Comic Book Cinema

James Gunn's DCU (feat. Jason Gault)

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22 Jul 2024
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What's going on everybody? We are live for the first time ever. My name is Jonathan. This is comic book cinema and I am joined today by Mr. Jason Golf. So today we're going to discuss, we're going to get right into it, Jason, right into the thick of things. Okay. James Gunn's DCU has already found its way into just a little bit of controversy. Recently I posted a short video on YouTube, on TikTok, on Instagram. I pointed out my concerns with maybe Corn Sweat's new outfit as Superman. I'm glad, I'll start off with this. I'm glad that they brought back the red underwear. Okay. Love it. Yeah. I absolutely love the colors and that they're trying to make it more comic accurate. Okay. We're trying to make more comic accurate. But it looks a little baggy and it looks like thick carpet. It really honestly looks like the Star Lord edition of the Superman. That is not very exciting for me. And also don't forget some of these other behind the scenes photos that have emerged showing the Guy Gardner Green Lantern. Oh boy. Have you seen those, Jason? I have not, John. I'm going to put it on the screen right now because I have concerns. And even Hulk Girl's outfit here, it doesn't look very great. Okay. I'm going to be able to help you out a little bit, John. One, you have to assume that that's not the way that the costume is going to look on screen. Because every superhero's costume gets a little CGI on it as it comes out into the bubble. So I think that is not the exact, I don't think it's going to look as baggy. Does every costume get CGI afterwards in post? I'm pretty sure. I mean, I know Captain America is all good because if you look at sets or pictures from Captain America, the suit looks completely different. It's not as bright and vibrant. I mean, they're going to make it pop more on screen. So well, that's almost like a filter. When you look at the behind the scenes photos of Henry Cavill playing Superman, who, by the way, it's a controversial thing to say because I love Christopher Reeve. Christopher Reeve is a absolute legend. He will always do my part. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do this, John. I'm the best Superman of all time. As far as his look. I'm not saying his films were the best, but I'm just saying as far as this guy literally looks like he's chiseled out of granite. He looks like a Greek god. He wasn't bad. I don't like any of his movies, but it's not his fault. It's literally he's fine. But I mean, he's not as good Christopher Reeve. And I'm certainly not a Snyder lover or a Snyder diehard like a lot of these Snyder verse bring back the Snyder verse. Release the cut, John. Here's the ultimate truth. All of those DCEU films, even Batman versus Superman and the Justice League never touched a billion. I think that the highest one was like in the 700 mill territory, but that's sad considering you're taking the two most iconic heroes of all time, Batman and Superman. And you can't make a billion, at least a billion. I mean, I know a billion is a lot of money, okay? But yeah, signs of concern. That's the reason they went the way they went. I will say another positive. I think positive. The costumes look very, they look like they're straight out of all star Superman, which is my favorite Superman story. And if that's the vibe we're going for, I'm going to be extremely happy with with this Superman. Same here. I mean, I understand that people want Superman to be happy and not be breaking necks in his first movie. Okay, I get that. But I just have concerns, Jason, these these early costumes that are coming out. And once again, everyone in today's day and age thinks that everything has to be a hundred percent like if you're you can't just lean right, you have to be a full blooded Trump support. And you can't just if I say that I hate, you know, one of the Snyder films, that means I hate Zach. No, I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that the DCU or I'm sorry, the DCEU had a lot of failures. Okay, Birds of Pray was really, really rough. The emancipation of one Harley Quinn. Yeah, that one. I didn't know that it was called Birds of Pray. Well, they changed the title. Yeah, afterwards, they choose Harley Quinn hyphen, Birds of Pray hyphen. Hey, check it out. We got some the nerd champs are in the house. Hey, DC loves collars and turtlenecks now. Hey, they've always love turtlenecks, man. Michael Keaton rocked a turtleneck and every Batman movie. Well, he didn't rock it with his costume. I mean, it's one thing for. We don't know what was under that. I get what he's trying to say because yeah, you got the Pattinson who, honestly, Jason, the more I think about the Pattinson Batman, I think that I'm leaning towards not liking it that much. The movie was was good enough. It was very long. Very long. But I would say it's like three movies and one movie. But I don't know, like his interpretation Bruce Wayne was the toughest thing for me. Well, it's just plain and simple. It was not Bruce Wayne. It was emo kid or Kurt Cobain Bruce Wayne. Nothing wrong with Kurt Cobain Bruce Wayne. No hero need. He's right. John, think about his neck, dude. That grow. I'm not feeling it. And the same thing here. We'll go back and show this photo. We got the turtleneck for some reason. You know, I don't know why what the deal is here. You know, why we're going full turtleneck on everything. But let's just talk about the fact that is that, uh, uh, who is that? It's that, uh, I can't believe I'm pointing out his name. Mr. Terrific, Jason. Mr. Terrific. There you go. So he looks very comic accurate. Yes. That would suit the suit looks very comic accurate. Well, here's the thing to that argument. Okay. In the comics, his suit was not that baggy. His suit was not as baggy as MC hammers pants. It could be John. It could be that they plan on doing, uh, you know, some CGI to it. And it could be it's hot outside right now. I don't know if you're aware of it. Yeah. Well, I understand that. I'm actually far we're out. You know, I travel for work. I'm not far from where they shot the film, which was in Cincinnati. Was it hot? I should have just called in to work one day and checked it out. But everything is wrong with Kurt Cobain Bruce Wayne. So I know just from these comments who we're getting here from the nerd chance. I know this is Dan. Both of those guys have been on the show before Jason. I don't think you've ever been on the show with these guys before. I don't believe so. They're super awesome guys. Thanks, Dan, for the comments. And Dan does not like Pattinson at all. How's he feel about Man of Steel? He doesn't like that either, Jason. He does it. Oh, we agree. Hey, Dan. Man of Steel was a critically divided film, 50/50 probably somewhere in that ballpark. Maybe 60% of the audience liked it. Everybody looks at a film differently and everybody gets something unique from a movie. I personally just don't see how everyone didn't love that movie. I thought it was so well done. Action sequences were so epic. I know you hate the way the father died and everything. That was very, very much. That was just them showing. But once again, this is Snyder, who's a little controversial with the way that he does things. But that was just him showing that his dad was so willing to keep that secret that he literally died in a tornado just to keep that secret. I always made the argument and I know you disagree with me. But personally, I always made the argument that the reason that the whole DCEU didn't work is because they got Superman wrong. Because Superman is such a linchpin in all of the rest of the the the Justice League. Superman has to be this so Batman can be this. So they have to kind of like they just could interact. And that's the reason Batman is a murderer in the Justice League movie. Also, yeah, it's really not Cavus Falls. I think when Cavus was allowed to beat Superman, it's fine. Like he's he's he's good. But it's just man. Like they they missed the boat and they never could land it after that. Even though I think Wonder Woman was pretty pretty close. I like their interpretation of Wonder Woman. Yeah, there were some positives from the DCEU. I think you're pretty much on the on point there. Here's the thing. Everybody wanted Superman to be happy. He was dealing with a really, really rough situation on his first day of being Superman. Okay. I get that. He literally, you know, put on the suit and learn how to fly. And then 10 minutes later, he's got to go deal with a world ending event where he's got to fight three beings of equal strength all at the same time. So he was dealing with a lot, a really grounded real world take on Superman and everybody, you know, my TikTok video that went semi viral. There's like 110 K views. That's not too bad. But a lot of people in the comments are making the argument, well, Superman values life. This Superman valued life as well. Okay. But it's not like you control where he gets thrown. My throwing this man through skyscrapers of hundreds of thousands of people. And you know, there's only so much you can do, man. He doesn't have any help from the Green Lantern Corps. That's for sure. He doesn't have any help. Who? Yeah, I kind of agree with that as well. Like I want my Superman to be better and bigger than life. They give me something to aspire to. It's not the fighting. It's not the fight that I have a problem with. It's the my dad dies in a tornado. And then I just go off being a hobo for like an hour and a half of the film. It's all of it. Like he had to discover himself, Jason. To me, they missed the boat with Superman. And you can you can do. Yeah, he does fly. He does fly and he thrown Dan. There's only so much you can do. I know. I know how you feel about that movie, but ironically, because we're going to James Gunn's as DCU, we know how James Gunn feels about that movie because he made he made bright burn as a complete like as a reaction to the way that Superman is raised in in Man of Steel. I don't know that that was a reaction. I think that that was just a way of the same font in the trailer. And that as Man of Steel. I want to see what I'm curious to see what James Gunn does. And a lot of people think that I am some type of James Gunn hater or DC, you know, I want the DC universe to fail. No, I get to succeed. I think there's so much potential. You know, it's I think it's an interesting strategy to start off in a world that's already pre populated with super people. They're not going the MCU route where they're going to slowly introduce us to all these characters at once. No, in this new James Gunn Superman film, we're already going to get to see Guy Gardner, Green Lantern, Hawk Girl, Mr. Terrific. I feel like there's maybe one more. Yeah, so we'll see how that goes. I do love the casting for Lois Lane, and I do love the casting for Jimmy Olson. I don't know if you've seen a picture of him. I don't have one, unfortunately. I have not. He looks so much like Jimmy. And here's another comment from the Nerd Champs. You get to Justice League and everyone is mouthing like you had an inspirational Superman. The audience is like, did I miss something? Me and Dan agree, like, we're like, why is Devil Miss? He said every one in the morning, like they had an inspirational Superman, and the audience is like, did I miss something? Yeah, sure. Dan, look, there's a lot of inconsistencies and flaws with the old DCU. I think that that's why it's getting rebooted. I mean, it was, at the end of the day, it was a failure. You know, I don't care how much of a Zack Snyder fan you are or how much of a Zack Snyder hater you are. At the end of the day, it was a failure. That's why we're getting this reboot. That's why David Zazlav made the decision to make James Gunn and Peter Safran the head of this department like the Kevin Feige for the MCU. They said, we need to change course, change direction, but James Gunn also did something that was a little controversial. He's going to keep John Cena in the role of Peacemaker, and that's something I'm not a fan of. If you're going to reboot, if you're getting rid of Henry Cavill, who was the best Superman of all time, you have to get rid of everything. Clean slate, we need to reboot everything and start afresh. So I'm interested to see how they're going to do that. Maybe they're just going to say that, oh, the Peacemaker in this universe just happens to look like John Cena as well, but he's a completely different character. Peacemaker, like James Gunn, James Gunn used it in his movie. If the only thing is, then James Gunn is universe. So not like he showed up in the first suicide squad or anything crazy like that. Here's another comment from Nerdchamps. If reboot isn't clean, it doesn't work. Yeah, that's my thoughts exactly on that. Well, see, John Cena can be the psycho pirate when we get to the when we get to the crisis on Infinite Earth. Well, they are keeping Jason Momoa, but he's apparently going to be playing Lobo instead of Aquaman. That excites me. Me too. I think that's that's a good choice. Some of those deeper characters like Lobo, we don't know about as well. Even Granny Act, like most mainstream audience members don't know about these characters and villains from DC, because we really haven't got a really full fleshed out universe like Marvel has gotten the opportunity to do. Oh, yeah. And I think that, you know, if it's done right, it can work. Yeah, I had some concerns about James Gunn's DCU too. The man said that flash was like one of the greatest movies ever made. That happened. You have to keep in mind that he is, he benefits from that promotion. I think that he was just trying to promote those final DCU films, because obviously they want him to succeed at the box office and he's the head, the current head of the DC studios. So I don't know how much that was if he was really saying that from his heart, or if he was just trying to. Oh, we got somebody, we got somebody else popping in the comments here. The Flash was definitely the best movie ever made. Look, when that film first hit, I thought that the concept of it was really cool. It was cool to see Nicholas Cage Superman, who, who. Fighting a giant spider. One of the members of Nerd Champs thinks that that's the best Superman ever. Totally not joking about that. No, but Flash was not a terrible movie, in my opinion. It, the special effects were really bad. I'll give you that. Given that you had Ezra Miller, who's a complete psychopath playing the Flash. A minute to society. I didn't think it was that bad. I thought he turned in a good performance as the Flash. The special effects were the big sticking point, I think, for a lot of baby, John. Yeah, those babies didn't look too good. And neither did the Flash suit. It looked like very green lantern-esque. We got Dan here, not this one. Oh, he's talking about Nicholas Cage being the best Superman I would have. I mean, obviously, the best Superman that Dean came, but we'll get back to that. Right. Yeah, we can get back to that later. It was cool for every character other than the Flash. Yeah. I mean, we got Michael Heaton back, man. That was cool. Yeah, I mean, that was great. You know, I think the whole concept of the multiverse, some people love it, some people hate it, but I like it. I'm a sucker for that. I like seeing Michael Heaton come back. As Batman, I like seeing Hugh Jackman come back as Wolverine. I just don't see how any fan cannot be excited about that concept. People have talked about Henry Cavill coming back, and I told him in the comments of the other video that I posted, says, "Not going to happen, but then I started thinking about it." It could happen in five to ten years from now if they ever get to play. Yeah. Crisis on Infinite Earths or some type of multiversal event. John Cena is the Psycho-Pirate. That's what we need. That's what I do. He says, "witness." I mean, there's a lot of possibilities there, you know. I have some questions because he says it's heavily going to be inspired by All-Star Superman, which is, once again, my favorite Superman book of all time. Even though I just read when Superman up up and away, it's fantastic by Tom King, but that's another story. He could have an Andrew Garfield moment. That's true. Yeah. I think that that's a possibility, you know. That's the only possibility at this point. It was full reboot. David Corn sweat, I think, is right at 30. Henry Cavill, somewhere in that lower 40 territory. They're probably looking at the future and beyond. I wouldn't mind seeing like, Henry Cavill do like a Kingdom Come movie later down the road. Yeah. That would be fun. Even though they've already given the S of Kingdom Come to Mr. Corn sweat here. Ah, yeah. But that's such a good S. I love that S. I love it a lot better than Henry Cavill's S. Unpopular opinion, but okay, Jason. I don't like Henry Cavill's S. I don't know what it is. I love Henry Cavill's suit. I thought it was great. It is a little controversial to take away the red underoos. Yeah, definitely. Even though I just started Superman and Lois. I'm on the first season of that. Yeah. And he doesn't have the underoos. That uniform or that costume is really similar to Henry Cavill's. There's like a mixture of the new one in Henry Cavill's because he has the next thing and he doesn't have the underoos. But, you know, it's all right. That's just all right. This means hope in Krypton, Jason. I apologize. It does mean hope in Krypton. Yeah. So it's not an S. Just like Henry Cavill's, sorry, just like Lois Lane told us in Man of Steel. She did tell us. Lois Lane's always telling us stuff about Superman. His name, his mom's name. So after that, we get a super girl film. We're getting a swamp thing. I think it's a series. If I'm not mistaken. Very excited about that. I love swamp. I hope it's based on Alan Moore's run. Jason, did you ever watch that older swamp thing series that came out when they first released the DC universe? Yes, I did. I really, really liked it. It was like a horror movie. Like it was very, very fun. I think that that was a really well done swamp thing. And you could almost take that and use it in your universe, but they're clearly not going to do that. They're going to. Yeah. Are you ready for a controversial take? Sure. I adore the 80 swamp thing movie. They're cheesy, but I love them. Yes. Swamp Thing is an interesting character. You know, how do you put him in a character? I'm sorry, in a movie with Superman and Batman and it's going to be interesting to see once they introduce some of these characters, whether it be through a Superman film or their own show or movie, are they going to bring all them together and put them in the Justice League? Are we going to see Swamp Thing in the Justice League? I mean, no, with swamp things, not a Justice League member that I'm aware of. Like, generally he shows up and like they'll be doing something and he'll just bubble up out of the water and be like, that ain't going to work Batman. And then he just bubbles back down. Just such an odd character, honestly. He really is. But that is the thing I'm most looking forward to to James Gunn's DCU. I'm warning. I want Superman to be all Thor Superman, super happy, hopeful, great film. And then I want him to do a Batman movie. And I want it to be dark. And Batman has a son that I know we have to keep a PG. Do you think they'll keep Damien's origin? Probably. I mean, I think that James Gunn is being loyal to the source material here. You know, Damien, Thor Johnson? He was tortured by Joker, right? No, Damien was born out of a sexual assault on Batman. Oh, how you go roofy. It's very likely you can get away with that if you do it the right way in a PG-13 film. Yeah. And also Damien was like a murdering sociopath. So like I'm curious to how that's going to work. Well, so they've already talked about that. James Gunn talked about that when they announced the slate. He said that he's going to be a murderous little and I can't use the word. But so yeah, that should make you happy, Jason. I love it. I'm excited about that. And I want to see those characters bounce off of a super happy Superman. Yeah. And then eventually there's a fantastic run of comics called Super Sons. And it's Superman's kid Jonathan and Damien who are best friends like solving crimes. Like, I won't at all. Like if you're going to do it, do it. Sounds a little young Avengers-ish to me. Yeah, but young Avengers could work. It's just what they're doing right now. It's not working. Young Avengers is just not a concept that I'm very excited about. I don't know if they're still going to do it though, Jason, because they're starting to get to the point now where they are cutting down their output to just three films a year. Are we really going to have time to get to a young Avengers film? Probably not. Batman is going to have to be pretty old if we're getting Dick, Jason, Tim and Damien. Unless they just like, they just acknowledge it like they do in crisis or in New 52 where they're like, yeah, he's Batman. He's 33 years old and he has these sidekicks and just don't worry about it. There's not too much. Yeah, that's what they do in New 52. There's been a lot of rumor and speculation that it's potential for Alan Richton to be playing the new Batman. Reacher? Yes. Yes, that's what I want. What? I think he would be great. He doesn't look like he looks like he could be 40-ish. Maybe early 40s and I think that that would be young enough yet old enough to service that plot. You can be 40 and have a 20-year-old kid. That's a great possibility. Young Avengers is a young justice/teen titans rip off. Not wrong at all there. From the nerd champs. Me and Dan are like, we agree on a lot. I need to get you guys together on this show. I think you did it all pretty well. I'm just, yeah, I'm not a fan of the concept and I hope that that's one of those things that quietly goes away just like, oh, please Lord, help the Eternals project. The Eternals part two to just quietly go away from. That's done. I didn't think they were doing that anymore, right? Well, yeah, I don't think that they've committed to a sequel. Thank God. But I honestly never want to see the Eternals pop up ever again. No, I'm good with them just being off in their own little universe. Yep. No more questions about the hands sticking out of the ocean. Just don't talk about it anymore. So as far as James Gunn's DCEU goes or DCEU goes, it has potential. But here's the thing. We don't know anything other than, let's go back to these pictures real quick, other than this, okay? That's not a bad costume. It's just a little baggy, but it's hot outside. I mean, I just can't get over that costume, guys. It looks like it's 115 degrees in that costume. The red underwear should be tighter. They look like huggies, honestly, almost here in this photo, Jason. I'm a fan of how baggy the outfit is. I love the colors. I love the colors. I'm glad that it's bright again. Heck, I'm even glad that it's red underwear or bat. I'm not trying to pass judgment on the film because the movie, we haven't even got it in the first trailer yet. It's just not a good start in my mind. I'm curious if they're going to do Tim Collins with a super chat. No, I'm the best looking guest by a mile. Tim, you know what? I'll give you that. Probably. Your handsome man. Definitely a handsome man. Here's a nerd champs again. All the suits are touched up with CG now. See, that's another argument, but I don't know that I agree with that. And here's why. Henry Cavill, when you look at those pictures of him behind the scenes, the suit looked just like the suit did in the actual live action film. Iron Man was a one big example. Green Lantern, another big example of lots of CGI work done afterwards. You said that there was some like filter work with Captain America. I don't know about that. I've never seen anything like that. But really, when you think MCU, there aren't that many costumes that have been digitally altered in post. Captain Marvel. I don't think that hurt. What are you talking about when the actual mask comes on? Yes. No, I'm talking about the whole thing. Like, they touch it up. How much would their special effects, though? I imagine they're going to make it not as tight, and it's going to have a bit of a glow to it. And when they have it a bit, or not as loose, when they have that glow to it, it's going to look tight. I think I could be wrong. But. And other people have speculated that it could be the suit that Martha makes for him. I would like that. You know, maybe that's just his first suit that we see in the film. Here's the doodie with the Green Lantern suit was awful, LOL. This is what he was. It was, it was really bad, you know, on paper. Everything about that movie was bad. I mean, that was back during the Dark Knight era, Jason. That was, that was a while ago. They had a plan for that movie to tie in with the Dark Knight. There's a post credit scene in that movie. Here's, uh, here's the nerd champs. Have you seen cap slash Falcons floppy mask pre-CG? I don't know that it was that floppy. I mean, it's pretty floppy, dude. It's pretty classy. It was, it was flappy. I hope that that's the case. Either a, like I said, that this is like an early version of the costume in the film or be that it gets touched up in post. Yeah, because like I said, once again, I'm glad to see the red drawers back and I'm glad to see the bright colors. I think that that needs to be on display with Superman. We agree there. I'm wondering how, because it looks so inspired by All-Star Superman. At the end of All-Star Superman, the book, spoiler alert, they kill Superman. Like they kill it. Like he, he dies. Yeah, they better not do that. I'm wondering if instead of he'll, if he'll come close to dying and then he'll be like, you know what, maybe it's time to start a family and that's how you're going to get Jonathan Kent into the DCU. I want that Damian and Jonathan Heba. That type of stuff, I think that we need to wait at least 10 years for. We're already starting off pretty fast with introducing the whole bat family and the first Batman film. We're already introducing several characters in this new Superman film. I think that we need to take it slower, you know, you don't need to start doing young Avengers or Teen Titans or whatever from the very get-go. I'd like to see Titan's movie too, just sick. But we're already going to get Nightwing and we're going to get, I guess, the Red Hood, Batgirl, the whole family. Which means there's a Joker in this universe. Yes, there is. I kind of hope we don't stand for a while. I don't need any more Joker's in my life. Like, I'm Joker'd out. There's already a lot, that's for sure. There is. One's a musical. It will be a musical. Yeah. And I think a fan from Nerd Champs is going to help me review that one. I wonder, see, you see, I see I am excited for that movie. I'm very curious at what they're going to do. It's definitely not going to be a failure, Jason. I got Nerd Champs coming in again. General public is not ready for pulls that deep. I agree. That's possible. You need to slowly, slowly work your way into that territory. Like Marvel has done, you know, now they have the cred, the street cred to introduce a character like Moon Knight, Miss Marvel, even Kate Bishop. They kind of worked their way into that position. So, DC, I think that they need to pump the brakes just a little bit. But I'm very excited. Trust me, when this movie comes out in theaters, I'm going to be there opening weekend. I'm rooting for it. I don't think it's going to do good at the box office, but I hope it does well at the box office. You don't think it's going to do good? No, and this is why, Jason, I'm glad you asked because think about the current reputation for general moviegoers for DC. It's in the gutter right now. I mean, firmly full fledged in the gutter. If this film comes out and makes a humble, you know, 500, 600 mil, but it is a very, very good film, that's their first step in getting back into good graces with audiences, with general audiences. I think if the trailer is good, they very well can have a big. It's all going to be based on that trailer. I don't foresee this movie making a billion. I hope it does, but I just don't. Mr. Tim Collins said if it's the bat family angle, they should go for the Gotham mafia families led by someone like Black Mask. I won't quarter valves as well. I won't a good quarter valves movie, but I would love a Black Mask as well. We got Black Mask once already in the fabulous emancipation of one Harley Quinn. I thought that actually you and McGregor was not a bad Black Mask. You're fine. It's bonkers. Insane. Yeah, trying to be PT here, John. I was the only good thing about that film was his interpretation of Black Mask. Margaret Robbie is a good Harley Quinn, but the film itself was just a little, yeah, like you said, bonkers. She was fine and loves to decide to watch. Yeah, I mean, she's, don't get me wrong, she's great as Harley Quinn, but that movie was just junk, honestly. Yeah, definitely. A big pile of junk. And I want to say thank you to everyone who's throwing these comments out, mostly the nerd champs and Tim who are both in the nerd champs, but I really appreciate it. Here comes nerd champs again. Who's up for the ventriloquist? That's what I will, Professor Pegg as well. I think that it would be a good idea to get some of these villains that we haven't seen as much from just to kind of set your movie apart from everything else that's already out there. Because we've gotten a lot of Batman and a lot of Superman over the past several decades. We've had a lot of jokers and a couple of Britblers and a couple of penguins. We've definitely gotten a lot of Batman content, Jason. We have. I wouldn't mind a good Mr. Freeze, either. A Mr. Freeze that is serious, you know, that's not everyone. That's the problem. Everyone thinks just like before the Dark Knight Rises came out, everyone thought that Bane was just this unable to speak hulking monster. And he is a hulking monster, but he can talk, you know, and everyone kind of got a slightly different impression of Bane from the Dark Knight Rises. It would be really cool because in my brain, I go back to one of the Arkham Asylum games. I forget which one. It was one of the more modern ones, but we got a Mr. Freeze that was really scary. There was like a boss fight where you had to fight the guy. He seems like he's like seven foot tall. And it's just, I think that there's a lot of potential there. Tim, once again, Ventriloquist would be perfect. I agree, Tim. I think that that would be a deep cut and if done properly, it could be really cool. But yeah, we'll see how it goes. You know, once again, I'm rooting for it to succeed. Only time will tell, but I do have initial concerns, Jason. I don't know if I've showed this picture yet or not, but... John, do you have some concerns? I have some concerns, you know. I'll say this too. I like the belt. I think the belt looks good. Yeah, I do too. I like the yellow. I think all the colors are perfect. Certain aspects of it also look a little cheapish to me too. So I don't know. I think the cape looks good. I like that as well. Yeah. The cape's not bad. Also, I like the promo picture of him putting the boots on with the giant Kamehameha outside. I hope that looks cool. That was a little concerning when it first came out because at that point, we didn't know if he was going to have the red underwear and it looked very dark. That was my biggest complaint then was, dang, we're going to do a dark Superman again. Anyway, thank you everyone that joined us live. It's been a pleasure. I think that, you know, considering this was my first live stream, I would say that it went pretty decently. And I really appreciate you joining me, Mr. Jason Gault. Oh, it was a lot of fun, man. I appreciate it. This was fun. Tell everybody where they can check you out on social media and everywhere. Oh, wow. There's a lot. You can follow me on Instagram at JasonG413 and also, my podcast is Instagram, which I never use that Jason explains at all. Also, I have a podcast on Spotify you can find called Jason explains it all. And also, I did another podcast called Your Imaginary Podcast. So, both of those are fun. You would like them. And I've been on a few of those, at least one of those podcasts before. Yes, you've been on Jason explains it all. I explained the cord of algae, the entire book series. Like, I think through the whole books. Yeah, it was fun. Also, you can check us out on TikTok, Instagram at real comment book cinema. We also have a Facebook for those of you that joined us today live and through in the comments and they got those of you that might join us afterwards or whatever the case may be. Thank you so much for being here. And until next time, have a good one.