The Howie Carr Radio Network

After 60 days in the hole, Turtleboy joins the show | 2.26.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Howie welcomes the recently freed Aidan Kearney, a.k.a. Turtleboy, to the show to recap his two months in the clink. Then, Turtleboy takes questions from callers on his case, the Karen Read case, and more.

Broadcast on:
27 Feb 2024

This podcast is brought to you by D. Stefano Hair Restoration. For the month of February, Dr. Hyness is rolling back prices to pre-COVID fees. Save $1,500 this month when you mention Howie. Go to That's [Music] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Former President Donald Trump just won his fourth straight Republican primary election. Trump defeated Republican challenger Nikki Haley in her own home state. This morning, a new challenge for Nikki Haley. She's now losing a top donor. Americans for prosperity and action, an organization backed by billionaire Charles Coke. I'm embarrassing for you. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. On Thursday, as you all know, President Biden will travel to Brownsville, Texas to meet with U.S. border patrol agents. Maybe the tone of this will change when he goes to the county facility. But so far, this is very much a dog and pony shop. Who's your captain, Howie Car? And I want to make sure I get the quote exactly right. He said, the better angel, he said, we must address the council. Today, Junior. I'm right here. Rum swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's Howie Car. Welcome to the Howie Car Show. If you haven't heard, Governor Healy has made the official announcement. Southie is going to host its own flop house for illegal aliens. It's been in the works for a while, but now it's official in the seaport district. It's only fair, you know, Roxbury's got the, as being destroyed with the Melnea cast center. So now they're going to destroy Southie. It's equity, equity. 844-542, the Karen Reed trial, murder trial has been postponed until April 16th. It was scheduled to begin on March 11th. They've seen they've gotten thousands. The defense says they've gotten thousands of pages of exculpatory evidence, and there's no way they can get through all the evidence before March 11th. So the judge who's been wanting to jam this thing through has agreed to postpone it until April 16th. Turtle boy got out of jail on on Friday, and today they dropped the the the assault and battery charges against him that had been that were the witness was going to be his girlfriend who they they had some problems with her credibility. So they dropped the charges. We're going to try to get that turtle boy on here in just a few minutes to to discuss, discuss what it was like. He's been in, as you know, he's been in jail for the last 60 days. So it's funny, his 60 days run out, his 60 days in the hole, and he was awaiting trial on those charges. And once he gets out, they drop the charges. As I always say in the halls of justice, the only justice is in the halls eight four four five hundred forty two forty two voting has begun in the primary elections for next week. The official election day is March 5th week from tomorrow, but you can vote early now in wherever you are. If you haven't gotten an absentee ballot, they the polls are open for the quote unquote early voting. So get down there and vote. If you're a if you're a Republican or you're unenrolled, please get get out and vote, not only in the presidential primary, but also for the state committee, the people who destroyed the Republican Party, Jeff deal door dash deal and Jim Jones lions. The people who almost bankrupted the party who wasted all the money didn't stiff vendors lost every race they got involved in. They're trying to take it over again. Jeff deal, there's a lawsuit going on and the party is claiming Jeff deal, his doomed campaign owes hundreds of thousands of dollars in unpaid bills for the 2022 campaign. And so Jeff door dash deal wants to get in as the chairman so he can write off the debts, get the party to pay off the debts. I don't know where they're going to come up with the money, because you know who's going to give who's going to give door dash to heal any money. That's why they went that's why they went out of business. It went as boss. Jim Jones lions was running the party. So if you want to see who to vote for, it's an obscure race. Nobody ever cared about it until they hide until deal and lions tried to hijack the party to to turn it into a one party state for the Democrats. But we've got to stop them from getting back in and finishing off the party. So if you want to know who to vote for, go to how we car and click on the click on the banner at the top and you can see who who where I'm supporting. And you can also read up on the the the I call it the Kool-Aid called chronicles about what they did to the party. And tomorrow we put in the first two an introduction and then the the the record of the party with all of their multitude of defeats over the past two election cycles. They didn't win a single race. That's my spoiler alert there. And tomorrow we'll be talking about the financial and legal difficulties. They've left behind us all these unpaid bills, stiff vendors, a $15,000 state fine under Jones and lions, a $6,500 federal fine under Jones and Jones Lions and the deal. There's a still pending case on $50,000 that they they they they they colluded with a with a another a separate entity after being specifically told by the state they couldn't do it. But they got right they got in writing you can't do this and then they did it. And so now they're trying to wheeze a lot of it. So again, and you'll see who was you'll see who was signing all these unpaid bills for a Jeff deal. You're going to be shocked by some of the some of the people that signed the two people who signed these bills 844 542 42 978 the yuppies who now live in Southie will be crying when their Amazon packages start disappearing and their BMWs get broken into. This building is very close to the Children's Museum. But I think they just redid a park over in that general area. And I mean, are you going to take a chance taking your kids next to one of these flop houses? What what sane school administrator is going to bust the kids in to to one of these one of these these flop houses? I mean, this is this is such a bad move. And you know, the city councilors Flynn Eddie Flynn. He was he's you know, he's he's he's kind of weak. But he was saying, hey, come on, come on. The senator Nick Collins was saying, you know, what the hell's going on here? Aaron Murphy, the city councilor at large, is saying what the hell's going on? You know, and and they don't care. They don't care because the, you know, Marr Healy Marr Healy when it when's the when's the first flop house going into Arlington? When when are they going to start putting them into Cambridge? They got all those those those hotels in Harvard Square down a memorial drive down there between MIT and Harvard. Why don't they put it? Why don't they put a few thousand gangbangers and terrorists in there? No, no, no, no, no, have to put them in a Roxbury in Southie and Kingston and Yarmouth and Quincy, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. 844, 542, 42, 617 says, God bless turtle boy. Listen to his efforts to expose the truth. It's so important that someone with his courage is fighting against such blatant corrupt warfare to bury truth, honesty and justice. Joining us now on the line, he'll be with us for a little while. We'll take him beyond the break. I hope is Aiden Kearney, also known as turtle boy. Congratulations on your surviving 60 days in the whole. I'm a grizzled veteran now of jail. How are you doing? Good. Are you a jail bird now, turtle boy? I guess so. I'm an ex-con, I guess, except I haven't been convicted of anything. Yeah, I don't think you're an ex-con, but you could be a jail bird. But anyway, so the charges were dropped today. I know that's that's the amazing thing. You did your 60 days and then they dropped the charges. It's, you know, but if you were an illegal alien, they would have just put you on parole and you could have gone on a crime spree and you still wouldn't have been locked up. Howie, though, I'm going to be writing about this, but the whole thing was a setup. The whole thing was a lie. None of this ever happens. I have proof of it all. I've recorded some of it. There's evidence of it out there and we are going to be exposing this all. They know darn well that this woman that they put up to this lied about it that none of this ever happens and they did it for the sole purpose of revoking my bail simply because it's automatic 60 days when that happened. They had no intention whatsoever of ever bringing this to trial. They got what they wanted and they didn't want to put this person on the stand because they know it would have been an absolute disaster. The truth would have come out. They got what they wanted. And then today I showed up for the care of read hearing as I do for every Karen read hearing and she they brought her as a human shield armed with the order in her hand. She walked into the courtroom with Jennifer McCabe, Chris Albert, and the rest of the people who murdered John O'Keefe. She walked in holding that order and I was evicted from the courtroom as a result of this. This has essentially been weaponized. You know I said I sent you that story from an Arizona case which was very similar to yours. I don't know if you saw it or not but I mean this stuff this stuff happens fairly regularly or it's unfortunate but I mean what what's what is the next step for you I mean you're are you out now with didn't they didn't they charge you again with some more crimes in in Norfolk County? So we added to the list. So they added a wire tap in charge as I still don't know what that's about yet and they added well the other one I had already been witness intimidation against this woman who's again not a witness to anything she was a person I saw socially and literally was involved in nothing and when things ended she decided to go to the state police and basically conspired to bring me over to the house. They recorded me that I was on the phone she was on the phone with Polly the entire time I was there. The state cop. Yeah unbeknownst to me and as a result of this the whole plan was to make up a lie afterwards and revoke the bill. This is the ultimate scorned woman who just has done this by the way so three other men she's had incarcerated for this. You know they always a lawyer always says that the client makes his own decisions but your lawyer said that he told you not to go over there that night. I think he gave you some good advice. It was the journalist in me she told me that she had a bunch of information on the state police that they had contacted her and that she wanted to show me everything and she did. When I was over there she showed me a lot of damning evidence over there that Jennifer McCabe orders the state police what to do. She orders them how to run their investigation. She showed me proof of this and then towards the end of the night when I decided it was time to go home that's when she lost it and that's when she decided to kind of I guess flip back to the side and make up a lie that this happened. So yes I obviously in hindsight that was a mistake but at the end of the day I was following the story as a journalist. Howie the journalist of me just wanted to see what this information was and now the charges have been dropped. After you did 60 days. It never ever happened because she lied about it and it never happens and the state police got her to say it because they knew that it would revoke my bail. That's all this was. Can you stick around to talk about what's what's up. I want to ask you about these three thousand pages that they that they the the prosecution turned over to Karen reads the defense today. Seems to see what a what a what a seredipitous development for the defense to turn over. You know three thousand pages two weeks before the trial is supposed to begin. We'll talk more stay on board. We're going to be talking to Aiden Kearney aka turtle boy when we come back. He's just out of jail on Friday eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. I'm how we car. The howie car show will be right back. He's howie car. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two with us is uh turtle boy Aiden Kearney was just released from jail on those bogus charges that were dropped today after he did his 60 days to truck the charges. That's that's the way the system operates. Turtle boy I thought you had improved your writing. I think the 60 days those letters you wrote I thought those were uh that's the best uh writing I think you've ever done. Maybe you know it's not reporting so much but just writing. It improved your style. Boy I had a lot I had a lot more time to do it. Nothing but time to kill literally howie and I'm sitting there writing with one of those prison flexi pens on a piece of paper and thank you to Mora it takes to Mora Healy the one good thing she's ever done is allow prisoners to have unlimited phone calls. It was actually a great time to be incarcerated because you could call up your people and have them you just dictate I would write them out by hand and then call call home and just dictate them to the person who has the computer and they hit the publish button. So they tried to silence me but thanks to Mora Healy they couldn't do it. Sounds like the old days when I was a leg man for the old Boston Herald America and that's uh listen tell us about the tell us about what happened today. What are these 3 000 pages that were delivered to the to the defense and and what is is this really I mean the smoking gun exculpatory evidence that's going to get her off or what is it you know we'll see according according to the commonwealth that 90 to 95 percent of it um is not exculpatory that they are it confirms their investigation or whatever but according to the defense it's very exculpatory and is going to completely exonerate care and read. So the public hasn't seen it but all those two sides the only one with a long and documented history of lying to the public is the commonwealth. So I believe the defense and we will see what comes forward because either way howie lexices don't have dog teeth. So I don't know how they're going to explain how John O'Keefe's arm was covered in dog bites. I don't know how they're going to explain how the plow driver didn't see a body on the front lawn of 34 Fairview Road at 2 30 in the morning when they went by. I don't know how they're going to explain why a Ford Edge was seen parked directly next to where John O'Keefe's body would be discovered three hours later at three in the morning and why after finding this information out the state police elected to investigate a quote unquote blogger rather than finding out who is driving to get away car for a cop's murder. What happened to the FBI? I thought they were supposed to step in right in on their white horses and you know get get rid of this case. I know I always suspected that wasn't going to happen. They moved very slowly but what do you what where where's the FBI? Where's the US Attorney Joshua Levy in this? Well they work they work in the darkness and Joshua Levy has an exceptional record of you know going after corrupt cops you recently went after those troopers with the CDL things but this is obviously a bigger case and it takes time and I don't know exactly how their investigation is working but I do know that the FBI has a strong track record of getting people like of exposing public corruption and at least in the state of Massachusetts recently and they're not going to waste their time for 18 months investigating something and allow a Boston police officer to be murdered and allow state troopers and some hack VA like Michael Morrissey to cover up the murder after the fact. They're not going to allow that to happen so I don't know what's in this exculpatory evidence but on January 18th David United is the attorney for Caron Reed said that the feds quote unquote can't in good conscience let this go to trial. The trial has now been moved about a month later to April so that gives the feds more time to come down with indictments and I can't imagine a world in which they allow a Boston police officer to be murdered and have a bunch of other corrupt cops cover up and they just kind of you know fiddle their thumbs and say well uh just you can't really figure this one out of course they're going to figure it out and I have more evidence on my show coming tomorrow night that Brian Albert's daughter has changed her story about what time she left that house based on what the FBI confronted her with so tune in tomorrow night at nine if you are are you gonna be doing are you gonna be still doing uh you know daily postings on on uh TB daily news or are you gonna just kind of switch over to to rumble now? No I mean I'm gonna do both you know I'm I'm getting acclimated to life as you can imagine to be a little chaotic coming back. Do you want to stick around for one more segment? Sure I'll do one more segment. Okay that's great so if you if you want to talk to the turtle boy give us a give us a call eight four four five hundred forty two forty two forty four five hundred forty two forty two I'm how we car live from the Matthews brothers studios for one more segment we have uh aden kerny aka turtle boy and uh turtle boy someone just said uh how dare you call him a jailbird after he was unjustly uh jailed I was kidding you I think you know that turtle boy oh I know you're kidding how I mean I I'm it's like I was I told the guards and the CEO is all of me big fans and they and I they all know I'm a political prisoner now this is not you normal or not you normal scumbag I call it some heroin or something like that I'm in here because I challenged the most powerful institution in this state the most powerful people in the state the people who have all the guns and they were transparently corrupt about it and they put me in jail over it so you know a lot of great people a lot of great people went to jail howie I understand I understand and it's been a good it was a good career move for a lot of people some people anyway not many but it's a good a goodly proportion I think it's gonna be a good career move for you too now where can people go you you still need you you still need money for your legal defense fund where can they go to give money to your illegal defense fund yeah you go on our give send go on turtle boy I think it's 10 to the top of my Twitter account at doctor turtle boy you can now check it out on there all donations are welcome because we're ready to go we're ready to go all the way to Supreme Court on this one if we need to challenge the witness intimidation statute in the state which is blatantly unconstitutional because it says you cannot cause emotional harm to quote unquote witnesses howie you and I cause emotional harm for a living you make liberals go insane liberal who didn't like your show it's like how it caused me called me uh you know it made me feel bad about myself and I'm a liberal and now I have emotional harm and I'm also a witness in a case so how is the felon now that's not how the first amendment works so we are prepared to challenge this and the Supreme Court liberals and conservatives alike are undefeated on the issue of free speech there was a case about 10 years ago where uh remember the Planned Parenthood used to have those buffer zones outside yes where you could delete the circles yeah Supreme Court 9-0 those are unconstitutional because they uh violate the free speech rights of peaceful protesters 9-0 Justice Ginsburg even agreed with that one that that is unconstitutional so we are prepared to take this all the way to Washington if necessary and that's going to cost money so people if people want to donate we are defending the first amendment it is on trial in our Massachusetts I'm a lot of people want to talk to you but I want to ask you one more question I've never understood this why if care even if Karen Reid hit her boyfriend John will keep why is she charged with murder I mean at most it would seem like it's what because it because they wanted her they thought that they could scare her into a plea for manslaughter and she takes like six months in jail as opposed to looking at life and that way the most of the reason they're going after Karen Reid Howie is because it gives them an excuse not to go after the people who actually murdered him they don't want they probably would all sleep better if Karen Reid got off anyway they want this to go to trial so that they can turn her into Casey Anthony or OJ because they know she's getting acquitted and they can throw their hands up in the air and they could say whoa we tried and she got away with it and that gives them an excuse not to find who was driving that Fort edge that night not to go after Jennifer McCabe for googling how long to die in cold at two 27 in the morning and for Brian Albert and all these other people who covered up the murder of John O'Keeffe Are you going to go back to Canada you're just going to let discretion be a better part of valor from now on till this is over well I'm never going back to the the hotel in Dedham where I stayed just to not going back there so I'm going to continue to obey the law you know abide by all orders and make sure that I properly cover the story moving forward yeah you don't have to go to Kent to do that okay let's take some calls for a turtle boy and again you're gonna have a you're gonna have a show tomorrow night on on rumble your your normal show on rumble yeah rumble in youtube yep both okay great uh Kenny you're next with how we car and turtle boy go ahead Kenny hey guys hey turtle boy uh are you so you can actually these could be a powerful people that put you in jail can you actually go after them it's just some like some sort of a statute or something that you can do to go after these people to put you in jail because they do darn well what was going to happen uh you were going to spend 60 days just sitting there doing nothing and then all of a sudden drop the charges so they're playing a little game aren't they yes what went I have a civil attorney I have a a nonprofit out of New York City um that see according to them they see millions of dollars potentially out of this a civil especially after the incarceration that obviously adds to the damages and mentally but the commonwealth of massachusetts when these not if when these charges get dropped right then the civil law suit can commence not until then until you're you know exonerated you can't obviously you know sue the state but when these get dropped and when this is all revealed for the sham that it is rest assured I will have retribution thanks for the thanks for the call Kenny uh john you're next with how we car and turtle boy go ahead john okay can you hear me okay yes all right so my question is about um a new story that I saw recently where the cops said that they found DNA evidence they found no canine DNA on um John O'Keefe and they also found DNA evidence on the broken taillights but I have to say first aid and I read turtle boy news with a great fascination because even though I live in New Hampshire I'm originally from Canton and I recognize a lot of the names like um like rafferty and duty but I didn't know if you've already addressed this in your blog oh I have I have so let me so that's a good question so first of all uh the arm tissue samples from john's arm the test for canine DNA have disappeared they're just gone they never preserved them the tissues from his allegedly from his sleeve that they tested that was never witnessed what was actually put on the swab michael proctor could have wiped his tushie with that and passed it in and if it didn't have dog DNA on it they would come back and they say that they don't know what he did with that they don't know where that swab came from these are people covering up a murder they're more than capable of just submitting something like that and my and they're more than capable of taking taillight and planting it and putting it on your clothes that's exactly what happened here there was no taillight found at six in the morning when the canton police department came yet hours later after a foot of snow had fallen 35 pieces of broken taillight were magically discovered riddle me that where was the taillight at six a.m. where was his shoe at six a.m. that they also found 12 hours later and why didn't they search the house where the the body of a dead police officer was found on the lawn go if you don't want the cops to come in your house in this seat apparently you just throw a dead cop on your lawn and they can't come inside that's how it works they never avoid those you know a lot of people you know i i was told by a bureaucrat a long time ago he said if you have a choice in in a bureaucracy any bureaucracy between incompetence and corruption 99 times out of 100 it's incompetence rather than corruption isn't it possible they were just incompetent the investigators the cops no if they were incompetent howie if they were just incompetent they wouldn't know for instance if you just look at his body he's got dog i've seen the i've seen those pictures i mean it doesn't seem like it would be a car going over the his arm would have caused that kind of deep cuts because cars don't have teeth cars don't have teeth dogs do and there was a man eating dog in the house that sent two other people to the you are that has now magically disappeared like commander i wish i could say that i wish i could say that michael proctor was just a really stupid person and brian totally was just really stupid person but they're not that stupid they're they're corrupt these are the cops they're covering up them yeah these are the cops these are they're covering up them and we know michael morris he's no genius obviously niepall morris he but they know that cars don't have teeth and they know that when a if a body if if the plow driver says that there was no body on the lawn at 230 they can't really couldn't have killed them at 1230 tell us some of the things and if they could but have disappeared i you know that you said that the the dna tests on the arm with the the keen i dna they've disappeared the the uh library the library surveillance camera footage has disappeared correct oh yeah well only two minutes of it already so they this library carrier we would have driven by the candle library around 1238 a.m. on her way home right and if she had hit john o'keef and her tail light was broken into 35 pieces then they would have video over broken tail light when she drove so the library handed over all of the video of that night to michael proctor the lead detective who happened to be best friends with the alberts and the caves and they hand over that uh tape to him and then he puts it on a cd rom like it's 1995 and hands it over to the defense except there's two minutes missing between 1237 and 1239 the exact time when karen reed would have driven by that it's just gone and there's no explanation for it how about that hmm charlie not incompetent howie charlie your next with with how we car and turtle boy go ahead charlie hi hi hi aden glad you're out of the big house um he touched on it thank you i'm going to go eating about the um search history on the computer but how long it takes someone to the freeze to death um so was that um fake news or was that um oh no that's real so at 2 27 a.m. jennifer mckabe who is inside the house searched for how long to die in cold she then deleted that search and she searched for it later on at 624 hoping that the 624 search would make the earlier one disappear so she why would she google how long to die in cold at 2 27 if john no keep never came in the house if they had no idea that john no keep was lying out there in the snow none of these people heard this man getting hit by a car or saw it and the two houses across the street that have ring camera videos that point directly at where this incident would have happened neither of them were asked for their ring camera video neither that's not in confidence that is corruption i was in the slammer with a man by the name of brian walsh and brian walsh is going to spend the rest of his life in prison did you get an interview with him by the way is that coming soon i i i slit a note under his door after him but for an interview and he took the note and he gave it to his lawyer larry tipped him and i asked him he's like i you got asked my lawyer so he's larry tipped and got my number larry gave me a call my biggest question for larry would be simple do since google searches apparently are no longer valid in the commonwealth massachusetts if people like jennifer mccain do them then do you feel better about your client's chances i would ask him where the body is myself but yeah that was i was gonna ask that but it was all awkward it's weird being next to a guy you're like dude you did some weird crazy things and google a lot of weird shit oh watch out there watch out there taylor eight four four five hundred forty two forty two steve you're next with howie car and turtle boy go ahead steve who who was the detective proctor is that the state police or was that local yeah he's he's state police he lives in kanton and he has been best friends with the albert family for two decades we have video from his sister's wedding in 2012 in which the ringbearer was colin albert said he was seven years old at the time colin albert lived uh was inside the house when john o' keef was killed and was a neighbor of john o' keef and they had personal animosity towards each other colin the punk gets in lots of fights had scratched up knuckles a couple weeks after was photographed with scratched up knuckles and a black guy a couple weeks after john o' keef was murdered colin albert was never interviewed by michael proctor was never treated as a suspect because by way he's known michael proctor his entire life and this was never disclosed that michael proctor never thought to say oh yeah this family they're really close with them his mother posted on facebook that the alberts aren't just friends they are family these people are best friends and it was never disclosed turtle boy i'm glad you're out and i'm glad you look to be headed for uh for bigger and better things and it looks like a care and read is going to be exonerated sooner or later but uh thank you for being with us and people can people can watch you tomorrow night on your show what time does the show start nine p.m. nine p.m. okay and i hope to be hope to be reading more posts every day it keeps those letters coming those letters are great okay that's uh all right that's aden karity turtle boy he's out of he's out of uh out of uh 30 days in the hole which turned into 60 days in the hole eight four four five hundred forty two forty two we will be right back i'm how we car how you car we'll be right back how we car is back i love my pillows products i sleep with their pillows i wear their slippers i dry off with their towels now you could enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code howie at my pillow dot com from pillows towel slippers and even their giza dream sheets go to my pillow dot com and use code howie for amazing discounts taylor what is the poll question what are the results thus far today's poll question which you can vote in at is which of these recently reported price increases at mcdonald's would you be willing to pay hash browns at five sixty nine egg McMuffin at seven twenty nine a big mac combo at seven seventeen fifty nine rather a quarter pounder bacon with cheese uh combo nineteen dollars one extra cheese slice at a dollar fifty or i don't go to mcdonald's anymore i don't go to mcdonald's anymore those prices are pretty scary for what you get ninety percent say they don't go anymore four percent say they'd go for the egg McMuffin two percent each say either the big mac the quarter pounder or the extra cheese slice nobody wants a hash brown you know i was kind of surprised by that i mean that i mean that's really a ridiculous price for the hash browns but i i don't think those are bad hash browns that they have taylor do you they're pretty greasy i i wouldn't do it that's what i mean they're delicious let's see isn't that what a hash brown is supposed to be all right eight four four five hundred forty two forty two i'm glad uh i'm glad that turtle boy is out and uh you know i can't imagine them getting a conviction against karen read under any circumstances i mean i know they just got the conviction of the murderer of uh of officer chezna from waymeth but it took two trials and they they had this guy called and and he'd also killed the an elderly woman this this guy lopes and uh and they they blew the case i mean it and that was a that was absolutely cut right and they almost had a second mistrial on that case and and yet they and that guy was just a thug and and they and they thought they're gonna get the they do they really seriously think they're gonna get a murder conviction on this uh on this uh woman who you know she may have had a gotten a bad ice cube that night and uh but she she's generally speaking i would say a pretty uh a pretty sympathetic character especially after she's been put through all this there's there's there's no way they're gonna get a conviction i just don't you know i don't have a lot of confidence in the feds i mean and and again that's not that's not a knock on josh will levy he seems like he's a he's a pretty decent guy and he's obviously uh a a tremendous improvement on Rachel Rollins his predecessor who was trying to fix uh elections in sappa county in her spare time and uh but they just move so slowly and they they want to have they they they never want to lose a case they never want to have any kind of chance of losing a case that's why they wait and they just keep digging up more and more evidence to make sure that they can convict and i don't know i just don't i don't see them i don't see the fed stepping forward myself maybe maybe i'm wrong i i hope i am wrong i would it would it would certainly make for a great case if they if uh big headlines would be a huge national story if the FBI came in and and uh you know well let's just say they if they intervened in the case eight four four five hundred forty two forty two five oh wait just hearing you talk about mcdonald's makes me nauseous that food is no good anymore actually you know what i could go for mcflurry right about now when did the shamrock shakes come in it's not really it's not really st patrick's day i'm i'm wearing my triple o's sweatshirt here today with my shamrock on it from whitey's old bar and uh it's i could go how about you tail would you go for a shamrock shake probably not yeah right okay how does that mean i you're too good for a shamrock shake you're a