The Unexpected Cosmology Podcast

362 | Torah Portions with Pamela Glasgow! Week 38: NUMBERS 16:1-18:32 Korach (BA'MADABAR)

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2h 5m
Broadcast on:
01 Jul 2024
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Ministry and Widow Fund: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support:   / membership   Contact: Facebook:   / theunexpectedcosmology  

Shabbat Shalom everybody can you believe it we made it through another week and it is Shabbat time and you can see I have Pamela with me tonight Miss Pamela. It was kind of a last minute plan Pamela. I asked her to if she wanted to come on a couple days ago and just for like five fifteen minutes and talk about her work with the translations of the Family of Hebrew and then she asked me is she's like is this the week going to be talking about Korra and I said I think so because I hadn't done the study yet and she's like well I want to be a part of that so I'm happy you're here Pamela and for this and let's break right so we have so much to talk about but before we do I did want you Pamela to talk about your translation so if anybody out there just introducing her again for the hundredth time if anyone is new Pamela with me is the translator of this text that we're going through the the paleo Hebrew she's translating the paleo Hebrew into the English and she has done two volumes on Psalms and she was going through all Psalms but then we decided to kind of divert and start doing the Torah and that's the reason I decided to do these Torah portions this year to to back up and what was really the perfect timing I mean it was just y'all working in both of our lives she wanted to do the the bear she at their genesis all the way through Deuteronomy and and here we are so she has been on a just a rapid pace here keeping up with this and getting these out and I think you're almost we're you're getting close to Deuteronomy right you're you're working on Deuteronomy right now I'm a Midway Deuteronomy or but I'm in far I mean sorry the variety so I'm sort of Midway in that one and it's it's like most you know Michelle he's giving his last speeches before he's called up on the mountain and his life ends his life on earth ends and so he's giving the last instructions to the sons of Yashorel and giving them their last charge you know trying to get them to know what to do he's giving sort of a history what's what's happened to them everything that's happened to them and also a little bit of instructions about the division of the land so that's where I'm at right now well one of the things I wanted to quickly talk about before we go into the passage tonight which is a really exciting passage in the Torah portions is basically your work panel and what you're hoping to do in the future so you're gonna get through Deuteronomy and then once we get Deuteronomy done I know you're gonna go in and kind of you were gonna take the all five books and we're gonna make into one big volume and release it and it's looking forward to that but afterwards what are your plans well as I said the age said I want to finish up the tour the first five books of the Torah I have already I just have to put together the third book of the Psalms it's a little bit smaller than the others but it's got some some powerful stuff in there but particularly you know we've talked about the Council of the Aayam the Psalm that actually deals with you know that council and where I think Yaha Wai is giving them their charge you know that's right there in there so besides finishing up the Psalm there I want to I want to translate the gospel of Matthew that I've already sort of done a little bit of the gospel of Matthew and I'm taking the shimtoh those of you who are familiar with that manuscript I'm taking the shimtoh manuscript and I'm taking it from the modern Hebrew and I'm having to put it back into the the paleo so that's one of the things that I'm doing and also I I have started the song of songs which is or the song of song you know in the east they talk about that a man's wedding day is the day of days and so Shalomah he's making a play on words with the song of songs so it's actually a wedding drama and it's really interesting what you've got it's almost like you've got this Greek chorus even and all these attendants and and the heroine and the beloved that there's also a play a word my beloved it's actually goad goad and that's David that's David's name that's hate spelled David's name so even if you're making a play on words my David or my beloved and so I'm about halfway through that and after that I would like to I would like to do a translation of the the Hebrew Revelation when we were going through it some how long ago was that that we we did the it was probably maybe late 2021 into early 2022 is around there that we did Hebrew John and then Revelation back to back yeah and so I didn't quite agree with some of some of their translations that they were that they did when we were but I wasn't confident in myself at that time to speak up and say I don't agree with what they they just put there so I've got those that's sort of the things that I've got lined up but I was talking to Rebecca you know I could do this the rest of my life I could I could literally just keep translating the rest of my life so much that I want to do and see because we the the pain you'll open up so much more meaning than just you know it's not just straight you know okay we're spelling this word you know I love ma'am dollar you know we're we just spell the word and it means this there's actually so much more when you take into considerations it's not just about this scientific thing it's there's art there's it's a picture sometimes the words are actually telling a story you look at and you can see what's going on right there in the it's just like a a job you know a little drawing a little doodle on paper showing you what's going on and so the paleo opens up so much meaning and you know some of the things up even what little I've done in the book of Matthew it was it was it was amazing that to realize you know when Joseph found out that that Miriam was expecting he was like he did not want to marry he did not want to settle down to dwell with her that was he's like oh she's you know she's done something naughty and he did not he did not want to settle down to do it he's like what I do how how I don't want her to get executed you know I had no ill will toward her but I surely don't want to marry her so it's so amazing things that you uncover all this so so when Pamela told me that she wanted to work on Matthew next this was some time ago I got really excited I'm like sweet after the Torah portions we're gonna have the Matthew study to go through I'm so glad I didn't go through the other Matthew Hebrew study will have one to go through and then she told me that you know we're doing revelation like sweet I'm really looking forward to that and of course we did you know the other one three years ago now I mean I think it's been quite a while now and it's amazing how the years go by and it's right for another one but when she told me song a Solomon that's where I really got excited I can't wait to do a song a Solomon study I kind of think you should make that your next if you're halfway down I think you should make that your next project I wanted her to talk about this because I want you guys to see that here at the unexpected cosmology this ministry is where it's it's not just a YouTube channel this isn't just a YouTube channel where we're just putting out you know you know catchy things out there on the internet trying to bring in views that kind of stuff and we are we're way beyond that and we're putting out actual real tangible physical books that we're literally we have Pamela here y'all has brought Pamela to us to this ministry and she is actually translating the Bible through the paleo Hebrew and that is amazing and it's humbling and I hope what I want what I want to do is is to bring more people into that vision for those out there in the community say I want to be a part of this I want to be a part of supporting translating not just watching YouTube videos oh Noel came out with a new YouTube oh look he's got a new YouTube video but actually being a part of this process of translating the Bible it through the paleo Hebrew and it's an enormous task that she's taking up of course what Rebecca is doing too now I don't want to just you know come on here every week people like oh he's gonna talk about money again I am so pleased that y'all has provided for us this month it was looking really grim last week I mean last week I was starting to call people up on the phone be like hey we need a plan B maybe a plan C option here because it's not it may not pan out this month and it panned out and it is my desire sorry Pamela I hope I'm not putting you on the spot it is my desire you guys already know that I support Rebecca I support Rebecca she gets the first cream of the crop she gets the first payment every month be in the month before I even get my hands on anything to provide for my family she gets it first I want to bring I want to bring Pamela into this but I want this instead of me just saying hey guys I'm taking a panel I want this to be a community effort I want the tough community out there to say we want to bring Pamela on we believe in what she's doing we believe in her vision we want to be a part of this we want to be a part of this blessing or of course the word the Pamela perfer is Barack instead of is that right or Baruch Barack Barack I got it right Barack instead of instead of less and so this morning quick story woke up this morning and kind of got I got my coffee I'm sitting down the computer I started looking at the budget and I just have been praying over the budget all all month I'm praying over this morning and I said you know yeah if you can just if you can bring in the money to bring to meet our goal just just this goal right here I'm setting the bar at this goal anything on top of that just bring in and I just want to you know shower Pamela with with a Baruch Pamela and so my wife calls me down to breakfast I go down there I tell my wife this and we're talking and then I go back up after breakfast and I look and I couldn't believe it not only have the funds come in to cover my cost for the month but it was already above that so I'm telling you guys all this now that if you want to give a love offering to Pamela and to her translations like what we're going through tonight anything through the end of the month we got two more days now I'm not telling you guys to do this on the south personally my conviction is that I'm completely okay with passing around offering a fund to provide an ministry on a Sabbath that is doing a good work but I'm not telling you to do that we still have on Sunday anybody who and I can't control who watches this video win but any time in this weekend if you are able to if you want to provide and give to Pamela because she needs it you know just send it in and I want to give her that love so all right let's get right on this tonight we are on week 38 of Bot Medibar or Bot Medbar a number is I'm gonna get right before we leave this portion before we get in to do Rami let's look at last week real quick and of course you guys are for treats tonight because Pamela is going to read the entire portion for you tonight which is always really special that she's a translator that way I don't have to botch it for you guys so let's look at what we did last week according to the legends of the Jews and I'll be quoting a lot from legends of the Jews tonight because it just that yeah the rabbinical tradition is actually very rich through this whole passage and I think they have a lot of good insight according to legends of the Jews the 10 spies always intended to give an evil report yah had had been think about this yah had already been leading the way wherever the the the the fire the pillar of fire went if it if it lifted up off of the tabernacle the pitch camp they were up and out they were in their military formations we saw the top they were in the military formation they went where he went he led the way he was the scout he was the spy he went they didn't need to send anybody out it was their suggestion according to legends of the Jews now you can argue it's different in numbers that's fine and I just I was the messenger saying well this is what these books here say that it was their suggestion that they go into the land it was never yah's suggestion because they wanted they wanted to give an evil report they wanted to turn people away from the land they didn't want people to go into the land they were getting ready to and they wanted to be they knew that if they went land they would lose their power and anyway so it's a tragedy again so a second we saw the three giants the sons of an act who who were according to the same rabbinical traditions they were put there by orders personal orders of Esau Esau wanted yah cove out of the way he did not want him coming into the land and so he had these these massive giants and these were the part of the evil report of course I talked about what wife that she may have been in nine footer now I'm basing this information on potentially the salt pillar that is found on Jordan overlooking the Dead Sea I think there's good reason for it because we do see in multiple texts talks about that she would be a pillar of salt there until the end of time until the final resurrection and you know the thing is about a salt pillar is that they're very they're very rare because they they should be broken down by the wind and the rain and that kind of stuff and the fact that you still have a salt pillar there that is very ancient and it looks like lots wife point being she would have been a nine footer much which is extremely tall to anybody today I mean I mean that's beyond basketball tall and of course if she was like the women of her day the men would have been taller I mean if she was nine foot maybe let's say that's average maybe the men were nine foot five or ten foot right and from there we can go back to Noah and if the arc site in Turkey is legitimate I know that there's a lot of people steering away from that now but I think it's probably very likely legitimate I do believe that during the dark ages the medieval period they believed it to be legitimate it was on all the maps you see the crusaders there the Byzantines the Templars they there is a altar that is built there of Unhumed Stone that is twelve by twelve by twelve with a three foot step one three foot step and the the idea that is put forward is that the man who built that with no modern tools was anywhere from 15 to 30 foot tall if he was 30 foot tall or let's say even 25 foot tall whatever it would have been the altar would have been about waist high that's where they're getting those estimates from something to consider so the the question I proposed last week was Abraham a Giants and had the Hebrew shrunken physical stature since leaving Canaan I think that's a very plausible example I think that possibly within you know so many two three hundred years the mankind shrunk and they didn't know they that's the way history works you just lose information as you go along so now they're going back into Canaan and they're seeing this massive you know everything's kind of like almost like a man of the lost massive there in some regards and they're just freaked out about it all right so I forgot to give you guys this passage here the travels of no one to York now this is not going to be Rebecca's translation I actually had this in my notes I skipped right over last week it just bugged me but Rebecca's next book that she's going to be coming out with hopefully in time for July and she's so close to the end and it's going to be the best translation that's ever been put out you have my my seal will prove on that this was is only the good Giants Noah among all the rest feared Alahayam now I'm showing that you the paleo there it would say God you know in the in the child was known to Europe and was obedient to his Torah with all the rest of his family in household no people will protest this say no it was not a giant well actually to today's standard he would be but that's not what it's talking about when it's talking about the Giants in the book Enoch some of those were like like a hundred footers or something massive but if you know if you had a guy that was 30 feet tall the average man was 30 feet tall before the flood you know all of a sudden just throw this out there dinosaurs aren't looking so big anymore are they you know a guy like Noah could have just put his arm around a T-Rex and some of you are like saying oh not dinosaurs you know they're all fake or you know like a Velociraptor the size of a turkey they don't show that in the movies I wouldn't make them huge actually the average Velociraptor I believe is the size of like a turkey today like that's like you know he would just stomp on it like they would not have been a threat in any way shape or form just something to consider as we look at hoaxes and history and all that kind of stuff I'm completely fine by the way of dinosaurs that exist I'm just giving them a you know their fair shot all right we saw the diaschiro grumbled showing no faith in Yahuwaha and we're given the tragic news that those over 20 would not into the Promised Land ouch and in the Yahuwah has specifically said look I heard you I heard you what you were saying to your children that you're going to go into the land and die well now your children are going to see that you're going to die and I'm going to lead them into victory like that's a just ouch so Yahuwaha listens to report of 10 liars which happened to be the majority 10 out of 12 that's a majority right that's the wide road of existence and think about this I talked about how you know the truth tellers were the minority the minority report how often do we hear from the normies and the the globeers that you know we are disobeying Yaz Torah on the two to three witnesses principle we're not listening to the witness testimony of astronauts right we get told this all the time like oh you're you're breaking the Torah because you have you know all you there's been like the 500 people that have ever gone into low earth orbit officially very low number I don't know what the number is now but you know it's like actually no the we see here in the Bible a perfect example of of people going against Yaz own testimony the majority witnesses and telling you false reports about a land that the other people did not see something to think about the I showed that the King J and the KJV and this is one of the reasons I like to put the KJV next to Pamela's translation and the KJV said that the man picked up sticks on a Sabbath and there had to be a bias there total bias because not just panelist translation but the others I was showing that even rabbinical literature claimed that his name was a Zellow behind was pulling up trees he wasn't picking up sticks they make it out like it's so burdensome like oh like you're throwing a stick for your dog right because he's playing fetch and you know some rabbi jumps out of the bush and says well breaker and then you're stoned to death like no that's not what it was like like they were literally resting on their Sabbath always quiet nobody was working and they're here to like this guy was like taking an axe or some other tool and taking down trees digging them up defiantly not only that that he actually injured those who tried to stop them and the reason I like to show that in rabbinical literature is to show that you know when we're looking at the Arabic targeting people oh that's the Talmud that's it's a little misinformation because I'd say disinformation in my humble opinion because when you get into the Talmud they have hundreds of laws I don't know how many it is I think it's over a hundred just Sabbath laws like you know you're getting into those Talmudic corners like you can't even rip toilet paper like for the longest time they're like you can't even poop on the Sabbath right but when you get into the the talking I really liked it it was like no no no like this guy was beating people up giving him black eyes he had an axe he was being defiant okay this was not just picking up sticks I showed how the tassels or the zit seats but particularly if Yuhushah Hamashiyyah had a healing capability that people with the crowds would go up and just grab his wings his tassel would be healed of course I showed how they're like angel wings as well and I asked the question I ended on the question is there evidence of tassels being worn in North America by the natives and pioneers now you know that saying the natives and the pioneers is going with the official narrative you guys know what I mean by that right as we talk about the ancient societies here as soon as photography comes about or we're told about it all of a sudden all the people of large number of people in North America they all have these just clothing that just decked out in tassels all down the sleeves down the bottom of dresses on their blankets I mean they are tasseled out and I was asking the question is this coming from a tradition that original with the tassels that we saw in numbers all right on that notes let's get into this so I'll be following along with oh no no I'm sorry Pamela one more thing I wanted to cover and you know what no I'll cover this at the end if there's time let's just go right into this I want to talk a little bit more about the Sabbath but it's always good to talk about the Sabbath but here we are number 16 through 18 Pamela is going to read through the entire thing in one swoop so handing it over to you all right which is numbers lots of excitement today so we're going to start with Croix rebellion and Croix son of Yat-Sahar son of Khuhat son of Rahuaya took for himself Dassoon and Abayara son of Alayah Ab and Aloon son of Fala son of son of Rahuoban and they rose up to the face of Mashahah with men of the sons of Yahsharaou two hundred and fifty lifted up chiefs of the assembly the called ones of the congregation men of name and he called it he called them together against Mashahah and against Ahai'a and he declared for them you take too much for yourself for all of the assembly are set apart one Yaha waha they ever living within their midst and on what account do you raise yourself over the congregation of Yaha waha and Mashahah heard and responded and he fell upon his faith then he set words in order toward Khuhah and toward out of gathered assembly to declare a daybreak and then Yaha waha will know who are for him and who are the set apart and who are the ones toward him and who he will approve and who will approach toward him do this take for yourself fire pan Khuhah and his assemblies and get therein with fire and place upon them incense to the face of Yaha waha the ever living tomorrow and he will exist the man whom Yaha waha will select he will be the kadash it is too much of you son the lo Yaha and Mashahah said to Khuhah here and answer Abhisit you son the lo Yaha is it a small thing to you that the al-hayah of Yasha al has brought you near toward himself to serve in the business of the Mashah Khan dwelling place of Yaha waha the ever living and to stand to the face of the gathered assembly and to minster unto them and he brought you near and all your brothers the sons of lo Yaha but now in addition you strive after the priesthood for this reason you and all your gathered assembly the ones appointed against Yaha waha the ever living and Aharan what is he for you to pass the night murmuring and complaining against him and Moses sent to call out into Dafun and into Abayarah the sons of Alayab and he Dafun declared we will not ascend is it enough that you cause us to go up from the land flowing with fatness and honey to slay us in the wilderness did you have become a ruler over us in addition a prince more over you have not brought us toward a land flowing with fatness and honey and have not gifted to us in inheritance field and vineyard the eyes of these men would you dig out we will not ascend and as for Mashaha he burned a great anger and he said into Yaha waha the ever living do not turn yourself toward their gifts not one ask if I lift it up from them and have not done an obnoxious hurtful action toward one of them and all Mashaha declared toward cross you and your gathered assemblies will exist to the face of Yaha waha the ever living you and them and Aharan tomorrow and each man shall take his fire pan and gift into them incense and shall bring them near to the face of Yaha waha each man his fire pan two hundred and fifty fire pan and you and Aharan and each man his fire pan and each man shall take his fire pan and he shall gift him into the fire and shall place into incense and shall station himself at the entrance of the tent of meeting with Mashaha and Aharan and kurak call together against them all the assembly at the entrance of the tent and he beheld the heavy I think that's good now and he beheld the heavy weight of the splendor of Yaha waha toward all the assembly and Yaha waha the ever living set words in order toward Amashaha and toward Aharan to declare separate this assembly from your midst and I will finish them in a week and day Mashaha and Aharan fell upon their faces and he Mashaha says ah al-ahayah all the ruachas of all flesh if one man sin then will you break forth into anger against all the assembly and Yaha waha the ever living set words in order toward ahmashaha to declare set forth words toward the assembly to declare go up from the circuit round about the dwelling place of Qur'a, Dafun and Abayuram and Mashaha rose up and he walked toward Dafun and Abayuram following after him were the bearded ones of Yahshua and he set forth words in order toward the similar to the clear turn aside I beg you from over the tents of these wicked men and do not reach out to touch against anything that belongs to them lest he scrape you all together destroying you all in their sins and they went up from over the dwelling place of Qur'a, Dafun and Abayuram from a circuit round about and Dafun and Abayuram came forth and stood in the entrance of their tents they and their women and their sons and their families and Mashaha declared in this you will acquire knowledge for Yaha waha the ever living has sent me to fashion all these deeds and this is not from my heart conditionally it's like the death of all men these die and he will be punished like all the punishment of all mankind then Yaha waha has not sent me but conditionally Yaha waha will create something new and the ground open her mouth and swallow them and all which belongs to them and they go down living into shil the new will acquire knowledge because these men have rejected with contempt and derision Yaha waha the ever living and it existed as the words finished all these Dafun and the ground which was beneath them cleaved the sunder and Ha'arach opened her mouth and she swallowed them down and their houses and all the men which were for Qur'a and all their substance the wealth which they had acquired and they descended them and all which belonged to them as living ones into shil and Ha'arach's she covered over them and they were lost perished cut off from the midst of the assembly and all Yacharah which were in a circuit round about them hastily fled at the cry of them for they said beware let's Ha'arach swallow us down and fire she went forth from Yaha waha the ever living and she consumed 250 men that had brought near the incident and Yaha waha the ever living set words in order toward alma shaha to declare speak towards al-Yazar son of ahara on the priest and he will lift up fire pens from beneath the burning and disperse the fire at a distance for he is kudash the fire pens of these sinners against their Nafash and he will fashion them into hammered out plates thin plates as an overlay for the altar for those bringing near to the face of Yaha waha the ever living and he will set him apart and he will exist for distinguishing signs into the sons of Yacharah and Ali Yazar the priest took the copper fire pens which the bird ones had brought near and he fashioned thin plates as a metal overlay for the altar as a remembrance unto the sons of Yacharah for the purpose and intent that no stranger one from another family not of ahara on who has turned aside shall not bring near to offer old odors to the faith of Yaha waha the ever living that he not exists like karach and you can gather assembly and they shall know the Yaha waha that set words in order unto them through the hand of masha ha the assembly commits meet me and all the gathered assembly of the sons of Yacharah pass the night marmarine the next day they complained against masha ha and against ahara unto declare they have slain the people of yaha waha and it existed in the congregation being gathered against masha ha and against ahara that they turned their face toward the tent of meaning and behold the cloud mass covered him and they observed the heavy weight of the splendor of yaha waha the ever living and masha ha and ahara came toward the face of the tent of meaning and yaha waha the ever living set words in order toward masha ha to declare rise up from the midst of this assembly and i will finish them in a week and they fell upon their faces and masha ha declared toward ahara take the fire pan and gift into her fire from the altar and place incense and walk hastily toward the congregation and make a covering atonement over them for wrath has gone forth from the face of yaha waha the plague has begun and ahara just as the words which masha ha had set forth took and he ran toward the midst of the congregation and behold the striking plague had been let loose among the people and he gifted the incense and made a covering atonement for the people and he took a stand between the dead ones and between the living ones and the plague strike was held back and those existed those who died in the plague for 14,700 separate from the dead ones over the matter of ku'a and ahara unturned back toward masha ha at the entrance of the tent of meaning for the plague had been restrained the matter of the tribal state and masha and yaha waha the ever-living set words in order toward ahma shaha to declare that forth words into the sons of yoksharil if they take into themselves a staff for their father's house all their lifted up chiefs according to the house their fathers 12 states and each man shall write his name upon his staff and erin's name you shall write over the staff for the tribe of nuhaya one staff for the head of their father's house and you shall rest them in the tent of meaning to the face of the revealed precepts where i will meet with you there then will exist the staff of the men who i would choose it shall sprout therefore will i cause to cease the murmurings of the sons of yahsharil from over me when they are passing the night complaining against you and masha ha spoke this plan for the sons of yahsharil and toward all their lifted up chiefs one staff for a lifted up chiefs for their father's house 12 states and the staff of ahara is in the midst of their state and masha ha placed the state to the face of yaha waha the ever-living in the tent of meaning and he existed from the moram when masha ha went toward the tent of the revealed precepts and behold a harren staff for the house of loya had sprouted he brought forth blossom and he shown flourishing bright with flowers and he had ripened all men and masha ha brought out all the states from before the face of yaha waha the ever-living toward the sons of yahsharil and he watched as each man took his staff and yaha waha the ever-living declared toward all masha ha placed the staff of ahara to the face of the revealed precepts into the watchkeeping for a sign into the sons of bitter rebellion then shall they cease their murmuring from over me and they will not die and masha fashion like that which yaha waha the ever-living had commanded him he in that manner fashioned and the sons of yahsharil spoke toward al-masha ha declared behold we bring down our lives we are lost all of us ready to perish his servant all those drawing near to approach toward the masha con dwelling place of yaha waha he will die conditionally are we not finished ready to breathe out our lives and yaha waha the ever-living spoke toward al-ahara you and your sons and your father's house with you will lift up the sin and the mukudah and you and your sons with you shall bear up the iniquity of your priesthood and additionally your brothers the tribe of the la-la-ya the portion measured out the standard of your father shall bring near with you and be joined unto you and shall minister unto you and your sons with you to the face of the tent of the revealed precepts and they shall guard you and your sons with you and guard all the tent together with the kudosh implement but they shall not approach the altar lest they and in addition you shall die and they have joined unto you and shall guard the custody of the tent of meeting for the works of the service in the tent but the stranger one who is a turn aside from the way he shall not approach unto you and you have guarded the station of the kudosh and the stations of the altar so that he will not again exist an altercation upon the sons of yashirel i behold i have taken your brothers the la-yam from the midst of the sons of yashirel for you to give them as gifts unto yaha waha the ever-living to serve the work of service in the tent of meeting and behold i took your brothers the la-la-la-yam from the midst of the sons of yashirel unto you they are gifts giving for yaha waha the ever-living for the work of service in the tent of meeting and you and your sons with you you shall guard your priesthoodhood for all the business of the altar and for inside the veil and you have served i have given the gift of the service of your priesthood the stranger the one who departed from the way he who is coming near he shall be executed the endowments of the priesthood and yaha waha the ever-living set a word in order toward al- ahaharan and i but hold i have given you the custody of my heave offering of all my kudash things of the sons of yashirel unto you i have given them for the the consecrated portion and to your son to buy a statue for time of long duration this shall exist to you from the most kudash things apart from the fire all their sacrifice for all their gift offerings and for all their sin offerings and for all their guilt offerings which they will return unto me this is kudash kudash shayam most set apart for you and for your son in the most set apart place shall you eat it every male shall eat it he shall exist kudash unto you and these are for you the heave offerings for their gifts the wave offerings of the sons of yashirel and to you i have given them and into your son and into your daughters with you for a time of long duration all who are clean in your house shall eat him all the fatness the fresh new world and all the fresh fatness of the new wine and the increase of corn and the first fruits which they shall give unto yaha waha the ever-living have i given them to you the first things of all which is in their land which they bring into yaha waha are for you and he shall exist that all who are clean in your house shall eat him the entirety of devoted things in yashirel shall exist unto you and all the first things which breaks forth from the womb and of all flesh which they shall bring near into yaha waha the ever-living whether with adam or with beasts he shall exist unto you however you will certainly redeem the firstborn of adam and the firstborn of unclean beasts you shall redeem and the redeem shall be from a son of a month and you shall redeem it according to your assessment five shakul after the shakul of the kudosh which is the also twini gara gara raha surely the first lane of an ox or perhaps the first thing of a sheep or perhaps the first thing of a shiga goat you shall not redeem they are kudosh their blood you shall scatter upon the altar and their fat you shall burn a fire offering for a delightful aroma until yaha waha the ever-living and their flesh shall exist for you like the breast of the wave offering and like the right leg used for you all the heave offerings of kudosh things which the sons of yashirel shall lift up into yaha waha the ever-living i have given into you and then to your sons and into your daughters with you for a time of long duration it is a covenant of salt bara yas wa waha for a time of long duration for as far as the eye can see or receive to the horizon and beyond to the face of yaha waha the ever-living for you and your seed after you and yaha waha the ever-living spoke toward ahahran in their land you shall not receive an inheritance and no portion so exist to you from among them i am your portion and your inheritance from the midst of the son of yashirel and to the sons of zuliah behold i have given all the tenth part in yashirel for inheritance in exchange for their work of service with which they serve the work of service in the tent of meaning and the sons of yashirel shall not again approach toward the tent of meeting to lift up the prayed actions and so die and the lawiah he shall serve the business of the tent of mean and they shall carry their iniquity a statue for time of long duration to the circuit of your generation and among the sons of yashirel they shall possess no inheritance for from the tent part the sons of yashirel which they lift up into yaha waha the ever-living as a heave offering have i given into the lawiah for an inheritance on that account i have declared it to them among the sons of yashirel they shall acquire no inheritance in yaha waha the ever-living set a word in order toward ahama shaha to declare and toward the lawiah you set for the word and you shall speak unto them if you take from the sons of yashirel from the tenth part which i have given it to them from them among your inheritance then you shall lift up from a portion of him a heave offering unto yaha waha a tenth part of a tenth part and you shall calculate and to you your heave offering like the corn from part of the level place and like the abundance of the wine press in this manner you shall lift up in addition to your heave offerings into this matter you shall lift up uh until yaha waha the ever-living from all your tenth part things which you take from the sons of yashirel and you shall give from a portion your heave, a portion your heave offering unto yaha waha for aharan the priest from all your gift offers you shall lift him up all the heave offerings of yaha waha the ever-living from all the best choices fat a portion from his set-apart thing and you should declare toward them in your lifting up the best choices fat a portion of him then it shall be calculated to the lua yam like the produce of the level place like the produce of the wine press and you shall eat him in the place of habitation you and your households for it is wages to you in exchange for your work of service in the tenth of meaning and you shall not lift up penalty of sin over him in your heaving the best choices fat and the kudash thing of the sons of yashirel yashirel you shall not profane that you die not and yaha waha the ever-living arrange the word pammo that's where we end it right there oh okay sorry all right so this ends the reading that's ends the reading of yah's word now would of course pammo we talked about this in advance would you like to uh have a rest or would you like go straight into commentary you want me to start commentary i'm leaving that up to you um does it matter i can you can do the commentary or i can i've got a few things i would like to say about uh kurok and all this stuff he he got up to well why don't you um let me just give a i'll give a a couple thought to you and then i'll have you break right into it and you know while it's interesting the experience of me having pammo read i wish you could read it every week um maybe someday she'll have like a an audio recording and i'm just like play the audio recording and then i'll uh break into it but uh there were so many things i was picking up in there that i hadn't even taken notes on i'm just like oh my goodness just so many things just popping out to me uh which is you know a good way to read the word obviously you know every time hopefully we read it we get more stuff out of it and you know this is one of the things that as you guys know it's kind of like a no dot thing this is my first year at building tour portions and uh you know the hardest part is getting the foundation hopefully next year i'll build a really take off with even more stuff um so here's some of the things that uh unfortunately uh i'm going to just mention now or else i'm going to forget because i'm not going to bring it up later i love the fact that the the fire that consumed them was as pammo pointed out a she it's a direct reference to the holy spirit the ruel cocky dash it's and just think about that in all the ways that that connects with all the scripture we read about the all-consuming fire you know the the tongues of fire coming down it could be there's two types of fire there's the fire of the the ruel cocky dash within it doesn't consume us and then there's the fire that does consume and i will be talking a little bit about that later tonight uh there was the idea of incense and that erin uh ran with this incense to stave off the plague now i don't have notes on that tonight i don't think but it is interesting to note that some of the rabbinical commentators have said that incense is a way to ward off certain types of spirits i think the angel of death is one of them which is interesting that when you look at a lot of the old cathedral and stuff like that they were really into the burning of incense something to think about and uh i'm not going to comment on the covenant salt tonight which is what the leviets are the covenant of salt uh oh this this is interesting here this is like it's just bugging me now that i missed this earlier because i will be talking about the watchers tonight and a connection to uh the watchers event with what we see in court believe it or not there there is a tie-in but it was when i read that uh there were 200 that went with kora immediately right there i was like how did i miss that earlier because right now we're seeing kora taking on the heart of azazzle clearly he's taking on the heart of azazzle azazzle was on the earth the 200 came down the 200 are joining with kora so i'll be talking more about that uh then we see the same judgment event where they are judged and thrown taking out a shield just like the watchers were buried in the earth and of course we see them in chains in the lake of fire as well um and then yeah i think that's it for now so uh and then i'll get into all the notes i do have i just want to throw those thoughts out there to you guys because i'll forget later pamma what do you got on this on uh kora well um as i i was talking to you earlier you know this is just it's an epic tale and it is it's an event that has sunk into the sake of the Hebrew people and indeed uh the whole world because you know of course nowadays they they they say it sometimes in a joking manner they'll say something like oh i i was so embarrassed that i just wanted the earth to open up swallow you know they kind of make it into a joke but uh for the Hebrew people it was it was it was an unbelievable event to see this happen now the first pour get into the that event itself i would just want to talk a little bit about the these conspirators now uh kora his name means ice or hail and of course it uh he was part of the Levitical tribe of kuha and they had the oversight of kudash furnishing so you might say that that in terms of it intimacy getting close to yah they were right he was right behind Aaron and his family so they were the ones that that you know uh harran and eliaizer they would they would if they were when they were moving the the tent of me in the mosh kundu elia place when they were going to move it it was uh aliaizer and erin that covered over the ark of the covenant ark of the revealed precept and they were the ones that covered over the holy thing before the the tribe of kuha went in there and so they were they were really you know i guess you'd say right really close to the most holy thing he is also uh kurok is the ancestor to the the Levitical priests who were singers during the reign of king david we have uh i think 10 songs are ascribed to them now uh dafu now um uh some bible scholars say his name means belonging to a fountain i don't see that the the letters do not support that you see the two this two symbol current root you have the dalot in the uh su which means law the root word is law or council or purpose or plan or his it could also be uh dalot noon which would be judge the tribe of don so he is he's dafu he's made himself a judge or he is counseled or purposed so i think that this telling us that he is um like he was the the mastermind now uh i consider this is really ironic because uh considering the words of dafu we find if you look in the Aramaic Targum you know as you said some people bash the Aramaic tartan but uh i think it gives us a lot of insight in the book of chamos in the Aramaic tartan we meet dafu that's and he's not identified in in the canon but in the Aramaic tartan um after most of masha ha you know killed the mithrae well then a day or so later he sees two people striving two Hebrews striving together the two that were striving were actually dafu of course the Aramaic tart or dafu and abayorah these two brothers were striving and when um masha ha would you reprimand them he said why are you why are you beating on your brother uh they think dafu says he replies who is he who has appointed you a chief man and a judge over it and so again in this instant dates and they soon it's like a broken record it's just like this is the only idea he has in his head he's still arguing against Moses uh masha ha's leadership and he says isn't enough that you call this to go up from olen and flowing with fatness and honey to slay us in the wilderness that you have become a ruler over us in addition a prince so he's he's he's rebelling against any authority that masha ha has now uh abayorah abayorah's name means my father is exalted and uh as i said he was he was involved in this altercation and there were both from the tribe of rah albon and in according to the Aramaic Targum uh there were these are the sins that were attributed to dafu and abayorah this is not their first you know that they've lived a righteous life and that they just suddenly uh started acting this way they were the ones who betrayed masha ha so that he was forced to flee misery according to their Aramaic Targum they also uh provoked yah at the sea i'm assuming at the sooth sea and that they had profaned the Sabbath i i don't know how they profaned the Sabbath that's just what the Aramaic Targum said um and uh according to the Aramaic Targum's whole thing blew up because uh zitzi uh the ones of uh uh kurok they had their their their tassels their zitzi were completely made of tukalah whereas uh they said that the according to the targum they were only supposed to have one thread or one filament of tukalah so it says that they rose up against masha ha now the English translation rose up comes from the paleo Hebrew kumah kumah kumah now this is the same word that we found in uh earlier in butamid par it's uh chapter 10 uh this is on page on page 50 i mean 40 of uh the bottom and barry says arise yahaha waha and dash into pieces your enemies and your haters shall flee from your face now there's a really nice song that i think uh but rifka quit quit and she sings it it's uh rise up and she of course she says uh kumah i don't know but of course in the scriptures this kumah yahaha now the possible meanings of this word kumah it means to simply from your rising from a sitting or a lying position you you're standing so it's positional it can also mean that you're standing as a witness Psalms 1 5 states that the morally wrong that is the condemned the wicked the criminals the unrighteous people shall not rise up kumah when the verdict or judicial ruling comes so they're not allowed to be a witness the unrighteous cannot be a witness um and of course it it also is this word using in demerayah where it talks about that if a false part prophet rises up kumah uh a really beautiful um prophecy in demerayah uh 18 and 5 it says from your midst from your brothers yahaha waha yahaha yah shall raise up kumah a prophet like me toward him you will hear understand in a way so you could stand as witness that's kumah means that uh it also means to persevere in the face of adversity uh and lastly to rise up in a hostile manner and so that's what's going on here they rise up against masha'a in a hostile manner now this Confederacy uh you know you mentioned all of it it's 215 nasha'a'a'a'a'a which are are lifted up chief called ones of the congregation men of name these were not imperishable young men these were leaders they should have known better so they were opposed to the leadership of masha'a and ahara now aharaan was mashiach yeah he was a mashiach he had been anointed he was anointed as the priest and um i just wanted to read this right quick from uh the Psalms where it talks about uh how in Psalms 2 it says that the noble princes take counsels they advise one another they establish a foundation they set their plans united working as one to cast off break us under any bond or restraint that stuff exists at once yaha waha masha'a'a'a'a'a place upon them they want to cast off his restraint so the rebellion wasn't just against masha'a it's against things they wanted to cast off uh the the restraint that yah had to lay down and i've i've had some thoughts i've i've wondered to myself um like uh did they want to were they trying to circumvent the judgment of the 40 years that yah had uh placed against them for the rebellion um did they were they meaning to they want to make another attempt at the land of uh canoeion or did they just they they they decided they wanted to go up you know they would try again or did they mean to find a place in the wilderness settle down to dwell there and they just wanted to elect their own leader but that's uh so they were after all the rebellion and after the all this poisonous report they start saying that moses wants to dig out the eyes of the men these explorers so that they could you know you know they were saying they were trying to keep the people from telling others about what a great place the land was and moses masha'a he correctly and identify their ingo but now in addition you strive after the priesthood so they wanted the priesthood they wanted to be that they wanted their person i guess that he decided that kurok was going to be their new high priest i'm not sure it doesn't really say but they're ultimately rebellion against yaha waha so yaha waha he he mourns masha'a and they had a chance to leave all these people who were with this soon they were given a chance um in the airmate target again it says that they weren't just standing there this soon and uh by your own they come out and with reviling words uh they were trying to provoke masha'a at the door of their tent with their wives and their sons and their little ones and so um so so of course we have this event where uh the earth and this is something that has never happened before that time the earth opens up her mouth and they are swallowed alive and it clearly says that these people were alive when they went down into shield and that's that's not i mean if that's not horrific that's a horrific talk you know i i don't know what would be so um it's it's uh you know later on you know he he says that from this time forth um in i think it's in them yes in the uh airmate turgum it says that they the judgment from that time forth was that anyone who tries to offer up incidents who's not uh the family of erin at harron they would be punished by electricity we see this happened to uh usa'a the king usa'a in second croinkles when he tries to offer uh incense uh to yahawaha again his pride lifted him up you talked about pride makes you blind that's what happened to in my opinion to agree to put koraf into dafun and uh by erom and later on to usa'a so uh that was my that's what i have in that little section if you want to thank you thank you pamma uh i uh pamma and i were talking before we went live and we were talking about the fact that korra and all the people who were still foolish enough to be standing next to him and we learned that you know his sons survived right the sons of koraf so there there were those who were like i'm out of here like they they saw what was coming they saw what mochay was saying they saw his their dad or their grandfather whoever uh being totally rebellious and they're like yeah we're we're getting out of here and uh of course their generation survived but this total nightmare horror film scenario that these like these people like out of your worst nightmare like we all have those dreams of falling out of bed right like we're falling in our sleep and then and then people have these like you know dreams of like you know like things clawing like you guys these they literally went down to shield a lot physically their bodies they this is like hollow earth stuff right like they went down some deep you know i don't know this is this whole all i don't know how long they fell uh we were just watching as a family uh a few weeks ago the journey to the center of the earth the brand and phrase your film and you know they they're like falling and they keep screaming and they stop and they're like we're still falling and they start screaming in but i just imagine them hitting at the bottom and we were talking about all these stories like the mummy films and the ghost buster films and other things like that were like yes this idea of people being grabbed and taking as a living entity into you know shield with the the evil spirits and stuff so just what a picture that was all right now as always with a lot of these texts that i'm pulling up um like this is just too much to read through i've been looking at a lot of josephus recently too it's just he has a lot of really good informative uh ancient knowledge but let me just okay let me talk about kora real quick so kora was first cousin tamoche and erin and and a levite no pamma went over this uh though he's not of the the priestly line i think it really irked him and it's interesting that that who do we see kora teaming up with is the ruminites they were once the priestly line two and they're not so there's a connection here between kora not being of this line of erin teaming up at the ruminites i'll get into that uh and so the implications here are that neither he nor anyone from his clan could perform rituals or wear the priestly garb or enter the inter chambers of the tabernacle so you see the spirit of jealousy coming in he wants to dethrone mochay he wants to dethrone erin and of course in the end in these scenarios yah will dethrone him so the scenario scenario here is pam also pointed out pointed out after leaving learning the news that those over 20 would not enter the land all these adults are gonna die kora's like i'm gonna die out here in the wilderness uh emotions are running high no doubt about that and kora's contempt of mochay was finally manifested and perhaps he was waiting for the right moments and the the zitsi command was it maybe maybe mochay had gone too far here because really who wants to wear those things right that was sarcasm uh that's the thing right like that with people people uh with the tora like people can put up with a lot with the tora but when it comes to the tassels or like nah that that's that's gone too far here and so it is interesting that we see these domino events one of them by the way was was that last week where or two weeks ago where all the people start prophesying in the camp and it's not just mochay anymore now that the ruach is going to all these people and then this and immediately after that we see mariam and erin complaining about mochay's wife and i showed you that her complaints a lot of speculation over what was going on but the the the the texts i was pulling together seemed to be a complaint that mochay was not having conjugal relations with his wife which is interesting because now kora is going to be spreading the rumors uh he's actually husbands are going according to the tax i'm reading husbands are going to their wives and saying keep away from moses so they've just reversed it so uh you got actually quiet erin and mochay's like i don't want i'm sorry not mochay but erin and uh mariam is like i don't want this going out to the masses uh this this you know this idea about conjugal of relations with his wife and then the opposite happens and the rumors are going around that mochay's going on sleeping with random women like like committing adultery so uh let me just look at a couple of things here that uh i'm not going to read all this but josephus says and now kora when he had when he said this had a mind to appear to take care of the public welfare but in reality he was endeavoring to procure to have that dignity transferred to the multitude by the multitude to himself the same thing we saw at the ten evil spots and thus did he out of a malignant design but with plausible words he's like a true politician here discourse to those of his own tribe and when these words did gradually spread to more of the people and when the here are still added to what tended to the scandals that were cast upon erin so they're slandering erin now like you know true political politician slinging mud the whole army was full of them and it's interesting that joseph is still referring to yachael as an army here right i mean we saw that the military formation the top they're going in to the land they rebel and then yah's like don't go into land now because i'm not coming with you they didn't want to go to the land but now they do it's like reverse psychology it's like oh oh when you wanted us going to land we don't want to but now that you don't want us going to land we're going into land they go in there they're slaughtered massacred but there's still this army they're they're like they want to go in right and so it makes sense now that they are blame shifting this is this is what the Torah is all about guys the Torah was never designed for for the letter of the law it was designed as for the spirit of the law it was designed as a transformative document for you to look at it and go how is this supposed to transform my life not this is not about you know pointing the fingers of somebody else and blame shifting and what's the word i'm looking for now that i'm live whatever it will come to me entitlements this is total entight that's the word i was going for entitlement total entitlement here they are entitled it's moses his fault we're going after him we're going to slander and we're going to take him down and uh clearly yeah he is not the man for the job all right so let's see what else Josephus is down here i put it in yellow so that i would find example never find it when i'm live with you guys with all his words in there you can see this is a lot so when moses had said he just went through a long speech speaking about core and all that with tears in his eyes the ground was moved on a sudden and the agitation that set it in motion was like that which the wind produces in waves of the sea the people were all affried it and the ground that was about their tense sunk down at the great noise a terrible sound and carried whatsoever was dear to the seditious into itself who so entirely perished that there was not the least appearance that any man had ever been seen there the earth that had opened itself about them closing again and becoming entire as it were before in so much that such as saw it afterward did not perceive that any such accident had happened to it so basically right that this is a new thing that's never happened before the first time in recorded his well i shouldn't say recorded history the first time in his story according to the testimony of yahoha that the earth ever opened up and a living being was taken down to shield uh to their death and if the earth closes up after them and the people are standing around going we saw them go down it was a horrible scene they were shrieking and screaming and crying out they we heard him the ground closes up we're we're standing here there's not even a crack kind of interesting because we see that theme a lot we see that with Mount Sinai actually lifting up and we've i've talked about uh Pamela has even i think talked about it and her translations about the possibility that Mount Zion is a transportable mountain like a sky island and people will look at that and go well that's you know that's ridiculous you can go to Mount Sinai and there's no there's no proof it ever lifted up well apparently to this according to this there wasn't either right so that's the interesting thing about uh when yah does things so let's look at this here and now Moshe called for those that contended about the priesthood that trial might be made who should be priest and that he who sacrifices uh who who sacrifice allahaha was best pleased with might be ordained to the function um oh i wanted to really so we see that they're continuing over the priesthood and i'm going to be making a point of that that it's it the the Reubenites are involved they're still bitter about the fact of what happened with Bilhau uh with uh Yako's uh woman and they the fact that Reuben lost the priesthood they want it back and of course uh Korah wants it for himself look at this last line here that's in red Aaron alone was preserved oh let me back up then um what was he preserved from here upon so great a fire shown out now it doesn't actually read like this i had to read it a few times in numbers so i'm not sure where Josephus is getting his information from but the the scene he's setting up here is that Aaron and Korah uh both basically passed through the fire that the the fire that um that was in pamos translation that the she the rua cocky dash that consumed uh the consuming fire according to Josephus Aaron actually was a part of this fire too and it was a test it was like okay whoever is uh is is passing the test also passes through the flames so uh let me just jump to the red here Aaron alone was preserved and not at all hurt by the fire because it was alahion that sent the fire to burn those only who ought to be burned now where have we heard that before well i'll show you uh Korah Aaron and the fire i'm going to read from the record of Abraham this comes from the book of uh the two pearls i'm actually hoping Rebecca makes this one of her translations here real soon you know i could have showed you showed you writings of Abraham but what's interesting about writings of Abraham is that it actually matches up very very well with uh uh the book of the two pearls and this is a subsection of it a book in book of the two pearls cod record of Abraham and says this a familiar story after the third day so think about the number three resurrection mashiach after the third day the king this would be nimron sent his servants to govern the fire that it might again be used for making brick but when they came up to the furthest i this would be Abraham speaking was sitting therein talking with the messengers whom alahion had since therefore the servants of the king being greatly astonished went and told him of this matter but he would not believe them however when the men persisted in their tail king nimrod himself came into the furnace but the messengers had departed and i sat alone in the flames when he saw me therein unconsume the king cried out in alarm oh abram are you a sorcerer greater than ours that you should live in the flames unconsume and remember now nimrod is the individual who introduced the worship of fire and i've shown you that before the deluge lemic was really big about passing through the water they would pass children through the water because they knew that the great deluge was coming all the old accounts the seminary accounts i can finally they all talk about the gods they knew it was unavoidable the deluge was coming and so they tried to figure out a way to create eternal life by surviving the flood and now nimrod is realizing that there's been there's a mile marker now where the future judgment is fired he's trying to figure out how can i pass through the flames right and so here we have abraham showing the way he's showing but look you want to pass through the flames because everybody has a pass through the flames here's how you do it so it's like the fire of the ruachokkadash it's like either we are embodied with this fire where we can walk through the flames or it will consume uh but i answered him no o king but the aloha yamb of heaven who's the true aloha yamb above all has set his messengers into me and have preserved you from this fire being much amazed the king explained come forth in from the fire for i see that no power of mind can harm you so that comes from the rocker vapor ham you know you guys know about daniel's three sons uh three sons three friends i think i'm pulling a lot of joe biden's ideologies uh his his three friends and book daniel is throwing the furnace they survive you guys know that story here's another one interesting from the book of the two pearls chapter 20 during the day of the sun all who have breath will rest to be given life eternal the day of the sun is this right here i was looking at this and thinking well maybe it's talking about his resurrection like that's his day right when he takes him up to shio but then look the next line after billie al escapes he will unleash his mighty devil gog the master of mcgog for a final battle so um you know we all talk about when gog mcgog is uh and here it clearly says gog is an entity so case closed on that at least in this tax i agree gog is a entity um people say well did gog mcgog happen before the millennial kingdom did it happen immediately after has it happened yet well it just read this for what it is and uh in figuring out so there's a final battle after billie al escapes he will be defeated by fire billie al will be burned from within into nothing forever will he english in the place of the dead the sea of sulfur after this a holy rest will come upon the messiah and his followers in order that they feel not the pain of the purifying fire of allahayam so everybody has to go through the fire you we are all going through the fire but according to this a sleep will be passed over them but like a restful sleep what does that mean all things will be burned up in the earth will lie in silence for less than one half hour and when they talk about time and measurement in here i kind of think it's kind of coded i don't know if it's really saying a half hour but maybe it is the earth will itself be renewed to eternal life then all will awaken from their holy rest and the new city of allahayam will appear for this city must descend upon purify ground in order to be holy forever that comes from the book of the two pearls 20 just wanted to point out the familiar thing we see with fire all right uh the consuming fire another thing we see is cora's what i believe was the unpardonable sin i've done studies on this in the past i'm going to try for lack of time to kind of skim through this as quickly as possible you could see the scripture laid out here we know you know the story that yahusha gives in matt if yahoo matthew it's also spoken of in mark and he says therefore i tell you every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men but the blasphemy against the ruach will not be forgiven this has long been debated what is the blasphemy of the spirit whoever speaks a word against the son of adam will be forgiven but whoever speaks against the ruach kakkadesh will not be forgiven either in this age or in the one to come now without going into a lot of commentary on the ruach kakkadesh herself and her role in the the godhead i'm not really interested in going there right now because i want to talk about the blasphemy itself so here's a the same passage in mark truly i tell you the sons of men will be forgiven all sins and blasphemies as many as they utter but whoever blasphemes against the ruach kakkadesh will never be forgiven he is guilty of eternal sin yahusha made the statement because they were saying he has an unclean spirit so think about this now so uh cora is saying we don't know all that he said about moshay he was probably saying a lot of nasty stuff i mean he was probably whatever like whatever you know you think of like throwing like crap on the wall seeing what sticks right kind of that kind of thing um and i do believe he committed the the blasphemy of the holy spirit here in that he was not forgiven he was immediately killed and this is a uh core of course is a sign uh for humanity in general present tense and by the way might have mentioned i was telling the group before we got started on this that number the book and number is really going into exodus as soon as there come you know the whole exodus scene um going up into the wilderness but particularly in numbers for me is if Leviticus is the the heart of the entire bible and i believe it is heart it is the the mysteries of the kingdom it is the very character of who yahua is encountering his holiness then it's interesting the way it follows the book Leviticus it's just pure uh just rebellion pure rebellion like it's no different today and when we when we look at human depravity now the new testament has human depravity they literally killed the son of the most high i don't want to overlook that but and that's something to consider but i almost think that human depravity is too much for christianity in the book and numbers and i don't think that they can deal with this because they're they would have to evaluate their hearts and realize that they're doing the same thing as core that they're rebelling against mochay they're rebelling against yah they're rebelling against his torah and the reason i say this is the depth of human depravity is because guys they're in his presence yahua is there the the pillar of fire and they're following it through the wilderness and they you're hearing his voice and the the smoke and the trumpets right the angels all the stuff i think it was just a truly magnificent scene they are in his presence and they're like nah nah i don't i don't want that and this is the the great deception of our time this is why the greatest truth that we can preach to people is his instructions righteous living all conspiratorial thought everything we look at everything i do is i want to lead people to this discussion and i want them to look at the torah as a transformative document and not point the fingers at the the the the government and other leaders and other people they need to point the finger themselves and say i don't want to be i don't want to have a heart of a zazzle i don't want to be core right i want to transform my life and and so on and so forth all right so um let's keep looking at this blasphemy here uh i want to point this out so that mashiyok forgives intentional sins and people say he blaspheme for doing that because keep in mind now that within the torah we have unintentional sins and intentional sins untent unintentional sins sins that you did not realize you committed you can be forgiven for you can bring a sacrifice and as i pointed out time again i've asked you guys to look at it and show me where you can bring in sacrifices for intentional sins it doesn't appear to be there so if you go out and you consciously rebel against his torah there doesn't appear to be uh a sacrifice for however we do have within the law within the torah we have the day of a torment we have this is where the azazzle goat comes in and we have the high priest who goes into the mercy seat the one day of the year and on that day all sin is forgiven all sin this is what our mashiyok did for us this is why he is our high priest he could forgive intentional sin and this is why they were going around going no you're a blasphemer there's no way you can forgive intentional sin they didn't recognize him for who he was of course all right i want to point this out so for i don't want people freaking out like oh oh my god i i i i send and i knew i shouldn't have and i can't be forgiven now no no you can't we have a high priest but this is dangerous territory when you come to the truth and you know what the truth is if you do remain in rebellion if you have the heart of his azle the heart of kora you are on very slippery uh grand so just point out uh you can see he forgave marion le midel uh after conscious sin he forgave the the thief on the cross the thief on the cross clearly it was a was a wicked dude we clearly like he wasn't there because he picked up sticks on the salad all right uh and uh and he repented he was forgiven and with the paradise right mashiyok can do that just want to point that out to everybody all right um skipping over some stuff blaspheming uh yahuwaha we see that right here in numbers chapter 15 but the person who does anything defiantly whether he is a native or an alien that one is blaspheming yahuwaha and that person shall be cut off from among his people and i've also shown the studies that blaspheming his name is actually being disobedient to him worshiping is actually being obedient being disobedient is you can sing all the the gay and happy praise songs you want and feel good and all that kind of stuff but if you are being disobedient you are actually blaspheming his name and it's aching to blaspheming the spirit um all right we're going to skip over some of the wisdom studies here do you guys know i love talking about wisdom all right so let's just look at the uh but oh yeah i think the the point of that there i was looking at like Sophia of wisdom of uh yahuwaha some great books here uh yahuwaha bar serak he says whoever forsakes his father is like a blasphemer and whoever ingress his mother is cursed cursed by yahuwaha of course we know we have a father and a mother in heaven it's an intent commandment obey your father and mother so uh yeah it's uh basically the idea is we do not the we do not want to be in contempt but the rua kakadesh we don't want to be in contempt uh that's you know being the same thing as being in contempt with our father but let's look at this here i actually think this is a great explanation in the dakim and every prophet that speaks in the the rua k you shall neither try nor judge notice how do we know that they speak in the rua we'll do ronnie 13 tests for every sin shall be forgiven but this sin shall not be forgiven but not everyone that speaks in the rua k is a prophet but only if he holds the ways of yahuwaha and so this is this is the thing like what is the spirit of prophecy the spirit of prophecy is speaking about yuhu shahama shiok well i believe it's revelation 1412 so father's commands the testament of yuhu shahama shiok and so we don't want to be in contempt of that and so i believe we are speaking the spirit of prophecy if we are speaking according to his torah according to what yuhu shahama's disciples that he did nothing he did nothing or said nothing that did he did not first learn from his father and that is the identity of a prophet right there he was a prophet and we want to do the same and that we so we don't want to be in contempt of ministry leaders other things like that but that is the the blasphemy so the blasphemy of the spirit i believe can trickle down into when we start gossiping and slandering other ministries just because maybe they don't hold a piece of the truth right they have some amazing other stuff and we just shun all that and say oh well but i don't like it that they you know all they believe the earth is a globe or you know they're a companion or whatever it's like oh let's just you know slander them or whatever okay so let's look at a few differences in the Arabic target now pamela you covered some this uh and let's see so let's look here um or rose boldly in the face of mochay and it says this mochay um mochay had said i have heard from the mouth of the holy one whose name be blessed that the fringes are to be of white with one uh filaments of hyacinth but cordous companions make garments with their fringes all together of hyacinth okay um pamela covered that so um i know this was interesting here core uh why should you be magnified over the church of yahua and this is of course core as rebellion and this is what i said earlier that there seems to be this dominal effect that something happened i don't know if it was a test from yah or what but when he had this the ruach go into all these different people he started prophesying in the camp and stuff i almost think it had like a subconscious uh almost like a test in people because they're like well wait a second here we don't need moses anymore we got all these people like i can be a pro i can start prophesying and i'm my own authority now right i got the Torah written on my heart baby you know i don't i don't need him telling me any of this kind of stuff um so in the Arabic target oh that here's something interesting too it says and core gathered to them the whole congregation at the door the tabernacle and he had brought forth from his riches two treasures which he had found among the treasures of yosa this would be the patriarch filled with silver and gold and sought with them to drive the riches of moshaine air and out of the world i don't really know what that means maybe some out there knows i was i read this several times ago like how are your riches which what kind of treasure was is that came from yoseph that you are able to or hoping to drive the riches of moshaine air and out of the world well go ahead pammo i was just going to you know i i meant to point out you know that uh masha ha he actually he you know he is an aside to yaha waha you know he says he says to yaha waha he says don't turn yourself toward their gift their gifts so here in the canon i mean i didn't know anything about what you were going to say but i i was wondering what was the gifts that they had brought to it's like are they trying to bribe the people or trying to bribe y'all yeah yeah by bringing some magnificent gift i was just thinking you know because uh you know even their substance it says later on the substance went down to shio too it was like it was it was marked for destruction too whatever they brought wound up destroyed as well so uh i just thought it was interesting that he says you know don't don't turn towards their gift that's that's kind of like you know can you enable you have y'all accepted ables gift but he didn't came yeah and so masha is like saying you know don't accept their gift because you know it's like they haven't brought me you know i haven't taken anything from them and i've not done one single hurtful action to them so i i see you know i didn't know who you want to say that but i have been pondering what did he mean by their gifts and and of course apparently um they maybe they were trusting in their riches that they because they're all that they acquired went down in shio with them so yeah um so let me just look at these here uh these are the the different ways that dathan and apron show up and again pamma did cover this they uh they betrayed my secret when i slew the egyptian okay so we we know that scene they provoked yahua to see i want to cover that really quickly at a lush they profane the savage now i'm assuming that this is what we just saw with the incident with the guy that is taking down the tree maybe they just these they basically you know fish women the same circle right maybe they just had some very rotten friends and they tend to end it up wherever there was division and it seemed that you know the question is is like why did yah allow this to happen and i think this is all part of the test i think he allows these people to uh you know he uses them for his purpose uh ultimately but let's look at a couple of these uh wait maybe where did i have this oh well it's in maybe it's in my notes somewhere else uh where they went to the red sea so here we have a dathan in the ten commandments movie this is a guy right here i used to watch this movie it's a good movie i mean i still like these old hollywood epics and i used to i used to go like why is like why is this made of villain in here i had no idea he was in the bible like back in the day like why did they have it like wasn't fair or bad enough but yeah so interesting in the movie dathan was like the guy who was always like whispering in the pharaoh and he's always like trying to you know kind of frustrates the the jews and stuff and work his way weasel's way to the top and of course this right here is uh josh was girl his girlfriend and so i think if i remember the movie he's been a while since i saw i think he had the hots for her he wanted josh was girlfriend for himself so he's got some covetousness going on and of course in the ten commandments josh will like never has a shirt on uh i guess he was so humble he or he didn't need a shirt and he was always oiled up i don't only know what was going on but that's but uh anyways so i guess at the end of the movie i don't remember this in any extra biblical book uh but when dathan is stirring everybody up for the golden calf at the very end there i he basically you know like he couldn't have josh was girlfriend so while josh was or yohushua is up on the mountain with mochay you know he's not there to defend her they tie her down i think they were going to like sacrifice her or something like that to uh to bale um good times so all right uh let's see so here's the account right here of the of mochay killing the man and and he went out the second day and looked and behold dathan and averum men of the yahudi contended and seeing dathan put forth his hand against averum smite him he said to him wherefore does thou smite thy companion and dathan said to him who is he who at the pointed the chief man and a judge over us and of course pamma i saw that there so right there back at the very beginning they are having issues with the fact that mochay was in a place of authority and they wanted that for themselves so interesting enough here again in a little later on in exodus and yohushua spoke to mochay saying speak to the sons of yashril that they returned back and camp before the mouths of haratha as they lie created after the manner of the children men male and female and their and their eyes open to them is it the okay let me just skip all this but he's telling him uh i'm going to take them to the el ziphon that's the mountain there that uh overlooks the the sea of reeds and from the el ziphon you can actually if you're like i think on the top of it on the peak you can look and see Mount Sinai it's pretty crazy like they face each other it's a face off and so and it says and pharaoh said to dathan and averum sons of yashril who had remained in michream so they at the passover event they didn't even participate in the passover they had no intent of going with it they want to stay with the Egyptians and he said the people of the house of yashril are bewildered in the land the idol ziphon has shut them in closed upon the desert and i will strengthen the design of pharaoh's heart to pursue after them and i will be glorified upon pharaoh upon his host and the misery shall know that i am yahuwaha and they did so basically he sends dathan and averum as uh shells i guess i mean he as plants and boots on the ground he sends them in to work the crowd and so we see this at uh at the red sea so now yashril's cornered at the at the sea of reeds you guys know the Egyptians are coming in and it says four parties were made among the sons of yashril on the shore of the weedy sea one said let us go down into the sea another so they want to cross the red sea but another said let us return to the michream how much you want to bet that uh dathan and averum were in that crowd they were working up a certain amount of segment of people to say let's go back to egypt and maybe they were even working with the next crowd another said let us set against them the line of battle another said let us raise a cry against them and confound them so yeah so they were there confusing everybody working up the crowd at the red sea and then moving on we see when the when the mana starts coming down but some of them harken not to moshay dathan and averum they keep showing face men of wickedness did reserve of it till the morning but it produced worms and putrified and moshay was angry with them so they're just they're just leading the charge of rebellion everywhere against the Torah um okay and then this is the account here all right oh and i wanted to point this out here in numbers chapter 26 we'll read this in a few weeks but it says but the sons of kora were not in the council of their fathers but followed the doctrine of moshay the prophet and therefore they did not die by the plague all right what else do i have for you tonight dathan and averum as sons of rubin and something about the pit all right so here's something i was picking up now kora the uh the son of co-half the son of levi and dathan averum the sons of iliab and on the sons of pallet the sons of rubin and i talked about how you know rubin lost the the well he lost a lot of things he lost the birthright he lost the priesthood all sorts of stuff but now notice how kora had to bring in wicked men not leviets in order to incite his rebellion and that reminded me of the professional crowd motivators in january six which is eia he had plants everywhere uh where the associates all along and uh was kora just now exposing himself so this comes from jasar uh chapter 36 and rubin was jealous for his mother lea on account to this and he was filled with anger he rose up in in his anger and went and entered the tent of belha and he then removed his father's bed all right so he takes uh belba belha as his own woman uh big nighty no no in scripture never ends well for anybody whoever does that at that time of the portion of birthright together with the kingly and priestly offices so the kingly priestly was removed from the sons of rubin for he had profaned his father's been remember he's the firstborn and the birthright was given into joseph the kingly office to yahuda and the priesthood into levi because rubin had defiled his father's bed interest it's interesting study right there on the birthright given to joseph because we know ephrim and manesha and we were grafted in through ephrim uh so that's kind of interesting the birthright right i also want to do a study on the two messiahs the the son of david versus the son of ephrim and uh it kind of look at that and the ideas in the first century that we hold different study it maybe it's coming up in the future here's what we read in genesis chapter 37 this this is referring to joseph and he's thrown into the pit and the man said they are departed then so joseph is going he's sent from his father um yah a cove he is uh or yasherel he is sent to look for his brothers and there's this man this kind of angel in the field he says they are departed hence for i heard them say let us go to dolphin and joseph went after his brother and found them in dolphin not i stumbled on that by accident i was kind of looking into this idea of a pit because who was thrown into a pit was kora of course the watchers were as well and i was like well that sounds familiar so i went and looked at strong's hebrew 1885 is dafen and one over 1886 is dolphin they're pretty identical now i know pamma is on the other end going you know i never know pamma thinks about these because she's not always big on strong's uh concordance but i think that i don't think this is a coincidence a dolphin and dafen all right so i'm suggesting to you that the pit that joseph was thrown into by his brothers had assimilated to dafen so let's read what this says and joseph harkened to the voice of the angel of yahahuwahap and he went to his brother and dofen and he found them in dofen feeding the flock and joseph advanced to his brother and and before he had come nine to them they had resolved to slay him now you guys know the story he's throwing the pit but i want to point out here is that uh wow we are coming up on the end of our time uh ruben interestingly enough was the one brother that didn't want to uh harm him he don't want to murder him and unfortunately he for some reason he stepped away and when the uh was it the mobites or the ishmaelites that came first uh and when they basically when he was sold into a slave ruben comes back and goes what he's gone uh so interesting here is a complete contrast because ruben ruben uh is the one that uh rebels and is thrown into the pit with kora later on here it's complete opposite but we see similarities in the name uh and it says right here in jasha 42 ruben their brother was not with them okay well what i want to talk about now is dofen and abram in the sin of the watchers you heard me talking about the beginning how i'm seeing uh kora being a total azazzle um you know inciting rebellion with these watchers type of individual so i'm going to be reading from the uh this is the testament of ruben this looks like chapter two and so so just think about kora's rebellion as i read this to you just everything i talk about just think about kora's rebellion and then joseph being thrown in the pit as the um kind of the two opposites here pay no heed therefore my children to the beauty of women all right so when when you when he talks about the beauty of women he if you pay attention he's actually tying this into kora and of course he's tying this into the watchers as well pay no pay no uh to the beauty of women nor set your mind on their affairs but walk in singleness apart in the fear of yafuaha so he's been a contrast here um basically spiritual adultery or uh you know infidelity or uh fornication spiritual fornication so he's setting it up kind of materially with women but clearly this has to do with a worship uh contrasting a worship of yah and expend labor on good works and on studying on your flocks until yahuaha give you a wife who he will that he suffered not as i did so pay attention here he's not anti-women he's like no having a wife is a good thing all right and we want yah to give us a wife that's a good thing so no women women kind is not evil uh this is in the context of infidelity for until my father's death i had not boldness to look in his face or to speak to any of my brother and because of the reproach even until now my conscious causes me english on account of my impiety and yet my father comforted me much and prayed for me into yahuaha this is after he has committed his sin to beah that the anger of yahuaha might pass from me even as yahuaha showed and this force until now i have been on my guard and sinned not therefore my children i say to you observe all things whatsoever i command you and you shall not sin for a pit unto the soul is the sin of fornication separating it from allahayam and bringing it near to idols so that's interesting right the treasures went down with them and i pointed that out and we kind of have a discussion what if there were idols in there that came out of matryine just something to think about because it deceived some mind and understanding right this is where you uh pride is a great deceiver and it blinds us it makes us uh it makes us think we like know what we're talking about we're in total darkness and lead a down young man into shio before their time so cora went down into shio before his time you see how this is all winding up for many half fornication destroyed because though a man be old or noble or rich or poor he brings reproach upon himself the sons of men and derision with belyar for he for ye heard regarding joseph how he guarded himself from a woman and purged his thoughts from all fornication and found favor in the site of elihim and men for the mitchering woman did many things into him and summoned magicians and offered him love potions but the purpose of his soul admitted no evil desire therefore the elihim of your father's delivered him through every evil and hidden death for for if fornication overcomes not your mind neither can billy are overcome you and of course this is like the spirit of the Torah here right so um you know it it as i pointed out all the time if you keep if you keep the spirit of the Torah you're not going to break the the letter of the law it starts in the mind and the heart first okay for lack of time let me just cut down here jump down for in fornication there is neither understanding nor righteousness and all jealousy dwelleth in the lust thereof therefore then i say unto you ye will be jealous against the sons of Levi and we'll seek in speaking to the sons of Reuben here and we'll seek to be exalted over them but ye shall not be able for elihim will have binged them and ye shall die by an evil death he's speaking about what we read tonight for to Levi elihim gave the sovereignty and to Yehuda with him and to me also and to Dan and Yosef that we should be for rulers therefore i command you to harken to Levi because ye he shall know the Torah of Yahuwaha and shall give ordinances for judgments and show sacrifice for all Yashirel until the consummation of the times as the anointed high priest of whom Yahuwaha spoke and draw and draw ye near to Levi in humbleness of heart that ye may receive a blessing from his will so i i that just i thought there was an incredible mirroring passage of what we read tonight and he's actually prophesying the rebellion now speaking of movies cores rebellion and more of the rings i couldn't help but be reminded of the scene when they go up to the black gates and here you have old core himself core of the mouth you know speaking his blasphemies against the creator there and what happened now come on now you can't see this picture here i know that i know that right this moment there's some dude middle-aged guy just like me sitting in a dark room and he sees this and you could hear him say for Frodo and there's like a tear going down this guy's eye i mean you can't see this and not you know just you know like it's a great scene great bro scene of course he runs off right but what happens is the earth swallows up the enemy it's just it's just a great scene Pamela and i were talking about how how this how this like there's like a remembrance a subconscious remembrance all throughout you know this idea that the earth swallows up evil people and we know that it happened for the first time with Korra and there's also that other great scene in Lord of the Rings in return of the King where they they go down really into Sheol and you know there's all like the the dead down there which is what you know Korra would have seen when he went down yeah we are out of time and if my my wife was we were seeing at lunch she's like what are you talking about today and i said oh you know it's that passage with Korra and she's been reading legends and shoes he's like you're gonna read you're gonna read legends of the Jews about Korra right i'm like well if i get there if we have enough time and i'm kind of running out of time so this is a really long passage let me just see if i could there's a couple of things here there's one story here i really really really want to tell um okay so this is what i was telling you you know they're they're the rabbinical accounts of they're just landering mochay i mean they're they're making him out to be sexually just impure and you know he's like hide the wives hide the kids type of thing because mochay when he walks by and he's lusting after lays he's going to take your wives like it's a complete projection like they're committing the sin of the watchers in a way like as a spiritual adulterous situation and they're actually projecting on the mochay it's really interesting but i want to read this story maybe i'll end on this and then i'll let Pamela have any closing notes this is a really great story because as you hear me read this i want you to think about all the people in the law in your life when you when they hear that you are you know you keep the Sabbath and you eat clean and all that tourist stuff right and you want to honor yah and they're like oh that's that's a that's just that's like shackles i mean that that's just too heavy of a burden i can't do it nobody can do that you're just trying to put a burden on us and this is the most ridiculous thing like but the Psalms tells us that his Torah is liberty and this is what Paul talks about you know the law of liberty right so if we are sinning we are breaking the Torah we are now slaves we are now slaves to sin we are in we are you know this is death and destruction it's to walk the walk of yah that is liberty it is not a burden but this is what Kora did uh this is one of the things i like about legends of the Jews is that it's it's kind of pulling from a lot of different traditions so i'm not sourcing the places this comes from but here he goes then Kora betok himself to the people to incite them to rebellion against mochay and particularly against the tributes to the priests imposed upon the people by him that the people might now be in a position to form a proper conception of the oppressive burden to these tasks now remember now they're leaving Sinai soon as they leave Sinai they're like we're free we've done away with the law right we don't need to keep this anymore that's why they didn't want to enter the land because they didn't want to keep the torn there they wanted to do their own thing they knew if they knew that there was a connection with inheritance to the obedience so Kora told them the following tale that he had invented right it's an invented tale they're lived in my vicinity in my vicinity so he Kora knows this you know passing probably back in like Egypt days or whatever they're lived in my vicinity a widow with two daughters who own for their support of field whose yield was just sufficient for them to keep body and sold together so they're they're barely getting by and mr torah shows up when this woman set out to plow her field Moses appeared and said thou shalt not plow with an ox and an ass together when she began to sow Moses appeared and said yeah i love it's it's by hell like Moses just keeps showing up every day and he's like he's like walking past the road and he always stops it Moses appeared and said thou shalt not sow with diverse seeds when the first fruits showed in the poor widow's field Moses appeared and made her bring it to the priest for to them or do the first of all the fruit of the earth and when at length the time came for he to cut it down Moses appeared and ordered her not holy to reap the corners of the field not to gather the leanings of the harvest but to leave them for the poor this poor woman that Moses is just battering down this woman and her two daughters not a man there to take care of them when she had done all that Moses had been in her and was about to thrash the grain Moses appeared once more and said give me the heave offerings the first and the second ties to the priest when at last the poor woman became aware of the fact that she could not now possibly maintain herself from the yield of the field after the deduction of all the tributes that Moses had imposed upon her she sold the field and with the proceeds purchase lambs in the hope that she might now undisturbed have the benefit of the wool as well as the young leanings of the sheep she was however mistaken when the first laying of the sheep was born Aaron appeared and demanded it so now Aaron's so it's like a trade-off like a cane-enabled thing like Moses is you know he's dealing with all the cane stuff and now you know Aaron the keeper of the sheep right so she had a similar experience with the wool at sheering time Aaron reappeared and demanded the first of the fleece of the sheep which according to Moses law was his but now content with this he reappeared later and demanded one sheep out of every ten is a tie to which again according to law he had a claim this however was too much for the long-suffering woman and she slaughtered the sheep supposing that she might now feel of herself secure and full possession of the meat but wide of wide of the mark Aaron appeared and basing his claim on the Torah demanded the shoulder the two cheeks and the mall alas explained the woman the slaughtering of the sheep did not deliver me out of the hands let the meat then be consecrated to the sanctuary Aaron said everything devoted to Israel's mind it shall then be all mine he departed taking with him the meat to the sheep and leaving behind him the widow and her daughters weeping bitterly such men sakura concluding his tale our Moses and Aaron who passed their cruel measures as divine laws and this is like this just right here this is the heart of chora and this is the and i believe chora has the heart of his azole you could make those connections and we need to ask ourselves when we are surrounded by spiritual tears who are telling us how awful awful yah's instructions and rights is living are these people have the heart of uh a chora and there's a reason again why i think that moral depravity in this book it's not preached from the pulpit i don't they can't handle it because it exposes their own rebellion that they are in rebellion with chora um probably in on that tonight but let me just look there here real quick if there's anything i'll be kicking myself later or you can see all the material i'm passing here okay i'll end on that so uh Pamela was there anything else you wanted to uh well there's one thing that i forgot to bring up uh it has to do with the uh the uh the rod that that budded you know um which was amazing it probably um it was probably you know it may have even been shiny i just wanted to read one uh when verse it kind of ties it in because the word matai can mean staff or rod or branch the branch that budded um i just wanted to also you know to tie in about the zinc seeds and the rod budded and this is from uh malachi and um it's uh the fourth chapter and it says for the look the day shall come bring like a furnace and the proud and every longer shall be stubble and that day that shall come shall burn them up says yahaha of hosts which leads to them neither root nor branch but to you who fear my name the son of righteousness shall arise with healing in his wings and you shall go out and leap for joy like calves and stuff now that word son of righteousness um is shamash but the word shamash can also mean servant so the servant of righteousness shall arise now that word arise there means to sprout and so you have the son of righteousness or the actually the servant of righteousness shall sprout with healing in his canal his wings his edges his corners and so it's a tie into uh messiah you know you've talked about how that they were clutching onto his zinc seeds and uh i i didn't want to leave that unmentioned about the fact that the servant of righteousness which of course was messiah uh that he would sprout the branch the sprouts you know the the root you know you know the you know a branch you know the the of jesse shall sprout is that same word i just i just want to bring that up for i i was kicking myself and not bringing it up so i mentioned that and i think the thought that i'm going to close on tonight is again i spent the almost the almost the whole time talking about quorum and his rebellion and i i completely like skipped over the last chapter maybe next year but i cover that and it's a really touching chapter because after after qura is destroyed and his rebellion is put down yahovin yahovin turns his attention on the Levites and he says that you know he says that you are set apart for me and he says that you have no inheritance they're not coming they're not going to get any land um and you know they're of course in the center of the camp they're guarding the tabernacle they are guarding the holiness of yah and um and he he has a couple great lines there where he says that the the people are you know giving their first fruits to me you know they're giving their first of the best things to me you know that that say the ten percent they're giving it to me and i'm giving it to you and i've read that i went like wow because the the Levite lifestyle we are all called to be Levites we are all called to be priests and i believe that and i've shown passages to that in in recent weeks and you think of like the the lifestyle of someone in the ministry it's not attractive in the west you know it's someone living a very poor life trying to scrape by that kind of thing it's just it's not attractive it's not what most people want and yet you know that yah is telling them oh but you're you're like the most set apart you're the most precious to me and you're getting the finest stuff like it's just really interesting to think about it from that perspective um yeah and um i think i'm going to close on that tonight so it's just shabak shalom everybody one more time hope you have a good restful sabbath and uh i know i will i'm looking forward to it and we'll do the thank you everyone for making this a weekly tradition in your home and and you know coming back week after week after week and um do this next week and everyone good night if i can turn this thing off