
Trump Returns But Questions Remain… | Candace Ep 29

I go over the best moments from the RNC, lingering questions about Trump's assassination attempt remain, and Adidas pulls Bella Hadid from their campaign after Israel criticism.

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22 Jul 2024
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I go over the best moments from the RNC, lingering questions about Trump's assassination attempt remain, and Adidas pulls Bella Hadid from their campaign after Israel criticism.

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All right, guys. Happy Friday. We are live live again, which means, of course, I will not be responding to you guys every second in the live chat on YouTube, but don't worry at the end of this when we get to comments. I will jump in and read as many super chats as I possibly can. So we're to begin. It's been a crazy week. It's the reason we've been live so much. It feels like every minute there's some more explosive news. And in the wake of the Trump assassination attempt, there have been a ton of conspiracy theories. Not like using that term, CIA term, but they're floating around the internet regarding what actually took place. First and foremost, the left believes that Trump was in on it. I don't know if you've been seeing the clips of Joy Reid of MSNBC, but she's essentially saying that it all looks like a setup and Trump knew that it was going to happen. And that's why he said fight, fight, fight. And yeah, that takes a lot of faith. You would have to then believe that Trump trusted somebody so much as a marksman that he trusted him that even when he moved his head, he would just shoot his ear. I don't, I'm not buying, I'm not buying that one. But anyways, that is, that is pretty much the left. They're spinning theories about whether or not Trump was involved. The rights, well, we believe that the deep state was somehow in on it because it just seems utterly implausible to have that much of a security apparatus and to have no one, have looked around and said, Oh, look, this is a high ground area, of course, it is a risk and to make sure that you had some agents atop every rooftop that was within shooting distance of Donald J. Trump, especially when you have secret service agents that travel with you everywhere. I believe that they wanted to murder Trump. But here's what is interesting. Left in right for the first time, we are actually agreeing. We're agreeing that something was not right that day. Was there a second shooter? There are some theories about that. By the way, who was the woman that was seated directly behind Donald Trump who seemed almost too calm as the mayhem broke out? I'm going to show you that. Also, how lucky is it that the BBC just happened to be there to capture the first interview from an alleged witness of the shooting where the guy, he was wearing that visor upside down. We're going to talk about him. All that plus much more today coming up on Candice Live. All right, guys, so I think we can all agree that it was a different Donald J. Trump that emerged on the RNC stage last night. Much more subdued, much more severe, I would say, and I can only imagine what is going through his mind having survived a near assassination attempt. Tucker Carlson hit the stage before him, and here's what Tucker Carlson had to say very briefly. When he stood up after being shot in the face, bloodied, and put his hand up, I thought at that moment, that was a transformation. This was no longer a man. Well, I think that. I think it was divine intervention, but the effect that it had on Donald Trump, he was no longer just a political party's nominee or a former president or a future president. This was the leader of a nation. Here's the reality. Donald Trump should be dead. That's the truth. And I'm going to show you something that somebody put on the internet put this together to show you just how close he came to death. Watch this footage here, and I'll talk over it in case there are some of you that are just listening. Look at that. Unbelievably, you see in this recreation that he quite literally just a millisecond. We are talking of turning his head. That is the only reason that Donald Day Trump is alive. And so yes, Tucker Carlson is correct. He is necessarily a changed man because you cannot come out of something like that and not really pause and reflect on your life, not really pause and reflect on one of the things that actually matter, and you hear this all the time, by the way, any individual who goes through a near death experience, they come out of it forever changed. And of course, we were all awaiting what would be the first remarks that Donald Trump would say as he hit that RNC stage, and here is a snippet of what he said. Take a listen. I'm not supposed to be here tonight, not supposed to be here. Thank you. But I'm not, and I'll tell you, I stand before you in this arena only by the grace of Almighty God. Donald Trump is talking about God in a way that you can tell he really means it. And like I said, he's much more subdued there. You can tell that he's meaning every single syllable of what he is saying, that God saved in that night, because what else could have possibly been the reason, what could have compelled him to have turned his head, not a moment, not a millisecond too soon. So I often speak about how emotions tend to rupture logic. Like none of us are immune to that, not even me. I recognize that in moments of high emotionality, we just react. We react and we do things that we wouldn't have done if we had time to think about it. And I've been sharing that with you a lot, talking about psychology, how important it is that we talk about the history of psychology in this nation, particularly people like Sigmund Freud, who was an absolute pervert, who supported pedophilia, and helped people who were pedophiles get away with it via his psychoanalyzing, psychoanalism, which was born from Sigmund Freud and of course his nephew Edward Bernays, who I tell you about, who was considered the father of propaganda in the United States and worked for the United States government, particularly during World War II, making sure that we were propagandized in the right way to want to sign up our sons to go die overseas. Well, why am I telling you all that? Because I have learned that the United States government has been perfecting the process of how to create mass psychosis events, events that are so unbelievably tragic or so unbelievably awe-inspiring. I can give you one example of a tragic George Floyd dying, that created a mass psychosis, 9/11 watching those buildings, that creates a mass psychosis, right? And they do these things and they show you these things and they shock your system because they want you to be crazed by emotions and when you are at your peak of emotionality, they know that you will get into a mass formation. So what was a mass formation created after 9/11? And while we agreed to go to war and give up all of our rights, didn't care, take off our belt, shoes, everything, it just, please, just keep us safe via the Patriot Act. BLM, you obviously saw people burning down cities just ahead of an election, radical policies passed in inner cities, demanding reparations, you name it, things were insane. DEI boards everywhere, suddenly, because there had to be a DEI ward. Look at George Floyd died. Of course, it's only in the retrospect that people seem to find some sense and to seek some clarity. So I thought about that. I realized that Donald Trump, like he said, was not supposed to survive that night. He was supposed to die on July 13th, while all of us were watching, okay, the news agencies wanted us to see Donald J. Trump assassinated on TV. And then what would have been our response? What would have been your response? It had actually been killed and you had watched that footage. There was some mass psychosis formation that was supposed to take place. And now in the retrospect, I'm thinking about that and I'm realizing that they're already kind of trying to memory hole what happened. It's sort of like the mainstream, he's like, okay, he's a nominee and he's going to win the election and Biden should just step down, doesn't he matter? But hold on, hold on, we haven't even gotten any answers regarding what exactly took place that day. We're not going to memory hole this. Give us actual answers to the questions that we have and do not even think for a moment that we will accept you calling us conspiracy theories. These are theories. Yes, we're not going to be called conspiracy theorists. These are theories. Yes. And we expect that it is your job to debunk them. That's what it means to be a journalist, by the way. You're supposed to debunk these theories so we know what is real and what is not, not just operation mockingbird it and tell us what we are supposed to think or tell us that we're crazy for even thinking, right? And so here are some of the theories or some of the questions that are being asked around the internet, things that have gone viral, that I at least wanted to do my best to answer or at least acknowledge that there are questions still lingering. First and foremost, there was a woman who seemed almost too calm when Trump got shot. I'm sure you have seen this clip of this woman. And through some digging, there are a lot of people on the internet believe that she may or may not be an FBI agent seated directly behind Donald Trump. And as she got shot, you will see, I'm going to show you this footage. It almost, she's looking in that direction. And then you can see she's holding a sign. And then when Trump actually gets shot and everybody ducks, she barely ducks and instantly pops back up with her phone and is recording. So you can see at the bottom of the clip that I'm showing you, there has been an internet ID made of a woman named Janine G. Giuseppe, who is an assistant director at the FBI office in the north. And people are going, that's her. That is her. That absolutely is the woman that I just saw. Let's actually go back and show the clip of her again in the stands so that people can see this again of how she reacts almost to calmly. Look, she's like looking over there. People are going, is she looking at the shooter, does she know that it's the shooter is about to shoot Trump. It seems like she's getting her phone ready. She kind of smirks a little bit. And then as the agents are running, she just calmly is filming. Everyone else is scared. They realize Trump is her and she seems to be calmly filming. So yeah, it's a weird video. But I can tell you right now that these side by side comparisons, I did my due diligence, it just doesn't look like that is Janine G. Giuseppe, who was in fact. Promoted by Christopher Ray, look at that side by side. You go, okay, they have some comparisons, but you can see that Janine is bigger and also you can see that their noses are entirely different. And then we did some even further digging and we were able to discover who in fact that woman is. And I'm not going to give her name because she is a private citizen, but I will show you a photo of who was sitting in the audience that day. And by the way, she ID'd herself because she went and put videos on TikTok regarding her presence when Trump was shot. And now you can see that that is definitively that girl. You can see that that is the woman and that she is wearing the same ring that she has on in the footage of Trump's assassination attempt. So I can tell you I haven't gone through her Instagram, which is no public, that definitively that is the correct ID. It is not an FBI agent. Now, can I answer for you why it is that she remained so calm? Well, you could say she knew the shooting was going to happen, but she was looking to the right in the same way that Trump was looking to the right. Clearly, he was looking towards something to the right and maybe she too is looking towards something towards the right. I'm just playing devil's advocate here. And you never know how people are going to react in an emergency situation. Everybody reacts differently. I know I for certain would not have been grabbing my phone or smirking. We shouldn't even process what happened, but we should give her the opportunity to explain herself. But at least we can rest assured that she is not the agent that many people are reporting that she is. Now, let's take a look at another one of these questions that are making its way around the Internet. Well, there was the question mark regarding Greg Smith. Do you guys remember Greg Smith? We certainly remember him because we went live that night and almost the first bit of information that we got that led to some questions was this man who was on the BBC network, being interviewed, talking, speaking about what exactly he witnessed when he saw this lone shooter. He said that he tried to tell the Secret Service agents, he tried to inform the police. And I'll just jog your memory here with 60 seconds of Greg Smith speaking as this was going on or on the evening that this took place. Take a listen. He said you weren't inside the event, but you were just outside. Tell us what you saw online. So we had a party here all day and then you can see behind us, the Brinkles Farmie greenhouse here. We had a party and we all decided, hey, when we hear Trump up there, we're going to walk up through the field, stand by the trees out there under the shade, and watch the written listen to the rally. Right? We couldn't see him, but we could hear him. So we walked up in probably five to seven minutes of Trump speaking. I'm estimating here. I have no idea, you know, but we noticed a guy crawling, you know, bear crawling up the roof of the building beside us 50 feet away from us. We're going to go out of that just because you guys have already seen this and he just is incredulous and very heavily implies that they allowed this shooting to take place. People are asking, where is this guy? One of the chances is that his last name is Smith, it's always a Smith, right? It's when that's hard to research. Well, he does indicate, first and foremost, he's wearing a brewery t-shirt from the rally, looked into this. This is in fact a brewery that is nearby, but anybody can be wearing a costume, I suppose. He also, you hear him, identifies himself by not only giving his name, but saying, we were right here, we're at this greenhouse. This greenhouse is where we couldn't see Trump, we were listening to it, and we saw all of this taking place. I, based on my own research, believed that Greg Smith is an actual person because when I tweeted, hey, can we follow up on Greg Smith? Where are the journalists knocking on the doors of all of his friends asking them to confirm what it is exactly that Greg Smith says that they saw? Where is the follow-up here? What is the procedure? Is it difficult perhaps to get into, to reach out to Greg Smith? No, it's not at all, actually, I'll tell you how easy it was. I'd sent a tweet and said I'd like to interview Greg Smith and within 30 minutes, I had an email in my inbox from his son saying, yeah, would you like to be connected with my father? So that signals to me that no journalist, people that we are supposed to be relying on for the truth, relying on us for the perspectives that we should all be taking, people that are shaping our minds, have made any effort to follow up with Greg Smith or his friends. Actually, I just one second because Savannah's over here with an update, you got his number. Just quickly, from morning tweets, now I have Greg Smith's number. Has any journalist an update with Greg Smith because I would like to? I don't think we're going to be able to figure out the technology for us to be able to do this in this moment. Maybe when we get off of this slide, we can start a new one later on tonight and just do a quick update with Greg Smith. You know, 15 minutes tells what happened, who has spoken to him, who has spoken to his friends because I haven't seen him on any of the networks because as I said, it seems like they just want to move on. And we now know that Greg Smith is a real person and it does not look like any journalist has reached out to him. Moving on, you guys, and this has been a huge conspiracy on the net. Regarding whether or not there was a second shooter, there was a two-shooter conspiracy, and I will show you how this conspiracy came about. It's not because people are sitting in their rooms making up things. It's because people that were interviewed on that day, on July 13th, that were in the crowd spoke about another shooter atop the water tower. There was a water tower that was at a higher point than the shooter that we know about. People allege that they saw someone up there. There is very grainy footage and I could show it to you, but to be honest, it's so grainy. It's absolutely impossible to say whether or not you're seeing a shadow of an individual up there or if it's simply a shadow period that's just coming from the tower itself. But what I can say is that this woman, giving an interview, is the reason that so many people believe that there was a second shooter. Take a listen to what she had to say. What I've heard come out here is now they feel that there was two shooters on both sides. So they got the one on the tower on this side, but the one on the right side they never got. So that's why they wanted us to leave immediately because they thought there's still a shooter out there somewhere. So there could be in these woods around Butler. So there you have it. That has gone viral as well as other people speaking about two shooters. But in each of the interviews that I've listened to, you can hear that she says, "I heard that they got one shooter and not the other." That means that that's a rumor that's making its way around. In the second video, another woman says a shooter toward, like if the shooting was happening toward the water tower, which just means in that general direction. Again, it's not clear enough for us to be able to discern that this is 1,000% true that there were two shooters. We know there were multiple shots fired from different directions because, of course, some people were shooting at Trump and some people were shooting at the shooter. I would just say that this right now is completely unverified, but I will completely commit to continually looking into it. I will obviously check your comments. You guys will send links. Nothing that my team and I felt strong enough to suggest that there was a second shooter that was shooting at Trump as the conspiracy goes from the water tower. I think that in these sorts of scenes, a lot of people speak. They're speaking to one another. You're speaking to the neighbor. What did you see? What did you see? Going by toward near by the water tower, nothing concrete just yet, but again, I should not be the first person investigating this or even willing to talk about it. There are people that have way better access to me. Maybe Elon Musk could just release satellite images from that day. I don't know, but the people deserve, given what they saw on that day, to have an official thought debunked. Then, of course, there is this, and I will show you the side-by-side that's making the rounds. There were intentional Fed agitators that were on the ground, and I'll tell you why, because we know that this is a real thing. Anyway, six, there were Fed agitators that were on the ground. We know that this is an operation that they run a lot of times. Most notoriously, we all laughed out loud when somebody tried to stage the Unite the Right rally and then a bunch of people who looked exactly like Fed's, like Boy Scouts, were trying to see if anybody would show up. It was a sting operation. "Hey, Unite the Right. Let's see who comes out." Then, we're just going to blame them and pretend that Trump supporters have become horrific backwards white supremacist people who want to murder Governor Whitmer, another Fed plot that was debunked. Look at this side-by-side that somebody created on the internet. It says, "Hmm, this guy looks familiar, and then they show a picture on the bottom here of what we all believe to be a Fed at the Unites, the right rally." Obviously. Now, we can't even ID the person on the bottom, so we certainly won't be able to ID the person on the top. What I can say is that there's obviously a similarity. Yeah. Do they look alike? Yes, they do look alike. But he doesn't exactly have such an interesting look that it would be difficult to find someone who does look like this. It's a pretty standard haircut there. He's wearing sunglasses and there would just be no way for us to say whether or not this is the same individual. But what I can say is that there is a way for the people that are surrounding Trump, he needs to hire a private security firm, or simply rely, or just people that you actually rely upon. It could be someone in his campaign. It could be a family member to do the due diligence, someone who is not fearful, someone who is not scared to be called conspiracy, was "Tucker Carlson, get me on the job. If you give me access to the information, if you give me a list, Donald Trump, of every person who you are being told was on the ground that day, I will go through. I will crawl the internet. I will cross footage from every person that was on the ground that day and I will do face by face match ups to make sure that what you are being told is the truth. I will figure out who that guy is. It's that simple." Again, this should not be just the internet that wants to know this, Donald Trump should want to know this. He should want to know who wants him dead and he certainly should not be relying upon the same people who had the lapse in security to tell him the truth. So what do I believe is actually going on? Because it's a lot. It's a lot to process. Like, do I actually believe that there was a second shooter? Do I actually believe that the feds were on the ground and they were intentionally there to allow Trump to get shot at? Well, I think there is no question that things are not adding up. They're not adding up in the retrospect. There's nothing that they are giving us other than just implying that we need to move on. A couple of points that aren't adding up. Well, one, the Secret Service is alleging, or they've shown a picture, that they found a transmitter near the shooter, okay? Transmitter near the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, near his body. Here's a transmitter. Trying sound a signal. Here's a photo of it. You can see it on the ground and they are alleging that it was connected to explosives that were found near his car. Let me ask you a question. Just common sense. I know. Crazy. You just stop with the common sense. If you were going to explode a car, right, if you were like, "I'm going to blow up this car," why would you do this on the roof? Well, the government is theorizing that he wanted to provide some sort of a distraction. That theory makes no sense because if you blew up a car before you shot the president, the car blowing up would be the reason that they took the president off stage. That would be a threat, okay? That's not going to create a good distraction for you. So what were you going to do? Put yourself in the car in case you got away with shooting the president. Did you actually expect to survive shooting at the president and then get into your car and what blow yourself up? Again, the story does not make sense. Neither does the fact that not a single individual has been fired yet. No one has lost their job. Least of all, Kim Cheadle, rather the world is being lectured. There are actually articles about the rampant sexism. Oh, God. How dare we say that women should not be guarding men physically that are larger than them? How dare we say that men should guard men? That's actually what the media is doing. They're making us feel bad for looking at these women and saying this is a joke. Get powerful men surrounding Donald Trump, the kind of men that instantly jumped all over him trying to save his life, effectively did save his life. By the way, I should add here that there have been whistleblowers that have come forward and they are now claiming to Senator Josh Hawley that the majority of the security personnel that were at Butler, at the Butler, Pennsylvania rally were Homeland Security Investigations agents. Essentially, they were not equipped to be providing protection to Donald Trump. That's a problem. That's a real problem. No, I actually believe, well, I believe that what was supposed to happen that day was Donald Trump was supposed to be shot. We were supposed to watch it. We were supposed to have a visceral emotional response to it. And the mass formation psychosis that was to follow, similar to 9/11, was for us to acquiesce to war because I'm sure you didn't miss this in the news, but they're alleging that there was a threat from Iran, that Iran, they had received some sort of a communication, intercepted communications, that Iran, the country that the elites are begging to go to war with apparently wanted to assassinate Donald Trump that day. Now I can tell you that Iran instantly has responded and said that this is crap, that that is an absolute lie, they had nothing to do with what took place that day and that this is typical of the CIA when they want to go to war. They create a false flag event to get the people on the side of war and then everybody agrees because they're so emotional. And would that have happened? Yeah. Maybe. Maybe people would have been so emotional having watched Trump die that they would have believed that Iran was behind it, but instead Trump survived. And what was the mass psychosis formation that took place there? Well, because he survived, it turned Trump into a national hero. Inc. probably Hogan last night at the RNC best exemplifies how the American people are feeling now. Take a listen. But what happened last week, when they took a shot at my hero, and they tried to kill the next president of the United States, oh no, it was enough, and I said, let Trump Sorry, CIA, not the mass formation that you were hoping for, but that's what you got now. People are rallying behind him like never before because he's here. He has survived it. And yes, I believe very much it is because God was with him that day. All right, guys, before we move on and get into some stories or rather one story regarding Bella Hadid, which has me very frustrated right now. I do want to tell you about one of our sponsors because what they are doing just lines up so perfectly with what we believe our mission is as conservatives and as Christians. We all drink coffee, so why not drink seven weeks coffee? That is America's pro life coffee company. They're on a mission to fund the pro life movement, one cup of coffee at a time and why the name seven weeks? Well, because at seven weeks of development, a baby is a size of a coffee bean and it's the first time a heartbeat is clearly detected on an ultrasound. So that's why they donate 10% of every sale to support ultrasound services at pregnancy care centers across the country. Seven weeks coffee is launching an exciting new initiative called drink more coffee, save more lives because they are so close to saving 5,000 lives. So if you commit to drinking seven weeks coffee every morning, you'll be a part of funding the pro life movement and helping save over 5,000 lives and counting the coffee is mold free pesticide free shade, shade grown, low acidic and organically farmed and they also support our farmers by cutting out the middlemen. They pay farmers directly, which gives them 300% more than fair trade requires exclusively for my listeners. When you subscribe to their coffee, you'll save 15% and get a free drink coffee, save lives, tote on your first order and that's not all exclusively for my audience as well. If you use code Candice at checkout, you will save an additional 10% off giving you a total of 25% savings on your first order. So go to and use code Candice, save up a 25% off again, that is use code Candice and you will save up to 25% off. All right, guys, we got to talk about Bella Hadid. I am very upset. I'm very upset about what's going on right now. It's outrageous. You know what it is? I hate liars and liars hate me. I think people who lie can't stand me for my audacity to tell the truth in times when they are just trying to create a mass psychosis event and I especially hate people that operate like bullies and pretend to be the victim. So Bella Hadid, I am not really in the modeling world. I definitely don't even like Adidas, okay, I don't support Adidas as a company, but what is happening to her right now is an absurdity. I'm going to take you through what took place. So Israel, as in the country, has a Twitter account, a verified Twitter account, like yes, we are the real Israel and they tweeted this about 48 hours ago. Adidas recently launched a new campaign for their shoes to highlight the 1972 Munich Olympics. 11 Israelis were murdered by Palestinian terrorists during the Munich Olympics. Guess who the face of their campaign is? Bella Hadid, a half Palestinian model who has a history of spreading anti-Semitism and calling for violence against Israelis and Jews. She and her father frequently promote blood libels, anti-Semitic conspiracies against Jews. Adidas, any comment, okay, so right instantly, I know that everything, virtually everything in this is going to be a lie. You can tell by the language in there because they're not actually saying Adidas has said anything explicitly in the campaign or build anything in the campaign explicitly and they're just pretending that the campaign highlighted the Olympics, doesn't make any sense, and then they use their favorite terms, blood libels and it's my conspiracy theories. And I instantly knew that something was wrong with this because I know the story of Bella Hadid's family and how they came to the United States and it's such an appalling story that the reason why they have been targeting her since October 7th is because just sharing the story, if you have like a modicum of a soul, a modicum, even full soul, just like a modicum of a soul, you will go, oh my gosh, that is horrific and I'm sorry, okay? So Bella Hadid shared and this is a fact and you can look this up. They have documents, nobody is debugging up, this took place with her family way back. In 1946, there was a boat of refugees, of Jewish refugees that were coming from Germany following the war and they were actually refused port in New York. They were refused port in Cuba and then they arrived at Palestine and they were carrying a sign, there are images of this in history of them carrying a sign, basically saying that Palestinians like the Germans destroyed our dreams, please don't destroy our hopes. And because there were Christians and there were Muslims who felt so horrifically about what took place during World War II, they opened their literal homes to these people. Like I'm not saying like, yeah, you can stay here and build a home for you as in these people said you can move into our homes. So Bella Hadid's grandmother, her paternal grandmother, her name and it's escaping me right now, I think it is Zaire, her grandmother essentially Zara, I think her name is, her grandmother was one of these people that opened their homes and she allowed two families, two families, because I had to fact check this out for everybody on TikTok yesterday, to move into their home in Sephod, okay, they allow this family to live in their home for two years. At the time Bella Hadid's grandmother had four children, okay? Three children and she was pregnant with one. And when she was due to give birth to her son, she decided to go stay with her parents so that she could deliver the baby, be around her mother. And when her baby was nine days old, she returned to her house where her friends and the refugees that had been staying with her for years, people that she never felt threatened by, who she felt again, genuinely needed that help that they were giving to her, had locked her out of the home, locked her out of the home, the gate was locked, and when they tried to communicate with them, the people said, "If you try to get into this house, you will get killed, this is a takeover, your home is now our home," they were, instantly made refugees on that day, this is a true story, you can look this up yourself. It's unimaginable, it's unimaginable to me that this took place, it completely, I guess, I don't even know what I thought happened, I had assumed when people give us the explanation that, listen, this is what happens in wars, lines get redrawn, okay, all of that is true. What was is not, I had assumed that they were given money for their property, I mean, the idea that a war could take place, if you imagine like the Afghanistan war, we lose it, we did, but if I'm saying, if we were warring with the Taliban here on American soil and afterwards, they just were like, "Get out of your house." I know your family has lived here for thousands of years, which is the case for Bella Hadid's family. It's a very long history in Palestine, actually, she is related to royalty, they've been around that long in that area, living in Palestine, you just can't even imagine that scenario, okay, so let's just start there, imagine that scenario, you have your nine-day-old baby in your hands, you go to your house where you have opened up the refugees and they say, "Get out or you're gonna get shot," the end. Anyways, they became refugees, they went to Syria, first refugees in Syria, and as the story goes, at some point, they made their way to America because her grandfather got a job in America, and from there, they became successful again, her father, Muhammad became a real estate mogul, and obviously his daughters became models. They're actually half-dutch, half-Palestinian. So, in October 7th took place, I saw this because I remember feeling so emotional for everyone that was impacted. Cal Gadot was sharing stories, she grew up in Israel, of course, as in Israeli, she's gonna have stories, "How can you deny her what's happened to her in her history and where she grew up and what she calls home?" Bella Hadib's on the other side of that as a Palestinian, sharing the story of what happened to her family, and for whatever reason, only one of these individuals then began being consistently attacked by the mainstream media, and that was Bella Hadid, with all of the typical things that are called, anti-Semitic, conspiracy theorists, blood libel. The idea that a family could survive that, build something of their own, and then be punished for sharing what they survived, it's monstrous. But that's it, there's a target on her back now, they want her to lose everything because there is a living memory of what happened to her father. Her father, by the way, was the baby that was in the arms of her grandmother. He is vocal about what happened to his family as any person would be had they had survived in, or grew up in a refugee camp, or had those sorts of things happen to them, and for that, they want her punished. So what is the actual truth, that Adidas decided to commemorate as the publications were sharing because they text all of these Zionist journalists, the same ones that attack me and take me out of context, try to pretend that I'm calling for the death of people because I will stand up to bullies and I do not like bullies, and I will forever be a person that is not fearful to tell the truth, okay, because a piece of your soul dies when you lie, but also a piece of your soul dies when you remain silent and you watch people tell horrific lies. And this is a horrific lie, they're talking about Bel-Hadid. Make no mistake, it's horrific. They are targeting her while pretending they're the victims. So what actually happened with Adidas, were they trying to commemorate Israelis dying in 1979? Of course not. So I'm going to take you guys through, because maybe you're not a quote unquote sneaker head, it's what they call people who love sneakers and follow sneaker culture. There was an entire culture around sneakers. Adidas, very long time ago, decided that they were going to go back through their old catalog of shoes and find ways to reinvent them so they could resell them or make them popular again in modern times. So I'll give you an example of some shoes. They did the Gazelle years ago. That was one of the shoes that they said first hit the scene, a red version of it in 1965. They showcased the shoes early design elements, and it became the go-to training shoe back in the mid 1960s, and it was used as a prop in countless 1960s and 1970s apparel photo shoots. They have re-released that shoe as a vintage shoe. They also re-released the Adidas campus shoe, another athletic shoe that was created by them and was released in the 1970s. They were first released as basketball shoes before switching to lifestyle shoes. Then there came the samba. The samba was actually designed, by the way, in 1949 to enable football players to train on icy, hard ground. So obviously, the story of Adidas begins in Germany. It is a German company, and they were designing these shoes for athletes, and now they are bringing back all of these vintage shoes. So two years ago, they made the decision to bring back a version of the samba called the samba 72. They're calling it the samba SL 72, right? I think it stands for samba lightweight 72 because that was the year that they introduced that shoe just in time for the Munich Summer Olympics. So this is just a historical fact written about this shoe. Now, why did they decide to re-release it two years ago before Bella was in the campaign? Because two years ago, it was the shoe's 50th anniversary, so just people in a room going, "Okay, it's 50th anniversary of this shoe. Let's re-release it." And they did. They changed it for $80 a pop two years ago. And nobody cared. Israel didn't tweet about it. Until this year, when they decided to make Bella one of their models, and if you looked at that Israel tweet, you would go, "Oh, they must have just picked Bella." Nope. There were multiple models that were selected to rock this shoe, and to, of course, as a model is supposed to do, she has been in Adidas model for years, get other people to sell it. Her job is to literally sell clothing. So there were more people that were a part of this campaign. I'm just looking for the names here because I want to actually tell you just how absurd this is. They had a, was it ASAP nast? Skyler? ASAP nast? They had a footballer that was another person who was a part of this campaign. They had a Chinese person who was a part of this campaign, and Bella Hadid, who happens to be half Palestinian, and who is on their, what I call, journalist, hip list, right? They're going to keep stalking her in the same way that they stalk me. They're going to take things that she does out of context. They said nothing to the other three models that are featured in this campaign. They said, "No, this girl, she's a problem. She's doing this because, oh, do you know what happened during the Munich Olympics? Do you know what happened?" So clearly, this must be the reason that she was selected two years after they premiered the show to simply model the sneaker. Again, they lie. They did not tell anybody that the show was released two years ago. They did not talk about the other models that are featured in the campaign, and of course, they said nothing about the Munich Olympics, nothing about commemorating the Olympics when they released the show. They are harassing Bella Hadid. They want her canceled because she's half Palestinian, and she's not quiet about it, which is sick and it is disturbing, and you should be angry about this. You should be angry that this is allowed in America. You should be angry that our tax dollars are going to this country, so they can harass the models that are wearing sneakers. It's an insult. I'm not going to shut up, but I don't care about your publications. You've said it all. I literally don't care. You just can't get it through your thick skulls that I do not care. I don't like liars and you're lying about Bella Hadid and the Adidas campaign. And despite their lies because there was so much pressure created from the corporate narrative, Israel tweeted, so everyone better fall in line, Adidas actually has now dropped her from the campaign. They've apologized. They didn't even, by the way, give an apologetic quote that makes sense because they didn't do actually anything wrong. They apologized for how people felt about the campaign. They said, and this is the quote they gave, "We are conscious that connections have been made to tragic historical events, though these are completely unintentional, and we apologize for any upset or distress caused. As a result, we are revising the remainder of the campaign." This means kicking out Bella Hadid just because she's Palestinian, okay? Just because she's half Palestinian. We believe in sport as a unifying force around the world, and we're going to do our efforts to champion diversity and equality in everything that we do, feckless corporations. Let somebody try that with one of my employees or somebody that's working for me. Did you try to tell me a lie and think that because you have a bunch of journalists, a bunch of feckless dishonest journalists who sit there and mean tweet, okay, that I'm going to fire them or pull them apart from a campaign because you've invented something like a psychopath in your own head that this campaign had nothing to do with and you're intentionally removing it from its context entirely to make it to make this was done purposely because you hate her because of her ethnicity. You call her anti-Semitic. She is Semetic. She's Palestinian, okay? So I am just so sick of it. The comment, "Oh, okay, this wasn't happening. Can you miss me with it?" Okay? Literally, I'm built different. I just cannot stand people like this. It was dishonest, and Bella Hadid, I don't know why you would want to work with people like this. Genuinely, I know you've been a model for a very long time, but it would kill my soul. Kill my soul. It would kill my soul to work every day in an industry of people who will get on their knees. By the way, she's going to have to pay taxes to Israel already. I mean, she's based in California for a country that you are giving tax dollars to that is using their official Twitter to harass you. I couldn't do it, not given what your family has lived through. I'm glad I'm glad it wasn't my grandma or granddad because everyone knows how I feel about my grandma and granddad and this would just be not something they even want to happen. Nobody messes with my granddad or my grandma, maybe they rest in peace. Let me just say that right now. Anyways, you guys, let me get into this ad before I start going off because I'm just thinking about if something happened to my grandma or granddad and I'm about to go off. I'm about the mean tweet at Israel. So I got American financing instead. 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That's 800-795-1210 or you can visit Wow, I thought that was going to call me down, but I'm still fired up about Grandma and Granddad. Let's just jump into some of your comments, jump into some of your comments because this is just, you know, not my Granddad. Okay. I am jumping into some of these super chats. Do I go to live chat, top chat? Here we go. I know, Scarlett, you taught me how to do this before, but thank you very much. Okay. Dark Brandon writes, "Have you seen the cartoons I have made of you? I have not. So I will look that up. We have menacing hammer who just is writing Donald Trump for president." I totally agree with that. illustrious visions writes, "I have to be honest. I never believed women should ever be a president of the country and after watching your content, I changed my mind. Candice, 1028, thank you so much. I would be a good president. I actually tend to agree with you that I don't believe a lot of women are suited for that job because of emotionality, but I think that I've just endured so much emotionally publicly that I think I would be the best fit of all of the women. Talkative ape writes yesterday. I realized two of my three cats are definitely anti-Semitic." Wow. I'm really sorry to hear that. Did you talk to them? I used to talk to my cat. That's very upsetting and you should do something about that, obviously. This person, Alva Rexone writes, "Bread and circus." AJ got sued for saying they use actors and put on shows. Oh, Alex Jones. They do, though. I guess you're referring to the Newtown shooting, and yes, Alex Jones got very sued for the stuff that he said, wondering whether or not they are using actors. I don't think the guy is an actor. I'm just saying, but it's weird that people haven't gone out and had him on the show, which we will definitely get him on the show. Maybe I'll even do a surprise live later today. Meg writes, "Curiously Trump commended his secret service. Does he not know what we are all thinking?" I just think we need to give him time because to process that, I think he just needs a little bit of time to process what happened to him, I guess, is the only way that I can say it. Johnny writes, "Do you think Trump will drain the swamp if he wins? Listen, I sure hope so. I sure hope so. I hope he brings the country together, which I think he did last night. I hope that he has the right people around him. I don't think that in his first four years he had the right people around him, and they kind of engineered his administration, basically getting him to do things that I don't think Trump actually would have done, but it's hard because his entire presidency, he was really drinking from a fire hose. You know what I mean? He couldn't come up for air. They kept the pressure on him every minute of every single day with baseless lawsuits, and he needed to have to go around him that he could trust, and I don't think that he ever got that." Virginia writes, "Can this please look into the story of former Naval Intelligence Officer William Bill Cooper and his book Behold a Pale Horse, which exposes the government's agenda against our country and the American people?" I've heard about this book, and I believe he was killed Bill Cooper, eventually, in like a shootout with police, and that's all I know about it. I think he was a former Naval Intelligence Officer who then started doing radio. Don't quote me on that. This person, color TV writes, "Muslims believe Jesus will be back on earth to judge us as a Muslim. I proudly say Christ is king. I support all my Christian brothers and sisters on the path to heal America. God bless. Christ is king. I absolutely love that." Shane writes, "Can this, can you recommend another book for us, the Can this Owns book club?" Yes, I'm going to launch that next week, plus we have the next Standis Cup, which would be on sale next week. Should I tell you guys what it says? Can I tell you what? No, I can't. I can't right now. You guys are crazy. Nope, nope. I can't tell you, but you're going to really like this next Standis Cup since we are discontinuing the old Standis Cups today. So if you haven't purchased it, purchase it right now, people, I'm going to read a couple more of these. Amanda writes, "God was with Trump. He has a purpose. The Lila writes, 'Jesus is the truth, the way in the life, can this, I am struggling with hope in the wake of the political unrest around the world, share with us a Bible verse that maintains your faith in God and/or humanity, love your content." It's not a particular verse that maintains my faith in humanity or my faith in God. It's my faith, period. And that is one of the most beautiful things, and particularly for whatever reason since becoming a Catholic, I have just had a very cheery perspective because I know that we win. And so even the persecution that I'm suffering, this watching Tucker suffer, the persecution he's going through, I just have this perspective, this giddy, happy, go-lucky perspective because I know God is real, and I just feel bad for people who don't know that because how that completely shifts your mentality and completely shifts your heart and your perspective in the best way possible because you're like, "This is not it. God is real," and you can feel him moving right now all across America. I just hope that in watching this podcast, I am sharing with people in a way that makes them at least curious about faith, to recognize that even if you think you don't have faith, there is a faith being established for you by the government, and it is a satanic faith. And the only way that you are going to be able to counter that is with faith in the real one true God. Candice, what is your fave, easy, go-to meal to cook, Amanda, Amanda? Probably just chicken and rice, but that's good and vegetable is quick, that's the quickest go-to, if you just don't even want to think about dinner, that is the quickest go-to always for everyone. Black Rock played a role in the Microsoft incident Y, I don't know, Queen Jay, but I will look into that. And last couple of ones, Chase writes, "Can you please come speak at LU again?" Yes, invite me, Chase. Chelsea Dominguez writes, "Canice, please watch out of shadows by Mike Smith. They keep taking it off of YouTube, but you can still find it on IMDB when you Google it definitely something you would be interested in." I have a very long list of stuff that I need to read, and it just keeps getting longer and longer because the more that I recognize that everything around us is a lie, then the more I go pursuing truth. And the only way that you can actually get to truth is by finding all these old books they don't want you to read because they just want you to think that whatever they produce is the truth and it's sort of a never-ending present with no substance and no history. One of the big reasons I went back to the Catholic Church because I realized that they were the ones holding the candle and a lot of the things that we think about the Catholic Church, we were led to think that about the Catholic Church in the same way that we were led to believe things about Trump. Initially it is my perspective, which I know in my heart to be true. We were initially led to believe those things about the Catholic Church because it has always been a war against the forming of a one-holy apostolic church. It is a war on Christianity. They do not want Christians unified in the best way to make sure Christians never were unified was to establish a lot of different faiths amongst the Christian community. And I hope that that gets fixed in the future. Don't at me. Don't at me talking about, I'm going to write to a live chat because I know how you guys do. Okay, you didn't say anything bad. All right. By the way, guys, Monday, fun day. I'm going to be doing the hot sauce challenge. Yes, you guys know what I'm talking about. The live chat went up to 15K the other day while I was in it. And I said, if it hit 15K, then I would eat Hattie B's hot wings. They're called mother clucking hot. It's not going to be just me. I'm going to make the whole team do it. And I just live chat. You guys are bad people. You don't even feel bad. You're going to watch me cry on the internet because you guys just mean, mean people for having it hit 15K, but I am going to do it because I love you guys. And when I say I'm going to do it, I say I'm going to do something, I mean it. So we will see you guys on Monday. By the way, get your Santa's Cup. This is the last day. It's on sale. And if you want to go to the store, you can go to the store and get your Santa's Cup. You can go to the store and get your Santa's Cup. You can go to the store. You can go to the store and get your Santa's Cup. You can go to the store and get your Santa's Cup. You can go to the store. You can go to the store. You can go to the store. You can go to the store. You can go to the store. You can go to the store. You can go to the store. You can go to the store. You can go to the store. You can go to the store. You can go to the store. You can go to the store. You can go to the store. You can go to the store. You can go to the store. The store. I'll see you on Monday. Bye. . . (gentle music) [BLANK_AUDIO]