The Unexpected Cosmology Podcast

359 | Torah Portions Week 37: NUMBERS 13:1-15:41 Shelach (BA'MADABAR)

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2h 5m
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24 Jun 2024
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Is it that time again? Somewhere in the world at Shabbat time. In this household is Shabbat time. So Shabbat Shalom everybody and I'm hoping you're having a good preparation day and of course Shabbat Shalom, so let's get right into this. Ba Medbar, or Ba Medbar from Paley Hebrew, Numbers chapter 13 through 15, week 37. Here you believe it, we're already almost into July. And I'm all about myself tonight. Last week we had Paul we come and visit. The week before that we had the fig tree generation and the week before that bromology this week. I'm all alone trying to figure this out. Last week we went over second Passover and I showed you that, or I asked the question, was Constantine and the church followers confused at why there were two Passover events? Because it was mentioned in Constantine's letter that he was criticizing when he was trying to get everyone to keep Easter, and of course Lent, when he was trying to push for Sunday Easter and do away with Passover he criticized these two Passover events which we read about last week, the second Passover. And then of course I asked a question, did Nicodemus and Joseph Rama, that'd be Joseph of Verimathea, celebrate a second Passover after bearing Mashiach. And the idea is, is that if they were keeping the Passover of the Ahudim, and I am of the opinion that Yuhusham Mashiach, the last separate, what we call the last separate, was his Passover event. He was on a different calendar by one day from the Ahudim, but I also showed you that many of his own followers kept a different Passover event, isn't that interesting, just like it is today. And if that's the case, Nicodemus especially, being a Pharisee, he would not have been able to keep the Passover because he touched a dead body, he buried a dead body, therefore he was unclean, could not keep the Passover, and does that mean he kept the second Passover? If so, did he actually take second Passover with a resurrected Mashiach, which is a really exciting thought. We went over the Quarto Deciman controversy, and that was from leading up to the year, I guess 200. So we're looking at in the second century of quote unquote Christianity, that the Pope, and there was a line of Popes, even though I know, you know, you guys know how that is, the Catholic Church says the Popes went all the way back to the first century, but the Pope wanted to out-wall Passover, the Pope of Rome, and we saw that Polycarp and Polycrates, Polycrates was the Bishop of Ephesus, and Polycarp was the disciple of Yolcanon, Polycrates says in his letter that, well, you know, Polycarp kept Passover, and the thing is about Passover is that that's part of the Mark of YAH, the Sabbath day and Passover, and what we saw with that is that the Pope, he was personally going after Polycrates because he was the head of the Eastern Church, telling us that the Eastern Church still kept Passover at that time, and he was hoping if he could make an example of Polycrates and get rid of him, then the rest would fall. We don't really know what happened to Polycrates, I don't think. We don't know if he was tossed out to the curb or not. I like to think maybe he hung in there, he seemed to have the support of many others, but I digress. I showed you that the, we were looking at the manna passage again, it came up and I showed a passage about the children of YAH, the star of the Millennial Kingdom or the judgment event leading into the Millennial Kingdom, they're described in Micah 5 as manna in the world. All of the children of YAH, they're like the dew that came down with the manna, really interesting, and I showed that maybe that compared with the barbarian invasion of the 500s, some of you are tuning in for the first time, they're like what kind of Bible study is this? Oh, the murmuring on the outskirts of the camp, that came into it, it was really interesting that the murmuring was on the outer edges of the camp, which kind of borders on the outer darkness, right? Because to go outside of the camp, you are now, you know, outside of Yashirel, it's the same kind of idea. And the Aramaic Targum, the Jonathan Targum, specifically mentions Dan as the murmur. And it actually says it was due to strange worship, the idea of idols. And so Dan constantly comes up as a, they were never, they weren't always on board with all of YAH, YAH has precepts in his judgments, even though there were some good in the tribe of Dan, kind of like those who built the tabernacle. Another interesting thing that came up last week was Eldad and Medad. And these were, when Moshe was like, okay, okay, Lord, okay, Adanna, I'm over it, I'm over it, just take this, just kill me now, I'm done, you know, YAH has like, okay, fine, you know what, I'll take the Ruach, not all of it from you, but pieces of the Ruach, and like maybe a weight or measurement of the Ruach, and I'm going to dispense the Ruach Hakkadesh through all these different people in Yashirel, and so all these prophets sprung up in the camp, and they went to the tabernacle. There were two that stayed behind in the camp, and one of the themes of last week was all the jealousy that was arising, succession events, it was really kind of interesting. But specifically with Eldad and Medad, these, according to the Aramaic Targum, again, this is the Aramaic Targum, but these are the things we're looking for, they were the children of Yokeved, the mother of Moshe, but not through Amorim who is Moshe's father. Apparently when Amorim went to Canaan for like the period of about 40 years, he, I quoted from that book weeks ago, I'm sure I'll do it again in the next cycle, he goes back to Canaan, he gets stuck there because there's a war between Canaan and Egypt, the borders closed, he went back there to bury one of the patriarchs, I'm not sure if we know which patriarch it was, I'm sure the book tells, but anyways, so she was, she got married to another guy, and they were not, she was not married to Amorim beforehand, I'm not sure the whole relationship on this, according to the Aramaic Targum, Mary's another guy, his name is Elazavon, he has these two sons, Elazavon dies, Amorim comes back, they get married, she's like, what was she, 130 or something, I don't have her years in front of me, and she, she begets Moshe, Aaron, and Maryam, at a very old age, and then I will be quoting from this again, the idea of Paul talking about the murmurs in First Corinthians, so I'm not going to comment on that right now. Here's a few quotes that I pulled from Legends of the Jews last week that I really, really, really like, I'm going to quote these again because the context here is that they are now, Yashua is leaving Sinai, and this is what it says, "The ungrateful multitude behave like a boy who runs quickly away after dismissal from school, that his teacher might not call him back." That reminds me of the junior high, oh man, if it was Friday, leaving middle school, I was just like, just throwing my papers up, you know, running out through the gates, looking for my mom in the car, like I am free for two days, instruction is behind me, and of course, think about summer vacation, right? The last day's school, the bell rings, and everyone's like, you know, running out, it's the same thing. The idea is putting forward that when Yashua left Mount Sinai, they're like, "Oh, thank God, the Torah is behind us now. We don't have to keep that anymore." That was, that was, you know, two years ago, and for the last two years, but we are going out now, we're going into the land, and we can keep our own law, and we'll talk more about that tonight. And this is also what it says, "But all this murmuring in these complaints were only a pretext to sever themselves from Elohim. For first of all, they actually possessed many herds and much cattle, enough, cleansefully, to satisfy their lusting after flesh if they had really felt it, and manna, furthermore, had the flavor of every conceivable kind of food." Now, this is talking about the quail when they were, they just, you know, as they're like, they're murmuring and they're angry as they're biting into the quail and the plague comes. And one more quote, "The true state of affairs was that they had a lurking dissatisfaction with the yoke of the Torah. It is searching that they had not had an Egypt better food for which they now longed." So it's basically saying here, when they, they longed to go back to Egypt to get that great food, it's like, no, actually, you didn't eat good food in Egypt. You were a slave, all right? Like, you're, these are the people that, like, ferals withholding to straw and telling them to make brick, all right? They were not eating better food. They did not have it better than the manna. The manna is like the food of the angels. And this is the whole thing. This is the moral depravity of the human race that is told to us in the Torah. These people are in the presence of their Creator. They are in the presence of Yahweh. He comes down to the mountain. There's, you guys hear me say this all the time. There are trumpets blasting, there's fire, there's smoke, there's probably angels. There's all sorts of stuff happening. And they're in his presence. They're like, yeah, no, not interested. And this is where so many people fool themselves. This is the sad part about humanities. They, they fool themselves that they can live whatever lives they want. When they get to heaven, you know, Yahweh will be good with them. They're not really interested in him. And this is the thing, you could stick any religion Christianity included in the presence in heaven. They are still going to rebel against him. That is the depth of our moral depravity. And this is why we need to repent now. We need to make sure that we are looking at his commands going, yeah, I have one life to live. I got a repent now. Can't work it out necessarily later in eternity. So speaking of that Paul quote, I'm going to quote from this again because we're going to be going through this in our tour portion tonight. This is a great thing for really the whole book of numbers. 1 Corinthians 10, 9 through 15. This is what Paul says, neither let us tempt Mashiach as some of them also tempted and were destroyed of serpents. Now he's saying that the same people in the 1st century who are attempting Mashiach, these are the, he's writing to the Gentiles, the Gentiles coming in, they're being grafted into Israel. And he's like, the same Mashiach that you're attempting in your disobedience. He was in the wilderness too. That's an exciting thought. Paul is saying he was in the wilderness in Yashirel rebelled against him. Neither murmur he will be reading more about the murmurs tonight as some of them also murmured and were destroyed of the destroyer. Now all these things happen into them for examples and they are written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come. Well, that's interesting. He's saying that the end of the world guys, it's the 1st century, the end of the world has come. Wherefore let him that thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. And this is again the sad thing. I'm not picking on Christianity, but I think just about everybody listening to this, we've come out of these denominations where they're just like, you're good, you're good. You just, you can't, you're not tempting. I'm just, you just believe, you just believe in his historical existence and a death burial resurrection, you're good. And it's like, actually, let me read this line again. Wherefore let him that thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. Don't tempt him. All right. One more thing I wanted to go over before we get into tonight's passage. Now this was at the end. Some of you go all the way through my Torah portions to the end. And which is great. I think most people don't. I think most people probably kind of watch the beginning. And so they don't get to the end. So I'm going to just repeat what I, Paulie and I, we went like way overboard. And the conversation was great, Paulie. It was awesome. But Paulie knows I was looking at the time like, we're not going to make it. You know, I had to like rush through at the end. And we were talking about Moshe's wife. And I think a lot of people don't know this. And so I want to point this out. Again, this is the Aramaic Targum. But what I want to show is that the Aramaic Targum actually lines up with the book of Jasher. You know, what the thing about that is, I think everybody just, well, not everybody, most people can agree that the Aramaic Targum is very old. All right. I'm not saying it's an authority. It is older though than our modern Hebrew, the Masoretic text, okay, it's old. The thing is with Jasher, is that Jasher is what? 700 years old? I don't really know. That's what people say. That it's a forgery. It's a recent like medieval forgery. And then others are saying, no, it's the actual original book of Jasher, right? I wasn't there. I can't prove that. But I find many things in Jasher that actually are collaborated with much, much older text, like this right here. And my point is, is that I'm saying that the Aramaic Targum is quoting from Jasher, but not the other way around. And it says, and Mariam and Aaron spoke or spake against Moshe words that were not becoming with respect to the Kushite whom the Kushay had caused Moshe to take when he had fled from Pharaoh, but whom he had sent away because they had given him the queen of Kush. So most of us, when we read this passage in Numbers 12, we think that this is a pora. And it might be. It might be a pora. But this is saying that it's not a pora, that it's a Kushite woman. This is where we say people say is a pora is Ethiopian, but you know, maybe she is too. I don't know, maybe married to Ethiopian women. But let's look at this a little bit closer. I showed you last week that Kush, the kingdom of Kush is modern Ethiopia, but it actually goes across the Red Sea. Apparently, they say sheep it down here. I have a lot of questions about that. I don't really know. It just goes to show maybe none of this is accurate, but they show the Arabian desert over here, Mount Sinai. And maybe they do that because of zapora, because you know, Jethro, he was over here on Mount Sinai side, right? Don't really know. Don't know it wasn't there. Let's keep looking. There's, of course, a picture of Moshe and his very Ethiopian looking woman. I showed you some amazing, I had to include this even because I'm trying in every Torah portion to show some food. This just looks amazing. It makes me so hungry right now. This is Ethiopian food. My wife and I, there's a restaurant down in Central Florida. We were just talking a couple weeks ago. Like, let's just, you know, as a special treat, let's just drive down there, just get dinner and drive back. You know, it's totally worth it. Maybe we can find some Ethiopian food closer. I don't know, but it's really good. And of course, if you've never had Ethiopian coffee, you are missing out on life, make, add this to your bucket list. If you haven't Ethiopian coffee, have it as dessert, like after meal, it is so phenomenal. I love it to death. And of course, there's a couple Ethiopian woman drinking Ethiopian coffee having a good time. All right, let's just skip some of this stuff. All right. So here comes, here's the Book of Jassar. Jassar 73, I'm sorry, I need some more coffee. The thing about this coffee is that it's going to keep me up all night, late into the night, but it's totally worth it to spend it with you guys. And all the people and nobles swore into him to give him for a wife, Ad and I, the queen, the kushite wife of Kikianas, and they made Moshe king over them on that day. The context here is after Moshe kills the guy in Egypt, he's on the run for his life, and there's 40 years that he rules as king over kush, which is would be, I guess, upper Egypt, really, because it's south of Egypt. So in ancient Egypt, it would be south of upper Egypt. And he gets this, this woman as a queen, well, keep reading. And it says, therefore, Moshe turned not his heart, nor his eyes, to the wife of Kikianas, all the days that he reigned over kush, which means he did not have marital relations with her for all those years. And skipping to the next chapter we read, and Ad and I, the queen, said before the king and the princes, what is this thing which you, the children of Kush, have done for this long time. Surely you know that for 40 years that this man has reigned over kush, he has not approached me, nor has he served the allahayam of the children of Kush. That's not a compliment. She's, she's like, I can't stand this husband. Can we just do, get rid of him? And they actually do, they get him to leave. So if this is, if the Arabic Targum is accurate here, and I'm just giving, I'm just the messenger just giving you this, you know, these different books and let you guys work it out for yourself. If it is accurate, then somehow this wife ended up with him in the wilderness wandering. So he would have Zipporah and he'd have this other woman. And this other woman, she is, this queen is complaining. Well, let's, let's read what's going on here. This is the legends of the Jews. Now, according to the legends of the Jews, they make her to be Zipporah. Even though they're quoting from the Arabic Targum, I feel like the, the writer here, he's trying to kind of blend text. But this is interesting. This is what it says. When the 70 elders were appointed, now remember, the, the Ruach Akkadesh comes on all these people, they start prophesying and two of them were apparently Moshe's step-brothers. Zipporah, Moses's wife, saw the illumination and asked Miriam to explain it. He told, she told her the reason and added, "Blessed are the women who behold with their eyes how their husbands are raised in dignity." Now Zipporah answered, and I'm asking you to, to say perhaps, this is actually the Ethiopian queen and not Zipporah, all right? It's, it's a, it's a, it's a mixture of like a, a composite of the two women is what I'm suggesting in legends of the Jews. Zipporah answered, "It would be more proper to say, woe to the wise of these men who was now abstained from all conjugal happiness." Now, if it is a poor, then apparently Moshe has a trend of never sleeping with any of his wives. And Miriam says, "How does thou know this?" And Zipporah said, "I judge so from the conduct of thy brother. For ever since he was chosen to receive divine revelations, he no longer knows his wife." And Miriam, Miriam, here upon winter errand, said to him, "I also received divine revelations, but without being obliged to be separated myself for my husband." And we're upon errand agreed, saying, "I too received divine revelations without however being obliged to separate myself for my wife." And then both said, "Our fathers also receive revelations, but without discontinuing their conjugal life, Moshe abstains from conjugal joys only out of pride to show how holy a man he is." And of course, the rest is history. Throwing out their food for thought, let's get into tonight's portion, so I have a lot to cover. All right, Numbers chapter 13, reading from the paleo Hebrew. Thank you, everyone, for making this a weekly tradition in your home. And Yehohwah, the ever-living, said a word and ordered towards Al-Mashaha to declare, "Send for your man, and they will travel about exploring the land of Canaan, which I have given to the sons of Yashirel. One man, one man for the tribe of his fathers, he will send him, all lifted up chiefs." Now, I want to point out the obvious that Yehohwah is speaking to Moshe. I'm going to, however, read to you from another text which suggests that Yehohwah is only saying this because the men have set about in their heart to do this, to send some spies into land. It's not Yehohwah's idea, it's not what he wants. Now, again, I'm just the messenger showing you these texts. You can bring your own salt shaker, it's where you guys decide, but I'm going to read it to you because I think it makes sense. It makes total sense to when you think about the fact that Yehohwah is leading all of Yehohwah's shirel with the pillar of fire, and it goes down, the shakana glory goes down into the tabernacle, and they all sit around and wait, and it goes up, and they follow it. So, why is he sitting spies all of a sudden to land? Why not just march the entire army? They have their military formation. They're marching towards the land. Why not just send them in, right? That's what we're going to be looking at tonight. So, let's continue reading. And Moshe'al has sent them from the wilderness of Parram, or in the paleo, it's, yeah, it's still Parram, upon the mouth of Yehohwah. All those men are heads of the sons of Yashirelm, and these are their names for the tribe of Reuben, Shama Ayah, son of Zechor, for the tribe of Shimon is Shephat, son of Hori, of the tribe of Yehuda, Caleb, the son of, let's see, Yefanuha, for the tribe of Ishikar is Yaga'al, son of Yosef, for the tribe of, isn't that interesting, is if that is, huh? Sometimes we see like just grandsons, or great grandsons, very closely connected to the patriarchs. For the tribe of Yefream is Ha'u-Sha'ai, son of Nunn, for the tribe of Benjamin is Phala Thuya, son of Raffa-Ua, for the tribe of Zebulun is Gadayal, son of Sat-Udaya, for the tribe of Yosef, for the tribe of Manesha is Gadayal, son of Susayah, for the tribe of Dan is Amayal, son of Gamalayah, for the tribe of Asher is Sathu Way, son of Meika El, for the tribe of Naftali is Nakabaya, son of Ufa-Saya, for the tribe of Gad is Gawawal, son of Makayah, these are the names of the men which Michelle has sent to travel about exploring the land, and Michelle Ha'kaw out for Ha'u-Sha'ai, son of Nunn Yahusha, and this would be of course Yahushua, or Joshua in English. And Michelle Ha sent them to travel about exploring the land of Canaan, and he declared toward them a send over him this way, southward, and a send over them, the mountain, and observe the land from what sort it is, and the people that have settled down to dwell over her, are they strong, are they feeble, are they few, or conditionally, are they great, and the land which they inhabit in her, is it an excellent land, or conditionally is it evil, calamitous, and what are the cities which they inhabit, here and there, do they dwell intents, or conditionally, if behold, in fortresses, in fortresses, and what about the land, is it a fat place, or conditionally, if it is a lean, does wood exist in her, I like that line there, does wood exist in her, but I was looking at the King James, and this is like the same thing, does wood exist in her, or conditionally, is it nothingness, meaning there's like no wood, there's no trees, and you, and you be courageous and fetch fruit from the land, for these be the days, the firstlings of grapes, and they ascended, and they traveled about exploring the land from the wilderness of Zann, until Raycab, were coming in to Chaimith, and they ascended against the Neghab, and they came unto, well, it should be Hebron, but I guess, Haberon, and these are the names that they found there, Ahimond, Shishai, and Talmai, these are the children of Anok, we'll be talking about them tonight, and Haberon was built seven years to the face of Zion in Materim, and they came unto the torrent of Ashokul, and from there they cut off a one vine branch, a cluster of a cluster of grapes, and they lifted him upon a bar between two and from part of the pomegranates, and from part of the fig trees, and they called the torrent Ashokayol on account of the cluster of grapes, which the sons of Yasharul cut down from there, and he turned back from traveling about exploring the land from the end of the 40th day, again, we'll be commenting on all this, and they walked and they came toward Al-Mashaha and toward Al Eren, and toward all the gathered assemblies of the sons of Yasharul, toward the wilderness of Faron, Kudashaha, and they returned unto them, and all the gathered assembly, the report, and they showed them the fruit, and they narrated, inscribing on a tablet for him, and they declared, "We came toward the land where you sent us, and in addition it flows with fatness and honey, and this is her fruit. It ends for the people who have settled down to dwell in the land are fierce, mighty, and the cities are exceedingly great fortifications, and additionally there we observe the brought forth ones of Anak, the Amalak, dwells in the land of the Nagab, and the Chathuya, and the Yaba'u Sayah, and the, well, these would be the Amorites, so the Hittites, the Jebusites, and the Amorites, you guys all know those names, have turned aside to dwell in the mountain, and the Canaanites have turned aside to dwell over beside the sea, and over against the hand of the Yarden, and Caleb commanded the people to be silent, so these 10 spies give evil reports, and then Caleb and Yahushua, the two, the good reports, so, and Caleb commanded the people to be silent toward Al-Mashaha, and he declared, "A sin, we will ascend, for we have taken possession of her, for he is powerful, we will prevail over her, but the men who ascended with him said, 'We will not prevail to ascend against the people, for they are stronger than us,' and they publish a slanderous report, spreading rumors about the land which they had explored, heard toward the sons of Yasharil to declare, 'The land which we pass through to travel about, exploring upon her, this land consumes her inhabitants, they and all the people that we observed in her midst are men of stature, and there we observe the fallen ones, the sons of Anak, from which come Ha'naphalayam, and we existed in our eyes like locust, and in this manner our lives existed in their eyes.'" All right, that completes that chapter right there. Okay, so what are we looking at right here? I'm going to be talking a little bit about the sons of Anak, but also the Melikites, and so maybe connections, kind of loose connections, and also the refereeing. So I've showed you maybe a dozen weeks ago or so. It happened to be one of the two weeks of Pali came on, and this is apparently from Mount Sinai. It is a petroglyph, and it is these giants, the the Melikites, sorry, the Melikites, which is different than we were at tonight, but these are Melikites coming in and attacking the sons of Yasharil at Mount Sinai area, and you can see here the sons of Yasharil, I mean, assuming this is like, say, five, seven, I don't know, I don't know what their average height was back, the five, seven, I mean we're looking at something that is anywhere from nine, like this guy right here, if you can see my mouse moving might be a nine footer, this guy looks like something like a 12 footer, maybe even 15, I don't really know, they look really big, don't they? And for the longest time, I thought they were funny looking creatures because they're squarish, where all the other people look like, you know, like stick figures, but I'm actually, they look like kites, like, you know, they're like mass on ships, but I'm actually wondering if this is chain mail, like they're emphasizing the fact that they had heavy armor, they came down with just like, you couldn't pierce their armor, and what's really odd about them too, is that they have like these serpent like snake necks, really long elongated necks, and the long aided heads, whereas all the normal people down here, you just see they have just a necking around head. So I'm wondering if they had elongated skulls, which would actually, you know, they look like they could be snake heads too, but that would actually make a lot of sense when we talked about the binding of the heads that Yahuwah has like, don't bind your heads, like those giants you saw, those people worship those giants and they bind their heads, don't do that, just good for thought. Of course over here, this is a medieval depiction of King Og kind of interesting. We'll be talking about King Og in a few weeks. All right, and they ascended by the south and came unto Hebrew on where Ahaman, Shashi, and Talmai, the children of Anak were. Now, Hebrew was built seven years before zone in Egypt. We also see them mentioned again in Deuteronomy. The Imams, well, they're in, in times past, people great, and many and tall as the Anakims, which also were accounted, giants as the Anakims, the sons of Anak, but the Moabites called them Imams. All right. Now, what's interesting, so they're, they're attributed with the, the, the Refites, Refaeim. And you can see here, I'm pulling this from Wikipedia, the Refites were called the Imam by the Moabites in Deuteronomy 211, which we just read, while the Ammonites called them the Zamzuman in Deuteronomy 2 18-21. When we get to Deuteronomy, I'll have more commentary on that when I brought on Elie Marzuli last, it was last night. Wow. Which was just a total trip. I mean, I was just, I was, it was a rollercoaster ride for me. It was a thrill to bring them on before, I had about five minutes with them to, to meet and greet before I brought them on live. And this is one of the questions I brought up. I did not, I didn't have time to bring it up in the interview talking to him about the Zamzuman, Zamzuman. I'm mispronouncing it. Elie kept correcting me. He's like, he would correct, I'm like, okay, I'm not going to get it right. I would, I tried. But I asked him, I said, does it actually mean like the buzzing people, like a, like a buzzing B sound? He's like, yeah, that's actually, that, that's in the word. And he talked to me about, uh, many alien encounters where people are taking up the ships or things like that. And they talk about a buzzing sound. And that with many of these aliens, uh, they're just so strange, like be like buzzing sound. And just people just bring this up in their encounters. They're not making any biblical connections, but there seems to be a connection with the refarium. Kind of interesting. And you can actually see right here that, uh, Zama, Zama Yom, that's the paleo. So you'll see that when we get into Deuteronomy. That's how Pamela is going to call it. The name is derived from the Hebrew word for buzzer. These are buzzer people. They're the original aliens. I'll be talking more about this one when we get to King Og too, because this is going to get really crazy. Various ancient Northwest Semitic text. Okay. So Semitic, what is that talking about? We're talking about Mesopotamian region, even getting into Canaan. Texts are also replete with references to terms evidently cognate with refarium as the dead or dead Kings. So when the Bible talks about the refiim giants, apparently many of these texts from the same time, it would refer to these refiim as dead or the dead Kings. Like, are these zombies? Are they the walking dead? Are they coming from Sheol? And that's one of the things we'll talk about with Og was he actually summoned from Sheol from the underworld as a, uh, as a protector. So when Moshe goes and slays him, he's actually, you know, with the power of Yah, he's actually slaying one of the Kings of Sheol. Kind of interesting thought. Louis undertakes a detailed study of several enigmatic funerary ritual texts from the ancient coastal city of, uh, Yugarit. Louis concludes that the Yugaritic funerary text provides important evidence for understanding the cult of the dead in that area, wearing wearing beings called Rapi, Rapi Uma, the long dead and Malakuma, recently dead Kings were invoked in funeral, a funeral liturgy presented with food drink offerings and asked to provide blessings for the reign of the current king. The many references to refing him in the Hebrew Bible in context involving Sheol and dead spirits strongly suggest that many ancient Israelites imagine the spirits of the dead as playing active and important role in securing blessings, healing or other benefits in the lives of the living. That's really interesting. Here's another, uh, from a quote from a book stories from ancient Canaan. And it says, "The divine status of the Rafi'im is evident from the Rafi'im where they are called gods and divine ones, but also from the end of Baal and stories from ancient Canaan." And so this is what it says, "Son rules the Rafi'im," that would be, the son would be Baal in this case, "Son rules the divine ones. Your company are the gods. See, the dead are your company." The idea is that Baal rules the Rafi'im. So here's a couple, uh, passages to think about. Isaiah 14 9 says, "This Sheol beneath is eager to meet you upon your arrival. It stirs the spirits or the ruok, ruokoth of the dead." And the word there that is used is the same as Rafi'im. It stirs the spirits of the Rafi'im to greet you, all the rulers of the earth. It makes all the kings of the nations rise from their thrones and another one from Job, the dead or the Rafi'im, the Rafi'im tremble, those beneath the waters and those who dwell in them. So who were they ultimately going up against? That's the big question, right? And again, if you can make a connection with modern alien spiritual entities, with the buzzers, with these Rafi'im, you know, that's really interesting, right? We're talking about like some sort of immortal spirits, right, disembodied spirits of the nephilim. Were these those who were maybe even killed in the flood? All right. Now, you noticed that they go to Hebron, and when they were in Hebron, this is where this is the area where Abraham was buried with Sarah, with the patriarchs, they're burying the cave there. You can go there to this day. You see the cave. It's under Muslim control now. And they go on, they bring this cluster within a cluster. These huge, you know, grapes has been commented on that they're all carrying on this pole, just huge clusters of grapes. And they're talking about these giants. Now, the question I have for you is why, like, what is going on with this, first of all, all right? Here's my question. Was Abraham a giant and had the Hebrew shrunk in physical stature since leaving Canaan? So think about like this. So many centuries have gone by, mankind shrinks down, mankind forgets how big their answers. They don't know how big their ancestors were. They go back to the land, other ancestors, and the ancestors are huge. They're big people. So let's show you why I'm thinking this. If you remember, when I went through my paper, The Pilgrim's Path, and about a month or two ago, I gave a presentation on Noah's Ark. And how my thesis is that Noah's Ark was well known as a location during the medieval ages. It can be found on many maps. It's always in Turkey, in Armenia. And of course, when you go to the Ron Wyatt site, you see evidence of the Byzantines there and the crusaders. And it's like, well, that's interesting. So clearly they were going there, and they were putting it on maps, telling us the pilgrims were also, Noah's Ark can be found on all these programs maps with actual destinations where pilgrims were expected to go. And there it is right there. Well, let's keep looking. Here's another map here. And I'm going to zoom in on this, but this has Noah's Ark. But what's more interesting about this, this has a lot of fascinating things on this map. But what's more interesting about this map is, well, I'm showing you a pillar of salt. Let me show you right here. This map has Noah's Ark on it, but it also has lots of wife as a pillar. You can go see this pillar of salt in the medieval period. And she looks very big. They purposely made her big, telling us that it's a giant. There she is overlooking the Dead Sea, kind of on a, kind of shows kind of on a mountain there that she's standing. And my suggestion to you is that this is what's wife. It is on the Jordan side, I believe. And it's a nine footer from everything that I was trying to find any kind of measurements on this. It's not easy to find. This is the estimate that if you were to stand next to this, I'm 5'11". So this would be three feet, one inch taller than me. And it looks like a woman overlooking the plane, but once was the plane that is now the Dead Sea, this would have been a fertile valley. Of course, when Sodom Gomorrah was destroyed, the idea was, and I showed you text in Jasher and others where it talks about, until the resurrection, till the end, I guess, she will be there. So right here, actually, this is the Jerusalem Targum in Genesis 19. She was made to stand a statue of salt until the time of the resurrection shall come and the dead shall arise. So, you know, does that, is that a problem, right? Because has the resurrection happened yet? We can argue all that. Is it the final resurrection? Because she's not, you know, wasn't one of the righteous. So, she wouldn't have been the first resurrection. She would be the last resurrection. That's my take on it. But again, the idea is, is that this is Lot's wife. She would have been a nine footer. So, if women are smaller, generally, then, you know, like, what's the average woman's height? 5'4? I don't know. 5'3? 5'4? I didn't look before this broadcast. I'm embarrassing myself. The average man is what? This is throughout a number 5, 7 to 5, 9. I don't really know. But they're a little bit taller. So, let's say she's a nine footer. You know, was the average man 10 footer? I don't know. 9'5? I don't know. Anyways, here's more map showing Noah's Ark. I was taking you off through this. This is from my paper, of course. Oh, if you tune in this Tuesday night, I'm going to be talking about Pressor John. The Armenians come into the whole Pressor John storyline. Really interesting. The idea is that the original Pressor John was probably a king of the Kingdom of Armenia. I know everyone's pushing him to India. I will give my reasons as to why he was probably Armenian, the original Pressor John. And the Armenians, they were the guardians of Alexander's Gate leading to Gog Magog, or Gog Magog, all the wild men there and the crazy people and that stuff that were going to break out through the Black Sea region. And it's interesting that the same Armenians, you have the Kingdom of Armenia right there at Alexander's Gate. And they were, of course, the guardians of Noah's Ark. But also, they were the guardians of Jerusalem. They, to this day, they actually have the Armenian Quarter. They were there going all the way back to the 4th century. Before where I'm saying the Millennial Kingdom happened, they were there according to official history. Something to think about. We'll be talking more about that this Tuesday night if you tune in. I wanted to talk really quickly about Noah as well. And hopefully you guys see where I'm going with this, that my theory is that as they went back into Canaan, that Israel had shrunk down considerably by two, three feet, maybe, like every generation are getting smaller and smaller and smaller. And for whatever reason, in Canaan, there were still remnants of these larger people. Now, immediately, I know there's many people in the comments. No, only the Nephilim were giants. Well, okay, that's true. The Nephilim were giants. They were giants to the giants, if that makes sense. So let's say Adam was a 30 footer. Well, according to the book of Enoch, the giants were like, what, 100 feet or something like that? I mean, considerably bigger. So I showed you right here. Of course, here are some of the Byzantine crusader stuff that's found at the Ron White site. And it goes on and on and on. There's a lot of proof of it that they were there. There was, of course, the ruins of Noah's house. But this was the altar that was built. This is unhewn stone. It was built. These rocks were put together. It's not a natural formation. And it's, I guess, 12 by 12 by 12. So the step going up to these altar is three feet high, which is a pretty good step. And the idea is that Noah was anywhere from 15 to 30 feet high. And that's, of course, debated. We really don't know. But if he was 30 feet high, this altar would be, or maybe even 25 or something like that, this altar would be about waist high. All right. So the platform was actually not designed for a man to walk up. It was designed to lead animals up for the sacrifice up on top. They needed a platform for that. So again, if Noah is anywhere from 15 to 30 feet, they'll keep in mind the life is nine to 12 feet. He would have been a dwarf to Noah. But each generation man gets shorter and smaller and smaller and smaller until we get down to like the five feet, level five to six feet. And, of course, the giants, the nephilim are always kind of one or two step, two feet ahead of man. All right. So let's read from the legends of the Jews, the sending of the spies. Hope you guys are enjoying this tonight. I'll be reading this whole section. And I think you're going to find it really interesting. The punishment that Elohim brought upon Miriam was meant as a lesson of the severity with which Elohim punishes slander. Now, I'm going with Elohim here, modern Hebrew. Okay. So I'm not going with Paleo when I say God. For Miriam spoke no evil of Moshe in the presence of anyone except a brother Aaron. She had more of more over no evil motive, but a kindly intention wishing only to induce Moshe to resume his conjugal life. Let me, let me, let me skip some of this. Let's go to the second paragraph here. When Yashirel approached the boundaries of Palestine or Canaan, they appeared before Moshe saying, "We will send men before us, and they shall search out the land and bring us word again by what we, by what way we must go up and into what cities we shall come." The desire. So keep in mind the men are saying this, right? According to the legends of the Jews, and of course they're getting this from, I know they're getting this from rabbinical tradition, take it for what it is. But I think it's an interesting explanation. This desire caused Elohim to exclaim, "What? When you went through a land of deserts in a pit, you had no desire for scouts, but now that you are about to enter a landfill of good things, now you wish to send out scouts? Not only was the desire in itself unseemly, but also the way in which they presented the request of Moshe. For instead of approaching as they had been accustomed, letting the older men be the spokesmen of the younger, they appeared on this occasion without guidance or order, the young crowding out the old and these pushing away their leaders. They're bad conscious after making this request, for they knew that their true motive was lack of faith in Elohim. And this is the theme that I really like about the legends of the Jews. They just keep pushing out that they just had a desire to be disobedient. They just want to do it with the Torah from day one. As soon as they left Sinai, they're like, "Oh, good riddance." And so they wanted to send out spies. Well, let's read the reason being. They caused them to invent all sorts of pretext for their plans. They said to Moshe, "So long as we are in the wilderness, the clouds act as scouts for us, for they move before us and show us the way. But as these will not proceed with us into the promised land, we want men to search out the land for us." Now, how do they know that the cloud isn't going to go into the promised land? Another plea that they urged for their desire was this. They said, "The Canaanites fear an attack from us and therefore hide their treasures." I'm saying this again, because up to this point, they've only been following the cloud. When the cloud gets up and moves, they move with it. So maybe they're projecting... Maybe someone's going to pull out some random scripture verse that I somehow glimpsed of right past that the cloud wasn't going to go in with them, but I'm thinking there's a projection here. I think that they're projecting that their own desires onto this cloud. "Oh, this cloud's not going where we want to go." Anyways, the Canaanites fear an attack from us and therefore hide their treasures. This is the reason why we want to send spies there in time to discover for us where they are hiding their treasures. See, now we're getting somewhere. They sought in other ways to give Moshe the impression that their one wish was exactly to carry out the Torah. They said, "Has not thou taught us that an idol to which homage is no longer paid, may be used, but otherwise it must be destroyed? If we now enter Palestine and find the idols, we shall not know which of them were adored by the Canaanites, it must be destroyed, and which of them were no longer adored so that we might use them." So they're now lying to Moshe according to this. Their intention. Finally, they said, the following to Moshe, "Thou our teacher has taught us that Elohim would little by little drive the Canaanites before us. If this be so, we must send out spies to find out which cities we must attack first." Moshe followed himself to be influenced by their talk and he also liked the idea of sending out spies, but not wishing to act arbitrarily, he submitted to Elohim the desire of the people. Elohim answered, "It is not the first time that they disbelieve my promises. Even in Egypt, they ridiculed me. It has now become a habit with them, and I know what their motive and sending spies is. If thou wishes to send spies, do so, but do not pretend that I have ordered thee." So again, is this a turn from what it says in Scripture? I'm going to let you guys decide that. Because it does say in numbers, it looks like Allahiama is speaking to them to send the spies in. Moshe, hereupon, chose one man from every tribe with the exception of Levi, and that's really interesting too. Levi does not go in, stays behind, because they're going to go in with the tabernacle, right? They're going in with the presence of Allahiama. They don't need to be satisfied. And sent these men to spy off the land. These 12 men were the most distinguished and most pious of the respective tribes, so that even Elohim gave his assent to the choice of every man among them. But Harley had these men been appointed to their office when they made the wicked resolve to bring up an evil report of the land and dissuade the people from moving to Palestine. Their motive was purely personal one, for they thought to themselves that they would retain their offices as the head of the tribe so long as they remained in the wilderness, but would be to private them when they entered Palestine. So that's interesting. So according to this, part of the motivation of the 10 evil spies was that they wanted to maintain control over the tribes, and they thought that if they went, and it might be true, if they went in the land, maybe they would lose their position, they wanted that power for themselves. And there you go right there, right? The people that usually go to the appointment of office are the people that are like the last people that should be given that power, right? And we hand it to them. Now, this talks here about the significance of their names. Let's see, do I want to read this whole section here? It basically goes through each of their names in at least the Masoretic and it describes that their names complement their character, as many names probably really do. Let's keep reading the spies in Palestine. Now, again, let's just, I hope you're all holding your salt shakers here, okay? I'm just the messenger delivering this. On the 27th day of Siwon, Moshe sent out the spies from Qedesh, Barney, and the wilderness of Peran, and following his directions, they went first to the south of Palestine, the poorest part of the Holy Land. Moshe did like the merchants, who first showed the poorer wares, and then the better kind. So Moshe wished the spies to see better parts of the land, the farther they advanced into it. Kind of an interesting tactic. When they reached Hebrew, they could judge what a blessed land this was that had been promised them, for although Hebrew was the poorest tract in all Palestine, it was still much better than Zon, the most excellent part of Egypt. When therefore the sons of Ham built cities and several lands, it was Hebrew that they first, that they erected first, owing to its excellence and not Zon, which they built in Egypt fully seven years later. Their progress to the land was on the whole easy, for Elihim had wished it so that as soon as the spies entered a city, the plague struck it, and that the inhabitants, busied with the burial of their dead, had neither time nor inclination to concern themselves with the strangers. Although they met with no evil on the part of the inhabitants, still the site of the three giants, Ahiman, Shishai, and Talmane, inspired them with terror. These were so immensely tall that the sun reached only to their ankles. See, this is where I'm saying, okay here, like, okay, according to this, these giants were so tall that they were taller than the mountains. I take some issue with that. Yes, in very, very, very ancient times, like before the creation, reset, and genesis, where there are hugely huge giants like that, like giant elephants, stuff, yeah, I'm totally behind that kind of research, you know, that the big tree stumps we see all over the world and stuff. I don't think that that was, well, certainly not post-flood, but I don't even think that was pre-flood. I think that was probably the old world that was destroyed before the recreation events. Let's keep reading anyways. The sun reached only to their ankles, because they're so huge, and they received their names in accordance with their size and strength. The strongest among them was Ahiman, beholding whom one fancied oneself standing at the foot of the mountain that was about to fall, and exclaimed involuntarily, what is this that is coming upon me? Hence the name Ahiman, strong as marble was the second brother, wherefore he was called Shishai marble. The mighty strides of the third brother threw up plots from the ground when he walked. This guy's so big, he's just like an acre, almost like I'd see like an old, like, I don't know, Jack in the Beanstalk cartoon or something like that. Hence he was called Tami plots. Not only the sons of Anak were of such strength and size, but his daughters also, whom the spies chance to see. For when these reached the city inhabited by Anak that was called Kiryeth Arba City of Four, because the giant Anak and his three sons dwelt there, they were struck with such terror by them that they sought a hiding place. But what they had believed to be a cave was only the rind of a huge pomegranate that the giant's daughter had thrown away, as they later to their horror discovered. For this girl, after having eaten the fruit, remembered that she must not anger her father by letting the rind lie there, so she picked it up with the 12 men in it as one picks up an eggshell and threw it into the garden, never noticing that she had thrown with it 12 men, each measuring 60 qubits in height. When they left their hiding place, they said to one another, "Behold, the strength of these women and judge by their standard, the men." They soon had an opportunity of testing the strength of the men. For as soon as the three giants heard of the presence of the Israelite men, they pursued them, but the Israelites found out with what manner of men they were dealing even before the giants had caught up with them. One of the giants shouted and the spies filled down as dead men, so that it took a long time for the Canaanites to restore them to life by the aid of friction and fresh air. The Canaanites hereupon said to them, "Why do you come here? Is not the whole world your Elheings and did not he parcel it out according to his wish? Kami, here with the purpose of filling the sacred trees." I do think that's kind of interesting line there, that the sacred trees that they wanted not to be felled. The spies declared their innocence, whereupon the Canaanites permitted them to go their ways unmolested. As a reward for this kind deed, the nation to which these giants belonged has been preserved even to this day. They would certainly not have escaped from the hands of the giants, had not Mosheh given them two weapons against them, his staff, and the secret of the divine name. Now there's more a rod of Yahwehah research for you right there. The very rod that Mosheh held up to cross the Red Sea and of course fight the sons of Anak and others. I am curious if this is the same rod that we see in all the medieval artwork of Yohushamashi coming out of the tomb, out of the grave holding this rod. Is this the same one that Joseph of Rama, Joseph of Arimathea, is said to have carried to Britain according to the book of Britain and that after he died there, it was still used as a proof, like did miracles there, and it would blossom and things like that, just as Aaron's rod would. These two brought them salvation whenever they felt they were in danger from the giants, which happened with the rod that Joseph of Arimathea had in Britain as well. For these were none other than the seed of the angels fallen in the anti-diluvian era. Spung from their union with the daughters of men and being half angels, half men, these giants were only half mortal. They lived very long and then half their body withered away, threatened by an eternal continuum to this condition, half life and half death. They preferred either to plunge into the sea or by magic herb, which they knew to put an end to their existence. They were furthermore of such enormous size that the spies, listening one day while the giants discussed them, heard them say pointing to the Israelites, "There are grasshoppers by the trees that have the semblance of men, so they were in their sight." The spies with the exception of Yohushua and Caleb had resolved from the start to warn the people against Palestine, and so great was their influence that Caleb feared he would yield to it. He therefore hastened to Hebron where the three patriarchs lie and standing at their grave, said, "Yohushua is proof against the pernicious influence of the spies from Mosheh had prayed to Elohim for him." Well, let's go ahead and skip some of this. They give a slanderous report. Now it is interesting that they did say that they were grasshoppers to these giants. I personally think that's part of the wicked report. I think that they were, well, they had the cluster of grapes back then, but when you see the hieroglyph at Mount Sinai, the people there, assuming again they're like five, seven or something like that, let's say the giants were anywhere from nine to 12, maybe 15 feet, they still look like grasshoppers to them. They looked really small. You could make that comparison. You don't have to be like, you know, your head goes up to their ankle and they're blocking up the sun up there. I think that's a bit extreme. The slandish report. When Mosheh heard that the spies had returned from their enterprise, he went to his great house of study where all Israel to assemble, for it was a square of 12 miles, affording room to all, there to the spies but took themselves and were requested to give the report. Pursuing the tactics of slanderers, they began by extolling the land so that they might not buy two unfavorable report arouses the suspicion of the community. They said, "We came into the land whether thou since is us and surely it flow with milk and honey." This was not an exaggeration for honey flowed from the trees under which the goats graze. I pointed out that if you saw the mysteries of Pooh talk I gave earlier this week, that of course honey is a divine substance. It's identified with the gods and even though we know that the Egyptians kiptives and they farmed bees and honey and they probably did in Canaan as well, scripturally it always seems like it's identifying the honey in the land as flowing naturally from trees. I mean of course there's bees there, there's the buzzers for you, but there's bees there but it's not in man-made honey combs or anything like that. This was not an exaggeration for honey flowed from the trees under which the goats graze out of whose utters poured milk so that both milk and honey moisten the ground. But they use these words only as an introduction in the past and on to their actual report which they had elaborated during those 40 years and by means of which they hoped to be able to induce the people to exist from their plan of entering Palestine. Nevertheless they continued the people be strong that dwell in the land and the cities are walled and very great and moreover we saw the children of the knock bear concerning the the later they spoke an untruth with the intention of of inspiring Israel with fear for the sons of a knock dwelt in Hebron whether Caleb alone had gone to pray at the graves of the patriarchs. At the same time as the Chicana went there to announce to the patriarch that their children were now on the way to take possession of the land which had been promised to them of your. To intensify to the uttermost or fear of the inhabitants of Palestine they furthermore said the the Melikites dwell on the land of the south. They threats an Israel with Amalach as one threatens a child with a strap that had once been employed to chastise him for they had had better experiences with Amalach. The statement concerning Amalach was founded on fact for although southern Palestine had not originally been their home still they had recently settled their obedience to the last wish of their forefather Esau who had been in them cut off Israel from their entrance into the promised land so it's kind of interesting so according to this these giants are there specifically by order of Esau before Esau died knowing that they were going to come back that they're going to have at the land and he wanted those giants there to stop them from coming in all right. Of course this goes on and on and on I wanted to read you sections from it not the whole thing all right because I have so much more to cover tonight so let's get right on to chapter 14. And all the gathered assembly lifted up and uttered their voice and the people wept the wailing through the night the night of Wales and they passed the night in all the sons of Yashro complaining against Mashaha and against Aaron and they declared toward them and all the gathered assembly. If only we had died in the land of matriem or perhaps in this wilderness would that we had died and why is Yahawah the ever living bringing us toward this land to fall on the sword our wives and our little children shall exist a prey not good they're like in his presence like Yahawah is right there like I can hear everything you're saying right now is it not good for us to turn back unto the place matriem of course Egypt and every man declared toward his brother let us gift ourselves ahead then we will turn back to the place matriem and Mashaha and Aaron fell upon their faces to the faces of all the gathered assemblies and all the sons of Yashro and Yahushua or Joshua son of none and Caleb son of Yaphanuha who were part of the ones exploring the land toward their garments and they spoke toward all the gathered assemblies of the sons of Yashro to declare the land which we pass through to explore upon her she is an excellent place an exceedingly strong land conditionally if Yahawah be ever living delight in us and works to bring us toward this land and give her to us a land which flows with fatness and honey only against Yahawah do not move with deep bitter sedition and you do not reverently fear the people of the land their support is turned aside and their protections from over them and Yahawah the ever living is with us do not fear them and all the gathered assemblies spoke bitterly to heap up stones over them not good that the crowd has turned they are now going to stone the two dudes who are giving a good a true righteous report like the righteous set apart ones here are in danger of being stoned and the heavyweight of the splendor of Yahawah the ever living appeared conspicuously upon the tenon meeting toward the sons of Yashro and Yahawah the ever living declared toward al-mashaha until when will this people reject me with contempt and derision until when will they not faithfully place support in me with all the distinguishing signs which I have fashioned in their minds I will strike them with a word and I will forcefully drive them out and I will fashion you for a great nation numerous and powerful apart taken out of them I'm kind of issuing there that Pamela put the word word with capital I'll just point that out I will strike them with a word and of course he's saying here like we just saw Yuhusho he went to the tomb of the patriarchs in Hebron which is interesting right because we know that Abraham was buried there so there is a contrast with Mosheh and the tomb of Abraham and of course the great people is coming through Abraham yet Yahawah is saying to Mosheh you know what I'm just gonna kill all of them I'm gonna start from scratch with you which would still be coming through Abraham of course and Mosheh had declared toward Yahawah the ever living then the matcha ring will hear an answer for with power you lifted up this people from among them and they will declare toward the inhabitants of this land that they have heard that you are in the midst of this people which I against I's they observed you Yahawah and the cloud mouse was stationed over them and in a pillar of cloud you walk to their faces by day and in a pillar of fire by night and then destroying this people as one man and the this would be like the word for the nations Goyim so Gah uyam shall speak which hear your fame to say because he was not able to bring the people toward this land which he conspicuously swore an oath to them so he did slaughter them in the wilderness and now I beseech you the power of my Adunaya is great so you know Yahawah says that you know you blaspheme his name if you disobey him keep his commands and and which is true these people were blaspheming Yahawah and yet he's saying Mosheh is pleading saying you know you have a you have a reputation to keep to be merciful because you know you just go destroy everyone people are going to hear about this right you're going to put these people to shame and so this is where we get the sight I believe of course you Hushamashiach is Yahawah that he came through despite the fact that mankind rebels that he came and fulfilled his end anyways and this is right here Yahawah slow to anger and great of zeal and kindness grace and favor lifting up the depravity trust pass and rebellion and not freeing the guilty from punishment but striking against the perversity of the fathers until the offspring into the third or fourth parted I beg you the trust pass of this people according to the greatness of your Qasad and it would be mercy I think so it says over here I actually put it in highlight over here the greatness of thy mercy in the King James and like you have forgiven this people from matrying until this time and Yahwah the ever-living declared I have pardoned like your words were set forth but indeed as I exist he shall make full all ah harat the earth with the heavy weight of the splendor of Yahwah but conditionally for all the men who observe the land which I swore an oath unto their fathers and all those rejecting me with contempt and derision he shall not observe her but my servant Caleb the reward for their existing another ruach within him because he fully followed me therefore him I will bring toward the land which he came toward her in his sea shall take possession of her and the ah ama lacuya the amelikites and the Canaanites inhabiting in the valley tomorrow turn yourself and remove camp and journey for yourselves into the wilderness by the pathway of the the the the Red Sea or the the seaweed sea the sap hoop sea now it's interesting it doesn't mention Yahushua here he only mentions Caleb by name even though we're going to see Yahushua I just think it's interesting he only mentioned Caleb and why Yahushua is is left out and I mean this is tragic I mean this is this whole chapter is one of the most tragic in in my opinion in all the scripture well let's keep reading and you'll see why and Yahwah the ever-living set words in order toward al-mashah and toward out errand to declare until when has this malicious assembly these who have passed the night murmuring complaining against me I have heard and answered the murmuring of the sons of Yashrul from their passing the night complaining against me therefore declared toward them I exist an utterance of Yahwah the ever-living you know just remind ourselves not to be whiny people not to complain I mean how much do we do this we don't even think about it like this is Yahwah right like every parent every parent has their limits and he does too he's like I can't take any more of this conditionally if not as you have set forth words in my ears in that manner I will fashion unto you in this wilderness your dead bodies will fall and all the number ones of all your narrated tally from a son of 28 20 years and higher the ones which pass the night complaining against me conditionally you shall not come toward the land which I swore with my hand to settle them down in her save conditionally Caleb son of Yefanuha and there's Yhushua or Joshua son of Nunn so those two will survive everyone 20 and older is going to die in the wilderness I mean this is tragic I mean they're getting ready to enter the land and here the the pillar of fire the cloud is going to leave them in they got the military formations are ready to go and I mean that had to be like the worst news ever for that generation to go are you kidding me like we're gonna we're gonna die here in the what we're gonna live in that we will never enter the land but your little children so I'm guessing under 20 like 19 20 19 down your little children which they declared would be spoils of war so all the parents are telling their children you're gonna die like if we go on there you're gonna die he will exist and I will bring them in and they will know the land which you have rejected against her so he's Yhushua is saying your children are going I'm gonna show your children that you're wrong I'm gonna show them how their parents were murmurs complainers and rebels you guys are gonna die but I'm gonna raise these children the next generation they're going to be righteous and they they were they went in and that whole generation was a for the most part they were a righteous generation and your dead bodies they shall fall in this wilderness and your son shall exist as shepherds in the wilderness for 40 years they shall lift up your fornications your lack of fidelity until your dead bodies are furnished in the wilderness I'll say one more thing here is a parent I think all the parents out there you can understand what I'm saying here's that you know you pray for your children like you want your children to make it you want your children to make it into the kingdom and we've all seen you know rebellious children that kind of stuff but this is different because they're getting the news that it's reversed like the children are going to make it into into the land they're not I mean how many of us think of it that way like man I'm not going to make it my children are according to the inscribed number of days which you traveled about exploring their land 40 days a day for a year a day for a year so shall you lift up your depraved action 40 years and you will know my in the tea I yeah who will have your living I have set my word in order if I do not fashion into all these wicked assemblies the ones who gathered against me in the wilderness him I will finish and there he will die and the men whom Michelle has sent to travel about exploring the land and he returned and he who passed the night complaining against him all the gathered ones who rose up slander over the land and the men who lifted up wicked words against the land he died in the plague to the face of yahua hav wow so all the people who gave a wicked slanders report died of a plague which again in contrast what we read in legends of the Jews if you want to take that as authoritative or just a suggestion remember when they went into each of the cities this plague came in and killed the people there and yahua's showing these spies who went in with wicked intent they weren't even expecting him to do that he's like killing people at the plague and saying this is what I will do just bring the people in I will kill them in front of you I they will drop of the plague and these people who didn't give that report they actually died of plague isn't that kind of interesting but yahua's son of non and Caleb's son of yephanuha lived out of these men the ones walking about traveling exploring the land one more thing I'm gonna comment before finishing this chapter is unfortunately in these notes tonight I did not prepare on the idea of the 40 years but you guys have heard me say this so many times I probably don't need to there there might be the a person kind of tuning in for the first time tonight never heard this and this is the interesting passage because why did they wander 40 years in the wilderness well a year for each day right they the spies were in the land 40 days they gave wicked report in those 40 days so they had to wander for 40 years and the number 40 is a really interesting theme all throughout scripture because they listen to a naughty report about raffaeem or you could say nephilim giants same thing happens with king david the boy david he hears of goliath coming down and challenging yashiro for 40 days nobody wants to to go up against this guy and david's looking around like what's your problem like yeah he'll he'll give him into our hands so he goes over there defeats goliath when nobody else will touch me that quote you guys know the story does it with a sling and a stone and uh and he had five stones and the idea is is he had a stone for each of goliath's brothers uh so that the idea is and of course he rules as king for 40 years well you fast forward to hushaha mashiach 40 days of fasting in the wilderness and temptation he passes it uh oh so he is uh he is he has a ministry as a resurrected mikilsovic priest on the earth for 40 days after his resurrection and it is interesting that then there is 40 years leading up to the 70ad event if we assume that he i shouldn't say we should assume but if he was resurrected in 30ad and it makes sense i go with that year because the the talmud tells us that there was a great earthquake 40 years exactly before the destruction of the of the temple that's when the the kurtzen was rent and the sandhedrin were never able to meet in that place again because the earthquake which tells us that the last trial that they had was over you hushaha mashiach and afterwards an earthquake came at the uh it could have been um when he was crucified or it could have been uh three days later when he was resurrected there was a lot of earthquakes that happened at that time earthquake happened and 40 years later they had 40 years to repent before entering the land right same same idea and of course they failed at miserably that generation they didn't pass through all right let's finish this chapter and mashiach has set words in order these ha daba rayam toward all the sons of yacharul and the people walked with head cast down exceedingly sorrowful uh exceedingly exciting way guys exceedingly sorrowful and they rose up early in daybreak and they sent it toward the head of the mountain to declare behold we will ascend toward the standing place which yahua declared this is not good for we have erred from the way there's the way for you right the straight and narrow so they're not listening at all i mean they're they're leaving sign eye they're rebelling against the Torah they rebel against yahua they don't want to go into the land and then like reverse psychology when yahua says well i'm not going to send you into the land you don't want to go on and i'm not sitting you're gonna die out here in the wilderness and they're like oh we change our mind we're gonna go into the land now like what like i'll say this like complete idiotic behavior but this is human behavior for this is the ultimate depth of moral depravity remember this next time when christianity argues with you about how the the Torah is done away with and they don't have to keep it anymore same behavior over and over again say just remind yourself of this story which paul says remember now this story happened for for us as examples for us and masha has spoke for what purpose to to you do this to pass over yahua's mouth that's it i like that phrase there pass over a yahua's mouth but it will not prosper do not ascend for nothing yahua have the ever living is not in your midst and you will be smitten to the face of your enemies now remember the spy said that that yahua would not the he would not go with him to land that's what they said they said the the the pillar of fire would not go with him what's interesting because moshays saying don't go into land because he's not going to be there with you so the spies were already lying to themselves i guess uh about that's yahua the ever living is not in your midst and you will be smitten to the face of your enemies for the the um amelikites or the amelikuyah and the Canaanites are there to you there to your faces and you shall fall by the sword for on this account you turn back from following after yahua and yahua he will not exist with you and now remember now in pamel in her translation she's always saying yahua he will exist right that those are powerful words but he will not exist they they're going in by their own strength they're going to fall but they acted proud there it is right there pride pride is a blindness you have to ask yourself how in the world were these people so defined and blinded just pride right twice the height double the fall pride uh just yahua hands people who are the desires of their hearts and he darkens people's vision that should be your it's my greatest fear it should be everyone's greatest fear maybe you have a greater fear my greatest fear and i say fear is a healthy fear of alahayam not like fear of of you know Santa Claus or something but or a fear of clowns but or a fear of a virus but my greatest fear is that yahua will dart he will pull up the menorah he will darken my eyes and i will go down some foolish path out of pride but they acted proud and ascended toward the head of the mountain but the ark of the covenant of yahua and masha'a did not depart from the midst of the encampment can you imagine that scene and moshay is just standing there with erin and mariam and all the leviates are standing there just watching the military just depart and leave and they're going they're all going to die they're not coming back and the Canaanites the amelikites those who whose habitation was in the mountains descended instruct them and they beat them into pieces and to the place of hormat all right so let's read a little bit more from the legends of the jews the night of tears listen let me just look at this real quick how much of this do i want to read there's a lot here hmm i'll read a little bit of this i'll give it about 10 minutes and then i'll move on to the next section because i want to talk about the sabbath breaking the words of the spies were heard by willing years the people believe them implicitly and went called to task by moses replied oh our teacher moses if there had been only two spies or three we would have had to give credence to their words for the Torah tells us to consider the testimony of of even to a sufficient whereas in this case there are fully 10 our this this right here like what they just did like this is exactly what we i'm assuming that the people listening to this i'm assuming most of my audience believes that the earth is motionless and flat you guys have heard this time and again that uh people use the two witnesses as an excuse they're like yeah but look at all those you telling me that all those witnesses are lying are you telling me that and it's like well actually yeah that we just read tonight a great example of people with wicked hearts and intent to stay in power and remove yahwah from power went into the land and gave a false report and lied to everybody and led people to their own destruction so yeah you can have and and they're saying here if only we had the two proper right that gave proper witness well we have the majority giving an evil response you know what i'm just going to leave it on that side that was just perfect that was i feel like the ruach spoke to me there so let's just move on to the last chapter laws regarding sacrifices and offerings so again with numbers it's kind of interesting because whereas in the book of Leviticus you get the kingdom mysteries the tab the tabernacle mysteries and you know telling you all about the priests and sacrifices the menorah all this kind of stuff when you get into numbers you have this this pattern where you have people rebelling and then yahwah's like okay i'm giving you more commands okay you you're rebelled against those so i'm giving you more commands and then the people rebel again he's like all right fine you know i wasn't going to do this but i'm adding more commands on to this it's almost like uh like uh well as a parent you can all think about this with your children that you know you start out just giving very simple things like you know don't cross the street right you're gonna get hit by a car things like that and then your children do it anyways and you're like okay well i didn't want to have to do this but now um you know you just you tack it on right and you you make more and more and more commands at first it's very general but as they get more specific in the rebellion you have to get more specific with the commands and i think that's kind of what that's how i see the Torah that's how i see unfolding and yahwah how do you ever living set forth words in order toward almashah had to declare set words in order towards the sons of Yashirel now these are apparently the ones that didn't go off and get slaughtered right a declaration toward them if you come toward the land from your habitations which i give into them and you will fashion a fire offering into yahwahah or perhaps an ascending or perhaps an extraordinary avowed sacrifice or perhaps for fashioning from your appointed feasts and agreeable sweet scent until yahwah have the ever living from out of the herd or perhaps from out of the flock and the one working to bring near the offering unto yahwah shall bring near a gift to find flower a tenth part with a fourth of a high end of oil poured over and wine for a drink offering a fourth of the high end let me just look at that word real quick a unit of liquid measure so with a fourth of a unit of liquid measure of oil pulled over and a wine for drink offering the fourth of the liquid or measure of liquid you shall fashion over the ascending or perhaps for the sacrifice of one lamb or perhaps for a ram you you will fashion a gift offering of fine flower two tenths part with a third part of a high end of oil poured over and wine for a drink offering a third of the high end you shall bring near a delightful sweet scent until yahwah have the ever living if you fashion a son of the herd for ascending or perhaps a distinguished avowed sacrifice or perhaps shalom offerings into yahwah then bring near upon the son of the herd a gift offering of fine flower three tenths part with a half of the high end of oil poured over and he shall bring near wine for a drink offering half a high end a fire offering of delightful fragrance and yahwah the ever living and so and so shall he fashion for the one young bollocks or perhaps for the one ram or perhaps for the lamb from the sheep or perhaps from the she goes just like from the inscribed tally which you fashion him so and so shall you fashion to the one like their inscribed number all the native born shall fashion like this thing for the bringing a new fire offering of delightful fragrance and if the stranger he will turn aside to joining with you or perhaps in your midst into the circuit of the generations so he shall fashion a fire offering a delightful fragrance into yahwah the ever living like you fashion him and like man or shall he fashion one statute for the assembly for you and for the stranger than cedron's ordinances for time of long duration to the circuit of your generations like you like the stranger he will exist to the face of yahwah he will exist one Torah and one judgment unto you and into the stranger that turns aside the cedron with you now in my not serene research that i've given over the last two or three weeks i started picking up this theme of how the early church fathers it's kind of a joke but if you want to call them you know the church fathers they started recognizing this problem very early on because paul is calling on the the going to be grafted into yashirel and they had to kind of explain this away because i think this this theological problem came up where it says well if you're grafted into yashirel there's one Torah one judgment until you and the stranger right the stranger is the idea of the strangers that he's not born from yashirel he is literally the goyim he is the stranding nation he decides that he wants to live amongst yashirel he wants it in fact be yashirel then he's saying and there's one torah guys there's not two toras there's not two laws all right there's not the law of yahwaha and then the law of christ there's not the the the law of the letter in the law of the spirits it's not two laws right so they have this problem they have to say well we don't really descend from yitchak uh or i should say yahakov actually they do descend from yitchak but we don't descend from yahakov who became yashirel we descend from esa and it's like oh that's that you don't want to descend from esa you do not want to be esa all right yahwaha loved yahakov and esa he hated and time and again it says that he will destroy esa will constantly try to overturn yashirel and yah will destroy esa we saw the same thing with the the giants tonight right we saw in the legends of the jews where the the giants were specifically positioned there by esa to stop yashirel from coming in so now when you have the church father saying hey where esa it's like okay i see i see the intent i see what's really going on here very clever but i see what you're doing and yahwaha the everliving set words in order toward al-mashaah to declare set forth words towards the sons of yashirel and make declaration towards them and you're coming toward the land which i am bringing you there and he will exist in your eating from the bread of the land you will lift up a heave offering into yahwah the everliving the heads of your course meal a perforated cake you will lift him up as a heave offering a heave offering from the level place in this manner will you heave her from the heads of your course meal you will give a heave offering into yahwah the everliving into the circle of your generations and if you have not a straight and have not fashioned all the commandments which yahwah the everliving has set in order toward al-mashaah all that which yahwaha has established toward you and the hand of mashaah and in the distance unto the circuit of your generations and he will exist conditionally if so remember now he just said to all those people who not that he will not exist with them but he will exist where he exists is with his Torah and he will exist conditionally if from the eyes of the assembly it has been fashioned through error that all the assembly shall fashion a young bullock son of the herd for ascending for delightful fragrance into yahwaha and his guffed offerings and his drink offerings according to the ordinance and one harry he goat for a sin offering and the priest shall make a covering atonement over all the gathered assemblies of the sons of yashruh and pardons shall be for them for it was an error and they shall bring him their gift as a fire offering to yahwah the everliving even their sin offering to the face of yahwah the yahwah for their fruit I'm sorry guys it's been a long week for their fault and pardons shall be unto all the gathered assemblies of the sons of yashruh and unto the stranger that turns aside to sejorn in their midst and to all the people it was an error and conditionally if one nephosh should sin an error and shall bring near a she-go daughter of one year for a sin offering and the priest shall make a covering atonement if he keeps going up here shall make a covering atonement over the nephosh the errors and sinning to the face of yahwah to cover over him and pardon shall be unto him one torah shall exist for the native born among the sons of yashruh and unto the stranger that turns aside to sejorn in their midst for him working in error and the nephosh which shall fashion with a deceptive hand from the native born or from the strangers to reproach revile working against yahwah and his law then the nephosh shall be cut off from the midst of her people for the debar yahwah he has despised and has made void his commandments the fixed path of the fixed path of the covenant you shall cut off the nephosh he has contracted guilt by sinning in her let me i want to read from the king james and this is one of the reasons i line it upside by side i want to show you this let me start in verse go up to verse 25 and read it from this perspective and see if you can understand what's going on and the priest shall make an atonement for all the congregation of the children of Israel and she'll be forgiven them for it is ignorance and they shall bring their offering a sacrifice made by fire and to yahwah and their sin offering before yahwah for their ignorance okay so the sin that's being described here is one of ignorance not conscious and it shall be forgiven all the congregation of the children of Israel and the stranger that's a journeth among them seeing all the people were in ignorance so let me skip down here verse 30 but the soul that doeth presumptuously whether he be born in the land or a stranger the same approach at the yahwah and that soul shall be cut off from among his people so do you see what's going on here there's two sins being described the unconscious sin and the conscious sin i went through the study i don't 12 weeks ago and it kind of upsets some people you guys i'm just i'm just reading you what scripture says okay i'm not trying to sugarcoat this i'm not trying to make it politically correct it's it says that there is there is sacrifice for unconscious sin it appears that the only sacrifice that i can prove for conscious sin meaning you know that something is a sin and you do it anyways just name it in your head what it what it is think about your own life things that you knew that was wrong but it is an in rebellion rebellion against the law breaking the law therefore it's sin you did anyways the only sacrifice that you can prove uh covers that is the day of atonement all right the day of atonement the holiest day of the year when the high priest makes an atonement for all sin and of course this is what mashiach did for us right because of his atoning sacrifice we can enter back in but this is where it says in Hebrews and i'm not giving you chapter verse right now i'm kind of speaking i did a whole study on this is where it says in Hebrews like you continue in even pauls is the same thing but it says in Hebrews you continue in your sins knowingly that you you're gonna run out of sacrifice here you can't do that you were formerly in your ignorance now you're not in your ignorance anymore and this is one of the i can't say this enough everyone listening to me if you are coming closer to yah through the Torah through his commands you're keeping the Sabbath day you're eating clean awesome amazing thank you awesome but you need to be on guard you need to guard his commands where your heart is that's where your treasure is gonna be and if your heart is not in this it it's gonna like there's something about when people come closer to the truth and they start consciously sinning man the fall is hard it's like that pride where we saw the the people their eyes just darkened and in mosh moshay and yahua has like do not go into land i am not going with you and they go anyways and they all die it's just like that we've see this happen in real time now we need to guard the commands those people did not guard the commands and i i say this with like this is like my plea to everybody out there okay guard the commands even if even if your heart is in a place where starts to slide and drift keep the commands anyways and in doing so your heart comes back even even if it's like even if you're sometimes going through the motions it happens it does it happens like maybe there's maybe there's days you wake up and go like you know what i i want to i want to come in adultery today maybe that i don't know if that's a thought but yeah it actually is a thought some people have i feel like committing adultery today even if if you don't feel like not committing adultery and you and you and you're loyal to the commands you're obedient you're faithful that heart does return i really believe that that heart comes back uh there have been former atheists who have talked about that who they actually fell into atheism but they still kept at it amazingly and they they return to a love of price they they talk about this really interesting stuff anyways let's keep reading punishment for sad with breaking any other pause for um hold on i needed for a fresh cup here because mine's cold i wish it was efi open coffee one of these nights i'm gonna have efi i'm gonna have uh mache's wife's uh efi open coffee and there's something to be actually existed in the wilderness and they came upon a man gathering trees on the sabbath day i i really like how um Pamela put trees here right instead of sticks what does it say over here in the um yeah so it says in the king james it says a man that gathered sticks now i'm i'm going to show you why i really like pamos translation of trees rather than sticks right the trees different than a stick i'll show you why he was gathering on the sabbath day and they brought him the one that that they came upon him who had been gathering trees toward al-mashah and if you look at the cover of this video uh i show like uh it it's ai guys just you know like if you if you look at it from far away the pictures kind of look they look good and i try really hard but if you like look at it really closer like i think that's like a like a dog standing on his hind legs in the back room there's some weird stuff in ai just i but anyways it's the the picture of a guy with the axe and it took me a long time they make that picture just perfect but he's like you know these people are all like pointing fingers at him screaming and he's like just defiantly just chop chop i mean i think that's what happened i think that's the picture being given to us that people are waking up on the sabbath day you're listening to the bird's chirp it's like ah the day of relaxation resting here and this guy is just defiantly on a sabbath day chopping down a tree uh okay so let me read this again they they they brought him toward al-mashah and toward al-erin and all the gathered assembly and they let him rest in custody for he had not distinctly said what he would fashion into him so that moshay doesn't know what to do with him he doesn't know how to judge him yet so they're just going to put him in they're going to force him into a sabbath rest he's in prison for the rest of uh the day and yahwah the ever living he will declare toward al-mashah dying the man shall be executed stone him with stones all the congregation from outside the encampment and they brought him forth all the gathered assembly toward the outside of the encampment and they piled upon him with stones and he died like that which yahwah commanded moshah and yahwah the ever living set word so set forth words in order toward al-mashah to declare set forth a word in order toward the sons of yashr and make declaration toward them and they show fashion for themselves uh tassels or seah saat what does it say over here in the king james let me find this again uh it just says offringes in the border of their garments okay over the wings upon their garments until the circuit of their generations and he shall gift upon the uh i want to say zitzi but seah saat the wings a thread of fukalath and he will exist into you for feathers and you shall observe him and they will remember all the commandments of yahwah the ever living and they will fashion them and shall not follow after your hearts and follow after your eyes that which you follow after to commit fornication for the purpose and intent that they remember and that they fashion all the commandments and they will exist as set apart ones until your alahiah i am yahwah they're alahiah which caused them to go forth from irat matrine to exist into them of alahiam i am yahwah they're alahiah now this concludes today's reading i have a lot of comments ready to give on this and this is what i was talking about earlier tonight that the as a parent you tell your child don't cross the street child crosses the street and you're like okay well that didn't work so let me try to be more specific with this command here i'm going to give you more and so this is where the the zitzi comes in the tassels and he it's kind of interesting here because it says that your eyes cause you to fornication so think about that how does think about that like guys right how do your eyes lead you to fornication right maybe you know it's summertime right you go to beach you see a woman scantily dressed and you can imagine your eyes leading to fornication and this is why guys telling you here you need something visual because this isn't working out so i'm going to have everybody wear this on the the corners we'll talk about you know the fringes and all that kind of stuff so that as you see this all throughout the day you're going to be reminded to keep the commands here's a story about sabbath behavior actually i'm going to come back to this afterwards i want to read this first from the air make tarragon uh according to legends of the jews it says this at the same time as the crime blasphemy was committed by the son of shilomith azillo fihad committed another capital crime on a sabbath day he tore trees out of the ground although he had been warned by witnesses not to break the sabbath now one of the reasons i really like this is because when you read the talmud all right you're getting into talmud territory they're like i mean there are so there are hundreds of commands just for the sabbath day just for the sabbath day and you guys know like when you start looking at Judaism and stuff like that modern Judaism like you know there's questions of can you even have electricity in your house your fridge apparently you know you can't rip toilet paper to go poop there have been some in history that have said you couldn't even poop on a sabbath i mean as ridiculous as that sounds i mean that sounds miserable i guess you can pee you can get that relief but i mean you're you're holding that poop in until it gets dark what a miserable day and you have to like tear all your your paper from the wall beforehand and fold it all up and have it all stacked and ready to go just as ridiculous right total ridiculous what i like about they could have totally said oh yeah all he does is picked up some sticks on the ground because you'll hear Christians tell you this oh yeah pick up some sticks see where that gets you no he's tearing trees from the ground guys like in modern terms you're you're putting the key in the bulldozer and you know hauling you out there and pulling up whole like giant roots out of the ground right he's working he's working he's not he's not just he's not even just kindling a fire at this point so this is what the air make target says and again this is one of the things i like about the air make target because it could totally go down this whole you know you'll hear a lot of claims don't read the air make targets it's purely Talmudic well they they make this pretty extreme what this guy did all right again it's not just a guy picking up six and says and after they had monished him it says it says here he pulls up wood right he pulls it up out of the ground which even that seems more extreme to me than even taking an axe to a tree right it says that he had wounded the witnesses who had found him pulling up the wood so now he's not even just this is a super violent this guy is in total contempt i mean he is angry he hates the Torah he hates a law he is in contempt of a Sabbath day and when he is being reprimanded and they're just like you need to stop dude you just check yourself before you wreck yourself he starts beating the people he comes upon all right so this is a bad dude just just remember this when he gets the death penalty when Christians are coming and tell you oh yeah well you you break the Sabbath you're getting stoned to death no that's that's not that's not what it's saying so let me go up here to this story here this comes from the book of the illuminators you guys know i love to quote this it's also known as the gospel collidy it's also known as the book of the not-serene i don't like calling it the book of the not-serene because it confuses it with the gospel of the not the not the other the not-serene gospel that used to exist that we have kind of we have a quotes from none of which connect with this book nevertheless this is a not-serene book no doubt about that and so it says at this time you who shall always kept some Talmadin those would be his disciples he always kept some Talmadin with him when he walked about so we don't know how many are with him starting out maybe not all 12 maybe all 12 we don't want to know and one shabbat he and two of them well like is that gives away right there and two of them were following a small pathway leading past uncut corn ripening in the husk the Talmadin plucked a handful for the tour permitted them to do this providing they did not enter the field or take any away so the idea is is that you know farmers they're supposed to leave for the poor you're supposed to you know when you're gleaning field you're you leave some for the poor i think that's what it's referring here too um you're you're you're pulling it up to sell at the market but the poor can go to the edge of the field and give it slack but the tour permitted them to do this provided not into the field they're taking away and rubbing the ears between their fingers eight the grains three perishim these would be the Pharisees were passing by and they rebuked the Talmadin even said to YHushah who do you allow your followers to do things not permitted on the sabbath YHush answered does the deed affect the day have you not read that when driven by hunger David went into the house of Elheem and took the sanctified loaves to eat sharing them with his men though these loaves were reserved for priestly fair did he not justify himself by saying all produced by the earth were for the use of men surely the shabbat was made for the sake of man and not man for the sake of the ship uh for the shabbat as man bows to the needs of life so the shabbat must bow to the needs of men now the reason i'm reading this story because this is quoted from in the gospels constantly you can see right there Luke Mark Matthew the references are right there if you buy the book of the illuminators from us uh i guess is a word from your commercial sponsor right now uh ours is the uh it has all the scriptural references where you can cross cross reference the reason i'm quoting from this is it comes up often it's people say see i can i can just do what i want on the sabbath this story is telling me i can do whatever i want actually it's not because let's keep reading towards evening as they return so they're coming back to the same spot now where this story has just taken place YHushah saw a man working in the fields he's working on a sabbath it's close to evening but he's still working on a sabbath day and said to him if your labors are dedicated to the service of ilehan you are blessed but if it is otherwise you are a lawbreaker all right so there's the the lesson of the day so let's say you guys all know that the example of an ox if an ox falls in a ditch of course you're going to rescue it on a sabbath day now the question is was the ox working because your ox is not supposed to be working on a sabbath day you're supposed to give that ox rest but assuming the ox falls in ditch go rescue do a good deed right go heal somebody on the sabbath um and this is interesting because he has actually saying you who she's saying look if you're actually pulling up corn if you're working this field because you are doing a service to ilehan meaning you're there are people who are hungry right now and they need this and you're you know something like that that's awesome but if you're doing this for financial gain uh you're doing it for yourself that you're a lawbreaker you are now breaking the tour something to think about oh wow we are running low on time so let's keep moving on i went through legends of the jews i showed you uh the jonathan targhum here oh yeah so look at this here when we get into the fringes this says uh to the end that you may remember before mama precepts and be holy like the angels who minister before yahua you're elahim so there's a connection here with the zit seat and the angels and i'm going to be showing you that uh i think of the tassels as angel wings and in fact during covid when that was going on with the lockdowns and it was depressing to go outside right i mean everyone's a masked up i never i i wasn't wearing mask anything like that and people are angry right if they're out there like oh you you got the disease you got the cough and you're going to make me sick and people are agitated my neighborhood used to be a safe place to live when we moved into this neighborhood back in 2016 the the chief of police to live just a few houses down and talking to all our neighbors uh they would say that there wasn't like a home breaking in like 20 30 years i mean it was just a no car break ins it wasn't a gated community either just an open community but very very safe and it has completely changed now it's a completely different neighborhood post covid covid changed everything but when i used to go out if i had to go to the grocery store something like that i'm going to target and there's gonna be like a guy there saying you can't come in unless you're masked up and i never did i always disagree i had i remember one time in walmart i had three bodyguards like security guys who were following me around and they were trying to intimidate me trying to kick me out of the store they didn't physically push me or anything like that but they were kind of coming in on me and like you know trying to uh uh push me out in that way out of intimidation i always i took my tassels and these were angel wings baby i would just i would just let these things fly out and i i kid you not i always felt safe with them wherever i went and um and it maybe helped too that people would look at me and go because i'm in the american cell i'm in i'm in south carolina there aren't any jews here guys this isn't florida this isn't brooklyn okay and they would go like oh you're you're one of those people from the holocaust you know like you know i always work to my advantage but um if i'm ever gonna take a doodizer claim during covid it worked out quite nice but uh you know like black lives manner started showing up the grocery store and stuff like that and i i would it would got so unsafe i didn't want my children with me i would let these tassels fly out and it was like i always felt safe i always felt like you know nobody missed with me i was like a like an angel so let's look at some of this this is from an article called it's actually a website called one messianic gentile kind of interesting i don't know all the emphasis on this website but it seems to be a very torah based site they talked about the hebrew word for uh zit seat you can see strong's right there six seven three four it's only found four times and three versus of the tenok it's not mentioned very much we read it right here we just read it from numbers it's mentioned three times right there tassels tassels tassels and then that's three of the the references and we read another the last use of zit seat is found in the writings of the prophet Ezekiel and this is what it says he aloha stretch out the form or it could be yahuwah there i'm not sure they they don't give me the indication but he stretched out the form of a hand and caught me by a lock of my head and the ruach lifted me up between earth and heaven and brought me in the visions of alahiyam to yurush lying to the entrance of the north okay so what they're saying here is that this could be uh it's not clear but might be the source for the traditional hair curls uh worn on the uh a modern uh Judaism it's possible that's what they're saying uh see they talk about the greek septuagint here um in deuteronomy let's keep looking uh okay so in the septuagint oh so they they say that in in the greek the word is craspidon and it says in zechariah this in the greek septuagint thus says yahuwahah of host in those days ten men from all the nations will grasp the garments of a Jew saying let us go with you for we have heard that allah allahiyam is with you that comes from zechariah at 23 so they're going to in the last days they're going to see the zitzit people and they're going to be they're going to finally recognize wow uh god or elihim or whatever he is with you we see that and they will be grasping the wings the angel wings right now it gets into what they call in this website the greek apostolic writings which i actually really like that they they don't call it the new testament tell me that they're probably a torah based group and uh it says this in what passage is this while he was saying these things to them a synagogue official came and bowed down before him and said my daughter has just died but come and lay your hand on her and she will live you who should got up and began to follow him and so did his disciples and a woman who had been suffering from a hemorrhage for 12 years came up behind him and touched the fringe of his cloak so right there so this woman comes up and touches yuhusha's zitzit so there's another reference to it there uh but they call it the craspodon in greek um and in luke it says that uh that and a woman who had a hemorrhage for 12 years and could not be healed by anyone came up behind him and touched the fringe of his cloak and immediately her hemorrhage stopped we see again in matthew 14 it says and when the men of that place recognize him they sent word into all that surrounding district and brought to him all who were sick and they implored him that they might just touch the fringe of his cloak and as many as touched it were cured there's another one from mark whenever he entered villages or cities or countryside they were laying the sick in the marketplaces and imploring him that they might just touch the fringe of his cloak and as many as touched it were being cured it's not interesting how that keeps happening uh okay let's just skip all the commandment here this is from numbers we just read that uh so let's here's what it says about corners the Hebrew word translated is corner in these verses it literally means wing or extremity it is used in genesis 121 to describe every winged bird that allahaim created it is also used in Psalm 17 8 when david cries out in his psalm keep me as the apple of the eye hide me in the shadow of your wings so think about this everyone is you're wearing your tassels around you know you can think about these as your wings right your angel wings this is it's what we saw in the air make targum that it's it's supposed to be a reminder that we are to be as the angels in heaven we are to act holy as they are holy and think about that with our guardian angels right that you know we want to bless our guardian angels we want to do things around them that is not making them unclean or you know like they have to turn around or turn away because they're like i don't want to see this filth you know but think about that and that's point of these tassels remind us of that um i will point out here because you guys know that i'm kind of digging into the so-called conspiracy theory it's not considered this theory that people in the ancient world didn't see the colored blue and why did nobody see the colored blue well interestingly we do not find the common Hebrew word for blue in this passage instead we see a term that describes a unique substance uh and pamela you could uh we could talk about that i don't i don't know what pamela's views are on that but that's what they're saying all right i'm gonna go ahead for lack of time i'm just gonna skip through this but the purpose of the let's finish this article the purpose of these tassels is to look at them and remember all the commandments of yahuwahad to do them this should cause us not to follow after our hearts and our own eyes unless of course the Torah is written on your hearts after which we have played the harlot so that we remember to do all yahuwah's commandments and to be holy to him that's it that is all scripture directly says about zitzi it is remarkably silent on the topic um and yeah so think about that guys as you are walking around you're in these zitzi's and you're you are a representative as an angel a hybrid oh not a high priest but a priest a mekelsidek priest a levite priest you are a priest a representative for our creator for the alahayam of yashirel uh that's the whole purpose right right there all right let's sit on this note tonight it says amalkai four two but for you who revert of revere my name the son of righteous the righteousness will rise with healing in its wings there you go right there uh now this passage in yeshiyahu Isaiah six is a famous one that describes the seraphim angels and the way it describes their wings as two covering the face two covers their feet and with two of them they fly and i kind of find it funny all this artwork through the years it tries to depict what a seraphim looks like so you see this old church artwork here and they got the two that they're flying with the two that covers their feet the two that covers their face and i i actually think of it like when when they're in the presence of the most high it just like they're just covering themselves like this you know they're just like it's just these this blast of fire and the trumpets and it just has to be so awe-inspiring to be even even able to stand in his presence that they're just covering themselves with their wings as a protection um there's some more modern depictions it's kind of funny how yeah you don't see their feet at all just the wings come down and cover it some more depictions of the seraphim more depictions and here's three more here this one here it's kind of interesting it shows his naked feet down there which kind of seems like it defeats the the purpose but whatever just we'll let that slide oh actually that comes from the Ezekiel passage right there never mind but these two here this should be from uh um Isaiah well this may be familiar with you guys and what we're gonna end on this note tonight these are fringes uh Native American fringes now again i know it says blue in numbers and i maybe some of these were blue i don't know but i am of the opinion that there is a lost history and that these uh American North American residents they were wearing tassels because maybe maybe we're not being told maybe they actually were being obedient to yahwah you see all these women here they're they're they're tat look at this is the corner of their garments look at this look at all of them they're dressed down there their arms all over their necks i mean this is just tasseling it up look at the tassels i mean if anything is going to remind you to be obedient look at all these tassels and then we see the same thing with the men here they're wearing it down their arms all down their pants legs there's a lovely couple of men and a wife they've tasseled it up i like to think i'm gonna tell my children that they were being obedient to yah same thing happens though with the the pioneers the the white man coming over well you know look at look at this here apparently i don't know if this is Native American origin i i was told an illustration that this is actually a pioneer jacket and here you see john nelson a famous scout and guide uh but he was in buffalo bills while west show he's tasseling it up he's got it all down his pants legs here this is by the way look look i i i wear you know on the corners i wear your your typical tassel i'm not trying to challenge the status quo here all right but i i highly suspect that when yah told him to tassel it up this is what he was talking about i i do i i i wasn't there i don't know but i highly suspect if i were to go back to the wilderness generation and i were to see the tassels that they were wearing it might look something like this very possibly uh here's an interesting uh this is a great picture here it looks like a husband and wife and uh those are swastikas on her dress there she's tasseling up and she's got some lovely swastikas this is pre nazi of course and uh there's a lost esoteric truth to the swastika that apparently they use under controlled opposition to destroy the swastika it had some interesting connotations to it with uh the location perhaps something special about the big and little dipper over there Polaris and all that pointing maybe pointing the way to the north and the four seasons all that kind of stuff this woman's dress is just it's like i think this woman's dress is made out of tassels that's pretty crazy stuff there just nothing imagine flapping nothing around let's keep looking here here's more frontier women has it on uh looks like maybe in their arms but they have it on the bottom of their dress as well now this is interesting here because not all the women are tasselleps some of them some of them are and that might be a reminder like let's let's just say let's just say that there is a hidden history here that they were conscious it has been hidden from us right stolen history and there were people 150 years ago that were actually had some sort of tradition from the bible that they're wearing tassels this is interesting because maybe not everyone did right just like it is today people can consciously decide whether they want to or not and maybe someone that's why i chose to show this picture or maybe i'm just seeing something in something that shouldn't be there i don't really know here's uh oh this is a great one here because you have uh clamony jane you got anna get your gun you got well i think that's uh is that no that's buffalo bill cody i think but over here you have billy the kid so they all have tassels except for you know billy the kid right over here cocky uh proud billy the kid uh not wearing any the rest of them are it's kind of interesting i didn't create that picture by the way that just kind of came on the internet like that and i don't know what's going on in this photo here um i don't know what she's shooting maybe something in the tree but she's got plenty of tassels all of her with a big beautiful hat maybe there's a dead bird on the hat i don't really know got feathers or something and uh here's another picture another frontier oh frontier woman this is calamity jane right here and you can see all down her pants she's got the tassels even at the bottom there's kind of a little bit and i think there's the last picture of the night so that that ends tonight's tour portion hope you all have a i'm going to be up for probably a couple more hours of all the coffee i drink to keep alert for you guys hope you guys all have a restful sabbath get your rest read your bible i'll do this again next week love you guys thank you for making this a tradition a tradition at home it really i i yeah thank you everyone and um y'all be praised right y'all be praised and uh if if the unexpected cosmology is a success in anything i i hope it's that y'all's praise that people's lives are changed and by that i mean my my goal here is to give you permission to circumnavigate your spiritual controllers and all the people out there telling you to be disobedience all the people out there saying that the commands are done away with don't keep them all the the the spokespeople for hastantan i'm i want to give you permission to pick up your bibles read and do what it says i don't don't i don't want to leave you down any false path of like uh misinterpreting commands i'm just a guy but you have the instructions in front of you it's not what knoll says right it's it's what the actual bible says so have a good sabbath everyone good night