The Duran Podcast

Democratic Party factional war

Democratic Party factional war

Broadcast on:
22 Jul 2024
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All right, Alexander, let's talk about what is happening in the United States and what is happening with President Biden. He is still president with Kamala Harris who is going to be running for president and And who is supporting who is supporting Kamala Harris? Most of the Democrat party has united behind Kamala Harris Not they're not very enthusiastic about it, but it seems like they are uniting behind her Sottos seems to be uniting behind Kamala Harris Clinton's have endorsed Kamala Harris after there were reports that they were not endorsing Kamala Harris and they were supporting Biden and we have the two big question marks Pelosi She hasn't endorsed Kamala at least not at the time of this recording and then we have the very big question mark, which is Obama So let's discuss what what is going on here Indeed what is indeed going on here now? I think that Obama and Pelosi and Obama especially understand that Harris Kamala Harris has major major problems going forward in terms of defeating Donald Trump or really holding back The Republican surge, which I think they all know fear fear is going to come and I think we now need to come to the actual understanding of why What has happened with Biden has happened? Biden was not forced to step down because he is incapable or Infirm or because he had a bad debate with Donald Trump Biden was forced to step down because all of the opinion polling apparently and By some media reports More opinion polling that appeared private opinion polling that appeared on Sunday showed that he's going to he would have been Massively defeated by Donald Trump in November. It's Everything that we've seen happen is about the November election. It is about stopping Donald Trump either winning the presidency or If Donald Trump is nonetheless inspired of everything gonna win the presidency trying to prevent a route of the Democratic Party in the congressional elections, which happened as we know Together with the presidential elections this year. So it's these people the These people who have been pressing Biden to stand down are not concerned about the fact that Biden isn't you know all there He hasn't been all there at any time in his presidency He wasn't all there when they nominated him and backs him in 2020 when he won the election against Donald Trump He's not all there when he makes all the decisions or appears to make the decisions about Ukraine about the war about the economy about The general way in which the United States is run or the way it conducts its policies It is because he looks at this moment in time a loser and a big loser So they had to get rid of him because he's going to lose He would have lost the election in November. The problem they now have is that having got rid of one loser They're now left with someone who pretty much everybody within the political system and within the opinion polling system Beliefs is another loser. Who is Kamala Harris? No Kamala Harris is the vice president She is the only person realistically that can take over from Biden. She's got she was Part of the Biden Harris team You know that they're you know the president and the vice president She would have been renominated as vice president of the Convention the coming Democratic Party Convention in August if Biden had continued to stand With Biden now stepping down. She's the obvious and natural choice to take over from him both as candidate and By the way as president, but all of them know that she's going to lose So their underlying problem has not been solved They're still going to lose in November and the opinion polls suggest That with Kamala leading them They're going to lose as badly in November as they might have done if they'd stuck with Joe Biden So, what are the what do they do? Well, I think that Obama and Pelosi are trying to keep hold back from endorsing Kamala Harris Because they hope that there will be an open contest and somebody rather more convincing, you know Gretchen from Michigan or Pritzker from Illinois or Newsom from California will come forward The problem is that it's becoming increasingly clear that none of those people Is going to come forward? None of them wants to go into this election and lose to Donald Trump in November so they're all coming out all of these alternative candidates are coming up and endorsing Kamala Harris Because well better Kamala Harris than them. That is their calculation and The result is that though Obama and Pelosi and these people who were to be clear the Arch plotters who Orchestrated the coup that brought Biden down No, that Kamala Harris is not the ideal replacement for Biden they are going to be left with her because there is no one else and On the other side of the factional war which there always is within the democratic party The very fact that it was a bummer who wanted to try to engineer Kamala Biden's removal made it inevitable that the rival faction the Clinton faction would want Biden to stand now that Biden has gone That same faction the Clintons is now of course Uniting behind Kamala Harris because of course that's their way of keeping Obama's influence over the democratic party at bay so we have a factional war between the Clinton faction and the Obama faction and We also have a fundamental problem with the election in November but one way or the other the important thing is that we're going to get Kamala Harris as the democratic parties nominee for the presidential election and I don't think she's going to face a contest, but it's absolutely clear That the key figures in the democratic party Obama Pelosi apparently Biden himself or Belief that she's going to lose and lose badly I Agree with you on this assessment. I think let me take it a step further and let me know what you think Obama played his cards very well here. I Believe that him and not coming out and endorsing Kamala even though many people believe including myself I believe you as well believe that that he was the person that was that was orchestrating everything that brought us to today even though he was the man behind the curtain I Believe it was a smart move to let everyone put their cards on the table to get everyone to endorse Kamala Harris to get the Clintons To endorse Kamala Harris I believe Obama I believe Kamala Harris is is part of the Obama or is closer to the Obama circle than than any other Democrat family Democrat party family or clan. I believe she's much closer to To the up to the Obama side of things so He doesn't endorse anybody. He says he calls for party unity the New York Times actually wrote an article about Obama not endorsing Kamala Harris and they said that Obama is Is playing the part of the elder statesman? He doesn't want to put his thumb on the scale of democracy He's calling for party unity. It doesn't mean he's not supportive of Kamala Harris Because some Republicans were saying that the fact that Obama has not endorsed Kamala Harris means that Obama doesn't support Kamala Harris the New York Times immediately Push back on that and they said no no no it doesn't mean that Obama does not support Kamala Harris on the contrary He doesn't want to to get in the way of the democratic process He wants to he wants to rise above and to me this is classic Obama. Isn't it? I mean that this is classic textbook Obama How he operates? I'm sorry. He's being he's being the manipulative Going full in trigger that he always is he always is there behind the curtain I once called him president McAvity. Do you remember there's this poem by D. S. Eliot about you know the the evil cap the criminal mastermind But cavity who does commits all these crimes and the point about the cavity is he's never there That's exactly what a bomber is. I mean, that's that's exactly how he functions So, you know, there's a war in Syria. There's a coup in Ukraine There's all sorts of things going wrong in the world But you know, a bomber is not really involved You know, he wasn't involved in the Libyan war. It was all Hillary He always gets other people to do things Or at least to appear to do things even while he's pulling all the strings of the background himself and of course what he knows is that in November Kamala Harris is going to crash So then he'll be the person who's there to pick up the pieces and say wow, you know I'm the great elder statesman. I even the person who can unite the party You know, I'm not directly implicated in this disaster I've even publicly come out and tell Biden to go by the way I mean, you know, that's a we all know that he was Involved and active in doing it But you know, he all he got others to do all the heavy work for him, you know, George Clooney writing op-eds for the New York Times Well, that kind of thing so that that is his that is his way. He's going to He's going to sit back Let this thing play out Let's Kamala Harris lose because I think he knows perfectly Well, Kamala Harris is going to lose and then he's going to step in in November pick up the pieces on what's left of the Democratic Party and Take it forward in the way that he wants to do and perhaps isolating the Clintons in the process It's as you absolutely right say classic Obama now the thing to understand about the Kamala Harris Biden Tea is that back in 2020, I mean, there was clearly a deal down the Clintons at that time were backing Biden They had some kind of longstanding connection with him Obama was not so sure So to balance the ticket as they like to say in the US Kamala Harris was brought in because she's more as you could have actually say closer to To Obama than She is to the Clintons is fact she's aligned with Obama more than she is with the Clintons So that was really what that was all about now as I said Biden has been forced to step down Clinton's didn't want him to step down But Obama has engineered it Kamala Harris takes over she goes down in flames Obama is Untainted by the effect because he's not going to publicly endorse her He's going to be the elder statesman who rises above everything and then when it's all over It's a city's there to pick up the pieces as a very general rule as an island rule of politics I want to just say something people who talk in that way You know that they're going to be the elder statesman that they're going to rise above the factional fighting That they are always interested first and foremost in the interests of the party and all of that They are the people you should be most careful of They are the most treacherous the most powerful the most deceitful the most manipulative This is an iron rule of politics take it from me as a grizzled veteran Political struggles and bureaucratic struggles people who present themselves in that way are absolutely not to be trusted Yeah, and he got the Clintons to to endorse Harris whatever deal they worked out The Clinton clan and then the Harris Obama clan doesn't matter. He got them to publicly Endorse Harris 24 hours after NBC said that the Clintons are endorsing Biden. They all Biden to stay The Clintons come out and they endorse Harris Obama played this very well that that's my sense of it. You may not like How Obama does does his business? But in this instance, I think he played this very well And I think it's just as you say he can sit back watch all of this unfold If things go disaster disastrously wrong for Kamala He can say look I I supported her. I did it in Dorcer. I supported her. I supported Joe I support the Democrat party. I want the Democrat party to be unified Here I am to to pick up the pieces and rebuild a new a new more powerful a better Democrat party so that comes to to the question of Kamala Harris and what should the Democrats do going forward? Should they let Kamala Harris run? should she become the president and run as an incumbent and Does should her vice president pick be a person that is going to take on perhaps JD Vance in 2028 should that be the the game plan except the loss in 24 But at least try to Try to do something in Congress try to get a win either in the house or in the Senate and position yourself going forward for 2028 It's a very good all very good questions firstly I think that they will have to accept Kamala Harris as their candidate and my own my own advice if I was advising them now Is it forget all about these ideas of you know sort of special primaries and all that kind of thing which Look like a fix anyway Um, the fact is that she's the vice president She's had the endorsements as part of the Biden team Just slot in She's the obvious person to take over um, you want to keep the disruption as limited as possible It's already had a very bad effect On the whole election process the fact that you've had to dump your incumbent your leader Just a few months before the election itself. I'd say just go for Kamala Harris. It can only be her Uh, don't make things any more complicated And disorganized and chaotic Then they are already And for heaven's sake Try to get everybody through matters to back of kamala Before the convention because the very last thing you want is a chaotic and disorganized convention Especially after the republicans put up such a well organized And such a such an effective and such a disciplined convention So I I think that They will need to unite behind harris and I think that's what they're going to do The second thing they need to do and they need to do this quickly Is they need to get joe to step down from the presidency? He's clinging on to this and this is very bad It is constitutionally or at least institutionally How normal is um already we see the republic is coming out and saying um what um The democrats are doing running harris And at the center and keeping gliding in the presidency makes absolutely no sense If he's not fit to be their candidate in november, then he's not fit to be president I think they should get him to step down immediately otherwise this issue is going to fester and it's going to grow and There is another problem because um harris Could then find herself in a situation which is um almost unique in american politics in which she is responsible for the increasingly eccentric decisions of a president Who she is still tied to because she remains that president's vice president So it's it's really i mean it's it's something that really doesn't work and she should be um pushing and The democrats should be pushing For uh biden to go and to do this as quickly as possible Ideally before the convention in fact definitely before the convention the longer they leave it as I said the more um unpredictable and dangerous and politically toxic this whole situation Potentially can become and the third thing they need to do obviously Is to find a vice president a rather and running mate for uh kamala and it has to be someone who can um, you know be uh an effective challenger to jd vans not just in 2028 But now Because um kamala is probably not going to do terribly well To say it's straightforwardly against um Trump In the debates which are coming in pretty much anything So you need to deal with you need to find someone Who is up to the game? of taking on jd vans and jd vans is a very very strong Debater indeed You need to do that to try to hold things together in this election Because it's the vice presidential candidate that you're really going to rely on to do that And you're also going to need to do that because Quite clearly whoever is going to be picked as the vice president now Is going to be their choice their most likely choice for the presidency in 2028 in other words. They need to project a image Of a party that he's moving forward forward Beyond this election Looking forward to the next election beyond this one which is 2028 Because this election I think most people now accept is all but lost So I I think this is what they need to do Now whether they'll be able to do that is another matter Um, bear in mind that we've already talked about the fiction the fractional battle Taking place within the party um It's entirely plausible for example that with kamala harris. No Definitely certain to be the party's nominee There's going to be a battle between the clinton's and the abama it's As to who is going to be um kamala harris is running me and of course How does that play out? Um, you've got all of these various names that people are coming up with new simpitzgar Gretchen whoever, um Buttigieg I've seen some people say You've got you've got you've got you've got to think You've got to think this through very carefully and i'm not sure that the democrats have Or have the ability to do so, um this can I mean this is already a car crash I mean it could Become not just a car crash, but a pilot It's not managed well and so far the democrats haven't managed things at all well Yeah So let's uh, let's wrap up the video and talk about The geopolitical situation because this is a car crash for the democrat party It's a car crash for the united states because you have as you rightly said you have a president who everyone now knows is is not cognitively there to to run the country and you have his vice president as the as the uh the candidate For 2024 and she's tied to the president Who cannot run the country? It's this is this is a completely bizarre A situation they have to get rid of biden. They have to distance themselves from biden right away Memoryhold biden get distance from biden and just tell the mainstream media not to talk about uh joe biden anymore Don't talk about them forget about them and that way they can create some distance and maybe position Kamala as as the incumbent going up against trump And eventually as you said position the democrat party for something bigger and better in In the future uh kamala harris if she doesn't win just just a quick thought Uh, we talked about this in a video a about a week ago Even if she doesn't win my sense is that she'll be okay with that She'll she'll have she'll have made history first woman president of the united states and uh, she'll get all the perks of being an ex president so That brings us and we talked about this in a video a week ago a week and a half ago So that brings us to the geopolitical situation They're looking at the united states there. We're talking about all the countries in the world The collective west the european union china russia india brazil They're looking at the united states and they have got to be saying what is going on here Who is running things? Who is in charge of the the nukes who's in charge of the military who's in charge of? Foreign policy. There is a couple of wars that the us is bogged down in there. They're in a proxy war in ukraine They're effectively in in a proxy war in the middle east. They're ramping up a war against iran They're ramping up a war against china What is going on is what uh, I think many countries in the world are saying the european union Is uh, it must be horrified at what they're seeing Because they bet it all they bet their entire Countries they bet their their entire economies They bet it all on joe biden and they even followed biden into a proxy war against russia That's how much trust they had in joe biden the european union Uh, let's discuss the geopolitical situation Well, well, let's start with the europeans. There's a fascinating article in today's financial times And i'll just read the title of it. Isolated germany fears a second trump term Isolated germany and the point is that you know the europeans the europeans center Is disintegrating within europe itself and it talks about the fact that germany's government is weak That more and more countries within the european union are becoming fractious And are rebelling against the policies that the eu center us'll have found a lion back by germany The german gut the current german government have been following um Francis in chaos um Jean-Luc melon sean who was the leader of the left and the man who wants to be prime minister Says the france should leave nato. He's just made a statement of that effect Which is absolutely not what the german's want to see france do up for obvious reasons so, um, there is there is huge worry and uncertainty in europe about the situation and They will want kamala harris to take over because um given how deeply committed they are to project ukraine To the globalist project to the neoliberal project and all of these things how nervous they are about um the tariffs that um trump is talking about um advances talking about They want a strong democratic party Ideally, they would want to see the current administration Reelected in some form in november if they can't get that they would prefer to see the party um in a position Where, um, it is still strong after november still has strong positions in congress can withstand or resist Or delay parts of the trump vance program and above all They don't want a weakened and feebled president now Somebody who not only lacks the cognitive abilities to run the united states But who has no political authority to run the united states Joe biden is not a lame dark president He a lame dark president is a president who's in the last period of his term Um, you know, he's everybody knows that he's going to go People can start to see who his successors might be but he is still the in effect the president He's still in charge of his own administration He might not be able to get things done through congress But he can still do the managerial administrative tasks that a president does Joe biden cannot do that and he has no authority either And the american political class has just passed A massive vote of no confidence in him They've told him you are so incapable. You cannot be president again You cannot even think of standing for the presidency again And yet this person is still president So the germans and the europeans what will also want him out They will want somebody In the white house that they can work with over the next few months to try to You know, insulate themselves to the extent that they can from you know, the coming trump presidency And they will also want as I said a strong democratic party coming out of this process in November So the germans once they've got themselves sorted out and and the financial times Says that they're in absolute shock about what's happened That they haven't really woken up until just until literally now To the way things are falling apart in washington But once they do the germans will want Biden to go and they'll want kamala harris to take over And where the germans go the rest of the EU will follow And so will Britain the Britain that now is of course led by prime minister kia starmer So the europeans also will want Biden to go Precisely for that reason The rest of the world it's completely different If you're talking about the russians the chinese The indians the other asian states They are going to say to themselves Democratic party is a complete train wreck They've just carried out a coup against their own leader Who they now recognize something we've always known all along obviously is incapable And doesn't know how to run things They're putting up in his place Supersi who is widely seen as incompetent And a political lightweight and who does not have the authority to run the united states either and who looks like She's only going to become president as a result of the intrigues Conducted by others Including by barracabama who by the way Most of us didn't like when he was president just just saying Obama was not popular with most of the world Anyway, they will look at this and they will say This is a political crisis in the united states It's going to continue at least until November and perhaps beyond We don't want a political crisis in the united states. We want a president We can work with if president we can speak to over the phone Discuss things with and who can agree or disagree with us and make decisions that we can understand And work with and that will point to donald trump So most of the world What donald trump elected They will not I think cared too much about who is going to be president over the next Few weeks whether it's biden or harris because they will see a chaotic Disorganized and weak administration whichever of those two people leads it but That preference probably would still be harris because at least she is composementous In a way that we're being told and is now officially admitted Joe bison is not so that I think sums up the view of most of the world Dangerous times. Okay, we will wrap the video up dangerous times The we are on rumble odyssey bitchy telegram rockfade and twitter x And go to the duran shop pick up some limited edition merch You will find a link in the description box down below. Take care [Music]