The Unexpected Cosmology Podcast

365 | Parable of the Vineyard vs The Unexpected Cosmology

Parable of the Vineyard: The Adam Fink Story: https://unexpected-cosmology.nyc3.dig... Parable of the Vineyard YT Channel:    / @parableofthevineyard   Ministry and Widow Fund: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support:   / membership   Contact: Facebook:   / theunexpectedcosmology

2h 7m
Broadcast on:
11 Jul 2024
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Parable of the Vineyard: The Adam Fink Story: https://unexpected-cosmology.nyc3.dig... Parable of the Vineyard YT Channel:    / @parableofthevineyard   Ministry and Widow Fund: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support:   / membership   Contact: Facebook:   / theunexpectedcosmology  

Brady Bunch. But before you are four of my buddies, I've had Michael on many times. I've had Dave on, I've never had Adam on. This is the first I've had Adam on. And this is awesome to have all four on at the same time. And again, this is the first time that Adam's ever been on my channel. So welcome to the unexpected cosmology. Adam Fink of Parable the Vineyard. Adam and I go, it seems like way back. I mean, it seems like we go way back and I remember Adam, the first time I contacted him was when Adam, you were dropping videos like in the front seat of your car back then, like out in the parking lot or so. I don't know where you were on the side of the road or something. And I remember you were like getting into the book at Enoch and you were like, look everybody, I'm reading from Enoch and it was the first time I read from it too. So I was really excited and I contacted you and we've been friends ever since. So what is happening tonight? Why did I put verses in this title? Well, this is going to be a fun, I'm trying to figure out way Adam's bringing on to my channel and this is going to be a fun Q&A session between Adam and I. And before you, I have Michael and Dave. They have come up with, well, you guys can explain this. They have come up with a series of questions which I know nothing about and Adam knows nothing about. They also reached out to the community at the unexpected cosmology to get extra questions. And so they're going to take turns asking us random questions, Adam and I. And this is of course not a debate and just a friendly banter between two friends. Adam and I, we will, whenever I'm Adam Missouri, I'll go, we'll go out to dinner or something like that and we'll sit down and talk for two hours and agree on about half the stuff and disagree on about half the stuff and love it the entire time. I love talking Adam. So I think we're going to get like about a minute to respond each minute, minute and a half. We're going to go back and forth. So Michael and Dave, I'm going to hand it over to you guys and you guys can take over from here. - All right, well, Michael said he wanted to take the first one. - Oh, I did, okay. - He's a good secretary too. And what are you talking about, Noel? I'll go ahead and tell you. - Well, okay, I guess I can do that one, yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes. So this was a question, so Dave and I came up with about 20 questions ourselves. We have about 30 to 40 and then we asked the community and this was one of those, this was one of those. So this was actually Rebecca. - Wait, before you ask, I just say, I'm nervous. I'm nervous, Adam, how are you feeling right now? - I don't know what to expect. - I don't know what to expect. - I see on Adam, Adam, seeing the right now going, what did I get my girlfriend to right now? And can I get out of this right now? - Yeah, no, you're right. I've been wanting to come on here for a while. So this sounds fun. So first of all, thanks for having me. - It sounds fun right now. - So far, so far, yeah, we'll see. We haven't gotten to it yet. - All right, Michael. - This is a good one that we're going to start off with an easy one here. So this was from Rebecca and she basically kind of summarized it and said, you know, everybody, you know, when someone passes away, they give a great, like a UOG and test the money of their life and a favorite story. She's like, let's do that now. So basically, this is a question that you're going to be talking about the other person. What is your favorite story or experience about each other that you could share? I think we should start off something like that. - I know exactly my favorite interaction with Noel. It was at the, it was Flat Earth Conference 2019 and Noel had the stage and he was sharing what he felt led to share about his book and so on and so forth and started getting grilled about the way about walking in Torah. And I know Noel was thinking about just calling me up on stage and answering the questions, but he didn't, he stood his ground and he answered the questions with good zeal and with exactness and I was very proud of him and it was a good moment. He did well up on stage in front of everyone. So, yeah. - Well, what Adam just described was probably the lowest point of my entire career thus far. The context here is that this was the, I'm glad he has a very different perspective of this to me because this was the Flat Earth International Conference. So this is like the Olympics of Flat Earth Talk and I originally was going to go there to talk about the origins of the Flat Earth talking about how it came out of Babylon and Greece and so on and so forth, their Aristostomies and so on and so forth. And over the summer, I ended up writing a book where I interviewed all the David Weiss, Bob Nodl who's now to see Swarovski, who's now to see Singar see all these different people, Patricia Steer, and they told me their story and so I put it all down and I premiered the book there. But he unexpected cosmology, which is the name of this channel. And so I worked it out with Robbie Davidson to do a Q&A because basically I go up on stage, I'll try to make this quick, I go up on stage and I ask the question, okay, who here knows Patricia Steer and like 10 people in the audience, maybe raise their hand. I'm like, you gotta be kidding me. And then I ask, okay, who knows who Mark Sargent is 'cause he was in the book too. And like a few more hands, I'm like, this is gonna be a rough Q&A session. So yeah, Adam was in the crowd and that was a, was that the first time that we met in person? It might've been the first time we met in person, I think it was. So yeah, I guess that was a good moment for me too. So I'll go with that one. Next question. - All right, I'll go back to the beginning of our list. We'll start off with, what are some books outside the canon that you endorse, that you love that are great books? Like what are your absolute favorites? - Would you like to go first? - No, Adam, you go first. - I go first, okay. Books outside the canon that I endorse that I love, I love Enoch, first and foremost, I think it's one of the best outside of the canon. First Enoch, if I wanna be specific. Joshua, I know it comes under fire, but I love that book. I think it's filled with truth. Most recently, Dave, a book that you introduced me to, what's what we know as the book of the Nazarene, AKA The Gospel, The Coliety, excellent book, The Apocrypha, Second Ezra, specifically Second Baruch. These are some of my favorites by far, by far. - I'm gonna give a slightly different answer. And rather than going with books that I give my 100% endorsement on, because I agree with everything Adam said there. There's a lot of books where, and I think Adam will perhaps agree with me on this, that I can't give 100% yes, this is scripture, like this should be in canon. Though, actually, if I were to add any book in canon, you know what it would be? It would be First Clement, I love First Clement. I think that should be right there next to First Peter, but I digress. Some books like the Aramaic Targum has been hugely instrumental as a study guide and understanding ancient thought. Another one would be, I know you like this one, Adam, writings of Abraham. I don't know if I would say that is assuredly 100% scripture, but some things that are really interesting about that book is that there are passages in that book that can only be found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. And also, I have found similarities between that and the Dead Sea Scrolls with some Sumerian literature dug up way out in Babylon as well. So, when there are books out there that, again, I wouldn't say this is 100% scripture, but it has some amazing gems in it that are hard to find that actually give a fuller picture of what's going on. - I thank you for the writings of Abraham audio, by the way. That's still on one of my favorites list, and I go to, I really enjoy that book. Whether it's canon or not, like you said, there's some things that are in there. When Paul quotes the writer Hebrews about Melchizedek without father or mother, I think it's quoting the writings of Abraham with its description of the spiritual lineage, but anyways. - Great, good stuff, good stuff. Okay, so the next question we're gonna go with is, this was my, one of my questions. What's your favorite biblical feast, then why? - Well, hands down, Passover, for me it's Passover. And I'll tell you why. It's because now, Adam, you lead up, you lead a lot of secote events, and you'll be interesting to hear what your answer is, but Passover is the one day of the year. It's like Thanksgiving for me, where I invite a lot of people out to my house. Michael, you've come to at least two or three of them. You came this last year, and this last year at Passover was the first year where just about everybody from the unexpected cosmology got to come together. Everyone in my admin, pretty much my elders, Dave is an elder here, he wasn't able to come out. But it was the first time I was able to meet Rebecca in person who was my editor, and we support her, and just get everyone together. So for me, that's hands down my favorite. - Praise you, Passover, I think the most important, but my favorite, Su code. I mean, Su code is like, it's the feast. And I've had just some of the best memories at Su code, just some of the best. You just, we kind of get a bigger group together with Su code, the camping, the, well, you know, we read scripture publicly together, we camp out together, it's just, it's, it's, it's like the, to me, it's the culmination of the faith. It's like the, it's like the walking out of the love of the brethren together. When you come to these feasts, these big feasts, like Su code, and it's just life-changing. I'm just so thankful. The father that we got rid of the pagan stuff and get to walk in the ancient ways. So, praise you. - Praise you, Mr. Dave. - If you guys both got to meet, you get to hang out with like all of your ministry. It's a great time. How do you get started with the ministry? Like, how did you start your congregation? What do you recommend to other people who want to lead but don't know how to get into it? Like you guys did, like, what's the ministry thing? - So is this a permanent, I go first? No, or is this we switch back and forth? - I could go first if you like. - Sure, sure. - Okay. So for me, it's, I'll try to keep this short. I felt called into the ministry from the time I was about 14 or 15, I gave my life over to be a missionary when I was 16, there was the only time I ever did an altar call in my life. And it was a message I heard I was in England and I took the altar call. I would have been dedicated my life to be a missionary. I won't go through all those specifics of how long it took just to wait on YAH and listen to his voice and feel like I was a failure and one thing or another that finally led to where I am. But I would say that it began with YAH again telling me, this was 2016. And he said, this is it, you're going in the ministry now. And just following his call. And you have to be dedicated, you spend a lot of, I guess lonely hours just listening to his voice, failure, you know, you're not going to see success. Right now, in my case, in my case, of course, there's a lot of work too. Dave is in this room right now. And Dave, Dave came along in 2020 and he basically said, okay, this, I didn't even know who Dave was. I met Dave and he's like, I'm going to do this and this and this and I'm going to get you a Discord group and we need to get you in podcasts and all this kind of stuff. I'm like, okay, so he just starts, you know, basically just, I'll say this, YAH has sent me some very talented people along the way. Michael here, Michael has led a lot of groups with me. Dave, a panelist listening right now, we're back to other people like that. And yeah, just, I don't even remember the question now, but- - Well, you got to tell the story about how you were going to quit. And then all of a sudden, all these people came your way at the same time. - Wait, what would I want to answer for you, but- - Oh, wait, what did you- - That's leading the witness, Dave. - Sorry. - I wanted to quit so many times, Dave. When was this incident right here? - Well, you were about to throw in the towel on our way as the highway. - Yeah. - And I forget who's the editor at the time. It wasn't Rebecca, so there was somebody before her that basically came in, went at the same time I did. - Yeah. - And you had prayed that you were going to give up and we all said no, you can't give up. - Yeah, there's been so many times I wanted to give up. I have to be honest, I mean, that thought crosses my mind almost daily. So not to scare anybody, but yeah, it's- All right, Adam, I want to hear your response. I talked enough there. - Well, as far as like getting into ministry, at least for me, how I got into it was when I started learning about truth and there was a point where I just, I learned this truth and that truth. And then I was just like, I got kind of mad. I was like, I was like angry. I was like, I was angry at how successful the devil was. And I was kind of just crying out to Yann. I felt like he was calling me to it and which was very unexpected for me, coming from a very introverted and shy background, stepping out into ministry was just not something I had in mind. But as for, you asked, how do you start like a fellowship or a ministry? First of all, he has to be from, you have to be called from Yann, if it's not from Yann. I always say, it'll come to nothing. But as far as starting a fellowship, the local fellowship we have was started, you were involved. Noel was, and Dave from the nationwide baptism back in 2020 that Jake and I felt to make the call for. That baptism was in my local area in the Springfield, Missouri area. And there was hundreds of people there and there was quite a few that didn't have any fellowship. And we started talking and we're like, wow, well, we better get together and we started getting together every other week. And then that lasted for like two months and then we got started getting together for every week. And we've been doing that ever since September of 2020. So starting a fellowship. - So that event was kind of a turning point? - Oh, huge. The ministry I gave me was only online. I just, I didn't want to start a congregation, to be honest. But we got to the point where we needed, somebody started something. So, you know, I talked to Steve Mutry. I'm like, hey, I don't know what to do. He's like, hey, man, just be a facilitator. I'm like, okay, all right, I can do that. And so he encouraged me to start it and we did. And it's been a blessing. There's been a lot of challenges. We praise you out. We're at a point now, you know, years later where we have a excellent leadership team. I do recommend elders leadership structure order. That's part of YAH's word. You know, when Paul and the others went into, it made disciples, one of the first thing they did was made elders, you know, people that are accountable for the flock and guarding the flock. And so, yeah. So yeah, if you want to start a local assembly, just do a baptism, that's a good way to start it. - And I happened to, I think I went like the second or third week you met. It would have been like in October of 2020, I showed up and when you were meeting in the park out there in Missouri. - Yeah, yeah, and so these look super weird on him. The camera, the glare. - Oh, when he put those on, I'm like, oh, it's going down. - I know it's going down. We're in research mode. This is like the kids know if like these are on. It's like that is on the computer, he's researching. - But yeah, so our fellowship, we've, you know, we started meeting the park to then got cold and we went into someone's garage and we outgrew the garage and then we started renting a building and then the opportunity to buy a building came up and we stayed there for a couple of years and the opportunity to sell that and to get to a different properties as a present itself. And we're just in a blessed place. I will say that fellowship, I know we're going way past the two minute market here. I don't know how we're going to get through the 40 questions. But fellowship is such a big part of this walk. I think so many people neglect it. And online fellowship is good. It's better than nothing, I agree. But man, just being with people and sharpening, iron sharpening, ironing requires us being together and going through these together, growing together, working through our differences together, walking in love to test the fruits of the spirit, you know, 'cause I do also know that the keyboard can definitely test people's fruit of the spirit also. So there is that. - For sure. In a small world, I actually met Dave 2017 in the Adams Marco Polo group. So he started a Marco Polo group a long time ago. And that's actually how I met Dave, so it all connects. All right, so let's get a hard one here. Let's get a hard one here. This was from a buddy who taught about local fellowship. He's part of my local fellowship here. He wanted to know, when Judas gave up Yehushah, did Judas have a choice or was it pre-planned? - That goes into the predestination or predetermined. Ooh, that's a good question. No, do you want the honors of this difficult one? - Yeah, for me, it's a bit of a, maybe a paradox. Maybe it's a, I wouldn't call it a contradiction, but I believe very much in free will. But I've also, I've gone back and forth on predestination my entire life. And I see cases for both. And so, give you an example. We know that many are called fewer chosen. There's not one example that I see in the gospels where Yehushah goes up to any of his 12, and he says, follow me. And they're like, nah, like every single one of them, they just, they get up and they follow him. And so, yeah, I think there's an interesting dance going back and forth between free will and predestination. And you guys, well, I think that a large part of this does play into pre-existence as well. I think that one of the things that very few people tap into when they talk about where we're at on this personal journey, the people surrounding us are entourage and so on and so forth, is how many of those people, how much of our decisions we make and how much of our outcome of our life actually based on decisions that were made before we came into this existence. And so that's something, I don't know, Adam, how much, where you're at on that or how much you've covered. For example, I think it's interesting that in New Jerusalem or in New Jerusalem, the 12 disciples are the foundations, I believe, of the city, whereas the gates themselves are the tribes. And I've, of course, read many different texts that will say, for example, Yitzhak predated Abraham or you read in the Gospel of Thomas where you see that heaven and earth were created because of the righteousness of YAHush's brother, Yako, or James. So, and you're like, wait, what? Like how in the world? Like, you know, so, yeah, I think that if it very well, he could have been selected as an instrument, as a tear to fulfill that specific role. - Well, so much to respond to, for the original question, this goes right in line with did Pharaoh have a choice? And it talks about how the scriptures hardened Pharaoh's heart and some would, you know, even Paul addresses this, you know, how some would, you know, how would they dare, you know, judge YAH if YAH, you know, hardened Pharaoh's heart. But when I look at hardened his heart, it looks like YAH strengthened what was already in Pharaoh's heart, not like he used him like a robot and he had no choice, ah, now I'm the bad guy and there's nothing I can do. I think in the same way, I think Judas was allowed to be hardened to do what was already in his heart. I don't think there was any mistakes. Messiah knew, you know, that he would betray him from the beginning. As far as predestination or prior existence that I'm not very familiar with, I don't get a lot into the New Testament Apocrypha. It just hasn't been an area of, a big area of study for me. But I will say in the book of Enoch, when in the dream vision where it goes through the whole, the whole story of man using cows and all sorts of animals to portray different things, it does say that when New Jerusalem comes, when it's painting the story of New Jerusalem, it says that his sheep had returned home back into the home. So it does imply that they had left to, you know, some sort of return. So that's the only thing that I have come across in my studies as far as that sort of thing, pre-existence or pre-selection, you know, again, it's not an area of expertise for me, but what I do know is many are called few or chosen. So there is some sort of selection process that the Most High goes through. - And let me throw out one more thing too, because the word predestination is obviously, it's a heavily emotionally tainted word where people have very strong, the people listening have very strong opinions either way, and people think of, you know, Calvinism, every time you want to defeat a position, just name it after a person. Name it after a person, and then you can just defeat the, you know, Arianism, Calvinism, whatever you want, right? But I will say another potential possibility. And obviously I don't have all the answers. I'm just, you know, I kind of see both things at play, as I mentioned, free will and in pre-estation, wheat, tare or so on and so forth, is it possible that YAH does see every single possible outcome? And he works it to his favor in that way. So there's a, I'll use the word manipulation, I guess, but if he literally, that maybe isn't the best word, but if he can see all millions and millions and millions of outcomes, you know, he can kind of steer in a direction that gives, well, his plan, the victory. So just throw that out there too. - Praise you. - All right. So when I met Noel, I was on a tear against Paul. Man, I threw Paul out, I was looking for anybody and anything that said Paul was false, that gave me permission to tear my Bible in half. And that is completely turned around. I am on a Paul tear in the other direction now. It's probably honestly my favorite books at this point. - I like your new series, by the way. I'm waiting for the new episodes to come out. - Nice, nice. There's several wind up. But I want to know, what is your favorite Paul passage? Whether it's good or bad, whether, you know, whatever, but what's your favorite one to talk about? What's something that's helped you? What's something that you hate? Whatever it is, I don't know. - Or idea, maybe, the Pauline idea or something. - Well, let me, I guess I'll start this time too. And just to clarify, for everyone listening is that Dave came into my life because I went the anti-Paul path and Dave was like, oh, we got it. We got to turn these into videos. You know, I had these papers and stuff like, we got to do all this stuff with Paul. And so finally, there's only been a couple issues I ever, Adam went through this whole thing with me too. There's only been a couple issues I ever flipped flopped on in my life and Paul was one of them where I went back pro Paul again, had to go through a lot of wounds and, you know, heal a lot of wounds and drop a lot of extra carry on baggage and all that kind of stuff. And I remember that phone call when Dave found out that I was swaying back, I was in Missouri and I was getting rid of my daughter to be born a couple of years ago and Dave was so angry at me. I thought, I thought like Dave was going to leave. He's like, are you going back Paul again? You flip flopping on me. He was all upset and I'm like, I think so. I don't really know, you know. But amazingly, he's, you know, he's come back too. And I never put any pressure on Dave either way, whatever he wanted to do. But I would say that I don't only have a favorite passage, but I really have become very passionate about Galatians. And I started writing a line for line commentary on it. I'm only through the first two chapters. I got four more chapters to go. But it was after I finished a lot. Like the first chapter was 150 pages on commentary just to get through line for line. Eventually this will be my passion project to finish this one day. But after I got through the first chapter, I was just wowed by thinking how Galatians truly is one of the most important documents in human history. I mean, guys, we have a whole book of the Bible where they're talking about male genitalia. Like the whole theme of the book is just circumcision, right? And what all this means and that kind of stuff. And so I can't give an exact passage, but I would have to say that I really, really like Galatians. And interestingly, Galatians is the book that sends people spiraling. Like it just, it creates hot and cold extremes of like people are very anti-Torah or they're so pro-Torah that, you know, they throw this book out and pull out based on Galatians. And so I think understanding the book as a whole is so crucial to what he's talking about. - Yeah, I think, yeah. So I'll answer the question first and then I'll just kind of give you a quick Paul tour of myself. Acts 24, 14, I should memorize this at this point, but I haven't, so I don't want to butcher it. It says, but this I confess unto thee that after the way which they call heresy, so worship I, the Elohim of my father is believing all things which are written in the law and the prophets. I think that's a really good one. I like that in Romans 3.31 where he just concludes, do we therefore do make void the Torah by faith? And he says, of course, Elohim forbid we establish the Torah. So I also was once of the understanding that Paul was a false apostle. When I first came right after flat earth, I'm like, okay, the earth is flat. Okay, Paul is a false apostle because I know I'm supposed to keep Torah and he obviously speaks against it. And so therefore he's got to go. And so in my early toddler infant years of in the faith, I just didn't understand Paul well enough. And I'll tell you now as being an assembly for almost four years in eldership in an assembly, Paul is some of the best information for running an assembly. And you don't understand Paul until some of the things that, at least for me, maybe I'm just, that's how it needs to be. But until I experienced some of the things that Paul talks about in his scriptures, it just kind of his words, they kind of come alive. And so I cherish them very much now. And I repent for anything I used to spoke ill of Paul in my past. And I'll say really quickly too, for everyone listening out there without giving any personal information away, that I feel like in my journey with the anti-Paulpath, Adam was front and center in my life. I mean, we were having a lot of discussions back then. And Adam was sticking to it at that point. Adam was sticking to Paul, but man, we went through it together on some of the aspects. - Yeah, we did. We had some long conversations about Paul. But praise, yeah, praise, yeah. Look where he's led us, you know, he's led us to the truth. And he's grounded and rooted us in the faith. And he's brought us to the truth that Paul is, you know, he's been the inspired word. So, praise, yeah. - Good job. This one will segue perfectly. You guys are both tour teachers. Revelation 14, 12, testimony, Messiah, keep the commands. What would be your elevator pitch and keep the commands for a beginner that maybe doesn't know what you guys even teach? Have anyone want to start first this time? - You know, I would just, I would go with Messiah. Messiah is the beacon of hope. He is the light. He is the lighthouse. He is what we point people towards. And the quick elevator pitch is kind of how, the quick elevator pitch for the walk the way, which would be that we need to walk like Messiah. So when we look and see the things that he does, that's what we need to do. That involves keeping the Torah laws that he kept, we're going to keep him too. And so really just following Messiah is the quick 10, 15 second, what we need to be doing in our life. Keep the commands like he keeps the commands. Sorry to summarize. - This would be hard for me to answer only because I have yet to find a formula that is a sticking point across the board universally for people. And when it comes to the truth, it's you never know what one little thing is going to, what seed is going to be planted or what seeds have already been planted that's going to stick with them. Keep in mind like go to Flat Earth real quick, right? For some people you talk about, how water always finds its level, that's all it takes. Other people is you talk about the stars or whatever. It's always something, it could just be Bible. You never know what it's going to be. It's the same thing with the Torah because my big thing is Matthew chapter five. I mean, that's huge. - Best chapter. - And where he's like, he's Messiah's like, look, if you want to be the least in the kingdom, go ahead and tell other people to, go ahead and break the least of these commands so other people do the same. If you want to be the least, if you want your measuring stick, there it is. And I notice that people always have to, the anti-Torch route always has to attack Matthew five. They have to go after Matthew five because that's a big one. The other one is big for me is the Sabbath. It's the fourth commandment. So if people are just, that's the ultimate entry point into Torah keeping is Sabbath keeping. And so if people are just like, well, no, I don't keep Levitical law or anything like that, but I keep the 10 commandments. Well, okay, well, we have the fourth right there. So let's actually read what it says and it's not what most people think. I mean, it's very, very direct. And then of course you can get into Hebrews from there. One of the great examples I do like to use is this idea of marriage because people, we can all debate who the bride of Christ is, but the general Christian idea is that they are the bride of Christ. And so it's like, okay, so what kind of spouse do you want to be, right? I mean, do you want to be abusive? Do you want to ignore your spouse? You want to go out and commit adultery? And they're like, no, I wouldn't want to do that. But oh, but it's okay with Messiah. It's okay to just go out and sin and do whatever you want and he's gonna be okay with that. And they're like, no, it's different. I'm like, no, it's not different. It's the exact same. It's the exact same scenario. Actually, I find that one's pretty argumentative. So that one doesn't work. But Matthew five and the 10 commandments are the two big ones for me. And of course, I was going to say what you're going to say, Adam, just walk with Messiah. I mean, it's for me that's, I think for all four of us, that is so black and white. It's so obvious. I love, I love, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. No, I'm done. I just, I love just to finalize it. I thought I love that Messiah said that the Sabbath was made for man. So like it was a gift, you know, then in the end times context, he says, pray that your flight be not in the winter nor on a Sabbath day implying that there's importance in the Sabbath day in the very last days. So that makes it the Sabbath. Messiah is definitely a good way to go. So praise God. So Messiah was obviously a legal list is getting, how do you, how do you define legalism as a term you hear a lot of times in opposition? What is legalism according to? Well, I don't know. I get accused of being a legal, I've been accused of being a legalist for many years. I don't know. I don't know. There's no, you know, as one of my favorite rappers says, I don't want opinions. I want chapter and verse. So I don't know the chapter and verse, you know, for that one. So, yeah. I think that the common understanding within Christianity, at least how I was raised, is that the Messiah criticized the Pharisees for being a legalist, meaning they were taking the Torah too seriously. They were trying to obey it too much. And so Messiah came to criticize, at least that's how I was raised. I think that's a general understanding when someone calls you a legalist, is because you're taking it too seriously. Like, you know, going into the garden of Eden. And if someone were trying to stop Adam and Eve from being the fruit, they're like, no, no, no, you're being too legalist here. You know, it's, it. Right, that's why that's kind of like the, you know, what I was looking to. Now, I will say in a different way that when we get to the oral traditions, the Talmud and, you know, that's where, you know, legalists, like, you know, that's the kind of stuff that I'm firmly against, the Talmud. And as Noel would say, the Christian Talmud as well. Yeah, right on, right on. This is a question for my wife. So this will be a good one. What did you shoot? Why did you shoot? I have to go away to give us the Holy Spirit. Well, he had to fulfill prophecy in order for that to come. Um, he had to fulfill what was written. Uh, that's just my initial knee-jerk reaction. Noel, you got a, you got a good answer on that one. I guess I've never thought about it in that light before. So I never actually asked myself the question. Why did he have to leave, uh, to give us through the Holy Spirit or the Ruachakkadesh? And in fact, when we see the presence of the Ruachakkadesh going back into, uh, Exodus, uh, with the, uh, Danite who was building the tabernacle and we see that the, the, the spirit came upon him. And, uh, of course we see it again when, uh, the spirit was distributed from Moshe into the, the prophets throughout the camp. So I mean, we see a history of the Holy Spirit, uh, but, um, I will say in terms of legalism and going back to the last question, since we're talking about the Holy Spirit, um, it is interesting that at the first, um, uh, the first Pentecost, uh, or shall we vote, uh, Moshe brings down the tablets of stone and he breaks them. Of course they're committing adultery on their wedding night, as Rob's Giba used to say. And this is, this is how I like to equate the, the, the letter of the law versus the spirit of the law, which happens after Mashiach. And so many Christians will come and, you know, they will equate legalism to the letter of the law and they make it out to be a really bad thing. Like we're not supposed to keep the letter of the law. Um, but as I like to point out to people that if you're actually keeping the spirit of the law, that's basically like, um, uh, it's a, it's a bad-ass righteousness. I mean, it's, it's a, it's a type of righteousness that is, as Mashiach said, like, okay, so anyone out there, uh, listening, if you have never committed adultery before, right? Like you've never had intercourse with another man's wife. Great. You've just kept the letter of the law, right? That's great. But then of course we know what Mashiach does is he, he lifts it up right to the level and he's like, well, if you ever look at a woman less, well, lustfully, and so I would say the same thing with beastiality, uh, like you've never had sex with a giraffe. Great. Give yourself a round of applause. But how do we talk about from an esoteric level of spiritual, what a spiritual bestiality and you can actually get into that in the Torah there. So the, the Torah itself was never, uh, intended, uh, to be kept in any other way, but, uh, uh, the, the spirit, right? The, the letter of the law is, is completely basically, as I tell people, if you're keeping the spirits of the law, you're also keeping the letter of the law, um, if you're not lusting in your heart or angry at your brother, then you're not going to murder or actually keep have physical adultery. So, um, anyways, yeah, so that goes back into the second, uh, giving of the Holy Spirit. I can't, I've never thought about why he had to leave for that. That's a good question. So, uh, a scripture that just came, it came to mind, uh, right after, uh, I stopped talking was, was John chapter 12, verse 24, which says, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, accept a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die. It abides alone, but if it dies, it brings forth much fruit." And so it just, maybe that doesn't, it's not an exact answer to the question, but just the overall general principle of why he had to go away or a K a die in order to be fruitful and multiply into, for the seed to bring forth fruit. Yeah, so hopefully the algorithm doesn't pick up that giraffe story. David and I were correct enough. It's a good day. Uh, speaking of death, what happens after death? Timeline. Second, Ezra seven versus like 90 through one of something. Um, you have two different, uh, people, the righteous, unrighteous, uh, the unrighteous person will write his and righteous, both see the glory of YAH and then the unrighteous person sees the, the torments and the things that are waiting for them. Um, and then after seven days, they are locked in their habitation until, until the time, uh, the righteous. However, sees, uh, the, the glory to come and then is locked into the other side of the chamber, AK the other side of Abraham's bosom guarded by angels in profound quiet and sleep until the day. That's what I got. David, Michael, I'm surprised you're worried about algorithms at this point in my, uh, my career of this YouTube channel. So, um, my answer to that is, it's going to be a little bit different than Adams. I completely agree with the passage you gave. I used to be a die hard soul sleeper and I still am in the sense of historical soul sleep and this, my answer, of course, has nothing to do with, uh, my research into, you know, you know, mud, flat, tartaria, research, or anything like that, uh, but everything to do with the gospel and Nicodemus and a few other texts where I think that there's been a paradigm shift now. Now I, I do believe that, that the rule would still apply for the wicked. Uh, of course, Enoch, it seems that he has three categories, righteous, sinner and wicked. Um, and, uh, so I would, I would say that the sinners and the wicked would still go to their, their course. They would have those seven days, uh, to go around and see things and be put down. It seems to me that the righteous go directly to paradise. Now they have access to, or whatever level, maybe they go to New Jerusalem. Maybe they go to paradise, one of the different levels of heaven. I don't think everyone has access to the same place based on your righteousness. Um, but in the gospel and Nicodemus, we see the, the first person to go directly to paradise was the thief on the cross. Uh, he actually, according to that story, he never went to Sheol. So, um, and of course, second, Ezra's does prophesy of a time when the, the wicked, uh, would be envious of the righteous that they would be completely emptied out of Sheol. So, um, I'm just of the perspective that I have came around to the perspective of about four or five years ago where, uh, I believe that that event has happened. So. All right, all right. This is Miss Pamela's question. She says, some of us want to know how each keeps Sabbath, not which day, but their activities, how do, how do they keep it set apart? And what if they break Sabbath? What if they, something happens? What recourse do they suggest? Um, Sabbath is the best day of the week for me. It's always a highlight. It's literally an appointment with YAH each week, um, to run through it. Of course, Friday, uh, or at least for me, Friday during the days prep day, uh, when the sun goes down for me on Friday, the Shabbat starts, uh, we, we like to either go to someone in the congregation's house for dinner or someone comes to our house or sometimes we just feel like, uh, just doing a family, Shabbat. But we like to, um, like make that dinner kind of a little special, uh, eat a little something extra yummy. Um, we get together with our congregation every Shabbat, uh, starting around 11 30 fellowship begins, uh, service starts around noon. Myself or one of the other elders has a message that after the message, we do praise and worship usually led by, uh, left and right ministries. So we're really blessed in that regard with some amazing music. Um, after some praise and worship, we do like an own egg lunch where everybody, or potluck, you know, everyone brings a dish, uh, and we all, uh, we eat and we share and we, and we, uh, fellowship then afterwards, uh, we do prayer requests and praise reports where it's open mic where people can ask for a prayer. We can lay hands, um, people can kind of boast in YAH of what they did in their life at work or family, friends, deliverance, uh, whatever have you, um, you know, divine and appointment. Uh, and then afterwards we, um, we do the Bible study. We'll go through the Torah portion, which is the Torah, the prophets and, uh, the, the, the, uh, New Testament. We go, we read a chapter and it's an open, uh, open mic where anybody can ask a question, uh, comments and so on, so forth. And so it's an all day thing. We kind of hang out all, a lot, our, our group hangs out a lot together and we've become family. And that's been such a highlight of this walk is having the family and the friends that have always wanted my entire life and, and couldn't seem to find until now. So, uh, really look forward to Shabbat. That's like our big, you know, weekly get together. So especially, you know, Saturday during the day. So. I don't know, Adam, I don't know if you've noticed this or yourself, but, you know, you, I, I would assume that most people see you on camera, uh, Friday nights, right? It's the end of your week and I always like to equate it to, you know, you're running a marathon all week. And if you, if you get to Sabbath and you're exhausted, it's like, I had a good work week. The problem is is that people, it's, it's like at a race, people are watching you come into the finish line. It's your last lap. Maybe you got that second win, but you're like, you're like huffing and puffing, trying to get through there. At least I am. I'm speaking for myself here. Uh, I'm not saying, I'm not saying that about you. I'm just wondering if you have a similar experience. And, um, and so, yeah. So of course I do my tour portions, uh, on Friday, but Adam and we were speaking on the phone a couple of weeks ago. And I was telling you, that's the best thing I think that's ever happened to my ministry was doing the tour portions. It has changed my understanding of scripture because, you know, I've, I've gone through the cycles, probably five times before this, but when you're four, I mean, it, it's like going down this high speed current and the tour portions show no mercy, like they just, you can do four or five chapters per week in depth stuff and you got to keep up. You can't walk behind. And it's so good for you. Like it's, it's like, I'm sorry. I interrupted you. Please continue. Sorry, sorry. Debate. No, uh, uh, uh, that's it, Adam. You interrupted me for the last time. Um, so no, uh, break it up, break it up. So, okay. So, um, see, I lost my turn to the thought now, but, um, sorry, but yeah, no, having to actually dig into it from a presentation perspective is completely different. So anyways, I get to, I get to the end of it. I'm exhausted Friday night. I made it and then Saturday, uh, Shabbat Saturday for me. Uh, that is a day that we like to make it very family focused. Now a lot, a lot of people out there are coming from, you know, celebrating Christmas, Easter, you know, these kinds of things and as parents, you guys can already know what it's like to want to make that day special. Right? Remember when you kept Christmas and you put out the cookies and you decorated the tree and you wanted to make something really special for your children. Now, of course, letting everybody know I do not celebrate those holidays. I haven't in very long time, but we want to make them very special for our children. We want our children to grow up and look back at their childhood and the family go, this is what I want to continue. This was a very, very, very special day. So we always make sure to have the best food. We have, uh, we have, uh, we've been doing this for like six or seven years now. We always have a camp out as a family down the living room and, um, you know, just family nights, games, all that kind of stuff. So it's, it's definitely our fair day that week as well. Hands down for sure for sure. You're big. All right. I was going through, uh, our extended list. I, uh, this was kind of dark. Oh boy, hope you don't mind. But, uh, this actually came from someone in our group. And, um, but like as a teacher, I don't think I don't think anything is going to pass up my giraffe statement, but I don't think so either, to be honest. One of the better things I've heard on YouTube. Um, but like as a ministry leader, like there's a huge weight and like, how do you deal with people who like turn away? For example, um, you know, these people would take what you say and maybe do something wrong with it or like, you know, you run into these situations. There's kind of this, like, you know, we, I think we experienced it every Passover, more or less, you kind of go through like the following and it's, it's got to be heavy for someone in your position. If you could just talk about like how you deal with that and what it means and how you counteract it, things you do to like prevent it. Like, uh, that's a, that's a really tough one. I remember years ago, Adam told me that he said that, uh, it's something along lines. I'm going to botch his quote that, um, nothing matters more to him than, uh, the people in his ministry, right? How he leads and so on and so forth. And, um, you know, when you're, I feel, I feel the exact same way here at the end of expected cosmology and I'm, uh, I mentioned earlier in the, uh, tonight that I see myself as a missionary and I talk about some very controversial subject matters. I see myself out on the furthest outpost really of like intellectual thought, like I'm like a ranger station way out there for the people who make it out that far. And you know, I, I talk about a lot of these subjects, uh, to, uh, to try to bring them back into the Torah. So the, the Torah community sees me talking about these outlandish things and like this guy's crazy, uh, but then the crazy people out there look at me and they see me talking about the Torah and they're like, this guy is crazy. Right. So, uh, but, um, it's tough. I, I guess it's very, very painful watching people make bad decisions. And after you've been around the block several times and you, you see where search and lines of thought lead people, you start seeing people go down the anti missionary path or things like that. You can try to warn people, uh, and steer them away. But usually they look at you like you're very foolish. Like, like, oh, clearly you don't know anything. You're not, you know, you're not wise. I know what I'm doing. And you're just like, okay, uh, you know, I, I'm really, like, I really don't want to see you do this. And I'll like say it's, it's tough. So I'm interested to hear your response. So, you know, the fellowship is the best part of, you know, this walk and, and the loss of people, um, is the hardest part for sure. Much like, you know, if, if someone was a shepherd or Dave, you're a shepherd over a flock, you know, if, uh, you know, if, if one of your, your, um, use, uh, gave birth and, and, you know, lost it a few weeks later, it would break your heart. Wouldn't it, you know, how much more, you know, for a person, for like a soul, it comes into the truth is excited. And then you see that, uh, false doctrine, you know, pulls them away and pulls them, uh, to anti-Messiah thought or, um, you know, anything else that may pull them away from the truth, it's, it's heartbreaking. Um, especially when you're in fellowship in person with people and, and you, you sit down and have a meal with them and your, your children play together and are very fond of each other. And then, you know, years go by and then all of a sudden they're not in the same faith anymore. Um, they don't believe in Messiah anymore. And it's just, it's heartbreaking. Kids are like, you know, daddy wears so and so we're like, you know, it's hard. It's really hard. Um, and there's definitely a weight on it. Um, and I would say that I can't speak for anyone else, but I could say that there's the only way that I'm able to do ministry and able to bear the things and the, the fiery darts and all the things that come our way in many different forms is only because Mashiach who strengthens me in, in the spirit that he gives us and the father's favor and, uh, cause it's, it's a war out there, especially if you're in fellowship, well, it doesn't matter. You can be online zoom fellowship that you'd be sure the devil is going to be trying to get in there and try to, to break up that fellowship, to, to send people to stir up, you know, slander and gossip and division. It can be a discord chat, uh, whatever, you know, you can be sure that the enemy, that's where his, his, his people are going is to sow discord and brother, because we both know that Satan can't put a cap on this truth. He can't hide it. I mean, he can maybe hide, you know, good flat earth videos, you know, seven pages down in YouTube search, but he can't stop what's happening. So what he can do is, is infiltrate and to separate and to divide the sheep like a wolf would do the wolf when he hunts, it separates the flock and then goes after the weaklings. And, uh, so once again, being in, in the role of a shepherd, it's, it's, um, you know, we've had some things that happened over last year that have really, uh, gotten us to, to really take shepherd in the flock more seriously. And that's where Paul's letters, uh, come in and are very helpful, uh, for, for assembly leaders and whatnot. So, um, taking also James three very seriously about, hey, many of you brethren should not be, uh, teachers, because they know that teachers are, uh, held to, uh, a stricter, just stricter judgment is what it says. So, um, pretty, pretty terrifying stuff. Yeah, I could not find a good segue question for that one. So we're going to do a 180 here. Um, those are great comments. Uh, what's your most outlandish or fringiest biblical conspiracy that you guys believe in? This is served up on a plate for you. And also you just go ahead and go ahead and spike this one. I'll, I'll bring up the room and spike this one. Uh, you know, okay, well, my, my all time favorite, I think, and it's one that I actually do not talk about very often, uh, because it's very precious to my, my heart is, uh, Mary Magdalene. I would talk about Mary Magdalene all the time. Uh, it's just, it's, it's one of those things that Adam, when we were last time I was in Missouri, we sat down there the whole time. I think I talked to you about Mary Magdalene and you kind of just listened to what I had to say. Uh, and for anyone who doesn't know out there, it's the investigation. Did you who shot? I'm going to lose people right now. I'm going to watch the, like my people are just going to start. I'm subscribing from this channel. They subscribe like five minutes ago. And they're like, whoop, take that back, uh, that, uh, did Mashiach, uh, have a patrol and I asked that question. I started looking into it. And one of the, the heart, the reason why this is such a, uh, a difficult subject for a lot of people is about 20 or 30 years ago, you know, day when Brown came along and some other people and they started putting out this research about Mary Magdalene, uh, what really disturbs me about the entire, uh, conspiracy, if you want to call it that, because it is, right? It's a conspiracy to scrub the Holy family. Um, is that most of these Mary Magdalene research out there, researchers out there, they don't even believe the Bible to be true. They don't even, they just believe that they'll say Jesus, he was just a dude. And he, he escaped crucifixion. He ran off to France and it's like, well, what's the big deal then about this? If you were just some dude in history, why are you making a big deal about this? And it's usually they're doing this research to stick it to the man and try to undermine the authority of the church and the Bible and that kind of stuff. And so when people hear me talking about this, like these alarms are going off, oh, that Noel's going to lead down this direction and he's going to undermine the Bible and all that kind of stuff. And none of that is true. So I would say that that's probably the most controversial. And, uh, it's, again, it's something that I rarely talk about because I just, some people are interested in it, but some people are like, yeah, no one's putting a gun to my head on that one. So I'm not going to really make a decision or really have to put any thought into it. I'm going to go with reptilians. No, I'm just kidding. Um, uh, actually, uh, an interesting one that is actually the first video I ever did on my channel and it had to do with, uh, blood types, uh, something that is always intrigued me when I was in the military. Um, I thought it was interesting that I had, uh, a negative blood and everyone else pretty much had positive blood and I'm like, what's, what's this deal? I never, I never understood later on it did research and, um, it's still not conclusive, but there's interesting things about different blood types. Uh, if you guys are not familiar, you have R H negative and you have R H positive. And so you have, you know, O negative, A negative, B negative, AB negative. Then you have, uh, A positive, B positive, AB positive and O positive. Anyways, what's interesting about, um, let's say you have a female who has R H negative blood that says she has O negative blood. If she gets impregnated by a man who has O positive blood, the, the, the, um, female, um, uh, it attacks the womb every time. And it almost always aborts the fetus because it treats that blood is like, um, alien alien blood only within the last 60, 70 years, they invented a shot called Rogam that allowed an R H negative woman to actually conceive and have a child by an R H positive man. Uh, there's some really interesting things about it. Uh, there's a lot of interesting theories about R H negative people are, um, and so it's, it's, I don't know exactly where I land on that, but it's definitely one of the weirdest topics that, um, um, that I found fascinating that I've really never come to a conclusion on. So I don't know if that even answered the question, but that just gave me an opportunity to talk about a weird subject. So cool. I remember, I remember that video, uh, years and, yeah, years ago. All right. Uh, next question. I love talking about Paul. So let's go with that. What was the thorn in the flesh that Paul was referring to, in your opinion? There's some different, there's some funny theories out there. Um, I, I, I just think he had a, uh, maybe a physical impairment. Um, maybe like a, like a Jacob situation where, you know, after he wrestled, the angel of yah, that his, um, sciatica, sinu, or sinu, whatever shrunk. Uh, and, and, uh, pretty sure he limped after that. Uh, maybe Paul had some sort of limp or body, uh, bodily issue. I don't, I don't have much here. No. By the way, Adam, the, uh, the paper I'm, the next paper I'm working on, uh, is on the reptilians, just, you know, um, so, uh, Dave, I'm going to, in the rule book for this, uh, quote, unquote debate, I get to cash us in one time where I have one of the mods actually answered the question for me. And I'm asking that you answer that one for me. What was the thorn in the flesh? I don't know. That was, uh, I haven't got a difficult group talking about this. This is such a Dave question. Yeah. Well, I, there's so much conspiracy. Most people that I in my circles talk about like it's a demon, right? Like, yeah, of course, why did Paul have this demon following him around? If he's able to just like cast out in the name of, you know, that was a whole. Anti-Paul sentiment, though. So like from the other perspective, like what could it actually be? Uh, you know, the fact that Adam thinks it was probably a physical ailment kind of. Didn't you quote a passage from, uh, the book, the not serene, if I recall? Ah, yeah, you're probably thinking about like, um, see, that's why I want it. Cause you, you actually quoted from, I thought it was really good. I can't remember what it was. That was his AI, but that was me. No, it was basically, uh, he can't heal everybody because there may be Adam just, it was for some, it would do them more harm as in some people need to be in their, uh, physical ailments, uh, people that have feasted with me over the years, uh, I say feasted, gone to feasts, you know, with me. I typically have seen me limping around. I'll, I'll say for a good portion of the last 10 years was good for me that I had a physical impairment, uh, almost debilitating is what got my heart and heart to, to search him out, you know, and I'm not saying that that's what Paul needed. Paul needed, you know, you should have to come out from, from the sky to, you know, to wake him up. So we all have different levels of how much intervention we need, you know, to believe. So maybe it was a horse accident when he, uh, I will say too that, uh, what you were, see, I don't have that passage in front of me, obviously. So I'm, I'm shooting, uh, blind here, but, uh, they're in the, uh, acts of Peter. Interestingly enough, uh, and I don't believe that that is Holy Spirit scripture. Just someone knows out there. I do really like the acts of the apostles though. And one of the themes of that book is that Peter's, uh, Kipa's own daughter has like since her like palsy or she's kind of crippled or whatever. And that's the whole theme that people are asking Kipa is like, well, why can't you're healing all these people? Why can't you hear your dog heal your daughter? And he's like, no, this is for her own good. This is actually for her, uh, benefit. You guys can't see that. But some people are in these predicaments because Jan knows what's best for them. So the, the, the scripture says that, uh, David says, um, it was good for me that I was afflicted that I might learn your statutes. Yep. Yep. Yep. Um, so Lisa, this was her question to use in the chat tonight. Um, she wants to know what is your best reason, either for or against Yahweh being a Hushia in the Old Testament. Uh, for, uh, for Yahweh being Yahusha in the Old Testament. Correct. As in, like when it says, and the Lord spoke unto Moshe, Mosheh and said. I guess the first thing is Adam, you have to either agree or disagree whether Yahusha is, uh, Yahwa. So, um, I believe, I believe that, well, here's where I'm at at this, like as Steve Mutru says, at this time, you know, subject to change, um, at this time, I believe that Messiah is the literal son of the most high L. L. Young, uh, who I understand is Yahwa, sebout. Um, now, um, I will say all throughout the Old Testament, uh, I believe you see Messiah being identified as Yodhay, Bob. Hey, um, in that, uh, he's number one, he's the angel of the Lord, angel, the angel of Yah in the burning bush. I believe this is where the Targums really shine, uh, where all the interactions, uh, where it's literally the word of Yah speaks, uh, is interacting with Mosheh on Mount Sinai. Um, you see that the word, it's the word that created Adam, um, uh, out of the dust, it was the word that walked in the cool of the day, uh, seeking for Adam. Um, also, you know, first Adam Neve, uh, makes it very clear. But, um, so I, I don't know if you answered your question directly, but, uh, yes, in the sense that Messiah was identified as Yodhay, Bob. Hey, all throughout the Old Testament. Um, I also believe that Messiah is, uh, not a liar. And he says, no man has ever seen the father at any time. Uh, I believe it's Messiah who Moses spoke with face to face Abraham, the prophets, uh, when, when, when Ezekiel says, and the word of the Lord came to me saying, I believe that Messiah came down, um, not an angel speaking. The, the literally Messiah came down speaking, uh, such and such. Uh, so that's it. Yeah. Where I'm at is, uh, for those of you who have been a part of this channel over the last, I would say a year and a half, Michael, you were originally a part of the conversation where I brought you and, uh, Miss Pamela on to talk, uh, to ask the question, is Yohushama Shiyok, is he, uh, Yohua or Yahweh, or, uh, as I like to say in the paleo, Yahuwah. And, uh, at that time, I wasn't sure where I was at. Um, and as I've been going through the investigation through the paleo Hebrew this year, I am, uh, mostly convinced, uh, I say mostly because, you know, there was always that little bit of lingering doubt, you know, uh, well, let me just back up really quickly. I'm on board with Adam here that I believe that, uh, Yohushama Shiyok is the literal son of the most high. So the question is who is the most high? Uh, Adam said, El Elion. I agree with that. And what I'm asking is, is Yohushama Shiyok, is he Yahuwah? Is he the same, not just, you're right, Adam. Like the, the, the Tardoms do shine with the whole, you know, the word of, um, as being a different entity than this, this father, this creator of all who, um, again, so where I lean is Messiah's words. I believe he is the epitome of truth. And so if he's saying that, um, that the father is greater than he is, that his doctrine is not his own, but the father who sent him that all praise goes to the father, um, and that no one's ever seen the father, but only the son, uh, who's in the bosom of the father, he has declared him, uh, X is 34. Um, so there are two beings that I feel fully convinced of at this time and that no one's ever seen this father, like nobody has put eyes on him. I don't think anybody can, uh, until whatever renewed heavens and earth and then all that comes down. That's a different story, but I don't think anyone's ever laid eyes on, on L. L. Young, only, um, Messiah who is Yodhay Vave in the scriptures, uh, when it's, you know, when it references or if, if, you know, at a minimum, he's the literal mouthpiece or the, the express image of the father, uh, always coming down and doing the father's will. Um, I believe that Messiah, uh, died to take his bride back, not to take his father's bride. If that makes sense, he was the one that was, um, in covenant with Israel. So anyway, okay, I'm going way past the goalposts here. Sorry. Well, let me, so let me just say, um, I don't have, I guess at this point in time, a best argument, but, uh, and Michael, you know, I think Dave, you know, as we're going through Pamela's translate translation of the paleo Hebrew through our Torah portions, uh, particularly in Genesis. One of the things we were trying to look at was if we, if we say that the father is Allahaykum, that would be in the paleo in the modern Hebrew Masarek would say Elohim. Of course, there were many Elohim, but the, the father would be Allahaykum. And then what if the son is Yahuwah, or, uh, you know, Yahuwah, uh, Yahuwah, however you want to pronounce it. Um, and we would see the inner, the exchange going back and forth between Allahaykum speaking and then Yahuwah is speaking and doing action. And it was really interesting to see the relationship go back and forth. And of course, the one who actually make the covenant with Abraham was the word. The word. Right. So it was the word, right. So that's, that's just where I'm at. I don't have a best, uh, I don't have right now, like the core argument that just destroys the opposition, right. But it's obviously something where that's where I'm at. Uh, I think that Yahuwah, the, the one that most of us say is the father that Yahuwah is the literal son of the father, Allahaykum. And that's a new, that's a new pronunciation. I have not heard, I have not heard that one yet. You'll have to, if you've got like a study on that, you have to send it. Well, it's, it's, I'm quoting from the paleo. So the paleo would be, uh, Yahuwah, and then the, uh, instead of Elohim, it would be Allahiam. So kind of like Allah, Allahiam. You're gonna have to spell that in a few minutes. So that's one of the next questions. Yes. Can you spell that actually? I don't want to see this. I've just inserted a question. Yeah. Let me, uh, I got it. Um, let me put it here in the chat. I'll spell it out for you guys. Uh, hold on here. Well, I wasn't seeping it off the top of your head, but that's okay. It's okay. We'll get, we'll give you that. Okay. So why a, H A U A H A? Okay. Nope. Scrabble. All right. This is my turn. Yes. Okay. Uh, this is kind of a silly question. No, you could probably answer this a little better because I know you've been back and forth in the past few years on certain things, but basically there's all these different calendars out there. You're on a calendar. But what's the second best calendar? Like who came in second on that, that argument? Uh, yeah. Um, as I tell people all the time, you know, everybody has different pieces of the puzzle and truth. And I think that yah, uh, distribute wisdom to different people on different subjects. And the, the, I don't try to make myself out be wise of the calendar. The calendar is not one of them. Uh, I am convinced that, uh, in, in my conscious and my heart that, uh, the seventh day Sabbath, what we would say is Saturday Sabbath every seven days that that is legitimate. Uh, wouldn't it, if we're talking about the Zidaw calendar or, you know, whatever calendar is out there, uh, whether, whether it's the crescent full moon for a month or whether it's a full moon for a new moon or whether we are going not by the moon, but by the, uh, uh, what is it the, the solstices or whatever? Um, I, I really don't know. Uh, Michael is part of this insanity with me where every single year I'm like, yeah, I'm trying a new calendar out this year and I've had no resolution with it. So, uh, so I'm, I'm content in my, in my Sabbathkeeping, but in terms of when the feast are supposed to be, um, you know, I'm just, I have never found resolution on that. Yeah. Maybe someday I will. Um, not bad. Uh, the only took an hour 10 to get to a calendar question. So hold on. I'm actually impressed. Um, I am also pretty content, uh, very content where I'm at with calendar, uh, although I continue to test it because, uh, whether I like it or not, um, you know, the majority of the emails and questions and comments and what is calendar related. So I feel like, you know, I need to continue to always make sure to test what people bring my way. Um, uh, I like everyone else. I, I, I want to, I want to celebrate on the right day. So I find the calendar is important. You know, when I, I often talk about unity in the body and not arguing over calendar or not tearing one another down over calendar, that's not to dissuade from searching the calendar out. I, I, um, you know, I do find a little bit of enjoyment searching the calendar out. Um, you know, there's, there's, uh, there's something about Enoch 72 through 79. You just love to read over and over and over again. Um, you just get something new every time. Um, but, uh, so was the question, what's the second best calendar? Is that what? Is that the actual question? I'm sorry. I mean, technically, yeah, but more just like, where did you get to where you are based on your, uh, the calendar I'm on right now is the second best. I, I really. So I, I like, uh, like no, I, after a thorough investigation, I can, I have not been able to be moved from this Saturday Sabbath. Um, just too much information points that I believe it's, I believe yeah is strong enough to, uh, protect that seven day cycle from the very beginning with creation. That's creation. We can self is convincing enough for me to stay on a seven day continuous cycle. Um, I am, you know, whether we, I, whether I'm walking in the exact, uh, correct calendar, uh, I don't know. Um, do my best, uh, put a lot of study time, just like a lot of other people have too, and a lot of praying, a lot of fasting on other people too, you know. And so it's interesting. We pray we fast and we come up with different, you know, um, different calendars. But one thing I am, I do feel very convinced of is that the moon is used for the month. So, um, yeah. So my second favorite calendar would be another calendar that uses the moon for the months. So we'll go with, I go with the sliver moon, so the sighted moon will go with the conjunction moon to calendars. My second favorite. Well, this year, let me say that I'm actually, uh, trying out the, the full moon for the, uh, the new moon. So, um, yeah, I'm still searching this out myself. And you know, as Rob's Gibby used to say that you kind of have to, you know, just test them out and try them and see if they work. This, and that's, that was, that was kind of, you know, what it was for me with lunar Sabbath. I'm like, okay, I, you know, I don't work for a company, I work for myself. Um, I can do this. You know, a lot of people turn away at lunar Sabbath and lunar Sabbath teachers teach, you know, hey, it's got to be true because it's hard, right? But that was like a, like a practical application of it. You're like, wait, I mean, like, I just couldn't get it to work. You know, so I'm not here to talk negatively about lunar Sabbath. It's just part of my journey was, was to truly test that and hey, can I, can I actually walk in this? But, um, yeah, uh, Enoch, uh, I don't know what you call the calendar we do. We don't have a fancy name for it, but uh, just can't get, get on board with a solar calendar at this point. Um, I feel very convinced that the moon's for the month. So, let's just wear a mat. Right on, right on. Um, in the calendar, that's a, uh, that's a free tester. It is. Yeah. Um, the chat is going crazy over Yahweh who should, so that really stirred it up. Um, so let's get back to some, uh, another one from, uh, this one was from Stephanie. She was in the chat earlier. She says, what's your viewpoint on raising up raising children up in the way they should go, quote unquote, and then also how should we look at homeschooling from the perspective of toward keeping? If you want to go first, no, I'm going to look for a scripture in the book of the not stream that I really would like to share here. So, please go ahead. Yeah, I, I guess I don't know how to answer that. I mean, I hope we homeschool our children and, uh, all three of them. My two year old daughter just graduated from school of potty training a couple of weeks ago. So that's exciting. But I, yeah, I guess I don't, um, maybe you can ask that one more time. I'm trying to figure out how to to even answer that. Um, she's kind of quoting, uh, you know, I think it's Proverbs raising children up in the way. Um, but then her specific question was regarding homeschooling is that can you tie it to like this tour walk and maybe getting out of the public indoctrination? Flea. Uh, well, I, you know, I don't want to put any, uh, a pressure on any parents out there, but yeah, I would never want to send my children to public school. I mean, I don't know how to answer that to, uh, you know, the pressure of, I mean, we, we sent our children, uh, to a private Baptist preschool. This was the year before we went to Torah. We were, I can't say the word. We were anti nephilim juice, uh, at that time, but they were, they were pressuring us to take the nephilim juice back then. This is way before the, the, you know, what in 2020. Um, and, um, so yeah, just, it would break my heart to, um, to have my children just be indoctrinated with just all the lies there. I don't, I don't know how else to answer that. I mean, just, um, yeah, all the parents out there just raise your children, you know, have them actually read the Bible, just put the Bible out there and have them read it. I don't, I don't know how else to answer that. Just be an example for them. So I've learned two things so far, uh, another pronunciation of the name of the father. That's, that's gonna be viable. And, uh, you said nephilim juice. Uh, this isn't the term that I'm unfamiliar with. Can you please help me? Can you urban dictionary that for me or something? I, I, if I say it, then we will get flagged. So it is, it is something that was, uh, passed around. With a Neil, uh, uh, yeah, yeah. Okay. Okay. All right. So I'm a little, I guess I'm a little behind the times on, on, uh, some of the verbiage here. So I got a, thanks for getting me up to speed here. Okay. Um, man, what was the original question? Um, oh, oh, homes, uh, uh, training up your children in the way. Um, and also relation to homeschool. The, the verse that popped in my head immediately and when it comes to talking enough, let me choose. Sorry. It's from the book of the Natsurim, uh, chapter 12, uh, verse 13. It says, yeah, who should dismiss the man and said to this, said to the disciples, sorry, no man can push another into goodness. So this has to apply to our children too. We can't push them into goodness or force spiritual credits upon them. Men are brought to goodness by guidance and example. So training them up in the way, of course, with a Torah, making sure they're acquainted with scripture. It's stuff that a lot of us are doing, but I think the one thing we have to make sure, uh, with our children is example. Uh, I think that's where a lot of people miss it is, you know, our, our children are a lot smarter than we think. They see everything. They, they're seeing all elections, how we react, uh, the rules we enforce on them versus what we actually do ourselves and walk in. Um, I think us being examples or like Paul says, an epistle to be read of men, our children should want to grow up to be us, uh, is basically what I'm trying to get at. And so if you want your children to never depart, they should grow point to be like you. Yeah. Amen. Um, can you talk about your opinion on what is required for salvation? Like what is salvation and, and what do we need to do to get it? Well, I would say that, uh, for me, salvation, there's different types of salvation. We have to qualify what we're talking about because people can be saved in the present, but ultimately salvation, the salvation of our souls, you know, making it is something at the end, right? You have to persevere until the end. So yes, you know, uh, you can be saved in the present in the same sense of like, you know, helicopter can come and save you from a impending flood that's coming in, right? Search and rescue that kind of stuff. But what's interesting is that everybody is written in the book of life. And you can only be scrubbed from the book of life, which is a scary thought. Once you're rubbed out, it seems like you're not being written back in there again. Unless if somebody can find a scripture verse on that for me. Um, so to be fair, the question is, is do we know him and does he know us? Do we know you? Messiah? Does he, does he know us? Are we found in him? And you know, first John might be my favorite book in the whole Bible. I remember first John, and you could just go through verse after verse after verse there. He's like, you know, if you, uh, claim you're without sin, you're a liar, if you, you know, this and that, you know, the definition of sin is a transgression of the Torah. And it really comes down to our fruits. And of course, if we're found in Messiah, then we just, we need to stop sinning. We, you don't have excuses. Um, one of the studies I've been doing this year through the Torah portions is on conscious sin versus unconscious sin. And there's, it seems to be this big emphasis on, uh, this kind of freaked a lot of people out, but it, it appears that there is no sacrifice for conscious sin apart from the day of atonement. Um, and that the, the high priest comes in the, uh, on the day of atonement sacrifices, it sprinkles the blood on the mercy seat and everybody sins can be forgiven at that time. But then you see throughout the New Testament, this idea of, of, okay, well, now you were once ignorant, you're no longer ignorant and you're, you know, you need to just stop sinning, stop saying once you learn what some of these more intimate sins are, just stop. And I will say this in terms of salvation is that I have never seen so many people fall away from the faith as I have in the Torah moment. Same. And it's a separator. Yeah, sifter sifter. And so this is, so this is getting into the salvation thing, right here is that many people, they, they come to Torah for whatever reason. I'm not the judge of all their hearts. Maybe, maybe they're just trying to stick it to the man. Maybe it's trending. Maybe they're, you know, it's a new truth, whatever, but they come in here and they start seeing, they start studying the Torah and they see the heart of the father. They see the face of the father, the mirror reflection as shown in the Torah. And at the end of the day, they're like, I don't like it. I don't like him. And, and YAH starts, he starts, as you said, he starts, uh, trimming. And this is why when you come into the Torah, this is serious now. If you're going to, if you are no longer ignorant and you're going to keep sitting and you're not going to guard commands, I think you're going to be cut out. You're at risk of that happening. And so just to finish, salvation for me comes to the end of our lives. I could, I could live. I'm 43 going to be 44 this year. I have been in the faith my entire life. And 10 years from now, I could walk away. I mean, that's a terrifying thought. The YAH will hand me over to the desires of my heart, which is to, you know, live my own life, doing whatever, sinning, whatever. And my eyes go darkened because of pride, whatever I walk away. And I could say, well, I was saved when I was 15, whoop-de-doo. Now I'm going off and living a life of sin. So that's my answer on that. Praise. Yeah. So I believe that salvation is two, two, in two parts. Like kind of like you said, I actually do believe that there's a moment that you have been saved by, and maybe it's, it's old Christian thinking. Maybe, maybe not everything's wrong, but I believe the moment that you truly believe in your heart, the Messiah, is the Son of Elohim. And you believe that He died on the cross for our sins, and you repent and come to the cross, or come to Him, sorry, not to come to the cross, come to Him in repentance. I believe there's a moment of salvation where, whether it be the moment your baptized, and you raise up and you're given the Holy Spirit, but at some point, you know, as Paul says, when the Holy Spirit is the seal of redemption until that day, it's kind of like an engagement ring, if you will. So I believe there's a moment of salvation. I believe that is the moment you truly believe in the Most High through His Son. I experienced it. I knew there was a moment that I was forgiven because I believed, and that changed my life, and it changed the direction and the course of my whole life, and wanting to seek Him out. So I knew there was a moment of salvation. However, I also believe the scriptures in Messiah's own teachings, there's own words. All the parables are preparing for a day when many are called, but few are chosen. I mean, the about the fish with the basket, that's talking about all those people who believe, and then they're sorted out, the good from the bad, the bad's tossed away, the wise and the foolish virgins, the one that actually follow His ways and the ones who don't, the doors shut on them, they don't come in, and many other parables. I believe that those who believe and don't follow His teachings, at least where I'm at, I'm kingdom minded. So we're talking about salvation. To me, salvation is entering into the New Jerusalem and get into those gates, and I don't believe that people that do not keep the commandments, I do not believe they'll enter. Even when it says in Matthew 5, the least in the kingdom, I don't believe that means inside. Revelation 11 clearly says when He comes down, the kingdoms of the world have become the kingdoms of our master, and so everything outside of New Jerusalem is still His kingdom, and so I believe that the people that are not keeping the commandments will not be able to enter. Revelation 22, 14 says blessed are they that keep the commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter into the city through the gates. I just want to add, I concur with all that, Adam, and there's definitely, you didn't use the word hierarchy, but I would definitely say that there's going to be a hierarchy in heaven, and based on how we lived our lives now, what we showed in commands, and so on and so forth. I agree. Yeah, good stuff. I was going to tee up a softball, but no answer to it. I don't know if you have access to our spreadsheet or not, but so now we're going to go with an interesting one here. Sherry kind of brought it up too, but this was on our question list. Where do you think we are in the biblical timeline? Are we 2030? Are we living in the kingdom now? Are we in a possible short season? Oh, which arm are Donkey Kong now? Okay, so this is where the versus part comes in. I know Noel and I find ourselves on the opposite ends of the spectrum here, but this hopefully can be an example to others. Though we disagree on probably a pretty big topic that's a big topic in your life, Noel, and the fact that you still fellowship with me, even though I don't agree with, you know, as far as we're around the timeline, I think is a big testament to what a lot of people are understanding is unity and the body is important. You know, John 17, I've been saying this a lot lately, John 17, one of Messiah's last prayers, he prayed to the Father that we, all of us, would be one as he and the Father are one. So if it's important to Messiah, it needs to be really important to us. And so I just, so I, maybe, maybe still too much of mainstream Christianity is hanging on to me still, and maybe this is where I'm blind, but I have not been able to be convinced as of this time that the first, the first resurrection has happened yet. I still believe that we're waiting for that day to happen for the ferment, the crack open for Messiah to come down and for the first resurrection to happen. So I am, we are still pre-Kingdom in my opinion. And I know you've got a lot to say on this and also I'll, I'll, I'll stop. Well, let me just say here, Tyler posted my theme verse going back in the salvation thing. This is the, the theme verse of this ministry, Adam, at your froze. I hope you're doing okay on your end. But Revelation 14, 12 tells us that those who make it to the end who persevered to the end of those who keep the commands and the testimony of YAHushah Amashiach. So that's obviously what I'm all about. And to answer the question, yes, I do believe that we are post Revelation 20. That's the, the, the Millennial Kingdom, as we call it, the thousand-year reign in which the saints co-rain with Mashiach already happened. And by that, I'm not talking about a spiritual, predatorist position. I'm talking about a physical kingdom on this earth. I, but quickly, I think that the dark ages, what we call the dark ages, from the 500s to the 1500s was probably it, and that there was a worldwide, I don't know exactly what it looked like. I think we have hints and clues and the bones and fragments. And I want to point out to everyone out there that I believe that the kingdom is ongoing and eternal, but I'm talking about a thousand years in which the saints co-rained with Mashiach on this earth, a specific allotted amount of time. And so I believe that the Watchers have been released. I believe that Satan has been released and that we are in the little season of deception. And we look around us, everything is alive. We were being lied to about everything. I think that the gloves have come off and Satan knows that his time is limited. And he's coming at us with wrath right now. And so if there are people who are maybe tuning into this, coming over from parable to vineyard, and you're just like, what? See me, there's so many questions. And obviously, I can't answer them all in a minute or two response, nor do I intend to. I have written about four or five books on the subject now. And I don't say that to to both. I'm just saying that I have a few more coming out. Something that started back in 2020 as an investigative research paper on did the Millennial Kingdom happens. And I thought I would just knock it out with one paper and go on to other conspiracies as kind of become a life passion project of mine. So are there days to go by where I go? Well, are we actually, are there days to go by where I like doubt it? Like, well, maybe we're not in the past. Yeah, I've had those lingering doubts as well. But I mean, we all do. We all do, right? I mean, there's been days I've woken up and go like, what if we are living on a spinning globe? They're like, nah, no, I don't think we live on a spinning globe. But you know, I mean, we all have our lingering doubts and everything. And that's just part of the human experience. And anyways, yeah, to answer the question, that's where I'm out. So kind of in the same genre, what what's your interpretation, like based on Jeremiah and the book of Hebrews, of what the new covenant is, when it is, who it applies to, so forth. I think Messiah certainly inaugurated the new covenant at the the last supper. I mean, he says such, I don't think the new covenant is fully realized until he returns and brings us to him. I believe we're like kind of in a waiting period. Like I was saying earlier, the Holy Spirit is like like an engagement ring, like it says, it's the seal of redemption until that day. I'm butchering that scripture. But I will say there's there's certainly has to be new elements of the new covenants in place right now. We're not sacrificing animals for sin. Messiah is our sin atonement. I do believe that there's also fulfillment to come. There's parts of Jeremiah that says that when that happens, you won't have to tell your neighbor about. Yeah, because everyone will know him. We're obviously not there. And so it's it may be a middle ground answer. But I find that this topic is very similar to like you mentioned earlier, Noel, sorry, going on a little rabbit trail, but like the bride of the bride of Christ, who is it? There's scripture that 100 points that's the people. And then the scripture that points to being the new the building new Jerusalem, you know, and so obviously there's there's debates that get formed about it. But you know what, maybe it's maybe it's both oh wait, maybe the people are part of New Jerusalem, literally building blocks, you know, literally living stones built up a spiritual house. Okay, maybe it's one in the same. And I think this topic, I think, I think there's is it's kind of a similar thing. There's there's elements of the new covenant that have certainly been inaugurated by Messiah. But there's still obvious signs of it to be fully realized. And that's what also it says in Ezekiel 20, 33-38, when he talks about coming and gathering the the children of Israel, it says he'll gather them into the wilderness again and he'll separate them. He'll separate the rebels and then he'll bring them fully into the bond of the covenant. So that's my, that's my answer. Yeah, I mean, I think that the renewed covenant was or the covenant was renewed, I should say, with Mashiach. But like Adam said, when, you know, obviously most people come at this with a bias because in their Bible, they open it up. Who is it? What's his name? I can't remember his name now. Oh, Michael Rood. Michael Rood is just like, yeah, just take that New Testament and just rip it out of your Bible, the page right there. Because, you know, obviously Matthew, you know, when he turned in his final draft to the publisher, he had New Testament right in front of it. And so obviously, we come at that with the bias. And if we were, if we, if our, if we were never raised with having Bibles where we had Old Testament New Testament and just a continuation of books, I think we would look at this very differently. We would look at what it says in Jeremiah. And as you mentioned, Adam, we would say, well, clearly some of the qualifications don't seem to exist around us. I can go to my neighbor and ask the name of the most high or, you know, who we're even supposed to be in the covenant with. And they'd be like, I don't know. You know, so clearly, and people will come up to me all the time. They'll be like, no man teaches me. The Holy Spirit teaches me. I'm like, why are you on YouTube right now? Because I think, I think men are teaching right now. Like, if you really think that nobody else teaches you, then clearly you shouldn't even be watching these videos because you just know all right, you just got these downloads from the father. So yeah, so I, I think that, um, you're sure your spice level reminds me of a rub skipper right now. This one to say you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think I'm getting more and more saltier as in a good way and I miss Rob way. Uh, but I, yeah. So, but I do think that it has been enacted. It has been renewed. And so those who have resurrected, I said earlier that I do believe we crossed that threshold where, uh, when, when the righteous die, they go to paradise. I didn't used to always believe that way. I do now based on some books like the gospel and the kadimas and others. And so in that way, uh, that you could say that the Torah would be written on their heart because they are now in, in heaven. They are a, uh, whatever we want to, what even the word resurrected can mean multiple things. It could be a weighty word, but when we're talking, because I've seen it use in a multitude of ways throughout different scriptural passages, but those in heaven, I believe, are literally in the renewed covenant. So. Yeah. Yeah. Good stuff. All right. So we know Hushah is the bread of life. He's the savior. He's the, uh, the lamb. He's also the judge. What do you think the unpardonable sin is? I know it's mentioned in the canon, but pardon is a judge, a courtroom, a court room term there. The unpardon or the unforgivable sin, right? The blasphemy of the spirit, right? That's, is that your answer? Oh, uh, Adam, I, I think you're probably going to mention the diddocking on this one, right? No, you know what? It's been a while since I've read that. I love that. So please bring it up. Uh, my, my personal study on this, and I've been going studying this out in my Torah portions. I, where I'm at right now, my opinion is that the blasphemy of the spirit is, um, ultimately to be, to have the unpardonable sins, like, you know, core is rebellion, right? He's killed immediately. Some of these people time and again, you see that it is being in contempt of court. And so to be in contempt of court, uh, can also be in a ministry and the diddocking talks about this. I think that they give the best, in my opinion, the, the, the writing, the writing of the apostles, the diddocking. I know Dave, it doesn't like that book too much, but, uh, I think, uh, he's, but, um, it gives the best clarification on it and to go into a ministry and to be in contempt of that ministry and to ca, try to cause division in that ministry, uh, is, is equatable to, uh, to be in contempt with, uh, Yahuwah. So, um, I give a word of warning out there that, I mean, I would never want to enter another ministry and try to break it up, cause division or anything like that, uh, to cause, incite rebellion. Sedition. Yeah. So for me, for me, that is the, um, uh, be, it's very, very dangerous ground at that point. And, uh, you know, you need to, you need to repent. Yeah. Um, blasting in the Holy Spirit, um, you know, the only example we get really is when Messiah does a miracle and by the Holy Spirit and they give credit to Satan, that was the example that we had when he gave that, uh, teaching. So that's really all I have to go off, all I have to go off of. So it's hard for me to go too much further on that. I feel like it would be my own opinion of like, it's almost like, it's hard to say like, uh, when you don't cast your prayer before swine, you know, where you are, you're like, mmm, you swine, you know, it's, it's a tough one. Can you talk about like who or what the Holy Spirit actually is, how it's used? I was so, I was so hoping you would ask that next. Addon, do you want to go first or should I go first? Yes. I'll, I'll go ahead and, uh, just share. I know this is another topic that I'm sure, uh, the, probably the four of us don't agree on. And, uh, you know, some of your listeners as well. Um, I don't, I still am not convinced that the Holy Spirit is like another individual like Messiah is an individual. Like, I believe that the father exists and the son exists. I don't believe the Holy Spirit is like a third person, especially not of a Trinity. I think I don't think any of us are here are Trinitarians. Um, but I believe the Holy Spirit is not a person. Um, you know, we know that the Holy Spirit is one of the, one of the seven listed spirits, um, in, uh, Isaiah 11 12. Um, and so if the Holy Spirit is a person, then we got six other people that are all spirits as well. Um, and so I just believe that Holy Spirit is, um, it's something part of like, I don't know, I don't know the right word, essence of YAH that he sends forth. Like, for example, we see, um, King Saul had the Holy Spirit on him. And then we see that through his actions, the Holy Spirit left him and then an evil and tormenting spirit, uh, was about him that caused him to make bad decisions and whatnot. So, uh, the Holy Spirit is like this helper, the companion that is given to us that helps guide us in our mind, um, to make the right decisions, to, to convict us of sin, to bring Messiah's words to remembrance to us, to lead us unto all truth. So I don't think it's like a person that goes inside of us and guides us. I believe it's like a, um, essence spirit. I don't know. I don't know. So this is an interesting question because, uh, I have the former Michael who actually came to my house and hopefully you don't think I'm throwing you under the bus here. Michael, I've given the story so many times Michael came over to my house. He sat on my couch and he's like, so what do you think about the, the, the feminine Holy Spirit? And I was like, tell me. And this was a few years back. And then of course, uh, I remember, uh, Adam, Michael and I were on a, on a phone call with you talking about this. So my, my position is that, um, a Chopma or Wisdom or we could say Sophia and Greek. Um, of course that is one of the seven, uh, spirits. And if we could connect, uh, Wisdom with the Holy Spirit, then we have a very, very solid, uh, rock solid case, in my opinion that, uh, the Ruachakres Kadesh is feminine, that she is the, as you would say, in Sorak, the mother of Yashirelle. Um, and so the way I like to think about this, uh, not, not as a Trinity, but as a Holy family where we, as above so below as the cultists would say, or in biblical terms on Earth as it is in heaven. And so when we, when he formed the family union, when he had, the unit, when he had Adam and Eve or Chwah in, in the paleo, they, they got together and they had a son. And so, uh, I believe in the same way that the Ruachakres is, uh, the feminine, uh, the spirit aspect, uh, that came from the father. And, um, and she's also referred to in, interesting enough the, uh, the, uh, what is it, the, the, oh, it's a Solomon, great book. She's actually referred to as the perfect virgin as well. And she's still a, uh, still a virgin. But yeah, there's, there's, of course, a lot of passages I could go into on, um, why, let me just say that there's a lot of people throughout history in it, including what we call extra biblical books, including some that is in Apocrypha, if we can take Sorak and others where people did seem to have that opinion. So, uh, that's where I'm at. Father, mother, and of course, let me just point out to everybody that when you have the Ten Commandments and you split them up with, um, to love YAH and love others, the first five, the Fifth Commandment is love obey your father and mother. And that actually falls under the category of love YAH. So, uh, on earth as in, as it is in heaven, love your father and mother on earth, love your father and mother in heaven. There's my answer. I could say so much more, but I will get on to the next question. Um, Torah portions. You know, I talk to him on the side. He's like, these are so deep. You can't just split it. Um, you can't just really dig deep when you're talking about five chapters. What's your favorite Torah portion and why? Well, whoever divided up, uh, whoever gave us Genesis one through six was, uh, was totally sadistic. Uh, as the rabbinical commentators have long stated, uh, that you can, within Canon, you can find every single doctrine in Genesis one through six. And that's, that's a challenge that I've never been able to disprove. Um, it, it is so embedded with everything that I wish you could take Genesis one through six and divide it up over six weeks. Um, it's, it's, it's, yeah. So that would often obviously be my favorites. Um, there was another one I really, there's been a few that really type, but everybody loves Genesis one through six. I mean, it's just an awesome passage. Adam, what's yours? So I want to first start off with, uh, something I wanted to say earlier, but I forgot to mention it when you were talking about how you enjoy doing the Torah portions or it was life changing to do the Torah portions. Um, I, I agree. And, and the reason I agree more now than ever is because, uh, last fall, uh, as the Torah portion cycle was getting ready to, to, to reset, I, I kind of felt the nudge to say, you know what, why are we starting it in the fall? Why should, why wouldn't we start it in the spring when the real biblical and New Year starts? So anyway, so we did that and it's, it's a blessing. Um, but there was a gap from the fall till the spring, just, uh, you know, a few months ago when we started, um, where we didn't do them. And I, I wasn't doing them on the channel. Uh, you know, we didn't do them. Um, and so that gap, I recognized that I was missing something and I couldn't put my finger on it. By the time once I got right back to the Torah portions, I felt like just rejuvenated. I really, like Psalm 1 came alive that the person who meditates on the Torah day and night, she'll be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth his fruit and his season, his leash on that wither and whatever he does so prosper. So it was like, I missed it so much. And I, I, it's, it's my favorite thing to do. So it's like, no matter, uh, right now I'm in a very busy season of my life. Um, we just, uh, got it to a new property where our home is on there, our fellowship building is on it. Um, we, we, uh, we've got a lot of work to do here, the property. We just had a brand new baby. Uh, you know, four weeks ago, baby Yoshiyahu, uh, Josiah. Um, so I'm in a very busy season of my life, but it's like, no matter what, I'm always, you know, it's like, I got to get to that Torah portion. And it's just like, it's such a highlight of my day. Now, to answer the question, um, my favorite is Shmoat as, uh, Exodus, uh, Exodus one through six, uh, Exodus one, one through six, one, uh, mainly because of, um, the Jasher pairings with that, uh, it's definitely the longest Torah portion for me. Uh, if I would have put everything in there, I wanted to, it had been a four and a half hour Torah portion, but I cut it down to almost three, but, uh, the parallels of how Israel went from ruling in Egypt to slavery and how Egypt, uh, did that through manipulation. And there's so many parallel wells about today and how America is like a spiritual Egypt and it's just a very, uh, it's a very rewarding Torah portion. Um, I, I love the life of Moshe. So all the extra details in that Torah portion, specifically through Joshua, uh, are very rewarding. The whole, uh, life in Kush being a king in Kush, uh, and, uh, the story about the stick, uh, so many others. So yeah, Shmoat, Exodus one, one through six, one's my favorite. And then followed closely behind, uh, of course, bear sheet. Speaking of favorites, uh, favorite book, like out of the 66 canon, you can all, you're on a desert island. You can only test. Matthew, Matthew, Matthew 100%. I bet the farm with Matthew. That's, that's Matthew is like my life, uh, my lifeline to, to YAH. Uh, I, when I came to, to the faith, I read Matthew over and over and over. I would just sit there and weep at Messiah's words and I fell in love with him. I didn't really want to read any other gospel. It was just Matthew over and over. And that's still just my favorite book, Matthew. Yeah, that's a, that's a tough question. I might go with Matthew too. I, I had said earlier tonight that, uh, first John is a book that I really, really love, but first John, it, it doesn't have the, obviously the teachings in it, like you will give in Matthew. If I were to think about the, the very heart of the Bible, I think Leviticus is it. I think that is the, the heart of YAH. And then numbers, which we're in right now in our Torah portions is the, the human experience. It's the, the depth of human depravity when they are faced with the Torah and how they rebel against it once they leave Sinai. It's really interesting. And so there's all these different books. It's hard to know what to pick, but I would, I guess if I had to go with one book for the rest of my life, it would either, it would be a toss up between Matthew and John. Yeah. Right. I'm right on. Um, okay. Let's see. I got one. What's your interpretation of the abomination of desolation mentioned in Daniel and the gospels? Nephilim juice. No, I'm just sorry. Um, I have a different opinion than the majority. Um, I believe that, uh, Luke 21 defines, uh, the abomination in, in, um, it's going to be a long winded answer. I don't want to take too long, but in Daniel nine, it talks about, uh, the desulations of Jerusalem and how she'll remain desolate until the consummation of times in Luke 21. Um, I'll just go there real quick. Luke 21 identity properly identifies, I believe Jerusalem is mystery Babylon. I believe the Vatican's Babylon. I believe America's Babylon. I believe everything is Babylon at this point, but there's only one mother. And I believe Jerusalem is specifically is the harlot. Um, and, uh, with that being said, in Luke 21, it says, um, verse 20, it says, when you shall see Jerusalem compass with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. I believe Jerusalem is that abomination that becomes, that is made desolate in the end times. I don't think it's, um, the Scofield interpretation of, um, Satan walking into the built third temple and be like, boo, I'm God. Um, I don't, that's, sorry, I mean to be, to be mock at mockery on that. That's just, I know that's, uh, it's a popular thought in, in mainstream Christianity, but, uh, I believe that Jerusalem becomes, is one of the first signs of the end times is, I believe Jerusalem is going to be laid desolate one more time in the side of everyone. And I think it's going to move the nations. Now, Adam and I have a pretty, uh, similar response here. Only we're on different timelines. And of course, I believe that 70 AD saw the, the desolation, which was a repeat, uh, kind of a repeat of the Maccabean, uh, revolt. Uh, but this would be when Titus came in. And of course, Titus was a co co emperor, a co Caesar with his father, daddy of his patient. Um, and, uh, he went in and he basically had a luau. He threw some pork down and, uh, basically said, okay, this is it. Either worship me or I'm, uh, demolishing this city. And then, of course, he did it. Um, so that's, of course, and, but I agree that, uh, Jerusalem is, uh, Babylon, there. And so look, I, my belief in revelation is that it's, it's, if we see that, uh, Yahuwaha handed a bill of divorce to Yasharell. And we see that with Jose and all that timeline, uh, that 70 AD was the, the removal of the land of Yehuda. That was the them getting removed, kicked out of the land via divorce, bill of divorcement. Um, so I don't know what's going to happen in the future. You know, I, I have no problem with the Illuminati card of, you know, another anti Christ and the temple and all that kind of stuff. Maybe that's going to be hashed out. I don't really know if it will or won't. That's a whole different subject. But all that to say is, and I also think that that caused the, uh, the delusion as well, the, uh, where you, you talk to people time and again, they say, we don't have to keep the tour because the temple was destroyed. And this is what Paul talked about in, uh, in crit, uh, uh, uh, uh, Corinthians. No, no, no, um, Thessalonians, uh, where he talked about the man of wallessness and how this would, you know, cause the, bring about the great delusion. And I believe that that happened in 70 AD. That was fulfilled at that time. So. All right. Just so you guys know, we have like, I don't want to keep Adam. I told him like two hours max. So maybe we could throw in a couple of your, each of your, uh, last favorite question and we can kind of call it. Let him get back to, uh, his, uh, get back to mom and his baby. I think we have. I love, I love the infant stage, but you're, you're fine. Go ahead. Sorry. Uh, okay. This one, this one came from somebody, um, I'm not sure who, but in the ministry, what is the single most important moment of your walk with the most high? Like in your life, like an event or something like that. Whoa, uh, there were so many. I see you thinking about it over there, Adam. I mean, what is I, I, it's not a, it's not a juicy answer. I'm sorry, but honestly the moment I was on my knees, bawling, like snot coming out of my nose, bawling, because I knew that the time Jesus was the Messiah and that I was living a life of sin and that I needed to follow him. I mean, I, I, I, I, I stop talking as I'm gonna start crying right now. It was just the single most important moment of my life. It was humbling and good and nourishing to my soul to know that, you know, I was really forgiven. And so yeah, that was the probably the most, most important part of my walk is, is truly repenting and believing Messiah and being like, I want to, I want to live for you. Yeah. Well, that was a good answer, Adam. I, you know, I have so many that I couldn't even name them all for me. It was just a series of events throughout my life. Um, so, um, I don't even know how to answer that. Okay. We, we definitely have one where we want to end it, but I'll give one more juicy one. Um, let's see. So we're talking Genesis, bearishy. Do you think there's two creation accounts or was it a summary? I think it's a summary. I've got a quick answer. Yeah. I, I've, I've seen arguments and there's definitely good arguments, but I think it's just a retelling of, of, of the same story with just a different starting point, different details. So yeah, um, one creation kind of guy. I'm a, not only a two creation kind of guy, I'm a mini creation, uh, kind of guy. I believe that Genesis one is a recreation of it, but even the word creation is a, perhaps not the best word to use. No, this is going to, I don't mean to freak anyone out as we're going through, as Pamela and I are going, we've been going through this for a couple of years now through the paleo and trying to understand, um, how many creation words are actually used in Genesis chapter one or bearishy as chapter one. And the only thing that we can at this point prove was created in the creation week was the sun and the moon. Um, it appears that there is a likely scenario that everything else was, there was like these storehouses in the heavens of seeds and, and animals and things like that, that the earth was replenished. So of course, I'm of the opinion that Genesis one is a recreation event from an old world that was destroyed beforehand. Yes, I will go here. I think that the geological columns do showcase that. Um, and, um, Genesis two, of course, would be a, that would shift the focus now to the creation of, of paradise of the garden of the king's garden. And so I, I do think that those are two separate creation events going on. So you have the creation of man and woman in, in general in Genesis one. And then in Genesis two, you have this, the special creation of Adam and Eve. And I think that they're separate. All right, switching gears a little bit. Um, what advice do you guys have for anybody in this walk who is basically like struggling at home? Just alone, no in person ministry. Um, we have to say to those people, man, find some fellowship, even if it's just a zoom weekly zoom gathering. Um, even if it's a Facebook group, you know, fellowship is so important. Um, again, when you look at how a wolf hunts, uh, sheep, or, you know, or just domesticate animals in general, they'll, they'll drive a wedge, they'll separate and try to isolate. And when we're isolated, I think we're very vulnerable. We're a lot more vulnerable. How about that? I know there's some strong people out there that can probably whether the storm by themselves. But I will say in general, uh, if we are his sheep, we should be together in, in herds. Um, there's safety and flocks. There's safety in the multitude of counselors. Um, especially for someone who's new in the walk. Um, having some accountability in your life, accountability partners, someone to mentor you. And again, it could be, I could, there's, uh, I, I am all, I am a hundred percent a proponent of in person fellowship. I think it's so important. Um, but if you can't have that, finding some, whether it's Marco Polo or zoom groups or something or Facebook group, having some fellowship is just so important. So seek it. So just having an excuse and saying, I can't find anyone, I would say keep searching like diligently, you know, look at 119 ministries fellowship finder. Uh, we have one on our website. Uh, Dave, think is, by the way, those of you who are watching, if anybody was wondering who does all the amazing website stuff, uh, for a parable, the vineyard, you're looking at Dave right there. So, uh, give David, a big thank you and shout out, hallelujah. Um, so yeah, Dave is the, uh, behind the scenes person for both of our ministry. I mean, he makes it happen here at, at Tuck as well. Backbone, backbone stuff. So I would say, earnestly seek it out. It's that important. Um, to have fellowship in whatever, whatever you can get. I agree with Adam's answer. I, I will say though, in terms of loneliness, that now I, I, I'm so grateful that I have my wife and I, of course, I have my children, but just so everybody knows that they're it. I live out here in South Carolina and there's like nobody else really around us. There's nobody. There's, there's, there's people within, I don't know, within a hundred miles, but they're, they're out there. And of course it's, it, I'm kind of so out there and I'm at a disadvantage of myself because I'm so publicly out there. Like, all of my views are out there and that is just repulsive to a lot of people. A lot of people, a lot of you out there have an advantage where like nobody knows all the things you can, you know, it's in your head. You can hide this stuff, right? Um, but I, so I will say that I can, I know about the experience of loneliness. It, the loneliness does, you kind of settle into it after a while. You know, it's kind of like going through the different stages of grief and you wake up and then, you know, you're angry at first and you know, people go through the paranoia stage and people go through the lonely stage and you kind of, you start settling into all of it, but everything Adam said, and that's one of the things we do here at, um, one of the things we do at the unexpected cosmology where before I go live on Friday nights, we meet at seven p.m. in Discord so we can just an open conversation. You guys can come in and just talk and just talk about whatever you want, spill your guts, talk about your week, your emotions, what you're going through, ask questions, have theological discussions, all that stuff. And I really, I think that's really important for everybody to have that connection. So, um, yeah. Awesome. Adam, you're muted if you're talking. I forgot to answer the actual question, which is how you deal with it being lonely. Um, I will say, you know, there was a definite, there was a season in my life where, uh, kind of being alone in the wilderness, I think a lot of people go through that, uh, and that can be refining in itself, but it's certainly not, um, not our destination. So dealing with it, just like anything else that's hard is just seeking the most high. That's that the best time to seek him is when things are hard. Uh, sometimes I feel like hard ships come upon us, uh, as, as a blessing from him to get us to, to wake up and to seek him. And so if, you know, if you're lonely, just, you know, seek, seek, yeah, you know, he's, uh, Peter says to cast our cares upon him because he loves us. And so, that's definitely one to put out his feet being, that's a righteous prayer. Like, please give me some fellowship. Well, and Mike, can I just add here too is that, um, I have found one of the best ways for friendship in my life is just service, just serving yah. And this is a testimony right here. I've got, uh, Dave, Michael, Adam, my buddy, he's here with me. And, uh, honestly, I don't even remember Michael, Michael probably remembers better. One day Michael was just in my life. I remember when Dave came along and then he was just in my life, but it was just me plugging away trying to, you know, go on this mission and serve and then people just come alongside you. And so, and that, of course, happens a lot in the online community as well. So I would just encourage everyone out there just to, to serve yah and find a find a way, of course, you know, pray about it and see where he leads you. And amazingly, when you're on that path, just people just come along your side and, and you find that you have things in agreement because you're doing, you know, obviously the same thing, right? So, uh, if, if you want friends in this walk, you know, be a good friend. Um, and I will say that, um, unexpectedly, you know, the people are one of the biggest treasures of this walk is the people, especially the ones that have, you know, been there through all the refining and the ups and downs and, and whatnot. And so, yeah, the fellowship and the refinement is necessary to our walk to getting us prepared. Yeah, great answer. We, we only have one more question and we thought this would be a great one to end it. And it's basically, do you listen? I don't recommend any other Hebrew faith channels that you mind sharing. Um, yeah, you know, I, I'd say the one teacher that I've followed over the years consistently, uh, that I would say I align with the most. Um, as far as the doctrine, um, as Steve Mutria, Torah family, uh, dot org is, I think one of the most phenomenal teachers I've ever come across rooted in truth. His, um, always has Shalom about him, no matter what's going on, a good example. I think he's a shining light, uh, in his community of a grounded, rooted, faithful teacher who loves the people of YAH. I would highly recommend Steve Mutria to our family dot org. And of course, Steve Mutria came out originally out of one 19 ministries and he was in that a long time ago. I don't remember what time he left, but, uh, and I know you've talked about Steve Mutria a lot at him through the years. He comes up a lot in conversations and, uh, one 19 ministries is, you know, they're very kind of exoteric and very just basic, but in a very, very, very good way. Needfully from the body. Yeah. Yeah. And I, I direct people many times when they have questions. I'm like, Oh, look at this amazing, 19 ministry has done, even their Paul paradox videos and all that kind of, which, which that Paul Pauling paradox series that they have is, is part of what YAH used to bring him back to understanding that Paul is true apostle not a false boss. So very, very thankful. It was for me as well. It was very, very helpful to get a head start on that. Of course, you know, I'm not just saying this because you're here, but obviously I recommend a parable of vineyard and, um, I've, I've stuck by you at Adam through thick and thin with this. He's been a good brother to me over the years when most have fled and forsaken me. Um, in the midst of the slander and gossip, uh, you've, you've stuck by me even, even even when it's cost cost to you. So thanks brother. There was only one time where, uh, Adam and I ever duked it out and it was over, it was over the, uh, the mudflood issue. Yeah. And I got really heated with you on the phone over that one. Um, but, um, you thought it was a shot across the bow and I was like, no, no, no, I was like, everyone's asking about my opinion on this. I was like, I just got to share what would I understand at this time? Well, I, uh, I'll just say on that point is that, you know, because I want, I want to, um, people to love them. I want to love other people the way I want to be loved, right? And we know that's how we judge other people is how we're going to be judged. And because I am so publicly out there with a lot of very controversial issues. I mean, you know, the feminine Ruach, Linda Kingdom, um, the, uh, serpent seat, Zen Garcia told me, uh, about a year or two ago, he said, he said, Noel, you're the most controversial person that I know. He actually said that at his conference last year, he sat in front of all of his, uh, presenters and he said, Noel, you're the most controversial person I know. And I said, really, like, I said, well, let's, let's, let's remember here. Let's remember here that, uh, that when people are in this Torah bubble, they come into the camp Torah and they start finding all these things controversial. Remember, the most controversial thing is the Torah and the names that people hate the names. They hate you for it. Yeah. And the commands. So that, let's just remember here that we're all on the same team and that we are all hated for the commands. And so that being said, um, I want to, uh, to, you know, love people who, you know, maybe they think we land on the moon. Fine. I could still be your friend, you know, but if you guys can, you know, agree to, you know, agree with, uh, to get along with my views, I guess. Um, I had a point to this. I wanted to close on is, I, yeah, the one thing that, that does upset me, and the older I get, the more I am less against certain positions. Uh, what I mean by that is, is that I have realized that I have been wrong about so many things. And nobody, as I often say, nobody disagrees with me more than myself. I disagree with myself all the time. And YAH teaches me to, I think Chuck Missler once said, he said that, uh, he has been wrong on the Bible many, many times. And it has always been to take it more literally, like whenever he course corrects, it's always take more literally, more literally, more literally. And so, uh, yeah, my, my whole thing with everybody is to, uh, not, not be so against an idea that, uh, YAH is like, okay, I'll hand you over to the desires of your heart. I'll just shut you down on this. You don't have to see it. Because I think he does it. I think if we're like, I am so against this idea, uh, I'm in the house like, okay, that's why you don't have to, you know, you don't have to, uh, participate. It was like that with the flat earth. Remember all the ministries that when flat earth came along and they were completely against the flat earth and to this day, they'd still, to this day, like all those same ministries are still against it. They just, they shut down. They never woke up to it. So, uh, that's always what I want to tell people is just, you know, you know, give something, give something a chance within reason. I don't want to lead any, I don't want anyone to go down an anti-missionary anti-missile path, obviously. You want us to do clear of that. But, you know, when something comes along, give it, give it a chance and, and hear them out. And that's why I say everyone, I love you, Adam. I love you, uh, Michael and Dave. Thank you. Thank you for coming on site. This was really fun. I enjoy this. I hope you enjoyed this. Yeah, I did. I'd be interested in doing it again. Um, you know, um, one thing that's been on my heart, uh, I mentioned already is unity. Um, myself, Lyndon, uh, ancient path of revivals. We have a mission called Hebrew Fest to unite Hebrews under the weight of your matters of the Torah. Um, in just uniting and praising. Yeah. Uh, and, uh, you know, I, I felt that this was really good timing. You invite it because I think a good way that I myself as a teacher of the Torah, whatever the position that YAH has got me in, whatever this is called. Um, I think a way I can show, you know, being a good example of unity is to do more stuff like this. So I look forward to, uh, another hangout and, uh, maybe with some others in the Torah community as well. So I'm ready to, I guess, come out, step out of my shell a little bit and hang out with some peeps. All right. Well, on that, we're going to close tonight. So thank you everybody for coming by. And again, Adam, hope we can do this again. Hopefully it won't be like seven or eight years before we do this again. Stick it that long. All right. Uh, well, if I can scroll over here and turn this off because now we're just all awkwardly sitting here. So, all right. Good night, everybody. Good night.