The Howie Carr Radio Network

Everyone who deserves blame for the death on UGA's campus | 2.26.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Howie shares details of the heinous, horrific death of the 22-year-old student in Georgia...details that you won't find in the Associated Press version of the story.

Broadcast on:
26 Feb 2024

Have you ever wanted to dive deeper into the philosophies behind modern-day politics? Then don't miss the newest episode of Meet the Experts, where I talk with the creators of the Giants of Political Thought Audio Series. Available now, wherever you get your Howie Car Show podcast. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Former President Donald Trump just won his fourth straight Republican primary election. Trump defeated Republican challenger Nikki Haley in her own home state. This morning, a new challenge for Nikki Haley. She's now losing a top donor. Americans for Prosperity and Action, an organization backed by billionaire Charles Koch. I'm embarrassing for you. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. On Thursday, as you all know, President Biden will travel to Brownsville, Texas, to meet with US border patrol agents. And maybe the tone of this will change when he goes to the county facility. But so far, I mean, this is very much a dog and funny shot. Who's your captain, Howie Car? And I want to make sure I get the quote exactly right. He said, "The better angel," he said, "we must address the counselor." "Today, Junior." "I'm right here." "Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware." "It's..." "Howie Car." In case you hadn't figured it out, spoiler alert, he did not get it right. He didn't come close to getting it right. I don't even think he knew who he was referring to when he said, "The guy behind me." It wasn't, there was a bust, obviously, and it wasn't exactly behind him. But whatever, portrait, whatever. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, welcome to The Howie Car Show. And we're going to be spending a lot of the time today talking about this terrible murder down in Georgia. The word that he was an illegal alien broke on Friday evening just after the show. And it's just a terrible, terrible tragedy that this happened. And then it was so unnecessary. If Donald Trump had been in the White House, this never would have happened. Because this third world bloodthirsty savage and millions like him wouldn't have been in the country, and they wouldn't be killing American citizens in cold blood while living off the welfare system. This is just, it's just so, so predictable what happened. And the Democrats don't care. All they can do is just continue to just try to cover it up. This guy is a Venezuelan thug, and his brother is a Venezuelan thug. And he quote unquote married some other Venezuelan woman of ill repute, no doubt, and brought the kid in across the country thinking that would be easier for him to get into the country, start flopping and going on welfare, and commit these crimes, these horrible, vicious crimes. He and his brother had all kinds of crimes for shoplifting, drunk driving, injuring children up in New York City. And then he finally topped it off. He murdered an American citizen in cold blood. That's, and this is, this is the fundamental transformation of America. This is what the, are you happy now everybody who voted for Joe Biden, another, another murder on the hands of the Democrat party, yet another murder. And it's, this is far from the first, and it, it, it will not be the last, unfortunately, but it's, it's just terrible. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. So, you know, this is a, and again, this is another, another aspect of this case is that the reason he's still running around, well, there are many reasons he's still running around, but when he got to Georgia, you would say, well, you know, is Fannie Willis the only bad DA down there? It's a, it's got, they've got over a hundred counties, and most of the counties are very red. But, you know, Athens, Georgia, that's the home of the University of Georgia, the Bulldogs, where Dr. Matt went. And so it's liberal, like, like Orange County and, in North Carolina, where Chapel Hill is, or, you know, all these, all these counties where the University is, the State University is. And so, so they have this woman, Deborah Gonzales, she is the district attorney in, in Athens, Georgia. Her office is so poorly managed that though she is authorized to have 17 assistant district attorneys, she only has three. In 2023 last year, her office dismissed 46% of cases and reduced over 130 felony prosecutions to misdemeanors. She has lost 14 murder cases in a row, 14 murder cases in a row. So this Venezuelan savage who murdered the young coed, his brother, his name is Jose and his brother's name is Diego. The only thing that's kind of weird about this is they both have the same last name, suggesting that suggesting their parents were married, which is, that's kind of a one off in, you know, south of the border in the third world. They just breed. His brother alleged crossed illegally into this country in 2023 last year and has already been arrested three times, including for driving under the influence. They all drive under the influence. They lack the enzyme. I mean, why wouldn't they drive under the influence? They committee every other crime in the book. What the hell do they care about driving drunk? Ibarra sources tell me this is a guy from Atlanta has been arrested multiple times for shoplifting among other offenses. So he's an illegal alien. His brother's an illegal alien. They're both career criminals, but the, both the Associated Press and the Atlanta Journal Constitution refer to Iberra as an Athens resident. Stop me if you've heard this one before. Athens resident, that's the Georgia equivalent of a Lawrence man or a Providence man. The New York Times reported he is not a citizen of the United States, but skipped that whole thing about crossing into the country illegally. Just as the press corps has gone overboard, leaving out details about the Kansas city shooters who were black gang members and now the illegal alien murderer in Athens, Georgia, who's from Venezuela. Anything that upsets the intersectional apple card is ignored. It's like how Asian violence stopped being a thing once it turned out that almost all violence against Asians in the United States is committed by young black men and also Harvard and other colleges like to discriminate against Asians. Yeah, so it's, it became not a big deal. Not a big deal. 844, 542, 42. Jose Iberra. This is another story. This is from Breitbart. Jose Iberra. That's the killer. That's the murderer was arrested in Athens, Georgia for drunk driving and driving without a license. Jose Iberra was arrested in Athens in October for shoplifting and then in December of last year for failing to appear in court. And the district district attorney Gonzales didn't care that I bearer was in the country legally on a crime wave. Huh? Earlier this month, Jose Iberra managed to use a fake green card to get a job. So using that identity theft to get a job as a dishwasher in one of the dining halls at the University of Georgia when he refused to hand over more identifying documents, the university fired him from his position and did not pay him. 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42. Yeah, so you have Antonio Iberra is the excuse me, Antonio Iberra is the is the murderer and his brother is also an illegal that's Diego Jose Iberra. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42, do you have any posts Brandon has put out how many tweets he's put out on a lake and Riley the dead the dead woman from Atlanta from Georgia, excuse me, zero. Yeah, exactly. Did how many tweets he put out about George Floyd, St. George Floyd, the career criminal who died of a fentanyl overdose, basically not murdered by the police died of a drug overdose or drug or a heart attack exacerbated by drug abuse. How many 27 27 is there facts check him out because he was a criminal. He he tweeted endlessly about Jesse Smollett. That was a that was a fake hate crime, but he was really he was really angry about the fact that these MAGA hat wearing Nigerians had attacked a nice young gay man in Chicago in the gay district at 2 a.m. on the coldest day of the decade. Just happen just happen that way. 844, 500, 42, 42 Athens man. Always remember that Athens man. That tells you what that's what they think of that's what they think that's how they think we are that we're going to buy that it's an Athens man. Did you think it was an Athens man to begin with? No, I didn't know what I don't know anyone who thought it was an Athens man. Now, now when you now when these things happen, you just assume it's just some savage from the third world, you know, someone with no self control from some country where there are no laws to begin with where they just kill one another like like rabbit packs of dogs. 844, 500, 42, 42. By the way, Taylor, do we have any comments from the Mrs. Ibera senior seniora Yabada about her two criminal sons, one of whom is a murderer. He's a good boy, a very good boy, a mucho good boy. 844, 500, 42, 42. We'll take some calls on this when we come back. I'm Howie Carr. Get a crash course from the captain on everything he's talking about in today's show. Go to and click on today's edition of Howie's Homework. You'll be up to speed on today's news in no time. Howie Carr is back. You know, I told you it's the IDF post these great videos blowing up Muslim Nazi savages and they just posted one of a Hezbollah fellow by the name of Salami for indeed that was his name. Not Pastrami, none more to dull. His name was Salami and I just tweeted it out from the New York Post. He won't he won't be down for breakfast. 72 new virgins have been have been instructed to meet him and at the gates to paradise or wherever he's going to end up. I love my pillow's products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code Howie at From pillows, towels, slippers and even their giza dream sheets, go to and use code Howie for amazing discounts. And we were talking about this last week. There are a lot of stories about about the astronomical prices at McDonald's. I was talking about that with Brandon Erickson today from ready wise. He's going to be the next on the next podcast of Meet the Experts. The prices are just out of control. So I finally decided to put them all in a I've been saying I was going to do this for a while. So I put them all in a in the poll question today. Taylor, what is the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is which one of these recently reported price increases at McDonald's? Would you be willing to pay hash browns at five dollars sixty nine cents egg McMuffin at seven twenty nine a big Mac combo at seventeen fifty nine quarter pounder with bacon and cheese combo at nineteen dollars an extra slice of cheese a dollar fifty or I don't go to McDonald's anymore. I don't go to McDonald's anymore. Notice McFlaurie's was left off this list but ninety four percent say I don't go to McDonald's anymore. Two percent say egg McMuffin one percent each for the Big Mac quarter pounder or one extra cheese slice. I haven't seen you know I've just I haven't been to McDonald's for a long time and I haven't and I haven't seen any stories in the papers or in social media about McFlaurie prices. I don't know what someone can someone can text me in and tell me how much McFlaurie is but I just don't you know what I you know when you see about a dozen of these stories you just say and I don't think so. I can I can find somewhere somewhere else to go. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two Dennis you're next with how we car go ahead Dennis. How are you about the two Athens men? Yes. Do you think they were fleeing the brutality of their third world hellholes or transporting it with them? I you know the thing is did you see Maduro they in a related development Maduro they're the the president of the country said he's not going to accept any more people who are deported even even Brandon has been forced to try to deport some of these people but they they have I mean I I think everybody agrees it's not just Trump saying this they they are emptying out their prisons and their mental hospitals and their pregnancy wards I'm sure because you know they don't want to support all these all these illegal all these illegitimate children with some 13 year old mother that was knocked up by one of the Ibera brothers. So you know they're just emptying the jail and now Maduro says he won't take him back and you know Trump tells the story you know they wouldn't they when he started deporting these gang bangers when he became president they said the same thing is it we're not going to take it we're glad to be rid of them they're they're your problem now this is the greatest thing that's ever happened our country is is clearing out all the all the the the the low the low rent criminals in our country and they can ruin your country they can turn your country from a first world country into a third world hellhole and Trump said okay you don't want it then you get no more foreign aid you get nothing from the United States and you know what you know what Dennis they started taking him back they started taking him back but of course Biden's not going to do that because he's he's really really happening he's really you know working to to make sure that you know that that he could destroy America thanks for the call Dennis 844 540 where did you get these prices for McDonald's they're all over the place they're they're all over social media I've been cutting the stories out of it the New York Post has got them all and it and that I just I've been saving him waiting for these waiting for these days these are mainly from places in Connecticut though Connecticut and Illinois 844 542 413 it's all a bargain how we don't forget you get free Wi-Fi at McDonald's yeah you do you do that's the good thing that's the bad news is all these high prices 19 bucks for a bacon a quarter pounder with bacon and cheese combo meal the good news is free Wi-Fi mike you're next with how we car go ahead mike howie first my heart goes out to all these these folks who have suffered under these idiots that are coming across illegally my question is has anybody considered filing a wrongful death suit against my orcas and or Biden administration I mean I think I think a lot of people have done that mike but you know it's it's not going anywhere there's a story and there was a young girl 22 she was killed by a gang banger from from El Salvador and the the Aberdeen Maryland Police Department where she was murdered they found out he was a gang banger and he had a lengthy criminal record you know how they called the they called the police in El Salvador but the border patrol the you know didn't even bother to check and so this this poor mother who lost her 22 year old daughter who was raped and murdered and the the third world savage stole six dollars from her after raping and murdering her there's he's the mother is now suing the federal government for a hundred million bucks but let's be honest mike they're not good they're not going to get any of that money you know the the feds just to drag things out that's that's the way it goes I mean I've I've seen it you know I I always go back to that case where the the FBI framed these four guys in Boston for a gangland murder in 1965 they two of them winded up on death row almost were executed two of them died in prison 35 years later they got a hundred and some odd million dollars but it took they were they were in prison for 35 years and they they had to drag it out and the federal Bureau of Investigation wasn't even going to release the exculpatory evidence until until they said they were going to lock up Mueller he was the head of the FBI at the time of judge a liberal judge said we're going to lock you up if you don't release the exculpatory evidence the feds don't care it's the deep state I'm how we car live from the Matthews brothers studios eight four four five hundred forty two forty two eight four four five hundred forty two forty two eight six oh you cherry picked the McDonald's price from her rest stop on I-95 hey people people that's what they're paying for it those are the those are the prices I'm gonna I'm gonna use them I think the prices are pretty much out of control I hear a lot of people talking about how much the prices are at McDonald's eight four four five hundred forty two forty two five one six remember the migrant who shot that girl in the pier in Santa Cruz I think it was in San Francisco uh yeah Kate Steinle that was in 2015 the guy had been deported five to seven times and he yeah he claimed he'd stolen the gun and he just happened to shoot her and uh yeah that that was that was one of the there there are these things are happening all the time how about Molly Tibbetts she was murdered in Iowa by a uh an illegal alien savage raped in uh any clay he's doing life now and he claims he didn't do it but he knew exactly where she was buried he led the cops to it this uh savage from Mexico eight four four five hundred forty two forty two time now for grace with the nose hello howie and on the same topic Joe Biden is set to visit the border on Thursday the same day that former president Donald Trump is also making a visit to the border so president Joe Biden will visit the U.S. border with Mexico on Thursday to blame the GOP for his catastrophic immigration policies according to the Associated Press I'm reading this from Breitbart it says Biden will travel to Brownsville Texas an area that often sees large numbers of border crossings but this just in howie the border patrol union has responded to this news and they said unfortunately a visit by president Biden three years into his term and after repeatedly stating there is no crisis is too little too late that's the understatement of the year well will he be will he be going there with Jose and Diego uh Abara the two victims of uh of a Eurocentric uh racism and classism that you know to to issue his condolences for them for being put under arrest for raping and killing this uh co-ed in Georgia well what i'm really um curious about is Karine jump here at the White House press secretary she's been one of the most vocal people as far as lying about what's happening at the border and she oftentimes uh will accuse republicans of photo ops and PR stunts and political stunts and because Donald Trump's going on Thursday I'm sure they're going to want to describe that as a political stunt but now that Joe Biden's going because I believe he announced it after Trump I'm sure that that's just because you know he wants to do his job many times if they said the border was secure that would be a good sound cut for for tomorrow or Thursday whenever they uh whenever they go down there yeah well to your point how he that the follow-up part of this uh statement from the border patrol union which is really good they said whether stating it himself or through his White House press secretary Karine jump here Biden has said he's done everything he can to secure the border if that was the truth and it wasn't there would be no point in visiting the border now and we saw this last time he visited the border a very long time ago under duress like after people were telling him over and over again that he should and what they essentially did was they cleaned up the entire area they cleared everybody out so he wouldn't have to actually see anything at the border and then he just walked through the fence and kind of did a quick walk and then left just so he could say well I went to the border in whatever month it was so I'm sure it'll be more of the same pitiful yes um in other news how he wrote a McDaniel officially announces a resignation his RNC chair this was a long time coming she announced Monday that she will step down early next month following mounting criticism of her leadership this is from the New York Post she said in a statement she would step aside on March 8th three days after the super Tuesday primaries she wants to get her hair done one more time yeah she wants to use that lu lemon butter she's gonna she's gonna resume her uh her maiden name ranna delecto it says separately RNC co-chair Drew McKiscus announced he would also resign effective at the same time as McDaniel now a lot of people think um that the next person who is going to take up the job would be wotley um and that's trump's pick michael wotley yeah he's the republican party chairman from north carolina um but it's not you know set in stone yet but that's just who trump is floated and uh it's probably what's going to end up happening trump trump i heard him at some speech he was introducing uh wot wotley or weightly and he said this guy's great he has 500 he had 500 lawyers working for him and i'm thinking to myself it's great to have 500 lawyers working for yourself but it's it's better to have a lot of IT people who could stop the fraud before it happens because once those once those uh ballots go into the boxes grace it's very hard no matter how good your lawyers are as we saw in 2020 yeah how you were the one who taught me that remember the days afterwards in pom beach i kept coming into the studio every day saying howie someone says this and somebody else said this and maybe this and you would say uh grace i don't want to be the bearer of bad news here but it's really hard to stop the stuff after the fact right would have been easier before and um yeah and that's why i really liked harmee dylan because when she came on your show a few months before that race howie she had a plan yeah there there are a lot of people that have have plans i mean that they claim i you know i i was talking to someone who gave me a you know some information about his friend uh that you know it has a uh as a security company and he wants to get involved he's a big trump guy and i'm gonna i'm gonna pass it on to caroline when i see her on caroline leva when i see her on wednesday night but you know i don't know i mean i don't know who's got the magic bullet to stop this i mean all the the democrats have big tech they have uh they they have very good tech they have very good technology they they can't uh they can't defend the southern border and uh you wouldn't trust them in a in a in a bar room brawl but they know how to uh they know how to manipulate votes don't they yeah they know how to work the algorithms as they say um how a story about hunter biden is going viral it's uh out of axios and i just want to read you a quote from it this is what hunter biden was talking about he said maybe it's the ultimate test for recovering addict i don't know i have always been in awe of people who have stayed clean and sober through tragedies and obstacles few people ever face they are my heroes my inspiration he added that in his case or that in this case i have something much bigger than even myself at stake we are in the middle of a fight for the future of democracy so hunter biden according to axios he's staying sober so by democrat speak that means we're to fight for the future of destroying democracy that's what he means i'll do the translation for you as if you couldn't do it yourself after all these years of listening to these frauds yeah he is resolute that he won't can't relapse but he acknowledges that the temptation is always there for him and anyone else who has gotten sober i also want to read you one other sentence that i think you'll want to drink at a time hunter one drink at a time it says a slip by hunter would weigh heavily on the president as he seeks re-election republicans and conservative tabloids have relished documenting hunters alcohol and drug addictions relished as if he didn't relish it where did all these conservative ghouls get the information to put out there i believe it was off his own laptop wasn't it yes you might be right on that sir russian disinformation that that laptop how to all the earmarks of russian disinformation how this is from the hill former president trump on monday appealed to judge's decision ordering him to pay more than four hundred fifty million dollars in the new york attorney general sprawl sprawling civil fraud case against his business empire judge engron's decision earlier this month marked a stunning legal and financial blow to the former president barring him from serving in a leadership role in any new york business for three years in ordering independent officials to monitor trump's companies so the appeal um is now he he has appealed the the fraud ruling i'm not sure how he if he's had to put up the four hundred fifty four million dollars yet i think he might have thirty days to do that you know why did did you see the story in the wall street journal you know the trump trump hotel in d_c_ in the old post office where uh... we we've been in there yeah very nice high ceilings it's a very very nice hotel it's very beautiful the trump's uh sold it for uh three hundred and seventy five million dollars in twenty twenty two the new owner just defaulted on a two hundred and eighty five million dollar loan related to the property they miss payments on that loan according to the wall street journal reflect higher interest rates in the above market price the firm paid the trump's industry executive say howie do you think he'll he'll put up four hundred fifty four million and do you think if he does he'd have to sell some of his property i think i i think he's going to get a i think someone's going to give him a stay i mean i mean it's just it it's so preposterous it's so third world but it may be there's so many things that are third world here i mean that that story about the intelligence community is worried that uh that if trump gets back in he will weaponize intelligence agencies i mean you you know that's it the babylon b couldn't couldn't out do a story like that people people wouldn't would say oh that's ridiculous yeah there was a there was a section in that where it said trump still feels hostile towards the towards the intelligence agencies and i'm like well wouldn't you and i think i'm saying well if he gets rid of us then he won't have anybody uh he he won't have anybody competent competent to do what well what did what have they thought what have they accomplished recently other than trying to frame republicans hey howie you just mentioned how out of control things are getting and i actually think this is another good example of it so al Sharpton once complained about how uh they're locking up my toothpaste well now in san francisco a hardware store has been forced to escort customers while shopping in an attempt to deter crime so this this policy it has someone come to the door and they don't want to do this obviously they're doing it because they have to it's necessity but someone will come to the door and there's a sign at the door that says due to the rampant shoplifting fredrickson that's the hardware store has introduced a one-on-one shopping experience wait here and a clerk will be right with you to help you with all your shopping needs we're sorry pretty soon they're going to give you a chance to test out some of their some of their nice new products called handcuffs you're going to have to get the chance to test the handcuffs while you're well you're shopping it used to be you know that sometimes there would be that these kinds of guards in the high end jewelry stores you know like on uh in Beverly hills or on worth avenue in palm beach and and now by in hammers and nails yeah is requires it's it's so out of control well how we have another one and employee this is also from the post millennial an employee at bath and body works in hampton virginia was fired after she followed two shoplifters out of the store got pepper sprayed and called police to report the crime the woman who was asked not she asked not to be identified said the thieves filled bags they had with store merchandise and told the employees y'all have a good day peace out as they left without paying when she exited the store she said the two women walked towards the card they had its license plate covered with plastic bags i said you're on camera she said i don't give a bleep and you can guess what happened next she got pepper sprayed and bath and body works that's like lotions lotions and and maybe some candles we need to bring back jail you know i never i never thought it would be a sad thing while these they'd be closing these prisons but it is because you know like you're saying oh the number of prisoners in massachusetts is is half what it was 15 years ago the amount of crime is not half what it is 15 years ago it's just that they're more you're leaving the people out there to continue committing crimes with no punishment yes stranger we're not closer to utopia even though all these prisons are shutting down how that's it for me but i'll be back for hate mail monday in just a little bit okay thank you grace you've heard me say it before i need my sleep not five or six hours i need seven or eight hours of uninterrupted sleep so when i started sleeping on my pillow it was a dream come true i started sleeping better than ever my pillow can change your sleep experience too just go to my pillow dot com to get yours right now howie fans will get a special offer you can get my pillows incredible geeza dream bed sheets for as low as 29.98 a set of pillow cases only 9.98 and a my pillow mattress topper for as little as 99.99 they also have blankets in a variety of sizes colors and styles get duvets quilts down comforters body pillows bolster pillows and so much more all with the biggest discounts ever call 800-658-4965 or go to my pillow dot com and use the code howie don't love it don't worry my pillow has a 60 day money-back guarantee and a 10-year warranty that's eight hundred six five eight forty nine sixty five or my pillow dot com don't forget the code howie i'm howie car howie car have you ever wanted to dive deeper into the philosophies behind modern day politics then don't miss the newest episode of meet the experts where i talk with the creators of the giants of political thought audio series available now wherever you get your howie car show podcast the howie car show is back eight four four five hundred forty two forty two eight four four five hundred four forty two forty two five oh when season two of dirty rats coming out it's it's it's ready to go it's the we we can't make any money off it though we we have a trouble we have trouble making money off of uh podcast after off of stand-alone podcast right Taylor i'm not involved with the sales portion of this i mean but everything is i mean i've i've written a second season and it's all the all the cuts are done it's it's it's all how we went there talking about the the irish gang war it's pretty good stuff you ever wonder what it's like when you uh set up a murder and you're on the other end and the guy that's calling you is is getting shot how we wonder explains what it's like it's pretty good stuff but again we haven't it's it's there it's ready to go we just haven't done it yet maybe we will sooner or later eight four four i'm trying to get some other stuff for a uh for for a book about the uh about the organized crime i'm making calls on it trying to get some documents it's all there i just got to get the documents we'll see if i can get i got about half the documents sitting them by my bed i read them every night and laugh and you know with my highlighter and mark them and then i go go to sleep and have bad dreams eight four but i'm working on stuff eight four four five hundred forty two forty two uh this is uh brian kemp the governor of georgia talking about this uh horrific murder in uh in Athens of the she was a student at the university of georgia and then she transferred to to the other school in uh in agosta and she was she was a nursing student 22 years old a sorority girl religious nice nice person apparently at every level and she was just slain by this uh this fiend from the third world who was led into the country by jose of robinette biden jr cut eight well look yeah first of all they're they're devastated i mean they are heartbroken and i i'm marty and i both um you know can can understand i mean our daughters at the university of georgia see works out in that same area i mean it is just a tragic situation but they're also mad like i am that this happened and it was preventable because we just have a nightmare in this country with mass migration and then have people that are here legally breaking our laws and they're not telling anybody reporting this to us and they're not doing anything about it these these uh these brothers they just come into the country they they violate the law by coming into the country they they know nothing's going to happen to them so they just keep violating the laws they just keep escalating from shoplifting to drunk driving to finally they finally just murder americans because you know they no one's good no gringo and gringo land is going to do anything about a dead gringo that's that's that's the way they look at it and they've they've all been you know they come from a communist dictatorship where they were held accountable and held down and then they just said go up there and kill the americanos you know wreck their country too just like uh you've wrecked it just like venezuelans first they wrecked venezuela now they're going to wreck the united states of america and you know what they're doing a damn good job of it damn good job all those uh all those uh those uh thugs who attacked the cops in uh Times Square they were all Venezuelan all the all the ones that are uh killing people or strangling people on the uh on the elevated trains in chicago venezuelans yeah they they you know it's this is this is what the democrats want they want to destroy the united states i don't know how else to what what other reason would you be importing millions of uneducated unskilled criminal thugs from the third world unless you wanted to destroy the united states of america there's no there's no other reason there was none 844 i'm willing to accept that they want to destroy the country that's it's pretty clear isn't it no why why aren't any democrats speak any international democrats speaking out about against this they they they see they're all in on this they support it 844 542 42 42 all right season one was uh awesome on the dirty rats i yeah i thought it was too maybe we'll work on it this summer again it's not much work to be done it's all written and cut off all the cuts I don't cut so I'm how we car.