The Unexpected Cosmology Podcast

365 | Woman Abducted Hundreds of Times Tells | underground bases, alien-hybrid babies w/ Karin Wilkinson

Karin Wilkinson will not only share the chronicle of her life experiences but will also provide her insights into the activities and motives of extraterrestrial beings. She will delve into the reasons behind their actions, the challenges they encounter, and the intricate web of deceit they weave in their interactions with humanity. Stolen Seed, Evil Harvest by Karin Wilkinson book: Movie Credits: L.A. Marzulli, UFO disclosure series movies # 4 - The UFO Abduction Phenomenon and #6 - Cattle Mutiations WEBSITE/LINKS: BIO: Karin Wilkinson is the author of Stolen Seed, Evil Harvest. She is a regular writer/contributor to L.A. Marzulli’s monthly newsletter, Politics, Prophecy and the Supernatural. Karin is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She worked in the software industry for many years. “For as early as I can remember, I have been abducted by non-human alien entities—possibly hundreds of times. I have seen many UAPs/UFOs throughout my lifetime and suffered emotional and physical ailments due to the things they did to me. I pray that I can utilize my experiences to glorify God, to share the truth, and to help others in any way I can.” CONTACT INFO: Website: TUC Ministry and Widow Fund: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support: Contact: Facebook:

1h 9m
Broadcast on:
09 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Karin Wilkinson will not only share the chronicle of her life experiences but will also provide her insights into the activities and motives of extraterrestrial beings. She will delve into the reasons behind their actions, the challenges they encounter, and the intricate web of deceit they weave in their interactions with humanity. Stolen Seed, Evil Harvest by Karin Wilkinson book: Movie Credits: L.A. Marzulli, UFO disclosure series movies # 4 - The UFO Abduction Phenomenon and #6 - Cattle Mutiations WEBSITE/LINKS: BIO: Karin Wilkinson is the author of Stolen Seed, Evil Harvest. She is a regular writer/contributor to L.A. Marzulli’s monthly newsletter, Politics, Prophecy and the Supernatural. Karin is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She worked in the software industry for many years. “For as early as I can remember, I have been abducted by non-human alien entities—possibly hundreds of times. I have seen many UAPs/UFOs throughout my lifetime and suffered emotional and physical ailments due to the things they did to me. I pray that I can utilize my experiences to glorify God, to share the truth, and to help others in any way I can.” CONTACT INFO: Website: TUC Ministry and Widow Fund: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support: Contact: Facebook:

in here. All right. I think I think we are live this time. Failed attempt. We're live. And I'm here with Karen Wilkinson. Thank you for coming on, Karen. And this is her book right here. Oh, like hold this up to the camera. It's always hard to hold this up to the camera, but stolen seed, evil harvest. And Karen, Karen hasn't, we hear of individuals who have claimed to be abducted once, unfortunate enough, once in their lifetime. Karen has stated that not just over 100 times, but if I'm correct, hundreds of times. I mean, to the point you can't even keep count anymore. And she's here to tell her story. So welcome. Thank you for being here, Karen. I want to get right into this tonight. And let's just start with this. What, what is your book about right here? Hold it up. What is your book about? What inspired you to write this? Well, thanks, Noel. I'm just so grateful to be here with me tonight. It's an honor and a privilege. And yeah, the book is called stolen seed, evil harvest. And it is a, you know what, I need to, I'm having a technical issue real quick here too. So, but so if you see me duck away from the camera for a minute, that's why. The book is my journey, my life journey. What's happened to me throughout my lifetime, it is about UFOs, UAPs, aliens, whatever you want to call them. And it's written from a biblical lens through explanations that have biblical based explanations from the point of view of someone who's actually experienced it from my personal experiences in the things that I've been through. And I know you've read the book, so you kind of saw that in there. And I did not expect to write this book, but I felt when I had my near life, my near death experience. And I felt like it was closer to life than death. So I call it a near life experience. I then felt led to go talk to Ellie Mersouli. I didn't know him. He didn't know me. But we got together. I shared my story with him. The fourth movie in his UFO series on the abductions came out. And after that, he asked me to write. I began writing for his newsletter, and that kind of was the beginning of how the book came to be. Because I wasn't finding anything out there that was written from this point of view. And there really isn't a lot out there from the point of view of the actual abductee. A lot of people write about other abductees, but not the actual abductee writing their own story. And there are some out there. And so I thought that was important and something that really needed to be shared. And something to start to kind of chip away at the stigma behind this, the UFO abductions, alien abductions, all of the things that there's just such a huge negative stigma out there about it. And I wanted to be able to share and let people know they're not alone, and allow those conversations to happen. And that's kind of how the book came to be. Now you mentioned really quickly there the near death slash near life experience and how that brought you into this. So I will cover that in just a second. And I just want to point out to everybody that I encountered Karen through Ellie Mersouli. I brought Ellie on a couple of weeks ago. And of course, Ellie gave me my homework assignment. He gave me a bunch of stuff to look up. And I was binge watching his channel preparing. And I came across Karen and Ellie was talking about her. And he said that her book is not for the faint of heart. And when he said that, I'm like, okay, you have me, Ellie. Here's my wallet. Just take my money. I'll just, you know, I went in, I went about the book and I contacted Karen and I asked her to, if I could interview her. And I will say this, I told Karen this earlier a couple of days ago in an email that when I sat down to read her book, it was, once she gets into it, now beginning of course, Karen, you talk a lot about Genesis six and so on and so forth. And we obviously don't have to rehash those points here. My channel is well aware of, you know, the whole sons of God, incidents and all that. But it was, I did not put the book down until I got away all the way through it. I don't remember the last time. It was really just, you know, just hanging on to her every experience. And this is some obviously dark stuff. I mean, this is some very personal stuff. I was asking Karen before we went live, you know, what I could even ask because I don't want to trudge on anything that's too personal here. So she says she will calmly kind of shoot me down if I go too far with any questions. So, well, let's just go ahead and talk about the near life experience, as you call it, and how that, you know, kind of, I guess, motivated you to start talking about this. Yeah, absolutely. The near death, near life experience, and I'll jump ahead and then I can go back and describe it. It motivated me to talk about this because afterwards I had a lot of issues and I had to go through some PTSD therapy. And what I did not realize is that that therapy was also going to give me the tools to be able to then manage this lifetime of very traumatic events on top of the traumatic event that happened that caused the near death experience. So once I had those tools in place, I was able to say, all right, now I can process these memories that I've always had. This is not something that came through hypnosis or something like that. But I can work through these memories and figure out what to do with this because I really felt like I needed to do something with it. I really felt led to do something with it. And I had no idea what that was and that's when I was put in contact with L.A. Merzoui. So that's kind of how that happened. The experience itself was quite unique in that it happened in a hospital and I was going into a surgery and pre-surgery. They had taken me into the operating room but it wasn't hooked up to any machines or any IVs yet. I just had a couple of IV ports in but my surgeon wasn't ready. So they kind of jumped the gun getting me in the room. It wasn't my first time in surgery. I've had a lot of these surgeries. So as I lay there on the operating table waiting, there were a couple of nurses doing things in the room and nurse and that's the test or an anesthesiologist. I don't know what she was but came into the room. She had on a white lab coat. She leaned over me. She had a pocket full of syringes and she pulled one out and put it into my IV port and then just turned around and walked away. She didn't say anything to me. Didn't wait around to see how I was. I never saw her again and I could not find her and I could not find her name in all my records. I looked. Trust me. She was just gone and what she did and I thought she was giving me a sedative. She gave me a paralytic. A paralytic is a commonly used medication when a spinal surgery is happening because they don't want you to move and damage your spinal cord but not until you're on machines that can breathe for you and I was not any machines yet and I wasn't even hooked up to monitors. So I lay there and all of a sudden my body just turned to cement. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't yell for help. I couldn't motion to anyone that I couldn't breathe. I couldn't do anything. I was paralyzed and I was dying and I remember thinking God help me and I heard an audible voice in my head say it's okay you can let go now and I was out of my body in the blink of an eye and the next thing I know I could see and hear everything happening in the room. I felt as if I was above the room somewhere watching. It was almost as if I was watching through a window like I was in another dimension of space and time. Time did not exist the same. I didn't have this body but I still had my personality was intact. I could still see and hear and experience things the way I do now just not exactly the same obviously. I could see what was happening in other rooms. I could see you know walls didn't keep me from seeing. I could hear what people were saying. I couldn't obviously interact with them but I could watch what was happening and so I watched my body lying there lifeless on the table. I saw the doctor in the other room getting stuff together for the surgery. There was instrumentation and things that he would be using and she was all scrubbed in I guess and everything as far as I can tell. There where I watched the two nurses you know just kind of putts in around in the room and then one of them looked over and said is she okay? Is she having allergic reaction and the other nurse looked over and said something like oh my God she's not breathing and ran to get the doctor. He comes running into the room yelling bag her bag her and you know they put a bag on my face. I didn't respond. I think at that point they kind of figured out something else had happened because a different anesthesiologist came in and eventually he intubated me when they got me breathing again. The result of that was very difficult coming out of surgery because then they went ahead and did the surgery and at the point that they intubated me everything went black so I must have just gone back into my body at that point. If there is more to it I don't have a memory of that and then waking up in the recovery room was really unique because usually when I wake up in recovery there's like six or eight people in that room and on little you know journeys or whatever and then there's one or two nurses taking care of everybody just watching them wake up. I had like six doctors and nurses standing around me watching me. Every time I come out of anesthesia I'd start screaming and pain and they had to put me back under so I wouldn't stroke out or have a heart attack. Eventually about three and a half hours in I realized I can't do this and I'm like oh God please help me you know just and all of a sudden they were too handsome young or at least painting at the foot of my bed and I looked at him and I said you could you look like you could be two of my boys my sons you know because they were about that age because I have adult kids and they calmed me down and got me through recovery and I didn't mind the pain anymore. I was just calm and happy and talking to them the whole time all the way up to the room. We get to the room and my husband and daughter in law are there and I'm like you gotta meet the boys. They remind me of our boys they're so sweet they calmed me down. I wouldn't have made it out of recovery without them. And they're like yeah absolutely and I look at the nurse and the other orderly and I said what happened to the two young orderlies that were with me and they had no idea who was talking about. They were like man it's just been the two of us the whole time. They're like we wondered who you were talking to you know because I was just jabbering away to them the whole time and no one else ever saw them except for me and I believe they were angels. God sent angels not fallen but the good ones the ones that haven't fallen and the ones that are just following out God's commands. The ones that the good ones we read about like in the Bible and I you know to this day believe that's who they were I wouldn't have made it through without them. It was amazing but the experience was extremely traumatic and so that's what led me to go and do the post-traumatic stress disorder therapy which then again just kind of snowballed into me being able to share the story further and to write the book. So and I need to point out too in case you ever hear a crying in the background that is my my daughter my two-year-old daughter she my wife watches these interviews downstairs and then she sees her dad on TV and she's like wait a second my dad's up in his office right now so she wants to come in here and come on the show so she stands outside before crying to come on. So let me see here. All right so let's just you talk about in your book that you you grew up in Ohio. You had these interesting experiences where you went to your grandfather's cattle farm which you described as hundreds of acres and it was right their farmhouses run on the Ohio River and I didn't know where you were going with this when you were describing it but you said often on your way to your grandparents farm you would stop over at the serpent mound and run around and play on there and then your earliest abduction stories it starts young when you're four or five it's really some of your earliest memories we can start going into those and of course your your I think your mom and your grandmother even said that they had encounters started happening when you were a baby and they would see it from the car and by six years old you're having your first mental breakdown so which is you know tragic you know did for a child that young so let's let's I guess start going through that maybe you can describe what that experience was like at that age some of your early memories. Sure sure sure I can describe sort of a typical abduction scenario when I was in that kind of five six-year-old time is when I really started having more concrete memories and I think that's typical of most children and it would just didn't matter where I was I could be at home had a sleepover grandparents house at a friend's house it didn't really matter where I was they found me no matter where I was but um then I knew they would be coming for me I would look for places to hide I would try to get creative you know I write that I I wanted to try to find a suitcase big enough to get in and zip it up and put it under the bed and my sibling said to me it doesn't matter where you hide they can see you through the house they can see us no matter where we are and I included that story that that part of my my history in in the book because I was like five or six years old having this kind of a conversation with the sibling and we're talking about them and the ones that come together as the ones that came to get me the ones that you know and that they could see me through the house you know and so in the 60s and 70s for a little kid to be having a conversation like that you don't see that on TV especially back then maybe you might see something on now but especially younger child's not going to be hopefully watching that and even if they are probably not retaining it um so it just kind of sets the stage for the fact that we were having conversations about these things these entities but we didn't know what to call them we didn't have a vocabulary for who and what they were which also made it especially difficult when trying to share and talk to someone and tell someone what was happening because when we would you know for me to try to describe it I didn't know aliens or grays or Nordics or I'm telling you know those those weren't part of my vocabulary so it was the little ones the ones that come to get me you know the ships the the ones that are they're bothering me they're taking me they're touching me they're you know and no one understood what I was saying or they thought it was a nightmare or I was making things up or you know they just if they don't know they don't know and and so I can't fault anyone for not understanding what I was going through when I didn't have the vocabulary to explain it well and typically young children might have you know scary dreams and make things up and things like that but in my case it wasn't the case at all it was what was happening to me um so typically I would be woken up in the middle of the night and no real feel for what time it was except middle of the night because we didn't have the same kind of clocks and things we have today um to sometimes a really low vibrational hum sometimes a light coming in the window sometimes because it would get really quiet outside and sometimes just because I could feel that evil presence in the room and it was just a change I mean I could feel the evil when they were there and I would just be terrified I mean sometimes I had the covers as tight over my head my eyes closed as tight as I could you know hoping just hoping against hope they would go away um and when I was looking there would be at least two sometimes more sometimes four five six depending of the typical little short gray bulbous head large black screen looking eyed alien entities in the room um these entities like said probably four feet tall maybe um their eyes were just like a black screen and their eyes didn't move it didn't look like a regular eye at all just like almost like a screen it was almost shiny and just in place static um their heads were really big and bulbous and their necks were so thin and their body seemed so frail you know like even as a little kid like I could break them if I wanted someone didn't smell too well some of them had a real putrid like sulfur dead animal excrement kind of uriny smell and some didn't seem to have a smell at all so it was you know there were a lot of differences from each one time to the next and I don't remember every detail of every abduction scenario some I remember more clearly than others um but typically at that point I would be put into a state of waking paralysis and a lot of people have heard of sleep paralysis and that's something my friend Vicki Joy Anderson who's another author the LA Marzulli publishes she writes a lot about that and that's her area of expertise and I've had that many times but waking paralysis like sleep paralysis only it starts while you're awake and conscious and suddenly it's like what I experienced in the hospital you can't move can't speak you can't do anything but you can still breathe and you can still see and um that's another reason that I had so much PTSD from the event in the hospital because I had that feeling so many times in my life and it was terrifying um so at that point if I was in a state of paralysis um I would be levitated off of the bed and either through a ceiling or through a window closed windows or a screen window up through a ceiling I remember no matter where I was I could tell you details of so many different ceilings because it was right up to them and I'm always thinking how am I going to go you know how am I going through this ceiling it's so weird but my body felt like it vibrated into just like a bazillion little pieces and that low hum which is going to get lower and lower and lower and I don't know what part that played in it but that was always present during those um transport sessions so I would be levitated out of the home wherever in that particular time they took me whether it's through a window down a hallway out a door out a closed door out a ceiling you know it didn't matter the physics are so different for them they understand laws of physics that we don't yet understand and they can manipulate space time energy and matter in ways we don't understand so what sounds crazy and super sci-fi to us now you know think about the things that we have today that sounded that way just 10 or 15 years ago you know so just because we don't understand it doesn't mean that people are making this kind of thing up it happens to too many of us for it to be something out of a you know well out of an imagination it's speaking out speaking at that point um in terms of imagination you talk in your book about the difference between dreams and memories maybe you can elaborate on that because I obviously if you're gonna you know as soon as so most people hear someone is claiming hundreds of encounters like this you know clearly this person is dreaming right so what's the difference right thank you yeah that's a great question um and I wish more people ask that yeah you know I explain in the book because I think it's important to think about the fact that when you have a dream you don't always remember it you're not going to remember necessarily hundreds of dreams over a lifetime you don't remember all the little details dreams don't come with hot and cold dreams don't leave burns on your body and implants in your body um dream you know dreams don't leave you with your pajamas on inside out or crumbled up on the floor in another room dreams don't bring you back into another room of the house I mean yeah people can sleep walk and things like that I get that but there's a huge difference between a memory which is something that's just burned into your memory especially when it's traumatic and a dream like when you fall say you're a little kid and you fall or at all anyone and break your arm or you get into a car wreck or you lose a loved one or you adopt a pet or you lose a cherished pet or you have a baby or you know there's all these things that leave this huge imprint on your mind and your heart that is not a dream that is a real thing a tangible thing that's happened to you and it has a real lasting impact on you but you know you would be hard pressed to remember a dream that happened the same year that you had your baby or that you adopted a favorite pet or lost your grandma or something that's you know significantly significantly real and traumatic in your life and also people are like well you don't look like an abductee I'm like well what does an abductee look like you know an alien or a non-human entity abductee you know because we don't lead with that we don't walk around and the first thing we say you know you don't walk around and say oh yeah I had a root canal five years ago that was awful or I got in a car wreck ten years ago that was terrible you don't leave with the bad things in your life when you meet people that's just not how we operate as humans so it's not necessarily going to be evident the things that have happened to you when people meet you and it doesn't know you don't go out people and shake their hands says hi I'm Karen I've been abducted by aliens a hundred times right that's basically what you're saying right yeah exactly and if I told people in the you know doctors offices and hospitals when the babies went missing and they're trying to figure out where's this fetus because we know she's got a positive here and they had positive heartbeat and there's you know and they're saying well you must have lost it at home and I'm like no and they're like you know I'll eat what you did because it's not here you know I can't say well I know what happened to it I can't tell them because what are they gonna do they're gonna send me up to you know the whatever floor of the hospital where the psych ward is and that's what happened with those things so but anyway sorry I'm digressing a little bit so we can get back to yeah this is I want to talk about the the babies we're gonna get to that and one of the what I'm reading this I mean you're giving such vivid descriptions in your book you're talking about how you would see like the the dead insects or whatever on top of the light or you know all these sort of things you talked about how you would come back and your pajamas would be inside out or things like that right just very very vivid memories and what I was thinking about reading this I was going huh I wonder if she has like a history with certain like a certain lineage or certain family which you address in the book do you care to talk about that your your blood type your your family history your grandfather and so on so forth and how this connects with the your grandparents farm why that's a sense seems to be maybe a central part of this yeah you know the spiritual realm the physical realm the world that we live in and the other realms around us are very legalistic you know and so when to be taken like this there had to be a permission granted somewhere along the way it could be as much as simple as the Eisenhower agreements where he supposedly made agreements in exchange for a technology that people humans and animals could be taken and watched and experimented on it could be as complicated as a family lineage of masons who possibly gave those permissions as part of their you know journey through that which which is quite possible in my case do I know exactly where the permissions were given in my place no I don't because I was never given all of that information however there are a lot of potential permission place the permissive things that could have happened and possibly multiple so the permission must be given you think about the old vampire lore where you know you have to get permissioned enter the house that's actually fairly spot on blood covenants salt covenants threshold covenants those things are very real and just ask anyone who's ever had anything weird happen in the supernatural realm and they'll you know most people will say yeah that's that's real and those have to be broken and until I knew how to and what to do you know I had no control over those covenants so lineage it runs in families these abductions in my opinion because of a couple of different factors and I do write more detail about this but just kind of in a summary one of the things is DNA they're utilizing us for DNA for different reasons in my case I was more of a breeder where they wanted my DNA for trying to breed modern-day naphthalene for hybrids um I have own negative blood and once they find a genetic line that works well for them that's good for them to work with they want to continue with that line so if you have offspring who are of the same blood type and have similar genetics to yours then you know that's going to be ideal for them to continue working within those family lines so you've got permissions you've got blood lines you know I have interesting historical blood lines that I won't go into here but you know that go into French royalty in different areas like that where we think a lot of the our own negative bloods began my own theories on no negative blood and negative Rh negative in general is that it was something that was done to our genome by these entities in order to be able to experiment see if they could utilize our blood more easily because negative blood is just the lack of a protective protein coating around the cell that makes it more accessible that makes it easier to donate like no negative is a universal donor but you can't get anyone else's blood only one that matches um so I believe there's probably some some and this is just pure speculation on my part but I do believe there is some manipulation going on there because of how and where it seems to have begun in you know that really specific region between France and um and the mountain that mountains are in and so on so but back to sorry the family so I think it runs in families for many different reasons it can be genetics and DNA it can be blood lines it can be permissions it can be a history of you know these this particular family line is very malleable they are susceptible to responding to grooming and to being you know everything that kind of falls into the sra or grooming or trafficking type things so some people are easier to train for like a better word and to to keep in control and some people are more combative and argumentative and they don't want that you know that's that's difficult for them so I think it has a lot to do with of many factors that can fall into place for certain people who are prime candidates to be taken and of course the fact that you were not you describe yourself as not combative which actually I seem to maybe in some ways benefit you a little bit maybe not not really sure but okay so let's talk about so that the idea with the the the families and so on so forth it it seems like and maybe you can concur with this that that somewhere along the lines someone in order to empower themselves get a slice of the pie on this earth they will basically sacrifice their lineage family something like that in order that then their family is under this I guess curse that can be broken but uh you know are there yeah so somebody at your expense somebody else gain something in this life would you concur with that probably okay absolutely yeah yeah that and like I said it's you know I don't have details but that is a very common process in this yes so okay well let's talk about the what your experience inside the ships it was kind of interesting when you were a little girl talking about how you were taking these rooms like one thing that really struck me one observation is how they would have crayons out and like paper and I guess you know the other children would be you know drawing on paper and stuff but and you talk about how well maybe you talk about what it was like just the other people in there with the what your experience was like and there are so many observations I mean one that I found really interesting is how you look out the window and you would see just water and right and that's another question I have for you too were you ever sorry I'm just throwing questions at you right now you were you you know were you ever taken above the earth atmosphere or were you just underground bases or was it water I mean but just take right you can take it from there okay yeah mostly it was underground facilities and I know this because I remember going into buildings and downstairs or down hallways and then two banks of elevators that took us down and down and down and then at these facilities there were no windows there was no outside outside but the facilities I was taken to were massive they were huge I mean bigger than every airport indoor stadium high school gymnasium high school hallways just it was hallways and stairwells and elevators and big rooms and little rooms and just a maze of massive just huge I can't even get the point across well enough to let people know how big it was and so it's just like what's above ground but it was underground and so you know there were certain areas where I was seemed to be in quite often and then there were areas that would be brand new to me like there was a common area where it seemed abductees would go and it seemed it was almost like a being in an airport because everyone was sort of filtering through and going into lines and being parsed out to where they were supposed to go and I would go directly to my handler I call the the handler he appeared as a man to me because we had like an imprint and he didn't have a name although I recall him Toby when I was little but we just it was like a knowing so the name wasn't a name like we use with vowels and syllables it was more of a a mental imprint and so I always knew when I got there I could always find him right away and go straight to where he was and I felt protected um it's like a Stockholm syndrome type thing where you know people have this capture bonding when they're taken when they're kidnapped sometimes with their captors where that captors bringing them food and water that captors maybe keep them safe from other captors or other things around that could be dangerous and so people develop a bond with their captor even love at times and I had that a great deal of familiarity and affection towards my handler because I had with him for so many years and I had been programmed I had been groomed to act and be a certain way and to be used to what was going on and and I did get used to it over the years you know it was just a part of my life the same way you know this happens to people who are in abusive relationships or people who are trafficked or you know different things like that it's not uncommon and so it does happen and and I did not realize that until obviously I started doing the research and to my book as far as how to explain certain things to people and then I realized wow this is common in other areas of life and I never really equated it to what I was going through because I felt really guilty about that you know we tend to pile a lot of guilt on ourselves when we're in bad situations and say well I you know I could have done more I could have done better I could have tried harder to get away I really couldn't and that kind of brings me to and I know you asked a lot of questions so I'm going to try to cover them kind of in a roundabout way and get to each one. Yeah sorry it was like this rapid follow up in my mind of all these things I was thinking about in your book. No that's good that's good so when yeah so when it just when you're in an abusive relationship sometimes you know you'll get trinket saying there may be a gift or something and you know it'll be nice for a little while and then it'll get bad again it's that same kind of thing you know to be in that kind of relationship um not that I call it well it was a a relationship not by choice but by forced by forced relationship but something happens when we're taken not just to me but to the other abductees that I was encountering and we like to call it UFO brain fog because it kind of fits and there's this they have the ability to really control your how you're feeling how you're moving you know so your physical and mental capacities are controlled by these entities and I describe it it feels like you're like I would be walking through molasses both in my thoughts and in my body so I couldn't articulate always and I couldn't you know reach out to grab someone or yell out to someone the way I would want to because my brain and my body weren't weren't connecting and weren't cooperating it was like being drugged and they do think sometimes I was drugged but it was definitely felt like being drugged and so that's why people will be like well why didn't you talk to the people who were working there because there were humans working amongst these non-human alien entities and I'm like well we were instructed not to and threatened not to as a little child I was threatened that they would you know hurt my family my loved ones and I didn't want to be responsible for them murdering my parents you know my parents or my siblings and and so I was doing as I was told because I was terrified and I was so scared and so that's why and then those people are also instructed not to talk to us so there's just this really you know it's all very well organized in that respect where we can't reach out for help and I don't blame those people for not helping me because I heard them threaten the people who were working there you know that you don't want this to happen to your friends your neighbors your family members your loved ones your children your wives your daughters what have you so um so yeah the the UFO brain fog isn't real a very real thing and I've talked to so many abductees who have experienced it like that and when I talk about how it feels like walking through and molasses even in your thoughts they're like yes it's exactly it so I know I'm hitting on something there for people who've been through it because that kind of is exactly how it feels um now you mentioned there's you had mentioned and of course we won't talk about some of the specifics of the uh when people were being blackmailed but you did mention uh there was one scene in particular in your book where you mentioned you saw like military people and things like that and they were basically that's what I would describe I don't know if you use that word blackmail but it was basically like they were they experienced something where they were told okay like there was a reason that they were experiencing it's like okay if you talk about this you know we're coming after your family at that point I thought that was really interesting it's almost like because I know that like for example uh just a base level like the Playboy matching they did that for years and so on and so forth you know where you blackmail people into this agenda you show them something and now you're a part you now you're a participant in this I found that interesting but I did want to ask about the other people you saw in there and you uh I think I don't know if you just mentioned it that you you sit in your book that your handler uh you mentioned him uh his name was Toby as a child uh that he never aged like he was at just the same age from the child to an adult correct same yeah and of course you can you know he revealed what he really looked like which makes the next question how do you know that those other people you saw there were actual people yeah that's a great question you know I don't accept for the fact that I those people you know I don't have any um visuals of them not aging and why would they threaten them if they were actually one of these non-human alien entities disguised as the human oh yeah I mean so I don't want the reason for the coercion and the threats that were going on if they weren't human um so to me that kind of showed me that these really were human and I didn't have any reason to think that otherwise until later when I saw that they could change their their appearance for you know for what we saw and you think about what we can do today it's so easy to make it look like someone's there with a holographic image or AI or you know there's just so many ways that that things can look so real so you know it's not unheard enough to be able to have something someone appear as one thing and actually be another right okay so um and I was when I was going through your your book I'm just thinking I like how you describe this kind of like an airport oh yeah I did want to ask before I go down this train of thought did you ever go into the water because that really had my interest when you you looked at the window and you were like I don't know why because it you just watered down there yeah was there ever an experience where you went into the water yeah I don't remember ever like plunging into water so I don't have any way of knowing if we were underground or underwater my guess is it was both because I think all of these underground facilities are all connected just based on how huge they are and because we don't know what's under our feet I mean we know what's a couple miles down based on we're as far down as they've been able to drill but everything we think we know about the underground is based off of of just pure speculation fed to us by teachers and schools that actually have no idea what's really under our feet um I don't think we have any idea how vast and expansive this underground systems are and everything that is just existing directly under our feet we think everything is out there I think most of it is in right here um as far as what looked like waves out the windows I don't think that was water but I don't know for sure I don't know what it was it could have been some kind of like uh you know if we were going through some kind of wormhole or some kind of time bending or into different um dimensional phases I don't know you know that's why I wrote it to describe it the way I did I wrote exactly what I you know the best I could describe it hoping that that would make sense to someone maybe someone will come forward and say I know what that is you know or maybe for myself as well I'm going through my research I'll be able to figure that out um as I'm talking to other abductees who've experienced similar things or as I'm talking to scientists and things like that so um I don't know what that was for sure I don't think it was water though you just like water so in you you mentioned going back to the airport you mentioned these underground cities uh what facilities I guess really kind of like this airport with all these people moving through and these were humans and they were in the same kind of slave state I guess as you were if I don't know how else to describe that and I'm reading this and going like I'm reading this and going omg like there's a lot of people being abducted all the time I mean what are what are your thoughts on that like on any given night have you thought about maybe what's going on like how many people are being abducted yeah that's a great question I would have no way of knowing I mean there were hundreds of people there at a time when I was there when I was in that particular part of the facility that you know and I can't say it was that way every night sure um but um I have no way of knowing except to tell you that I whenever I'm at a conference or whenever you know or daily when I check my um social media or my email people reach out through my website I hear from multiple people daily daily who have been through this um so and I'm just barely scratching the surface you know I'm not out there on every platform right now you know we're really slowly bringing this book out so it hasn't gotten to hundreds of thousands of people it's maybe gotten to 2,000 people um so I based on that I think the numbers are staggering that speculation on my part but based on the number of people that I'm talking to um and the number of everyday people who are going through this and like I said you can't tell an abductee by how they look or how they speak or what they do or how they act um I think it's a staggering number I would guess probably 50 percent if I was to try to put a number on it I know that's high but I don't think it's unrealistic you're uh 50 percent of people were abducted well I think over over the course of you know time I think at least 50 percent of the people of this world have had some sort of experience okay with these entities I'm not saying I think that's fair enough yeah but I I think the numbers if we knew would probably be staggering as far as the numbers of people being taken every night yeah because you know when I was taken anyone else in the house and this counts up to present you know to the last times that it happened which was just a few years ago um anyone else in the house would be put into such a deep sleep state that nothing would have roused them and they also when when I was taken there were there were these time things where time is very different you know if we're getting pulled into another um dimensional plane with them then time doesn't exist the same there as it does here for us so what could feel like being gone for hours could maybe only be 15 minutes on our clock here sure not even enough time for anything to happen of any consequence than anyone to notice um but everyone like I said in the household would just be when I would try to wake someone up there's just no rousing them you know and I was wide awake you know sometimes the animals wouldn't be in that sleep state but a lot of times they would um so which is interesting our perception of time too when you consider missing time right so you have this idea that you like hours of hours of your life you go by but for you it was just seconds right you're just in one spot and then you wake up a hundred miles away you're like what what just happened and um right yeah yeah and there's so many examples of that happening to people where they can't explain you can't travel I'll talk to so many people who've had this too you can't travel that far in that short amount of time you know time was different time doesn't you know we think of time is just this really constant linear thing and it is for us in this dimension but only for us in this dimension everywhere else it's going to be different and until we can wrap our heads around that all of this just seems too fantastic to make sense and it just busts through everyone's paradigms and then people shut down cognitive dissonance sets in and people start walking away because it's too hard to understand all right um now before uh we're coming up here on the hour and and um I know I have an hour with you so I want to make sure to cover this and I don't want to you know stop me if I go too far but you had mentioned earlier about the babies and how you went into the doctor's office and you were pregnant and it happened on three occasions and the baby's gone it's not there so I'm wondering if you could take us through that experience absolutely and I just now was able to pull up the chat sorry everyone my computer had gone into like a safety mode because the plug had come undone so I'm now seeing the chat so just to make sure if anyone had any questions that I could see that as well um there was one locate uh one question I see right here what so Rebecca asked what sort of locations were you abducted from she wasn't here at the beginning just you know okay yeah no that's that's a good question too it didn't matter where it could be a bedroom it could be a car it could be a school um there were times when I would be sitting at school and all of a sudden be back in that chair but like a minute earlier or 30 seconds earlier and know that oh this has just happened and something else would usually accompany that like maybe I was disheveled or you know what happened to my hat or you know just weird things like that so if I if I'm understanding you correctly you're saying that there are instances where you would repeat a moment of your life again like a moment earlier right is that what you're saying exactly wow exactly I would just and I learned to just kind of watch it because you really can't do anything to make anything different um and I knew not to for some reason not that you really could I don't think I had any control over that because our time is so linear um so no matter where I'm put back in and I'm gonna have to catch up do you know what I mean so I'll have to just sit quietly until I caught up um but mostly it would happen at night and in a bedroom this is the easiest way because people are already asleep it's very easy for them to kind of put the whole house into a sleep state and then go about whatever they want it to do so that's the easiest way um for that to um to happen and and I will say that I've got other family members who have had similar experiences but I don't speak about my children they are grown but for obvious reasons if anyone wants to share their story those are their stories to share and there's loan and I feel that way is also regarding the people who reach out to me and want to share their stories if they would like me to share their stories I'm always happy to but I don't ever share a story without their express permission and um you know I'm just very guarded and careful especially with my family having seen what can happen to you know people growing up in this type of thing so um just which is totally fair and which is totally fair and it's also the fact that you're actually coming out about this and you've been I think you came out like a year or two ago right like so this is all still new for you but as you're as you're saying there's a lot of other people who are finding this very therapeutic that they've been through similar situations and they're able to that kind of emboldens them to begin to have that dialogue of what they've gone through right yeah exactly and that was really unexpected um yeah this book came out last October so it hasn't been quite a year it'll be a year this October um and the surprising thing that happened was that it's been helping people and and that's what I wanted to do but I did not realize how much it was going to be able to help by having this out there just for people to know that they're not alone that there there are other people experiencing this that it's okay to talk about it how to stop it who and what these things are because they're like I said there just isn't enough out there that really identifies clearly who are these things what are they where why are they here what are they doing how do you stop them those I just didn't feel like those questions were being answered and not really clearly and concisely so people would have something to do and that's why when I talk about my friend Vicky Joy Anderson in her book The Only Come Out At Night her book and mine really go well together because she also answers those questions even better than I could ever imagine because she's the expert in that field um but it definitely has helped more people than I thought it would and I am just so grateful for that and so and I do encourage people if you have a story you want to share if you just want to reach out to me and say hey this happened to me I just you don't even have to say what happened um but just to know that you're not alone either is a place on my website a contact form it comes straight to my email to my email address I'm the one who reads it I'm the one who responds if you ask for a response I will get back to you sometimes it takes a while sometimes they get lost you know there's all kinds of crazy things that happen so bear with me um but I don't recommend reaching out to me through social media because of all the amount of spam that I get in there it can be hard to um to wade through that and get to the people who actually have real questions and which is you know which is how I reached out to you which is which is how I reached out to you through through I was trying to find you and I was able to find you on Facebook which I never I like I can't say never use Facebook because I found you on Facebook but um so let's um talk about if you don't mind about the the harvesting aspect of this and what they're doing I mean the title of your book is stolen seed evil harvest so if you don't you don't mind talking about those experiences oh absolutely sure um yeah that was you know this is one of things that's really important to me because it affects so many women and the men who are in these women's lives as well um that I was pregnant in my early 20s it wasn't something that I didn't think could happen I was married at the time um and I went to the doctor I had the blood test I heard a heartbeat you know got my vitamins all the things that you do when you are expecting my body felt different you know I knew I was carrying a child um I was so excited and then one night I will I started spotting a little bit but nothing happened nothing came out of me and as a woman the other women out there can will would can agree with me on this you know something comes out of your body um and uh but then in the middle of the night I just felt so bad so finally um I had my then husband take me to the emergency room and this is before all the systems were linked up so they couldn't necessarily get my records or anything weren't at this hospital but I went in and you know told them I thought I was having a miscarriage um because I was in pain and I was just spotting a little bit nothing big they uh couldn't find a heartbeat so they didn't ultrasound and they couldn't find a baby and um so they said man am I sure you didn't lose this baby at home and I'm positive I would know something happened came out of me are you sure you were pregnant yes you can call my doctor right you know there was a heartbeat there's a baby there's a baby I got a prescription for my um vitamins at the time you had to get them through prescription um you know there was a blood test I mean everything was done um so they did what's called a DNC where they scraped the interior of your uterus just to make sure if anything's left behind they get that out so you don't get an infection or have any issues and and to find out what happened and maybe why you lost the baby and they came back and said man there's no fetal tissue nothing your uterus is clean no explanation they could not tell me what happened I knew but I couldn't tell them because I didn't want to be sent to the psych ward you know I mean it was devastating I was devastated I didn't know what happened to my baby I wanted my baby back I didn't get to mourn the loss of a baby I didn't know where it was or what happened but I knew I knew what happened but I didn't know exactly you know where it was or what was going on and it was just the most devastating thing um for the you know first year that I've talked about this I couldn't talk about it all without just sobbing I'm getting the point now where I can I can talk about it um but it never stops hurting um and this happened over and over again you know they thought oh maybe you have a tubal pregnancy so they would go up and look at my fallopian tubes you know all this crazy stuff and then they're like oh you maybe there's a hysterical pregnancy you know I'm like hysterical pregnancies don't have heartbeats hysterical pregnancies don't have a fetus you know even as tiny as it is as tiny as it is maybe you can't make out anything else but maybe you could see the little pulse that's it you know that's there's that's a real baby that's a real something now obviously you know I don't believe those were actual babies I believe they were hybrid um and that sounds crazy but it's happened to so many other women it's not just me and I did hold one as a tiny baby and I can tell you about that if you want if we have time I think we have time yeah we're on your we're on your time so yeah I can go for a little bit longer so that's fine um I was just looking to see if there were any questions about that before I um there is one question um there is one question by Torah anonymous it was kind of interesting he asked did they have an aversion to religious places like churches homes with homes with mazusa or synagogues yeah that's a good question I mean I was never taken from a church the best of my knowledge and I did go to little sleepovers at our church it was just a Presbyterian church it was nothing you know just little kids you know would just sleep over every once in a while so um I don't know you know we didn't have anything like that up in our home any of the protective things so um you know I was never protected in that way um I would they would have an aversion to any place where they had been there had been a hedge of protection parade around and over that place and where you know that was not allowed so but someone has to put that in place you know someone has to say you cannot enter here same as I have in this house you know they may have been able to come here before but they can't now because I've revoked those permissions I've rebuked them I've you know I've broken those ties and um and those covenant agreements have been broken so they can't cross the threshold there would be times where I would see them out the window or I know they were out there before I saw them but they couldn't cross but they were still trying to get my attention you know um they sent the hybrid children and I write about this in the book it's kind of like the last one of the two lasted Jeffords to try to get me to come back into the program that I was in um and I woke up one night it was just a few years ago and um there were three boys standing beside the bed and I thought it was my current children and I said one of my kids names out loud hey you know so and so what's wrong and I hit my husband and I said hey the boys are here and then I looked back and I realized wait a minute they're too short to be my boys they're too stocky and not all of my boys were home that night so then you know and you just waking up so when you're just waking up you're not always thinking this clearly you know when I was my eyes were foggy from my contacts that kind of thing so as I focused I realized they're too short they're too stocky they were all wearing that looked like some sort of a gray hooded sweatshirt type outfit um looking down and their eyes looked very dark very black I couldn't tell they were black eye kids because they were not there was not enough light in the room for me to be able to have a close look at their eyes but I could tell right away from their faces that they were mine because they look similar enough to my kids and my features and immediately I just said one of my other kids names because it just the first thing it popped into my head was oh my boys are about the bed you know um so I never ever you know I initially never even thought they weren't mine um then I realized it just kind of hit me these are my hybrid children um and I always kind of thought that was a crazy I knew they were out there but I didn't think they ever really came to people but you know for sure they didn't think they would ever come to me let's put it that way but I did want them to come to me um because I wanted them I wanted to know if there was something that I could do to help them to fix them to save them to be with them and the part that is hardest for me because I love them immediately I felt no love from them the only thing I felt from them was hate and anger and it was so dark and just it just broke my heart because I wanted to love them and take care of them and I'm like what's wrong what's what what's wrong what I'm you know and and my husband wouldn't wake up you know I couldn't get his attention so I'm looking back to them I'm like what's wrong why won't you know why are you so angry and they just kept saying you have to come with us and I'm like no I can't come with you you stay here with me you know I wanted to fix that I didn't get it I didn't get that they weren't human you know we just don't look at things that way and as a mom I want to fix everyone and everything and make it better anyway they just kept saying that and um I just like no I can't come with you come you stay here with me and they and they were just getting angry and angry and then they put me into this they started to put me in this waking paralysis and started to levitate me off of the bed and as I felt my body starting to lift and felt that paralysis come over me and that familiar feeling I am like no I'm not coming with you in Jesus name no and I really just said that out of almost habitual you know just but the second I said in Jesus name no they were just gone they were gone and in that same second my husband set straight up in bed and he's like what what you know and I'm just like oh why couldn't you woken up you know five minutes earlier and seen them but I knew there's no way he could have because he was in that sleep state I was devastated I was devastated I immediately told him everything you know that happened I was just I was just crying I was just so devastated it just broke my heart to know that there was this little part of my DNA out there that just wasn't human it wasn't they didn't seem to have a soul they didn't seem to have a heart I cannot make that determination whether they were redeemable or not because that's only for god to say but based on the Bible based on what I know I would say they probably can't be but again that's not my call to make but I did not feel any love or any good and and that just broke my heart you know that was really really really hard hard lesson to learn a hard thing to go through yeah and we'll we'll finish it up here for for your time and a couple things I really want to cover really quickly and the first is now I forgot what I wanted to cover but I did want to end it on okay so in your book I'll leave it for people to read and you don't need to talk about it but you do have an incidence to where there was an occasion where you said that one of your babies you actually did did have an experience with they took you up and they they let you hold one of your babies now what I what I wanted to end on was two things and you talked about how you kind of came over to Christianity and you raised the Messiah and this is when they they they still wanted you but they weren't able to come in this is when it kind of slowed down and I'm assuming that that incident with your children was one of the last maybe encounters you had it was at that point they were not taking me I had already put the pieces together finally got kind of turned on all the lights so to speak and I I was like oh my goodness you have the same creator I have you know and that means that I'm protected and you can't do anything about it so if I say no and she's his name and tell you to go you have to go and that was a devastating blow to them and they wanted me back so bad so they appealed to my mother's heart a handler tried to come back and and there was an astral type abduction where he was telling me that he was so sick and that he couldn't survive without me you know again appealing to that caregiver in me and I'm like no you know I this close to my face and I'm just like no I you can't you don't have that you have no you have no control you have no rights to me you know I belong to the one and only you know to my creator to Jesus and that's it um and there are you know for some people that doesn't work and and I will that's another conversation for another day but you know I'll be writing about that too and Elie Marziliz newsletter soon as well and and that'll be in the next book as well I'll share more about that but but calling on Jesus does work if you call on him in your heart in your head with your verbally however you do it if you're calling him just knowing who he is then he will hear you you know and come to your rescue if that's what you want if that's what your heart desires then that can happen and that's that's how I was able to stop it thank you for sharing that so just so everybody knows I'm gonna have one question for you and we're gonna end it just so everybody knows all of Karen's information is below this video you could see her uh her website her book a direct link to the book and uh any of that information and um so and so forth so to end tonight what now obviously their plans were spoiled when you came over to Messiah and and recognize that you had a common creator as you said I really like that uh what what were they prepping you for what were you being groomed for what do you think their ultimate plan for you was right I think it's the same as it was it would be for anyone else who's being taken there are different avenues to this I was um used as a breeding tool you know they were taking my eggs my ovum to use to fertilize and putting them back in while and letting me incubate them for a while and then putting them into artificial wombs which I write about in the book um and to share their message they wanted me to just share their message that they the quote unquote propaganda that they wanted out there um these entities are these are the fallen these are the fallen angels of the bible these are the fallen entities they are out number two to one and they're looking to build a bigger army and they want as many people in that as they can get because if you've got humans sharing this false truth humans saying these are benevolent space brothers these are our you know ancestral cedars from alpha epsilon or wherever they are and all these are the things then you know that then you're sharing their false message but you know I cannot get behind benevolent space brothers who kidnap little children who implant foreign objects into people's bodies who mutilate cattle and innocent animals you know who rape women and and pregnant them and the things that are going on steal sperm from men and open for women these are not the actions of a benevolent space brother if if you want to have a conversation if you want to share your message then you're intelligent enough and advanced enough to come and sit down with the right people and share that information in a civilized manner in a manner that we find civilized you can you've watched us for long enough you know what we find to be civilized what we find to be acceptable and what we don't but the things that are doing to us if you did those things to your neighbor your neighbor's child you go to jail i can tell you know anyone who does those things those are not legal actions in our society they're not acceptable and should not be for anyone to do unless you're unless you're one of the elite and uh in league with them and i guess you could probably get away from you and before i wrap it up i did want to address i saw someone asking if night terrors are associated with that um and yeah i really absolutely believe that i for me i what i know of them is it's kind of the post you know being dropped off then the night terrors have been sort of post um abduction um again Vicki's gonna know more about that than me but i really believe that they're yes in some cases they're absolutely directly associated with the with an abduction experience and and so on and if you like i'd love to share where people can find me if they want to reach out to me as well i know i kind of do that a little bit more but i want to make sure it's it's karen wilkinson so if you can find that website or find me on social media i've got links on the social media and it's karen wilkinson or karen wilkinson author on facebook and instagram and those will also link you to my website so if you want to reach out to me please do so just find the link to the website and do it there that way i'll get your message a lot more easily um and i want to make sure i get those messages because i hate for them to get lost and then you know in the waiting for permission or in the spam folder or somewhere like that so um and then you can also find me through la marsouli's website which is oa i know you had them on a couple weeks ago so if you listen to that one that's the same website you can find me through there as well or at the events look at where la marsouli is going to be half the time and a great deal of time at the same events so um love going to events and meeting people in person i don't want to know when this will air but the end of july i'll be in brookville, ohio at the go there for conference i'm so looking forward to meeting people there i've gotten so many messages people who are going to be there and i just can't like wait all the people in person because we get to sit down we get to talk we get to share and it's the most amazing thing the most amazing part of this journey is just people meeting people like you know meeting people like the people in your audience who are all wonderful comments thank you everyone and just having this time it's just precious and i appreciate it so much and i wish i could do more um but i'm doing the best i can with the time i have and i'm and i really do want to just keep you know trying to reach talk to as many people as i can and i appreciate everyone so much so thank you all right well karen it sounds like you have a uh later in life calling that you've really taken off and you're going to be uh by coming out publicly about this you're going to be therapeutic to many many people as you mentioned who have gone through similar experiences and are afraid to talk about it so thank you for coming out and maybe or we'll have to do this again good night everybody signing off except my mouse lost its battery so i can't scroll over to end it but uh here we go one two three