The Unexpected Cosmology Podcast

363 | Millennial Kingdom Theory: Did Satan's Little Season Begin in 2000? with Break the Hostility 1971

Break the Hostility 1971 YT Channel: Ministry and Widow Fund: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support: Contact: Facebook:

2h 0m
Broadcast on:
03 Jul 2024
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Break the Hostility 1971 YT Channel: Ministry and Widow Fund: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support: Contact: Facebook:

- We are live, y'all. I'm just here sitting with Jason Hicks from Breaking the Hostility 1971, just hanging out, talking and perhaps you can inform us on, 'cause I'm curious where 1971 comes from. But I was just commenting on your, I found out that's a donkey butt in the background. If I gave something away, like the big surprise ending that, you know, but I was thinking was, I was asking was that bison was a cattle and you're like, "No, it's a donkey butt." I'm like, "What?" So apparently, I'm giving the story on this because I think it's so fascinating. Apparently, if I'm not mistaken, your wife bought it thinking it was a boar's butt, right? - All right. - And you look at, she brought it home and you're like, "That's not a boar." So, all right, well, welcome. Thank you for coming on tonight, Jason, to the unexpected cosmology. - Of course, thanks for having me, brother. - Of course, we can expect tonight, a lot of a Millennial Kingdom theory, short, little season theory and other such tidbits as that. And my big, I think everybody here is curious to, at this point, to hear all the different perspectives up out there. And I've been bringing a lot of different people, or at least trying to bring a lot of people onto this channel to give their various views of what they think happened or didn't happen and why. And so that's what we'll be going over tonight. So, let's just get into it. Break right into it as people come in. And of course, I will remind everybody that this could be a Q and A time if you would like. Jason would love to answer your questions. So, I'll be trying to field what I can. And I'll be looking for them. I'll give a reminder a little bit because people are quickly piling in. And they will not hear this announcement until later. So, all right. So, Jason, tell us what brought you into this. Tell us a little bit about yourself. And of course, let me just point out to everybody, his YouTube channel is Breaking the Hostility in 1971. I did close it. - It's just Break the Hostility. - Oh, Break the Hostility. - Yeah, no worries. - Well, I need to change the title of this video because I put Breaking. So, Break the Hostility. And anyways, there is a link to it, nonetheless, underneath this video. So, we're going to go there and go subscribe to his channel and go see what he's talking about over there. So, let's get into it, Jason. What brought you into this? - Okay. So, yeah. So, I'm just going to make a long story short. So, I was living in Massachusetts. I just got out of being a year in the wilderness with the Lord, like literally. I lived in a trailer in Florida and on 13 acres. And I just, I mean, the Lord called me back to him and it was just absolutely amazing. And I just spent so much time praising worshiping and just, you know, asking him for truth, asking him for understanding, all that stuff. And then I moved back to Massachusetts and of course, the whole pandemic started. And I had this kid from Barbados staying with me. His name was Egbert. And we were, so we were holed up. It was COVID, no work, no nothing. And I just started walking around. I started saying, man, you know, 'cause I was learning more and more, you know, about the deceptions, you know, a couple years, I was a couple of years into it. And then I just started walking around, I started saying, man, Egbert, I wonder if the dark ages were actually the light ages, you know, and that was it, that was all I had going there. I kept repeating it. And then I came across Autodidactic, his YouTube channel and he was talking about a thousand year deception. And so, you know, that kind of started the search, really. And then I was listening to David Carrico and John Pounders. And David Carrico alluded to the fact that the tribulation already happened, which was interesting. And, but then he went back into a different timeline. And I looked over at Egbert and I was like, how's he gonna come back from that? And Egbert's like, he can't come back from that. There's no way. And so all of that, you know, all those events kind of just bird this passion to see, you know, what's going on here, you know? And so we just started going through the book of Revelation together. And like I said, it was, you know, the whole pandemic time. So we were just spending nine, 10 hours a day just going through Scripture and breaking it down and really, you know, just really in detail. And then finding parallel scriptures and all that stuff. And even then, you know, so I came to the conclusion that the tribulation already happened. That was, you know, plain to see in the Bible. Obviously everybody knows the verses. Everybody knows Matthew 24, Matthew 23, all that stuff, right? And then all of Paul's letters and all that expectation of the judgment coming and the end and the millennial reign and all that stuff. But I had very little understanding. I did not know or understand at that time that the horror of Babylon was Jerusalem. And so I had a lot of things that a lot of pieces to the puzzle that just weren't coming together. And it wasn't until I met my wife, actually about a year later. And she goes, well, you know, Jerusalem's the horror of Babylon, right? And I was like, what? And she was like, yeah. And so then I started looking into that and then like all the, you know, like in the Wizard of Oz, right? When Dorothy's in black and white. But then she goes to Oz and it turns to color. Well, that's what happened with me with scripture. It's just all of a sudden it was just this blossom of understanding and really being able to see the scripture and read it for what it's actually saying. And it just really brought it together, man. And so yeah, so. - Let me just say really quickly, a couple of things here is, no, I want to ask it. No, and this has no bearing at all on your testimony. But at what point would you say you woke up? Like I'm not talking about the Millennial Kingdom. Just, you know, you started waking up to the realities of the truth of the greater realm and so on and so forth. - Okay. Well, like a year, like when would you say you woke up? - I was 47, so 2017. - Okay, class of 2017. All right. - Yeah. - Now, the reason I was just asking just so I didn't make a fool of myself, but interesting thing about COVID is, and I loved how you were talking about how you, you know, everything was shutting down, the world shut down and you just went and started studying, is that is, I'm starting to get more and more nostalgic towards COVID. And when we were going through it, yeah, it was very, it felt very dark and all this stuff. But on the other end, so when we were going into COVID, we're like, this is it. Like, you know, someone has pulled the pin on the grenade, it's going off, it's, this is the end, this is the reset, you know, all this stuff. And, and so we had a very grim feeling going into it, but then like two or three years passed and all the sudden I started looking around me, I'm going, there's a huge insane amount of people that have woken up, like just newbies just coming into this. And I know you weren't new, right? You're class of 2017. And I would consider myself class of 2015. And, and so that is the big thing that backfired with COVID, right? We're always-- - I would say it did, yeah, absolutely. - That's a huge amount of people woken up. And there was one other thing I wanted to, what I really appreciated about what you were talking about there is the number one frustration, I don't want to say it's the number one, but it's, it would definitely be a David Letterman talk 10. Frustration that I have found for myself is the individuals who come up to me and they ask some question, just some random question, like let's say you have a 99.9, you have 99% of the market just covered. Like you've got a lock solid case, but there's this 1%, somebody comes up and asks a question, that 1% question. And, and I'm thinking, well, why don't you try to answer that question? Like, you know, someone will say, you can't answer this question for me, I'm not going any further, I'm going to prove, you know, this proves you wrong. - Yeah, that's all garbage. Everything's out the window at that point. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I really appreciate that where you're talking about like, you know, you go in with this thesis, you're like, I think the Millennial Kingdom happened, but you had all these questions and not everything was, you had this kind of, you had this investigative lead, you start going down that and you have to go down and figure this stuff out for yourself. Like, no, you had the big. Apparently, I was a little sad. I thought, you know, when we talked on the phone and I said that a Jerusalem was the whore, the whore of Babylon was Jerusalem, that I was the one to rock your world, but apparently that was your wife. So let me be able to stand there. But, yeah. - And that's, I just want to say that's Ezekiel 23 for anybody that wants to, that clearly defines what's going on right there for anybody that wants to, you know, that this is a revelation to, you know. Anyways, go ahead, I'm sorry, no. - No, and that was it. That was my little insertion there. See, I don't know if I want to interrupt you tonight because then it like breaks your thoughts. So- - No, you're not breaking my thoughts. No, you're totally fine. - Where were we? You're talking about the whore of Babylon and realization of it. Where were we going with that? - Well, you know, oh man, there was something though. It was with- - This one I'm talking about. I should have just- - No, no, no, it's okay. No, you were talking. And then I wanted to expound on an experience that I had with Egbert. Oh, what was it? It was, it was, no, no, I can't find it, man. Oh, well, anyways. Yeah, so, yeah, he woke me up in 2017. I had gone out to visit some family. I was in a bad place, man. I was filled with the Holy Spirit when I was 28 years old and didn't even know I was filled with the Holy Spirit because I was living up North in Illinois and they don't preach Holy Spirit up there. So, so I had no idea. I knew I was changed. I had an experience at like three o'clock in the morning. I was woken up and had an experience. And I was totally different, you know? I was just totally different. So, I know I was filled with the Holy Spirit at that point, but then I drug the Holy Spirit through the mud for 20 years because I didn't understand. I didn't have any understanding, you know? And I was really ignoramus until Lord call me back to him when I was 47 years old. Oh, you're gone, brother. Uh-oh. (silence) No. Are you there? - Yeah, I'm here. That was the weirdest thing ever. - Yeah. Yeah, so, you know, so I drug the Holy Spirit through the mud, contracted an opiate addiction. I was on Coke, all this stuff. And, you know, and I was a stick of worship leader and, you know, just had no reason to be there at all. And then I went to a wedding and my family members actually asked if they could pray for me before I got back on the plane to go home. And I was like, yeah, sure you guys can pray for me. And so they gather around and pray for me. And they had asked to, you know, you know, release the spirit of addiction and all this stuff. And everybody was praying so I couldn't hear everybody. But anyways, I'm on the plane flight home and I'm about halfway home. And all of a sudden, just this flood of conviction came over me. And I was like, man, I got all these drugs in my house. And I got kids and my wife and all this stuff. And I was just, I was like kind of sweating in panic, you know? I couldn't wait to get off the plane. I couldn't wait to drive home and go there and just dump it all, just dump it all in the garbage. And that's exactly what I did. I went and dumped it all in the garbage. And then I was so different guy that I couldn't watch television anymore. I couldn't listen to the music I was listening to anymore. And he just opened my eyes. I started seeing like all this deception, like all around me with politics and just everywhere, man. And it was absolutely amazing. It was absolutely amazing. Yeah, so that's kind of, so 2017, that's when the road really hit. And I was waking up in the middle of the night, writing songs to the Lord and praising him and going and sneaking into my kid's room and praying over him and all that stuff. I mean, he just radically changed me within a 24 hour period. And it was absolutely amazing. - That's awesome to hear. I'm sorry, I cut, I don't know what happened. All of a sudden, I just went, this is when Bush went black on me and I hadn't tried it. They're so weird. - I don't even know if I was, was I still on or? - Oh, you were still on. - Oh, good. - What ended up being messed up if I like pranked you? And I like, I brought you onto my station and then like see you and I like, I duck out. - I'm out. - You have to finish the whole thing without me. - I'm gonna dip out now. - Yeah. (laughs) So anyways, all right. So one of the big things, when we were talking beforehand, you brought up is what brought you back. Like what caused you to want to come into? Okay. So we started out, you started realizing the millennial kingdom, you know, started looking to that happening. You had a lot of pieces of the puzzle you're trying to put together. What brought you back? - Brought me back. - Well, the reason you came onto YouTube to start making videos. - Oh, okay. Yes, yes, yes. So when I first started making my videos and anybody that watches my channel, you'll see that, you know, when I first started making videos, probably I think it was like three years ago with my wife. And I just, people were asking me questions that I couldn't answer. And I realized that even though I knew what I knew, I couldn't defend it well. And so I had to stop. I had to stop with the YouTube and all that stuff. And then what brought me back was, and I was just gonna, I was fine with just taking it to the curb and all that stuff. And what brought me back was, was like, all of a sudden, there's this flood of people talking about the little season and the millennial rain and all that stuff. And I was a leper. I was a leper three years ago, you know? Nobody wanted to talk about it, nor did they even believe what I was saying, even though I could biblically show them what I was talking about, you know? But the thing is, is that what I'm noticing is there's a lot of, everything is going good. Like everybody understands that the tribulation happened. And that's great. And I, and that is like awesome. And it's so cool to see the Lord work, right? But the thing is, is everybody's kind of getting it mixed up when it comes to the millennial rain. And they start, you know, people are saying like, you know, that, oh, well, the millennial rain was in heaven. You know, it's a, or, or the millennial rain's a spiritual rain or something like that. And I strongly, vehemently disagree with, with that. Absolutely. Absolutely. Because I think the Bible is very clear that the millennial rain and New Jerusalem are on earth right now as we speak. - Well, okay. So we'll start, we'll start going through that. I guess maybe we can look at your ideas of the timeline, where New Jerusalem is, all that kind of stuff. - Sure. In terms of, before moving on, I want to maybe touch on this a little bit. So you're, you're basically the, what you vehemently disagree with, I would assume would be maybe predarism. Like, would that be your, you know, the idea that the, the kingdom is spiritual only. And that, as you said, it's in heaven. Now, predators will have a few different views on this. Some will say the millennial kingdom was it already, it started in 70 AD, it ended in like a 1,070, given away to the crusades. That's a, the typical position. There's some who will say that it was a 40 year rain from 30 AD to 70 AD, of course it was spiritual. But of course, your position, I'm assuming, is that it physically happened, correct, on the earth, not in heaven. All right. So that would be your, your biggest contention, obviously, right? And, all right. So let's break into, I guess, what you think happens. So let's go back to the tribulation, which I'm assuming we're calling the tribulation 66 to 73, or somewhere in there, correct? - Yeah, well, I'm, I have the understanding that the tribulation is a seven year tribulation. And that we had the judgment on Jerusalem, right? Or basically Israel first, for the three and a half years. And then we had the judgment on the rest of the world. And it could even, it could have, the judgment on Jerusalem could actually have gone longer than three and a half years. But at some point, the Lord's anger turns towards you know, the heathens, I guess you could call them or whatever, or the Gentile nations. And he exacts judgment on them as well. - This is good. This is good. So 70 AD, Jerusalem Falls, it's completely destroyed. So we're going up to like 73 AD. And then what does that look like for the rest of the world from when it, so it's first concentrated on Judah. And then Judah's destroyed and what does it look like for the rest of the world after that? - Well, then we have all the, you know, we have all the seals or the trumpets or the vials or the bowls, whatever version you're reading, all that stuff, you know, all those are opened and it's poured out on the world, on the world itself. And, you know, he talks about the mountains will be removed, the islands will be moved, all that, you know, this, that and the other thing. And I believe, you know, and it says there was a great earthquake, you know, and the heavens shook as well. And so, you know, I'm believing that I kind of, you know, and I can't, you know, I don't like to say things that are outside of scripture, you know, but I can, I kind of threw my understanding of the organization of the temple with the courtyard and all that stuff and everything. I think that the earth was, you know, I believe in the Pangea. I believe that the earth was probably one landmass and then after the tribulation, it was actually broken up. And it would make more sense that Rome was actually, you know, because I believe that Jerusalem is at the center of the earth, at the North Pole, right? So it'd make more sense if it was one landmass that Rome was occupying Jerusalem. - Now, that's the first I've ever heard that. I liked how you called it the, you said, I believe in the Pangea. I like how you called it the Pangea. - Yeah. - So, if I'm understanding you correctly, Pangea was all in place up until the great tribulation, right? - That's when it's split apart. Is that what you're saying? - That's what I'm thinking. Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. You know, because you have the, you know, you have the Lord's land, which is Mount Zion, which is at the center of the navel of the earth, according to the Book of Jubilee's chapter four. And also I believe it's in chapter, yeah, chapter eight, verse 19, actually. It says that Mount Zion's at the center of the navel of the earth. And there's many Bible verses that accompany that ideal, that idea, that thought. And so, you know, it just kind of makes sense to me that you have the Lord's land, right? Say that's the North Pole, right? And then you have the tribulation and he just kind of goes like that. And just kind of spreads everything off and away from his area, you know? And that's just kind of how I look at it. - No, really quickly, 'cause I want to, we can talk about the North Pole and Hyperborea and all that. - Sure. - It made a question you said, you don't like to go, something along the lines of outside a scripture. So immediately that brought to mind, what is scripture for you? - Like the Bible? What is the Bible to me? - Oh yeah, are we talking 66 canon? Like what is-- - Oh, oh, I see what you're saying. - I see what you're saying. - Oh, you use the word, scripture, what are you thinking scripture is? - Yeah, well, I totally believe in the validity of apocryphal books, especially, you know, like for me, first and second, Ezra's is like, you can go verse for verse, chapter for chapter, verse for verse, and everything that it's talking about, it's, you can reference it to the Bible completely, like a hundred percent, you know? Obviously the book of Jubilees is another book that I think is, you know, pretty accurate to the Bible. I haven't read it as much as first and second Ezra's, I've been through that like a million times, but 'cause it's so compelling, but, you know, yeah, I mean, I like to branch out. I don't like to just be confined to the 66. There's more out there for us, you know? I mean, what is it, the Ethiopian Bible that had, what, 88 books in it, is that? - Yeah, well, the Catholic Bible still has the apocrypha in it and-- - Well, absolutely, right. - You know, I'd have to think what the Ethiopian has. I know they have Enoch in theirs. I think they have Jubilees as well in it. - And then like the testimony of the patriarchs, that's an amazing book. That's, yeah, you know? I mean, there's, anyway, so there's so many good books. And then, you know, I understand that the Naughemadi texts are Gnostic scripture, right? But there's one scripture, there's one book in there that's a non Gnostic text, and that's the teaching of Sylvanas, you know? And it's absolutely remarkable. And then you also have the teaching of Serak, you know? There's so many just amazing books out there that, you know, if people would just, you know, not be so afraid to branch out, you know, they would see that there's so much more knowledge out there, and it actually augments, it will augment, it's not the right word, it actually, what am I looking for? It solidifies scripture even more so, because you start to have a more, a firmer foundation as to what, you know, what you're learning in scripture. And I don't know, I know it's that, I know in my speech that, you know, people, I'm sure some people are cringing, but really-- and people cringe all the time when I talk, so. Right. Well, really quickly before going back, and I want to talk about the North Pole, but really quickly, so just random question, what is the, in your mind right now, the number one, it comes to your mind. What is the number one extra canonical book that nobody's talking about, but they should? Second answers. Second answers, all right. Absolutely. Yeah, it really fills in, fills in the blanks very well. All right, so let's talk, okay, Pangea, so for you, Israel was always in the North Pole, correct? Like all the people-- Jerusalem, yeah. Well, okay, but I mean, if we're talking about Jerusalem, we're talking about-- Well, I mean, Israel's a people though, right? Well, okay, I mean, like the kingdom of Israel, the kingdom of Judah. So when Yohushal Hamashiach walked the earth, and he was in the Roman provenance of Judea, was that in where the land where modern Israel is, or is it always in the North Pole? As far as my understanding, it's always been in the North Pole. Okay, well, so let's talk about that. Do you want to give some of your reasons? Yeah, so part of my reason is that, you know, the city of David, right? When we're talking about the city of David, it's always synonymous with Mount Zion, Mount Zion's city of David, Mount Zion's city of David, right? And when the Lord's talking about his people, like the daughters of Zion, that Zion's always mentioned all the time, right? And Jerusalem is with Mount Zion. They are one in the same. They are together. You have Mount Zion, and you have Jerusalem situated in the South, which would be anywhere, because Mount Zion's at the North Pole, but it says that it's situated in the South. We also have Jeremiah, well, actually we could just go, Isaiah 14 verses 13 through 15. So let me look it up here for you on screen. Isaiah 14, and what verses are we looking at? 13 through 15. Okay. There. And you know, it says, you said in your heart, I will ascend to heaven above the stars of God. I will set my throne on high. I will sit on the Mount of assembly in the far reaches of the North. I will ascend the heights of the clouds, and I will make myself like the most high. And so that Mount of assembly is Mount Zion. And if we keep going, we'll see that it is. So if we go to, well, you're not gonna be able to pull up jubilee's, I don't think with the- - With Bible gateway, probably not. - That's okay. So we could go to Job. Erno, let's just do Isaiah, since we're in Isaiah anyways, Isaiah 41, 25 through 29. - Okay. - And we have, I stirred up one from the North, and he has come from the rising of the sun, and he shall call upon my name. He shall trample on rulers as on border, as potters tread clay. So, you know, we know that we're talking about Christ here, and he says, who declared it from the beginning that we might know, and beforehand, that we might say he is right. There is none who declared it. No one proclaimed, none who heard your words. I was the first to say to Zion, "Behold, here they are. "I give to Jerusalem a herald of good news." So anyways, and so we're, obviously we're talking about, you know, the new Jerusalem, we're talking about the Messiah, and we can see that it's in the North Pole, or it's in the Northern extreme, right? And then we have, you know, and then we have Job 37.22, we have Psalms 48 one through three. - Would you like me to turn to one of them? - Yeah, if you want to, that's cool. It just continues with the same narrative. - Okay, I'm going to Job 37. I just Job 37.22, yeah. It's just a short verse, but but it says, "Out of the North comes Golden Splendor. "God is clothed with awesome majesty." So again, we get the depiction that there's this, you know, there's this glorification of the North, you know, the center, and, you know, we, I could go on, I mean, I have a lot of them, but, you know, and the thing is, it's like, you know, I always pay attention to what the enemy's doing too, and, you know, we have Satan Claus, right? And where's his, where's his toy shop? Where's his dwelling place? You know, it's at the North Pole, right? And in the same way, we have a Superman, who is a Jewish superhero created, he's a Jewish created superhero, and his fortress of solitude. Is it, oh, you want that Psalms? It's 48, one through three. - Is this the, is this the Sanzakora? I'm trying to think, maybe it's in the, yeah, this might be it. Is this one of the mountain in the North? Yeah, Sanzakora, I can point out that one of the possible translations of Chora, Sanzakora in the paleo-hebrew, is Sons of the Ice Wall. So it's a possible translation, kind of interesting. - Oh, that's interesting. Well, we know that we have the Arctic Circle. - Yeah. - Which is an ice wall as well, you know? So actually, I just watched a Red Bull, Red Bull kayakers, or a kayaker sponsored by Red Bull, went up to the Arctic Wall, and they got off the, they took a ladder, they brought the ship right up to the wall, and they put a ladder up, and they climbed over their kayaks, and there's like thousands of rivers going through the ice up there, and they actually, they kayaked over the fall. It was actually pretty cool, and the water looked super clear and pristine. But anyway, it's getting back to Cal-L, right? And Superman, his fortune to solitude is in the North Pole, okay, number, that's part of it. But also, what is Superman, what's his weakness, right? His well-as-weakness is Kryptonite, right? And it's very interesting that the Aurora Borealis, for example, is mostly green, like the green rainbow, right? Well, that green color in the Aurora Borealis is from a noble gas being electrified. And guess what, noble gas, when electrified, becomes green? Or it could be magnetized, magnetized or electrified. - Well, I don't know, so don't make me guess. - It's Krypton. - Okay, nice. Yeah, that's interesting. So technically, that should be Superman's worst nightmare because it's absolutely, that weakens him, and he's like a fortress of solitude up there with all that gas that's being weaponized against him, so. - Right, right, right. But anyways, so, and I have a bunch more scriptures, but I mean, it's very clear to me that when we're talking about Jerusalem and we're talking, then we have to talk about Mozai on, and that Mount Zion that they have over there in Israel, it's just a molehill, man, it's like nothing. And Mount Zion is like the tallest mountain in the world. And then the next question is, how come we can't see it, right? Wouldn't that be the? - Well, we're talking about New Jerusalem, correct? - Absolutely, absolutely. - Yeah, and that's a big question I get all the time, so what's your response to that? - Isaiah chapter four. - Isaiah four, okay, I'm turning there, Isaiah four. Of course, I assume we could turn to second-aged rest as well, but Isaiah four, what? - Right, we could start out at the beginning so we know who we're talking about, okay? So, and seven women shall take hold of one man in that day, so the seven women being the seven churches of Asia shall take hold of one man, Jesus Christ, saying we will eat our own bread and wear our own clothes, only let us be called by your name, take away our reproach and everything in that first verse, let us eat our own bread and wear our own clothes. The Lord makes those promises in the prophets, He makes those promises that they will eat their own food and they will drink their own wine and wear their own clothes and all that stuff, so that's what we're talking about here, and it's the promise of the millennial kingdom. In that day, the branch of the Lord shall be glorious and the fruit of the land shall be the pride and honor of the survivors of Israel, so we know that we're talking about the ones who survived the tribulation, they are the ones that are saved out of the tribulation, and He who is left in Zion and remains in Jerusalem, again, there they are, back to back, will be called holy, everyone who has been recorded for life in Jerusalem, and we know that because of Revelation chapter 21, when they're written in the book of life for Jerusalem, when the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion and cleansed the blood stains of Jerusalem from its midst by a spirit of judgment and by a spirit of burning, holy spirit, then the Lord will create over the whole site of Mount Zion and over her assemblies, a cloud by day and smoke and the shining of a flaming fire by night, Aurora Borealis, for over all the glory, there will be a canopy, there will be a booth from the shade by day and from the heat and for a refuge and a shelter from the storm and rain, okay? So what we want to do is we want to get confirmation of this, right? So we have this scripture here, which is a, in my understanding, a millennial rain scripture, and now we're gonna see, we're gonna go to a scripture that's an our timeline scripture, it even has a timestamp in it, and we're gonna see that, yes, all the glory was covered with a canopy, so we're gonna go to Isaiah 25. - Right, one verse. - We'll just start right here. Oh Lord, you are my God, I will exalt you. I will praise your name for you have done wonderful things, plans formed of old, faithful and sure, for you have made the city a heap, and I don't know what city that is, but the fortified city of ruin, the foreigners palace is a city no more, it will never be rebuilt. Therefore, strong peoples will glorify you. Cities of ruthless nations will fear you, for you have been a stronghold to the poor, a stronghold to the needy and his distress, and check this out, same verbiage that we just used in Isaiah chapter four, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat for the breath of the ruthless is like a storm against a wall like heat in a dry place. You subdue the noise of the foreigners as heat by the shade of a cloud, so the song of the ruthless is put down, now check this out, on this mountain, the Lord of hosts will make for all peoples a feast of rich food, a feast of well aged wine, a rich food full of marrow of aged wine well refined, and he will swallow up on this mountain, the covering that is cast over all the nations, and here's our timestamp, he will swallow up death forever, and the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces. So our timestamp is death, right? Because we understand from Romans chapter 15 that the final enemy is death, and we also get that again in Revelation chapter 20 talking about the white throne judgment when death and Hades are thrown into the fire. Well, we understand that that hasn't happened yet, right? People are still dying, you know, there's still death, right? So that hasn't happened yet, so here we have the timestamp that this is an our time prophecy and that he's gonna swallow up the covering that is cast over all the peoples, the covering that he put on somewhere during the Millennial reign in Isaiah chapter four, and we get further confirmation of this hiding of the Holy Mountain and New Jerusalem in Second Ezra's, and I'll just, I got the book right here so I can just open it up and- - Yeah, I wonder if they actually, sometimes they have apocryphum, I'm kind of curious if they have Second Ezra's let me just see here, nope, sorry, we didn't find any of these- (laughing) - There are no results. So if we go to Second Ezra's chapter seven, and so this is a conversation between Ezra, I don't know why they call it Ezra's when the whole thing's about Ezra, but anyways, so this is a conversation between an angel and Ezra, and the angel has told him already about the tribulation, about the judgment on Jerusalem, everything that was gonna happen, and so now he's about to give the white-thrown judgment prophecy to Ezra, or understanding to Ezra, and so is Second Ezra's chapter seven, verse 26, and it says, listen, the time will come when the signs I have foretold will be seen, the city which is now invisible will appear and the country now hidden be revealed. Everyone who has been delivered from the calamities, I have foretold, he was talking about the calamities of our time, foretold, we'll see for himself the wonderful things I shall do. My son Messiah will appear with his companions, bringing 400 years of joy to all who survive, and then it gets into the great white-thrown judgment, and it also mentions that actually, I'll just go on and read this, this is gonna really throw some people into crazy land, but it says, okay, wonderful things I shall do, my son the Messiah will appear with his companions, bringing 400 years of joy to all who survive, that's gonna be us, all who survive. At the end of that time, my son the Messiah will die, and so will all mankind who draw breath, then the world will return to its original silence for seven days as at the beginning of creation. No one will be left alive. After seven days, the age which is not yet awake will be aroused, and the age which is corruptible will cease to be. The earth will give up those who sleep in it, and the dust, those who rest there in silence, and see now we're getting Revelation, chapter 20 stuff. Silence, where am I? Oh no, I lost my spot. And the storehouses will give back the souls and trusted to them. The most high will be seen on the judgment seat, and there will be an end of all pity and patience. Judgment alone will remain. Truth will stand firm. The faithfulness, oh, and faithfulness be strong. The work of each man will come forward, and its recompense be made known. Good deeds will awake, and wicked deeds will not be allowed to sleep. The place of torment will appear, and over against it, the place of rest. The furnace of hell will be displayed, and on the opposite side, the paradise of joy. The most high will say to the nations that have been raised from the dead, look and understand who it is you have denied, and refuse to serve, whose commandments you have despised. Look on this side and on that. Hear our joy and rest, their fire and torments. That is how he will speak to them on the day of judgment. So, pretty intense stuff. Yeah, no doubt, dude. And then we get another depiction yet of the mountain being covered again, Mount Zion, in actually in Second Ezra's chapter 13. And let's see here. Okay, so yeah, it's just a little bit down. And also, another thing that 13 does is it also verifies once more that we have two separate ends, that there's Jesus in his companions, his peaceful companions, and then there's another people that are coming, which is totally cool. But anyways, I just wanna show you this. So, chapter 13, the seven days passed, and the following night I had a dream. In my dream, a wind arose from the sea, and set all its waves in turmoil. As I watched, the wind brought a figure like that of a man out of the depths, and he flew with the clouds of heaven. Wherever he turned his face, everything he looked at trembled, and wherever the sound of his voice reached, everyone who heard it melted as wax. This is a Gog and May Gog event, by the way, at the touch of fire. Next, I saw a countless host of men gathering from the four winds of heaven to vanquish the man who had come up out of the sea. I saw the man hewed out for himself a great mountain and flew onto it. Though I tried to see from what region or place the mountain had been taken, I could not. So, he couldn't even see it in his vision. Because it had been still covered or cloaked. But anyways, this is a great read, and this is another Gog and May Gog event. And it's absolutely compelling. But yeah, so that's why we can't see it. - So, let me just insert here really quickly for anyone. There's 120 people watching right now. If anyone has a question for Jason, be sure to, I'm reading your guys' comments, and be sure to ask it. And as long as it's, of course, respectful to Jason, I will be sure to ask him. So, a few things on this. Do you have any thoughts on Advil Bird? - Oh, I mean, yeah, I mean, I know of Advil Bird, and I know that he went to the Antarctic. And I saw the interview that he had on that. It seemed like that was a really cool show. They won't do that for us anymore, but. But, you know, and I know he talked about a continent that was on the other side of the ice wall. So, that's super cool. And I actually-- - Well, I'm just curious, have you ever looked into the, you know, supposed to be a diary of Advil Bird where he goes up to the North Pole and he talks to the people there and they land his plane and the woolly mammoth and all that. Have you ever read any of that? - Man, now I did, but I read that a long time ago. And I don't have a mind like yours where you just like seem to retain everything. - That's what we find. I'm just (indistinct) - But, didn't he meet like people that were, didn't it seem like it was like a millennial kingdom kind of thing or am I thinking of the smoky God? - Well, no, in the diary, the supposed, I say supposed for everyone out there. And the supposed diary of Advil Bird, yeah, he meets the swastika people there and really interesting. So, which is my next question? Have you ever looked into, and I'm just, you know, curious, have you ever looked into the Nordics? - Into what? - The Nordics. I haven't got it in the Nordics now. - Totally fine, totally fine. I'm gonna be bringing on a woman next week, Karen Wilkinson, and she has written a book for Ellie Marzulli, and she talks about how she has been abducted over a hundred times. - What? - And that her handler for years was a Nordic. And they're the tall white people that live up in the North Pole. So curious what you thought about that. So, or up in the high North area. Okay, here's a question for you. Okay, so now apparently, if the North Pole was the historical, you know, it is Mount Zion, right? So, we're talking the temple, Jerusalem, physical Jerusalem, right, that not just New Jerusalem, but the old Jerusalem. It's the kingdom of Judah, to where David, you know, it's where the prophets were, it's where David was. I'm assuming you would say it was where the Garden of Eden was too, right? - I do, yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - Zingarcya, of course, were a book, and he would definitely agree with you on that there. How would the, the sun and the moon work up there? - Well, oh, that's really interesting, man. So, well, okay, well, you have to remember that you have, so you have New Jerusalem, right? Which, you know, Christ is the light there, right? But, you know, I'm starting to think, I'm starting to think that, that just like you have different tiers of angels and stuff like that, like, I'm starting to wonder, and, you know, there's a Jasonism, total Jasonism, guys, just, you know, but it's very interesting that, you know, like Paul says, you know, we'll be, you know, we'll be taking up the clouds, we'll be changing the instant, right? They're gonna have the glorified bodies and stuff like that. But at the same time, we have this holy highway. We have, we have people hurting cattle, we have people eating food, right? And, and, you know, this is all scriptural, it's all in scripture, you know, like, like, we just read in Isaiah chapter four, right? He said, they said, let us eat our own bread, let us wear our own clothes, you know, and all that stuff. But then we also have other scripture that talks about, you know, that they will, they will till the lands and every man will sit under his vine tree, you know, and all this and, and so I just wonder if there's a, if there's like, you know, a separation between those like the saints, right? Like the apostles, 144,000, the ones that were martyred for the name of Christ and all that stuff, if, you know, and because we also have the, the promise to one of the churches of Asia in Revelation chapter three, and it says that I will make you a pillar in my, in my temple or in my house or something like that. You know, it, it, it is the new Jerusalem that comes down out of heaven and you will never leave it. You know, like what, what does that mean? So I, I just wonder if there's like a separate station for certain people, you know, because we have the camp of the saints, right? In Revelation chapter 20, but then we have the beloved city as well. And it seems like there's a separation. - Yeah, I'm of that. Well, that's, of course, my opinion, that the camp of the saints, the actual Greek word is the same that is used for Fort Antonio. That would be, of course, I believe that, well, you know, of course I, I'm of the-- - Yeah, we differ a little bit. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm of the opinion, of course, that historical, the modern Israel is historical Israel, that the temple out there is not where the temple stood, the temple stood on Mount Zion. But that, the temple mount is actually Fort Antonio. But my point is that the Greek word that it's used there is actually the camp. It's actually like a fortress. It's, it seems to be a fort that maybe it protects new Jerusalem, we're not really sure. Or it could be a fortitude around it, which would be pretty massive. Or it's a separate settlement, which is, of course, you know, a little bit more of my opinion. That's where I kind of stand that the camp of this, there is like a camp of the saints there, perhaps. But okay, so I'm gonna put you on the hot seat now, not by my questions, you asked for it. You asked for the Q&A, so people are starting to ask. - Yeah, it's okay. - Nick asked this question. If Jerusalem is the North Pole, what about all the other nations in the biblical story? Babylon, Egypt, et cetera, et cetera? So, right, so Israel now is that whole region, where are we placing, do you have an idea on where the rest would go? - Well, like I was saying, you know, Pangea, right? So, you know, everything, in my opinion, because I can't prove any of this, except for, you know, revelation account of things moving around and stuff like that. But in my opinion, well, and also the tempo model of, you know, by Solomon, King Solomon. But in my opinion, you know, all the land was together before the end of the tribulation. So, you know, it would look a little bit different, right? Things would be a lot closer together than they are now. So, I mean, that would be my answer for that, because I can't really, you know, yeah. - Now, understanding conspiracy asks a question, as well, before I do ask this question, I'm gonna throw this out there to get your thoughts on this. So, obviously, in biblical times, it wouldn't have been ice and snow up there, correct? It would have been a lush land, I'm assuming? - Yeah, I mean, it would have to be, right? - So, I mean, I don't think it's ice and snow over the whole thing, you know, I'm not believing that. - Sure, sure, okay. But, you know, obviously, like anyone who's been up to Canada, the higher north you go, it gets colder and colder, right? - Sure, but you still have a rainforest in the Northwest Territories of Canada that oftentimes don't see snow almost all year. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, I mean, I'm thinking of Quebec, where you go up north in Quebec, and then you look out your window and there's polar bears getting into your trash cans there. - Yeah, sure, but I think it's more of a protective barrier, you know, from going, I'm sorry, no, I didn't mean to interrupt you, but, you know, I understand that there's snow and ice up there and, you know, and it's vast, you know, but I think that it's more of a barrier, more of a protective barrier. - Okay, fair enough, the question I was gonna ask was, if you ever thought about the possibility of the ice, maybe what, hardening or whatever, maybe like a liquification account where the ice hardened based on the resurrection of it, just wondering if you ever maybe consider that, like on the timeline, where maybe if that is, if the center of the earth was historical Israel, that maybe there wasn't ice and snow up there until the resurrection of it, just something to think about if you've ever put that, I'm gonna lead into understanding conspiracy now, but that's a good question, but he said, go ahead. - Well, I just wanna clarify what resurrection event we're talking about because we have, you know, we have the, are we talking about the resurrection after a crisis was resurrected, or are we trying to go with the Revelation chapter 20 verse five, where people are thinking that there was a resurrection event at the end of the millennial reign. - Well, let's say, let's say, do you think maybe there was a resurrection of it at the beginning of the millennial kingdom? - Yeah, obviously, yeah, that's, that's, that's biblical. - Yeah, yeah, I'm just wondering if you think maybe that could have, I was just throwing that out there, could that have caused the ice, but something to think about. - Oh, okay. - Yeah, I've heard people passing that around before, I just wanna tell you. All right, so he's, he asked, what is his or I, what is your stance? Maybe he's asking what my stance is, I think he's asking what your stance, what is your stance on the rest of the dead who take part in the second resurrection? Who are they and when are they resurrected? Is it immediately after the thousand years or the end of the little season? I think I see where he's going with that. - Okay, yeah, I think that's the Revelation chapter five that he's Revelation, I'm sorry, Revelation chapter 20 verse five that reference the rest of the dead won't come to life 'til the thousand years has ended. I'm simply believing that that is going to be the great white, the white throne judgment is when the rest of the dead will come to life. I don't think that the rest of the dead necessarily have to come to life right at the end of the millennial reign. - Sure, okay, yeah, fair enough. And I think, 'cause the big question that a lot of people have, and I'm sure you've heard this before is with the population explosion. Now, we need to get into your timeline as well. We don't wanna spend all night on the North Pole 'cause I really wanna hear about your idea on when the little season began. And so let's just backtrack a little bit. So there's a seven year tribulation. The first three and a half years you established was leading up to 70 AD, it was against Judah. And then the next three and a half years are now directed at the rest of the nations. And I'm assuming then we go right into the millennial kingdom, correct? So by like 73 AD-ish, according to the official, obviously there was no AD, right? So we're going by just these general- - And we don't even know if it's actually 70 AD, you know what I mean? - Right, the ADs were added to anyone alive in 70 AD or even 30 AD was a completely different year, obviously, they were on different calendars. But just for, I guess, clarification purpose, so we're all on the same page. So did the millennial kingdom start in 73 AD? What did it look like for you? - Well, I mean, you know, okay, so according to the Daniel nine prophecy, that would be correct, right? Because you had 490 years or the 70 weeks, right? You had 490 years to bring in everlasting life everlasting righteousness, all right? So that would mean at the end of 490 years that the only way you're gonna have everlasting righteousness is if you are now in the millennial reign. If you're with Jesus now, because you're with him and you're in New Jerusalem, I would imagine. And it's very interesting, I just came across the Book of Melchizedek, which I found it on, well, it came across my feet on YouTube, but when I tried to find it, find the PDF or anything, it's giving me these books, but they're not, it's not the same book that this guy is reading on YouTube, so, but anyways, yeah, I don't know what's up with that. - Yeah, I'm just laughing 'cause I know what that's, I mean, I know that sometimes there's just, books have random different names and things like that, and yeah, so. - Oh, I know. - I wasn't laughing at you, I was laughing at your experience, 'cause I know. - Absolutely, because people, what they do is they name it the wrong book, that's not actually the book name, you know? But yeah, so it is frustrating, it totally is, dude. But yeah, but so anyways, I came across that and it totally, you know, it, I don't know the validity of this book, but it's saying that at the end of the seven year tribulation that yes, they go into the millennial reign and, you know, and I would say, I'd say my stronger point to that is the Daniel 9 prophecy, the 490 years. Yeah, so, so, end of tribulation, millennial reign. - Well, the reason I ask is, and man, these questions are piling up here, we're gonna, this is like a traffic jam of questions, I'm gonna have to scroll up guys and get to it, but, all right, so we go into it, and now you're-- - Oh, this is Shane real quick. - I noticed, it's starting to get a little bit more. - Yeah, it sounds going down. - Your beard is just like glowing right now. So, maybe you can hear me right now, just go ahead and ask. So, in terms of, okay, so we all, I'm assuming it's a literal thousand years, correct? Would you say it was a literal thousand years? - I believe it's a literal thousand years. I don't see any reason to believe that it's not. - Now, this is where the, the, the pritterist, the, who say it's a spiritual kingdom, will say that it ended around 1,070-ish, and then, lo and behold, we break into the crusades, right? So, we're on the official kind of narrative here. So, what does it look like for you? A thousand years go by, I'm assuming like, are we looking at all the tartarian architecture? Like, you know, what happens when it comes to an end? Where are we on the timetable when it comes to an end? - Are we talking about the end of the millennial reign? - Yeah, so we have a thousand, we have a thousand. - Oh, yeah, okay, okay. So, all right, so, so my take is this, and it's very, very unpopular right now. And that's cool. - You're talking, you're talking the most unpopular guy out there. So, I have you beat on that. - Yeah, okay, so, so my thing is this. So, you know, the main Satan, right? It's just that Satan just means the adversary. There's lots of Satan's and all that stuff. But the main guy, the main guy. - The dragon. - The dragon. - Yeah, the dragon. - The dragon. - The dragon. - Thrown in the bottomless pit, right? Okay, but we have to remember that we had, we had three evil spirits that were likened to frogs, right? That came out of the beast, the false prophet and the antichrist that went to the four corners of the world to deceive the nations, okay? We have, we still have fallen angels, you know, principalities run around. And we have to remember that they're, they're warring against us. They hate us. And not only that, they're military-minded, they're like-minded, and they all have the same goal. They all have the same agenda, which is to keep us away from the salvation of Jesus Christ and being able to be with our Father, okay? They all have the same thing. Okay, so, you know, all these people are saying, you know, oh yeah, Satan was released in 1700s, 1800s and all that stuff. And I understand why you're saying that. I get it, right? Because, you know, we had the bank and cartel families and, you know, and they started these civil wars and then they funded both sides of the wars then they made their, you know, mass amounts of money and control and power and all that stuff, starting banking systems and countries. - Birthday of the Illuminati in 1776, correct? And actually coming up on the birthday here, many of the people, I don't take an official position on when he was released, but for those who say it was July 4th, right? We celebrate Paul from understanding conspiracy. We still hear he's a British dude and he's like, wait, what? (laughing) - No doubt. - Yeah, but yeah, so anyways, we're coming up on that a couple days. Go ahead. - Yeah, let me, let me, let me finish the thought. So, okay, so here's my thought. My thought is this. They were setting up the return of their king. The Bible references Satan, at least twice that I know of, as the first king, okay? So, they were setting up the stage for their king. - And you're referring to Ezekiel, correct? - What's that? - When he said the Satan's the first king, are you referring to Ezekiel? - It's actually, it's somewhere between, it's probably in Ezekiel, but I'm actually referring to Isaiah 29, somewhere between 29 and 35. - Okay, that's fine. - Yeah, which is also a Gog and Magog event in the Bible. But, okay, so anyway, so I believe they were setting up the world for the king's return. I believe that Satan returned in the year 2000. It just makes sense. They changed the calendars, right? They made the calendars all count up to their king's return. You got the whole Y2K thing, right? Where we know that these things were on, all these devices, all this stuff. We know it's all sorcery. It's all sorcery, it's gems, and magnetism, and electric, and precious metals, and all that stuff. It's all sorcery, right? We know that the black mirrors, the scrying mirror, right? So, witches mirror, okay? So, 2000 comes along, and they come up with this, you know, this bonk excuse. They're like, "Oh man, we've only been using two numbers. We don't know what's gonna happen." You know, and then they were saying that everything was gonna crash or possibly crash, and nothing happened, you know? But they were, it was because of Satan's return, they were concerned at what was gonna happen, you know? - Right, can I just point out really quickly? Now, were you born in 1971? - Yes. - Okay, I figure that's your birth year. So, I just want to point out to you, Jason, that there are, that was 2000, this is your 2024. So, there are people listening to this who were not born yet. I know you're talking about that. - Right. (laughing) - I can-- - Dude, that was just yesterday, guy. I don't even know what you're talking about. - No, it does, it does, it does. It's just amazing how, I know what it was like now from my parents, like in the '80s and the '90s, when they're talking about the 1960s, like it was yesterday, I'm like, dude, that was like the ancient history, like, 'cause I can recall where I was in 1999 when the clock turned, you know, the, you know, like the Prince song to, what is it, what is the lyrics, 2000, 00, whatever. But I was-- - Well, that's the other one, man. That's the other one, because it's, he goes, I woke up this morning, could have sworn it was Judgment Day. - Yeah. - Right? Well, judge, by God, no, by the other guy, right? And then, you know, and then, you know, that the chorus is, 2000, 00 looks, parties over, out of time, all right? And then he also proceeds to say, and I used to think it was a sexual reference, but he says, I got a lion in my pocket, and baby, it's ready to roar. Well, who do we know that goes around like a roaring lion, seeking those who should devour? I mean, it's, I don't know, man, I'm just saying. - I remember where I was on that night, and I was working at Disneyland. I was a Disneyland cast member, I was working in the parking lot, and this is Disneyland in Anaheim, California, and they hadn't yet, they had broken ground on California adventures if anyone can visualize this. So it was the old parking lot, it's all dirt and stuff, and it was just, it was chaos back then, because they had no parking structure, they're having to park all these people all over the place, it was a crazy time to work there, and it was midnight, of course, and I was working the night shift, and I'm completely alone out in the parking lot, total darkness, and I remember when the clock struck midnight, and all the fireworks go up, and they play the Prince song, 1999, and then it went dead silence, and I'm sitting out there, and the only, I'll never forget, the only thing I could hear was the Yeti in the Matterhorn, it just kept going, ah, I can't remember. For me, like, I'm just saying that, it felt like-- - I've heard that, Yeti. - Yeah, for me, you know, the bomb was snowman. For me, that was 24 years ago, but it felt like yesterday, but anyways, so, okay, so the short season, I lost like five lists, I'm so sorry, I lost like five visitors when, listeners, when I gave that Disneyland story, people are like, we knew it, he worked for Disney, we knew it all along, my confession, I think this is the first time I ever told that story. So, it was actually a great job when I was in college. Anyways, all right, so it starts in 2000, and what are we looking at, and here's the other thing, but what I wanna know, is if the Millennial Kingdom is a thousand years, how much time are we looking at between the end of the Kingdom, if you know, if you have an idea in your head, but between the end of the Kingdom and the year 2000, are we looking at 200 years, 100 years, like, where was the deception, where did history begin to be invented? - Well, you know, it's really interesting, and this is total Jasonism, total Jasonism, but the thing is, you know, 'cause we have this whole mud flood thing, and, you know, and we have buildings that are relatively new, you know, within the last 300 years or so, that are buried, you know, in mud and all that stuff, and so I just wonder if, you know, because when we think about the tribulation, right, like in the sibling oracles, for example, you know, it was said of the tribulation that, you know, speaking at, you know, the aftermath of it, that if a man saw another man's face, that he was astonished, right? And that's how rare people were in the rest of the world after the tribulation, and then we have, you know, and then we have the Bible that even says that, you know, the men will be as rare as fine gold at that time. - I love that you quoted sibling oracles, by the way. - Thank you, and fascinating, fascinating read, by the way. And then, you know, and then the other thing is, is that, you know, what was the other one? Oh, you know, we have the other verse that says, had I not cut the day short, no one would have survived. Okay, so this was serious, you know, I think people don't understand the scope of, I mean, this was like just short of like flood serious, you know, in my opinion. And so, you know, it's gonna take time for the population to become robust again after something like that happens, right? And I kind of view the, you know, I hate talking about this stuff 'cause it's, you know, I can't prove it, but, you know, but the thing is, is like, I view the whole, you know, what they wanna call Renaissance or whatever. I call that, you know, like a carrot from the Lord. Like, I think that, you know, that those structures were built during the millennial reign, maybe as a peace offering to whatever tribes were still left, people that were still left, you know, as, you know, here you go, man. And here, by the way, here's some energy and it'll help you, you know. And because I could see the Lord doing that, having mercy and saying, I know things are tough right now. The world just went through some serious stuff. And so, you know, we're gonna help you out a little bit, you know, and oh, and by the way, believe in me, you know, and come to me and give me your whole heart, you know. But anyways, I think that, that when the population started becoming more robust, sin was starting to be more and more active in the world. And so I think that, that it's very possible that the saints and, and, and everything, that they, at one point, maybe they were, you know, out to make, you know, you know, disciples and stuff like that of the Lord in the world. But I think at some point, they actually withdrew and just stayed within their own land. And, you know, and it's very possible that that's when, you know, we have this arctic circle, this arctic ring, this frost and all this stuff. It's kind of like, okay, it's getting freaking ridiculous out here again. We're gonna withdraw. I have a friend from Poland that actually wonders if the scarring, the electrical scarring or the black scarring on the buildings, on, you know, the older buildings wasn't in fact, you know, because the Lord took what, you know, he, he, he, he speculated that it's possible that everything was powered by New Jerusalem and that when, when New Jerusalem kind of, withdrew from the rest of the world, that it's very possible that that break of that power source is what caused caused the electrical scarring on the buildings and whatnot, stuff like that. You know, I don't know. I, you know, it's a total, you know, like I said, I heard from another guy, it's a feasible scenario. - I think that's a, I think it's a very plausible scenario. I mean, yeah, I think it's very plausible. Now they have all this, this, what we would call antique with tack, I guess, but, you know, we're now it's just pointless, you know, you could put a bunch of cake toppers and such. I was going to ask a question on, oh yeah, you, one of the things, you know, you had talked about the added ice and such. One of the things that has bothered me is some of the maps like the Urbano Monte map, where it shows, you know, everybody knows this by this point in, in history, where it shows like Antarctica and it's just, you know, lush land full of, it's not ice and snow, you know, and it's like-- - Yeah, it's interesting, right? - Yeah, what, what happens? All right, here's a, before we get too far into this, let's see, there was another question here, actually I'm digging way back. Now, oh here it is, if we are in Satan's little season, does that mean that the two witnesses have already come? And if so, I wonder if there is any evidence or writings about it? - There actually is, oh, yeah, so there actually is in the acts of pilot, actually. Let me, I'm just getting in my-- - Oh wow, we're going deep in, in a, extra biblical text now, I like this. - Oh, this is an acts of pilot, you're talking about gospel and Nicodemus, right? - Yeah, I think it's also called that, yes. Am I correct? It's either acts of pilot or-- - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Okay, so let's see, two witnesses, here we go. So in the acts of pilot, this is, let's see, that's 25, I think it's chapter, chapter nine, verse 25. And it says, but the Lord, okay, so this is at the end of the tribulation, basically. But the, wait a minute, no, this is, - Well, I know that, I know that in-- - No, this is when he's bringing the saints who were martyred, the tribulation, I don't believe the, oh, no, no, no. This is, okay, so this is when Christ is raised from the dead is when it is. It's after Christ's crucifixion, and when he's raised from the dead, right? Because if you remember in the book of Adam and Eve, the Lord says that, you know, tells Adam that you have 550 years, or five, or I'm sorry, 5,500 years, then you can come back in the garden, right? And he's saying that my son, the Messiah, will give his life and be raised, and then you can come back to the garden. So, that's this depiction of this time right now in this chapter and this verse. Cool? - Yeah. - Cool. But the Lord holding the hand of Adam delivered him unto Michael the Archangel, and all the saints followed Michael the Archangel, and he brought them all into the glory and beauty of paradise, or beauty and grace of paradise. And there met with them two men, ancient of days, and when they were asked of the saints, who are ye that have not yet been dead in hell with us, and are set in paradise in the body? Then one of them answering said, I am Enoch, which was translated hither by the word of the Lord. And actually in the book of Jubilee, it actually says that Enoch was translated into Eden, by the way. - Yeah. - Anyways, I'm Enoch translated hither by the word of the Lord, and this is that, and this that is with me is Elias, or Elijah, the Thessabite, which was taken up in the chariot of fire. And up to this day, we have not tasted death, but we are received unto the coming of the Antichrist to fight against him with signs and wonders of God, and to be slain of him in Jerusalem, and after three days and a half, to be taken up again alive on the clouds. So, you know, and the thing is, it totally makes sense to me that Enoch and Elijah are the two witnesses, because Enoch witnesses the acts of the people of Jerusalem, of the Lord's people, throughout time, because he's alive, and Elijah's alive as well. And so they're the witnesses of the ages, of what the people of Jerusalem, Judea have done. And it totally makes sense. Dude, actually, absolutely amazing. Anyways. - Yeah, now, if anybody else has any questions here, be sure to ask, I think there's a lot of comments, but if I am missing anybody's questions, apologies, I'm trying to go through all the comments here. But if you guys do have a question, please, you ask. All right, so the other big event in other than 2000, there was, of course, Y2K, Prince and all that, but was 2012. Do you make any? 'Cause I know that we're going at some point into the age of Aquarius, we're going from, we go from the age of the Ram to the age of Pisces to the age of Aquarius, which I'm under the impression that we are probably in right now. It's really hard to determine because-- - It is, right? It's so convoluted, but I think we are. - Yeah, the big question is, is that when you're, when you're looking at the Zodiac, you have this black space between each of the constellations. And so the big question is, is, you know, where, if the sun is kind of in between that spot at what point do you cross in, right? But it seems to me like we're in it. So anyways, 2012, do you have any thoughts on that? - That's so much on 2012, but I mean, but you know, what you were just saying as far as the age of Aquarius, you know, it's really interesting, right, you know, 'cause 9/11 in my opinion was a huge, huge sorcery happening there, you know, because we have the Twin Towers, right? So we have the Twin Towers are Josh and Imboas, right? It's Earth, it's Earth in Heaven, right? It's man, it's male, it's female, right? If you've ever seen a Freemason Drexel board, right? So you have Josh and Imboas right here, next to each other. And then in the middle here, we have a courtyard, checkerboard courtyard, that's the booger, right? That's us. But then way in the back, you have another tower in the back, another pillar, and you have a ladder going across it, and you have a little dude ascending the ladder, right? Which, you know, which represents enlightenment, right? Which represents illumination, right? And, you know, the age of Aquarius is the age of enlightenment, okay? And so what they do is they take down the male, the female, the Earth, the Heaven, right? They take them down and they construct the Hermaphrodite, the One World Trade Center, that third tower that's in the back, the tower of illumination, the entire of enlightenment. And it's just, it's totally amazing, it's totally amazing. But, so that's why, that's why I wonder, and this is Jason, but I just wonder if that wasn't commemorating the coming into a new age, actually. - Yeah, yeah, okay. And somebody asked a question here, where was it? Okay, Marcin asks, where are we in Enoch's prophecy a week? So have you done any study on that? - Oh yeah, absolutely, the 10 weeks. Actually, I am... I keep going, I keep going back and forth on things. So, I want to give an answer, but I'm not going to just yet. - Okay, that's fine, that's why it's totally understandable. Those are all the questions, so what else is on your mind? - Well, the only other thing that, when I have an earth temple, well, I had a few verses on, because I've tried to explain to people that when he's talking about heaven and earth passing away, that's another one that everybody seems to be struggling with, is that heaven and earth actually passing away, or being no more, and then a new heaven and earth being created, like literally heaven and earth, which the Bible would totally be contradicting itself if that was the case, because he says the earth is established forever, and he says the earth will never be moved. So, what are we talking about here? And the thing is that heaven and earth, in my strong opinion, when he talks about heaven and earth, he's talking about the temple. And we get a depiction of that, in real quick, in Revelation chapter 21, right off the bat, the first verse, right? So, if we go to Revelation 21, - Oh, here, let me pull that up for him. - Oh, okay, I was just pulling it up on my phone, but. And I'm gonna show you guys something interesting with that too. So, in Revelation 21, it says, "Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth." And a lot of people think that this is a continuation from Revelation chapter 20, but it's not. This is an explanation of New Jerusalem and how it's gonna go down in the millennial reign, okay? So, this is not after the white throne judgment. The white throne judgment, the Revelation chapter 20 is just a timeline of the two ages of what happens within the two ages, because there are two ends of ages, okay? And so, anyways, Revelation 21, "Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, "for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, "and the sea singular sea was no more." So, in my opinion, when he mentions the sea, singular, the sea, not the oceans, not all the waters of the earth or anything like that, the singular sea, he's talking about the sea at Solomon's temple that he made for the Lord. He's talking about this giant brass bull that was held up by 12 bulls, three facing in each direction, northwest, south and east. And that's what he's talking about. And that sea was no more. And that temple was totally destroyed by the Babylonians and the Chaldeans. Are they one and the same, by the way? What, can you help me out with that a little bit? - Are the Babylonians and the Chaldeans exactly the same? I guess we need to get a phone call with an anthropologist. Are they one and the same or, you know what I mean? Were they, did they travel together, did they hang together? - I wouldn't say so. Kind of like, maybe I would describe it like a, okay, if I had to guess, I would say, I am a, I'm genetically Irish, French, Swiss and English. I am an American, but Americans are not English, Irish, French or Swiss. So, when I think of Babylonian, I don't think of a people group. I think of a nation with many different groups. - All right, fair enough. That's actually a great answer. Thank you. So, so anyways, so the whole thing was carried off by the Chaldeans. So, the C was no more, okay? And then, if we go to Isaiah, I'm trying to do this in order, but if we go to Isaiah 65 17 through 18, - Okay, you want me to turn there real quick? Isaiah 17? - 65. - 65, through what? - In chapter 65, 17 through 18. - Isaiah 65, okay. - Right. All right. - Yeah. So I have it here. So it says, it says, for behold, I create new heavens and a new earth, and the former things shall not be remembered or come to mind. But be glad and rejoice forever in that which I create for behold, I create Jerusalem to be a joy and her people to be a gladness. I will rejoice, I, meaning the Lord, will rejoice in Jerusalem and be glad in my people. No more shall be heard in it, the sound of weeping and the cry of distress. No more shall there be in it, an infant who lives for a few days. But anyways, so we're seeing that. This is a millennial rain time. And he's saying, I create a new heaven and new earth, behold, new Jerusalem. Or, well, it says Jerusalem, but it's new Jerusalem because if there's no crying or weeping, it couldn't be anything other than new Jerusalem, right? And then here in the next chapter, he says it again in verse 22. In chapter 66. - Yeah, 66, 20. - The final chapter of Isaiah. - Yeah, of Isaiah. - The famous mice eater. - So he says, for as, I mean, it's not the best one, but he just reiterates. He said, "For as the new heavens and new earth that I make shall remain before me," says the Lord. So shall your offspring and your name remain. And so it's from New Moon to New Moon, from Sabbath, Sabbath, all flesh, shall come to worship before me in the Claire's Lord. But again, he's reiterating. It's this new Jerusalem. And then if we go to Jeremiah 31, 22 through 33. - Oh, hold on. - Oh, it's okay. I got it. - Jeremiah, 31 what? - So 31, 22. - Okay. - And we'll just do 23. So we just know what we're talking about. But again, he's talking about creating again. And he says, "How long will you waver old faithless daughter talking about Jerusalem daughters his eye on? For the Lord has created a new thing on earth, a woman encircles a man. And we know that New Jerusalem is the bride of Christ. Everybody wants to say, you know, oh, it's this, it's that, it's the other thing. No, it's New Jerusalem. It's very clear that it's New Jerusalem. And the Lord says, I created a new thing, a woman encircles a man. Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel. Once more, they shall use these words in the land of Judah and in the cities when I restore their fortunes. The Lord bless you, oh, habitation of righteousness. Oh, holy hill. Once again, Mount Zion. But yeah, so again, it's a millennial reign scenario. And we see that he's talking about the creation, the creating that he's doing. And he's creating New Jerusalem. And so, and also we have, and here's another one. So we all know that Jesus says, you know, not one jot, not one tittle, you know, heaven and earth will pass away, but not that, you know, won't pass away from the law, right? Okay. All right. So, so if we go to Hebrews chapter eight verse 13, I believe it is eight verse 13 or 13 eight. No, wait. No, it is 13. Okay. So we're talking about Christ and we're talking about what Christ did or Paul is. And it says, in speaking of a new covenant, he makes the first one obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away. So he's talking about the destruction of the temple. Right? Because we're talking about, we're talking about old covenant things, you know, old covenant things as far as sacrifices and things like that. Well, you know, that's another thing that people get messed up with in the nine weeks of Daniel when it says that he will take away, what does it say? He will take away the daily sacrifice. Isn't that what it says, something like that, right? Well, everybody thinks that they're, he's talking about crucifying Christ, but he's not talking about crucifying Christ. He's, they're talking about the destruction of the temple. And so their timeline gets a little jacked up because it's talking about the destruction of the temple. It's not talking about the crucifixion of Christ. Even though we know that Christ crucified, you know, he puts an N to us having to sacrifice, but they were still sacrificing up till the point that the temple was actually destroyed in allegedly 70 AD. - Yeah, okay. So I mean, obviously, you know, you and I are going to have very different views about that, but all right. So I wanted to ask a couple of questions that have come in and Tammy, I think she's asked it a couple of times now. So maybe you can help from, and I just want to remind everybody, you know, that for those of you who just have come in that I'm bringing on different individuals to give their research and ideas on the Millennial Kingdom. And, you know, it's okay if I have one opinion and the guest has another. But Tammy asked this, she says, since the temple was destroyed in 70 AD, after the Antichrist declared himself to be God. And of course, Josephus does talk about this, but when it's sates and have come back around 1,070. - What's that now? What was that? - Tammy asked. - Yeah, no, I got that. - When it's sates and have come back around in 1,070 AD. And I think this is what I was trying to get at earlier. Like, how do you work the time itself? You know, if it's like-- - I totally believe the timeline's been completely altered. Yeah, absolutely. - So, okay, well, here's the next follow-up question to that. So, does Satan come out, come? No, you've said that it was 2,000 when you believe he was released. You know, Y2K, midnight, I'm assuming. Clock, you know, it goes back, he's released, or sometime very soon after that. Would it, was it immediately after the thousand years or I think I had asked this question earlier, how many hundreds of years do you suspect were between, like at what point when you look back in history, the 14, 15, 16, 17, 1800s, 1900s even? I mean, you look at like John Levy in his channel, he, I think he goes up to like 1920, like World War I or something like that, where he says that everything before like World War I is basically not to be believed. I don't think even believes Abraham Lincoln was a real person. So, well, I'm just thinking, I'm just- Yeah, I know, it's, you know, who knows, right? I mean, you know. Well, I bring that up because everybody who's looking at this kind of has their different, you know, ideas on what is reliable. I mean, I can look at the, you know, well, yeah. So, I mean, I know, I can look at my own life and go, okay, I know that obviously we know nobody landed on the moon, but I know that there was a land moon landing event, right? There was a moon landing event. Allegedly, right? Allegedly, right? I know that there was a Second World War. I know that there was a Vietnam War. And the reason I could know that is because I have relatives who say that in their lifetime it happened, right? Now, we could argue maybe World War II never happened, right? But in their lifetime, according to what they were fed in the media, it really happened. So at what point, I guess, would you say that Millennial Kingdom came to an end and history from that point, it just scrambled? Yeah. Well, I don't... It's okay if you don't have any, I'm just... No, no, no, it's okay. I'll give it my best. You know, I've always thought that the Millennial Kingdom and Satan's being locked in the bottomless pit run congruently. Like they're parallel. So that would mean that we were born within the Millennial Rain time period. But like I said, I believe they withdrew as the population became more robust that they actually withdrew. And obviously, we get the idea in Isaiah chapter four that there's a canopy over all the glory and therefore we can't see it. It's very interesting that in the old Google Earth maps that the whole North Pole just had a big black circle over it, you know. Oh, okay. So another question is, are there any promises made to those living after the Millennial Kingdom? Oh, yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. We have two accounts. We have Isaiah chapter 25 when he says he will make a feast of rich food, of rich marrow, of wine well-aged for us, for our time. And we discovered that once we saw the timestamp, right of the, that he would swallow up death forever. So we know that that's a timestamp for our timeline. So yes, and then also of course, second of Ezra's chapter seven, verse 20, starting at 26, I think, and also second of Ezra's chapter 13 both talk about the fact that there is a, there are people that will live after the Gog and Megog event. And actually in Ezra's it says that it's better for those people who survive than everybody else who doesn't. So yeah, we have about 20 minutes left and we'll wrap up. So maybe you could think about your, you know, your closing arguments or anything you would like to put out there for the viewer to think about. But there is a question here. Now you've brought up Gog and Megog a few times. And Marie asked, can you give your thoughts on Gog and Megog Revelation 20? So I guess Gog and Megog within the context of Revelation 20 and she says, I know he has some interesting studies on this. Yeah, well, I mean, really Revelation 20 doesn't give us a lot on Gog and Megog. But if we go to Ezekiel 38, you know, it's very clear to me that this is an our time prophecy because these people that it's talking about right off the bat, it's the land restored from war. It's the, it's the cities without walls, right? Which would be, to me, the camp of the saints or it could even be talking about like, you know, just cities like in our time, right? But they go, if you read through it, I'm trying to do two things at once, which is like, for me, almost impossible. But, so anyways, it says, you know, starting in, so Ezekiel 38, verse starting on verse seven, it says, be ready and keep ready. You and all your hosts talking about Gog and Megog that are assembled about you and be a guard for them. After many days, you will be mustered. In the latter years, right? In the latter years, you will go against the land that is restored from war, the lands whose people were gathered from many peoples. This is the remnant of Israel. This is the people that were gathered together at the end of the tribulation. - What version of you? - Oh, verse eight, right now? Yeah, eight. So the land whose people were gathered from many peoples upon the mountains of Israel. Okay, so again, we have Mount Zion, the mountains of Israel, which had been, had past tense a continual waste, right? And we have other verses that will verify that, you know, this land in which you call a waste and all that stuff, right? And why was it a waste? Because they're at war a lot. And when you're at war a lot, what happens? All your fields, all your storehouses, everything that's around your city, they're gonna go ahead and they're gonna burn all that up. They're gonna trash all that and they're gonna starve you out, you know? That's what they did back in the day. It's people were brought out from the peoples and now dwell securely, all of them. You will advance coming on like a storm. You will be like a cloud covering the land, you and all your hordes and many peoples with you. Thus says the Lord God, on that day, thoughts will come into your mind and you will devise an evil scheme and say, I will go up against the land of unwalled villages. I will fall upon the quiet people who dwell securely. Well, the Lord also promises that, that there will be peace, there will be quiet, you know, for those in the millennial reign and that they will be secure. All of them dwelling without walls and having no bars or gates to see spoil and carry off plunder to turn your hand against the waste places that are now inhabited, the people who were gathered from the nations who have acquired livestock and goods. And here's the mic drop who dwell at the center of the earth. We're only talking about one place here, you know? And so anyways, this is the surrounding of the camp of the saints. This is Gog and Beggog. This is our time prophecy. We have in second Ezra's, can't remember the address for that. But it says that, you know, in our time that even our cities and our regions and our towns will be fighting against each other and that the nations will also be fighting against each other. And then the Lord's going to reveal his holy mountain to the world and then everybody's going to leave their, all their skirmishes and their wars and stuff and they're going to surround the camp of the saints in Mount Zion, you know, so. - So what is next? Okay, so let me just, maybe we can end on this note tonight. - Okay. - So how long, I mean, I'm not a date setter and I'm not asking. - I'm not either, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So this might be very unfair question, but. - How long is the little season? - Yeah, for you. I mean, if it started in 2000, I keep on saying 2020, but 2000. - 2000, yeah. - Being the Prince on 200. - No, it's an easy answer, it's an easy answer. - Yeah, how long is it for you? - Okay, so in the Old Testament, speaking about Moses and the Israelites there and traveling throughout, you know, around in circles in the desert and, you know, in the land, you know, it was 40 years, right? Well, 40 years is called a long season, okay? So if 40 years is a long season, right? And then we have another depiction of a long season. We also have King Herod's son waiting a long season to finally meet Jesus, okay? And so if you know anything about King Herod, King Herod knew the prophets, just as well as the Sadducees, Sadducees, and all that stuff, right? And so obviously he probably brought up his son in the same way. And I wouldn't even doubt, you know, this is Jasonism, I wouldn't even doubt if his son was in the King's chambers when the Magi came to, or the shepherds came to tell King Herod about the star of Jesus, right? So anyway, so it says that Herod's son waited a long season to see Jesus. So he could have very easily been in his 30s, or 40s, or around there, right? Then we have a depiction of a short season in Revelation chapter, I think it's either five or six, it's the saints that are under the altar of the Lord, and they're crying out, and they're asking the Lord, you know, when is our blood gonna be, you know, when are we gonna have justice, basically? When are we gonna have justice, you know, for all these bad things that happened, and the Lord said, well, you just gotta wait a short season, right? So, you know, if we know that all the tribulation events took place after Christ was crucified within 40, 50 years, well again, we have another timeline, you know, we've got people that were martyred and stuff like that, so it could have been 10 years, 15 years into, you know, the beginnings of what was going to become the great tribulation, right? And there were people being martyred already, you know? So, yeah, so short season to me, anywhere between, you know, anything under, maybe under 40, 40 years, the 35 years, I don't know, somewhere around there, do I think it's really close? I think it's really close, I do. - Fair enough, I mean, obviously, I mean, I'm no date setter, but everybody listening to this, we all, not even if people who are listening to this, just generally all over the world, anyone who is, okay, I'm gonna date this video really quickly, but just last week, we had a debate between former President Trump and Biden, and apparently afterward, there was some sort of survey that went around that, it was like a shock poll that seven out of 10 people don't trust the media, and I was reading that going, wait a second, 30% of the people still trust the media, like that's pretty shocking for me, but at this point, but the point is, is that anyone, all the people kind of waking up, even the normies are starting to get this sense that like something has to give, you know, like the door is barely hanging on its hinges, society is collapsing all around us, and we got to agenda 2030, we get all these things, and what are they gonna roll out next, that kind of stuff, and it definitely feels like there is something big on the horizon, of course, none of us noticed, but what do you think it's gonna be, when it happens, I mean, obviously surrounding the camp of the saints, right? Is that-- - I see, it's gotta be some kind of worldwide catastrophe, right, it's gotta be like, it's gotta be a famine, I mean, we already know that they're trying to, what's the word I'm looking for, they're trying to create a famine, right, they're constantly, they're killing, they're saying, oh, all the chickens have bird flu, and all these cows died from heat, you know, and they're regulating the crap out of private farms, you know, and they're going in, and they're saying, oh, no, you can't do this, we're gonna take all your chickens, we're gonna take all your cows, you know, and all this stuff, I mean, they're really seriously trying to create this famine, but I think, and I think that I hope that it will be an act of the Lord that will create distress, you know, and I just really don't see anybody fun, I don't see people like throwing down with like, you know, guns and, you know, and shotguns and all that stuff over arguing over politics, but I do see people throwing down if all of a sudden my kids are really hungry, and my family needs to eat, you know, I see people throwing down over that, you know, for sure, and I think, and from what I've seen of our situation that we're living in, people that are becoming less and less and less honorable to one another, to the point of where it's really sad now, you know? - On a slightly side note, not really commentary tool, I kind of see it like they're shaking up the anjar right now, and, and, you know, I hear so often this fear point about how the government is coming to take away our guns, but the thing is, is that I've done studies on this, and I'm going all the way back to the, well, really, you have the NRA, but the probably really the 60s is where the agenda really started taking off, that the government was gonna take away our guns, and every single, you know, Obama was considered the greatest gun salesman on earth, and what they would do is that they will roll out this psychodramatic episode, maybe it's a stage hoax, maybe it's a killing sp, you know, maybe it's a sacrificial thing, who really knows on a case-to-case basis, but then, you know, you have some violent shooting on the stage, on the world stage, and then some politician comes forward within, you know, several hours on key, see, we got to pass legislation, we got to get rid of guns, and every single time, gun sales skyrocket, and keep going up and up and up and up, and people more and more and more, I was even surprised, I decided to tune in to the media the other day, some debate that was happening, and there was a super staunch liberal in there, and he had like all these like firearms behind him on the walls, like dang, even the Democrats are starting to lock the load right now. - Well, that's really interesting, I mean, it's really interesting because, right, you know, I mean, and out here in Tennessee, we got, you know, guns, Trump and God, you know, his signs all over the place, you know. - Now, I don't want to be taken out of context, I don't want anyone to go walk away from this saying those anti-guns, that's not what I'm doing, but what I'm saying is, is that I actually believe that the government agendas, they actually want us. - They want us to have guns. - They want us to have guns. - Absolutely. - They're all rhetoric that they're trying to take away, that's not what they're doing. - No. - Just want to make that clear, everyone, and-- - No, I see exactly what you're saying. - That's what I said, you shake up the jar with the ants in it, and then watch the ants just go crazy, and I think that there's going to be an event like that with, if New Jerusalem, or the camp of the saints, or whatever happens is revealed, and you just, you want the people to go psycho crazy, I think that's what's going to happen. - Right, I also think the other part of that too, is the whole, like, I don't know if you are in the movies or anything like that, you know. I've always been into sci-fi my whole life, you know, Isaac Asinoff, and all that, but they're really pushing this whole, like, metaverse right now, this whole parallel universe, and so I can see, you know, if the Lord reveals his mountain, that it's going to be really easy to introduce the idea that, oh yeah, this is a parallel universe, and they came to take over our world, and, you know, and take our resources and everything, you know, and-- - Yeah, who knows, I mean, the thing is, is that I have to, you know, honestly, I'm a little bit, I hear all these things are coming, you know, Project Bluebeam and all this kind of stuff, and this so-called, the return of the Anunnaki, and this alien invasion and stuff, and we saw, I am absolutely horrified, while the rest of the world is horrified by the debate that happens last week, and Rick, you know, whether it's Joe Biden, whether he's an actor, or a Disney actor, I mean, well, what I'm saying is, I don't mean that, I mean, like, George Clooney with the mask on, what I'm saying. (laughing) Or whether, you know, he's a Disney animatronic, or whatever is going on, the world is horrified by that right now, but the thing is, is that I was horrified by the alien invasion last year in 2023, with like those, in Mexico, where they were pulling out those, whatever, whatever, whatever, the piƱatas, whatever they were, and then they didn't. What I'm saying is, is that I almost feel like they've got nothing, and it, it's just, it's, the deception is, maybe it's because we're just so awake to this now, but the deception is becoming so, like, boring lethargic at this point, that I almost wonder if, you know, the alien invasion is gonna be the fathership, you know, when you drew some shows, and it's like, all right, we gotta go take this thing out, right? You know, Independence Day style. So, we got a few more minutes, and I'll let you give your final thoughts, and just everybody knows, of course, this is Break the Hostile in 1971. You can see his name right there. That's his YouTube channel. I have the link under this video. You can go, please go, you know, subscribe, and watch this stuff. What's your final thoughts, and then we'll close for the night? - My final thoughts are, you know, you and I had a conversation a couple days ago, and, you know, it's in your heart to, you know, really start to pull this community together, you know, of people, and I think that's absolutely commendable undertaking, and I think that it is something that absolutely needs to be done. We need to somehow, you know, create a contact list of people, you know, I know people are really skittish about sharing their information and stuff like that, but I think that it's gonna be really important to be able to rely on one another when whatever happens happens, you know, that, you know, I can be like, oh, yeah, you know, I'm in Tennessee, he's right over in Georgia, man, and, you know, let's see if we can, you know, hook up and, you know, and help each other out, you know, 'cause I think it's gonna be, I think it's gonna get more difficult as time goes on, you know? So I think it's really, really, it's a really important undertaking to build this community, and I think the other thing too is that, you know, we really need to, you know, I think the most frustrating thing that I've had on this journey of millennial range, short season, tribulation, all that stuff, is that people are unwilling to sit down and just break open that Bible together, and let me just show you what I'm looking at, and, you know, and let's decipher what's going on here, you know, what is the truth, you know? And I know that the truth is failed so greatly in so many different aspects, but we have to have that willingness, you know, we can't think that, you know, that we got it all figured out, and, "Hey man, I don't need you," and all that stuff. I need you guys, I need you guys, no one needs you guys, everybody needs everybody to, you know, to work things out and try to decipher what the heck is around us and all that, and I think Noel has a pretty good grasp on it. He reads a lot, and he puts out like, I don't know, what do you put out about five books a month, Noel? - Oh, five books, well, I did, I think last year, I think I released four, I have to count four or five original books that were mine. This year is gonna be a little bit lower, like two or three books, but I do put out a lot. It's basically like putting out books is like having children. The first book you ever released, it's like your first child, and you have the ginger reveal party, and you go to the ultra sound, and you have the big, you know, just a big celebration, and look at me, I published a book, and then by, you know, by your like 20th book, it's kind of like people are like, "Why are you still having children?" Like, "What's wrong with you?" You know, that's, people stop noticing after a while, but okay, on that notes, thank you so much for coming in. - Oh, thanks for having me, brother. - And don't be a stranger around here, at the index of cosmology, of course, you know, I wanna, that's, one of the things I wanna do is extend the microphone to different people and just say, "What are your thoughts? "You tell me, I'm not here to debate you, "I just wanna hear what you have to say." And I'm trying to go the rounds with a lot of people, and a lot of people, Jason, they won't actually do that. They're, I don't know, they think I'm like setting them up for something, for some, like, you know, (laughing) and then let it like start, like debating them right away or something like that, but. - Yeah, you know, and I think it's really cool that, you know, I knew your viewpoints before I got on, you know what I mean? I know what you think, and you know, I don't know all the studies that you've done, and you know, I haven't watched all your stuff on YouTube, but I know we differed, but it doesn't matter, man. We're both still brothers in Christ, we're both still trying to seek truth out, and that should come before everything. You know, and knowledge, you know, gaining knowledge, and, you know, just like I have something to learn from you, I'm sure you could glean something from me, you know? And that's awesome, you know? - Yeah, like your amazing beard for first daughters. And I really have been, you called it a donkey butt, which is, I mean, can we call it a donkey's ass, right? I mean, is that fair because it's a nast, right? A donkey, anyways. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. Anyways, all right, good night, everybody. And we'll do this again, good night. - All right, thank you, man. Appreciate you.