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Update Portland Maine Fiction Detective Memory Novel-
Grandpa Bill talks mnemonics, memory palaces, and Portland Maine -as a base of a potential fictitious detective memory palace novel.
BH Sales Kennel Kelp Holistic Healing Hour Podcast:
Sharpen Your Mind, Solve the Crime: Unveiling Portland's History with Memory Palaces & Kelp
Have you ever struggled to remember details about a historical event or local landmark?
What memory tricks do you already use? Grandpa Bill want topique my listeners interest in memory improvement techniques.
Do you enjoy a good mystery?
How can boosting your memory with natural supplements help you crack the case? Grandpa Bill is embarking on an informal "Who Done It" Memory Method Detective Fiction novel DRAFT -connecting the #"whodunit" aspect with the #kelp and# fish oil benefits.
#Kelp & #Fish Oil Memory Mystery Board Game ("Kelp Klueless")
A "Clue"-style board game set in historic Portland, Maine. Players use memory and deduction to solve a fictional historical crime.
Game Mechanics:??????
Board: Features iconic Portland locations (e.g., Eastern Promenade, Victoria Mansion) connected by streets.
Characters: Historical figures from Portland's past (e.g., ship captains, wealthy merchants).
Suspect Cards: Describing each character and their possible motive.
Location Cards: Depicting locations with historical trivia clues.
#Kelp Clue Cards: Offer memory-boosting challenges (e.g., "Recall 3 details from the last historical fact Grandpa Bill-I shared".
#Fish Oil Focus Cards: Award temporary bonuses related to memory or deduction.
Gameplay: Players roll dice and move around the board, encountering locations and drawing cards. By remembering historical details and completing memory challenges, they eliminate suspects and locations, ultimately solving the mystery.
Players learning about Portland history while playing.
Memory Enhancement: #Kelp Clue Cards and #Fish Oil Focus Cards promote memory and focus.
Engagement: The "whodunit" format and memory challenges provide a fun and interactive experience.
#bhkennelkelpholistichealinghour, #KelpHealing ,#MemoryPalace, #PortlandHistory, #LocalHistory ,#Whodunit, #MysteryGame, #BrainHealth, #NaturalSupplements,
Considering POSSIBLY offering a downloadable app TBD-#"Kelp Klueless" game APP on your PHONE for listeners to create their own mystery games based on their local history- MAYBE?.
标题 (Biao tī) - Title: 增强记忆力,破解谜团:用记忆宫殿和海带探索波特兰历史 (Céngqiáng jìyì lì, pòjiě mí tuán: yòng jìyì gōngdiàn hé hǎidài tànsuǒ Bótèlàn lìshǐ)
English Translation: Sharpen Your Mind, Solve the Crime: Unveiling Portland's History with Memory Palaces & Kelp
吸引听众的启发性问题 (Xīnyǐn tīngzhòng de qīfāhèng wèntí) - Probing Questions to Pique Listener Interest:
您是否曾经为记住历史事件或当地地标的细节而苦恼?您已经使用过哪些记忆技巧? (Nín shìfǒu céngjīng wèi jì zhù lìshǐ shìjiàn huò dāngdì dìbiāo de xìjié ér kǔnǎo? Nín yǐjīng shǐyòngguò nèixiē jìyì jìqiào?)
English Translation: Have you ever struggled to remember details about a historical event or local landmark? What memory tricks do you already use?
您喜欢推理小说吗?使用海带和鱼油等天然补品增强记忆力如何帮助您破解案件? (Nín xǐhuan tuīlì xiǎoshuō ma? Shǐyòng hǎidài hé yúyóu děng tiānrán bǔpǐn qiánghuā jìyì lì rúhé bāngzhù nín pòjiě ànjiàn?)
English Translation: Do you enjoy a good mystery? How can boosting your memory with natural supplements like kelp and fish oil help you crack the case?
海带和鱼油记忆谜题棋盘游戏 (“海带无头绪”) (Hǎidài wútóuxù) - Kelp & Fish Oil Memory Mystery Board Game ("Kelp Klueless")
概念 (Gàiniàn) - Concept: 一款以缅因州波特兰历史为背景的“线索” (xiàn suò) 风格棋盘游戏。 玩家利用记忆和推理来解决虚构的历史罪案。 (Yī kuǎn yǐ Mǐn'yīnzhōu Bótèlàn lìshǐ wéi bèijing de “xiàn suò” fēnggé qípán yóuxì. Wánjiā lìyòng jìyì hé tuīlì lái jiějué
Creative Solutions for Holistic Healthcare
Yeah, Marty and welcome back to another edition of the BH sales kind of holistic killing hour We hosted moderator me grandpa bill some of you by our invitation were applicable my two church mice Peter and Paul each and every day We continue to go exponentially with your help by doing so by paying it forward do two audio shows and This is my youtube offering bill holt at bill holt 87 92. Please do like us share us give us the thumbs up More importantly, we're you're comfortable in doing so. Please do subscribe We are growing one star seed at a time And all of our subjects are always encompassed around food with mine body and soul So I just did a workouts for geriatrics episode taping In my own personal workout moments ago, and it is extremely warm here in main So i'm the shirtless bandit today, if you will at time of taping Be here for about 15 25 minutes give or take this is kind of a combination of what will filter out into My audio shows my main mentor moments in business and in life mostly in life now fully retired Also My workouts for geriatrics aka a silver streakers good for all kids from one to 92 and What I want to recap Is in yesterday's edition for those of you that do follow the show daily and for those of you Wherever you come in to bring you up today archivaly. I did a new monic yesterday About basically myself being in an office building pertinent embraced around my cataracts operations in macular Degenerations operations, which basically really didn't have anything to do with other than the specific building and then buildings That I was in for an into that and that all ties into Introducing myself to friend Anthony dr. Anthony metavie magnetic memory method. I just got his Flyboy book and I did the pdf version online So i'm just starting to recap and get into reading that and it's quite quite a quite the mystery detective memories method novel And I kind of shared what the prologue was yesterday in a different phase without tripping the hands of what the books about So that also got me to do a really off-cough to try to show you Where i'm out with magnetic memory method techniques self-teaching mandarin the language skills I learned Through the program and the techniques there how i'm If you've incorporated it into these three shows So yesterday after you know, I did that taping I got to thinking well, we scary always dangerous about Doing a knock off of my own detective series of resorts And it's real sketchy up in the toys of the attic So i'm gonna close my eyes again like I did yesterday. This is how I envision my thoughts and start to go around my respective memory palaces So Having taken and completed dr meta vase course and gone back. Oh my goodness numerous times and i'm in the process of as we speak Reentering the free pdf For like a really a lot of times on a personal level, but this is all Encompassed around probably at this juncture august when my granddaughter eta is going to Actually join me on an internship here at the show And the whole premise of that is for her to tutor me in the mandarin that i've attempted I know that you guys are all laughing that listened to me to Do over the last seven months and they did complete that from december to janet june 30th chinese poems songs culture online Viewing of videos and language skills taking an online multiple Choice test and practicing symbols opinions and so forth and she's more and accentuate that with me here stay with me thanks for your patience She's a gifted writer as well as her many talents she's actually created an app Utilizing the job script when she was junior in high High school in this summer she's working full-time in a few short weeks as her senior year becomes She's also going to be embarking on a cyberspace security class So through all of that one of the many things on a personal level which air her dad I just thought to and he's like a stranger from the great beyond he lives like five miles away Because of the world the way it is right now which ties into all this too We like to walk through what was actually my neighborhood growing up in portlamino in the west end of And we tease there. She's actually an east end girl. She was born there. She moved You know back when she was a kid Sometime after she's an east end girl as where she was born in her heritage So we like to walk through the neighborhoods and the buildings that are there I have this idea going around in my head And it will be crackerjack at that on Having her for sure Start to pay attention when we take a walk whenever that is next And start to assign the numerical numbers of the addresses of the buildings As they may be pine street is a street just to pick one off and number two pine street And then not so so much sequentially because we do a zigzag maze Which creates its own memory palace by connecting the streets that interlive between the buildings That she's very familiar with not necessarily being within them But my recanturing my old war stories Back in the day when I was within many of them Not all of them in the west end of warland Which is rich the whole city of forms rich in so much history, but especially architectural history so Getting back to dr meta vase book flyboy the detective series and yesterday In the office building in forlmane that I was in when I did a really really quick mnemonic yesterday to tie it into flyboy So I will be doing a recanter In neutrality without giving away anything on where i'm at on flyboy a little bit later around the show Which will be based on what i've got going around in my head right now and i'm going to open my eyes a little bit I'm thinking of doing a detective And you know, it's mumble jumble right now basing it in portland But basing it on all the things i've done in my past life Kelp will be definitely integral. I got something floating around about that And then human and animal supplementation and doing things like this is very off the cuff Kelp and fish oil will be clues This is a similar to something that goes on in dr meta vase flyboy book with the detective there that has Memory issues and how he utilizes the memory method techniques in a case that he's solving and involved in in flyboy So in my case literally and figuratively my detective i'm just throwing this off Haven't refined it yet will be like Something to do with kelp and carp KK and kennel kelp, but it'll tie into fish oil From days of old and kelp and how good they are for your memory and we'll tie it into the detective That's going to solve the case that i haven't even began to start to create with the characters as of yet I did my wife gram as miss marvel yesterday Because she was indeed involved in the waiting room all those multiple times Of literally transporting me back and forth because I couldn't see and I couldn't drive legally Uh, when I was going through the set of operations So she was indeed there in the waiting room with me and we took some creative liberty on creating a very thick tissues scenario kind of based on The office building in the prologue of dr meta vase book. So here's where i'm at Like right now with some really rough notes up in this toys in the attic Of a new modding that's kind of bouncing around in my head right now portland will be integral The historical buildings within we'll tie the streets together They'll be involved in the whole crime scene and the foot meat of the detective So here's what I got off the cuff rough north wise and kicking around in the toys in the attic So we're going to put on our detective hats when we get there And we're going to start cracking the case That's all about forgetting And then tying it into holistic health And knowledge as to how that's going to tie in to helping us and most assuredly me saw them the case I might be the detective. I don't know yet. I'd be the perfect one to use for scattered brain and mental issues Don't you think so For right now imagine. I'm a detective imagine you're a detective on a trail of a wellness billin Wellness billin. It's going to incorporate I don't know they somebody stole something. I use the example of a cell phone from the office building yesterday and we used gram as Having the cell phone in question and her being miss marvel and believe me Believe me. That's a compliment to her. She loves all those mysteries to include miss marvel And I kid gram she would be the epitome of a miss marvel so Here we're going to build a memory palace for probably many and i'll get into metropolis building of memory palaces, which entails walking out my front door for a certain degree To get to the western part of the section i'm about five miles out and then i have recap my metropolis a multiple memory palaces using my own house when I started flashing back to the magnetic memory method Free pdf, which is where i'm at again. So I envision myself as a starting student again. Well, I am Hey so Imagine you're a detective. I'm a detective. We're in portland main and There's going to be culprits Behind common ailments sickness illness, whatever so how about Sinus see about sneaky sinus Sam the saboteur Not necessarily the culprit i'm firing this off right now To try to put it in and then a devious Digestive disruptor about both the animal and human supplementation as it pertains to stomach issues things I did in a business life long gone far away And we'll build memory palaces and probably multiple based on a detective story that somehow i'll create With a lot of help from my granddaughter. This has got something to do with Maybe aspiring to do my own mum was whatever down the road later see if aider would entertain maybe Wanted to do in a collaborative book. I got something else that's kicking around in my mind I'll put it on camera quick flashcards are always integral in any memory technique things and i'm going to have aida when we do our nitty gritty of Mandarin You know have heard of the mandarin symbols and corrections of my dissertations and we'll have a couple snippets of the show bilingual In mandarin and you know, I might go that route with this Detective series that I got going around so these will be clue cards I didn't got an idea. I grew up in the 50s disease. I talked a lot about nope and Bradley wargate word games And uh played them all and I played them all with aider when she was younger candy land and whatever Cards monopoly board games. I got something going around in my head about where aiders adapt creating apps That we maybe could even incorporate this into some kind of a clue board game It's all rolling around up in the toys in the attic so The case of the cranky cough medicinal things that i've done in the past will incorporate into it somehow With my memory palace, which could be my detective agency if it's me that's going to ultimately be The detective they'll definitely be a waiting room. I like that theme. I like where I kind of started it yesterday So that's where we'll meet Patients with coughs for instance, we'll call them dust demons. I'm allergic to dust Drippy drains drip mites allergies post nasal drip things That I can create mnemonics about my career in natural medicines and Incorporating how having the nh8 to heal the body will all tie into this hodgepodge So we'll have the treatment room. This is where we'll prescribe Rabbities Using a mnemonic like kelp for the crew of the cough, which it is good if you put your hat Head under a towel and inhale the vapors Of a steam bath just for one that's popping into my head steam For the wheeze of a cough that reflects back to a book that I have referenced and always referenced Vermont folk medicine DC Jarvis Way back in the 50s who was a big proponent of kelp in his practice And I read that book when I was like 10 and I'm flashing into a memory palace Kind of sort of using that Thought right now so kelp for productive cough steam inhalation for dry cough type of things on how we'll create honey So it's all around the mulberry bush. I spy with my little laser You know, I spy the game gave it used to love to do that as a kid I'll probably go back to a cataract and macula whole series that I started Yesterday in the waiting room with mismarpal gram So the case of the cloudy crystal cracking the cataract caper These are all rough notes and mnemonics that I have seeing spots when they did and I still do occasionally mr. Magoo when I did my not mnemonics as mr. Magoo Back at the holiday season the dickens classic and I had him become a modern day man The de-influence of the three ghosts. He became a modern day man wanting to give back Neem cooperated his miserly ways and I had him interviewing mega val and paul and When he started a series of dental clinics and that was about when opium was legal So getting back to this it'll be surgery a fake ophax fix Faco emulsion the surgical procedure to remove cataracts that popped into my mind recovery. Iol implantation Speedy restoration ocular lenses implementation and implantation I had laser surgery correction to get me back to the power of You know having glasses again. So a mnemonic for a macula hole Seeing spots don't be a dot blurry central vision distorted vision dark spots Laser patch because I had one and a patch Johnny Depp and seeing all these things going around So let's get a deep calming breath. This is just notes that I'm kicking around That I'm definitely going to take this around the proverbial block and start my own Detective series based on what I've done before in the past And it will be integral in that and I can kind of see How we can incorporate port on which it will it will be based will have some fun Doing it up in the east end west end the old port area of portlands Some kind of a crime the old port area is on the waterfront. So that would be good for the kelp element She and her dad back when she was a bit younger one of their favorite haunts because of my part in the business She had a fascination with kelp and is a kelp shop and kelp and sea type of things on the waterfront the boats the ocean So I kind of got that floating around. So at the audio show later, I'll make assumptions a sense now that I lost you all About where I'm at in fly boy In dr. Medevier's book without giving away the book But making the analogies of where that inspired me to kind of go with this So how we doing overall just showing 20 minutes So over at the shows, I'll expand upon them a little bit more. This may be an audio clip there We'll make some semblance of sense. I've got notes And I'm trying to hand scratch my next series of memory palaces pertinent to What I just tried to outline visually And this probably isn't the notebook that I jotted down One of my memory palaces from yesterday It isn't but this is that while I have it and we'll close out. This is a rough notebook of me practicing pinions for the wearing Of the mandarin that ada will be teaching me And I'll be doing the description you've been full of war of this show when I finally cobble it together practicing my tonal inflections in preparation for my granddaughter ada Uh to do the intro of maybe this detective series So hang in there. We'll put some semblance of sense to that toys in the attic Shake them off front to the front of the frontal cortex something else we talk about guided meditations The human body book also we've talked about large intuitive groups The weekly meditation is sathlete fusansky freedom snap dot org tuesday's each and every tuesday six p.m Each the standard time i'm awake now what dot org all of the intuitive groups there the mushrooms You know one star seat at a time yours mine and ours theirs my guest there guest fellow podcasters talking about yours mine and ours their practices to Three guests this week Dr. Don st. john talking about his new book 50 year. It'll be my first encounter with him. He's a somatic therapy expert looking forward to that interview my two repeat guests on thursday Isabella for lady south and nutrition ntp based on her last month nutritional newsletter she'll be joining me thursday a tape of being buying the theme with a very Hot topic that ties into all of this The odds of us being born what are they the astronomical odds and then going all the way up to a theory on depth And uh, yep join us on that i'll see you at the shows by by for now make it a safe and productive week i'll keep you abreast of all of this Continue to pay for we continue to support everybody worldwide around the world portland main usa on the world All animals being driven out of their natural environments Feral rescue pets domesticated pets all the challenges could clean medicines and foods for themselves their owners or Yeah, they own us This planet The plants hopefully proceed as a harbinger of good information myself has the partial injunction bark to put you in touch with butch Is bakers kennel step makers psychotherapist mediators meditators or authors doctors lawyers In encompassing all of these topics always foolful of mind the body in the soul See you at the shows peace everybody. Thank you Thank you. [BLANK_AUDIO]
Send us a textUpdate Portland Maine Fiction Detective Memory Novel-Grandpa Bill talks mnemonics, memory palaces, and Portland Maine -as a base of a potential fictitious detective memory palace novel.BH Sales Kennel Kelp Holistic Healing Hour Podcast: Sharpen Your Mind, Solve the Crime: Unveiling Portland's History with Memory Palaces & KelpHave you ever struggled to remember details about a historical event or local landmark?What memory tricks do you already use? Grandpa Bill w...