Afterlife Pod

Episode 159 Donna G - NDE 'I was caught up in a brilliant white light'

In 1974, Donna recounts a near-death experience during a medical procedure. After her heart stopped and brain ceased functioning, she entered a world of white light. She observed the chaos in the operating room as medical staff tried to save her, feeling frustrated at not being acknowledged. Eventually, she ascended into the white light and encountered a divine presence who answered her questions and brought her comfort. However, she was abruptly pulled back to her body by the distress of the medical team. She encountered cherubs who offered to take her home but realized she had forgotten something. Upon inspecting the body below, she decided it wasn't serious enough to leave yet and returned to it, feeling regret at being trapped once more in the physical world.

Broadcast on:
14 Jul 2024
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I hope you're comfortable and ready to hear another experience from this magnificent website that I read an experience from every week also hope you have had a chance to go and investigate this site yourself. I'm in no ways affiliated with it I just yeah I like it because it has the content for this podcast and gives us all an opportunity to explore what people have seen and felt and experience when they are in this other dimension. I always go into these experiences before I read them with the back of my mind knowing that what these people are describing is indescribable it's beyond our conceptions from a human perspective however it's still nice to relive what these people have seen and gone through even if words are limited in their ability to describe what it was actually like but this one from Donna I'm about to read is really short it's not much depth in terms of what the other dimension was actually like but it's just a nice light experience and bit of fun I think from the scheming I've done so far through it it looks like it's a kind of nice positive side to it so let's get into it in 1974 I had a near death experience for a short period of time my heart stopped beating and my brain ceased to function after my physical body died I entered a world made a block of white light my story begins in the operating room of a hospital in the midwest I was given general anesthesia for a common but invasive medical procedure and near the end of the operation the doctor made a terrible mistake he cut an artery and I lost massive amounts of blood too much blood to sustain life as my body lay dying on the operating table I rose up and surveyed the situation doctors and nurses were in a frenzy yelling at each other grabbing white towels passing metal instruments and sweating as if their lives were on the line instead of mine I felt their fear and they as they tried desperately to save me but I couldn't understand why they were so upset surely they could see I was perfectly fine calm down I tried to say aloud laughing a little to ease the attention but they kept at it as if they didn't hear me maybe I needed to speak a little bit louder so I said relax I shouted take it easy they continued to ignore me so I flew into their faces and went nose to nose with each one of them look at me I am all right there's nothing to worry about but they acted as if they didn't see me and I was standing right there in front of them why wouldn't they acknowledge me it was frustrating I watched them for a few minutes and then grew bored they weren't going to talk to me there was no reason to stay put so I took off like a bird as if flying was a natural thing to do for a while I just flew around in circles over my lifeless form and the bent heads of the steadfast surgical team slowly I went higher and higher until I was caught up in a brilliant white light it was whiter and brighter than the rays of the sun but not at all glaring or hard on the eyes I could have stayed there forever fasting in the warmth and comfort of its mysterious glow sounds of a masculine and utterly magnificent voice captured my attention bailed from sight he addressed me as if I had just awoken from a coma he told me who I was where I had been and where I was from he answered every question that had ever crossed my mind as if my smallest concern was of utmost importance I felt respected and loved it was a solemn moment moment but when he told me why Aunt Betty and Uncle Fred had got married the question that had always baffled me I broke into laughter okay I said smiling at the man in the light I remember now you don't have to say anything else it was blissful in the spiritual realm floating in an ocean of white light I was content until one of the nurses screamed we're losing her and the sound of distress hit my spirit like a cannonball shot to the belly emotional energy feels stronger to a free spirit than to a spirit wearing a bodysuit made of flesh and bones it threw me into the air and I came to a halt about three inches away from the ceiling I looked down at my spiritual body to make sure it was still intact and what I saw surprised me there were two cherubs start naked except for tiny loincloths and every bit as cute as the putty in Raphael paintings we are escort angels said one of the twins with the noble pride of a royal servant we have come to take you home suddenly the white light was much brighter the cherubs positioned themselves on either side of me near my waist as we drifted to the corner of the ceiling I was fully prepared to take off but my head hit the wall I repeated the motion again and again each time expecting the wall to give way but it didn't budge the cherub on my left flew across to my face you have forgotten he said there is something you must do before you can leave I struggled with my memories trying to figure out what I was supposed to do finally it came to me oh that's right I forgot to look at the body my eyes zoomed in on the woman lying on the bed below us she was 25 years old and in perfect health except for the loss of blood and spirit like a seasoned mechanic inspecting a car I knew I could fix her this isn't serious enough I said more to myself than the cherubs in a split second I was back in my body I plunged head first into the navel and it was like diving into wet concrete my body had become stiff and I had to twist and turn to make my spirit fit after settling in I looked at the ceiling the cherubs were waiting for proof that I was all right I made eye contact with one of them and then they flew through the same wall that had prevented my escape tears brushed my cheeks what have I done I could have left with them right now I could be on my way home but once again I'm trapped in a world of limitations and that is the end of Donna's experience so like I said nice and light and not too in depth no incredible descriptions of love and light or magnificent landscapes just a cute little experience with someone floating out of their body and being being greeted by some cherub like angels so this experience happened back in 1974 so right around when this phenomenon started to really pick up steam says when those initial books came out on the topic and people were interested and those who had experiences themselves realized that what had happened to them wasn't such a unique thing and it was the beginning of the evolution of this topic becoming a little bit more mainstream so Donna doesn't go into much detail as to what brought her to this state of crossing our or leaving our dimension and moving into the next all she says is that she is having a medical procedure it's a common one and she is on the operating table and the doctor makes a mistake he cuts an artery and this causes some bleeding which obviously causes her to lose consciousness and eventually does it say her heart stops I'm not sure but anyway the the the important thing from this from my point of view from this podcast point of view is she gets to experience life from this other perspective that we investigate on a weekly basis so the doctor snicks the artery and causes some internal bleeding and obviously this is the gateway for her she doesn't talk about what this transition was like what she just says one minute she's in the body and then the next she's she's out of it she's she's no longer witnessing what is happening from a physical point of view she says she's up on the ceiling somewhere and she can see the doctors running around and this is a regular thing that I read and it's uh must be you know it's interesting because people jump out of their body and they feel better than what they did while they are in these physical shelves that we all carry around and they see the commotion of of what their brush with death or their declining physical state is causing everyone on earth it's like they're they're fine they're better than they were like they want to often convey this to the people the doctors the nurses the family who are worried about them who are working on them who are trying to repair the body but obviously because they're in this other dimension and they can't communicate with the physical they can't get through the message that they're actually in a better place now and and it's almost like I'm reading this experience and I'm thinking Donna almost is is willing to to tell the doctors don't don't worry about it I'm fine just just let me go I don't really want to be tracked in this physical body in the world I'm in a much better state as this spiritual being but our society the way our this this world is set up we're so focused on keeping this physical body we all use them alive and so scared of death that obviously when someone comes close to it it causes a lot of drama and panic and that's understandable because we're all so unsure exactly what awaits us on the other side if anything is this is this the only experience we get this this human like experience we're all having now or it says some sort of continuation of that once this body expires and that's what this podcast is all about as you know it's an investigation of that and experience after experience after experience or tell us that it does continue on and often it is in a state of more peace and calmness than the one we experience as a human so maybe we should be a little bit more relaxed and and understanding and welcoming and it's fearful of death it's hard though you know because death is the end of a physical being that we knew and loved in this world and when we lose someone like that it's it's it's obviously very difficult for the ones left behind but at the same time the more you investigate it and what different religions and societies understand about this process there seems to be a genuine consensus that there is a continuation just in a different form and in a different dimension to the one we are currently all involved in so she's she's there she's there she's in this room she's witnessing her own body she's witnessing it being worked on she's getting frustrated because no one will actually acknowledge her existence it's a little bit confusing reading this i don't know if she acknowledges it herself is she comprehending the situation and understanding that she is actually in spiritual form at this point or does she still think she's alive somehow because she's uh definitely trying to communicate but yeah we don't get much more information than that so she gives up she because they're not going to talk to me they can't hear me they don't want to know what i have to say so she goes and decides to do a bit of exploring she says she starts to fly just take off and it feels like the most natural thing she can do circles over the medical team and has a look down at this lifeless body she once inhabited and goes up and up and eventually catches up or connects with this bright light that many people do and many people describe it as the brightest most intense light they could ever imagine and Donna is no different here she connects with it and just enjoys being there it's it's warm it's comforting it's also mysterious she says and she feels very comfortable there the voice then or the light then starts to communicate with her and for her it's not in a telepathic way like it is with many people who have near death experiences she says she can hear this loud masculine utterly magnificent voice and it captures her attention she can't see where it's coming from but she can hear it and this voice is just beautiful to her it knows everything about her it tells her who she is where she was born why she's in hospital it knows everything little thing about her then goes on she says to the voice starts to answer every question that ever crossed her mind from the small and and this sounds to me you know semi like a life review sort of doesn't say that's what happens but if if this voice goes through and answers every question that's ever crossed Donna's mind that's going to take a fair bit of time you would have thought because I think we all have questioned this about life the universe God on a regular basis will I certainly do my list of questions that would need to be answered would be very long be almost infinite so hope God's patient and ready for me to cross over and sit there for a long time before I am satisfied with all the answers but this communication with the light is is is a really profound experience for it for Donna she's feels genuinely respected and loved during this conversation it's like I like the way she's written this too it's like her smallest concern was of the utmost importance to the light so she feels genuinely cared for in this situation and they have a bit of a joke about her auntie and uncle and and why she chose him to marry and she doesn't tell us in this experience what the answer was but it sounds like a bit of a joke between herself and the light so there she is she's in heaven she's in this blissful spiritual realm floating around not a worry in the world until suddenly she hears this scream we're losing her and and she hears one of the noises she's back in this physical realm and she says that the energy behind this these few words this stressful statement that we're losing her is enough to knock her spirit for you know for six as we say in Australia or knock her spirits in not just knock her around and jolt her out of this peacefulness that she's experiencing she words it as like a cannonball shot to the belly and she says that as a spirit the emotional energy that you experience is a lot more intense and there's no barrier like your exposed a lot more is the way i'm reading that whereas when we are exposed to energy and particularly negative energy i guess in a way we're so used to it as a human and we do kind of learn to live with it i guess in a way uh whereas in this other realm it seems that negativity or stress or fear is less common or non-existent it feels as though that is the way it is so she's been removed from this loving dimension this light seems to have gone away now and she's back in this hospital room where she is in a bit of trouble from a physical perspective so she looks down to see at this point to see what she actually looks like because this is her next bit of curiosity in this experience and she sees two cherubs and they announced to her that they are her escort angels and they say this with noble pride of a royal servant and they say we have come to take you home suddenly you know this white light reappears and becomes much brighter almost i guess as they're anticipating her to finally exit this realm and go back to the light and the angels are all there and they're all ready to head off and go back home and then she says that one of the cherubs say to you that before we go before we take you back to the light you just got one thing to do have you forgotten what that is and donna think she racks her mind she can't quite recall and suddenly it pops into her head oh that's right i wanted to have one more look at my physical body and this seems to be a big mistake well you know mistake in terms of her anticipation of going back home rather than having to go and live another 50 plus years inside a physical shell but she looks back at the body because the cherub reminds her this is what she wanted to do and this seems to be the path that brings her back to her physical body because she when she looks back at her body she sees this young woman she's only 25 years old it's in perfectly good health apart from the the surgery it's having at the moment and there's a whole lot of life in that body to be lived and she thinks well look it's it's a little bit broken now but the doctors are going to pretty much fix whatever's wrong with it pretty easily and it will recover and she says this isn't serious enough i think i think my body is going to make it through this little incident so as she thinks that the cherub's kind of step aside and she proceeds to go back into her body the way she describes this entry back into her body it's it's a difficult one she feels that the body is stiff from being in that same position for so long and she kind of has to twist and turn the body to to let the spirit fit back in and after settling in she looks back up at the ceiling and sees that those angels are still up there waiting sort of with anticipation to hear if she is actually okay and she sort of gives them a wink and doesn't say thumbs up but you get the idea that she relays to them that she's back she's okay that i guess they can go now almost instantly after that happened she has this fear of dread and regret thinking what have i done i could have gone back could have you know left this dimension and gone back home but this is the decision she's made and yeah i wonder how Donna panned out because this this experience uh occurred in 74 so that's yeah this is 50 years ago now so she'd be 75 so yeah i'd be interesting to to know just like all these experiences i'm curious to to see how they changed the person to um understand what impact this experience has had for them and if any and what paths they took and how much they draw on on these tough events to to help them navigate the life that they have lived but if near-death experiences are to be believed i guess this is possible one day we can have our own life review and delve into others it seems that that is what can be done all of our lives are being recorded and analyzed and filed away for us to be investigated again at another point from another angle and another dimension and that is a powerful part of these experiences because it it helps me anyway try to live a better life and it sounds a bit weird in terms of me saying that but when you think that you can go and relive this life again and to know that if you are able to positively impact other lives and you can see the ripple effect that has it it is an inspiring way to to motivate yourself to to make a few little changes i don't have to be big just a smile just a hello just a quick chat or a quick helping hand when otherwise wouldn't is a good little way to live your lives and regardless of whether there's a life review or not and whether there's even enough to live or not to make someone else's life that little bit easier i guess should be rewarded enough but to think that there could be these life reviews and all these other treats waiting for us for when we do make it over there to the other side and i unbiased but i firmly believe that there's a lot of truth to these experiences and that gives you that added incentive to want to improve yourself and make others lives more enjoyable so yeah just a tiny little experience today nothing too in-depth or too deep just a nice simple treat to hopefully liven you up for half an hour or so and put you in a slightly better place so yeah hoping that's what it did for you anyway so yeah sending you love and looking forward to talking to you again next week and wishing you a good week between that so yeah thank you for listening have a good one bye so so so so so so so so