The 1Life Podcast with Behka White

Episode 10 - Just Breathe

Episode 10 of the 1Life podcast, titled "Just Breathe," focuses on finding peace and connecting with the divine. The host, Behka White, shares a scripture from John 14:18, where Jesus promises his disciples that he will not leave them comfortless but will come to them.Behka discusses how we can invite Jesus into our lives, not just during peaceful moments but also during life's challenges. She suggests practicing mindfulness through breathwork as a way to connect with the divine. The invitation for this episode is to practice intentional breathing during stressful situations as a way to invite the divine presence and find peace. Behka encourages listeners to try this simple technique and observe its positive effects on their ability to handle challenges.

Broadcast on:
21 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Episode 10 of the 1Life podcast, titled "Just Breathe," focuses on finding peace and connecting with the divine. The host, Behka White, shares a scripture from John 14:18, where Jesus promises his disciples that he will not leave them comfortless but will come to them.

Behka discusses how we can invite Jesus into our lives, not just during peaceful moments but also during life's challenges. She suggests practicing mindfulness through breathwork as a way to connect with the divine.

The invitation for this episode is to practice intentional breathing during stressful situations as a way to invite the divine presence and find peace. Behka encourages listeners to try this simple technique and observe its positive effects on their ability to handle challenges.

Welcome to the One Life podcast with Becca White. I am your host and this is episode 10, "Just Breathe." On this Sunday edition of One Life Podcasts dedicated to our spiritual growth, I share a scripture from the New Testament, John 14, in which the Lord is preparing his disciples for his departure. In verse 18, he says, "I will not leave you comfortless. I will come to you." His promise is that he will come to us wherever we are, so how do we invite him to us? There are intentional practices that connect us to him, like prayer, scripture study, music, Sunday worship, journals, and others, but we do not have to be in a church for him to come to us, and so often the peaceful moments are not when we need him the most anyway. We need his strength when we are in the throes of life during a tense parenting moment or a work crisis or driving during rush hour. Is there a way to invite him to us in these moments? I like to think so. One of the attributes of God is that he is omnipresent, meaning that he lives in the present and he will meet us in the present. When we are fully present and open to him, we will find him. Many people call this mindfulness and it is often achieved through breathwork. The simple practice of three deep inhales and exhales has a great effect on the mind-body connection. If you haven't tried this, I invite you to do so. So often when we enter stressful moments, the emotions get stuck in our body. We hunt our shoulders or clench our teeth or get a pit in our stomach. When this happens, our body closes up and our spirit cannot access the divine. The best way to reconnect our body and spirit is through breath. Three deep inhales and exhales can bring ourselves out of our body and back into the present where God is waiting for us. So today's invitation is this. The next time you feel yourself in a stressful situation, take a deep inhale and exhale with the intention to connect to the divine. See if you are more prepared to address the challenge in front of you. We only get one life, let's make it our best. [BLANK_AUDIO]