Billy & Lisa in the Morning

Kristin Chenoweth Catches Us Up On Why She Loves Boston

We're halfway through the show now! We talked about Avril Lavigne and how people think she got replaced with a clone! Weird stories covered the proper way to eat ice cream and a scary bear encounter! Then we had the one and only Kristin Chenoweth join us on the show to tell us all about her new show and why she feels connected with Boston! Listen to Billy & Lisa Weekdays From 6-10AM on Kiss 108 on the iHeartRadio app!  

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22 Jul 2024
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The Takono Music and Spirits Festival returns to Centennial Park Saturday, August 3rd from 2 to 10 p.m. And it's free! Live music from The Warren Treaties! ♪ Live music to me ♪ Chris Daniels and The Kings is Callie and More. Enjoy a Spirits Competition, Kid Zone and Fireworks presented by Oxy and the City of Dakota. Admission and parking are free. The Takono Music and Spirits Festival brought to you by Breckenridge Brewery and City of Dakota. Go to for more information. Yeah, we're back. Listen, we have a pair of tickets for Avril Lavigne, who, by the way, is coming to the Xfinity Center, August 24th. It's the greatest hit store. Who else is on the tour list? It's a simple plan if you remember them. Girl friends, all the time low. Wow, this is like a millennial, like, golf kid's dream. A royal and a serpent. Yeah, if you were between 28 and 35 and you were, like, a punk kid, you're going to want this. Yeah, absolutely. So here we go. Call it 25. You're going to see Avril Lavigne. You'll need the keyword and the keyword, for damn good reason, is complicated. ♪ Tell me what ever gonna make things so gonna catch me ♪ That's right. Call me crazy. I've always liked Avril Lavigne's music. Mmm. Um, and it's so fun. Do you have any more in there for me? Uh, well, she had, she's had a lot of hits. ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't like a girlfriend ♪ ♪ No, no, no, no, no, no, no ♪ So do you guys know about this conspiracy theory that she's actually dead? Yeah, you don't believe it. Yeah. That she's not alive? That she died a long time ago in the, in the person that is, pretending to be her is not her. Like an imposter. An imposter. So the person on tour is not Avril Lavigne. That's the entire boy. That's so silly. Yeah. Actually, we were just doing a deep dive on the Avril Lavigne, Justin. So apparently, Lisa, you blurted this one out. She dated Brody Jenner. She did, which I never understood ever, ever. She has really noticed, I mean, she dated Tyga. Oh, she's all over the place. Like, she doesn't have a type. Wow, very connected. And Brody Jenner's father is Bruce Jenner, who's now Caitlyn Jenner. Correct. So he's related to the Kardashians. He's also related to the fosters. Yep. David Foster. Oh, you know him? Yeah. Yeah. And Tyga is connected to Kardashian's. Yes. Yes. Tyga's ex-baby mama has a baby with Robert Kardashian. They're all intertwined. It's actually crazy the way Hollywood works. Boy, this is going to be a great family to get together for the holiday. Oh, totally. There's so many different layers. Brody Jenner to Tyga. That's right. Yeah. And then she married the guy from, what the hell is this name? From Billy's favorite band. Is it not Blink-180? No. What? A photograph. Chad Kroger. From Nickelback. She's married to a Nickelback. Oh, man, guys. She used to be a divorce. And she had a very formal wedding, very town and country life. And she went from Lavinda? Yes. And she was also married to some other punk drummer or guitarist. Derek. Derek. Yeah, the guy at the blonde here. I forget the band. I have to look it up. Some 41. Yes. Some 41. I got to tell you though, this Brody Jenner guy, good looking guy. Oh, oh, he's your friend. Brody Jenner is here, everybody. And this is cool because Brody and I are buds and we can just talk about anything, right? He came to one of our kiss concerts. He came to the pre-event of that kiss concert. Yes. And I met him there. He was so handsome and so nice. He let me touch his hair. No, you ran your fingers through his hair. Yeah, because you asked him. What's the mission? Yeah, I asked. Hey, so don't care if Lisa runs her fingers three hours. We're all about consent here. Yeah. What a nice guy. Anyway, Brody Jenner, not with Avril Lavigne anymore. No, he's not. Wow, what a crazy story. I'm going to tell you. You said you saw Avril Lavina Boston calling Lisa. I did. And she brought it. I mean, sounded great, looked great. So this this concert is going to be awesome. Let's go. Hannah. Hannah. Good morning. Hannah, you got do you have a keyword for us? Of course. It's complicated. Of course it is. So Hannah, you a big Avril Lavigne fan? Yeah, I am. I am. Yeah, I'm 31. Of course. We're not even huge fans and yet we've got more information on Avril Lavigne that we could ever use. Well, this is a big show. It's the greatest hits tour and it's coming to the Xpinity Center, August 24th. And Hannah, you're going to hold on and produce a ride that will get all your information off you go. You guys know the yesterday was National Ice Cream Day. Yes. Yeah, Joe Biden, he, you know, he's not seeking reelection. He did it on National Ice Cream Day. Anyway, do we know the correct way to eat ice cream? Don't answer yet. We'll cover it in weird stories next. Kiss one away. Seems a little weird to me. Oh my god. It's time for weird stories. That's pretty creepy with a billy and Lisa in the morning. All right. Well, yesterday, if you guys didn't know, was National Ice Cream Day. Yeah, we love our ice cream, right? We do. Well, did you guys know that eating it, there's proper etiquette? Okay. So this formal etiquette expert in England is going to tell us how we should be eating our ice cream, right, Justin? If you served ice cream in a bowl, you would eat it with a spoon. Ice cream served on a plate, for example, an ice cream roll, you would eat with a fork. If you were served cake and ice cream, then you would use both a fork and a spoon. The fork is used to hold the cake and the spoon is used to cut and bring the food to your mouth. When the cone is presented, you should then proceed to lick the ice cream in his swirls. Lick it in swirls if it's in a cone, Bill. That could be advice for more than just eating ice cream. Yeah, well, I usually practice the lick and swirl. Oh, did your wife know about that? Yeah. Oh, you could do multiple things. I bite and lick. Yeah. Well, the fashion way I seem to work as well. Yes. People posting the picture of Joe Biden, you know, because he has a big announcement yesterday of him eating an ice cream cone. National ice cream, that can all picture. He loves his ice cream. He does love it. As do you, Bill, it's ice cream. It's cold and wet with a fake flavor. The actual did you say yesterday was national ice cream? Yes. I had strawberry ice cream yesterday and I didn't even know it was national ice cream celebrating. That was good. I like you. Did you eat it with a fork with a spoon or did you lick it? Oh, no, I ate right out of the point. Okay, with a spoon. Yeah. Oh, that was good. I like strawberry. So woman was solo hiking through the wilderness. I don't recommend that. We're seeing too many stories about walking all by yourself. You get lost. Anyway, she suddenly realized there was a grizzly bear following her. And this was at Montana's Glacial National Park. And once she spotted the bear, she wanted to run. She had the urge to run. But instead, she stood there and talked calmly to the bear. Right, Justin? I absolutely freaked out. Like, I started to move my body and I was like, no, do not run. Amanda calmly asked the bear to keep his distance. Just listen how polite she is. Please don't come here. Thank you. Please go. Once I got like a couple hundred feet away, I was like, okay, this bear is calm enough that it's not going to be mauling me. She's so lucky. So lucky. The video is unbelievable. It was a grizzly bear. Oh, yeah. It was massive. Yeah, the solo travel thing. I mean, I understand it, but yeah, you know, solo travel like the spa, right? Or like hiking, you know, to like the middle of nowhere. You know what? If you do decide to solo travel, remember, you can take us with you anywhere you go. Morning team, this is one of your travelers. This is Jamie calling for Spain. I'm currently about 250 miles into my hike across Spain, which is called the Camino de Santiago. Every day, I listen to you on the I, her app, either I listen to the podcast or I listen to your lives like today. Oh, that's amazing. Thanks for always making me laugh on my journey. That's a first from Spain, right? Be careful out there, Jamie. Yeah. She said she was hiking. She's hiking. Yeah, 250 miles into her hike. I wonder if she's hiking with other people, right? She said I, you know, but like just people like strangers. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I don't know. Let us know, Jamie. I don't know if you realize this, but the lady in Spain walks calmly on the plane. Okay, but you don't remember that one? No. Okay, forget it. I try to educate you. I do my best. You know, you really do. I've learned so much. Go ahead. Okay. So a jury duty scam is going around in Florida, and it costs a family seven hundred seven thousand five hundred dollars because they were told to either pay the money or be arrested for missing jury duty. The victim lost seventy five hundred dollars. It was told to us that they were going to use it to purchase a new home. And when they got them on the phone or they made the call back, they told them if they would hang up that call, they would be arrested at that point. Yeah. That's quite the scam. I'm sure that, you know, the older people are the ones that are falling for the scam, but anybody could fall for it. I mean, people probably miss jury duty all the time. You think about it? Yeah. Hey. Well, Billy usually has me go in and put in for an extension, you know, to push it back to the next year. Yeah. And I always have this thought that that I'm going to like forget to do it. And then he's going to get arrested. Well, we did it last time. And they said he couldn't do it again. He said it so many times. Oh, I do it all the time for Billy. Yeah. Yeah. Just can't make it. That one caught up with me. Yeah. I did it once, but then they asked me again. I did it a second time and then they kept bugging me. Yeah. It's like, all right. I don't work for you. Okay. It's just a duty bill. All right. Anyway, this is actually a horrible story in Harrison, Maine. These kids, these teens were playing this game ding dong ditch at people's houses. They rang the doorbell of a 30 year old guy. And then he came out with a handgun and he shot one of the kids in the leg. Oh my God. Investigation reveals a group of teenagers approached a home at 91 Waterford Road, knocked and ran away. Deputies say Vincent Martin from Harrison had a handgun and shot at the teen several times. Martin, allegedly shot one teen in the calf. Oh, yeah, ding dong ditch. We used to play that, you know, just roll up, bring the doorbell. That's right. We did too. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know, roll up. Other people would leave things on the porch, you know, well, appropriate things. What was that? Yeah. Yeah. Don't don't ding dong ditch in Maine. There's a hot tip. Oh, man. Hey, how about the robbery suspect leading police on a high speed chase through Los Angeles about a week ago and live streamed the video of himself, which showed that his two month old daughter and her mother were in the car. I watched this live. I watched it live on TV. Wow. Yeah, it was crazy. Just pull it over and put your hands up. Oh, my baby is in a car. Often times in situations like these, the bad guys use the baby as a shield. It's a great moment of cowardice that when you witness it, you kind of it pumps the brakes on everything as a as a father, you you just can't put yourself in that position as a good father. So when you see a father do that to their child, it strikes a chord in you that that you want to make sure that you do everything in your power to bring this guy to justice. It had a happy ending. So I watched this live, eventually they got the car to stop and they allowed him to get out with, you know, his girlfriend and the baby, he kissed the baby, gave this girlfriend a hug, and then they walked away. Okay. After that, he would no longer be my boyfriend. Yeah, it's really bad. So bad. Yeah. And then off he went. Yeah. It could have ended much worse. Oh, God. Yeah. Definitely. When he wrapped it up, go. Okay. So a grad student has been spending a year living at a senior facility sharing music with them so she can get free room and board. That's like a really exciting fun thing is an artist. I don't think that I would have ever thought this existed. Yeah, I've just loved it so much. Like it's not just me making a performance for them. It's all of us coming together to celebrate music and to really enjoy the moment. It's very sweet though. Like, it's a nice thing for her to do. It gets free room and board. And I think she probably learns a lot too. Yep. She sings like, you know, a good song. Hey, true or false? Did Zach Brian show up at Noa Khan show to perform and yet wasn't allowed in? We'll find out next. Hey, this is Ariana Grande and we're back with Billy and Lisa in the morning on Kiss 1A. Hey, Billy. Hey, how you doing there? Sorry. We're a little busy here. Jesse, can we get some talkbacks? Really? I think you've ignored them today. No, give him a little bit of love. But, you know, we have our talk backers, which are, you know, the Talkback Mafia is people that listen to this show and they contribute to the show, leaving a message on the Talkback mic on the iHeartRadio app. And we have our regulars and we always have people that are discovering the iHeart app in the Talkback feature, including my friends. Now my friends, see, they just discovered this thing. And now they think like, Oh, God forbid they ever listen to the show before. Now they're listening. And now they're using the stupid Talkback. Hey, what's up? This is Michael Hawk from God's country, North and over Massachusetts. I'm just listening to the woman who fought off the bear with her calm words. And nature's a wild place, man. I heard that Justin had a pretty close call with the dragonfly this week and two. Stay safe out there. Now the entertainment update with the Billy call step was a comedian on the Talkback. I love that man. You know what? I've been seeing a lot of dragonflies all kidding aside. Me too. They're rising up. They're all around my pool. Did you actually have an encounter with a dragonfly? No, but I have a thing with like wild animals. I have this like, I won't, I have this thing without touching them. Like there was a frog in my skimmer. I'll I'll scoop them out with a net on my pool. But there was one in my skimmer that I had to reach down. Oh, you're not supposed to touch frogs. Yeah, my wife did it. You're not supposed to touch frogs? No, you get warts. Yeah, it's grossing me out the slimy. Was that just a myth? I think it was a myth. I think it's a myth. You don't see warts anymore. Like toads have warts. Kids get them. Yeah, I had them. Oh my God, I had them on my fingers. Yeah, it's kind of one right there in the my little finger. I have your answer. Oh, you do? Yes. The idea that frogs or toads can give humans warts is a myth. Yeah, it came from the fact that frogs and toads have bumpy skin. Yeah, right. Ah, yeah. So how do you get warts? I'm not sure. I'll have to continue with the report on that one. Crazy concert weekend out at Fenway Park and Noah Khan, two sold out shows Thursday night and again Friday night. Our own producer Riley, you were there Friday night? I was. Yes. With my friend, we clowned ourselves into thinking Zach Bryan was going to be there and he was not. Okay, I'm glad you bring that up because well first, before we go there, how was the show? Oh, it was great. He's an amazing performer. Every time I see him, he just gets better. What is it everybody loves about him because he exploded? Yeah, like the stick season album or that song that was on like that album really blew up on like TikTok, I think, which really boom and to start him. But he's had a couple albums before that. Now he had his whole family on stage with it, right? Yeah. Everybody came out. I allegedly his fiance came out too. So that was a lot of dad. I don't know what she looks like. I don't know. I googled her the other day and her name is online. So and she's listed as his fiance. So I don't know. But he's never said anything about it. Yeah. Wow. I kind of like that though, right? Yeah. Okay. So you mentioned Zach Bryan. Now there's a story, okay? Hasn't been confirmed, but it's out there. Winnie, you put it on Instagram. I did. I put it on my Instagram because I mean, I said it allegedly. I covered my bases, but I like to get the tea out there. And this is what I'm going to say is they're saying it was also Hozier, Hozier. Hozier, right? It he was supposed to have multiple guests. So people are saying it was Hozier. One was Hozier, but I think the other one was Zach Bryan and they both weren't there. Yeah. So the story goes, not confirmed allegedly that Zach Bryan showed up, but he was really drunk and he couldn't get in. Yeah, they wouldn't let him in. He was yelling and with allegedly at security. And now they've unfollowed each other. No one can in Zach's story. That is actually why I believe something happened because why are they unfollowing each other? Now his now Zach's girlfriend was there, Brianna from varsity, but that doesn't mean that something didn't happen with him because why she was probably already there waiting for him to perform, right? Right. But why wouldn't she leave if her boyfriend was told to leave? Yeah, big fan. Right. Hey, so she sticks around. All right. See you later, Zach. Oh, it is. Dick season. That's true. You get it, Riley. Stick around. I like that. That was good though. Bill, I have your answer here. If you want real Let's go. Yeah. Just to follow up here. I forget what was the question. The warts are caused by a virus and are transmitted by touch. Yeah, they can take two to six months to develop and they usually go away and they're on their harmless. Well, I don't know. Well, mine was forever on. Well, you had the you had the bad ones. Genital what? No, okay. Okay, Justin should not be talking because Justin actually had an issue down there. So you can't be talking. Crap. Why is she talking right now? Mr. Crap. Well, you open the door. Yeah. First of all, no, I never had genital warts. I had a singular war. Okay. My middle finger is a child. It wouldn't go away. I tried everything up. And then you try to burn it off. And yeah, they're aggressive little devils. They are. I'm just saying. Anyway, we'll move on. Okay, but Zach Brian never showed right, Riley? He did not. And I was sad. Well, you just saw him at your life. Don't be greedy. How big greedy all I want. Kane Brown did Saturday night at Fenway Park. They have a small fire up in the rafters, the scaffolding. I don't know how that happens. I don't know. It's all metal. He had to cut his two songs out of his set. Yeah, because of it. Yeah, they stopped it for 10 minutes, I guess. Olympic Games opening ceremonies this coming Friday. This is a sad story. Ali Raceman is going to be there as a special ambassador at the Olympic Games opening ceremonies. She went on call her daddy this week and opened up about some serious health issues she's been dealing with. I have actually been hospitalized several times. I have literally stroke like symptoms. I can't remember my name. I'm like slurring my words. I can barely speak. Both times I was tested for a stroke because like I literally couldn't move my body. It was so scary. It was so scary because also my abuse happened with the doctor. So being in the first time it happened was during COVID and so they wouldn't let my mom in the ambulance with me. So I was also it's really interesting because I can't I can understand what someone is saying to me and asking me like I know they're asking me what my name is but I can't remember my name or say what my name is and I was aware enough to know like oh my god I have two men that I can't move my arms in my legs. I can't move my body. I can't speak. Like what if they take advantage of me? That's so sad. Yeah, it's probably triggered by that monster PTSD from the doctor who's still in prison, right? Yeah, he actually got took took a pretty rough stabbing a year ago and they didn't take him out. Unfortunately, he's still alive. Larry Nazar. And by the way, with opening ceremonies coming up this Friday, I've got a tip for you over the weekend. I watched Simone Biles rising. The documentary on her was very good, by the way. Is it new? I believe so. Get you all geared up to the Olympic Games and she's a favorite to grab the girl. I just can't make a point about you. You're one of the busiest guys I know. You have multiple television shows. You have a radio show. You have all these events that you do. Yeah. And you have all this time to watch all these shows. He just sits on the boat and watches TV. You watch everything. Well, no, it's not so much that I watch. Well, I try to keep up for the sake of topics to discuss on the show. I'm not criticizing. But it's just a lot of weird stuff that I watch. There was no need to watch the Dallas cowboy cheerleaders. I love that you watch that, though. And I watched under Paris because Lisa Donovan told me to watch it. I didn't tell you to watch it. The weirdest movie arguably the worst acting I've ever seen in my life. It was horrible, but I still like seeing scenes of Paris and sharks rising up. He really just pulls the blame thrower right out. I know. I never told you. How hyperbole. You know what I mean? Well, didn't I watch Chromatica Ball Tour and something else back to back a couple of weeks ago? Yeah, on your own accord. Yeah. That was a weird time. I know you watch more stuff than the rest of us. Well, when your wife walks in and you're watching all the stars. I guess it's keyboard. I don't know. Travis and Jason Kelsey have a new serial called Kelsey Crunch. This stuff has to be good. Well, I'm interested because it's it's Reese pieces, um, capped, uh, cinnamon toast crunch and lucky charms. Interesting combo with the cinnamon and the peanut butter and the marshmallow. But what are we? We're thinking what going on there? What in your mouth? You know, if you put lucky charm marshmallows in the microwave, they expand and they become giant marshmallows lying. Saw it on TikTok. I got to try it. Blue up on TikTok. I just pick the marshmallows out and eat those. That's what my son able goes. Seven. I'll have I'll go to have a cheap bowl cereal. I'll go to pour it. No marshmallows. The Twisters movie dominating the box office over the weekend, taking in more than 80 million. And over the weekend, the first trailer for that perfect couple movie drop to we've got a clue. We never know what's going on in someone's mind, really. No matter how close you are, this looks really good. Now this is connected to your book club list. Well, it's based on the Ellen Hildebrand book. We have a book club event on Nantucket with Ellen this Saturday at Dreamland Theater, which is mentioned several times in the book, but the Netflix series that we just played will debut September 5th. Yeah. Netflix also confirming this weekend. There will be a three part documentary on the Karen read trial. And by the way, it's back in session. I think two o'clock this afternoon, all sides prosecution, defense, the judge will decide how they're moving forward after the mistrial was declared not too long ago. And J Lo is going to be 55 years old this coming Wednesday over the weekend. She's still hanging out in the Hamptons. Do they have a house there? Well, I think she's either renting one, or they own one. But yeah, she had two different birthday parties for herself. And I believe one was a Bridgerton theme. Mm hmm. And another one was a lunch. And her husband was that neither? He was not seen, not saying he wasn't there, but there were no pictures of him. No, I don't think he was there. I don't think he was either. If he was, she would have made sure those pictures. Right. And when you you blurted out off the air a little bit earlier, something going on. I don't know why you were thinking about this. Ashley Simpson. Oh, Ashley Simpson so rude. 20 years of your millennial of her first album, which was really her only album because everything went to crap after the SNL performance. But she did like a concert. I mean, it looks really fun. And she performed that whole album and the 20th anniversary. Well, what's happening to her? She's married. She had the nose job, and that was the end of it. She's married to Diana Ross's son. Yep. And at first she was married to or had a Pete Wentz from fall boy. She had a kid with him. And then she got with Diana Ross's son, Evan, and they have a couple kids together. It was weird. She got really popular, really fast, mostly because she was Jessica's sister. But then she performed on Saturday Night Live, and it was the first time anyone saw the nose job. And that was the end of her. No, it was because she was caught lip syncing. It's like I said, it was because no, I'm telling you, it was more about the nose job. Yeah, that was significant too. I will, I will say though that that album was a very good album. I was spinning it like no. That person performed on Saturday Night Live? She did. It was a big story. I married Pete Wentz. And then she married Evan. She's Diana Ross's daughter-in-law. That is amazing. What do you want me to do with that information? I don't know. I just think that's like, you know, that's her mother-in-law. Okay. Finally, Ryan Reynolds had to meet with Madonna personally to license the song like a prayer for the movie Deadpool and Wolverine. He talks about it. Or maybe he doesn't. He didn't. He talks about what? I pan it so hard. I don't see it. What do you say? Yeah, what do you say? I have no idea. No idea. No idea. What is it? No, no, no, no. I have any interest. The sequence where like a prayer would be used. And it's also, let's preface it with Madonna doesn't just license the song. That song is not been like so it was a big deal to ask for it and certainly a bigger deal to use it. So yeah, we went over and met with her and showed her how it was being used and she had only one note and it was a great note and it made the sequence better. Yeah. It's like I said, we have Ryan Reynolds talking about it. Yeah, he's with Sean Levy who's the director of Deadpool and Wolverine. Well, we had Sean Levy in here. He does Stranger Things. He does. Ryan came in. Yeah. Wow. Boy, we have a lot of stuff on this show. I can't encourage you enough telefriend. Mm. Spread the word. We're brought to you by Boston Vision. Say hello to clarity with LASIK surgery at Boston Vision where the pros go to get their LASIK including our own head coach of the Patriots, Gerard Mayo. So book your free no obligation evaluation today at and mentioned coach Mayo, you'll get 300 bucks off your procedure. We have Christian Chenoweth coming up in a minute. We do. That is huge. Wow. 10. Okay, let's go. The Dakono Music and Spirits Festival returns to Centennial Park Saturday, August 3rd from 2 to 10 p.m. And it's free live music from the Warren Treaty. Chris Daniels and the Kings is Callie and Moore. Enjoy a spirits competition. Kids Zone and Fireworks presented by Oxy and the City of Dakono admission and parking are free. The Dakono Music and Spirits Festival brought to you by Breckenridge Brewery and City of Dakono. Go to the city of for more information. From the Planet Fitness Kids 108 Studios, we're back with Billy and Lisa in the morning on Kids 108. Good morning, guys. This is TalkBacker Kristen and this is a talkback for my queen, Kristen Chenoweth. Not only do I share a name with her, I actually almost share a birthday with her. So happy early birthday, Kristen. And I'm happy to say that I might have cheated. And I know for a fact that I, for my birthday, am going to see you, the Queen of Versailles on August 15th. And I'm so, so, so excited. I've always wanted to see you live. And my gosh, I hope one day I can meet you. I love you so much. Yeah, our queen, Kristen Chenoweth is in Boston with the queen of Versailles July 16th through the 25th, the Emerson Colonial Theater. You can get your tickets at Good morning, Kristen Chenoweth. Good morning. How y'all doing? We're doing fine. You know what's funny, Kristen? Everybody just loves you to death. Well, I can give you a live. First of all, welcome to Boston. Do you get here often, Kristen? You know what? I have been on and off here singing, I would say, the past 25 years. I love, obviously, the Boston Pops, I get to tell, I special with them while doing Wicked many years ago. And then I've just come back several times. And I also play symphony space and do my own concerts about every three or four years. So when, when, when I found out that Boston could be on the docket, like, as a possibility, I was like, oh, please, can we just go there? Because every time I come here, y'all, I go in, I sing, and then I go home. And I never get to spend real, spend real time here. And I, I've fallen in love with it over the years. So it was just kind of a dream come true to get to do it here. You know what I mean? Absolutely. You know, you mentioned Wicked, the movie is on the way. And Ariana Grande is in your role. Now, did the two of you talk at all? Well, you know, I've noticed that she was 10 years old. And she told me then, I was going to pick Linda in her same voice. And when she got the audition, she called me and cried and said, I, I just, I really want this part. And what can I do? Any tips? And I said, no, there are no tips. You go in and you do your version of Linda. You know, I just wanted her to have permission, in a sense, to just do her thing. That's what people want to see. They don't want to see a copy, right? And, and she did. And she does. And that's why I'm so happy for her and excited for the world to see her, her version. Well, you're in Boston now with the Queen of Versailles is, is the Boston showing the world premiere? Yes, it is. I mean, you have to understand last Tuesday night was the first time any audiences had seen this piece ever. And there was lots of emotion. The Boston audiences last week, honestly, I was so emotional. The love for the arts in this town is incomparable. It is amazing. And they welcomed us with open arms, knowing that we were still working, you know, we're in previews right now. So we're still changing the show and working on it during the day. And the audience accepted and loved us. And it was, it felt so nice to have that support. You know, you work on something for three, four years. And then, you know, you give birth to it. All you can do is pray. And they've just been lovely, lovely. Kristen, I think you were getting emotional. You're telling that story. I was because I couldn't believe how just opening kind and honestly, beautiful reception was. It's amazing. If you just tuned in, this is so exciting. One of the biggest Broadway stars ever Kristen Chenoweth is in Boston with the Queen of Versailles, by the way, July 16th through the 25th at the Emerson Colonial Theatre. You can go to and you'd be crazy not to. You actually have a producer role this time around, right, Kristen? Yeah, I was really glad that they asked this happened early on. And now I feel, you know, when you write a line or you have an idea for a scene, or maybe you want to just be heard and, you know, as an actor to the producers, it's nice to be able to wear that hat. And I do want to just say, like our lead producer, Bill Demasky, who brought Milan Rouge to Boston as well, he has been very, I've learned a lot from him. And I have to just say, I'm still such a student, not just of the arts, but of life, and to have this guy as my partner and a mentor, like this has meant a lot to me. I've learned a ton. I've been producing myself for years, but the first time to get to produce in this capacity. So pretty exciting for me personally. Since you do have a producer's hat, do you get a better dressing room? [LAUGHTER] Oh, I always get a good dress. [LAUGHTER] You know, Kristen, I hope you don't consider it an invasion of privacy. But earlier this morning, we're all looking at your wedding pictures, which, by the way, looks like a beautiful wedding. Thank you. Oh, my gosh, you guys. That's so sweet. We're turning up on our first anniversary. Did you really have a slurpee truck at the wedding? [LAUGHTER] Yes, are you judging me right now? [LAUGHTER] No, I actually-- We thought you were coming in live, and we had some slurpees brought in, just for you, Kristen. Dang, man, I should have got my butt up and done that. [LAUGHTER] Last week was free slurpee day. I don't know if you guys knew that. [LAUGHTER] Well, we heard you were at a 7-Eleven having slurpees, right? Yes, and this boss in 7-Eleven, it was by the theater. It's by the theater. It is so big and clean. It's so nice, and I'm just like, yeah, I feel like I'm back in Oklahoma. You know, 7-Eleven's where I'm from are like the real deal, okay? So, of course, I got a slurpee club back. I can't even talk. A slurpee truck, but I also had Dunkin' Donuts at my wedding as well. [LAUGHTER] Yes, you have the Donut Hall. [LAUGHTER] Boy, how did we not get an invite for this wedding? It sounds like a lot of fun. It was, it really was. We just wanted it to represent us, and that's what it was. You've got a project coming to Netflix with Lindsay Lohan. You want to talk about that? Yeah, I did a holiday Christmas movie with her. I adore her. She is an angel on this earth. This girl is amazing, but it's a comedy. It's for Netflix, and it's, you know, a family comedy. It's, I've done, this would be my eighth Christmas movie, I think, a holiday movie. I don't know if I have, like, holiday written across my forehead or whatever, but I love this. This isn't a being to acknowledge your kids, your parents, and watch it and laugh and have a good time in them. It's really cute. We can't wait for the world to see it, so you guys should check it out. In a couple of sentences, before we let you go, Kristen, describe the show, Queen of Versailles for the people listening. Well, it is based on a documentary from 2014 about a very, very wealthy couple, the Siegel family, building the largest private home in America, which happens to be in Orlando, Florida, and it is an American stable. It is an American cautionary tale. Didn't you meet the original Jackie Siegel? Oh, yes, and I have to say, I had one vision of her in my mind of what she might be like, but she's amazing. She would give you the shirt off her back and not at all what I thought. And that just, you know, taught me, it reminded me of that thing of don't judge a book, just don't judge a book, or don't let you ever mind before you meet someone from social media. You know, we put ourselves out there, y'all, from social media and all that. I wonder, how real is it? You know, I tend to be like, this is me, everybody. I don't want to make up, and I've got to sit up here, but hi. With all the filters and the pretendness, I pretend for a living, right? I'm an actor, but this lady is the real deal, and it's not what you expect. And I'm glad that I know that family. Yeah, from computer engineer to Mrs. Florida to billionaires, Jackie Siegel, and the show is the Queen of Versailles world premiering in Boston, July 16th through the 25th, the Emerson Colonial Theater. Go to You'll be glad you did, Christian. Thank you so much for taking a few minutes out. Thank you for having me. And I just want to say, I heard the young lady wishing me a happy birthday before I got on saying that she was coming to see me on August. Her name is Kristen. I just want to say, Kristen, I hope you enjoy it. And thank you for the birthday wishes and happy birthday to you as well. And happy birthday to you as well, Kristen. Thanks for joining us. Wow, that was really cool. Yeah, wow. That's cool stuff right there. Backer, Kristen, who left that talk back. Yeah. Anyway, we'll wrap up the show next good morning. It's kids. Kids 108. It's the morning wrap up on Billy and Lisa in the morning. Oh, we're running late after that, Kristen Chen is with Trent Chen who with interview Billy. We'll get to that in one minute. But real quick, we're back on a Monday, giving stuff away. We give away a thousand dollars, give away Megan trainer tickets, and also Avril Levine. Big congrats to Hannah, Hannah. Good morning. So Hannah, you a big Avril Levine fan? Yeah, I am. I am. Yeah, I'm 31. Yeah, she's 31. She's gonna relive her youth at the Avril Levine show. So that's pretty dope. There you go. More tickets tomorrow morning on the 10s for again, Megan trainer, Avril Levine and a thousand dollars. We also had a good topic about reality shows, right? Game shows too. You know, what are the chances of getting on these things? We've got a lot of calls from people, a lot of talkbacks, people that know people that have been on them or been on themselves. That's a big deal, Billy. Christine from New Hampshire, I was lucky enough to be diner for a day on Billy Costa show when it was TV diner. I got to meet Billy. It was the episode where the Celtics players were on. I actually brought homemade chocolate chip cookies to thank everyone. It was an amazing experience. So thank you, Billy, for the date night with my husband. We drank probably three bottles of wine and your show paid for it. It was a little thing. Have a great day, everyone. That's probably a good reason why we stopped that little segment starting to get a little pricey. Billy got a little wild, too. Go home. And yes, if you just missed it, we had Kristen Chenoweth on. She is starring in the queen of Versailles. It's playing right now at the Emerson and Colonial Theater. She is having the world premiere right here in Boston. When I found out that Boston could be on the docket as a possibility, I was like, oh, please, can we just go there? Every time I come here, y'all, I go in, I sing, and then I go home and I never get to spend real time here. And I've fallen in love with it over the years. So it was kind of a dream come true to get to do it here. You know what I mean? Yeah, very cool. Very cool. And she also talked about Ariana Grande starring as Glinda in the advice that she gave her when she got the role. Well, you know, I've noticed that she was 10 years old. And she told me then, I was going to see Glinda in her same voice. And when she got the audition, she called me and cried and said, I just, I really want this part. And what can I do? Any tips? And I said, no, there are no tips. You go in and you do your version of Glinda. Yeah, it was an amazing interview. You can check out the full interview on the Billy and Lisa show podcast, just search Billy and Lisa in the morning bill. Great job on that. A lot of feedback. I'm getting on the talkbacks. People really enjoy that interview. She was easy to talk to such a nice lady. Yeah, so great job. Go listen to the podcast and right back. Boston, what up? It's Stoducat. Everybody get on. We're back with Billy and Lisa in the morning. Yeah. I'm kiss 108. But if you don't mind, Justin, I think I'd like to dedicate this segment to the chart back mafia. Yeah, you know, I always feel bad. You know, we get so many nice messages from people. We can't get to them all. Those are talkbacks, by the way, which you can leave on the iHeart radio app using that little red microphone. That is called the talkback feature. You can check in and I'll do my best to get you on the radio. Hey, is there a picture of producer Riley? I don't know. I checked Google in her, but I don't know if I found a picture of her. Anybody know what she looks like? Well, we do. Yeah. Yeah, we do. She's adorable. Yeah, she's super cute. Beautiful. She is taken, by the way, but that talkbacker's name is, you know, when you sign up to Aliba Talkback, you have to leave your name. This person's name is the Persian prince. Oh, looking for Riley. Okay, a little Middle Eastern man. Well, is there a picture somewhere? I don't have a picture because, you know, obviously that's not his real name. Riley have an Instagram. She does. It's Riley. Do you mind if I give it out? Okay, so it's Riley. I got to, I got to, it's like Riley Kate O'Brien. I got to spell it correctly. It's like her whole government name. Boy, she couldn't possibly be more Irish. I know, right? Okay, so it's Riley, R-Y-L-E-Y Kate spelled K-A-T-E dot O'Brien, the Irish way O-B-R-I-E. Can we give producer Riley a little bit of advice? You know, she's just starting on her radio career. You need to change that into it. You're like really awesome. And that's an Irish thing that's her name. She has three names that can all be spelled like eight different ways. Riley, Kate O'Brien, like you. Yeah, producer Riley came to my, my house to my, I had a big event there recently. She came with her mom. Oh, you got a carnival up there every weekend in your house. It's hanging out with producer Riley and her mom. Riley's mom has got it going on. Yeah. She's all I want and I waited for so long. Was that Riley's mom singing? Nice woman. No. No. No, it was not. Hey, I'm currently in my basement right now packing for Sleepaway Camp, so I won't be able to listen to Kiss 108 anymore because I'll be gone for a month. But I just want to let you guys know that I love you so much and I can't wait till I get back so I can listen to Kiss 108. Oh my god, I love her. She's going to Sleepaway Camp. Yeah, hopefully she'll come back. Sleepaway Camp. Okay, don't scare the poor child. See, they say radio doesn't get to the young kids anymore. She's in like high school. Yeah, that's so cool. And she's still listening. See, and she could take us with us to Sleepaway Camp, catch. Well, unless you don't have a policy. Yeah. Oh, enough with the policies. Well, you want the kids to actually somebody in the building, a coworker was telling me last week, her son is at Sleepaway Camp all summer in New Hampshire, and they they're not allowed to have phones. They're not. Yeah, so they can enjoy life. I like that. You know, if I was a parent, I think I would save every dime I had for Sleepaway Camp for summer free without the chump. I'm saving right now. Oh god, it's like an instant vacation. Yeah, I wanted my kids to go. They wouldn't go. I know, neither would mine. Oh, I would love that. Yeah, no phones too, so they can really, you know, enjoy everything and really experience it. You know, recently I had to turn off the screen time notification on my phone. So what that is, Bill, is every you can turn this feature on where every week, once a week, you get a notification, it tells you how many hours a day you've been on your phone. Oh, it is the most depressing thing. It's the more like, yeah, what's your number? I was averaging four hours. Yeah. Oh, that's it. That's, that's kind of low. That's really low. Really? Oh my god. Yeah. Oh my god. I felt terrible. Yeah, but you add that up. It's almost a full time job. You don't want it to be 28, you don't want it. Is it like, be honest? It's like 10 hours. I was going to say eight, 10 hours of your day. You're looking into that stupid phone. But to be fair, I don't watch TV. I'm so like, you know, when you're watching your TV shows, I'm normally on my phone, watching stuff on my phone. Wow. And I have, I have no kids. I got all I do is I work and go to the gym. And then I know mine was around four, two. Yeah, I felt that was high. Now I don't feel that. Well, if you're working out, you know, you're probably on your, using your phone for music and stuff. So, you know, that's an hour, hour and a half. So add nothing and stuff. Okay. Good. I'll turn it back on. Yeah. 10 hours. Listen, I have a job where I have to be up on stuff. I'm always, you know, talking and stuff. And I don't have anything going on. I have no life. I don't think it would really care if you weren't up on stuff. Yeah. Just stay down. I know the most random things because of my time on phone. Okay. These random facts I give you because I fact are like Tony Braxton. Oh, you guys with that one off show, get some better material. Yeah. Wow. We could list even worse ones easily, but we won't. No, we won't. We'll just stay right there. Anyway, we'll be right back. What's going on, y'all? This is Post Malone. Wake up. We're back with Billy and Lisa in the morning on cast 108 Boston's number one hit music station. Post Malone, baby. So yeah, some weird stuff this morning. First of all, I want to thank Kristin Chenoweth, biggest Broadway star ever. Right. Arguably, everybody loves her. She's in Boston at Emerson Colonial Theatre with the Queen of Versailles. She was a wonderful guest. What a lovely woman, huh? She was so great. And I loved when she would say y'all. Yeah. I just love that. And they have a slurpy truck at your wedding. You know what? That's good fun. Yeah. And I really liked how, you know, we started by playing a talk back from a big man of hers named Kristin as well. And she's going to the show. And then, you know, I didn't know if she heard it. And so we did the whole interview. And at the very interesting, wait a minute, I want to address that. Yeah. That girl, Kristin. That was cool. And they share a birthday. And now they're going to share a show. So that was a cool moment. I don't know what really happened at the Noricon show Friday night was Zach Bryan. Apparently he was supposed to be on stage with him. He showed up at Fenway Park. The story goes. Alleged. Yeah. That he may have had too much to drink and they didn't let him in. I don't know. I think that's still let him in. It's Zach Bryan. No, I don't. I didn't think that it was that I got the vibe that Zach said he wasn't performing because he was so drunk. And then he was being rowdy with the security. That was the vibe I got. Anyway, we gave away some good shows today. We gave away Avril Lavigne. And she's out with a bunch of people. Write her tour. She has simple plan. Girlfriends. To learn around. All for one. All for one. All time long. No, I was like all for one. 80s R&B singer. I don't know where he was going with that. For one. It could've been all for one. Was it one for all? No, it is. But they're not at the show. It's all time low. All time low. Oh, okay. All for one. You're going to play there like iconic. I can love you like that. Oh, yeah. I love that song. I saw them at the Caloon. Okay. Yeah, like two summers ago silent night with them live in studio. She you don't remember. I don't remember. Oh my god, leave that. I got a little picture there. You're better than them. Oh, it's fun. That's so cool that you sang with all for one. Wow. Who just mentioned the Caloon? I did. I saw them at the Caloon. Do you know? Was it the Caloon Saturday night? I think it was. Oh, Taylor Dane. Oh my god. Yes. I heard that. I went skiing with her. I did back in the day. Like together like you were on the same ski trip. Yeah, we're on the same ski trip. Lisa lived such a cool life before this place. I did like a big ski event for coach out in Jacksonville, Wyoming. And she was there in her. Yeah, and her Taylor Dane days. You're so much cooler than this. I don't know if she was there. How did you know? She was part of our group. She was one of the celebrities. And that's when Vin Diesel was there famously. Oh, she skied with Vin Diesel. Yeah. I knew that. Yeah. She was fast and furious. It was a fun like charity ski event. Yeah. Taylor Dane, buddy. Taylor name. By the way, Taylor Dane, a featured live performer on Dance Jam. Justin, my former TV. Can we actually get some all time low? Because that's actually going to be with her. Oh, yeah. Why don't you have all time low? No, we'll stick with all for one. I can love you like that. Yeah, baby. I wouldn't make you more. Oh, that's a good one. That's a good one. C'mon morning. We'll give away the tickets to Avro. We'll place them all time low. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Who else did we have? We gave away something else. Meghan Trainor. Yeah. We have go have tomorrow as well on the 10s and a thousand bucks, nine, 10. And now we have our favorite. Yeah, I'm not sure. The Mighty McCabe who's coming up next. Yeah. He was at every show this weekend. He was at Noacon, Cane Brown, and the Foo Fighters last night. He went to the Foo Fighters too. This guy is everywhere. And he had a friendly Frank. Multiple. Whoa. Yeah. He was busy. Yeah. You know how cool he is, the mighty one. He doesn't need stuff to give away. He comes on. He's enough. Oh, there you go. All you need, the mighty one, the mighty McCabe. It's up next. We'll see you in the morning guys. The Dakono Music and Spirits Festival returns to Centennial Park Saturday, August 3rd from 2 to 10 p.m. And it's free live music from the Warren Treaty. Chris Daniels and the Kings is Callie and More. Enjoy a spirits competition, Kid Zone and fireworks presented by Oxy and the City of Dakono admission and parking are free. The Dakono Music and Spirits Festival brought to you by Breckenrich Brewery and City of Dakono. Go to the city of Dakono dot com for more information.