The Unexpected Cosmology Podcast

367 | Torah Portions Week 40: NUMBERS 22:2-25:9 | The Moses-Balaam Duality and the Lost Cain Prophecy

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2h 3m
Broadcast on:
14 Jul 2024
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Ministry and Widow Fund: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support:   / membership   Contact: Facebook:   / theunexpectedcosmology  

Chabbat Shalom everybody, you ready or not? We are live. This is the unexpected cosmology, and you guys know my name. My name is Dole. Hold on a second here. I just realized I need to silence Discord, my Discord group, because if I don't, you're going to be hearing the Ding Ding Ding all night. There you go. It is muted. All right. Sorry I had to do that live. Anyways, welcome everybody. And I hope you guys had a good week. I want to thank everybody for making this a weekly tradition in your home. You know, I do want to point out, and I realized here at the unexpected cosmology, we have a lot of work to do on, I guess, image building, because we are a, aside from being a ministry, we're not just a YouTube channel. And I say we here, okay, I'm not talking about like myself in the plural. I'm not like Gollum here. I'm talking about my team of individuals here at the unexpected cosmology, Rebecca, Pamela, and others, Adon, and I could go on. One of the things we're doing here is we are putting out books. We are actually, Pamela is translating the Bible, right now she's doing the Torah from the Paleo Hebrew, and we're publishing that. And so one of the things we're doing here through these Torah portions is we're going through her work. I'm showing you her translation. And you know, I got a lot of comments from individuals going, oh, you do great work. I just can't follow. I can't follow these names, the names, you know, and I get it. I understand. But I just think everyone for their patients who are sticking in here going, yes, this is a Paleo Hebrew translation we're going through and, you know, we do sell these in our store. I'm not trying to make a buck out of you on this so you guys can follow along, of course, I show you on the screen so you guys can follow along through some of the tougher translations. Anyways, I hope you all had a good week. It was kind of a strange week for me. I spent three days this week at the auto shop. We have one automobile in our household. It's a diesel truck. It's a great truck. Had to do some work on it and the mechanics couldn't figure it out. I had to take you back two more times, so three days total. And I feel like it defeat for me. But then I had a really great interview with Karen Wilkinson this week and also my talk with Adam Fink on Thursday night. That was the first time in our several years of friendship that he actually came by this channel. It was really well. I think they were both nervous at the beginning, like how is this going to go down. But I thought the questions were perfectly asked, executed from Michael and Dave. Very impressed at how unbiased the questions were. I was a little concerned that they would be biased in my favor and I asked everyone not to. And they delivered very good questions, half of which I was like, I don't even, I was really taken back. I'm like, I don't really think about this. I don't know how to answer it. Anyways, hope you guys all enjoy that. Let's get right into this tonight. But med bars, speaking of those translations, those words, numbers from the paleo Hebrew. We are on week 40 of our Torah portions, numbers 22 through 25, but lack. So let's talk about last week review. And of course, everybody, please do hit the like button. It does help. And also how fun in the chat tonight, I'd love to see you guys commenting in the chat. But also for those of you who aren't watching this live, please just leave a comment below. Just say Shabbat Shalom or, you know, hey, I enjoy this tonight or something like that. The comments really help. So it's, it's important. All right. So last week, hold on, I need a drink of coffee, I charge right into these things. You know, I hit that record button and it's like, go, go, go, go, go. It's like, you know, like the Marines getting out of a moving vehicle in wartime, you know, got to run up the beach. So last week, Paulie came by for a visit and showed some of his original artwork. It was very impressive. So I'm not going to show it to you. You have to go back and review last week's video to see. I actually thought about publishing. I should put it on the website. It was actually a lot of fun. I should ask him to do more drawings, illustrations for us through the Torah portions. I showed you that in the Torah, we see different types of laws categorized as the following. Number one, commandments. Number two, judgments and number three, statutes or ordinances. So we have three different types of categories. Now my theory on this, as I point out week after week after week, is that like the chicken and the hen and the rooster, the hen and the rooster are both chickens, right? You have chickens and from those, you got hens and roosters. So it looks like there's three different types of birds, but it's really just a male and a female the same, right? Well, they're all commands. The judgments and the statutes and ordinances, they're all commands. So the command is like the chicken and then you got the hen and the rooster, right? So judgments are commands, but they're more of a general natural law. And it's what I think of like Sodom and Gomorrah. They were breaking natural law. They were breaking the judgments and they were judged accordingly. So my theory is that YAH judges the nations based on more natural law, a morality like don't murder, don't commit adultery, even an atheist will agree to those as good things. Rast statutes and ordinances are specific to the allahion that you're in a covenant with. So you could join any different religions under different gods and they're going to have specific statutes and ordinances which may not line up with natural law, but it is a part of their personality. And so Yahuwah are allahion, the allahion of Yashirel, he has a specific personality that is holy and set apart and those are his statutes and ordinances, like Passover, that's a statue. Sabbath, that's a statue. Speaking of which, another statue was the Red Heifer and we saw, I showed you a point after point after point, probably at least a dozen or 15 different ideas on how Messiah is a Red Heifer. Now I also think in this big debate, is he the Red Heifer or is he the lamb? I think he's the lamb, I think he's the heifer and I think he's the dove too. I showed that passage last week. Speaking of which, I think he's the worm. I showed you in Psalms where Messiah, it's David writing but he's prophesying Messiah when he sees himself as a worm and I showed you the connection with the worm and the phoenix. And also the fact that well the phoenix is a representation of the resurrection, we read that in first Clement, I showed you a fire as a sign of judgment, we know like the lake of fire, Ghenna, right, that the wicked will be tossed into it and destroyed, but the thing is is that everybody, you know, allahion, you say God, is it all consuming fire? We pass the pass through the fire, even the righteous, and I showed that passage where even the righteous at the end, when the fire comes down, we're going through it. And it's kind of the test of the phoenix, are we going to, it's like the test of the cup of jealousy, right, are we going to be resurrected or not, are we going to pass through the flames like Abraham and Daniel's three buddies, or will we be burned up, will we be turned to chaff? We went through the stone of scone and of course specifically because we saw Moshe be very naughty and use his rod to tap on the stone twice, complete contempt, he was not supposed to do that. He did it out of his anger, lack of faith, so on and so forth. For that reason, he was not able to enter the land and I started with the passage showing you what Paul wrote about how the stone was Messiah and this stone followed them through the wilderness, so it followed them and then I went through sources and I showed why, why there's good research out there to think that the stone of scone which is in Britain, the Westminster Abbey, traditionally when any king or queen is coronated there, that that's actually Yacob's pillow. And of course Yacob's pillow goes back to actually Adam and Eve, I didn't show all that, the original altar that they built, that Noah rebuilt and so on and so forth. I talked about T. Tepi or T. Tepi, the Yehudan princess who was taken by Yermiyahu, that would be Jeremiah and Baruch actually went down into Egypt, went up to Spain where apparently this Yehudan princess got married, they took her up to Ireland and they started a new kingdom up there which I think culminated kind of, it was kind of a setup for the coming Millennial Kingdom of which I think Britain was ground zero, I've gone over that a lot. I even talked about potential Atlantis confederacy sites like in the one in Africa, the eye of the Sahara is a popular one. The one in Spain is not nearly as grand as the one in Africa, they have done like radar tests and they've shown that there is a reamed city down there right precisely where Plato said it was on the other side of the streets of Gibraltar and then, but I showed that there seems to be similar rings with T. Tepi site and it's interesting that her husband, Yehudan a Jew, was probably living right there in Spain where I actually think that might have been Tarshish, I think there are a lot of people who don't agree with that, it might be. Tarshish might have been a sister city to Atlantis and so the Phoenicians were really into those circular cities, then we went into the fiery serpents and of course the big thing, one of my favorite papers I wrote was a wastelands of the seraphine where I showed the esoteric quality of dragons and the wilderness and how they're actually seraphing angels. So fiery serpents and I even connected with Genesis and so on and so forth, you can go back, I'll cover a little bit of that tonight. But then I also looked at another theory, the Thunderbird theory, you know the big old teardactyls, some people speculate, a lot of the young earth creationists from the 70s, 80s, 90s, you know that generation, they were really big on this, the Thunderbirds were the fiery serpents that came in and got them all. I also showed you the basilisks, I showed you historical counts from historians who talked about these snake-like creatures with wings and like little feet and we also saw the same thing in Yashir, in Yashir, where Moshe when he went up against Balaam, he had all these herons go and eat these basilisks and they actually said that the serpents were flying away and the herons caught them in the air. So that could be something else that's going on, we covered the death of Maryam and Erin and of course the death of Og. Now one of the things I'm going to open with tonight is the idea that Og is, we know he's roughing in, but the idea of walking dead meaning that he was actually brought up from Bishan which might be kind of a kingdom like the Thinsheol, that seems to be kind of an ancient idea that Bishan was a kind of an entrance way to the kingdom of the dead and that he was actually brought in by the Canaanites to defend them against the invasion of Yashir El. The reason why, I think, one of the added reasons why I think that's such an interesting point of view and I think that was like Michael Heiser's big thing is we're going to be seeing the same thing tonight where Balaam has brought it and so it seems like it failed with Og so now they're bringing in this other wizard to stop them. And one more thing that we pointed out last week, two weeks ago you guys gave a love offering to Pamela and you could see right there, it came up to over $2,000 in a couple days you guys raised, incredible, so grateful, she is translating the Bible from Paleo Hebrew into this, an incredible thing that she's doing, I'm really appreciative for you guys' love and helping to support her. So just a quick reminder, you can look at where we are this month at our budget, it's underneath this video that the link to it and once we meet that goal, let's get that goal met and then let's, anything increased above that we are going to pay Pamela, of course we cover Rebecca with what's in the budget already, so all right, let's get right into this, I'm going to read the entire passage before I comment on it. I might stop to make a few comments along the way. Abilak, son of Zippur, observed all that Yashirel has done into the Amorites or the Amoriah and Moab greatly feared the face of the people for there were many and Moab loathed the face of the sons of Yashirel and Moab declared toward the bearded ones of Midian, at this time they shall eat up all this congregation and the circuit round about us just as the ox licks up the green of the field so the context here is that they just took out AUG and the big bad, you know, Refe'im, king of the dead or whatever he was and they just, like we're seeing here kind of similar to Egypt where YAH took out each of the, he judged the different gods, a different ally on the Egypt. Same thing is happening here, now we're there, they're very guardians, their spiritual guardians are being, are being judged and killed sent to Sheol and Balak, son of Zippur, malaka of Moab, and malak would be in this context king of Moab at that time, he sent forth messengers towards Balam, son of Yor unto Pifor or Pafu Raha, which is over against the land of the sons of his people to call out to him to say, "Behold, a people have come out from Mitreem, look, they cover the eye of Ha'arats, they cover the eye of the earth, and they have settled down to dwell in front of me and at this time come I beseech, curse this people for me, for they are robust, powerful, numerous on account to this unless I am able to prevail, that we strike against them, then I shall drive them out of the land for I know whom you, Barak is Barak, and whom you curse, he is cursed, so whom, and of course Pamela doesn't like to use the word blessed, that's what Barak means, right, so whom you bless is blessed and whom you curse is cursed, and they're speaking here to Balam, it's not incredible that there is, I mean that's obviously true in our lives, that we are in, we are little creators in that everything we do say, materializes, affects the material world around us, and I've given examples of the classic plant experiment, right, you can go and say very ugly naughty things to a plant and it will wither up and die, or you can say beautiful things to it and it will sprout and grow, it's like that with water, you can actually speak to water and of course water, our bodies are filled with water, water is all around us, right, and it will materialize, it will form shapes and patterns according to what we're talking about, so on a much smaller scale, we all have the potential to be Balam, now I should point out that if you noticed the cover card for tonight, you might be wondering why does Noel have a picture of chess, I showed a picture of kind of an evil looking dude and the righteous dude playing chess, right, well because we're dealing with dualism tonight, and I'm going to be showing you how Moshe and Balam are not doppelgangers but they are basically, they are a checkerboard of duality, light and dark, they are polar opposites, like a balancing act so to speak, and so you can either be a Moshe or Balam, speak righteousness and do righteousness, or speak and do evil, and he spoke toward them, past the night here tonight, and I will return to you with the word like that which Yahwah the ever living will sit forth toward me, and the nobles of Moab settled down to dwell with Balam, and Al-Ahyam came toward Balam, and he spoke, what reason are these men with you, and Balam spoke toward Ha-Al-Ahyam, Black son of Zippur, Malak of Moab has sent unto me, behold, the people have come forth from Mitriim, and they cover the eye of the earth Ha-Arat's walk, curse them for me, hopefully I will be able to wage war devouring them, so this is Al-Ahyam, this may be the father here speaking, it may not be Yahwah not really sure, in the exchange between when Al-Ahyam speaks versus Yahwah speaks, but it's like he approaches them and like what are you doing, and he actually gives his plan to Al-Ahyam, and he says I do not, you walk with them, you will not curse the people, for they, oh Al-Ahyam says, for they are blessed, Barak-uk, and Balam arose upon daybreak, and he declared toward the nobles of Balak, walk toward your land, for Yahwah has refused to give me leave to walk with you, and the nobles of Moab stood and they went toward Balak and said, Balaam refused to walk with us, and Balak gathered together, yet again, sitting forth nobles greater, and with a heavier weight of splendor than those previous, and he came toward Al-Balaam, and they said to him, and this manor did the last son of Zippor speak, do not I beseech you be kept back from walking toward me, for I would greatly honor you with a heavy weight of splendor, and all which you speak toward me thus will I fashion, now walk I beseech you, execute for me this people, and Balam lifted up the voice, and he declared conditionally, if the law should give to me his house filled with silver and gold, I am not able to pass over the mouth of Yahwah the ever living, my Al-Ahyah, to fashion anything your small or perhaps mighty, I beseech you, sit down in this place now and also this night, and I will acquire knowledge from what Yahwah will gather to plan with me. And Al-Ahyam came toward Balam, and he said to him, conditionally, if the man come to call out unto you, rise up, then walk with them, certainly, though the debar the word set in order toward you, him you will fashion, and Balam rose up a daybreak, and he saddled his she-ass, and he went unto the novels of Moab, and the anger of Al-Ahyam burned because he walked, and Malak Yahwah took a stand along the pathway as a shaiten or a satan, and you could see over there in the King James on the left it says an adversary. And I kind of wonder if the, now that I'm thinking about it, I wish I would have done a search in the King James to see how often they say satan versus adversary, kind of an interesting thing. So, right here, this is where those of you out there listening to this, if you ever have heard of the researchers, really, the movement, I should say it's more of a movement that's been taken off and sucking a lot of people in, the people who really don't like the Torah, and they will say that, I don't even like to say this, they will say that Yah is satan. The God of the Old Testament is actually satan, that satan actually brought people through Egypt, he took the, he destroyed Egypt, he took in the Mount Sinai, he made the law with the covenants, the Torah, all these things, and that he's leading him to the wilderness and bronze and land, and that, you know, they'll say Jesus, I don't feel bad saying that there, but Jesus came and freed people from satan, the oppressor, and he created a new religion. And I'm kind of, you know, giving an overview, but this verse right here is where they will nab you. And they're going to bring you in and say, see, it's a confessional. He confessed, he's really satan. The thing is, is that what I'm going to show you tonight is, you know, when I, when I go through these studies, I'm always like, what should I focus on? And this is a, this is another passage where a lot of the, you know, the anti-Paul movement takes off in this passage here with Balaam. And what I want to show you is that there is a duality between Balaam and Moses. And that Moses being righteous is the adversary of Balaam. And Balaam being wicked is the adversary of Moses. All right. So, yes, Yah is an adversary. He is a satan to wicked people. He is against them. He is opposed to them. He, he, well, he can even accuse them. That's what he can do. And I'll be talking more about that tonight. And so it, this is where kind of Michael Heiser and his reach out. I know a lot of you don't like Michael Heiser, but I think one thing that he did exceptionally well, we can criticize, you know, people criticize me, we can criticize other people. One thing he did exceptionally well and really taught me was this idea that Satan is a title. Anybody can be a satan. You can, you can be somebody satan. You can accuse somebody. That's a very dangerous ground to be on, but assuming you go and you accuse someone of something, you know, you accuse someone of murder, you accuse them of adultery, you accuse them of lying or cheating or stealing, breaking into ten commandments, you are their adversary. All right. You are accusing them of something. Now, we don't want to have the spirit of accusation, and so on and so forth, point made. All right. So, Yahawaha is the adversary to Balam, understood he is, he is standing in the pathway as a satan against him, continuing reading, and he, Balam was carried upon his she-ass, and two of his boys were with him. That's really interesting. Two of his boys. We'll see who his two boys are in a little bit. And the she-ass observed, at Malak, Yahawaha stationed in the pathway, his sword drawn in his hand, and the she-ass turned away from the pathway and walked into a field. And Balam struck the she-ass to turn her back into the pathway. And Malak, Yahawaha took a stand there in a vineyard's narrow way. And the she-ass, she observed, at Malak, Yahawaha. I actually really like the way Pamela phrases this here. Let me just read the King James real quick. It says, "In the King James, and when the- when the-ass saw the angel of the Lord, she thrust herself into the wall and crushed Balam's foot against the wall." So that's very violent, right? This idea that the donkey violently pushes them against this narrow pathway in a vineyard against the wall and crushes his foot. But then look how Pamela phrases it here. She squeezed herself toward the wall, and she pressed Balam's foot against the wall. And he struck her yet again. And again, Malak, Yahawaha passed through, and he stood in a narrow standing place where there was no path to turn aside to the right hand or to the left. And the she-ass observed, Malak, Yahawaha, and she lay down beneath Balam, and Balam's anger burned, and he smoked the she-ass with the rod. I don't know if any of you have ever had a frustrating example with a donkey or a mule before, and there wasn't even an angel standing there, well, maybe there was, but, yeah. And Yahawaha, have you ever lived open the mouth of the she-ass and she spoke into Balam? What have I done to you that you have struck me these three steps of the foot? And Balam declared into the she-ass because I just love how like the donkey speaks them and he just speaks right back, like, you know. But maybe it isn't so alarming for him to quote Michael Heiser again. He talks about the serpent and the Eden, the idea of a talking serpent means there's magic, right? There's some sort of, you know, something supernatural happening. And so Balam, you know, recognizes, I think, that there's something super spiritual happening, and I don't think it alarms him that much. But anyways, he says, "Because you have vexed me, acting petulant against me. If only there existed a sword in my hand, for at this time I would kill you. I think most people, if they had their animals, are talking to them and they might say something different." You see what I mean? And the she-ass declared into Balam, "Am I not your own she-ass which carries you continually until this day? Has this ever been my habit to fashion us into you?" In this manner, he replied, "No." So he agrees that the ass is correct and he is wrong and he's, in turn, being the ass. And Yahawah, have you ever lived uncovered the eyes of Balam? And he saw Malak Yahuwah standing in the way. Is that interesting phrasing there? In the way with his sword drawn. So it's almost like a plan words that Balam is going the wrong way and Yahuwah is in the way. And doing homage, Balam fell upon his face and Malak Yahuwah declared toward him, "Why have you struck your she-ass these three steps of the foot? So hold, I had gone forth to be an adversary, for your say is perverse in my presence." So you see that there, that he is an adversary to anyone who is perverse in his presence. So let's just get her facts straight here about what this, you know, in this case, what a righteous person is to a nonrighteous person, in terms of Satan. And the she-ass observed me and she turned aside from my face these three steps of the foot, unless she had not turned aside from my face. Searchingly, at this time also I would have killed you, and as a sign, her I would have kept alive. And Balam declared into Malak Yahuwah, "I have erred. I did not know that you stood against me in the way, and now, if it's seen evil in your eyes, I will turn back by myself." And Malak Yahuwah declared toward Al Balam, "Walk with the men, nevertheless, only off to the bar, the word which I set forth toward you, that shall you speak." So Balam walked with the nobles of Balak. Isn't that fascinating how Yahuwah is saying he's going to speak through a wicked man? There's a lot we could pull from that. And Balak heard and responded because Balam had come, and he went forth to meet him toward a city of Moab, which was over against the border of Arnan, which was by the extremity of the border. And Balak declared into Balam, "Did I not send out messengers into you, to call out to you? For what reason did you not walk toward me? Am I not capable of granting you honor?" And Balam said into Balak, "Behold, I have come to you at this time. Do I indeed have the ability to say anything? God, the bar, which Allahi'am has placed in my mouth, him shall I speak." And Balam walked with the lock, and he came into the city of walls. And I think in the King James it says, and they came into, it's funny, like now in the King James I actually can't pronounce this, usually it's the opposite, but kurja thuzoth. So Pamela just translates that to city of walls, which is kind of ironic because I'll be quoting from a passage, a passage of Balam, a prophecy of Balam that was found on a collapsed wall. And Balak slaughtered as sacrifice oxen and sheep for Balam and for the nobles which were with him. And he existed upon daybreak that Balak took Balam and caused him to ascend into the high place of Balam, that he might observe from there the extremities of the people. The prophecy is of Balam. And Balam declared toward Allah Blak, "Build for me in this place seven altars and stand upright to me in this place, seven oxen, seven ramps." That's one of the things I wanted to go over in my research tonight was the seven number. I didn't get to cover that, but that's kind of interesting, isn't it? I mean, very specific, they wanted seven or something. And Blak fashion like the plan which Balam had proposed, excuse me, and Balak and Balam offered as an ascending offering, a young bullock and a ram on each altar. And Balam said to Balak, "Stand over against your sitting offering and I will walk. Perhaps Yahwah will come to meet me." So one of the things I also wanted to go over tonight, now I have a lot of material to get through I promise, that I didn't get to tonight is I wanted to show you a map of east of the Jordan River and the whole kind of plain there. And so Israel was camped across from the Jordan, they're getting ready to cross over and Moshe is going to die real soon, of course Deuteronomy is like his big barrel of speech. And they could, Jericho is just on the other side, a couple other cities and he's got, I wanted to show you on a map, all the places that Balam kind of went with these different altars as he's going to these different peaks and he's spying and he's looking down and seeing how immense Yasharilla is just, they're just covering this whole plain. I mean, there is no possible way they could have survived there if it wasn't for the man and other things like that. There's just no way, I mean, unless they were eating their own animals, but they just, they couldn't go out and they were like the sand of the sea, seashore I should say. Anyways, I didn't get around to showing you, maybe next year I'll show you a map. It's kind of cool to look at all the places where Balam was going, the different peaks and staring down and Balak and Balam offered as an ascending offering a young boa can ram on each altar and Balam said to Balak, "Stand over against your sinning offering and I will walk, perhaps Yahuwahum will come to meet me. What's the word he reveals to me that conspicuously, inside of all, I will proclaim unto you." So it's funny how this king, it's like they're going, they're actually going to use the words of Yahuwah, the plan is to use the words of YAH against, like they're basically the elicking, the allahiyam of this people against them. And he walked to a naked hill and Allahiyam met Balam and he, Balam, said unto him, "I have arranged and ordered seven altars and I have offered as an ascending offering a young boa can ram upon each altar." He knew, I guess, well not to have unclean animals on there. And Yahuwah, the ever living place a word in Balam's mouth and he declared, "Turn back toward Balak and like this shall you set forth the word." And he, Balam, turned back toward him and behold, Balak stood by his ascending offerings and he and all the nobles of Moab and Balam lifted up his parable. From a ram, Balak, Malak of Moab has led me forth from the mountains where the sun rises on the horizon, walk. Curse for me, YAH, a cove, that be Jacob, and walk, provoke to anger Yashirel to what prophets shall I curse, whom Al, short for Allahiyam, has not cursed, or for what reason shall I enrage whom Yahuwah has not enraged. For from the head of the rock I observe him and from the hills I will regard him and behold the people separated. He shall settle down to dwell and among the goyim, the Gentiles, the nations. He shall not be calculated. How can the dry earth of YAH be numbered, or how can a fourth part of Yashirel be tallied? Let my Nafash die the death of the upright ones, and may my future time exist like his." And Balak declared, "That's really amazing into the prayer right there. I just want to say this one more time, because I'm not going to be covering this later." He's actually praying, he's looking at the children of YAH, a cove. These righteous people, I mean, the unrighteous have all been killed a lot. So these are the people getting ready to cross over guys, like they are, they have passed the task. These are the children that were under 20 that have grown up now, they could be upwards of like 59, 60 years old, that this righteous generation, we know they're righteous because it says so in Joshua, that the generation that crossed over the Jordan was a righteous generation. He's saying that his soul, he wants to die the death of these people. And he says that he wants his future to exist, like that of YAH, a cove. And Balak declared toward Balaam, "For what purpose have you fashioned this unto me?" He's like totally, he's ticked off, he's offended. He's like, "I brought you here to curse these people." And you're saying that these are like righteous people, and they're going to have this amazing end. "I took you to curse my enemies and behold, you have gifted them a barak, a blessing." And Balam pronounced an allowed voice singing and said, "Without that which Yahuwah has placed in my mouth," he told them, he said, "Look, I'm going to say whatever he tells me to say." "Oh, so I must keep watch over the word, behold a barak, a blessing. When I have received a barak, yes, then I cannot return her." He has not observed misfortune in YAH, a cove, and has not seen weariness, trouble, vexation in Yashirel, "Yahuwah, his al-Ahayah is with him, and the joyful noise, a warlike cry, Malak is among him. Al has brought them forth from matriem, like the swift course of a ram unto him." Let me just look up that word real quick. Oh, interesting, Pamela, a unicorn. So like the swift course of a unicorn unto him. I'm glad I looked that up, I totally missed that in my study. Bummer. I would have had a bunch of notes on that. "For there is no enchantment against YAH, a cove, and no divination against Yashirel in proper time, and a fitting opportunity. He shall declare of YAH, a cove, and of Yashirel what Al has created, behold, the people are like a roaring lion. He shall rise up. And like a young mind, he shall lift himself up, and he shall not lie down until until until he eat that which was torn into pieces, and he shall drink the blood of the slain, and the Locke declared, 'If cursing, you will not curse them. Certainly, do not block them, don't bless them,' and Balaam pronounced in a loud voice, and he made declarations, 'Belak, did I not set forth words toward you to declare that all YAH, will speak him, I must fashion,' and Balaam said to Balaam, 'Wak, I beseech you, I will take you toward a standing place, afterwards, if approval in the eyes of Ha'alayam, then curse them for me from there.' And Balaam took Balaam to the head of the peor, or the pha'a'a'ar, I added that word in there just so I could pronounce it. It looks down over the face of the waste, and Balaam declared toward Balaam, 'Build for me upon this place seven altars, and make ready for me seven bollocks and seven rams, and the Locke fashion like that which Balaam had said, and he offered as an ascending offering a young bollock and a ram on every altar.' Chapter 24, Pause for some coffee. And Balaam, observing that it was excellent, pleasant, beneficial in the eyes of YAHahuwah, the ever-living, to Barak Yashirel, therefore, he did not walk step after step to meet for divinations, but he set his face toward the wilderness, and Balaam lifted up his eyes and he observed Yashirel dwelling according to their tribes, and she existed over him the ru'ak of Ha'alayam. And so you could see their pamma is stressing the she part of the ru'ak. And he lifted up his parable and he declared, 'An utterance of Balaam, son of Beor, and he shall prophesy the strong one, whose eyes are open.' I think this is where we get into the star and the scepter prophecy. How excellent are your tents, O YAH, a cold, in your moshikum dwelling place, O Yashirel? Like torrents in the valley he stretches out, like a garden over against the river, like trees of a low, which YAHahuwah, the ever-living, has planted upright, like cedar trees. Over against the waters, the waters flow from his buckets, and his seed upon great water is an exalted, his milak rises up, and his kingdom will be lifted up, al-chief shepherd from Materim, like the swift strength of the ram unto him. So there's that same wording in the ram that appears to be a unicorn. He shall consume the goyim, his enemies, and their bones are cut off. And with his arrows he shall agitate them, bowing, lying down, like a lion's wilt. And like a roaring lion, who would cause him to rise up? And he who will barack you, he has barack, and he who will curse you, he has cursed. And the anger of balak burned against Balaam, and he clapped his hands, and balak declared toward Al-Balaam. I called you here to curse my enemies, and behold you did barack a barack, these three strokes of the anvil. So the third time in a row, they've gone to the third peak, and every single time he blesses them. Now run away for yourself toward your place, where I have thought to greatly honor you, but behold, Yahuwah, the ever-living, had held you back from honor. Isn't that interesting? Now I highlighted this because this is the line that really struck me in this whole thing. This is from Balak's perspective. And think about this, from the world's perspective, the perspective of the unrighteous. And I would include a lot of Christianity in this too, the state of Christianity today, the broad path that they're on. And they look at people who are following Yahuwah's instructions. Now I'm not calling Balam a righteous man, he was a wicked wizard. But for those of us who are listening to his voice and following his instructions and doing what he says to do, this I think that we follow under the category of how Balak views them. He's like, look, I was going to honor you, you were going to be greatly esteemed. And now you're listening to Yahuwah, and you are held back from honor. You see how that works? And so in history, history is not set up in such a way to honor those who are truly serving yeah. You're not going to be in the spotlight, you're not going to be out there on the stage. People are going to hate you, they're going to ignore you, they're going to think you're a person of dishonor. You're going to think that the people who are truly honored are people who are living unrighteous lives. That's how I read this line. It really, really hit me as I'm reading from the perspective of a wicked king, a Moabites trying to take out Israel, wanting to destroy Yasheral and remove them from the earth. In Balam declared toward Balak, did I not speak until your messengers, which you sent forth into me? I sent words in order to declare, conditionally, should Balak gift to me his house made full with silver and gold, I'm not able to pass over the mouth of Yahuwah, the ever-living, to fashion either the beautiful or the bad from my own heart. It sounds to me like Balak is like, look, I was going to give you all these riches, and I'm not doing that now, you're going to be dishonored. And he's like, look, I told you, I told you, like for all the riches in the world, I cannot go against the word of Yahuwah. I told you this in advance, that was part of the deal, but I don't know who's breaking what into the deal or what, that can be a whole different discussion. To fashion either the beautiful or the bad from my own heart, but what words Yahuwah have you ever living will set in order, him I will speak, and at this time behold, I will walk into my people, walk, and I will give counsel what he shall work for this people and to your people in the future days, and he lifted up this parable, he declared, an utterance of Balam, son of Bior, and a prophecy of the warrior, whose eyes are open and utterance of one who has heard and answered the saying of the mighty leader, and he will know the intelligence of Al-Yon, a vision of Shaddiah, or like Shaddai. He beheld the falling, but his eyes were uncovered, I observed him, but not at the present. I looked upon him, but not near his path. So here's the the star and the the rod prophecy which we'll be talking about, a star from Ya'aqob, and shall arise a measuring rod, or you can say a scepter, from Yashirel, and he shall smite the region of Moab, and shall undermine all the sons of Shaddiah, and Adam shall exist, that would be Edom, and Edom shall exist as a possession, and Shaddiah shall exist as a possession of his enemies, and Yashirel shall fashion forcefully, and he will descend from Ya'aqob, and the survivors from the city shall wander lost, ready to perish. Because isn't this amazing, there is a, there is a messianic prophecy in the Old Testament coming from Balam, and he shall observe Amalak, and he shall lift up his parable, and he shall declare Amalak, the first of the Goyim, but his posterity shall be wretched, unfortunate, and this is where it gets really trippy, according to Pamela's translation, and he shall observe Athah, Kuyah, Nuyah. Now let me just look at this for you so I get this right. This is talking about the descendants of Cain right here, and he shall observe the descendants of Cain, like the seed of Cain right, and he shall lift up, and he shall declare firm, constant, is the flow of your habitation, and you have established your nest upon a rock, but conditionally should Cain exist to be burned with fire, and tell when Ashire shall take you captive. Though he's saying right there that Cain, I was talking to Pamela about this, her idea on this is that Cain, the actual entity, Cain, not just the people, the sons of Cain, but Cain himself, still existed at that time for a specific purpose to eventually be burned. I'll be talking more about that, and he lifted up his parable and declared, "Whoa, who shall exist when Al establishes him, and ships are from the hand of Kathu Ham, and Ashire shall be afflicted, and Abar shall be brought low," of course that's how I'm talking about Assyria, and the Abar there is a word for the region beyond, and the region beyond shall be brought low, and in addition he shall be destroyed perpetually. And Balaam rose up, and he walked, and he returned to his place, but Locke also walked unto his own way. And the Ashire will settle down to dwell in Shittam, or Shatayam, and the people were seduced to commit fornication with the daughters of Moab, and they called out into the people to sacrifice until they're Alahiah, and the people did eat, and did bow themselves down until they're Alahiah. And the Ashire was bound unto Baal. This would be, well, Baal Peor in the King James, but I'll try this, Baal Faure, and the anger of Yahwah, the ever living, burned against Yashirel. Now, for those of you rookies out there, maybe this is your first time, you don't know what's going on, Balaam wasn't able to curse Yashirel, he could only bless them, but what he could do is he could lead them into temptation to sin. So he blessed them, and then brought all these hot looking babes, scantly dressed babes, bringing their gods Baal into the camp. So all the dudes are like, they're out in the wilderness a long time, and these foreign women are coming in, and they're like, oh, hello, they're looking off their tents, and they're coming in, and it's not going to be pretty. So they are being tempted now, and the great thing, there's no great thing about temptation, but the thing about temptation is that if you're truly being tempted, guys, if the temptation is done right, you don't know you're being tempted. That's the whole thing about temptation. It can't be a true temptation, well, I can't say it can't be a true temptation, it probably isn't a temptation unless if you don't realize it's happening, and that's why we need to be so fixed in our morality and just naturally do the right thing so we could, when the wrong thing comes up, we know, immediately, I don't want anything to do with this. So there were people in this camp going, yeah, this is not going to end well. I remember what happened when my parents died to the fiery serpents and all these other things. And Yahuwah, the overliving declared Al-Mashaha, take all the heads of the people and fix them to a stake unto Yahuwah, conspicuously before Ha-Shamash, that he may turn away the burning anger of Yahuwah from Yash'urel, and Masha'a declared toward the judges of Yash'urel, each of you shall slay his men, the ones joined until Baal, Pior. So this is immediate, like they are still, I don't want to get too graphic here, but they are still on top of each other in intercourse, like across the camp. This is happening live time, a few minutes have passed, and Yahuwah is like, we're dealing with this right now, immediately, like these, again, I don't want to get too graphic, but you're going to see like, he's like, those people aren't even climaxing before they're dead, like it's going to happen now, we're going to kill them off now. And behold, a man from the sons of Yash'urel came and brought near toward his brothers, a mini-nidish woman, or a madah-yan-nu-yath before the eyes of Masha'a, and before the eyes of all the gathered assemblies of the sons of Yash'urel as they were weeping at the entrance of the Tenen meeting. So the scene that is being set up here is there are righteous people that are weeping to see the wickedness that is happening, if I'm reading this right, and I think I am. And in the sight of all these people who are mourning for the sins that are being committed, and they're probably at the Tenen meeting, like being intercessors, probably praying for the situation, he brazenly brings in this woman and they strip down and right there start going at it. And Phanihas, or it would be in the paleo phaya nukas, son of Elizer, son of Aaron the priest, so the grandson of Aaron, he observed this going on and he rose up from the midst of the assembly and he took a spear in his hand, some translations would say like a javelin. Oh yeah, the King James says a javelin. And he went after the man of Yash'urel toward the large, vaulted tents and he thrust through the two of them, the man of Yash'urel and the woman toward her, hollowed out space. And so the plague was restrained from over the sons of Yash'urel and he existed, the dead ones in the plague, 20 and 4,000, I think that concludes the reading. So that was a pretty intense way to end that. Now, I'm going to be, hold on, I need to pour a little bit of coffee, hang with me here. Thank you everybody who is with me tonight. I mean, I know that many people watch this video throughout the week, but it's really awesome to see the comments and see you guys live here in the chat, listening along. Now I went over this last week and I did, so this is a review and I basically, the whole idea, you know, I'm not going to cover this tonight because for lack of time, but the whole idea was that Og was summoned from Bishan, which the idea was, is it was the land of the dead. There seems to be connections there. I showed that in Psalms, that the idea that Yah would actually bring people up from Bishan and also the death of the sea, you see that in Psalm 68 there. And then when, of course, Kefa or Peter, he stands on the rock and he is called the rock and right there at the grotto pan, pan is really interesting to think about that pan. It was Ham, the son of Noah was pan and all sorts of disgusting things with pan. So who was it said last week that Peter versus pan or something like that's because Peter is there Peter versus pan, but he says, you know, the gates of Sheol or the gates of Hades will not overcome. And that's a big debated verse. Is it is it going to be an assault on Sheol or vice versa or what, but clearly, we know you Hush Hamashiach went down into Sheol and he brought them up out of Bishan, really. All right, so I'm not going to go through all that again, but just wanted to show that because we see again, Baelam being brought out now, there is something called the Baelam tax. Have you guys ever heard of this before? It's called the deer alla inscription. It is found in Jordan. You can see right there on the map. I'm quoting here from Wikipedia, but it the dare alla, it's, it's the split between the Jabok River and the Jordan River over there. And it's kind of close to the area where I think this just north of this might be just north of where they were. I wish to show Jericho on here because they were just southeast of Jericho. And so I'm not quite sure on here, but the same area where he was. So let's see, this was discovered this inscription. So you can see here, this is actually on a wall. They didn't chisel into the wall. This is actually like inked onto the wall and it survived over thousands of years. It was discovered in 1967 during an excavation in deer alla, Jordan. It is currently at the Jordan archaeological museum. The excavation revealed a multiple chamber structure that had been destroyed by an earthquake during the Persian period, and this is course, you know, their reconstruction when they say it happened in history, but we'll just go with it. It was on the income plastered wall. Okay. So let me read this is the reconstruction of what it says. Now there's a lot missing, but this is what we have. So the whole bottom part is pretty much missing, but we get an interesting picture above. And it appears that Balaam, he was a prophet, he was a wicked prophet, but he was a prophet who had some sort of connection with the divine council. This was says, this is the book of Balaam, son of Bior, a seer of the gods. So I'm taking it that this is a reprints that like this wasn't the wall was an original, it was them preserving something that was written on a scroll or a tablet or something that they then put up on the wall to him came the gods at night. And they spoke to him according to the utterance of L and they spoke to Balaam son of Bior, thus and Balaam arose in the morning and he was not able to eat and he fasted while he was weeping grievously and his people came to him and they said to Balaam son of Bior, why do you fast? And why do you weep when you sit to them sit down? I will show you what the shadaine are something in or maybe what they're saying. Now come to see what the Elohim are about to do, the Elohim gathered while the shadaine met in a simply. So he's talking about the divine council. So he has some sort of connection with when Yahuwah gets together or you say, Alohim gets together with the different Alohim over the earth and said to Shamash, "Thou may as break the bolts of heaven and thy clouds let there be gloominess and no brilliance, darkness and not thy ratings. Thou may cause terror by the gloomy clouds, but do not be angry forever for the swift is reproaching the eagle and the vultures brood, the ostrich, the stork, something the young of the hawk and the owl, the chick of the heron, the swallow is something the dove. The hyenas are listening to instruction, the young of something is laughing at wise men. So he's talking here about this line down here. So he's basically saying there's a lot of weeping and it's kind of biblical language of the hyenas and the jackals and the vultures. He's unclean animals. There's going to be a wilderness, a waste." And he says, "And all are beholding the oppression by something of Ishtar." The understanding of this is that he's saying that he has realized he has heard a word from a court order that's Ishtar and the gods are being removed. It's really interesting. So this may correspond with the whole incident here with Balaam and Numbers where he's realizing that Yahua has in control now. He's coming in and the other gods are moving out. They're being judged. So it's a really interesting from a different perspective, a testimony that backs up this whole biblical count. Now, let's talk about talking animals, the talking donkey. This is what it says in the Aramaic Targum in the passage in Numbers where it talks about Numbers 22, "10 things were created after the world had been bounded at the coming of the Sabbath between sons." So six days of creation have gone by according to this and the sun hasn't come up yet. It's not the Sabbath day. It says, "The manna, the will, the rod of Mosheh, the diamond, the rainbow, the cloud of glory, the mouth of the earth, the writing of the tables of the covenant, the demons, and the speaking ass." Now, there's a lot there and some of you guys are going like, "Where are they getting this from?" That's a good question. I don't think this is an Aramaic Targum. I don't think they're just pulling this out of thin air. I think that there's a lot of sources that go with this, where they're pulling this from. Why are there demons being created on the knights between the six day and the Sabbath? I think I have an idea. I think Lilith has something to do with that. This is not talking about Nephilim disembodied spirits of Nephilim there. But the speaking ass, this ass apparently was created on that day. It's not the only time the Aramaic Targum where it talks about animals being created in heaven. In that hour, the word of YAHwah opened her mouth and fitted her to speak, and she said to Balaam, "What have I done to thee that thou hast smitten me these three times?" Now, look at the response here once again from the donkey. It says, "And the ass said to Balaam, "Woe to thee, Balaam, thou wanting in mind with me, when me an unclean beast, who am to die in this world, and not to enter the world to come." Well, that's really interesting. Now, we've had this discussion a lot in this group. Most pets we own, like most people aren't going to have clean animals as pets. Most people don't think of sheep or goats as pets. Maybe they do. They don't only generally speak to people that have a sheep as a pet. It's usually unclean animals, dogs, cats, parents, things like that, right? Unclean animals. And according to this donkey in this passage, that he will have no share in the world to come. And that's maybe not the best news for everyone out there. I'm not telling you whether all dogs go to heaven or not. This is a lot of people they think, "Oh, I just hope my dog's going to mean heaven." I don't really know. But let me just throw a few things out there to consider. Revelation 18, 2, it says this. And he called out with the mighty voice, "Fallen, fallen is Babylon the Great." She has become a dwelling place for demons. So here we see demons just like in the last passage in between the sons created, a haunt for every unclean spirit. So okay, it's interesting how they distinguish unclean spirit from demons. That's kind of interesting. A haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable beast. So there is something to this about this, your Babylon, it's Jerusalem has fallen. It's destroyed. And now all the cleanliness is gone from it, right? It's no longer a spiritual inheritance. It is now an inheritance of unclean creatures. And the thing about, and we read in Revelation 22, 15, I know I'm probably like, guys, I really don't want to like upset anyone here. I really don't because people are going to be upset. I know I'm going to get like a letter about this this week. Someone is going to be upset about their dog. I'm just reading to you with scriptures that you guys can make up your mind on this. In Revelation 22, 15, it says, "Outside are the dogs and the sorcerers and the sexually immoral and murderers and idolatures and everyone who loves and practices, falsehood." Now, we could talk about dogs as maybe a spiritual component of people, nevertheless, you know, even if that is a type of person that is being described, a dog-like person, according to the letter of Barnabas, it's still classified, right? Dogs are still classified as unclean. All right. Here's another interesting example in scripture where an animal talks. This is in Jasher. I'll go ahead and read the story for you guys. The context here is that Yosef has been thrown into the pit by his brother, is he originally going to murder him, he gets sold into slavery, he's off. They take his coat of, how do you want to translate many colors? I can't remember how Pamela translates it. When they bloodied up, I think it was the blood of a goat, they handed it to Yaakov, say that he was killed by a beast, and here's the story in Jasher, and after this, Yaakov rose up from the ground and his tears were running down his cheeks, and he said into his son's, "Rise up and take your swords and your bows and go forth into the field and seek whether you can find my son's body and bring it unto me that I may bury it. Seek also I pray you among the beast and hunt them. And that which shall come the first before you seize and bring it unto me. Perhaps Yaakov will this day pity my affliction, and prepare before you that which did tear my son in pieces and bring it unto me and I will avenge the cause of my son. And his son's dead as their father commanded them, and they rose up early in the morning and each took his sword and his bow and his hand, and they went forth into the field to hunt the beast. And Yaakov was still crying aloud and weeping and walking to and from the house and smiting his hands together saying, "Yoseph, my son, Yoseph, my son." And the sons of Yaakov went into the wilderness to seize the beast and behold, a wolf came toward them and they seized him and brought him unto their father. So interesting that it's a wolf too. It's almost like a connection between their wolfish behavior, what they did to the sheep of his flock. They were in a place called, what was the name of the place, doesn't matter at this point. But they were basically tending a flock of sheep at a well that had no water in it. They were not good shepherds, they weren't tending to the health of the sheep. And then the spirit of jealousy came in, they cut out one of the sheep of visual, right? Yaakov sheep. And so it's like wolfish behavior here. So a wolf comes to actually kind of expose them in a way. And they brought this wolf into their father and they said in to him, "This is the first we have found. And we have brought him unto thee as thou did command us and thy son's body we could not find." And Yaakov took the beast from the hands of his sons and he cried out with a loud and weeping voice, holding the beast in his hand, and he spoke with a bitter heart unto the beast. "Why did thou devour my son Yosef and how did thou have no fear of the Allahaykum of the earth, for of my trouble for my son Yosef? And thou did devour my son for not because he committed no violence. And did thereby render me copable on his account, therefore Allahaykum will require him that is persecuted. And Yaakov opened the mouth of the beast in order to comfort yaakov with its word. So remember now the donkey, Yaakov also opened the mouth of the donkey. And it answered Yaakov and spoke these words unto him, "As Allahaykum, liveth who created us in the earth, and as I so liveth, my Adonai, I did not see thy son, neither did I tear him to pieces, but from a distant land I also came to seek my son, who went from me this day and I know not whether he be living or dead. Isn't this interesting? The wolf is a contrast, or really a contrast and a comparison to Yaakov. This wolf's son was taken from him just as Yosef is, but he actually unlike the sons who do not go to a distant land to find a brother, which they should, this wolf is actually doing this, amazing. And I came this day unto the field to seek my son, and your son's found me, and seize me and increase my grief, and have this day brought me before thee, and I have now spoken all my words to thee. And now therefore, O son of man, or son of Adam, I am in thy hands, and do unto me this day as it may seem good and nice sight, but by the life of Allahaykum, who created me, I did not see thy son, nor did I tear him to pieces, neither has the flesh of man entered my mouth all the days of my life. You know his sons, his eleven sons, I've really his ten sons, because Benjamin didn't have a part in this, but they're just standing there just like what's in the world. And they're probably just like, standing around looking at each other like I can't believe that wolf didn't actually expose us, because remember now, Yahuwah is opening up the mouth of this wolf. He could have totally just been like, yeah, your sons actually did this to you know. And when Yaakov heard the words of the beast, he was greatly astonished, and sent forth the beast from his hand, and she went her way, and Yaakov was still crying aloud and weeping for Yosef day after day, and he mourned for his sons many days. So now let's look at the first confusion of tongues, and this comes from Yolvulim, Jubilis. And I have stated many times that I believe that Adam and his wife, Chawah or Eve, were clothed that they weren't just walking around naked, I mean, that is not comfortable for anybody to walk around naked, too much is hanging and sagging and flopping around. Specifically, when you read the context of they were naked and felt no shame, it's specifically in the context of when they came together and became one flesh, speaking of making children, right? So they came together and were one flesh, and they were naked and felt no shame, which is the contrast when they are naked, and they do feel shame with the serpent. See how that works? Nevertheless, I do admit that in this here on the surface, Chawah and Yolvulis, it does kind of give the perspective that maybe they were naked, generally, because there's something about them being clothed with the skin of an animal. We know that's the serpent skin, but that there's something about their being clothed here that the animals lose their voice. It does seem like there's a connection, maybe not, and he, this would be Alihayam, perhaps Yahuwah, made of them to coat the skin and clothe them and sent them forth from the garden of Eden. And on that day on which Adam went forth from the garden, he offered as a sweet saver and offering frankincense, galvanum, and stock-tay, and spices in the morning with the rising of the sun from the day when he covered his shame. And on that day was closed the mouth of all beasts, and of cattle, and of birds, and of whatever walks, and of whatever moves, so that they could no longer speak for, and here's the catch, for they had all spoken with one another, with one lip, and with one tongue. It's not interesting. So all the animals on the earth, this is the first confusion of tongues before Babel. And he sent out of the garden of Eden, all flesh that was in the garden of Eden, and all flesh was scattered according to its kinds, and according to its types and to its places which had been created for them. I take that back. Maybe I'm reading too much in that. Maybe there's not as much about the nakedness as I thought, but I can be wrong with myself. I'm giving myself that permission. Well, we see that also, interestingly enough, Solomon spoke with the beast, the birds with thousand fish. And this is what says in First Kings, "And Allahiyam gave Solomon," or shalomah, "wisdom and understanding beyond measure and breadth of mind, like the sand on the seashore." So that shalomah's wisdom surpassed the wisdom of all the people of the east, and all the wisdom of matriene or Egypt, for he was wiser than all other men, wiser than Ethan, the Ezra Heights and he-man, it looks like he-man, I guess, wiser than he-man. Kalkul and Darda, the sons of Mayhol, and his fame was in all the surrounding nations. He also spoke 3,000 Proverbs, and his songs were 1,005. He spoke of trees from the cedar that is in Lebanon to the hyssop that grows out of the wall. He spoke also of beasts and the birds and the reptiles and the fish. The common idea, the rabbinical idea, but also you see in actual biblical books was that when it says that he spoke also of beasts, birds, reptiles, and fish, is that he actually spoke to and with bees, sorry, beasts and the bees, I guess, birds and the bees, beasts, reptiles, and fish. Now, you also noticed that I put trees there. He spoke of trees because I suspected he spoke with trees, all right? So we're getting into spirit territory there. So this is what it says in the religions of the Jews, Volume 4. When Solomon was of good cheer by reason of wine, he summoned the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, the creeping reptiles, the shades, the specters, and the ghost to perform their dances before the kings, his neighbors, whom he invited to witness his power and greatness. This is what I think it means that he spoke with the trees. And I do believe that anything that is living has the potential of a spirit. I believe that we see that in Enoch with even the clouds, the lightning, the rain, just the water, the earth itself, right? There's this realm as a spiritual realm, so I think that he was speaking with the spirits of nature as well, or he had the ability to do so. Furthermore, we read this in the legends of the Jews for another of his, oh, yeah, this is a kind of a parable, almost like Asop's fables. And I'll read this story, it's kind of a cute story. It tells the story and you can, you know, whether this is historical or fictional or whatever, I leave that to you right now. I'm reading from legends of the Jews. You guys know what I say every time, bring out your salt shakers. If you reject this, that's fine. Still a really interesting story nonetheless. So this is what it says, another of his disciples. This is speaking of Solomon's disciples. He is basically teaching, you know, pupils, all the mysteries of the kingdom. Another of his disciples had a similar experience, and this is the context of speaking to animals. Annually a man came from a great distance to pay a visit to the wise king, and when he departed, Solomon was in the habit of bestowing a gift upon him. Once the guests refused a gift and asked the king to teach him the language of the birds and the animals instead. The king was ready to grant his request, but he did not fail to warn him first of the great danger connected with such knowledge. If thou tell us others a word of what thou hears from an animal, he said, that won't surely suffer death. My destruction is inevitable. Nothing daunted. The visitor perished in his wish, and the king instructed him the secret art of speaking with animals or listening to what animals it isn't this. I mean, think about this, guys, like I really do believe that there was a confusion of tongues with animals. Anyone who's ever owned a dog, I had dogs my entire life. And those a dog will, no, I'm not familiar with cats. Cats are a completely different animal. When a dog will listen to you, they understand what you're saying, they will respond. And it's so interesting that they speak to other dogs and other animals and they can understand you, but they cannot speak your language back. So it's like they want to, and I could totally see dogs just being able to speak our tongue, but there is a confusion of tongues that has stopped it from happening, but I digress. If you return home, he overheard a conversation between his ox and his ass and the acid, brother, fell fair style with these people and the ox said, as I'll live as brother, I pass day and night in hard and painful toil. The ass said, I can give the relief, brother, if that won't follow my advice, thou shalt live in comfort and shall rid thyself of all hard work. The ox said, oh, brother, may thy heart be inclined toward me to take pity on me and help me. I promise not to depart from my advice to the right or the left. And the ass said, God knows I am speaking to thee in the uprightness of my heart. And the purity of my thoughts. My advice to thee is not to eat either straw or flatter this night. When our master notices that he will suppose that thou art sick, he will put no burdensome work upon thee, and thou can take a good rest. This is the way I did today. The ass is a liar. I'll tell you that in advance. The ox followed the advice of his companion. He touched none of the food thrown to him. The master suspecting of ruse on the part of the ass arose during the night, went to the stable and watched the ass eat his fill from the manger belonging to the ox. So the donkey tricked the ox and not eating his food so he could eat a double portion. He could not help laughing out loud, which greatly amazed his wife, who of course had noticed nothing out of the way. The master evaded her question. Something ludicrous had just occurred to him, he said, by way of explanation. For the slight trick played upon the ox, he determined to punish the ass. He ordered the servant to let the ox rest for the day and make the ass do the work of both animals. At the evening, the ass trudged into the stable, tired, and exhausted. The ox greeted him with the words, "Brother, has thou heard aught of our heartless master purpose?" "Yes," replied the ass. "I heard them speak of having thee slaughtered." What a horrible ass. I should say, what an ass. If thou should refuse to eat this night too, they want to make sure of thy flesh at least. Scarcely had the ox heard the words of the ass when he threw himself upon his food like a ravenous line upon his prey, not a specked if he leaped behind, and the master was suddenly moved to uproarious laughter. This time his wife insisted upon knowing the cause, in vain she entreated and supplicated. She swore not to live with him anymore if he did not tell her why he laughed. The man loved her so devotedly that he was ready to sacrifice his life, to satisfy her whim, but before taking leave of this world, his desire to see his friends and relations once more and he invited them all to his house. Meantime, his dog was made aware of the master's approaching end, and such sadness took possession of the faithful beast that he touched neither food nor drink. The cock, on the other hand, gaily appropriated the food intended for the dog, and he and his wives enjoyed a banquet. Outraged by such unfeeling behavior, the dog said to the cock, "How great is thy impudence, and how insignificant thy modesty. Thy master is but a step from the grave, and thou eat and make us merry." The cock's reply was, "Is it my fault if our master is a fool and an idiot? I have ten wives, and I rule them as I will. Not one day as opposed me and my commands. Our master has a single wife, and this one he cannot control and manage. What ought our master to do?" asked the dog, "Let him take a heavy stick and belabor his wife's back thoroughly," advised the cock, "and I want thee. She won't plague him any more to reveal his secrets," and comes from legends of the Jews volume 4. So the dog, of course, is the hero of the story, cares for his master. The only one that really cares for his master, like a true dog. Can you imagine if you could hear conversations with your cats, what they would be saying? I don't even want to know what they would be saying, plotting against us. All right, well, let's move on. Balaam in the apostolic writings. So three times he shows up. I like calling it the apostolic writings. I don't like calling it the New Testament, just because nobody in the New Testament calls it the New Testament, just the publisher of the Bible did put that page in there. That's three times Balaam comes up. So it's kind of interesting that we have the 40 years in the wilderness, and they're going into the Promised Land. Most people don't make it right. It's obviously a metaphor for our own lives, and, of course, Balaam is right there, right when they're ready to cross the river Jordan. I mean, right at the end, the final test that many people don't make the test, they fall, they commit boredom, they die, and it was the same thing in the 40 years between you who Shama Sheok and the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD with the glorious appearing in the sky, and Balaam showed up. Now, you know, when I was in the anti-Paul camp, this was the big thing that pulled me in going, "Oh, no, Paul is Balaam," but when you actually study the character put forth here of Balaam, according to Peter and Jude, I don't think it fits Paul's personality. I think it's a bit of a stretch, because we'll see here, like how they're describing Balaam. I do know that revelation, clearly the Balaam in there, we'll get to it, but he talks about how this Balaam, that's doctrine of Balaam or this prophet or whoever is causing people to commit hordoms, the way of Baal, right, the transgression of Baal, meaning that they can bend the law. They can say, "We don't need to keep the law" type of thing, but anyways. This comes from, I think the first one is second, yeah, second Peter, I'll read this passage, but false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, and he's quoting the wilderness generation, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the master, who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. So it seems like these destructive heresies can lead to denying the master, and many will follow their sensuality, because of them, the way of the truth will be blasphemed. So you know, you blaspheme the truth by, what are these destructive heresies? I mean, I can do a whole study on this, and it's clearly it's breaking the Torah. The doctrine of Baalim is giving people permission to, excuse me, break the law, you know, they have grace, right, grace, grace, God's grace, doctrine of Baalim, we're good, we're good to go. He's not going to mind, because of the cross and the blood and all that. For if Allahiom did not spare the angels when they sinned, but cast them in the shield and committed them to, actually I think it says, Tartasos, they're Tartarus, but cast them in the Tartarus, or Tartasos, and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment. If he did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a herald of righteousness with seven others, when he brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly, by the way, that's the one passage I can find, where it says eight people on the ark, because we'll get to it next in the next cycle, even Joshua, it seems like it says that there were a lot more people on the ark than just that family. If by turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes, he condemned them to extinction, making them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly, and if he rescued righteous lot greatly distressed by the central conduct of the wicked, and that's the contrast there between Baalim and Moses, that one is like weeping for the wicked and the others are celebrating the wickedness. Whereas that righteous man lived among them day after day, he was tormenting his righteous soul over their lawless deeds that he saw and heard. Then Yahwehah knows how to rescue the righteous from trials and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment, and especially those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion and despise authority. One of my, I say this week after week after this week to the point that I probably, people get insulted by this, is one of my biggest concerns about the truth of movement, of which I consider myself a part of, is seeing all the people out there who despise authority, and it's almost like we have truth, we have truth on our side, so we despise authority, we just despise them all, all authority, and you just see that over and over and over again, it really, it concerns me greatly, because that is not a biblical attitude at all to despise authority. Even if we figure out like, the president isn't really the guy in control, or the pope or whatever, and we figure out what's really going on behind the scenes, so we have a head up above everybody else and we know what's really going on, or we know more of what's going on than the goalable public, it doesn't give us the right to despise authority. All right, let's not confuse the two. Bold and willful, they do not tremble as they blaspheme the glorious ones, whereas angels though greater in might and power do not pronounce a blasphemous judgment against them before Yahuwaha. It's kind of an interesting idea too, that even the angels do not pronounce a blasphemous judgment against them before Yahuwaha, that's something for us to consider as well. But these irrational animals, creatures of instinct born to be caught and destroyed, blaspheming about matters of which they are ignorant will also be destroyed in their destruction. So I mean, Peter is talking about people in his own day, he's like, I don't think he's just talking about the Gentiles here, I think that he is seeing a movement of people that are just living a wicked life, and they're seeing all the right words, maybe they're creating all the right doctrines and theology, and it's the doctrine of Balaam. Let's finish this here 15. For saking the right way, they have gone astray, they have followed the way of Balaam. Remember when I pointed out earlier how Balaam was on the wrong path and then Yahuwaha stood in the way, right? And we know that Yahuwaha or Yahuushahamashiach is the way, but this is the wrong way, right? The way of Balaam, the son of Bior who loved gain from wrongdoing. And so this is really where a lot of, they kind of, I think in the New Testament, I just said New Testament, where they really put this, they really give the twist here of the limit on the idea of getting gain from wrongdoing. Now isn't it interesting that when the king pointed out, he's like, I was going to give you, I was going to honor you with all these riches, and you're like dishonored now because you spoke the words of Yahuwaha, but was rebuked for his own transgression, a speechless donkey spoke with human voice and they're strained the prophets madness. Now we see the same thing in Jude, for they walked in the way of Cain and abandoned themselves for the sake of gain to Balaam's error and perish and core as rebellion. You see it all through your connected, what did core rebellions, Moses, the Torah, same thing as Balaam and Cain, all related. So if you are a part of Balaam's error or the doctrine of Balaam, you are in Cain's camp, you're in core as rebellion. It's not a place you want to be. But again here, it says it connects Balaam's error with the sake of gain. There's a temptation for everybody in the ministry to sell out, be like, yeah, I'm looking at, you look at all these people making it really big and you're like, yeah, I could follow their principles and let's maybe soften, talking about the Torah and the commands because people don't want to hear about that. So maybe if I shut up and we just push that over here and then maybe we'll stop pronouncing the names, things like that, and that's a huge temptation for people in ministry in Camp Torah. I mean, you guys have all seen it, it's a huge temptation. Yeah, so this is a Pergamum here, as you can see, it was destroyed Pergamum, one of the seven churches. And interestingly, this just blows my mind every time I read in Revelation where it says that, of course, this is YAHushah, this really should be called the epistle of YAHushah. He actually wrote a letter, which is really exciting to think about, he's the author of a letter, even if Yokanon dictated it, but he says to the church of Pergamum, the klesi other, but I have a few things again to you. You have some there who hold the teaching of Balaam. Now the teaching of Balaam here is, it seems like it's defined a little bit differently. It's not about gain, like you see in Jude and Peter, it's who taught Balaam to put a stumbling block before the sons of Yasharil so that they might eat food sacrificed to idols and practice sexual immorality. So apparently that's still a thing, eat food sacrificed to idols, don't do that. And you know, practice sexual immorality, that's a big deal, so don't do that either. So also you have some who hold the teaching of the Niccolations and it goes on from there. So here's a, this is kind of fun, but totally serious, the Pergammon altar. And this was, this is in Berlin, put in the museum there. This is from Wikipedia. It was brought in in the 1800s, oh, 1878 to 1886, this guy named Karl Humann excavated it in a Pergammon, Pergammon and he brought it to Berlin piece by piece. And so it's interesting that we're, that this is Satan's throne, that's what blows my mind every time, that Yahushal Hamashiyok said that we're assuming this is maybe V Satan, I don't know, or if it's just A Satan, and you know, the adversary right is Balaam to the righteous, so maybe it's just a adversary, a Balaam type of person was seated there. But then of course, we see the Barack Obama in, this is old news for some of you, but Barack Obama actually reconstructed that actual stage to speak in a 2008 campaign speech. It was like in August of 2008, I don't remember the exact day, I remember when it happened. And yeah, so that's interesting. There's a passage in Deuteronomy 27, 18 that said, "Krisp, anyone who misleads a blind man on the road and all the people shall say, Amen." Now, this is one of the things I talk about a lot with the letter of the law versus the spirit of the law, is that you can look at this exoterically, if you're just checking off your box and go, okay, so I just, I'll make sure that if I ever meet a blind man on the road that I won't mislead him, you know, if I take his hand, I'll lead him in the right direction. So that's true, that's true, right, that I would say that's the pure letter here, check off that box. Great. If you have never led a blind man in the wrong direction, give yourself a round of applause. But then look at how it's this same passage is described in the Damascus document. Now, I hope you can see I'm tying this in with Balaam, right, the doctrine of Balaam of leading a spiritually, a blind person, right, they can see through their eyes, but they're spiritually blind, they're, you're misleading them down the road. Why would you do that? Probably for personal gain. It could be for success, worldly success, you know, being recognized or whatever, convenience. I don't really know, but it's, I'm tying this in with the doctrine of Balaam, and this is what it says in the Dead Sea Scroll here in the Damascus document. And if a man gives his daughter to another man, let him disclose all her blemishes to Hamless, he bring upon himself the judgment of the curse, which is said of the one that makes the blind to wander out of the way. So you see how they tied that in right there that they're actually tying this in with, in this case, something, a woman, like you're lying about a woman's history and giving him to another guy, and you're actually, he's blind here because he doesn't know the truth of the situation, he doesn't have the facts, he's being led in the wrong way. So that's one of the ways you could be led in the doctrine of, you could be a leader of the doctrine of Balaam. We don't want to do that. We want to lead people in the right way. All right, the Balaam star and scepter prophecy, I almost wanted to, if I had more time, and I don't have time tonight, anyways, maybe next year, I'll dig into kind of a parallel history where we, it's almost like a paradox, I don't know what it is, but when I look back through history, I see two parallel storylines of these wise men. I see a big tradition and extra biblical books of these wise men actually being righteous kings. And this is like the John Presto version of history, if you saw my legend of John Presto where he's the land of the wise men in the far east, and they were actually the sons of Seth, and they had the treasures of Adam, and this kind of stuff, and they were longing for the king. But then, the one I'm going with tonight is actually that these wise men, they had some connection with Balaam. They were kind of his disciples or something. Well, you saw, you see that in Numbers 24, I'm going to read from the King James because I already read from Pamela's version there. "I shall see him, but not now, I shall behold him, but not nigh. There shall come a star out of Yaakov, and a scepter shall rise out of Yashro, and shall smite the corners of Moab and destroy all the childrens of Seth, and eat him shall be his possession. Sierra also shall be a possession for his enemies, and Israel shall do valiantly. Out of Yaakov shall come he that shall have dominion and shall destroy him the remainth of the city." So this is obviously a prophecy of Mashiach, spoken from a wizard. Well, then we read this, "Wise men from the east," a familiar story you guys all know, this is Mashiach chapter 2, "Now after YAHushu was born in Bethlehem of Yehuda, in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Yushulim, saying, 'Here it is.' They're quoting the prophecy of Balaam, 'Where is he who has been born king of the Yahudim, for we have seen his star in the east, and have come to worship him.' They're saying, 'The one with the scepter, the rod, there's his star, so we're looking for him.' Well, jumping over here to the book of the illuminators, or the book of the Nazarene, Gospel, Calady, whatever you prefer for a title, we have it published under a book of the illuminators. It says, 'Now the stable was against the hill, which, if you've ever been to Bethlehem, it is a bunch of caves built into the hill, which made for natural basements or garages under houses. They would build the houses on top of these caves, and it was perfect to put the sheep in there, and so on and so forth. Now the stable was against the hill, behind and in, where sages from the east were staying. So it's kind of funny, right, there was no room in the end, apparently the kings were already booked there, they were already, they're in advance, ironically, of when Joseph and Maryam arrived. And it's so messed up, you know, I always think this is like a messed up scene, like the woman is going into labor, and nobody, nobody there is like, you know, get the woman to chair or something, you know, like they're just, they moved out with the sheep, it's awful. But anyways, men of sceptera, now I tried to look up where sceptera was, I found nothing. I would, apparently, when this book was written in Britain, by Joseph of Arimathea, or whoever, by probably Kefa's father-in-law, Aristosthenes, sistera was a place, can't find anything on it now. So if you can, let me know. They were from sistera, wise in the books of heaven, and of Nimrod. So there's your connection right there. So these were, these were Magi of Nimrod, and a lot of people have stated that the Magi came from Babylon, that they were students of Daniel, which could be the case, but it seems like they were kind of allied here with Nimrod, they were, you know, his people. The books of heaven, I wanted to talk more about that because in other Magi literature, I wish I held it up for you guys, they talked about how these Magi actually had the books that were written by Seth and Adam. So these, the wisdom literature that is now lost to us. Okay, what else do we have here? Oh, this is really fascinating. Hope you guys are enjoying the site. The Cain prophecy, I read this earlier, but conditionally, should Cain exist to be burned with fire? So here's a question I asked, Pamela, Cain or the sons of Cain, what are we dealing with here? And Pamela responded, hopefully, doesn't mind me putting this, she responded, she said, is actually Cain himself, from the way it is worded in the Hebrew, he exists or will exist for destruction, being consumed with fire to be taken away and removed, exterminated. So the idea is that Cain lived up until at time for a specific purpose of judgment, and the judgment would be at the hands of Mashiach, because it's under that prophecy. And referring back to Og, it says right here that this is coming out of Genesis chapter was at 14, at Genesis 14. And Og came who had been spared from the giants that died in the delusion, had ridden, protected upon the top of the ark and sustained with food by Noah, that's a whole different topic discussion. But it said, "Not being spared through high righteousness, but that the inhabitants of the world might see the power of Yahwah and say, 'Were there no giants who in the first time rebelled against Yahwah of the world and perish in the earth?' So the idea here is that it's saying that Og lived as long as he did, that he was still in existence at the time of Moshay, even though he goes back to Abraham, and I believe that Og goes pre-deluding as well, but that he lived as long as he could, just so he could see what Yahwah was going to do with Abraham's children, see what he was going to do with Noah's children, Abraham all the way up to Moshay, the same thing with Cain. He was there for a specific purpose so that he could live to see Mashiach. Now, here's going to be a preview of this Tuesday night when I talk about the Anunnaki. When I go, it's going to be a long, like two and a half hour presentation, very detailed lot of notes and I'm going to be showing you Sumerian literature and we're going to be doing some contrast and comparisons with the Bible and extro-biblical literature from the Anunnaki perspective. And here is from the book of Inki, a Sumerian tablet, this is a tablet 8, and this is what it says. Now, the the context here is Cain and Abel, they spat on each other, so Cain and Abel were spitting on each other with their fists, they fought, greatly enraged, that should say Cain, it's his lane, but that's my misprint, Cain, a stone picked up with it he able in the head struck again and again he hit him over the head until Abel fell his blood from him gushing. When Cain, his brother's blood saw Abel, Abel, my brother, he shouted, motionless on the ground, did Abel remain from him, his soul had departed by the brother whom he had killed Cain remained for a long time, he sat crying, this is what I want you to see right here, this is a preview for this Tuesday night. TT, it was who, this is TT is Eve, TT it was who of the killing was the first to know by a premonition, and a dream vision that she was sleeping, Abel's blood she saw, in the hand of Cain it was, Adapa, that's Adam, Adapa from his sleep she awakened, her dream vision to him she told, a heavy, a heavy sorrow fills my heart, it's something terrifying happened, so did TT to Adapa say, greatly agitated she was, in the morning the two from Irudu departed to the whereabouts of Cain and Abel they went, in the field they found Cain by the dead Abel he was still seated, now I want you to compare this scene, I want you to pay attention to the fact that the Eve character has a premonition in the night of what happened, since she wakes her husband up in bed and says something terrible has happened to Abel, I think Cain killed him, I saw it in my sleep, they run out and they see that it happened, now let's compare this with the revelation of Mosheh, keep in mind I just read to you a Sumerian tablet, alright, now this is the revelation of Mosheh, and after this Adam and Eve or Chafwah were with one another, and when they lay down Chafwah said to Adam her Adonai, my Adonai, I have seen in a dream, this night by the blood of my son, and she calls him their amilla bees, who is called Abel, thrown into the mouth of Cain, his brother, and he drank it without pity, and she says let us arise and go and see what has happened, and having gone, they saw that Cain was killed by, or Abel was killed by the head of this Cain, his brother, so you have these two different texts, one keeper wants a Marian, and they both amazingly agree with each other, and this isn't a biblical text, this is an extra biblical, so I always look for this stuff, and I find it amazing when I see these connections from different cultures, telling the same story, and it's not in canon, alright, so, and I'll be showing others as well, so let's talk about Cain surviving the flood, and the writings of Abraham chapter 14, it says that, "I shall preserve," this is Yahweh speaking, "I shall preserve through her the seed of Cain, through the flood," went into his father, Methushalah, I guess that's Noah speaking, so the idea is that he married two wives, with one wife, he had Shem and Yapith, and with Na'imah, the daughter of Cain, or was it the seventh granddaughter, or whatever, I'd have to look, they carry the line of Cain and have Ham, so the seed survived, but it also says in chapter 18, a few chapters later, it said, "Moreover, Nimrod was instructed in all the secrets of the evil combination by his father, Cain, for Cain had not perished in the flood," and what does that mean, a lot of people want to throw this book out because they see that, they don't like it. I personally believe that because he is a son of Hasatan, he is a Nephilim character, he is a disembodied spirit, and he survived, in that sense, he wandered the earth, it wasn't just as immortal he wandered the earth, though he wandered the earth eternally, or until his eventual destruction, just like the other haunts. And then we see an Enoch, interesting enough, Enoch chapter 22, when Enoch goes on to Sheol, reading here in the highlighted section, "I saw the Ruach of a dead man making suits and his voice went forth to heaven and made suit, and I asked Raphael the angel who was with me, and I said to him, 'This Ruach which makes it suit,' he is whining and complaining, 'who is it, whose voice goes forth and makes it suit to heaven?' And he answered me, saying, 'This is the Ruach which went forth from Abel, whom his brother Cain slew, and he makes suit against him till his seed is destroyed from the face of the earth, and his seed is annihilated from amongst the seed of men.' Now, the big question is, if Cain, if his spirit is still on this earth, crazy to think about, it's crazy to think about Nimrod, Og, Lilith, you know, Simeremus, who I believe became Lilith, all these individuals, they're still on this earth, or were they judged and destroyed before the Millal Kingdom, I can't answer that. But it's interesting to think about the different world leaders, well, who's Cain, who's Og, who's Nimrod, right, all that kind of stuff. But then we read this, hopefully you guys are following my train of thought here, Odes of Solomon 22, and my theory on Odes of Solomon was that this may be a Millennial Kingdom piece, Millennial Kingdom literature, and the narrator of this time again, he talks about how he was down in Sheol, and he was there as part of the resurrection, like the narrator of this claims to have been in Sheol and resurrected. And another time the narrator is clearly a Hushahama Shiyok, so there's kind of a change between the narrators. And this is what it says here in Ode 22, 'He who caused me to descend from on high, to ascend from the regions below, and he who gathers what is in the middle and throws them to me. He who scattered my enemies and my adversaries, he who gave me authority were bonds, so then I might unbind them. He who overthrew by my hands the dragon with seven heads, this is a reference to the the the dragon of Revelation, the beast of Revelation. Oh, so I believe this is reference to Leviathan and set me at his roots that I might destroy his seed. What? You were there and helped me and in every place your name surrounded me, your right hand destroyed his evil venom and your hand leveled the way for those who believe in you. And it chose them from the graves and separated them from the dead ones. It took dead bones and covered them with flesh. Let's talk about the resurrection, but they were motionless, so it gave them energy for life. Incruptible was your way in your face. You have brought your world to corruption that everything might be resolved and renewed and the foundation of everything is your rock and upon it you have built your kingdom and it became the dwelling place of the holy ones, hallelujah. I love this book Oda Solomon. I just need to do like a reading of it one night. But I've looked at this passage so many times and it's it's saying that the seed of the serpent was destroyed or it will be destroyed at this point in history when it's writing this. I can't make heads or tails of this. It could go either way. So was Cain destroyed or does he continue on? I can't answer that question right now. Maybe you guys helped me out with that. Okay, let's talk about Phineas. This is number 25 and Phineas as you recall is the son of Elizer, the son of Aaron, the grandson of Aaron. I'm going to read from the Aramaic Targum and behold the man of the sons of Yashua came holding a Midianitis. So this is the occasion. We remember Balaam could not curse Yashua. He blessed them but he was able to set up a trap to lead them into sexual immorality and Phineas is the one who he's just he is so appalled at this Yashua woman who takes a Midianite woman and while they're weeping at the tabernacle or the yeah the tabernacle wilderness they're having intercourse right there. So holding a Midianitis and brought her to his brother and in the side of Moshe in all the congregation of the throne of Yashua. He answered and said to Moshe what is it that is wrong to have company with her? If thou sayest it is forbidden that thou not by self take a Midian listen and they stood at the door of the tabernacle of ordinance and Phineas is our bar Aaron the son of Aaron the priest saw him remembering the ordination answered and said he who ought to kill let him kill? Where are the lines of the tribe of Yehuda? When they saw they were quiet and he arose from among his Sanhedrin and took a lance in his hand. So this is kind of an interesting variation right here and this is why I'm reading this for you. Twelve miracles were wrought for Phineas at the time that he went in after the man of Yashua but the Midianite woman the first was he would have parted them but could not their mouth was closed that they could not cry out for how they cried out they would have been rescued. That's kind of interesting so maybe he was outnumbered Phineas like he was going in and he knew that by committing this and doing what he was supposed to the Levites were there to defend the tabernacle they were at the center of the camp and keep in mind for this Yashua man to bringing this woman he came through the entire camp and none of the other tribes stopped him none of them and he was apparently outnumbered he knew like by killing this man it could be his death sentence as well. He draved the lance through both of them the lance remained fixed in the wound when he bare them aloft the linto was uplifted for him until he had gone forth he carried them through the whole camp six miles without fatigue so he's you know yeah I mean he's got this this just abounding energy he's able to lift up these bodies on the lance he's carried so everyone in the camp sees what he did he held them up by his right arm in sight of their kindred who had no power to hurt him so keep in mind there's a lot of other people who committed this act and they're pretty pissed of course we know that they were all strung up to the ones who committed this act the lance was made strong so as not to be broken with the load the iron transpierce them but was not withdrawn an angel came and made bear their corpses inside of the people they lingered alive till they had been carried that's so gross they're still alive on the lance but they can't speak they lingered alive till they had been carried through the entire camp list the priests and the tabernacle should be defiled by the dead their blood thickens so as not to flow upon him but when he had borne them through the camp it break forth and they died answering he said before yahua of the world can it be that on account of these 20 and 4 thousands of yashr ul shall die immediately the compassion of heaven were moved and the plague was stayed from the children of yashr ul and i've quoted from this before but this is really interesting in verse 12 of chapter 25 it says swearing by my name i say to him this is speaking to a finnihas the grandson of erin behold i decreed to him by covenant of shalom and will make him an angel of the covenant that he may ever live to announce the redemption at the end of the days i have a lot of thoughts or a few thoughts on what that might be i'm going to kind of hold my peace on it but what do you guys think what do you guys think it's talking about that he would be an angel that would go on living to announce a redemption at the end of the days i was just about to say what my thoughts are i'm going to withhold my peace on that all right so let's get to what i really wanted to cover tonight balam moche's duality and here we are coming up towards the end and you know how it goes i have to rush through this but um let's let's talk about uh balam's history this goes back to genesis and this is in the air make tarragon and it says yahua is speaking with avraham genesis 12 and it says i will bless the priest who will spread forth their hands in prayer and bless thy sons and balam who will curse them i will curse and they shall slay him with the mouth of the sword say what so the way this is written it makes it sound like a balam was alive in a Abraham's time i mean he's not speaking about a future person a Abraham knew who balam was let's keep reading this comes from Exodus chapter 9 the air make tarragon and uh the plague of hail is coming and it says so this is going to be a kind of duality a contrast between balam and jobe and jobe who referenced the word of yahua among the servants of pharaoh gathered together his servants in his flocks within the house so we know that he was in egypt we know that he was there according to jasher he was a very wise man and he and he um of course he married dina that's a whole different study but he married dina the the the sister of the 12 and he got a double portion she did as well it's kind of a lovely story but balam who did not set his heart upon the word of yahua left the servants in his flocks in the field and of course they died moving on so we know that balam was there during the excess account in egypt numbers 22 says this and he sent into laban that air might wait who's laban laban is what we'll get to it who was balam so-called because he it was so laban was um uh rivka's brother remember when eliaizer went back to get a wife for yitchak and uh rivka's brother was laban so according to this and laban is the same one who yahua cove went to get uh uh rachel of course he ended up with lea and you guys know that whole story lea and rachel that's what it's saying it's saying that balam according to air make tardam balam was laban and this is why i read to you from the aug passage first yeah it's saying i don't know you guys can take this for what it is either he is or he isn't the claim according to the air make tardam is that laban is balam and i think part of him being a wizard is living a very long life similar to aug he was a very powerful individual so uh so here is in jasher and this is talking about how uh they were going to moshay is three years old he uh he's a baby he stretches forth his hand uh and took the crown from ferro's head and everyone is looking around like oh boy you're not supposed to do that they know he's a hebrew and they're like we should put him down to death well this is what this is here and balam the son of bior the magician answered before the king princes and he said remember now oh my adenai king the dream which thou did dream many day since and that which they serve it and interpret it into these so he uh he says this is a child from the heber children and in whom is the ruach of allahim and let not my adenai the king imagine that this younger did this thing without knowledge he goes and he recounts the whole story of abraham and yitshak and yah akot so he even according to jasher balam is intimately aware of abraham and uh he is there we see that he is there specifically uh as a terror to try to stop moshay from being a success so obviously you can see i'm not going to read all this um reading from the end of chapter seven yasher and they told him all the councils which balam the son of bior had counseled against them and when he had also counseled against him in order to slay him when he had taken the king's crown from off his head and when moshay heard these things that his anger was kindled against balam so this is like later moshay here's this later on in life and he sought to kill balam and he was an ambush for him day by day and balam was afraid of moshay and he and his two sons rose up and went forth from egypt and they fled and delivered their souls and put took themselves a lot of cush uh to the king of cush now those are his two sons again remember his two sons went with them on the donkey episode and of course we know that his sons are jennison jonbrays uh paul does talk about him i'm not going to quote from paul but he does bring up jennison jonbrays the only other source we have uh to his two sons outside of air make tarragon is uh jasher uh so these uh balam is there with jennison jonbrays in the story so according to jasher when the the the magicians of pharaoh are throwing down their rods to make them into serpents to you know and of course erin's rod eats those uh rods uh those serpents it's actually jammies and jonbrays and balam they're they are trying to stop moshay again in legend of the jews volume three it says this about balam's ass the ass that balam took with him and had been created on the six day of the creation we saw that in the air make tarragon he had received it as a gift from yah a cove that he might not give evil counsel to pharaoh concerning yah a cove's children so uh you know again i don't know where that's being sourced from but uh it's not the first time that we saw a animal from uh created in heaven in the property of abraham abram and his children we saw that with abram and yitchak with the ram that came down from heaven and i'll be talking more about that in my anunnaki piece um when they talked about the origins of sheep went over this last week with the basilisk uh the wing serpents and what's interesting about this is that balam is now in with the king of kush and moshay is coming in and you know he takes these storks and they go in and eats the serpents that balam puts there in front of the the city to keep them out these same serpents appear to be the ones in the wilderness later the basilisk that are coming in to destroy yah surel so it's interesting you have the fiery serpents aug balam right and these are all there to oppose yah surel and moshay all right skipping through this just to conclude this for the night so here we are a balam and duality this is why it's his religions of the jews the man whom the mobites and many nights believed to be moses's peer was none other than lavin israel's arch enemy who in olden days had wanted to root out entirely yah aco of and all his family and who had later on incited pharaoh and amalak against the people of israel to bring about their destruction skipping down here allahayim would permit the heathens to have no grand for uh exal patient for saying the future world thou has kept us far from me to them as well as to yashiro he gave king sages and prophets so you know the the old story about how what you know what happened to the people of all before messiah showed up you know well according to this uh allahama's always brought forth prophets always from the beginning of time to deliver the torah so that there was no excuse and of course see people you know they they say jesus jesus jesus jesus no hushamashiach came to give us the torah guys he came to clarify for us he brought it so that we are without excuse living a righteous lifestyle and that's what the the job of the prophets have always been to them as well as to yashiro he gave king sages and prophets but whereas the former showed themselves worthy of their high trust the later proved themselves unworthy of it both solomon and nebok neser so it's going to show the the polar opposites duality solomon and nebok neser are two polar opposites we're rulers over all the world uh the former built the temple and composed many hems and prayers the later destroyed the temple and cursed and blasphemed yahuwah saying i will ascend above the heights of the clouds i will be like the most high who will said that guys both david and haman received great treasures from allahayah but the former employed them to secure a site for his sanctuary whereas the later with his trot with with his tried to destroy the whole nation and mosh a moshay was israel's prophet and balim was prophet of the hevans but how great a contrast between these two moshay exhorted his people to keep from sin whereas balim counseled the nation to give up their moral course of life and to become addicted to lewdness balim was also different from the israelite prophet and his cruelty they had such pity for the nations that misfortune among the hevans caused them suffering and sorrow whereas balim was so cruel that he wanted to destroy an entire nation without any cause so this is the difference again between wicked and righteousness if you uh a sign of the righteousness is to look at the the sorrows of the nations right and you you you want to you like cry for them you want them to repent you so badly desire them to repent and it brings you sorrow to see them go down a wicked path you don't want the wickedness for them you're not gloating and happy because they're going into wickedness whereas balim obviously wants them to take that slide reading this over here oh no this is kind of interesting a balim's course of life and his actions show convincingly how uh god withdrew from the hevans that get to prophecy for balim was the last of the heaven prophets it's kind of an interesting thought isn't it shem had been the first whom god had commissioned to communicate his word to the hevans this was after the flood so it's not saying that shem is a heaven but he was actually very righteous right uh but he was there wasn't the the nation of yashiro yet so he is going out to the hevans and it really it should say this i guess the first after the flood because before the flood we know there was enoch the fuschlub uh no one so and so forth this was after the flood when god said to shem shem had my tour existed among the previous ten generations i suppose i should not have destroyed the world by the flood go now announce the nations of the earth my revelations ask them if they will not accept my torah throughout 400 years to shem go about as a prophet but the nations of the earth did not heed him that's kind of encouraging to me actually i mean it it for those of you out there who you are also trying to get people to want to embrace yah's instructions and righteous living and they're rejecting it to to see that like shem for 400 years was rejected um yeah that's it's sad but it's kind of encouraging to see that we're in the same boat the prophets that labored after him among the hevans were jobe and his four friends eliphah zofar bildad and illihu as well as balam all of whom were descendants of nihor Abraham's brother from his union with mocha in order that the hevans might not say had we had a prophet like moses we would have received the torah god gave them balam as a prophet who in no way was inferior to moses either in wisdom or in the gift of prophecy that's really interesting so they're they're complete equals light and dark moses was indeed the greatest prophet among the Israelites but balam was his pure among the hevans the legends of the jew volume volume three we're almost done tonight guys let's read about the death of balam this comes from the airmate hargum deuter on me 31 and they slew the kings of the mini-nights with the slain of their armies avi recamzer who was balak and her and riva five kings a midian and balam bar beore they killed with the sword and it was when balam the guilty saw the nihas the priest pursuing him so i always imagine this is like in terminator like the team one thousand like he's running after balam balam trying to get away and he like fanny has has it out for balam right he's like you did this to my camp i'm coming after you he made use of the magical arts made words of enchantment and flew in the air of the heavens but fanny has forthwith pronounced the great and holy name and flew after him and seized him by the head and bring him down drew the sword and sought to kill him and he says but he opened his mouth with words of deprecation and said to fanny hit us if that will spare my life i swear to be that all the days i live i will not curcide people he answered him said art thou not laban the amirite who did seek to destroy yakavar father who went down into matriene to destroy his children and after they had come out of matriene did sin the wicked amlock against them and hast thou not not now been sent to curse them and of course then he he kills them now i had to look at this time again because when you get down to joshua yahushua it says that balam was killed by the sword at that time it's like wait what so he's not killed until joshua and now we're reading about enduduronomy and um yeah so i actually pulled up the aramic target with joshua i happen to have it on my shelf and it's said the same exact thing as joshua right here same thing so i'm like well wait a second what's going on so i had to look at this time and again and my conclusion is i think that they're basically saying in deuteronomy 31 they're drawing ahead they're telling you this is the fate of balam in joshua that this is how he dies and he dies by um it's actually eliaiser who does him in and it's a scene where of course you know he like the aramic target is really big on this idea that you can pronounce the name it's almost like the secret combination that nimrod had you can pronounce the name and you could you know he could fly after him it's kind of a humorous scene um but that's the death of uh balam right there i i give you another uh passage here where actually lilith is able to pronounce the name and she flies away so there's this ongoing theme that there is a name that you can pronounce and you can do these you know miraculous things with that's a whole other study right there and that's it for tonight bye everybody hope you guys have a great sabbath i ended on time tonight pretty much i'm happy with that you have a great restful day thank you everybody for making this a tradition in your household and coming back week after week it means a lot to me i'm being a part of this community be sure to come by next week if you guys have and if you can i know it's friday a lot of people are getting off work they're selling in with their family trying to make dinner that kind of stuff but if you are able to come by on friday night seven to nine pm and tuck discord uh please do just say hi um like to hear from you and uh hear what's going on in your week and uh that's it everybody good night shalom