus on immediately, if this is a, a hoax or not. So I kind of went into this Cooley, like, you know, there was some people jumped in the conversation. Like, come on guys, just say this is a hoax and just be done with it. We don't want to talk about this. It's just, it's a hoax. I'm like, you know, I, I think it was you, John, you said, give it to the, uh, was it the 72 hour rule or something like that? Yep. And it's like, okay, well, let's let the facts come in first. Let's just look at this or what they say are the facts, right? Let's look at the information, including the misinformation, all the information, the, the misdirection, everything all come in and let's just, let's pick it apart and look at it. And the first thing I wanted to look at was the blood, right? So we have a claim that a bullet ripped, uh, ripped by, uh, this way, he turned his head at the last possible minute, ripped his ear and that, you know, there was blood. So the, the emit, um, excuse me, the immediate thing that came out, let me just scroll down on my paper here. So what I wanted to talk about was this idea of that there was like a, a blood packet that was put in. Now, if you notice this picture, what's interesting is that they show a whole year with no wounds on it. Right. Now I think a lot of us, I think John, too, you have that thought. A lot of us have this thought like, okay, what if they, you know, this is the WWE guy. What if they just, you know, they took a blood packet, you know, little cats up, whatever the bottle cats up and poured it there. Well, the problem is, is, uh, I was asking you, John, I wanted to see an actual wound. And let's see if I could find it here, the photo, um, it's here somewhere. Maybe you have to scroll up, scroll up, no, I have to go down. And when you actually zoom in, you could see right there, you could actually see that there is a wound on his ear. So Michael, okay, well that's interesting. So now we need to make a case. Can you find that there was a wound before or after he went down, right? What point was his ear clipped? Because people are coming in and say, well, they clipped his ear, but then they'll say, well, the blood is fake. Well, so you can't have it both ways. Either the blood is fake or the blood is real. Either the wound is fake or the wound is real, right? And what, what I found amazing, it took me a long time. I know Devin Branch, we were both looking at it together, was trying to figure out, because so that it's a clockwork position, nanoseconds, right? He goes boom, boom, boom. The first hit, we see him flinch up. I was playing this on my quarter speed. I was going back over and over and over again. Soon as the first bullet hits, you see him flinch up. And then by the time the second bullet hits, his hand has gone up to his ear. And by the time the third bullet hits, or you hear it, just pop, pop, pop, he's looking at his hand. And I wanted to know, was there blood on his hand? You can't necessarily see them in the low resolution video, but you can on these photos right here. And then we were playing, we were matching up and going, there it is. In the video is where you can see the blood. So the question is, at what point, if it's a blood packet, what point did he pop that open? Surely not here. Did it happen in these series of photos that happened so quick, right? So there's blood on his hand, he drops down, and then people are asking the question, well, why isn't there blood on his shirt, right? Well, you know, I mean, the fact of the matter is whether it's fake blood or real blood, no blood gone on his shirt, right? It doesn't matter either way. Fake or real, nothing gone on his shirt. And I would say the reason being is, is that anybody see it in the actual, like, I didn't see it until this time you just played it. I don't know how I haven't seen it, but I've probably watched this video 150 times over the past three days, but in the video, this time I saw it in one very short nanosecond. You see he's holding something in his hand that looks to be like maybe a white rag that is covered in red, like in just one very brief clip. It looks like he's holding something in his hand that's covered in blood. And it was in the video clip this time, and I'm like, how am I not seeing that before? You can see right here, I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but you can see right here when they lift them back up. So the reason the blood, again, and I'm going to stress to everyone out there, whether this is fake blood or real blood, it doesn't make a difference. We can all agree that it didn't get on a shirt, right? The reason being is because he went down and you could see the blood trailing down his cheeks towards his mouth right here, right? So that's what kind of looked like a streak, like the bullet streaked them or whatever, but the blood's dripping down. And when they lift them up, you could see they have some sort of rag here they were already holding up to his ear. Yeah, he's a secret service handkerchief, I believe that what it was. I think so. Okay. Yeah. And what I think, I think what you're referencing is when he grabs his ear and then he brings his hand back, he looks at his hand and then as he kind of wipes it, as he's, but he sees the blood and maybe there's a little chunk of flesh that it also turned off when he grabbed his ear, I don't know, but I think that's what you're referring to. It was a scene where they were getting ready. Yeah, I might have to look at them. Oh, getting ready to move, then that would have been the... Okay. Well, and that's the next thing that I think needs to be discussed is from a trauma perspective, right? Some guys that have gotten hit bullet wounds before, right? It's not an immediate reaction, right? There's no, I mean, people, and the whole scene is consistent with a live shooting because it takes time for you to register what's happening. Like people, again, John is the one that initially said this, but I agree wholeheartedly with the statement. It's only in the movies that you see people start screaming and running immediately. Your brain takes a second and a half minimum to process incoming information when you're in this situation because you're going to have one of three responses. You're going to have a fight, flight, or freeze reflex, and it's just natural. You can't fight it. Even with massive amounts of training, I've seen guys that I've trained with for hundreds of hours that still have a freeze response. They can't fight it, and you're trained to snap these people out of that so that they come back into the picture and react. When he gets hit with that bullet, his immediate reaction is to drop. He gets hit, he realizes, "Oh, this is real," and he drops. What struck me as I had a lump in my throat watching it because I'm like, "Wow, my very first thought was, "Wow, this is real. This isn't something you can fake," because he drops and then immediately, a second and a half later, he's got two secret service agents on top of them. After it happens, after he hits the deck, you see one guy come in from the left and one guy come in from the right to cover his body, and there's three more that come out of the sidelines and surround him. The only one of those that I particularly think is an actual secret service agent and not a DHS guy is the very last guy to enter the stage. It's just because of the way he behaves and the way he's scanning, he immediately, his hand goes to a sidearm. None of the others have done that, which indicates that it's against policy. Every single one of them should have had a hand on their firearm to be looking and scanning for other people that were actively engaging. He hits the ground and within probably 10 seconds of them hitting him, the guy says, "Are you ready to move?" He says, "Nothing." He's on the ground and he's there and they're like, "We got to move. We're clear." 10 seconds later, they finally get him onto his feet. The first thing he says is, "I've got to find my shoes." That is so real, people, I've seen it over and over again in combat situations, what have you. People will, they'll be hit, they will be thinking of the most weird random thing. I need my shoes, exactly. He's got to have his shoes on his feet and just said, "I've got to have my shoes," and they're like, "Dude, you're wearing shoes." I actually was really impressed with that. I thought that was one of the great human aspects of this, where he's up on stage concerned. I just got to get my shoes, I got to get my shoes. There's a couple of things I want to talk about, shock real quick, but I do want to go back on this one point because it doesn't matter what you say, there's going to be searching individuals say, "No, he's acting, he's a wrestling guy, he's a WWE." I never watched that, but I'm very familiar with what people are talking about, I've seen the clips and stuff, it's all like, they get down, his wrestling buddies get him down there and clip his ear and it's like, "Ah, that kind of thing," and it's all a performance of thing is that what I can't get past, even, I mean, I even ask questions, what if this is like, they fake the bullet, it's like some sort of special effect or something like that. What I can't get past is the perfect nanosecond down to the precision, a clockwork position of the boom, boom, boom, and you just play that slow motion and it is perfect, right on par, that there's no way any of that could be faked in my opinion, that is my opinion. Everybody is free to their own opinion and of course, those of you out there listening, if you know, obviously you are free to not believe anything in the official narrative. John can probably back me up on this and a blank sounds different. Yes, very different. It doesn't have the same echo, it doesn't have the same reverberation, and as Graham said, you can clearly hear in the video the bullets making impact with things, like it's not the same sounds. So if it was, if it was hoaxed and there was supposed to be a hoax, there were real bullets there that maybe they didn't anticipate. So I mean, there is that aspect to it is the fact that maybe the guy on the roof was shooting blanks and they have a different sound, maybe that's the second two shots that we hear fired and then that third later shot is then taking them out. But the first three shots are consistent with what I've always heard with actual live rounds being fired and maybe that was the 440 yard shots. How would you guys respond to the two big rebuttals that I've seen, there's not enough blood and so that a bullet should have ripped off his ear? Not a 556, that part of it I can attest to, a 556 does not have enough percussive impact to ripen ear off. It's not intended for that. It's a small caliber round that's intended to enter the body and not exit it. So it's meant to have enough penetrating force to bounce around inside of you and essentially scramble your internal organs. That's what it's intended to do. I mean, I'm sorry, it sounds graphic, but it's what it's meant to do. It's not supposed to have an exit. Okay, fair enough. And then what about the blood? What do you guys? I mean, I don't know if anybody is a medical expert here, but we obviously get a lot of opinions from individuals who will give their opinion on how much blood there should be. It kind of grays, really took a little chunk off the top of his right ear, how much blood should have been there. And you guys' opinion. You think it describes it well what we saw? Yeah, I'm not an expert on that. I think the other evidence suggests that it's real. I don't think we can go by the amount of blood and say, oh, the amount of blood is not enough so it overrules all the other evidence. It's ear cartilage. I don't know how much blood should be going through that part. Again, he was down with his face down, so the blood was flowing down inside of his face. As you can see, the Secret Service then was wiping him off as they got him up. I can't conclusively say if it's enough blood or not. I've got a very minimal amount of experience with this. I am not a medic, never did medic training. I've been around medics and talked to him a lot. But my experience that I've come from, weirdly enough, is I've done a lot of tattoos and piercings in my life. And I can tell you that it's so subjective when it comes to people. I've had guys who I've pierced their ear cartilage and they bleed like a stuck pig. I've had guys that I've pierced their ears and they don't bleed at all. It's so subjective person to person as to the build of the capillaries and the ears, how much cartilage versus, and he's an older guy, so some older guys don't bleed as much as younger guys do. Some older guys bleed much more than other people do. You don't know if maybe they had some type of wound compressing gauze that they sprayed on his ear while he was down there. You just don't know because that's a thing. Packing gauze has an anti-coagulant agent that they could have slapped on his ear real quick to stop any perfused bleeding. That's a thing. We don't get to see enough of what happened in that huddle to make a conclusive guess as to what happened there. I wanted to point out, and I don't know if you drew this illustration, John, but this was a mean that is obviously going around and being shared and it says you'd think a bullet from an AR-15 rifle would have caused a much bigger injury. Did you draw that in the little red square box, John? I did. Yeah, I'm like, "Come on, guys." The bullet is just that little tip. The rest of it's the cartridge that's going to get ejected. That's got all the gunpowder in it that's going to eject the tiny little bullet, the tiny little round out the end of your barrel. The big part is what makes it go so far, essentially, the gunpowder bullet. For those that know ballistics, a 556 is essentially the same thing as a 22LR. The only difference in the caliber, or is the caliber in the gunpowder behind it, and that nose cone that you see versus a rounded cone is just for speed and distance and efficiency of travel. There's no weight difference in a 556 in the 22LR. It's essentially the same route. Matthew, you've been quiet over there. Do you have any thoughts on what we've been talking about? I'd like to have your insight. Yeah. When it comes to first thoughts, like I said, a little bit of the wild card. I've been in the Q-strings for a long time, so to me, I take whatever they say at the very end, when everything comes to light, that every single post will be true in some interpretation, and so then we don't understand it correctly until the end. Coming from that angle, the first thing I thought is, on the side of, I think this is a hoax. Absolutely executed. I think the whiteheads are in control. I think there might have been some gunfire that was completely legit from the Blackheads, but hence, the death and the injuries, the biased and proud, but I would have to side with it being more of an orchestrated event. The reason I say it is a bunch of the things that you bring up, but as far as the amount of detail with looking at the size of the M1, all the things that you guys are bringing up, the ballistics and whatnot, which is well beyond my expertise. I have no experience whatsoever. There's enough for me to sway that it is the most perfectly executed hoax, if you will. Okay. Well, let's talk about that. I mean, I'm curious from, because I'm not in a non, I don't follow that. So from an non-perspective, you're saying it's a hoax, whitehead against the Blackhead, I think you called it, so maybe you could break that down for us. And what do you see going on in this situation? When it comes down to a notch, we're going to be evenly split across the board completely on this issue. Absolutely. There's no queue post with a time stamp based on any of the events that have actually happened. The only thing to lose to is like shot hurt around the world, fight, fight, fight, whether or not it's with a combo or not. So you take different things that he was saying, different events that happened around there, you can put different pieces together in a process in nap time, put anything together myself. But looking at all of the resources that we shared within the Discord channel, particularly in the low letter Q channel, give enough of that vibe to recognize that it certainly is possible, but was well executed. And I'll leave that at that. Well, yeah, I mean, whatever you want to leave at that is fine. But I mean, I'm curious, and maybe even some of the viewers out there would, because you have a lot of people that are just saying this is totally a hoax. And they're going to say that, you know, and QAnon or the Anons or Q, however you want to say that, is all part of a scyop as well. So if you have Anons out there saying that this is a perfectly executed hoax, I'm assuming you're saying that Trump is hoaxing, is he hoaxing the left, like who's he got? Yes. That is what I'm insinuating. I'm insinuating that they had this planned, they needed to have it set up in such a way that there would be no firm result for a long period of time. Now granted, that's exactly what the black hats, the cabal, deep state, whatever have you, they would want it to take a little bit of time before they can get their stories straight, if it was actually them that was doing it, they would need that time. But for us, there are certain events in place that you can't talk about, and you can't show them what's going to happen. And there is no information, nothing alluding to this actually happening, like set with like time stamps, however, there's a lot of stuff that is related to the events that happen afterwards, like the fight, fight, fight and the recognition of the shot heard around the world. You have those posts that are alluding to what happened and nothing indicating when it was going to happen, it's one of those things, because we're not the only ones that are looking at the keyboards. Everyone worked their salt in the deep state and like who has been, you know, shaped ground. They can look at this stuff too. It's public information. So you have to have the site built in a way that if you have important stuff that's going to happen, you're not going to tell anyone. And that's just how I see it. There's nothing being said that this is going to happen at this time, nothing alluding to it. I didn't see enough of that in the key post to indicate such things, but there's more stuff coming to light afterwards. But it's not related to when it was going to happen. And that's where I see the biggest proof of this. Okay, good. And I'm hoping you could continue chiming in with your thoughts as we go around through this. And, you know, what I would love to hear from all of you at the end, not right now, is, you know, what you think, whatever our conclusions are, and everyone here might have different conclusions, what you think the implications of that are, right, like what is the ultimate meaning of that? And Matthew, that would be a great point to bring up. I mean, if if Trump is hoaxing, I assume the, I mean, assume he's hoaxing the Biden administration, it sounds like a like a couple of frat boys kind of, you know, hoaxing each other back and forth, you know, stealing the mascot or something. But, you know, what are the, what does that all mean? What does that add up to? Okay, guys. Let's take it from here. When we consider JFK Jr, you're like, okay, so when he was supposedly going to die, they set up on his airplane, they put a bomb on his airplane, proximity bomb. It was going to go off at a certain elevation by Martha's Vineyard. And so they found out about that. And what they did is they made sure, I believe it was the Navy SEAL when in there they blew it up at the right time. Of course, the Navy SEAL jumps out in a parachute, black box, they can find that. So the point is, they knew the event was going to happen back then. And then they took the necessary precautions to put them into witness protection figures on that. And that's why I believe JFK Jr still alive. So if you follow that logic and all the Jim Machia that comes up with the, a lot of numbers are relating to the past with the other supposed assassinations. So instead of it being Trump's going into witness protection, they altered a little bit. And so I think the deep state had their plan to do this, okay? But in order for it to work, they would have to miss. And at the same time, okay, so I do believe that part's real. They wanted to go ahead and execute him. And during this time, he had to fake that he actually got shot instead of, you know, obviously dying. Okay, the clip is here. But as far as the logistics and all that detail, I got nothing to say on that matter. But there's enough evidence that it could clearly go either way in this. I am not completely decided, but I would have to say just by the nature of all the stuff that I've researched. Now, Matt, can I, can I ask, uh, do you think it's possible that they intended to orchestrate a hoax? Because like everything that I can see from the, from the kid on the roof that we've seen that they're saying is their prime suspect number one, right, this kid on the roof that apparently has no identity, no social life, no background, no nothing, like this kid just pops up out of nowhere and decides he's been to go assassinated a, a former president, right? Yeah, for the black rock commercial. Yeah, except for the black rock commercial, which coincidentally, I, I wish I would have taken a screenshot of it, but I swear they had Mark Violet's name in that the night before that exact same thing like this is Mark Violet's who was in a black rock commercial. Like, I, I mean, I wish I would have taken a screenshot of it. And then I would have had it the next day to be like, and now it's this other guy that has coincidentally three names that now has, you know, so, but if, if it hadn't been for him actually getting hit with bullets, in any way, shape or form, whether it's a hoax or not, whether he was supposed to do that part of it or not, if that kid would have just gotten up on the roof, fire two blanks and, and one of the snipers takes him out 20 seconds later, hoax pulled off everything's perfect. I think the wild card is the first three shots that were fired, he wasn't expecting it. Like, so is there an, is there an opportunity in your mind for that to have been supposed to have been a, this giant hoax with no scapegoat. This guy's conservative because there's not really anything to blame, but people are targeting Trump right after Biden says, let's put a bull's eye on this guy. Like it, it just plays out too perfectly without him actually having to get shot. But then he does. And then the world's like, we don't know what to do with this. Like they cancel the Monday, uh, today's show or whatever it is after this. Like they're scrambling for consistency in a story here and the FBI didn't want to release ballistic details. They didn't want like there was, it was, it almost seemed to catch the media with their pants down. Like they almost didn't see the know how to react to it. Like so, yeah, the way I comment on that is, um, today's show, like I'm fairly convinced to be at more than 50% that they probably had something saying, Trump got it. Yep. They already probably had it in the pocket. They, they were, this is, this is where I feel that like, okay, yes, you have a nobody. The, uh, Mark Bilets go ahead and do that. The real sniper would have been somebody else and they were planning on him dying. When you talk about, um, the gunshots that were actually fired and then like the trajectory. Okay. If that, that part's actually real, there's a lot of, I do believe that there's a very high likelihood for that to be the case as well. You would have Mark Bilets just, um, the, uh, Patsy, um, you'd have a professional sniper doing taking the shot. And I can firmly see that that would be the way that it would go. Um, I lean more towards a combination of a few different things, but yeah, today's show it would have been canceled because they would have had in the pocket and they would not have been able to see it. And I think that truth will come out. If it is certain, if it is true, I certainly come out. I do wish similar to the, the Sandy Hook situation and a few others. The Boston bombing is another one where you see the media come out with things when they're not supposed to yet a little early, that kind of stuff announcing things. It would be awesome if we did have a smoking gun in this situation where we actually had a press release about, you know, the obituary of Donald Trump, or like it slipped out or something. We're like, got you. But obviously we don't have that. I do want to point out since, uh, we did talk about, uh, of course the, the, the, the shooter, we know him, uh, the Patsy, whatever we want to call him, whatever he is, Thomas Matthew Cooks, the guy with the three names, um, but it did come up, this idea of, um, of Mark Violet's. And I just wanted to cover this real quick because I'm under the impression that Mark Violet, who was a fictional character, he's not a real person, uh, was somebody who was created for whatever regionally ditched Mark Violet's, but I, I feel like they were going to roll out this character who was Mark Violet. So let me just cover this really quickly. You guys, uh, I'll probably, probably remember it was this guy in the photo here that said it was Mark Violet's and he was arrested. He was an Antifa member. Well, if you look on the right, this is the real guy. His name is not Mark Violet's. It's actually, uh, Marco Beoli. He's an Italian, uh, sports writer and video blog, he's really into soccer. He lives in Rome. And I guess he woke up in the middle of the night. People are buzzing him. But, you know, and it makes me wonder if like in this misinformation that was brought out, if maybe Intel had something against this guy and they, I don't know if they were pranking or what, but they were throwing him under the bus. Uh, that being said, uh, we did notice someone in a group brought this attention the night it happened. We were all discussing in our group and this Mark Violet's person, his name was never searched in his history. But on the morning of the, it was the 13th, there was about seven searches for his name, starting like five AM, very, very fishy. And then boom, it just shoots off afterwards as soon as the misinformation is shared. So we're looking at that going, well, that's interesting. There were a few pieces of information leading up to it. We see in, uh, uh, number 20 of Trump's project 2025, uh, let's see if I can read, oh, I don't have to read that little tiny thing, but on his website, it says stop the migrant crime epidemic demolish the foreign drug cartels, crushing violence and lock up a violet defenders, which is, you know, it's like, it's like a spilling error, but it's kind of adds to this whole violet thing. And then of course we see in, in Snoop Dogg's, uh, music video where he's famously assassinating, uh, orange man, uh, in the name of the video is lavender, which seems to paint this whole idea of, uh, violet. So I'm just putting that out because I, I sometimes wonder if I don't know what happened. We don't know what happened behind the scenes, but if this fictional character might mark violet, whoever he was going to turn out to be, uh, you know, some MK kid, they just dropped on a roof or whatever, maybe they ditched the name at the last minute or something like that. I don't really know. Yeah. You guys have any thoughts on that? Quick. Go ahead. Trump's project 2025. Are you sure it's not agenda 47? It might be. It might be. I'd have to look at, uh, his page again. Yeah. I've heard project. Not, not Trump's. Okay. Yeah. That's fine. Yeah. Then I use that's a mispron. I've been to 47. It seems to me that mark violence would have been their fall guy had Trump actually died. He would have been the guy they buried. Like they're there with the internet history search, like the seven, they wanted to find out who he was. For whatever reason, they wanted to find out if there was actually a character out there named Mark Bilets. They went and snagged a couple of pictures. And I firmly believe that if that guy or if Trump would have actually died, he would have been there. He would have been their passing. He would have been their fall guy. Yeah. I 100% agree with that. I mean, based on the fact that that, that, that was out like within an hour or two at the most. Mm-hmm. And I think, I think it's because my opinion is because they, the, the ones that perpetrated this, which in my opinion, this was a deep state operation. It was not a white hat run operation. I believe this was a deep set operation and I can kind of get into some of the reasons why I think that. But I think that they noticed, noticed that violent was misspelled as violent on his website. And so like, let's see if we can, if we can tie this to the far right by having it match, you know, Trump's website. Well, do you think, I mean, I thought I had was perhaps maybe both sides are calling each other out. I mean, do you think that it wasn't, do you think there's a possibility that on his website, he wasn't a spelling error and he was actually calling out this Mark Violet character? That, you know what, that actually honestly makes more sense. It could, it could be that, that, that White House had intel that the deep state was going to use a, a violent and an assassination plot. And so they put that out there to say, hey, we know, we know about this. It's absolutely, absolutely possible. So the, the idea is I'm, if I'm understanding you guys correct, at least a couple of you are on, on the same page that Mark Violetz was supposed to assassinate the president. They had the information ready. The assassination didn't work. Of course, Matthew's under the position that it was, it was all a hoax. He was never intended to be assassinated, but then they, they didn't name swap. Is that what I'm getting from you guys that we went with, I'll never cook. I know. Well, I mean, assuming, assuming that we're all on the same page with the Mark Violetz was supposed to do this, right? So he was the guy that they were supposed to have either on that rooftop or he's the guy that from 440 yards across the pond or whatever was supposed to shoot Trump. And he was going to be the guy that took the fall, assuming that is the official story they were going to go with and let's just go ahead and say Trump's team for whatever reason or who the deep state that's on Trump side, the anons, whoever figured it out, right? They get ahold of his people and they say, Hey, this is the guy that's going to end. And of course, the CIA is, they're not dummies. They know how to run the web. They know how to do meta, meta data searches and things of that nature, right? So they go ahead and say, well, we got to drag somebody else out. We got to get another guy in a quick hurry that, that can go do this job. Like, that is our next fall guy or maybe that, maybe that kid or whoever that body is that's laying right there in your picture is the guy that Trump had hired. Maybe he's not dead in that picture. Maybe that's a crisis actor. I mean, because to me, that does not look like a deceased person. That looks like a person with a ton of makeup on that is fake blood. There's, there's four different colors of blood in there. And I'm not going to do anything with the hand looking thing because John can cover that because I don't know enough about it, honestly, to talk about it. But there's too many inconsistencies in that photo. If you look at his nose structure, which they conveniently decided to try to hide with a lot of blood for lack of a better term, the blood dried within the mouth, the blood dried on the face isn't running in the correct direction. It's not that it's more consistent with a blunt force trauma victim. Like somebody that just got the absolute snot beat out of them. Secondly, you don't die with your eyes closed. Your muscles don't close that way. Like it, that's not the way it works. You close with your eyes wide open or you die with your eyes wide open. So that posture isn't consistent with the dead person in the way he's slumped. How did he get onto his back? Like there's so many inconsistencies in that photo that I'm willing to say 90%. That photo is 100% stage. Now you had speculated earlier. Now we have seen, we know that he wasn't necessarily dropped in there because we now have seen TMZ was the one that showed the video footage of him kind of like a caterpillar kind of inching up on the roof or somebody resembling him. So we know that there was somebody there. But you know what is interesting, I would like to see more video footage of him if possible because I was catching and maybe I could scroll here and we can look at it because. That was the first thing I was referring to, I don't, John might want to say. Yes, we'll come back to it. Okay, here it is. So here you could see the shooter. I think that's him dead there. I think that's a shot of him dead up on the roof right there or maybe he was removed and I don't know. I'm not seeing any blood. So I'm not quite sure what we're looking at. The circle is supposed to be where he was. You see the ladder where they're now they're saying he came up through the air conditioning shooter, whatever. He never used the ladder. But I'm just looking, I'm trying to find blood shots on the roof. And the reason I say that is because, as you were saying, we don't, at this point in time, I am uncertain when this blood photo appeared. You know what I'm getting at? Like what the, was it what you call it, the frazzle drip or whatever? For those of you who know what that is, Anthony Wiener's laptop and all that and pizza gate back. I had it. I looked, I did go down that rabbit show really quickly, John Q. I'm like, yeah, okay. Let me, I forgot about that, but it took me back to the whole, yeah, Hillary Clinton, Anthony Wiener and all that. Good times, old times. Anyways, you know, Matthew, what are your thoughts on this? Okay. My thoughts are there's so much, there's so much out there that could be a crisis actors, particularly. And then how many of them in different places, the whole line that was behind Trump was reserved seating. Like they knew exactly who was going to be behind him, which is really convenient when you're trying to pull something off. The angle that I come from, where I believe the way hats were completely in charge doesn't, it does not necklify that I believe the deep state had a plan. So everything they're saying, I completely believe in, but when it comes down to understanding my angle, I believe in the time travel theory or there's multiple trumps. Okay. And so then Trump has the information from a day ahead of time. They take that to his advantage. And when it comes down to the mark pilots that you bring up trolling, like the way hats are trolling the deep state and they are always, you know, five steps ahead, they always know what's going on. So I think they have control because of that ability. And I know it's professional but limited research, that's what I believe in that takes. I think it's a big important part of this to know how it could actually work, where the white hats are in control. They know exactly the plan of the deep state, not only do they try to give them little hints that they know, but they troll them through all of them. So there's, I want to say to some of the commenters out there that are, you know, making little jabs, you know, YouTube, Colombo's and all this kind of stuff, everyone's CSI now, stuff like that. From my end, I think I've been very respectful towards the idea of saying I'm not a ballistics expert. I'm not a blood expert. But there are things that like, we have seen enough hoaxes where if you have, I do want to see an order of events, I've talked about the bullet, grazing the ear, when the blood appears, that kind of stuff. But if there are photos, if you can find photos of Thomas Matthew Crooks and there is no blood, then that's an issue for me. Or if you find a rooftop with no blood, right, that kind of stuff, that's the kind of stuff I'm looking for here. Now I will point out, again, I am not a trauma expert, however, every single search that I can find on this, just looking up, I've been looking at this for years and years and years, is that doctors will tell you when they see dead, when they see people die regularly, a way of trauma or even cancer or whatever, that when the, even hospice care workers, when a person dies, two things happen. One is that their jaws open up, now you see that here with them, the jaws, it loosens and it opens up, you lose control of it because your muscles are relaxing, you don't go into a rigor mortise for a little while, you would first relax and then you, you know, tighten up. But the eyes, they open up and they roll back. Now I'm not saying that it's like that every single time, however, the idea of the closed eyes when you die, that's more of a Hollywood thing, right? So that, again, I'm not saying that this guy here, that, you know, that I'm a professional, I'm looking at this and go, oh, he's clearly not dead. But it is an exception to the rule from, it seems like a lot of people are saying professionals with trauma victims that his eyes would be closed like that after the end shot. So just know that you can look at right now what you've got in that, in that photograph with the, the guy laying sideways, right? And then the face. The blood patterns aren't even consistent between the two photos. You can just look at it and they're not, they're not the same. Yeah, I, I might be following you there. I mean, I, I kind of see it. You can see where it's kind of tracing from above his ear down and then he's got kind of the little thing on the side of his face, but his face is, is displayed upwards in that second photo and it's almost tucked into his chest in that first photo. Yeah. I do see that his arm is, his arm is flexed underneath of him, whereas if he had died and relaxed, he would have slumped on to that elbow. He's leaning back away from it. Like it's just, it's not consistent with a relaxed posture. Yeah. And I would love to know who took the, the more close up photo. I mean, obviously the one, you know, that's, you know, far out as people in the ground, people in the crowd take those photos. I would love to know who took that close up photo because the really, the thing that keyed me in on that was, was that frazzle drip. If you look at the, it's hard to see in this photo, but if you go out and find it, if you look at the blood pattern that's on the ground in front of his face, the frazzle drip symbol is clearly there. That is extremely interesting. So is your opinion that the, the blood pattern is planted in order to form, I mean, tell, take us through the frazzle drip. What is your thought on that? So, um, I don't, I'm not going to get into any, without, without being YouTube sensors here. Yeah. Yeah. I think what I would say about if people have questions of what frazzle drip is, you'll need to go out and do your own research on that. You could just do, um, you can just do some, you know, just search frazzle drip on like rumble or bit shoot or, or, you know, one of those kinds of platforms and you'll find lots of good information on it. Um, well, I'm speaking in total ignorance here when I ask this question. So is it like a calling card? Um, it is, it's something that, um, is done, man, I don't even know if I want to get into this. Okay. All right. Yeah. Let's just say that those who know cannot sleep, but that's what the, that's what the Q post, the Q post, describe it. But, um, so I almost, I almost, what I think this is what I think that photo is that was taken at the close up photo, that would have been taken after the, you know, that would have been taken a little bit later after the fact, I, because it, because I think that, that this was not fully a, um, a, you know, that, that, that the white hats were not in on the stage. I do think that they were taken by surprise on this a little bit, a little bit, um, but I think they knew it was coming and I can get into some reasons behind that. But I do think that, um, the team that was, that responded, um, to that rooftop, that they were part of, I would say the white hat operation. And I think that they made that pattern as a message to send a message to, um, particular individuals. That pattern right there. Okay. All right. Um, what else do you guys want to add anything else about the shooter or the, the, the suspects in question? I would say that it's, um, in my opinion, he was not supposed to be the actual shooter, uh, meaning, um, an operation like this, you always have a passy, but the passy is never the shooter. Um, you're going to have a more highly trained, um, expert shooter who's going to be tasked with taking out the actual target. The Patsy is mainly there to sow chaos. So I do think that there would have been another shooter somewhere else. Was that shooter taken out before? And so only the Patsy shot that's, that's possible. I don't know. I just don't. I don't know yet, that's interesting thought, interesting, uh, fascinating speculation. Of course. This one point out that, uh, somebody shared this in our group and that it's funny. I found this funny. They asked the question, uh, on the internet, Thomas cooked, uh, Trump, uh, shooter, father, a therapist and the internet spit back that not only was his father a therapist who said, uh, his parents are both behavior counselors licensed with the state of Pennsylvania. I love how the internet gave that information and the person wasn't even looking for that. So I found that kind of funny. Um, so the guy does have MK Ultra written all over him. I will point this out to the, to me, this guy here looks like a total crisis actor. Um, it's, it's funny in these, you know, drills or whatever, you know, that these people just show up walking down the street and, oh, look, his old schoolmate just is walking down the street and going up and even though their high school was, uh, like something like 40 something miles away and he just happens to be there and, and the big point of this interview was how he was a loner. He was always a loner and you know, right there, they're putting in blown gunman, blown gunman over and over again in the media. Um, all right. So you guys want to talk about the, uh, the sniper responses or what was going on with security. Yeah. Yeah, this is where, um, so Trump's, I guess we really got to set the kind of set the stage with Trump did not have his typical protective detail there. Um, his normal protective detail, I believe was, was, was being rested. What's interesting is that, you know, they were exhausted. They had been, um, Trump had had been having to go between court case and court case and I think that was part of the deep state plan was to, was to, you know, keep, have his detail just, you know, to a point where if they wanted to, um, give the green light for, for the op, you know, that would be the day that, uh, the secret service director would, um, drop out his, his protected detailed, uh, Jill Biden just so happened to be in Pennsylvania at the same time at an event somewhere nearby. So she was getting, you know, maybe say the second best. And so Trump, Trump is getting the bottom of the barrel. And in fact, I think there was, um, a lot of those agents in that picture weren't even a secret service. They were, um, DHS agents. Yep. Um, there's the local police, which, if you, if you, if you look at the, uh, at least three groups involved, you have secret service, you have DHS, you have local police, and arguably Trump's protected detail. Like, there's four different groups of people there that could have been compromised. Any one of them could have been compromised. Yeah, and according to the secret service, the area of responsibility that was the area where the shooter was was a, I don't know if it was a local or state police, but you know, a police area of responsibility, it's, it's, it's really weird. And that the, uh, that they made that sort of Pac-Man shape with the, the standard secret service area of responsibility, um, but if, if this, if this was a Q staged thing, I think they would have used their guys, um, not, uh, maybe, potentially, I mean, I can see the, the optics of having, you know, diversity hires, you know, being the ones that are there to protect, you know, uh, you know, president, a president, um, when something like this goes down, but, but if, if I'm president Trump and I'm going to stage this event, um, first of all, I'm not using live ammo, um, I think the fact that he turned his head at the exact millisecond that he needed to turn his head forward to miss and the fact that there was a slight breeze seven mile an hour, you know, crosswind that pushed that bullet two inches to the right, um, tells me it wasn't a white hat stage event, but more of an, an act of y'all. Well, go ahead. Sorry. Uh, well, here's, here's an angle that I haven't heard talked about yet, especially in our circles, and it just came to me as, as you're talking, the biggest thing that we're being told is that it was a secret service exclusion zone by the general media, right? Because they're trying to pin this on the secret services being their mess up, right? They caused this. This is their big mess up. Um, and one of the big things that Trump has been highlighting is the ineffectiveness of his service details and calling for the need for more of them. And they're, the media is just blasting the secret service here, like this is in their exclusionary zone. But yet we have eyewitnesses on the ground in cell phones from camera view angles that are saying they saw the shooter and we're telling secret service agents by that building. How, how is that possible if they're not covering it? How are they telling somebody right next to him? Because from all the things I've seen, the people that were standing next to him, that saw him getting up on the roof, they weren't in, they weren't in the rally. They were spectators that were trying to view it from a distance, but didn't want to necessarily pay to get into the event and they saw him climbing up onto the roof. So and they're telling secret service agents from everything I've seen, hey, there's a guy up there on the roof. Secret service gets called. Guy says, yeah, ignore it. Yeah. Yeah, from what I understand is, and I think this is my understanding, is that the folks that, like sort of the ones that near the building that were, that was being reported to by the crowd, those were local police or state police or what have you. You could tell from the video, you looked like police officers. And my understanding is that the counter sniper up on the roof, according to his, to the story that's that we are being told and being fed is that he was instructed by his higher ups not to shoot. And then he decided to, to shoot after, after shots were fired, which honestly that, you know, the protocol is, the protocol is, if there's a threat you shoot before, before the threat actually engages, if you can identify a clear threat and that, that was a clear threat. Well, and that's, that is coincidentally, that is police protocol, like, because they don't want to shoot a kid that has a cap gun and it's just being silly and trying to get attention because their, their police department's going to get lambasted for saying, for shooting a kid with a cap gun, that's just trying to get social media attention, like, so police protocol is we, we'd have an escalation of force policy. And I mean, you, you're a Marine, you've been deployed, you know, escalation of forces of thing in a deployed comment zone. But if a guy points a gun at me, that's considered escalation of force. Yeah. If he points a gun at one of my guys, it's considered escalation of force. I have full right to engage that target. If he's pointing a, pointing a gun at me or my guys, like, it's just standard protocol, like, but a police department may have reacted very differently and saying, we don't have a confirmed that this gun is real, we don't know what this kid's doing, maybe he's just trying to get attention. There's people around with cell phones, he's trying to be like, there's a, there's a whole another angle to that too. Yeah. And, and the, the sniper on the roof, I don't know if it's secret servers or not. I mean, it says police on his back, like, do secret servers put police on her back? Maybe I don't know. Doubtful. Thanks. But yeah, can I, can I talk real quick, Noel, about my theory that the bullets didn't actually come from that side at all? Yeah. Please do. Okay. So one thing that John and I and you, and I'm not sure a grand might have been in one two, but we were talking about, can I, can I, can I just quickly throw something in here before you do? I want you to talk about that. I want to say to everyone out there, there's a lot of people like in the chat comment, like just saying, like, like how ridiculous this kind of conversation is, how this is all fake. I, I'm, I'm wondering, I think I started out saying this, that generally I find that, like, okay, if, if this is a hoax, we should be able to come out and say, this is why it's a hoax. Now, for those of you listening, uh, there have been several different points of views giving and saying this element of is a hoax, this element of is a hoax, this, you know, this is happening. This is a saw up. This is a counter thing. It's some really fascinating theories going on here. And I know there's, you know, it's, it's always a silent majority out there, right? That enjoys and it's usually the, the minority that makes comments. But I generally find that when people go out and they name call, that's, that's basically tells me that you guys have no argument whatsoever. Like it's, it's a, it's a one out of a tent in an argument. Like people who have, who are able to actually make a case for something, they do it. They come out and say, here's why I think it's a hoax. I can show you here's, let's look at this picture, let's look at this diagram and this and that. Or I think this is legitimate. And here's why. And then you have all the people coming showing up to name call and it's like, okay, well, you guys don't, you guys actually can't make a case for this either way. So just want to point that out to everybody. And I hope you guys are paying attention here because Matthew disappeared. I wish he was still here. He, he had a very fascinating perspective. He's a non-guide. He's like, this is all a hoax. So I hope you guys can just understand there's different perspectives coming in here. And we're all respectfully having this conversation and enjoying it. I hope we've been enjoying it the last few days talking anyways, a dove and branch. Go ahead. What is your, what is your position on the second shooter because I know you were talking to me about this. Hey, he's back. Matthew's back. I know you were talking to me about this. I think earlier today or yesterday, I can't remember when and I wasn't really getting the points that you were bringing across. Okay. So one of the things, and you might be able to see it on the picture of the ear, at Trump's ear when the gunshot wound goes in, or it shows the actual picture of his ear on the side that people say is a hoax and he's not bleeding enough for it to be a realistic shot. One thing I want to show on there is the splatter. Like, the splatter looks like it's coming from the back to the front. If you look at the picture of the bullet that's traveling, it looks like it's traveling from behind his head to the front. And I posted a little diagram that where they're saying that the victims were falling was on the left hand side of the stage. Okay. Well, here's the problem with that. If they're on the left hand side of the stage, are we talking stage left or right? Stage left. Stage left, okay. Okay. So the victim is about halfway up middle of the left hand stage, right, that got shot. The problem is, is if it's a pass through wound, right, and I've already explained the ballistics of a 556, right? And it is not a round that's going to penetrate through something and keep going. And even if it had, it's not going to have enough projectile strength to reach him and cause a wound, right? So if there's three gunshot victims that are on the left hand side of the stage from those first three rounds that we've all heard and even Graham confirmed that you could hear the sound of the gunshot. You could hear the repercussion and you could hear it make an impact. So if that is true, it had to have been at minimum the second shot that caused the wound on Trump's ear if it's coming from stage left. If the bullet's coming from stage left, otherwise you have three gunshot victims and those three victims get hit by bullets before Trump ever does, which gives him enough time to react before anything happens. If they're coming from the right hand side of the stage behind him and passes through his ear and beds itself in a victim, second gunshot beds itself in a victim, third shot and beds itself in a victim, they're all coming from that direction and going to stage left, the bullets are. And with ballistics confirming that those bullet trajectories came at 440 yards, there's no way that that person on 150 yards away made any of those shots because they would have hit victims first before they hit Trump. Now I had asked earlier, I'd ask you guys in the private group, what you guys thought about this photo, would you say Dove and Branch that the bullet is coming from his, I guess stage right, going stage left or did it just pass through his ear and is going to the right here? What would you say? In my opinion that that bullet is coming from stage left and going to stage right. Okay. And the rest of you are of the opinion that, okay, so it's coming from stage right, going to stage left. I'm sorry. Right. And the rest of you, so, okay, so the rest of you are the opinion that stage left, stage right and you're saying stage right to stage left, correct? Right. You don't have any victims stage right. See, this is why I asked this question before we went live today, I was kind of curious what you guys thoughts were on this. Yeah, we don't have victims, but we do have that hydraulic hose that clearly it was hit from, from the left as you're viewing it. So, you know, because of, of how the hydraulic fluid was squirting out towards the stage, right? Okay. At least that did come from that direction. Yeah. And that would have deflected if it would have hit, if something would have hit a hydraulic hose coming from stage left, which could conceivably could have been a second shot that hit a hydraulic hose coming from stage right. If the first shot came from stage right to stage left and it, if it would have hit a hydraulic coach, it would have deflected, it would not have hit his ear. But perhaps the second shot, which may have been a kill shot hit the hydra, the hydraulic hose and deflected into another victim. I, I mean, I suppose that's possible, but I mean, I also see your point that it could have traveled from stage left to stage right hit that hydraulic hose. I see your point. Now, you've been, you've been quiet through this. What are your thoughts about what we're talking about? Well, I didn't get a chance to discuss that and I really didn't have an opinion earlier on, but it just occurred to me taking my kind of view of things like, how hard is it nowadays to go ahead, take the, take a video, break down and then just draw a little light. Like, I mean, it's very, it's easy enough for somebody to just do this after the fact and then put it into the, what seems to be the initial video. That's just, just a simple thought. Yeah. So you're, I mean, your opinion just to be clear is that there was no bolt fire, correct? That it is, I guess to say is my opinion is that is possible that there is no bolts fired. You can do the audio. You can do everything you can overlay it. However, the reactions of the people is a little bit, you'd have to say the majority of the crisis actors that that was the case. So then you play the audio so that other people hear it and then different things, it's possible. That's all I can say is this, that whole scenario is possible to be faced this entirety. So, but what I'm, what I'm understanding from what you just said, though, Matt, is that that specific picture that's on the screen right now, how hard is it to alter that after the fact and just draw a line in it? Is that what I'm getting? Yeah. Pretty much. Okay. I see your point. It's just simple. It's not. I mean, I believe that it's probably legit, but at the same time, I can't deny that technology is days. There's a lot that can be faked and just sheep over my eyes, wool over my eyes. Yeah. I fully agree with you there on Matthew, but I appreciate this that you're, I want your honest opinion and we're all friends here, all five of us, we're all in the tech community. We come together every, most Sabbath together and so I just want your honest opinion. I appreciate it. That's one of the reasons I actually won. I think that was probably the people's opinion because I didn't even think about that earlier and I'm like, no, I, I, I, it's, it's possible, though. I mean, for me, the, the way, the way I'm looking at this is, for me, the ultimate question comes down to, was an actual bullet, a series of rounds, whether it was five, seven, eight, whatever. An actual bullet that went past Donald Trump's head, for me, that is the ultimate question that I've been trying to get to the bottom of, right? And you know, we can go through, okay, that he opened up a packet, did this, you know, the whole WWE wrestling thing and all that kind of stuff. And you know, I, I went through the whole 9/11 thing and the holographic planes and the vermissiles and all this kind of stuff. And I agree. I mean, I could look at this photo and I could go, that is inserted later. I would love, maybe it's just because I'm older and I've seen so much stuff. What I would love is for somebody to build a come out and say, I can prove that's a composite image, right? Like we can do that with the, like, we can do that with NASA photos, we can show these are composite images. We can do that with this a Pruder film. We could show, there are, that is a composite image of multiple frames, maybe multiple takes. And that's one of the things I want to know, was this, was this all in live time? Like was the body dropped on the roof in live time? This is one of the things I was getting at earlier. I think a lot of people listening, maybe missed out on this. They weren't following my train of thought. When did the blood appear? Was the blood immediate? When he was shot? These kind of things. These are the questions I have. You don't have to be a CSI guy to think about this stuff. You're just looking for an order of events and seeing how it plays out. So yeah, for me, that's the point. Well, yeah, when did the smearing of the blood happen by his face? How did that get there? Like who did it? Like, I was, you don't get that blood pattern from just bleeding onto a roof, like, somebody had to have smeared it to get that, um, Fraggle, whatever print into it. Fraggle drip. There you go. You'd have to have smeared it in some capacity. So somebody, if that photo's real, somebody closed his eyes, like, that had to have happened. So then you have, that's not a fresh picture. So then at that point, how much if it's doctored, like, you don't have any idea because if they closed his eyes in the photo, they touched the body. What else have they touched? Like, so you know what I mean, because that's what you're saying from like, timeline wise, somebody didn't just walk on that roof and snap that picture. Yep. And if they did, it's a hundred percent, not a real picture. So I mean, that's, that's where you're at with that angle, but, and this is where I get into like, not to be weird or anything, but like mind of a killer type stuff, where it's like, if I'm trying to kill somebody, like, if I'm a CIA assassin, right, and I'm trying to plan on killing somebody. I'm not going to a rooftop that I know I'm not getting off of, unless the point is for me to die, like, if I'm not walking off of that roof, it's because I know I'm not walking off of that roof. I'm going to get the job done and it doesn't matter if my life hangs in the balance or not. Like, I'm going to get my job done because that's what I'm getting paid to do. And whatever if somebody's got blackmail on me, they're paying my family to make sure that I do this job or they've got some blackmail on me where they're going to release a bunch of stuff, whether I do this thing or not, whatever the case may be, but I'm going to pick the roof across the street where I can get into a getaway car and get out of there as fast as possible, because if you are a sniper, you can break down your weapon, you can be out of that place in 15 seconds and in a car and gone. There's no reason why you need to be anywhere where anyone can see you. Like, it just doesn't make any sense. That part of it, to me, does not make any sense. 500 yards is far more comfortable for me to take a shot than 150, if I'm a sniper. Yeah. And that's what you kind of have to say that there would have had to have been two shooters. And that's always the case with these type of ops. You have the Patsy. The Patsy is typically an MK-Ultra victim who is mind-controlled and they're front and center and they're there just as so chaos to make it easier for the actual shooter to do his job and then get away. And the other part of it that drives me crazy is that after this stuff is outside the Secret Service perimeter, blah, blah, blah, right, you could take anybody that's been in any, I don't care if you've just been through Army active duty basic training and then LSAT right afterwards, or Marine Corps basic training and then your rifleman's training, you're going to go to that site, either one of us. You could take either one of us with no secrets whatsoever. You take us to that site and you say, "Okay. Yours are prime areas that we got to watch out for." The first two things you're going to say is that building right there and that water tower? It's inconceivable to me to think that somebody didn't, that says those are overlooked. Yeah. It's ludicrous. It's ludicrous. Even like video game players, nobody's going to overlook that spot. That's the first spot you're going to look at. It's the first thing that you would secure because you want the height advantage. You want the high ground. I mean, things are worse for crying out loud. You want the high ground. Let me talk about the shooter real quick and let me just pull him up again real quick. A crooks. I keep forgetting his name. Thomas, something crooks, we'll all have it memorized here real soon. Hold on. I'm almost there. Here he is. All right. Thomas, Matthew crooks. I should remember that because we've got a Matthew here. We're throwing around words, Patsy, MK, which of that kind of stuff. We can all, I guess, discuss whether we think he is alive or dead in this photo. I hope everybody out there appreciates that. We're looking at different aspects of different hoax activity here, but let's assume he's really dead. He really, this is a kill shot. There he is, dead. What do you think's going on there? I mean, Matthew, what's your thought on that? Do you think he's really dead? No. Okay. Well, okay. JFK versus JFK Jr. still alive, JFK may have died more recently and that would have been two years. I appreciate you saying that because you know that I have the JFK assassination as a hoax paper, right? Have you ever seen that? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I don't believe he died. That's, I clearly say that. Would you say he was a, I mean, how do you, I don't know if we're going off a little topic now, but how do you, how would you know that he died? And say two years ago, what, what gives you that information? It's versus 10 years ago or 15 years ago, like, I would, I would say more, more rumors, but there's been pictures of supposed JFK along with Trump and he would be in the background. Well, based on that, there'd be new intel though, say that they had passed away because it happens. I mean, go and witness protection and you have a long life and sometimes it's the end. It's not anybody's plan. It's just you die before the revelation comes out. Are you, are you referring to the guy in the, like, it was like a, a veteran, a wheelchair or something like that. Are you referring to that guy? That sounds familiar. It's, it's been too long for me to, to find me exactly. Yes. Okay. So, I'm sorry, I broke up your train of thought because I got so excited you were talking about JFK being the, the assassination in November 63 being a hoax and that's, you know, big deal for me. So I, I'm sorry, I broke you off. What are your thoughts? Okay. This is, this guy is not, this person is not dead. What's going on? Witness protection, clearly, um, the, so this is a, this is a, this is a, this is a proof of film is a little bit, and, and, and your paper is a little bit foggy within my memory. It's, it's too far back. I don't really study too much in that detail because it's not my time and whatnot. But the implications is that he's still planning, he was still planning to take down the CIA. So the fruits of his labor and whatnot, I just don't think he, no, no, I, I get it with JFK. I meant, uh, Thomas Matthew Crooks, what do you think is going on with this? Thank you. Um, hold on that for a little bit. Let me chew on it. Someone else can do their thing. Well, we, we have about 30 minutes left and I don't know what you guys, if there's something else you want to move to, I mean, we can talk about the people in the crowd, uh, where their crisis actors there, um, were they all legitimate? I mean, what's your guys take on that? I got a, um, opinion, we were talking about the bullet, were, were their bullets used? And I, I do at this point believe they did use real bullets and, uh, I think we likely witnessed a miracle, um, the protective hand of y'all catching that bullet or keeping it away from its intended target, you know, something else that's interesting to factor into that. And I know Matthew's familiar with this. I think John Q is as well as the whole, uh, Trump time travel theory, which would explain a lot, a lot of the Q stuff, a lot of the future proves past. And you know, you can imagine him being in that position practicing, if you will, knowing which way to turn his head, uh, or maybe even a combination thereof of the protection of the most high and the time, time travel thing, which if you look into the whole Tesla, um, time travel technology, it's pretty interesting. I, I'm not well versed enough to elaborate on it, but, um, but it's an interesting angle to, to look at. Now, okay, let's talk about time travel real quick because, and we don't have to spend too much time on this, but of course you guys know that that's something that I've kind of tapped into looked into. And one of the, the theories that I've come up with, and it's, it's not what I've come up with. It's what other people are working with as well is that like say the backs of the future movies are literally time travel movies. And what I mean by that is that you look at like all the 9/11 predictive programming. And it started the, started back in the 70s. Some of the earliest I saw was like 76, maybe going back to 74 around then where you start seeing all this 9/11 imagery start popping up with the Twin Towers. And the thing about the predictive programming of 9/11 is that it is so precise, um, like very little to no room for any kind of, uh, failure. I mean, and it just goes down without a hitch and it's made me wonder if a lot of the predictive programming we actually see, um, is a type of foreknowledge that the elite do have. Now do you think that's, do you think that's has to do with looking glass? Uh, it could be, it could be looking glass or something similar, just so everybody is out there aware of my position is I do not believe the time travel is physically possible. I do not believe a person can time travel, um, but I have asked the question what if they are able to send information, some sort of electronic information, uh, to the, to the different points, um, in the short season we're in, uh, maybe as far back as the 1970s, maybe that's how CERN, you know, accelerated their technology through being able to pass it back so on and so forth. Okay. That's, that's a whole different discussion. Now in, in the instance where I'm, I'm against the time travel theory here with the Trump assassination, uh, plot is because I was talking to John Q about this. I'm like, all right, John Q, give me, give me a rifle, stand 150 yards out and, uh, I'm going to pop off several rounds and just at the precise moment, just turn your head. It's all going to go down without a hitch, right? And this is where I keep going back to, um, people will mock people will say, you know, just think it's stupid to even look into this possibility. But the, the question that I keep going back to was their actual rounds used, right? And, and you know, can you tell a difference between a blank and an actual round and can you show evidence that there was actual rounds used? Because if so, that changes this entire thing because nobody in the right mind, I don't care if it's Trump, Obama, Hillary Clinton, any, you know, Anthony Wiener or anybody is going to go up there and go, oh, yeah, yeah, I'm just going to turn my head and like, you know, uh, just half an inch or whatever is from my head, you know, you're going to just shoot it and just miss my brain from blowing out all over the stage. Um, that, that's just, it's just too much clockwork precision. I agree. That's, that's why I said maybe a combination of both. You know, I think there was something miraculous there, the protective hand of y'all over him, because I do see him as, uh, the Q plan is something that I believe is a godly plan. And I'm going to, I'm going to, uh, but since you mentioned that, who are we going to mention? Let me talk. Let me just say this very quickly. Since Graham said this, and this is, I've noticed the, the viewers out there, this is the hardest thing to wrap their, this is why for most of probably the viewers in my camp are those listening to this video right now are unable to wrap their heads around the possibility that there were actual bullets that were fired at Trump is that is what you just said, the, the divine, uh, you could say a guardian angel, you could say yah, whatever stop something from happening. And that's an impossible thought for a lot of people because they're like, why would he stop this guy from being assassinated? The question I want to pose to everyone out there, and this is a serious question, is does the listener, do you, the, I'm not saying, well, I guess I'm speaking to you guys too here across the board, but does the listener believe that you have, that yah has abandoned us on this earth, that he, that Satan is running everything and that yah, you might say yah has an investment in your life personally, but does he, does he have an involvement on the world stage? Is yah, is, is he and his agents out there on the world stage doing their works as well? Or is he completely abandoned us just to Satan's side up all the time, it's just all Satan all the time deceiving or like, or can he actually come in and say, you know what, I'm going to do this and this and this and this, that, I think that's a good question. And I think a lot of people are having a hard time, um, answering that. I mean, what are your guys thoughts? I think he's involved, he is active in, uh, in the world today and, you know, us being in the, uh, the short season, a little season, um, you know, I keep looking at the separation of wheat and tears and I think that that's, we're maybe getting toward the end of the short season and that that's the thing that happens toward the end is the evil is removed. And, uh, and I think that's why I think the Q plan is part of yah's plan there, I said. All right. Yeah. Absolutely. I'm not, I'm not, I'm not there yet, just so everyone, unless I'm not there yet, I find this entire conversation really fascinating and, um, and I'm, I'm, I'm willing to listen to, you know, the, the whole, the non, and it seems like as we got Matthew over here that it's very split, um, some of the non views, and I really appreciate that, Matthew, I really do. John, uh, was there anything else you wanted to throw in? Yeah. Absolutely. I, I concur with, with Graham. Um, so the, the, the, the first shot was, the shots were fired at six, 11 PM, um, fusion six, 11 put on the full armor of God, um, Q drops have, have that in, you know, a multiple post saying is about 14 posts as they put on the full armor of God, um, that's, that's one little example of, of things that, that as I'm doing this research and as I'm writing my articles, I'm finding connections over and over and over and over again. I'm, I'm able to cross reference Q drops to events to scripture using, using the date time stamp or whatever of the Q drop matching up with chapter verse of the scripture or the chapter verse of the scripture matches up with something, you know, it's, it's overwhelming. Like at some point, um, I have to say how many coincidences before mathematically impossible, right? At, at some point I have to say can man do this? And if I say no man cannot do this, then I have to say then yaw is behind this. Yeah. Right. You know what's been really, uh, what I've changed, uh, going through the Torah portions from you, uh, and, and teaching those has completely changed a lot of my views on a lot of things. But also recently, uh, going through the ceremony by the numbers and I wrote a series of articles using, you know, showing the geometry and how precise numbers are and as I just, you know, just down to the actual days where you could just calculate, let me just show here in the paper, I start out, uh, showing some of this, um, connections, uh, coming up. We see, um, well, we see a lot of 33s, 333, three months, three weeks, three days of this and that event, 30 days, I mean, just up to this event, like it is so timed down to the precision. And for, for a while, I'm looking at this going, is it, I mean, we all have to live our lives. I'm trying to figure out how the elite are sitting around just coming up with all these coded messages all the time with each other and speed. And I know that they do, but this stuff is so precise. I'm looking at this and going, what if this is actually, you can look at fallen angels, what if fallen angels are communicating to each other in mathematical precision and how they do things, but what if this is a language that comes from yah as well? What if both sides are speaking, and I mean, all of us listening, I assume we could go back in our lives and we could look at these patterns in our lives and go, wow, look at how these things play out, right? And so we are looking into these brilliant supernatural minds behind the scenes on both sides as they're at war with each other. And we're seeing these like operations, spiritual operations from our spiritual controllers, as well as yah on his side and his angels as it's being materialized in the human realm. What are your guys thoughts on that? I mean, that has been my conclusion looking at the brilliance of Jamatria. And now I just do not think that this stuff can be that well engineered 24/7 by people, but if I may, two things, first one being, if we're going to say that there is a possibility that is a miracle and that it was intervention from yah side, right? There also has to be the equal representation in saying that there could be the potential that the enemy intervened and wants him alive for his purposes also. Like, if you're going to say one thing is a possibility, you have to say the other is a possibility. Now, with the scripture matching up and everything else, there's definitely more leaning towards yah side, but if you're going to say one has the potential to be true, you have to say the other has the potential to be true and then answer the question why, just to play the advocate in the situation. But secondarily, one thing that's been resonating in my mind is, do you guys remember, like when there was a whole bunch of stuff about project looking glass, right, and how they were looking into seeing the future and there's these events basically where things bottleneck. They can't see past them in singularity events, right? So there's a singularity event and they said that there's somewhere between 2020 and 2024 that they can't see past. It's a bottleneck somewhere in there, everything starts to delve into being where they can't see past it. So what if Trump is the thing they can't see past? Like what if he's the anomaly in the situation and they're trying to figure out how to take him out of the equation so they can see what's going to happen and manipulate it again and they just can't. Like that's what I keep coming back to and this is like why the hostility, he's not outside of the club. I mean he's an outsider for sure but he has all the same circles as all the rest of these guys do. He plays the same games, he's trained by the same people, he's in the real estate markets, he's in the markets, he's in all these things but he's like they all of a sudden he gets elected as president and they start dog piling on him, like it doesn't make any sense. So is he the thing that's causing the anomaly that they can't see past and that's why they're so aggressively trying to, can you see what I'm getting after there? Yeah, so give everyone listening kind of a perspective on this. I assume that most of my listeners are flat-earthists, maybe not everybody listening to this but so we have these protective barriers within our geography, we have a firmament, solid firmament, we can't get past that. Nobody can get past that. They can't shoot all the rockets they want at it, can't get past that. Then we talk about the arctic ring, right? We have the path of the sun and the moon, can't go past that into the darkness. We don't know how far out it goes but you have this ice ball, can't get past it. And so it's the same idea with time and a lot of even the time travel theories coming out, John Prest, no, John Prestor was a, I gave a presentation on him a couple weeks ago, he talked about the mirrors, the singularity and all that but who was, what's I think about the time travel as a matter. But the idea is that in a lot of time travel theories that there are also these protective boundaries that you can't just go manipulate the past beyond say 30 or 40 years or something like that. And that Yaw puts up these gates and these walls like okay, you will not pass this point. And so all through history, we have the singularity events, imagine you have these scrying mirrors which I do believe they exist and I brought up, Prestor John in his letter, he talked about having one of those. And so you have like the event in, when Rome falls, you know, you have these events throughout history that these things have to happen and there's nothing they can do to stop it. They can, they can try to manipulate time and the events in their benefit up to a certain point. And so I think what you were getting at, Dove and Branch is that we're coming up on another event. It seems like, you know, all like, everything is kind of coming to a head, right? I think everyone can agree on that. All these events coming together to a head. And so it appears that we're at a point where they can't really, they can't really, they can try to manipulate now, but they don't really know the outcome. And as far as I'm concerned, that makes a lot of sense. When we see the media out there just, just lying, you know, lying, lying, lying, lying, just more and more, it just, it never seems to have the outcome that they want. Yeah. And part of the, if you remember from the, from looking glass, part of that was, was that at some point, no matter, you know, as you would put in different choices into the system, into the program, it would feed you back, you know, if I make this choice, then this will happen, if I make this choice, then that will happen. At some point, no matter what choice they put in, it always fed them back the same result, right? So nothing they could do could change. And so I think that, I think that that's part of this is, I think that how it has to do with some sort of timelines, merging or what have you, that kind of helps explain them. And they'll affect now we're getting into all kinds of fun stuff, but I do think that, that, that what, what they're seeing that they could not change that had them so freaked out and panicked is the end of, the end of time, essentially where they're all thrown into the lake of fire. We're going to, yeah, there's, there's some of these songs on that too, like we're going to dance into the fire and all that kind of stuff. We're coming up on the closure of this and so I want to just wrap this up, get your final thoughts, let's, you know, give another 10 minutes. And I guess we're kind of talking, but now about your, the implications of all this. Is there any other elements of this events on Saturday and this, and the roundabouts that you guys want to discuss? Anyone in the crowd? Anything at all? There's a, there's a lot of info. We maybe we can do another show on this. There's a lot of stuff. There's so much stuff we could dive into. I think it's probably, I think it'll be good to, to wrap up with like implications. Yeah. So let's go ahead and wrap it up. So what is the implications of all this? I mean, and Matthew, I want to get your perspective. I want each of you, let's just go down, each of you and take a couple minutes. What you think the implications are of all this starting with you, John Q, what does this all mean? Yeah. So one of the, one of the things that's really fascinating to me is that Trump walked out on the stage at exactly 603 and I was watching that because the Q drops teach us that timing matters, right? And Trump would do a lot of things for timing, he'll, he'll time things to send out some specific columns. And of course, we go and try to decode what, what he's, what he's trying to tell us. 603, we remove the zero, that's 63. That's when JFK was assassinated was 1963. So instantly I was thinking he's sending a message about JFK. Um, well, on Sunday, 714, um, America was reflecting on what happened the day prior. It was a JFK moment, but without, we, we, we all lived through a, the trauma of it, of a JFK moment, without what I think the deep state actually wanted to have happen happening. Um, and in a sense, it was, it was cathartic for, I believe for the American psyche. Um, we have been traumatized by the JFK assassination, um, ever since then. Even succeeding subsequent generations have been traumatized because when you're traumatized, you carry that trauma in your DNA. And so like I can get choked up, you know, I wasn't alive then I can get choked up because that trauma is there in me as an American because my parents went through that trauma. And so I think we had on, on 714, America was, was reflecting on what happened and you see it all over social media. People are realizing, you know, I'm not talking about the crazy, crazy, you know, lefties that are putting out stuff like, you know, why did he miss stuff like that? I'm talking about the average American and they're like, you know, I've been wishing they would, you know, Trump would be removed or whatever, but man, I, I don't really wish that essentially, we, you know, America stared into the abyss that day and for some, the abyss stared back. Um, so, you know, and they, we have people that were facing, you know, what they kind of were wishing they would happen, they were putting that out carelessly on social media and they're realizing now, wow, um, I don't really want that. So there's been a unifying that's happening. There's a cathartic healing that's happening when you've, in order to heal from trauma, you got to face that trauma. And so the American psyche is facing that trauma right now. Um, and what's interesting is, you know, I talked about how 611, uh, PM was with the timestamp and you, you can point that to Ephesians 11, you know, put on the full armor of God. Well, on 714, America was reflecting and they were finding healing, uh, I think from, from the JFK trauma, um, well, guess what? Um, if you look at second chronicle, 714, what does it say? It says, if my people who are called by my name and will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and I will heal, heal their land. Um, I'm, this, this is an act of y'all. The fact that Trump is still alive says that Yosto has plans for him. The fact that we are right now, not in the civil war, because Trump, they took Trump out, which is what they want to do was put us into a civil war. The fact that we are not in that civil war right now says y'all is not done with America. Amen. Yeah, I'll have some thoughts. I want to add to that, John, when we, uh, finish up at Dove and Branch, what are your, what are the implications for you? What is your conclusion here? Well, my thought is, is exactly what John finished up with is where I was going to start with coincidentally. So I don't think there's any coincidence in that because, you know, don't believe in coincidences. But like, I think that the, I think that the implications would have been that we would be in a massive, uh, people right now, if, if the bullet had found its mark. Oh, yeah. The, the right wing party would have stormed the gates. You thought January 6th was something weird, it would have been real weird, real fast. Uh, if, if the bullet would have found its mark and I don't really want to go too far down that hole just for YouTube reasons and everything, but I mean, it, it would have been a very different country the very next day when you woke up, like, it, I mean, we all know the people with the guns are on what sides are on, like, it's not hard to figure out from that point. But the, the part of it that struck me, uh, as the biggest implication is, is what he said. It, it was very traumatic. Like anybody that's been through any type of a situation that's lived through something like that, it's traumatic, whether you've, I mean, it was traumatic to watch it, if I'm being completely honest, like, I was pretty choked up the whole time, like, um, and it's easy for somebody that hasn't lived through that kind of trauma to, to dismiss it and say it's a hoax, which again, back to your point, you know, the people that scream a lot us are generally the people that don't have experience to add to the conversation. Like it's very hard to fake some of those things. It's, it's very hard to fake them. It's very hard to fake reactions. It's very hard to fake those sounds and have them come off as realistic. It's very hard to fake reaction times. It's very hard to fake the jerks, the motions that. So regardless of whether or not it was a hoax or whether it was supposed to be a hoax, my belief is, is that it was real bullets, whether or not they were supposed to find their mark, they didn't into that. And I think that we're not in a civil war today because of that, like, so what implications it has on the election. I have a hard time saying because I don't, I don't really follow politics if I'm being completely honest. I have a king and I don't, I don't need another one. So I think it's interesting. I think it's fun to follow, but I already have a government. I already have a kingdom that I follow. So I, I mean, I get my rules and marching orders from him. I don't, I don't need them from somebody else. But I do think it's interesting to follow for the sake of what's going on in the world. And God does build up kings and he tears them down. So if God wanted this king to him down, he would have done it. So that's, that's just where I sit on it. That was both of you, John and, and down the branches were incredible conclusions, answers. I will add, I will say to that that when I do see people coming and just screaming out like, you know, you're, if you think that if you don't think this is a hoax, you're stupid. You're an idiot. I'm like, okay, I, I don't know who you are, first of all, but I, I don't have any respect for those kind of individuals because they're not, as somebody, and I think everybody here, I think we're all, I would say we're all intellectual people. We all put, we have all put thought into this. I will respect anybody who can come up, either way, say this is legitimate or a hoax, I will respect your opinion if you can actually put real genuine thought into this. And so when somebody comes along and they're just shouting names, I'm like, you, you don't have anything. You have nothing. And that's why you're, you're, you're, you're based on anger, on fear. There's only two prime emotions, love or fear. I say this all the time. And people who are fearful, they're fearful of being wrong. They're fearful of losing control. They come out and do this kind of stuff because they've got nothing else anyways. The answers from both of you, Graham, what's the takeaway here? Well, so I was just minding my own business, enjoying relaxing on the Sabbath, hanging out in the shallow end of the swimming pool, watching the Trump rally. I've seen a lot of them live, I've seen them all, if I've seen a lot of them live, one in person, glad it wasn't this one, and I wish I was there, but not really. No, honestly, I don't want to interrupt you, I, for everyone, I'm not interested in politics at all. I wish I was, because I want to know, right? I wish I was there, and I could just be like, okay, you know, just look around, see my bearings and see what's going on. It's one of those things I wish I could be off-camera and be there, but go ahead. I'm sorry. Yeah. So, and I've been off and on, you know, into politics and not into politics. To me, it's an exception because I do see y'all's hand in it, and I was going to say, it's a moment that I'll never forget, you know, just like 9/11, all those things, you know, you never forget where you were the moment that happened, and it was interesting watching it live, too. So, it's etched in the memory. I think that what happened, that failed assassination just ensured Trump's victory. Now, not to say they can't steal it, but I think the vast majority of the people are behind him this time, and I think that, you know, we may be going through some more difficult things, but I think there's better days coming, I feel like the best is yet to come. Yeah. And to your point, Graham, I think that the fact that they tried to take him out is a... That's basically them admitting they don't think they can steal it. Yeah. Yeah. You don't pull it. You only play the cards you need to play. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. That was the best move. You're right. Maffi, what's your takeaway from all this? I would have to agree that the best is yet to come. That's the implications with what I believe. There's a few things that we've touched on that I want to go a little bit deeper in, the time is alluding me. One I want to mention, John Titter, T-I-T-O-R's, the guy you were talking about. Yes. Yes. I said, "Press your John." You know there was a John in there, yeah. Yes. Concerning him, if you look up the videos and all the commentary and everything that he believes he'd be the exact kind of person they want to send back, there's a lot to look into. There's a lot to look into, but nonetheless, I just want to say that his personality and everything would be the reason why they'd send him back for the mission, for the IBM little computer piece, et cetera. Why it matters, when you talk about time travel and you talk about the looking glass, what happens that the looking glass can't see past? They can't see past a person who comes back, only use their time travel at day at a time. You don't think necessarily he had to do that the whole book his whole life. What if it was only that period of time where he had to be activated? Okay. So then you have a specific time travel where everything they do, but day ahead of time, he's always five steps ahead and they can't determine what's happening and he always gets out of it, which further propels why I believe what I believe is possible. If he is in control and who his hand is in this, if those implications, then the whole thing is the hoax and that kind of things. Now as far as one more thing is when you, when Gramps spoke of a doubles advocate, what kind of view they could have, when we looked at the, we saw the wound and then a wound in his head and then he died and he came back from it. You got shot in here. So then when it comes down to the devil creating this implication, I believe during the great deception, the devil doesn't have to, has to have to do what the Bible says as a, like he's restrained by it. I think he has to do that because the Bible's out there, he can't, um, taint all of it. You know, I mean, besides the devil affecting all his rabbit trails that he'll go and try not to go into. He doesn't because he's creating a theology around, um, a false doctrine. And so then he has to, in order to convince people the millennial reign as it happened, fulfill all these things in some way, not the real way. And so then hence, why would the devil allow it to happen? People would think that he's the Antichrist, um, and so good on that angle. So I just want to say all that to wrap up, I think this is completely legit, legit, uh, other patriots that are control, um, and then everything's going to be good and the implications of that is just the best as you have to come and you can dream all you want. Just good things to come. All right. Well, I'm going to give my thoughts on this. And I've said this a few times before, but, um, when I came into, when I quote unquote woke up and I came into the truth of the realm and of course I haven't voted since the last time I voted was probably 2012, spent a long time and I came into it, you know, during the, the whole Sandy Hook era, Boston bombing and, uh, we're going into Jade Helm and, you know, it was the Obama administration, we're all going into these FEMA camps. It was just very dark and, and we were just, you know, trying to tell everybody, you're going to be round up and all this kind of stuff and, and when, when, uh, I think I could probably say this without any flag, when COVID hit in, uh, really like January, 2020, I was like, this is it. It's over. It's all over now that the analogy I used time again was that somebody had pulled a pen on a grenade and you can't put the pen back in. You can't, you know, you can't on toast the toast, right? It's, it's over. They're just waiting for society now, just to blow. And we, uh, maybe next time we do this, John, we'll talk more about the, the long-term plan that they had with COVID and that kind of stuff and how it, it got, uh, kind of thrown off. We don't have time for it. But something I started noticing, because I go into COVID 20, late 2019, early 2020, like in the trenches, you know, I got my, I'm manning the gun. I'm like, this is it. This is what I train for. I'm going to go wake people up and something started happening about two years down the line is all these people started waking up, just waking up and waking up this whole new class of people were coming in and they, they spoke very differently than my class. They were very optimistic for the future. They had this, they saw this light at the end of the tunnel and I had, I've had to unlearn a lot that I've learned and a lot of the people in, in the older, truer thought process, they refuse to unlearn what they've learned and go like, maybe we were wrong about some things and maybe there's actually hope coming. Maybe, maybe, just maybe the more they lie to us, the more they hoax us, the more people are waking up and they can't stop that. So on a closing note, let me just say one thing that I have learned about the human dynamic, what it is to be human that always, I shouldn't say always, I shouldn't generalize, but in my experience, nearly always gets left out of these conversations when we're talking about hoaxes and something called pride. Who is the king of pride? Satan. Satan wants to ascend to the heights and what does a proud person do? They think they're going to win, they've got ego, they're narcissist and they think they're going to win, they're not going to lose, they think they have a hope and what does pride do? It blinds people. There's a saying twice the height double the fall. So let's give a scenario here that our elite, it's always painted like, oh, they're just these cool calm, they're actors are laughing, they're ass off and they're just making all this up and they're going according to the script that comes in that week, some guy in the backroom on the typewriter and the trumpet assassination is this week, guys, and they're all reading it and getting ready to do their parts. The thing about pride is that it really darkens people's eyes and it's terrible to behold. And are we at a point in history where they are so blinded by their pride? They can't see their hand in front of their face. They can't see the writing on the wall and YAH is literally using this against them and we are seeing in real time where he is defeating the enemy and they are falling on their face and the more they try to hoax us, the more they try to lie to us, it's actually working in reverse. And of course, the thing is with a sociopathic person or a serial liar or whatever, pathological liar, is they can't stop lying. They can't stop doing it. So that's my thought on this and this is why I am hopeful for the future and the more I see them doing this stuff to us, the more I see people waking up and I see that as a good thing. I see that the separation of the weed and the tears. I'm very excited by the days we live in. I love to be able to do this and I love that you guys all came on. And I hope we can do this again. We'll have to try to do this again maybe next month in August, John and of course this is a big year right? It's an election year. And I will say one more thing, that whatever side of the fence my listeners fall on, whether you are, this is purely a hoax or that there was a legitimate, a real bullet that was fired on that day and maybe it was intended to take them out. I like who said, I think Dovin Branchy said they wanted a civil war. They wanted to take him out and this might literally be in their pride. They thought they could not fail and I was like, "You know what? I got other plans here. I'm going to start waking people up." I have what they intended for evil, Yahweh meant it for good. Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah. My hope is that whatever side of the fence, anyone listening, I hope this was informed and informative for everybody, get a little bit more insight from different perspectives, is that this on the world stage, the discussion we were having tonight was one of the biggest moments in the little season in modern history that will probably happen in our lifetime. I mean, look back at the last 50 years. What other event, you have 9/11, you've got a few of them, what other event was this big and a decisive moment for the future of the world stage. So on that, we'll do this again, guys. I really enjoy this. I hope you guys did too and we'll maybe the next month or so. Shalom, everybody. Good night. Shalom, brothers. Shalom. Shalom. Absolutely.