The Unexpected Cosmology Podcast

358 | Roswell Revisted: UFO Disclosures with L.A. Marzulli

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Broadcast on:
21 Jun 2024
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L.A. Marzulli Website and Store: L.A. Marzulli YouTube channel: Ministry and Widow Fund: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support: Contact: Facebook:

all right coming I'm gonna say it LA coming to you from my saying story coming to you from an undisclosed location I practice this all day - coming to you from other skills location - actually from Charleston South Carolina did you know that William coming from Charles South Carolina in the part of the Santa Monica Mountains your intrepid host LA Marzuli thank you for being here this is a great honor and you what you need no introduction I mean there's gonna be like three people watching this you'll be like who's this guy but everyone else knows who you are and I was just explaining to you that I asked you to come on and I didn't think you I didn't think you I wasn't sure if you would say yes or no and then you said yeah I'll come on and I'm like great what what am I supposed to ask you now immediately I went to that SNL sketch from the 90s what Chris Farley is interviewing Paul McCartney you know he's like you know remember that time we were the Beatles and I'm like I'm gonna ask him some question like you know like I'm gonna run out of questions in 30 seconds I mean ask like you remember that time you know the aliens crash landed in Roswell and 47 and you immediately you gave me my homework assignment you you're like okay we'll watch this documentary happened to be on Roswell so anyways I've been venge there it is right there we're here to talk tonight about revisiting Roswell your documentaries and you gave me homework assignments and I've been binge watching your channel all week preparing for this commute with questions and I will say this the elephant in the room of course Ellie you're not the elephant in the room the elephant in the room is that within the greater truther camp I think you get you know what I mean by truther you know camp right like is that it's divided between whether or not Roswell is legitimate or it's a hoax and so break this down really quickly those who say to hoax they're gonna say something like the government faked it and that it's all leading up to like project a project bluebeam type event you know that this whole disclosure they're they're slowly leaking out to lead to a great deception and now both sides you're gonna say there's gonna be a great deception now the the other side who say this legitimate will say well there's actually aliens working with the government you know spiritual entities and dumb tunnels things like that and the thing I really appreciated when I was watching your documentary was how you started with the from the position of what the premise of well a lot of people are seeing this as a hoax and let me show you why the evidence of my research points to why this is legitimate so I guess we'll just break into this la why why did you make the two films and we just showed them what do they call their that the moderation and the degradation right yeah and then in the debris field and we may we may exoneration because you know Jesse Marcel I kind of coined this expression Jesse Marcel senior is sort of a Lee Harvey Oswald of of ufology I mean this guy was a Patsy we interviewed his granddaughter we interviewed his widow Jesse Marcel Junior's widow and all of them come on the record and Jesse Marcel Junior's you know one of his best friends Dr. Richard O'Connor and basically all of them stated on the record that that Marcel senior was the fall guy it was a Patsy they and what's interesting let me just let me just get a prop here because I think you'll find this this is important this is this is a replica of the newspaper but this is what it says okay RAAF captures flying saucer on ranch and Roswell region that is the truth and that was jet that was a July 8th and let me just read something from this so you got this guy Mr. Mrs. Wilmot yeah there it is right there and Wilmot said that this thing came down about 1,500 feet high and going fast between four or 500 miles an hour is appearance look like this like two saucers end to end there's your flying saucer right there I want to make Chauncey green for making this and sending it to me a day later Gemma Raimi comes up and redacts the story and says excitement's not justified what's the truth Tim Alberino says in the film that they had it right the first time and they did I believe it they had it right and then in the film we show and bring in all these other witnesses who testify that this was first of all it was not delusional it was there's a physicality to the Roswell crash the metal was retrieved they didn't get all of it number one there were two crash sites so as the thing comes in it hits here and bounces up and then it finally lands miles away at another site this is why Jesse Marcel Senior when he's in the debris field he never sees the bodies never sees the bodies or the craft he just sees debris and he bowels up that debris and brings it back and they all look at it but the other the other group that went out there they did see the craft and they did see more debris and they saw the bodies so you know you've got and you've got a plethora of witnesses that come on the record and state that you know they saw this thing in Hanger 84 in our in our second film in the debris field we actually get to Hanger 84 we actually got to go in Hanger 84 it's all in the film which in itself is just just amazing hasn't changed at all since you know 1947 I'm gonna bring of course I have a lot of questions to ask I was gonna bring this up real quick if would you say this is an accurate depiction of the debris field like where it hit and then it kind of spread out to those two different sites would you say that's accurate I was trying to find a yeah this shows like two different craft going to two different places okay and I'm not sure about that what I what I do know is that the that it is a skip site and I got that I got that term from Chuck Zukowski who is in the in both well he's in the second film in in Roswell and I just want to thank Chuck for helping with that and setting it all up and if folks if you want to do a deep steep study in the county Middle Asians you can check out our film but you can also go to Chuck's Chuck site UFO and he's he's Mr. County Middle Asian himself he's you know top-notch researcher and has been in the field for for decades so it was Chuck Zukowski who called it a skip site and that's exactly what I think happened I think the craft hit if some of it broke up and then it crashed and that's where they retrieved the second site is where they got the disc and the bodies from well maybe this is a good time then I'll just go ahead I talked to you earlier I was gonna play the white sand footage so let me bring this up and what I'm gonna do is it'll play like three times in a row I created a longer maybe you could take us through this and sure and show how maybe this relates to what you think happened at Roswell so let's see here so there there's the disc it comes up I think it's already hit once but I'm not mistaken or I think it's gonna hit right here yeah so then watch it shatter bad it's already it's already did the skip and you can see the shards coming off of it like bullets out of a gun and and the deal is that could that's the first skip yeah and that's what we think happened at Roswell I tell this was white sands and Chuck Zukowski again and I talked about this and I feel it's legit and I also feel it was smuggled out it was smuggled out so it's so and that's the idea so when it when it went boom at Roswell the debris would have then traveled I think you send the film maybe three or four mile radius or something like that maybe well no not I mean where it comes down like right there the first site the skips some of it just you know comes off of it but we're not saying this is exactly what happened but it's similar to it it's a good example right there is where the craft really disintegrates whatever this thing is it disintegrates and so these pieces of metal come shooting out like bullets out of a gun and misses why we didn't get it all because the metal the metal that we found in the debris field was buried about six to eight inches underneath the soil and Chuck Zukowski was out there with his metal detector Frank Kimber who was fantastic because Frank's been out there numerous times and it was Frank that found two pieces of the metal and they had it tested and the metal basically is an aluminum alloy from the 7,000 series but it doesn't match anything that we know and and remember that aluminum the 7,000 series wasn't invented so I think 1951 or 52 so Roswell was 47 so unless somebody has a time machine and this gets back in the Philip Corso's book where the idea of back engineering debris from Roswell actually took place and this is this picture right here that's what it looks like yeah this was taken right after we cleaned it off with some water that's that's the metal from the debris field which was the exciting conclusion to this too okay so maybe we could backtrack a little bit and just what do we know what do we need to know is a backstory to all of this a couple of things first of all the Roswell incident is is extremely interesting because it's 1947 the Cold War has commenced and the 509th bombing group which is the only nuclear capable bombing group on the planet at that time is stationed in Roswell, Mexico so in my opinion and the late David Flynn also believed this the crash may have actually been deliberate and I realize that that's kind of hard to get our heads around but the late David Flynn believed that the crash was deliberate in other words if they're creating some sort of a ruse some sort of a deception then you bring in the crash and and the grays are just these are just avatars these suits that the grays inhabit in other words when you look at a gray alien it's basically this there's no digestive system it's like an avatar and I got there by reading Whitley's Freeber's book and others have said the same thing that the gray aliens that are now part of our culture they seem to be a biological construct for something to inhabit in my wheelhouse what's inhabiting them are the demons demons when you say that were people immediately get you know exorcists and all this kind of stuff but demons of a disembodied spirits of the Nephilim which were destroyed in the flood the book of Enoch tells us that that's what they are their earthbound and they ruin the earth so the dragon Satan knows this and he creates these avatars because in order for a demon the manifest it has to inhabit a person or an object or an animal right and then it can manifest here so the dragon goes all I'll do is create this biological avatar biological suit and the demon can go into that manipulate it which is why they look they're very robotic they don't say anything they all look pretty much alike and other other abductees or some of the keys that I've talked to that you can stack them up like chairs you open a drawer and there are the bodies so what are we looking at here and that's where I believe that they are avatars and the late David Flynn also believe that I actually really appreciated that explanation because I was thinking about this today I'm like I was thinking through what I was gonna ask in this interview and I was like well okay if all if we're talking about technology there's a technological boom after this how ironic is it if it's a total accident that like this crash happens on total accident and then you know but it makes a lot more sense if there's an actual I guess a planned crash kind of you know make it look like an accident I get that's really interesting okay so we've looked at the I'm just gonna pull this back up here looked at the newspaper clip you already showed that let me scroll back bring this up okay and so we saw what the newspaper say but then the this version was immediately redacted by General Raimi and let me see if I could bring up his picture here now of course of course this is you show this picture all throughout the documentary it's the famous shot of of Major Jesse Marcel when he's brought out into the room and the presses there the cameras are flashing and this is the Patsy shot as you you know right yeah so so why okay so I guess again maybe already covered it in here but why why was this redacted why did Ramsey come in when he did you know the military puts it out Ramsey comes in I think he flies in from Texas right yeah I mean basically flew in so who's commanding Raimi to go in and put the Kibosh on this and handle the story and completely redact what was printed on July 8th and then we have a deathbed confession by Mr. Hot who basically says that you know he was there in a room with Raimi and Marcel and other people they passed around the wreckage they were they were all looking at they never seen anything like it so they put the Kibosh on it the higher ups put the Kibosh on it I think that in their minds remember this is 47 so you go back a little bit and you get the Orson Well show on the radio you know war the world's and all that even though it was a fictional account people were panicked so they don't want to panic the American people so they lie essentially and the cover-up begins and this continues until 2017 where Commanded David Freibern took a cross-and-show states on the record that he saw a tic-tac-shaped object similar to the one that we just showed that that comes down like this and this thing shot out of it away from him like a bullet out of a gun and when asked well what do you think this was he looks right at the camera and says whatever this was was not from this earth not of this earth so that that's full circle I mean that's a that's a 180 degree turn you know from where the official story was in 1947 and remember from 47 until the until 2017 if you talked about this stuff you were a conspiracy theorist that that's Ramey's the guy with the with the with the the telegram in his hand and what's interesting David Rudiak through the use of a computer was able to zoom in on that telegram and there it is and read it and you can see disc bodies right Pat I mean you know why are they shipping a weather balloon the right patterns and field start there they wouldn't be even if it's if it's a top secret mogul they don't need to ship that to right Pat and then you have disc and bodies weather balloons don't have bodies so you know and then of course I was at this this ridiculous presentation at Pepperdine University years ago and I had some guy up there telling all the students that there was the project mogul so I raised my hand and and said well what about the so-called crash test dummies crash because crash test dummies weren't used by the military until 52 51 or 52 so unless unless once again we've got some sort of a time machine there are no crash test dummies and the guy had no answer I mean I got him I caught him you know barefoot and he just tapped the answer around that and gave some cock and bull answer and I just got up and left the room realizing well we're not this guy's a shill for the party line as it were and that party line remained intact and in place until 2017 and now Congress is talking about all this it seemed it seemed like the switch happened I started noticing the switch I think with the Obama administration because I seem to I remember Clinton going on I think it was like a late-night talk show and he was asked the the alien question and I think his answer was something like you know he knows nothing about it he's gonna get to the bottom of it he never came out and then just I think Obama kind of nonchalantly kind of just said yeah we we know that they exist out there and we don't know what they are so it's yeah it seemed like okay so I just want to point out here that and Ellie knows this that this is obviously where the hoax really takes off right because people look at this and go clearly that's not a UFO it's a weather balloon and Jesse Marcel he was mistaken he he thought it was a UFO but it was a weather balloon now this guy is maybe you can go over that Illinois that he would not mistake I mean so the idea here is that he's drug out into this room he's thinking he's coming out to to reveal the you up the flying saucer that he found and then he comes out and there's a weather balloon sitting there and he of course he's an Intel guy right so he can't he can't just he's got he's got to obey his orish he's outranked by a journal sitting in the same room I'll go back to this picture right here so he's like right across over here and and you could see his face looking at him like what are you doing like what's going on here you know basically it's like he's looking at Jim or Amy going are you kidding me that looks as at all and when we interviewed Dennis Bao Tosser in Roswell who's an incredible ufologist I've been studying the Roswell crash for decades and talking about it he said the same thing I mean it was it was a setup he was a Patsy he was a fall guy they did this and Jesse Marcell senior was the 509th bombing group intelligence officer this is an omer fun this is a really smart guy who knows everything it's out there been trained in it he knows what the Russians have what the Chikom's have he knows he knows it all he has to but that's his job to think that he would mistake a weather balloon for anything else is is patently absurd and when he goes back and he gives it he he collects he goes out to the site and we've been the besides in the middle of nowhere and he gathers up the evidence and he goes back and he stops off at his house and he wakes up his wife and his son and he has everything displayed in the kitchen brings him out and goes take a good look at this you may never see anything like us again it's from another world and this is where Jesse Marcell junior comes in now when I got when I was interviewing Jesse Marcell junior his father Marcell senior had already passed away so and then a few years later Jesse Marcell junior passed away but I have him on a written interview that I did with him I sent him the questions he sent the answers back and we dramatize that that's Marcell junior right there he was a flight surgeon brilliant guy amateur astronomer medical doctor I mean the guy was just just an amazing human being really just an amazing human being and so he answered the questions and he was like an 11 year old boy at the time and you know for to think that his father would mistake a weather balloon for something and then wake up his wife and his son and go hey this is from another world I mean the whole it's it's it's just likely Harvey Oswald I'm a lone gunman thing and I realize some people still believe that Lee Harvey Oswald did it total nonsense you know they had unlike Dan rather going and the head goes forward when the American people finally get to see the sprue to film the head goes back into the left back into the left the shot the kill shot one of the kill shots comes from the grassy no the other one probably comes from the overpass because that one goes through the windshield and enters here where they did the tracheotomy I mean they basically there's three shots that hit him all within a half a second this is a well coordinated assassination done by we won't even go there but the bottom line is to think that Marcell senior would mistake wreckage and and and we bring another witnesses that held that you know their their relatives held the wreckage they were there they saw the bodies they looked at all this and that's the thing you get you get too many you know like Walter G. Hall his deathbed confession so that that was not opened until after his death and it's an affidavit and he basically states in legal terms what do you saw he went into hanger 84 that's where the disc was kept that's where the bodies were kept that's right when we got in the hang ready for for me it was like you got to be kidding me because I you know I've known about this since I was a kid when they you know the history not the history channel but those shows way back when we talk about Roswell and stuff and you know the stuff of conspiracy theorists well let me jump in the hang hang ready for you before we move on I just want to point out to everyone that a lot of people who know me I've kind of jumped all over the place with a Roswell trying to figure this out myself you know you know LA I'm one of them is it a hoax it happened but I have to say that this right here this letter is one of the more convincing pieces for me because clearly in 1947 they were not expecting you know when was it site for 50 years later I don't know how long it's it's a long time and David Rudy act as a gentleman that did it and that when he finally you know was able to do it it just blew everybody away I mean it's like it's like let's have you hold this letter that that none of the press is going to be you know read and you know I mean it just yeah so that was one of the things I was like wow when I that that's kind of interesting all right so let's go into the hangar now this I don't know what year this is but I think this is the hangar right this is Hangar 84 I think that's another shot of Hangar 84 there that's just the runway you know go back that that's the inside you want to go back you know go forward right no back one right well okay that that's from our film right there that's right now that that's what we saw except that the doors were closed and now there's a chain link fence so you just can't walk up to it but in 47 that's what you could do so go to the inside of the hangar I believe that's from the film because that looks like the plane that we saw is this yeah it looked kind of similar I pulled this off of Google so somebody may have I got my screaming daughter right outside I'm sorry if you hear that life of a of a parent I have a beautiful two-year-old daughter who's screaming because she's supposed to be in bed right now she's outside my door okay this might this might be for me from I pulled this off Google today so I'm not really sure but there's also this other shot here and I think there's like wind snap order but I think this is the back room where the it is it's debated where there was an autopsy there or just the aliens were put there for a time on display but this is the room you got to go back in so I mean what was that like for you to go into the hangar but in that back room and well we actually show that in the film and once again I mean somebody probably has this picture I don't know whether it's our film or not but you know people steal your stuff all the time that's just how the game is played and well wind snap stolen I guess there you go so we went we went back and I want to thank Bull for getting us back there and and we got back into the back room and whether or not I don't think the Dennis Dautauzer comes on the record and says he didn't think the autopsy happened there you think it happened on the base we really don't know it's a very small room but again the bodies are only four to five feet tall we in the film we actually show where the hospital was years in 1947 we show and it's just it's a clear field there's just tumbleweeds and dirt it's it's no longer there but hang ready for is there's a possibility Walter T. Houghton is and is that for David stated that the bodies were under retard so the autopsy could have happened they could have moved the bodies to you know to get him get them ready to load on the plane there's too many witnesses with deathbed confessions and in my opinion Roswell happened it was not a weather balloon and then we showed Jim and Carolyn Rankin who were end-of-life caretakers for Colonel Hill Colonel Hill was a World War II interrogator and he was end-of-life and Jim and Carolyn Rankin were taking care of his affairs that's how I met Jim and Carolyn and I interviewed them and Carolyn asked him what about Roswell was it a weather balloon and on the record Carolyn states that Colonel Hill hung his head like this and picked it up and said it wasn't a weather balloon and then he goes on from there and Carolyn spills the beans they had six fingers they were wearing a one-piece suit he'll Colonel Hill was flown into Roswell to try to communicate with this thing because he was a communications debriefer he was OSS the forerunner of the CIA and all this and he could not make communication with it and one of them was already deceased this one was alive you know there's just way too many witnesses and that's why the film exoneration is so important because you know we've done our homework and for those out there you know a lot of people out there and say that all this is well not a lot but there's some I'm trying to get the center you know it's all it's all demonic delusion nothing can be further from the truth yes there's an aspect of it which can be delusional I understand that but there's a physicality to it and that's why we're out in the debris field and you see that piece of mental there we discovered it we had the metal tested Frank Himmler and Chuck Zakowski there were two pieces Chuck took one and got it tested Frank Himmler took the other one and got it tested and again it's an aluminum alloy 7,000 fit series which wasn't invented till years later and it's not an exact match so you know what are we really looking at here and in my opinion it was the tip of the iceberg the beginning of decades of delivered obfuscation by the powers of being now I want to talk really before I talk about Linda Marcel who is Dr. Jesse Marcel's Junior Junior's widow and then his daughter was Denise yeah which is let me just pull up her I think this is her picture there right that's kissing your dad so I wanted to play this footage and this actually comes I asked your you know permission to play this because I was trying to find this clip that you played it in your document I couldn't find it anywhere and maybe you can comment on this this is the right here this would be the it's gonna play a few times and maybe you can comment on what's happening here yeah this is the Roswell film my business partner gills Zimmerman and I we we we co-direct and do all these films together co-direct and co-produced Gil work 30 years at DreamWorks and Disney so he's he's just a great great partner in all this so we looked at this and I said Gil what do you think and he goes well if it's a if it's a hoax they spent a lot of money on a hoax and for what reason no one's going to the bank with this the reason why you got everybody in uniform you got at least 15 or 20 people and what we're looking at here is you can see the body show it again okay so they're bringing in on stretcher and nobody cares about the camera guy everybody wants to see this thing because it's an alien and it's it's a gray right there it's a gray on film and this is why I believe it's the real deal I believe it was smuggled out see there's whistleblowers people people like Walter G. Hott they can't live with it they can't live with the fact that almost has been covered up people like Commander David Freyver they can't live with the fact that it's been covered up and on and on it goes and so you know whistle blowers like David Grush comes in Congress and states on the record in Congress that we have non we have biologics that were retrieved from these crashed UAPs which are non-human non-human biologics that's an earth shattering statement he's a whistle blower immediately the powers that be go in and try to discredit him you know eight ways to Sunday but he survives all that and I believe he's telling the truth as he was on Tucker Carlson show and Carlson did a full 45 minute interview with him he's a real smart guy he knows what he's doing so once again you've got all throughout all throughout from 1947 to modernity you've got whistleblowers people coming forward talking about what we what happened in Roswell and that it was real and now I've seen the the pictures of the Madicans and you said like 1952 I think right there yeah this doesn't look like the mannequin pictures to me and now is he wearing like a skin tight like yeah exactly like it's a one-piece jumpsuit in Colonel Hill see this is what's interesting so you've got that dynamic there but you've got Colonel Hill's testimony saying that they were like a one-piece jumpsuit so I mean you know there it is do these people know Colonel Hill no they didn't we broke to story on Colonel Hill and our and our very first film in the 10-part UFO series that you can now watch by going to streaming that LA Marzulli dot net shameless blog but it's there we broke the story with Colonel Hill because Colonel Hill never went public with it it was only after he died Jim and Carol and Rankin got ahold of me I flew down and got it second hand but Jim and Carol and their pastors you know they're born against prayerful Christians they're not lying they're telling us the truth absolutely all day long now I I try to pause this on the best frame possible and it would be interesting I don't know if someone has done like a deep like deep dive digital analysis of this if they can maybe enhance and see if there's like six fingers there it kind of essentially because the head doesn't look as big right there as I would imagine it I would imagine the head a little bit bigger looks a little bit smaller but it's interesting so all right so let's talk about let me see if I pull back up there she is Denise Marzulli and also okay so I'll point this out really quickly if I can hold this up this is the Roswell incident and to any Roswell researcher this is like old stuff now and one of the when I was researching Roswell one of the things I like to do is I like to look at the especially something that's like we're 75 years old now I like to look at the the different stages of the research right so this came out in the 70s when it was really seemed like there was like a really taking off in the 70s it seemed like the people really getting into Roswell and I guess I totally missed out on the whole thing where Linda Marcel would talk about that she was being harassed because I think that happened the 90s so it was like bummer I missed out on this book it didn't happen in the book but so that was a little surprise for me in your video so tell me about that what was going on with that well again this is before disclosure which happened in 2017 so you know Jesse Marcel Jr. there is in the picture would be traveling and speaking of conferences or whatever and they all of a sudden the phone ring and Linda would pick it up and there'd be nobody there and this this happened numerous times they were being harassed and so Jesse Marcel Jr. was invited to the White House and he goes back and we actually have the handwritten telephone number from Congressman Diamato in the film Linda Marcel has kept that all these years we show that in the film it's it's Congressman Diamato you know private number basically saying Jesse Marcel Jr. if you get harassed at all you call me so you know there was pushback and you know eventually they've got to come out and it's gonna happen I mean that that little film that you just showed where everybody's running around and the body is is late on the ground and people are going up to it I think that that's real I really do I think white sands is real I think I know the tic-tac object that commanded David Fraser saw as well as other craft it's it's all real then of course we have our film that we did we broke historian watchers the late Dr. Roger Lear the Krombergaz UFO footage which in my opinion is the best UFO footage ever taken and I'm gonna show you why it why so so this is Krombergaz taken by Dr. Roger Lear right there and and he let us he let us we broke the story you know in our film in our watchers series we broke the story I used it again in our UFO show our ten films I use this it's the best it's the best footage I've ever seen because it's not just a disc you know like like commanded David Fraser only a few seconds or this or that the other thing it's a whole whole different deal whole different deal it's hours of footage and you can see beings in the craft and that's why you know I love these people they get on and try to say it's a hoax and it's all this stuff there's a there's a clip I show in the film where Dr. Roger Lear and the cameraman they're out on Lake Krombergaz and you see the moon and way over here you see the moon up in the sky and below the moon is another point of light let's say over here so you got the moon the moon here and this point of light here all of a sudden the cameraman zooms in past the moon and zooms in on the craft there it is so that's not photoshopped and this is decades before you know AI or anything like that we broke the story so of course you know the naysayers are always going to try to debunk everything and say it didn't happen you know I interviewed Roger I interviewed Roger appeared Roger the late Roger Lear Dr. Roger Lear appeared in all of our watches series all of our films we had a going relationship with them yeah LA I can totally you know appreciate that and anybody in your field or any field of research right that is counter you know we if you want to talk pseudoscience or whatever right I mean it's it's a you're gonna have all these people coming at you you know trying to debunk your research I totally understand I did have I put this up here real quick this is kind of an off question I wasn't planning but this is interesting because I think about this a lot somebody pointed out in the comments the day the earth stood still had a giant gray it was like it was a robot it was like a giant it kind of looked like that alien in that footage it was a little eerie and this has been long pointed out that what is your thought on in the 50s now all of a sudden we have all these saucer stories comic books Pope Fix you know Pope stories the day the earth stood still is like a textbook storyline for the the coming alien deception almost it's like they were laying it out there you know you in all this kind of stuff what is did you haven't well we're gonna cover this a little bit at the end of the interview so maybe I'm jumping ahead of it but I'm curious if you have any thoughts on that I do it's I would call it predictive programming yeah and this is why people have seen Star Trek and Star Wars and numerous sci-fi films on the whole UFO phenomenon so when Congress begins to talk about it you get David Grusch going yeah we have retrieved non-human biologics from UA crashed UAP's nobody does anything my phone doesn't ring because everybody's been programmed for decades now to believe that it's all real so you know when the real thing comes nobody blinks it's unbelievable really it's it's a case study in some ways of predictive programming have you ever gotten a movie theater and you know got bored with the movie and looked around this is what this is what the audience looks like they're both we our audience doesn't look like that right now but they're catatonic when you're looking at a movie you know and so they're just being programmed and over the decades and decades and decades well yeah so so what you know what's for dinner and and that's that's where we are the ambivalence is mind-boggling so okay and I'm just trying to pick your brain right here because I go back and forth on the idea of you know like how the ancient writers they would always call them the muses first to inspire them like possess them with the muses and then the the muses would help them write the story so I go back and forth on this is is the uptick of the day they are so it's still type of storytelling we get into Star Trek we go into Star Wars all that stuff is that the muses coming in and possessing the Bard because this is the paradigm shift now or is there a concentrated government kind of like we're gonna start working through Hollywood now to create these scripts because we have this moment it happened this ailing crashed we decided to keep it from everybody but now we're gonna leak it out into fiction like what are your thought what which way do you turn on that it's it's both and it's not either or it's both and yeah so yeah so so portions of the government go in and go we want this made here's the budget did make it happen Steven Spielberg in my opinion was given I mean in his film series taken that film series is right down the line I mean if you want to know it's really going on watch watch his film series taken because it's oh it's incredible it starts with the food fighters at the end of World War II and then it's generational they're they're mixing the seed which is Genesis 315 which is Daniel 243 the only people there's there's a few of us out here that talk about all this from a biblical perspective most people have no idea that the Bible addresses the whole UFO phenomenon I mean it does Daniel but in order to do that a person has to come to grips with Genesis 315 and understand that there's a seed were going on there's a breeding program that's going on we publish the book by Karen Wilkinson stolen seed evil harvest this is published by our publishing company I'm bringing her on in a couple weeks yeah she's amazing and so it's like it's trying to try to how does this work so I can still be seen but the bottom line is it's just a great book and she talks about being impregnated and she's not the only one I've ever talked to they take you sperm is taken from the men ovum is taken from the women sometimes the women are impregnated in the third month of pregnancy you are re-abducted they take the baby or the entity the hybrid being from the womb and that baby that hybrid entity needs to go someplace so it can finish growing because it can't live outside the room that's what the cattle mutilations are about bovine blood can be used in human transfusions genetic material from the cows are used in my opinion to construct an artificial wound that's where these things go so it's a very complex phenomenon and what's interesting is it really the whole thing kicks off right around the time when Israel goes back into the homeland yeah well it hinges around the nation of Israel because we are in the last days you you sold me on Karen Wilkinson's book in one of your videos when you said I think you said it's not for the faint of heart or something like that I'm like that sounds like my kind of read I went out a bottle right away hasn't arrived yet but I am interviewing her in a couple weeks so I'm hoping to have that book read hopefully won't give me nightmares or keep me up or anything like that but I'm hoping to have that read by time she comes in okay so and I appreciate all the time you give me and you just let me know when it's like you know time for you to clock out but you got about 15 minutes left 15 minutes all right well let's let's get that then with the Marcel's let's see you talk about David Grush David Grush what do you think the end game is well the end game is deception the end game ties into the neo Darwinists who believe in panspermia who believe that we were seated here by an advanced race of extraterrestrials and that's that's what's been you know that's what they're running up the flagpole because they realize that Darwinian theory doesn't doesn't work in other words you've got nothing and all of a sudden you've got this very complex genetic code the DNA the spiral of life I mean where did that come from so they realize they they turn away from the god of the Bible they put poet so they don't look they don't look at Scripture like we do in the beginning was the word Jesus in the world was with God and the word was God he was with God from the beginning all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made I mean that's Jesus and here's here's proof for the resurrection right here there's the face from the Shroud of Turin no one's ever been able to duplicate it or prove it as a fake including the the testing that was done with the carbon dating that was completely skewed and we covered that in one of our watchers films how it was was supposed to be three different samples it came from one sample on the shroud they came way down here in the corner so they didn't even uphold the protocols that they had sat in place because the guys in the suits came in and go and then and then and then and then a million dollar donation was given to a major university by an unknown person for proving that the shroud was a middle evil fake it's not medieval fake it's not at all it's it's God's calling card is the real deal and to this day they have no idea how the image was actually formed on the shroud but I digress so the neat the Darwinist don't don't want anything to do with the supernatural they realize the fallacy of Darwinism so the neo-Darwinist are going well we were seated here all life was created by the so-called extraterrestrial and that is the coming great deception because when they do show up and they will show up we talked about this in our last two films what is the truth this is the last two films in our ten-part UFO series what is the truth and we believe that that when they come and they I think that this is conjecture but I think it'll happen on the heels of a nuclear event because the calling card of darkness is one of fear it's always fear-based and if you have a nuke going off anywhere on the planet that creates the greatest climate of fear that humanity has ever experienced collectively so this is where we are and all the saber rattling with nukes Kim Youngoon you know rocket man and and Putin got together a couple of days ago what are we looking at they a nuke is going to go off and that's when my old white craft show up motor out of chaos yeah I'm assuming I'm assuming they're going to probably tie it in with the Anunnaki right let me is that your thoughts that's what the new agers and the ancient alien crowd they always go back to the Anunnaki yeah but all the Anunnaki are fallen angels that's all they are it's all it is it's the same thing that we read about in the book of Enoch it's it's you know it's it's funny they make his big deal about the Anunnaki guys they and and in the they're depicted with wings now you know what are we looking at but see the problem is I was on a show yesterday with a guy who's you know a probably a new ager doesn't believe in the Bible but has no idea what's written there didn't know anything about Genesis 3 15 in the seed war nor the book of Enoch nor why the flood why all this other stuff going on it has no idea about Daniel 243 they are seedling with the seed of men but there's no marriage contract which is where we are right now in in our time period in modernity he knew nothing about any of this and that's the problem people think they know but they don't know because they've never plumbed the depths of that book the guy book of a supernatural i.e. the Bible everything is there but it takes the Spirit of the living God to reveal some of that to a person even if you're born again a spirit filled and the churches many of the pastors are brought up not knowing anything about Genesis 3 15 they're taught the Sethite theory which completely stands the rest of the Bible on its head and you can't get there from there if you believe in the Sethite theory good luck and Genesis 6 and I'll just say too that the one thing I love about the book Enoch in in the case of the Watchers is that we have this incursion story told all over the world I mean it's it's all these different cultures talk about it and of course the the Sumerian version of course is the Anunnaki and it the the Bible of course or in the case of Enoch it's the one book that it's flips the inverts it flips about ten and exposes them is actually wicked evil ones who came down to nobody else does that they do seem as these enlightened individuals so I really appreciate that a lot let's see what it with cover ending up here oh you talk in the document about the of from all the hide and how there was they they smell like that a lot do you have any thoughts on that well I mean nobody that I'm aware of I mean Chase Plotsky had a very close encounter with a gray Karen obviously Karen Wilkinson aboard the ships and counted them all the time there is a repulsive odor to them there's no doubt about that now I've never smelled it I don't want to smell it I don't want to have any type of dealings with these guys at all but all the people that I've interviewed over the decades of research talk about a very strong sense smell of sulfur a lot of time the familiar hide was was told to me by a witness that came forward and remained anonymous years ago that had worked at at the time at right Pat and she said there was a area at right Patterson which is always guarded and when you got near it the smell of familiar I permeated the air the bodies were shipped to right Pat in my opinion we we've got the telegram that Jim or Amy's holding his hands bodies flown to write that well you know why why would you fly crash test that means to write that was what are they gonna do with them I mean the whole thing the whole narrative just collapses of its own weight when you watch our film exoneration because he bring in all these other witnesses that are corroborating the story and you did a great job at it LA of thank you before before you leave there was the great I got really excited watching when you went out to the field and you you know you already said it so I'm not giving anything away I wasn't sure if I could say this or not but you you went out there and you fit who that you were with two gentlemen and I wasn't familiar with them but they were Roswell experts they'd been out there a lot and on the spot on camera you actually pulled up pieces of metal yeah that was really awesome and and as of course as they pointed out that it would be near well I guess not near impossible it would be impossible to remove all we showed the of the white sands how when it hits it just blows just blows out everywhere right what hundreds of thousands of pieces or something like that I don't know I mean you know Frank Himmler talks about this in the film and I again I want to tap to my hat to Chuck Sikowski you know Chuck was a co-producer in the film he was the one that got the interviews for that and Frank had been Frank Himmler had been out of the debris field numerous times and both Frank and Chuck said that the the powers that be came out and seeded the debris field with metal metal nails metal spikes that they pounded into the ground so people of medical techers going out there would have a false signal but Frank knew that and so he was outside the portion of the field that had been you know hammered in with the metal spikes and that's where we uncovered two pieces of metal on the other hand we had a false reading and this is one of the metal spikes right here so that you pull that out of the debris out of the field this came out of the debris field and it was buried buried deep probably about four inches underneath the ground which is more which is more evidence to the fact that the military was there and you talk about to in the film about the there was at least a couple buttons that were pulled up military right Frank Himmler again and to me the buttons were smoking gun what are aluminum buttons doing in the debris field you know if there's nothing to say if it's a weather balloon why are we finding buttons from army fatigues that were issued between 40 and 50 1940 1950 what did they do it I think Frank has found three of them and you know basically just like we did in Boy Scouts your shoulder to shoulder on your hands and knees you're picking up everything putting it in little paper bags and then collecting all the debris but we know about this because of the white sands footage when this thing exploded they didn't get it all they didn't get it all and that's why 76 years later we're in the debris field on film and we show what happened we show the pieces of the metal thank you Frank Himmler thank you Chuck Sikowski well you know there we go and I want to I want to keep to your time and respect that so I have one one more thing I want to get at before you leave and you just mentioned Frank Himmler and you interview him in the film and in that the idea okay and this is one of the questions I had and you you answered a lot of my questions by the way in this in this documentary a lot of my my skepticism and and one of them was this no you really did you great because I had a lot of questions and and one of those was originally the reports by Dr. Jesse Marcel and his son a junior is that when it was a kind of aluminum foil that you could like kind of crinkle it all up and then you would put it down it would unroll I think one woman described it as like water on a table like water yeah and so and then I'm looking at these these shrapnel of metal that's being pulled out there I'm like well why can't you do that with with that so maybe you could just cover that really quickly with what Frank Himmler talked about in your documentary a couple of things we were when we were out in the field and this is all on film we had fresh batteries in the cameras just like that they're drained and I've seen this before and I talk about that in the film something's going on there's high strangeness so is it possible that the metal that that Frank uncovered and we have it on on film is it possible that the metal has lost its source of energy and that's why you know when when Frank had it tested and it's in the film you know evidence from a debris field when you there's a piece of the metal so when you look at that piece of metal the metaller just who they took it to said whatever this is had undergone some sort of trauma some sort of trauma because the metal is like it's undergone a lot of stress that's what the metaler just said and you know the metaler just has no Roswell dog in the hunt as it were so you know it's piece by piece the fact that we found something excuse me 76 years after the fact is is my boggling and I mean when it was a real you can see my expression in the film I mean I'm like a kidney candy store I can't even believe that we found a piece of the metal we did we found two pieces and once again Frank Kimber did a stellar job he spent he has spent a lot of hours out of a debris field and Chuck Zukowski also has spent a lot of time out there so you know those two guys and I defer to them in the film because you know they they've been there this is my first time in the debris field it was the rule of two right we if you find one you're likely to find the other always I'm gonna respect your time and I really appreciate you coming by LA means the world to me I this whole time I didn't adjust my camera right you're taller than me in this and I'm feeling you know kind of like and then you've got a nice like suit on and I'm just wearing wool so it's it as if it wasn't already intimidating talking to you as it was but this has been great so thank you again and so everybody go check out L.A.'s website you want to give the address to your website. L.A. L.A. you can rent all 10 of our only got three here but you can rent all 10 of these for four dollars and 99 cents a piece for less than a cup of coffee and Starbucks both it's time to do your homework I can't admonish you enough you know we spent a lot of time in a lot of bucks to make these films for the only Christian ministry there are 10 count them 10 films in the series I want to thank my business partner Gil Zimmerman doing such a great job we are business partners and we have more films which we're in the process of getting out but L.A. or if you want to stream them four dollars and 99 cents a piece what are you waiting for streaming L.A. streaming L.A. you can download and watch the films all right well that'll be it tonight everybody thank you for coming by and thank you L.A. Thank you how bless