Turley Talks

Ep. 2390 Civilizational Populism Is TAKING OVER The World!!!

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27 Feb 2024

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(This is a clip from our Monday night livestream.)


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*All clips used for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes. See Hosseinzadeh v. Klein, 276 F.Supp.3d 34 (S.D.N.Y. 2017); Equals Three, LLC v. Jukin Media, Inc., 139 F. Supp. 3d 1094 (C.D. Cal. 2015).

Are we seeing the revitalization of conservative civilization? All over the world has been a massive backlash against globalization, its leftist leadership, and its anti-cultural liberal values. And it's just the beginning. I'm Dr. Steve Turling. I believe the liberal globalist world is at its brink, and a new conservative age is rising. Join me every day as we examine these worldwide trends, discover answers to today's toughest challenges, and together learn to live in the present in life of even better things to cover. This is Turly Talks. President! Thank you for being here. Thank you for being here. Thank you for being here. Thank you for being here. Thank you for being here. Make Argentina make the game. Come on, let's have some pictures. Thank you for being here. You're a fantastic company. Make Argentina. Thank you very much. You are very serious. Thank you for being here. Thank you very much. And thank you very much, President. And I want to thank you by promise. Thank you for being here. Thank you very much. (crowd talking) (crowd talking) - Thank you. - Thank you. (crowd talking) (crowd talking) (crowd talking) (crowd talking) (crowd talking) (crowd talking) - Yeah, apparently that last thing he said there, Javier Malay, long live freedom dammit, which he's so, so famous for. That was absolutely unbelievable. That was absolutely unbelievable, gang. Do you realize how unprecedented that was? Heads of state don't bro hug like that. (laughing) Heads of state are supposed to be sophisticated. And debonair and diplomatic, they don't bro hug. But that's exactly what you just saw there. You just saw the president of Argentina, Javier Malay. And the presumed next president of the United States, number 47, absolutely man hug. The press called it an enthusiastic hug. (laughing) It was just so freaking cold. Come on in everybody, one and all great to see you for our Monday night live. Was that not amazing? Wasn't that just incredible? It was so genuine. It was so cool. I mean, just that backstage greeting. And it's just the beginning. I wanna show you how what you just saw there is the future. That is the future of geopolitics. That what you just saw there is the future of politics all over the world. It's not just Javier Malay, although that was so cool. I mean, you know, Javier Malay is a very eccentric fellow. And it was awesome to see him just fanboy out there with Trump. It was so genuine and that Magacry, make Argentina great again, is really happening. If you've been following along with Javier Malay's presidency, he has only been president now for just weeks. And already Argentina is posting their first budget surplus in over 12 years. He's been in the, he's been in power actually for nine weeks. And now Argentina is posting a 1.2 trillion peso, I'm sorry, Argentina had a 1.2 trillion peso annual deficit that he has now turned into a 400 billion peso surplus. That's what slashing wasteful government spending and departments will ultimately do. But it's not just Javier Malay. You may have seen El Salvador's amazing populist president, now you book Kelly speaking at CPAC over the weekend, along with Malay and Trump, that's where they met there. He gave an absolutely amazing speech. I think it's about 18 minutes altogether. You want to see the whole thing. But here's a little highlight from what he had to say over the weekend. Globalism comes to die at CPAC. I'm here to tell you that in El Salvador, it's already dead. (audience cheering) Globalism, globalism is already dead. (audience cheering) But if you want globalism to die here too, you must be willing to unapologetically fight against everything and everyone that stands for it. Fight for your freedoms, fight for your rights. The next president of the United States must not only win an election. He must have the vision, the will, and the courage to do whatever it takes. And above all, he must be able to identify the underlying forces that will conspire him, that will conspire against him. These dark forces are already taking over your country. You may not see it yet, but it's already happening. You don't see it as clearly because people are designed to see linear changes, not as potential ones. We don't always recognize how fast a problem can multiply and inspire a lot of control. The problem is much like the metaphor of the boiling frog. Once the water boils, it's already too late. People fail to see these things. It's our nature. Just like the frog, people become complacent and they don't realize how bad things are getting until it's too late. - And again, he lived this out in El Salvador. El Salvador had the highest murder rate in the Western hemisphere. It was the single most per capita dangerous country on the planet, if I recall. And what Naiibu Kelly did when he got elected, he was a total outsider. It was very much like an El Salvador in Trump. What he promised is if you put me in a power, I'm gonna get rid of these corrupt judges. I'm gonna get rid of all the corruption and El Salvador in swamp. And I am going to make El Salvador safe again. He promised he would build a super prison that would house for decades, members of gangs, violent gangs on the streets of El Salvador. Generally speaking, if, and this is a very big if, if members of gangs were ever actually arrested, generally they weren't 'cause they own the place. They owned politicians. But if they were ever arrested, they got slaps on the wrist or maybe they were in prison for a couple of months, that's it. And then they were let out and they were even more dangerous than ever. And generally what they would do is they would retaliate and they would kill whoever put him into prison in the first place. Now Yibu Kelly got rid of all that. Mandatory 40 year sentence for all members of violent gangs, 40 years you're gone, you're out. And so they've arrested tens of thousands of gang members, stuck him in the super prison where they're basically being humiliated and he filming them being humiliated for everyone to see. And now El Salvadorans feel safe again. He was just reelected. You may have seen that just about two weeks ago, I believe, he was just reelected with 85% of the vote. How's that for a landslide? 85% and what all these three men represent, Trump, Malay, and Bukele. They all represent what scholars call the rise of civilizational populism. I was actually just reading a very, very good book on this, "Religions and the Global Rise of Civilizational Populism" by Ihsan Yimas. He is a Israeli scholar, a very liberal, by the way, just a warning if you decide you get this, the publishers, Paul Graham McMillan, very liberal, but even he's honest enough to recognize what's really happening in the world. "Religions and the Global Rise of Civilizational Populism" and it's not just him, there's a number of different scholars who are writing in this book, chapters examining civilizational populism all over the world from India and Russia, Hungary, in the Sahel region of Africa, in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, China, and then of course in the United States and in Latin America. And basically, the argument here is that, I mean, this term "civilizationalist populism" is very, very key and very precise. So populism, as you guys know, populism is generally seen by scholars as a very thin ideology. So if I say Europe, if so if I identify myself as a populist, you don't know if I'm on the left or if I'm on the right, because populism, what makes it the key characteristic is that it redefines political animosity away from horizontal animosities, left versus right, liberal versus conservative, Democrat versus Republican, whatever, and it redefines it that animosity vertically in terms of people versus the political class, the people versus the elite, and the elite could be globalist, elite could be banking, elite, it could be a lagarchical elite, whatever it happens to be. But that's why it's populism is often referred to as a thin ideology, meaning it doesn't, all I tell you when I tell you I'm a populist, all I'm telling you is I really despise the powers that be. I really despise the permanent political class, but I'm not telling you much more than that. What "civilizationalist populism" is, is "civilizational" categories, like nation, culture, custom tradition, those end up filling in the thinness of populism. So it's civilization provides the thickness, the ideological thickness that gives populism its definition. So now we know why we despise the permanent political class. It's because there are a bunch of globalists who hate nation culture, custom and tradition, and we the people are defending civilization. We're defending nation culture, custom and tradition. And what these scholars in this book, religions in the global rise of civilizational populism, and they see religion the return, like we talk about all the time on this channel, the return of religion all over the world as happening because civilizational populism is fundamentally about culture, and at the heart of culture is cult, it's religion. It's the re-emergence, right? Globalism hates classical traditional religion, whereas being able to push back against globalism involves reigniting those classical religious affinities in the light. So more and more leaders around the world are recognizing that if you want to establish a super majority, like Naib Bukhelli has in El Salvador, or like Victor Orban's been able to create in Hungary, and Javier Mille didn't do too bad either. What was it, 55, 45, 60, 40 kind of vote in Argentina, Putin with his 80% approval rating. If you want to create that kind of massive solidarity, super majority among the people, then you've got to tap in the civilizational populism. You have to recalibrate political animosity away from the horizontal that separates the people of left versus right, whatever it is, Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative. Forget that, and instead recalibrate the animosity vertically. So it's the people as a whole versus a corrupt political class. And then you fill in that animosity with civilizationalist frames of reference. We the people are defending our civilization as over and against these corrupt globalists who hate our civilization. We the people are rising up and defending culture, custom and tradition against a corrupt, vile political class that's ruling in behalf of the interests of a globalist elite that hate everything to do with our civilization. That is the bro hug you just saw there. That's the glorious speech you just saw delivered by El Salvador's amazing president, Nayib Bukhale at CPAC. That's the politics of the 21st century. And we're seeing it rise up right before our very eyes, like never before, civilizational populism. It is the wave of the future. And there's really nothing in the end that our globalists elite can do to stop it. It's just too big and it's just too powerful. So with that, Hannah, are you around? Come on in. - Hello everyone. - Hey, hey, hey. - Hello, hello. Come on in. I'm already here, but hello to everyone. (laughing) - That's what you say. - That's what you say. - They just trickle in as the live stream is going. That's the fun part of it all. - Yes, happy Monday everyone. Good to be with you. - I'm so intrigued every time I hear from you, Steve. There's just such a depth and a richness to this perspective. It's not just that we're winning. There's such deep roots. So thank you for that. - Oh, thank you. - Come on, wonderful. Well, hello everyone. Happy Monday. We're gonna get into some fun stuff here with our Insiders Club in just a minute. If you're wondering what that means, that's a very important community to us, our Insiders Club members. They really are the ones that keep us afloat. They really are the ones that let us keep doing what we're doing. Right, Steve? - That's right. - It's just couldn't do without you guys. - No, we sure couldn't. - And because of that, we get to spend special time together on Mondays and Fridays. So if you're here in the virtual studio, welcome everybody. So we like to call it over here. When you're on the backside, you get special chat features and we're gonna have a whole extended show here in a minute. So you wanna come join us? Just click the link in the description. First, put your email in, that is extremely important. I cannot tell you how important that is right now in case we were to get kicked off. - Yeah, yeah. We already got demonetized and now the question is, yeah, what are they gonna do to us next, as it were? And the beauty of when you click on the link below and put your email into the database that will never, ever lose touch. No matter what big tech does, we own the email as it were. You and I are, we can never ever be separated once we have your email. But if the only way we can contact each other is through these external platforms, you never know what's gonna happen. - Exactly, exactly. And that's very, very important. As you probably can see, if you've been around, we don't have super chats right now. We've been demonetized. So at the very least, if you appreciate Steve's message, if you love our mission here at Turley Talks, please click the link in the description, put your name and email in. That way we can contact you. If you feel called to go deeper as we're going to just hear in a moment, join our Insider's Club, it's just five bucks a month. That's, it's slowly getting cheaper as the days go by as inflation goes up to stage. (both laughing) - That's true, wait a minute. We're losing money, wait a minute now. - So, yes, it's five bucks a month. That's like the price of a super chat. Come in, we'd love to have you. And we'll get into some questions here. I've already got questions coming in here. - We're good, all right. - Yes, so anything we want to add Steve before we go over to our main show. - Well, a big thing, I think one thing we're going to have to talk about a bit is the South Carolina primaries, the showing of Trump over the weekend was so awesome. I think it blew even pollster's expectations. I mean, we've never seen someone come out with that kind. Remember, Nikki Haley is pulling out all the stops of corruption and fraud. Democrats are voting for it. We know that, we've got the evidence for Democrats. People who never, ever, ever plan to vote for in November are basically flooding in these primaries and voting for it. And yet, and yet Trump is crushing it. The turnout is trumping literally fraud, like we've never seen. Now we have since then a couple of new polls that have just come out that are going to blow your brain. I mean, something's happening here for Trump. I mean, this is incredible stuff. No, you know me, I'm Mr. Optimus. I never expected the poll I'm going to share with you on the other side in our virtual studio. This is going to blow your brain. This is only for Insiders Club members. So make sure you click on the link below. Give us your email and then join our Insiders Club. And you're going to be privy to this amazing, amazing news. I'll add to what we do every week, which is really fun, or maybe not so fun, because we give you guys some terrible things to look at. Oh, it's fun. That's what I know what you're going to talk about. Absolutely fun. Yeah, well, we do boycott and bicot updates. So using your wallet to vote, not just on election day. So we give you guys all the details and that we'll be doing that again here tonight. So Robert here on the chat calls it the virtuous virtual studio. I know the virtuous, right? That's right. Civic virtue, virtuous virtue. That's right. Good. Well, come on over. Join us in here. If you're not already in the virtual studio, just click the link in the description. Go to We'd love to have you join the project. Absolutely. All right, well, see you later, YouTube. We're going to see a YouTube. We're going to our virtual studio now. Thanks so much for listening to this episode of the Turley Talks Podcast. Don't forget to subscribe, leave us a five-star review, and share this episode with your friends. Help us defeat the fake news media and rank us the number one news and commentary podcast all over the world. Come back again tomorrow for another episode celebrating the rise of a new conservative age. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] (upbeat music)