The Howie Carr Radio Network

Trump Coherence, Biden Incoherence, and the Chump Line | 2.26.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

If the mainstream media were to put clips of the two presidential frontrunners next to each other, the choice would be obvious. Howie does the work they won't do. Tune in for Trump versus Biden!

Broadcast on:
26 Feb 2024

Have you ever wanted to dive deeper into the philosophies behind modern-day politics? Then don't miss the newest episode of Meet the Experts, where I talk with the creators of the Giants of Political Thought Audio Series, available now wherever you get your Howie Car Show podcast. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Former President Donald Trump just won his fourth straight Republican primary election. Trump defeated Republican challenger Nikki Haley in her own home state. This morning, a new challenge for Nikki Haley. She's now losing a top donor, Americans for Prosperity and Action, an organization backed by billionaire Charles Koch. I'm embarrassing for you. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. On Thursday, as you all know, President Biden will travel to Brownsville, Texas to meet with US border patrol agents. And maybe the tone of this will change when he goes to the county facility. But so far, I mean, this is very much a dog and pony shark. Who's your captain, Howie Car? And I want to make sure I get the quote exactly right. He said, "The better angel," he said, "we must address the council." Today, Junior! I'm right here. Rum swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's... Howie Car. 844-500-4242, 844-500-4242, welcome back to the Howie Car Show. And we'd love to have you join us. That's the number to call if you want to be on the show. Or if you wish to leave a message for the Chumpline. The Chumpline, of course, is one of our popular features. And I don't know if the whispering guy is going to be on today or not. Someone mentioned the whispering guy and pretending to be Biden. And all of a sudden people called him wanting to fire other regular correspondence on the Chumpline. It's not in the cards, I don't think. Unless they can be replaced by better people. Let me put it that way. It's a doggy dog world out there. It's survival of the fittest. Unlike Harvard University, it's meritocracy. And you're not allowed to plagiarize despite however many boxes you check. 844-500-4242, by the way, just as an update. Do you remember during the New Hampshire primary? And there was a dirty trick, a fake Joe Biden call, telling people not to vote in the Democrat primary in New Hampshire to save their votes for November. And it was puzzling because it was funny, but it seemed kind of stupid. Because what was the point? Well, we now have an answer to who did it. It was the Dean Phillips campaign. He didn't know anything about it. He's the guy from Minnesota who's been running against Joe Biden and trying to be the Gene McCarthy of 2024. But he's had a lot less success than his fellow Minnesota did against running against LBJ. An operative for long shot President Joe Biden rival, Dean Phillips, admitted he commissioned the fake Biden AI robo call in a stunning non-apology via NBC News. Last week, a magician named Paul Carpenter claimed he was paid $150 by Steve Kramer, a consultant for Dean Phillips, to create a robo call that encouraged New Hampshire voters to stay home in their state's primary using an AI-generated version of Biden's voice. This guy Kramer, Kramer, by the way, I thought, is this some kind of joke? But this guy has been paid a quarter of a million dollars by Dean Phillips, which makes me wonder how Dean Phillips made all of his millions as a gelato magnate. If he paid this nitwit, $250,000 from which he paid him $150 to the magician. Kramer told NBC News that he's a hero. He claimed he planned the fake robo call from the start as an active civil disobedience to call attention to the dangers of AI and politics. He compared himself to American Revolution heroes, Paul Revere and Thomas Payne. I don't think so. Common sense was pretty damn... I was looking at it after doing the Giants of Political Theory podcast. There's some good stuff in there. And if you get that pod, those audio, you can hear it for yourself. That's stirring rhetoric in common sense by Thomas Payne. That robo call from Joe Biden, that was not stirring rhetoric. That was just more dumb belief. The red coats are coming. That's what Paul Revere is known for. He spread the message to every Middlesex village and farm. He took a ride at the Paul Revere liquor mart on Winter Hill. Although I guess it wasn't the Paul Revere liquor mart at that point. That was when it later became. I always thought of the midnight ride of Paul Revere whenever I drove by the Paul Revere liquor mart on my way to the top of the hill. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Time for the chump line. Burn down Joe Biden's out there slurring words and shaking hands with people who aren't there. Sometimes I think it's a shame by five p.m. POTUS doesn't even know his own name. See now that was a that was a different chump line caller. You like that? Did everybody like that? I liked that. So Hunter Biden said the future of democracy depends on him staying sober. Oh God we're screwed. Yes we are. We're one screwdriver away from being screwed. Today's chump line is brought to you by Perfect Smiles in Nashua, New Hampshire. Dr. Houten is the best in the business and why that's why he's always my first doctor's appointment when I get back to New England. Contact Dr. Houten and his crew at today at Change your smile, change your life. Say Ed, did you hear Nikki Haley managed to get 39% of the vote in South Carolina? You are correct sir. Apparently when he heard the results, Jeff Diehl pulled over his uber, called Haley and asked what's the secret to your success? Look the last time he ran for governor, he carried one of the towns he represented in the legislature, okay? He got fewer votes, he got a smaller percentage of votes running against hold at Haley than Dean Tran did, even though Dean Tran was in a photo finish with multiple grand juries about COVID fraud, stealing firearms, ethics violations. Dean Tran, do you think if Dale announces he's running for the state committee chairman, do you think Dean Tran can get permission from the parole officer to come to the announcement? Oh that's right, he hasn't been convicted yet. Hi Howie, is it possible that commanders bad behavior was because he was so peoed that Biden kept calling him Rin Tin Tin? That is a possibility, I think there's something to be said though for the fact that being in the White House is like being in a bus station, and he's not, he wasn't a trained dog, I don't think it was totally commander's fault, although probably didn't help that you know this daughtering old fool was coming out of the shower and trying to grab his tail. By his own account, that was with the other dog though, wasn't a tailor, major? I'm not sure if that was major or not, it may have been a... It was a big dog and he was trying to grab its tail. I mean I didn't show, I thought most people learn when they're about three years old, don't grab the dog's tail, right? But you know Joe, Joe has the mind of a under three-year-old, so maybe it's understandable. Yeah I think that was major, Champ was the elder statesman of his dogs. I think he said the point where he just needs willow, you know, and by the way, was willow ever in a Providence nursing home where he would visit the people right before they died? Remember that story? Whatever happened to that cat? Maybe move to the White House? Recently I decided the best place to weigh my head was at an ATM. When are we going to get a decision by the judge in that case in Atlanta? I don't, you know, people ask me, do you think she'll be indicted? I don't care if she's indicted or not. I mean I'd like to see her in prison along with her boyfriend, but the big thing is to just get the case thrown out or get her thrown off the case and then postpone it until after the election. That's the that's the pressing issue here, and how could, and how could they keep her on? You know it's one thing for her to go to the church on Martin Luther King Day and lie about everything. You're not under oath. It's it's a it's a bad sign. It's a bad look, you know, but it's it's not a crime per se. It's a sin, not a crime. Lying under oath, giving a sworn deposition full of lies, that's called perjury. That's called obstruction of justice. Since COVID has waned, the less become manic. They're desperately in need of another panic. So now these wheels have jumped on measles. There's little doubt these people are satanic. Yeah, I wonder who's bringing in the measles. At outbreak. I know I know there are a lot of hippies that don't get their kids vaccinated anymore, but I'm guessing it's less on the hippies and more on the the Venezuelans and the Haitians at all. At least Corrine John Pierre can say she's the best worst press secretary ever. She's broken so many glass ceiling. She's broken every other thing that probably in the in the White House press area. 978 says Paul Revere. It's always Paul Revere. No one ever mentions the second writer, William Dawes. Hey, I know how you feel about that. You know, the Boston massacre, they always mentioned the black guy, Christmas attics. There was an Irish guy from County Galway who was also gunned down by the Redcoats that day. You know what his name was Taylor? No idea. Patrick Carr. Are there any schools named after Patrick Carr from County Galway who was also shot along with Christmas attics? No. Where's the diversity, equity and inclusion for Patrick Carr? Hi, Harry. Governor Patrick calling. Wow, did you hear Alexei Navalley died in a Siberian prison? I didn't know Intercom had a station there. We're gonna be fine. That's pretty good. After George Soros bought the WEI and all the rest of those bust out stations, the price went up for a day to 93 cents. Now it's backed down to a quarter again. It is not enough to succeed. Others must fail. Corbett off. Nikki Haley kicked Donald Trump's butt in South Carolina. What do you mean they weren't playing golf? What does that have to do with anything? That was so anticlimactic. I was kind of looking forward to seeing her speech on on Saturday night, but it was just blah. She I think I'm I'm tending to think maybe she is going to go uh no labels. There's you know she she wants to keep the grift going and they got a lot of money a lot of money and then I got to give it back either. Nikki Haley saying she's staying in the races like the 2023 Patriots saying they're still in it to win Super Bowl 58, which concluded three weeks ago. Yeah you know the thing is the the 2023 New England Patriots had the Boston sports writers. They were they were in it with them all the way. They're the the cheerleaders, the pom pom boys. I think even even Nikki Haley's biggest cheerleaders, the Koch brothers or the Koch family money, they pulled out Sunday, but we'll see again. No labels. Remember those two words? No labels. That was your last chumpline message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. All right. That's it for the chumpline today. The chumpline is the recorded voice mail message service of the Howie Carr show. You can call and leave a message at any time between the hours of 1 and 4 p.m. Eastern time. The number if you want it wish to leave such a message 844-542-844-542-442. Press 2 for the chumpline. Leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your message or you just like to hear a second brand new chumpline every evening, you could always hear it. It's called chop chumps. It's posted around 7 p.m. Eastern time. It's the second chumpline of the day. All the messages we didn't have room or time for just now. You can get chop chumps. The second chumpline of the day every week night. Wherever you get your Howie Carr show podcast. Today's chumpline is brought to you by Perfect Smiles in Nashua, New Hampshire. Dr. Houghton is the best in the business and that's why he's always my first doctor's appointment when I get back to New England in the spring. Contact them today at Change your smile. Change your life. Hi Howie. Governor Patrick calling. Wow. Did you hear Alexei Navalley died in a Siberian prison? I didn't know Intercom had a station there. We're gonna be fine. You know, if it's like all the other Intercom stations, no one in Siberia knew it either because it was so terribly programmed. 844-542-42. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr show will be right back. You're listening to the Howie Carr show. I love My Pillows products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you could enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code Howie at My From pillows, towels, slippers, and even their giza dream sheets, go to My and use code Howie for amazing discounts. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which of these recently reported price increases at McDonald's would you be willing to pay? Hash Browns at 569, Egg McMuffin at 729, the Big Mac combo at 1759, the quarter pounder with bacon and cheese combo at 19 dollars or an extra slice of cheese for 150, or I don't go to McDonald's anymore. For all of the above reasons, I vote for the last option. I don't go to McDonald's anymore. 91% say they don't go anymore. 3% say they'd take the Egg McMuffin. 2% each say the Big Mac combo at 1759 or the extra slice of cheese for a dollar 50. All right. 844, 500, 42, 42. So 508 says DJT should suggest Nikki run under no labels. It'll only provide another outlet for never Trumpers or an option for Dems who can't stomach Brandon either. What's the downside? Well, the downside is the open question, would Nikki Haley take more votes from Trump or from Biden? I don't know. That's a good question. Do you think the money would be behind her if they thought it was going to hurt Biden? I mean, they don't like Biden, but they're petrified of Trump because he's an anti-deep state and all the money is deep state. So I think she would probably hurt Trump more than Biden. I'm not sure though. That's a good topic to debate. Maybe that's our poll question tomorrow. Who would Nikki Haley hurt more as a no labels candidate, Biden or Trump? I think I would vote for Trump. The Wall Street Journal today has about 17 columns say, well, this isn't really a big victory for Trump beating the popular ex-governor in our home state by 20 plus points because he didn't do well in the suburbs. You look at the counties, he lost Columbia, South Carolina. He always loses state capitals. It's like, and the college towns. It's like happens, Georgia is a blue county. That's why these Venezuelans were running around free to kill the college student because the DA doesn't arrest them. You know, it's the same. So, but that's what they're saying. The exit polls show he's weak with suburban women. I can't remember crazier times in my lifetime. Now more than ever, expect the unexpected with ReadyWise. Always be prepared. At ReadyWise, their mission is to bring peace of mind to their consumers by offering high quality food and gear at a reasonable price. ReadyWise relentlessly pursues solutions to help you be prepared. Go to, intercode Howie20, at checkout and receive 20% off your purchase, or call 895 Ready to speak with an actual person. That's Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-500-4242-508 says she'd heard RFK more than either. I mean, how many ballots do you think she's going to be on? I mean, they say that no labels is only on the ballot, and they've got a ton of money, and they've been working at it a lot harder than I think RFK has. And they're only on the ballot in 17 states. I mean, RFK is not on the ballot in, but I think one state at this point, I mean, he'll get on more than that. But how many ballots are both of these outfits going to be on? And Cornell West is trying to get the Green Party. I mean, RFK said he'd like to get the Libertarian Party, but I don't think that's in the works. I mean, they like him on COVID, like you and I like him on COVID, but the rest of his platform kind of not our, it's more like Biden than it is like Trump, that's for sure. So I don't see that. Do you really think there's anyone who'd vote for DJT, but for Nikki instead, they have long TDS Trump derangement syndrome and might vote for Brandon, but would never hold their nose and vote for Trump? I don't know. I don't know how it's going to play out. I just think things are just going to get worse and worse in the country before election day. He's going to, he's Biden is going to get worse and worse. By the way, we've got some some some Biden cuts, but first I want to play, I want to play a cut here. This is from from Trump at CPAC the other day. And you know, CPAC is run. He he, I guess he had a speech on the teleprompter, but he never even got to it. He just had lived for 90 minutes, totally coherent. You know, Joe Biden couldn't make it for 90 seconds as we see every day that he comes out, which isn't every day, as you know. But so they say that he he confused his wife. He said Melania's name was Mercedes. Mercedes Schlapp is the one of the founders of CPAC along with her husband. And so she's in the front row Mercedes Schlapp. He's talking about Melania and he sees Mercedes, so he mentions her. And so the the reporters, I don't I don't know that they're dumb or it's just Trump derangements in Rome, probably a combination of both. But but let me tell let me just play let me play the cut of Trump talking about his wife. And then he mentions Mercedes in the front row and see if you would if you're confused, you or you think Trump was confused about who he was talking about. Cut to my wife, our great first lady. She was a great for people. Love her. People love her. Oh, look at that. Wow. Mercedes, that's pretty good. Yeah, she's good. Hey Russians, if you've got those if you've got those 33,000 emails, release them. I mean, that that was a joke. He was just he was just doing a shout out to somebody in the in the audience who was in the front row, whose whose event he was appearing at. And then you know, all of these comrades, all of these Democrats, stenographers with press passes are right. He's confused. He's further gone than Brandon is. Blah, blah, blah. 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42. So this is Brandon trying to quote Abraham Lincoln. You may have heard this one already, but he's he's got the he's got the notes right in front of him. And it's it's kind of a more relatively obscure Abraham Lincoln quote. It's not like four score and seven years ago, or with malice towards none, etc. It's not one of those quotes, which he could which he would have bollocks anyway, but this is this is a more obscure one. But listen, listen to him try to get through this cut to, you know, stand here in front of this portrait, the man behind me here. He he said, and I want to make sure I get the quote exactly right. He said, the better angel, he said, we must address the council and adjust the better angels of our nature. And we do and we do well to remember what else he said. He said, we're not enemies, but we're friends. It's the middle of this is the part of the Civil War. He said, we're not enemies, we're friends. We must not be enemies. And then to skip to the end of the story, a Democrat shot him in the head. Cut three. And by the way, I served in times and we had very, very staunch, staunch differences. Very very, very starch, differences, very starch differences. Okay. So you know, the story about the possibilities he was with the Chinese premier when he was president or vice president, he can't he can't remember whether he was president or vice president. The story's been debunked over and over again, even in the even in the Democrat Party religious tracks like the Washington Post. But he thinks if he tells it enough time, somehow it becomes true. I guess that's the Gerbil's Mussolini theory of what they used to call and still do, I guess, the big lie. So he confuses himself as being president, vice president, he confuses the Chinese president as being the head of Russia, et cetera, et cetera. This is just, this is 200 proof Biden cut for. And you know, it seems to me that I'll conclude by saying, I've spent a lot of time with Xi Jinping, someone whom I have a great deal of difference with. And I was, when I was vice president, president, my president was told me that he wanted me to get to know Xi Jinping because it was clear he was going to be the head of Russia, of China. And we're heading to Russia at the time and other countries as well. And so what he said was get to know him. He's going to be there. I, and he couldn't because he was the president. He could travel 17,000 miles throughout the country, our country, and in China as well. We're in the Tibetan plateau, and he turned to me, and he said, can you define America for me? And I... Possibilities in the document that I wore. I looked down, I said, yes, I can, in one word. He looked at me, he said, what's that? And I said, possibilities, possibilities. You quote you on that, Mr. President. That never happened. But can we quote you on that? When you were talking, when you were president or vice president, to the, to the head of, to the upcoming head of Russia or China, 844, 542, 42, then after the speech was finished, cut five. Okay. I'm right here. Okay. I'm right here. Where is everybody? He's right here, but he's not all there. Dan, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Dan. Hey, Howie. Yeah. They say there are, there are jeopardy people, and there are wheel of fortune people, you know what I mean? And I don't think Brandon is getting even on wheel of fortune with that notable, quotable, that's terrible. Oh, gives me anxiety to listen to him, you know, you had a call or a few back that said that Republicans are as much to blame after the border is Democrats. And I would just like to roundly disagree with that statement. I mean, when Trump was in, it was infinitely better than it is now. They were, and the Democrats were fighting them the whole way. The wall, the cages, the media was down there making a big scene. AOC was crying in some random parking lot near El Pato somewhere. All of this fiasco was going on. And still, it was significantly better. Nobody ever stood up and said, surge the border, surge the border like they did when this dope got in. I disagree with that statement. Dan, I think his point was that the Republicans should just shut everything down until they shut the border down. That was his point. But I mean, that's politically not possible, is it? I don't know. But Howie, there was 60 executive actions. It was a Breitbart guy that reported that 60 executive actions. I know some were orders and some were like stand down orders to open the border that Biden signed in deliberately, specifically to open the border. So how he's undoing stuff that was in place to keep the border shut. How could this? I know when they're using, they're using all these tricks. They're letting, they're telling them all the Democrats and the one worlders and the globalists and the Soros types, they're telling all these criminals when they come across the border, say you're seeking asylum. So then they give them this, they call it parole. It's an absurd word to use in this context. They give them parole and they say you've got a court appearance in 2029 or 2030. And so then they're technically, I suppose not, they're illegally in the country, but they're on parole from their crimes and awaiting a adjudication. And 97% of them will be turned down if it's like any other, if it's like earlier asylum claims, because they're not seeking asylum. They're just seeking a handout. They're seeking welfare. They're seeking a free ride and a free, and that includes killing Americans. And so this is the problem. And Biden did this. I mean, you know, what about remain in Mexico? You couldn't go anywhere. And none of these people have any right to seek asylum. You're supposed, if you're seeking asylum according to law, according to, I think it's international law, you're supposed to seek asylum in the next country over. So like the people who are trying to flee Afghanistan, they have to go to Pakistan. And you know what that, you know what's happening in Pakistan? They're saying, hey, these people are bad people. We don't want any of them. They're throwing all the Afghans out. What do you think the big problem in Gaza is? It's that, you know, the, the, the Egyptians, there's what? How many? There's, there's probably 80 million Egyptians and there's two million Gazans and the Egyptians don't want them coming in because they're going to destabilize the country. They've destabilized the country in the past. Can they go to Jordan? No, the last time the Palestinians got into Jordan, they tried to assassinate the King Abdullah's father twice. There was a civil warfare. Half the people in, in Jordan are Palestinians now instead of Bedouins. Do they, do they want any more of them in Lebanon? No, they've destabilized the country in Lebanon. So if, if these countries where there are Arabs, they speak the same language, don't want them. If they're Muslims, like the Afghans are with the Pakistanis, why would we be letting in all these people who are from the third world, who have no skills, who don't speak English, many of whom roundly despise us and want to kill us like they killed the nursing student in Georgia? Why would we be letting them into the country? It's not sane. 844-542-844-542-442. I'm how we car. Leave a message for the big guy. Call the chumpline. 844-542-442. Press 2 and leave your message, then listen every weekday at 5 to catch the best messages of the day. One of them may be yours. I'll be car is back. 844-542-442. Dan, you're next. Another Dan with how we car. Go ahead, Dan. Hey, how you doing, how we? Good. All right, so just since I called you said something else, all these executive orders at both parties pass, they're tyrannical. Number one, I kind of took me off what I was originally going to say, but that's, you know, ruling by fiat that shouldn't be allowed, but that's a secondary issue. So what I called about was the election. I think we'll be lucky if you even see it. I think they're already prepping the ground to make this war go hot, and I know we've had elections during what's on before, but we never had a coup before. So these people have everything to lose if there's an election. That's why they got all these new voters here, among other reasons. Yeah, I don't know. I hope that's, I hope that's not the case, and I don't think they have it in them to do that, but we don't know. I mean, they're capable of anything. They, they don't believe in democracy. They don't, they don't believe in God. They're, they're, they only think they believe in his power and the ends justify the means. And it's a, it's an ugly situation that we're in, and it's unprecedented how bad, how bad it is that the Democrat Party is not Democrat. It's communist is what it boils, it's red. It's authoritarian, if you want to call it that eight four four five hundred forty two forty two six oh three wonder of Brandon will publicly apologize to the border patrol mounted unit for accusing them of whipping illegals when he goes to Brownsville, Texas. You know, Hill, Hill, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, apologize to the border patrol about the same time as he issues of a tweet of condolence to the family of of Miss Riley who was murdered by one of his illegal alien gangbangers from Venezuela over the last week. 2027 tweets about George Floyd, a career criminal, zero tweets about about Miss Riley, eight four four five hundred forty two forty two Robert, you're next with how we car go ahead Robert. Hey, Howie, thanks for taking my call. Thank you. I've been I'm 57 years old. I've been paying attention for about, you know, 35 years and the Democrats is right out of their playbook. They create problems and then ask everybody at the last minute to vote for them so they can fix the problems that they created. It's the same thing, the border, the economy, world wars, this is their thing. They just create the problem and then they tell everybody where the ones to fix it. Right. When it, when it, when a problem to begin with, I know the only problem. I know the only people that, you know, the first thing that I ask of government is to be left alone. Leave me the bleep alone. You know, I want the, I like the way the government used to be run, which is it was for roads and for courts and that was about it. I think it was Grover Norquist. I read a great quote from him, the anti-tax guy and he said he wanted to get government small enough so that we could drown it in the bathtub. And I think that's a, that's a really good way to put it. The government is, is out of control. Ronald Reagan's famous line, you know, the worst nine words, I think whatever number the words were in the English language, we're from the government and we're here to help. I don't want your help. Okay. Just, just leave me alone. You know, 844, 542, 42. So another text there says, says, so the judge in New York finds Donald Trump guilty before the trial and he needs to pay the quote, unquote, fine before seeking appeal. But asylum seekers, quote, unquote, automatically get parole before their trials. Yeah, that's a very good way to put it. That's, that's exactly what the situation is. They get parole. So they're just allowed in. So, so all these, they, all these people were cut loose to go on at their, their murder, rape, sprees, you know, that's the worst case scenario. The best case scenario is they go on welfare and, you know, move into a flop house and destroy the neighborhood and destroy the town or in the state and ultimately the country. 844, 542, 42, 781. What happened to hate mail Monday? What did you fall asleep? It was hate mail Monday. It took place just like it always does. You just weren't paying attention. Wake up. Stop drinking so much wine with lunch. I'm Howie Carr.