Afterlife Pod

Episode 158- Laurence L NDE 'I am love within love'

Laurence recounts a life-changing near-death experience that occurred on April 23, 2001, when she was rushing to an important exam. After skidding off the road and experiencing a violent car accident, Laurence finds herself in a surreal, loving realm where she feels connected to others, including her deceased father, and experiences an overwhelming sense of love and forgiveness. Despite severe physical injuries, Laurence feels spiritually transformed and no longer prioritizes material pursuits. She emphasizes the importance of love and compassion, expressing a desire for a quiet life filled with love for her loved ones and offering love to those in need. This profound experience has reshaped Laurence's perspective on life and her purpose, prompting her to prioritize love above all else.

Broadcast on:
08 Jul 2024
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I've got a really short experience today so this one won't take long to read through. I don't know how long the episode will go for depends on how much commentary I decide to give but whatever you do just try and listen to the experience because I've had a quick skim through haven't read it in detail and there's lots of what I like in there anyway lots of I can see the word love there written written lots of times so from my point of view it's it's going to be a good experience so let's let's hear what Lawrence Elle had to has to say about what this other dimension is like and what we can all look forward to going back to at some point in time okay this is Lawrence experience my name is Lawrence at the time I was 34 years old it was April the 23rd 2001 and I had to meet someone and then get to an important exam for a diploma that same morning I was nervous I usually took the lot the four lane highway to the training centre but that morning I heard on the radio that there was an extensive traffic backup on the road and so not wanting to be late I decided to take a smaller more winding road I was never I never was to make it to the meeting though or the exam I skidded and lost control of my car while I was speeding over a lot of new sorry a lot of wet nearly my grass that was strewn all over the road the car rolled over several times and my head crashed into the car roof I had an instantaneous feeling that I am going to die along with the sincere feeling of repentance and the thought this does not matter I've still had a good life even though I will no longer be there for my children and it's too bad but Lord forgive me and then everything went black suddenly I became aware of a light in the far distance I can't see my body but it feels like I'm seeing with my eyes I feel the lightness and I am moving forward I know I think to myself and as soon as I feel as if I know I also have this indescribable feeling stronger than any emotion I have ever experienced it is pure love and I feel others around me I can only make out one silhouette it is my father I know that we are many but I am linked to them and they are linked to me I am connected to my father it is powerful I perceive what that he thinks I shouldn't be there and that I am going to have to go back I am in a halo of wonderful thoughts then I do go back it's brutal when I open my eyes I see the blue sky but I hurt I suffer I can't move I am lying on my road on the road my back is shredded blood is oozing into my eyes into my mouth and this man is saying to me I am here everything is going to be fine the firemen are on their way I am not going to leave you look at me look at me I am a rescuer hold on I can't even find words to describe the pain that is radiating through my head and my body I revisit what I just experienced in that black halo that tunnel where a brilliant and wonderful light illuminated my eyes where I felt good at peace with a feeling of having acquired an immense amount of knowledge my own knowledge and everyone's knowledge as if we were all one and yet still ourselves I am all the others and myself too we are a magma of love or how should I say I am love with in love and that knowledge it's like a medicine that soothes or fears then you become love inside love and when I went back I knew that I did know everything and yet I could not remember it I know the impression stayed with me but even if I no longer know what it is it stays it is knowledge it's soft and beautiful I said to the Lord I do not remember all the thoughts that were exchanged with them during this near death experience but I remember there was a strong connect strong thought about my children and that I wanted to be there I wanted to be present during their weddings I wanted to be grandmother so I went back they made me think of my kids I did not see Jesus or God but what a powerful love I felt after my long months of recovery I thought about all those on earth that are deprived of love and all the feelings of sadness in their hearts not even on earth could I feel such emotion it's encouraging for those who suffer and want to be wrapped in love I thought about these men and women who are religious and about their priestly sacrifice and their reward in that love I thought about these things by myself for a long time took me five years to really physically recover but spiritually everything changed in my life and I told myself you did not leave the life of a saint did you lions and yet when you said Lord forgive me you received love and return then another chance what more is there to say God is not the one who selects I'm sure of it I did not see hell but I felt the forgiveness it's us who either want or reject that love the remembrance stays yes after the car was smashed by rolling over and over resulting in my head getting crushed against the car roof and finally stopped in all its world Russian fell violently on its wheels I wound up with my face embedded in the steering wheel then I saw darkness then nothing and then suddenly the tunnel and the light that love inside me that feeling of being so much better than better loved, repaired, forgiven with everyone joined as one and my unique self all together it's the life that truly awaits us nevertheless I went along for a small portion of that trip before I had to come back but I returned full of emotions of lucidity and peace since then there have been many manifestations supernatural male visitors and female visitors and events too and some real intuitions I am a link I stay a link that I know this link has stayed between them and me I feel that peace and mostly life does not worry me anymore I never did take my exam and no longer seek financial gain, glory or material goods I want a quiet life until I leave a life full of love with my close ones and then I want to offer that love to those who need it that's what you take with you I have the following sentence always in my head how did you love Lawrence how did you love love it's the only thing that filled me during that fabulous trip through that tunnel towards the world of light that's the end of Lawrence's experience so let's have another look through that again with a bit of commentary from myself so here we have Lawrence on our way to an exam and she has a traffic accident now I've never been in a serious traffic accident but and I never really wanted to be in one but obviously this is the way that a lot of these experiences come about someone as a serious accident or a suicide attempt and this is what causes them to lose their connection to their human self and their consciousness is able to leave their body and experience a different dimension so for Lawrence this means she's in a car she's rolling along the road and hits her head on the roof and then she is the way she describes this entry into the the next dimension is she's having this this thought so I guess this is when she's in a human soul she's thinking okay I'm about to die and then kind of the next and and and as she's thinking this she's sort of I don't know trying to convince herself that this cross over to death or the next dimension or the afterlife or whatever you want to call it she's saying to herself okay I'm gonna die but at the same time she's saying this you know this doesn't matter I've had her at a good life I mean she's only what what does she say 34 years old so she hasn't she's young she hasn't lived very long and the only kind of doubt she's having about this ending of her physical existence is look the only real downside of this is that I'm not going to be there for my children and and the last thing she thinks or says out loud before she blacks out is Lord forgive me so this is what is going on through Lauren's head so as soon as she says that Lord forgive me she becomes aware of of a light in the far distance quite often this is the case you know people might go through a tunnel or they'll say light in the distance I don't know I think I would have spoken about this before I've done you know there's like a over 100 episodes so you know most of this stuff I have commentated on before because there's a lot of repetitious elements to these experiences but yeah I guess this light in the distance it's just I don't know is a is a is a symbolic thing why is it always this pinprink pinprick that's a long way away and slowly comes close so I don't get it is it is it to add an element of I don't know I don't know I'm kind of lost for words to be truthful but yeah I guess I'll just leave it as just one of the ways that the light reveals itself to a soul that's crossing over it seems to be a fairly common method for that to occur so there she is she's in this other dimension she can't see her body but at the same time she feels like she can move around it she can still see because she can obviously see this light in the distance so even though she's not seeing with human eyes her ability to perceive things visually is still there and that's another aspect that is a miraculous part of these experiences the fact that people still continue to have that visual aspect to their experience but not only that there's you know it's it's always the the senses in this other dimension are present just as they are for us as humans but often they're a lot more pronounced profound that you hear people who are blind who can see suddenly people who are deaf who can hear suddenly in this other realm and often it is described as a lot more vivid a lot sharper a lot clearer the perceptions as well when they are in this other dimension so not only all that though not only do you have all these senses in this other dimension you have the ability to to move around I don't understand this it's it blows my mind how can something without a body without a form move around but yeah it seems to be done through the power of thoughts or intent and if that's where you want to move you just think about it and that's what happens so here she is she can see she can feel she can move but she doesn't have a body she can see this light in the distance she's slowly moving towards it and then she says to herself she just says and the way it's written is I know in inverted commas and as soon as she starts thinking and feeling this I know she has this indescribable feeling stronger than anything she's ever gone through on earth and of course she describes it as pure love and then she feels these beings around her she doesn't so she sees them which is interesting it's more a feeling more a sensation more an intuition and she sorry and then the next sentence she says she can actually make out a slight silhouette without any real distinguishable features and she says that she feels a very strong connection to these other I don't know what would you call it soul spirits consciousness beings all she knows is that she feels like she's still an individual entity and there's other individual entities around her but then she sort of says in this next sentence that she's all feels very connected to them and and she is them and they are also her and this camquomerate of beings are all connected to the source or she calls that father and I guess there's lots of words you could use their God love so yeah so she's those few sentences they are quite difficult to get your head around I know every few experiences will come across this and we will I will try and explain it again but she yeah so she's an individual entity she's experienced in other individual entities but this is difficult to get your head around because she is saying that she is not only herself she is these other individual entities and these individual entities are somehow separate from source or God but at the same time make up source or God so it's like these spirits when they cross over they feel this connection this oneness this space where you are everything but you are also an individual at the same time and she's just she's really enjoying this experience it sounds like she says it is powerful and then she says that she gets this gut feeling intuition there's no form of communication at this point she says that she just feels that God is trying to convey to her that she shouldn't be there she should be going back and she needs to go back and she is in this place where she's in bliss she is experiencing war or wonder and joy and I guess when you're in that state and you're told you have to come back to earth it's not the not the nicest experience to have she's no different because after God says that bang she's back in her body and she says it is brutal because she opens her eyes she feels pain she's suffering there's blood everywhere she her back it's shredded and then this rescuer comes along and says the emergency services are on their way everything's going to be fine just hold on and then she closes her eyes and tries to go back to that place she was just in this heaven like state where there was no pain there was no suffering just contentment and bliss and she starts reflecting a bit I guess on where she's been she's no longer there but she just starts writing a bit about more of what she recalls from being in this other dimension and these are common things that we hear from other experiences she doesn't go into a hell of a lot of detail but she says she had an immense amount of knowledge she was able to tap into whatever source of knowledge she likes she could go and explore someone else's life experience and get the knowledge they gain from them and make that knowledge their own and I guess when I read that I think maybe that's part of the reason another reason that this whole planet and this experience we're having as people is occurring because it you know it gives source and it gives us as individual spirits and the souls the ability to increase the wisdom that the knowledge the understanding of how the universe works because without us doing what we're doing living our lives on this planet there's no way that that knowledge could be gained so just us living our lives is doing the universe a huge favor I think because it is even though it might not seem like it at times you're just living your little quiet life it's giving the universe information and joy I guess in acquiring wisdom and experience because obviously before this physical universe was here we were just spiritual beings that didn't have the opportunity to partake in a physical experience and now that we are here doing that we are growing we are learning we are evolving but I guess at the end of the day it's kind of irrelevant because underneath all that we are pure knowledge we are pure love and that part of us won't ever change but with that wisdom knowledge and expertise we can use the creation of the universe to explore exactly what we are and to come to a place like earth means we come to a place where there is darkness and there is suffering and there are challenges that obviously runs counter to a lot of what we're used to in this other dimension where it is a blissful state of love connectedness and joy so to come here is hard on another number of fronts but you know like I just said I think the experience we're all having is valuable not only to us as individual entities but to the universe as a whole so yeah she's reflecting on what's happened while she's I don't know blacked out or just shut her eyes in too much pain and suffering on the road and she's saying again she's kind of reminding herself she says I am all the others and I guess that applies to us right here we are I like I am you who you are listening and you are listening me and when I read that or think about that it's difficult but to understand because obviously us on earth we are so individually orientated particularly in western countries where you know that sense of self is promoted and our individual rights are really at the forefront of everything when you look at other cultures who are more connected and family based we are in the western little bit different in that way so to think that we are connected all of us and we are all a fragment of the source but at the same time the source itself yeah it's kind of confusing but good to know and it makes living our life a little bit well you know when I live my life personally I try to remind myself about on a regular basis that if someone is if I'm not vibing with someone or if there's some sort of conflict I just try to look at what's underneath all that and connect to that person at a deeper level and try to understand that the ego the human part of them is not their true self and they're just having their experience and their personality their point in life is just a whole series of events that have conditioned them in a way to be that they are and I'm only just seeing one little pin prick of that person at that moment and it's not always a reflection of what they are like at all times and there's reasons for people being the way they are and yeah if you try to just let go of all that and see what's there that's deeper that soul that consciousness that fellow loving being is is and it makes it harder it makes it easier to connect but at the same time it doesn't totally solve all your problems because obviously you know you have your own ego and your own conditioning to deal with and often that's hard to push through or let go of whatever the right term is there so yeah so she's saying to herself this Lauren the Lawrence lady she's saying yeah look I am love within love and knowing that should soothe all fears and and then yeah so and she's just reflecting like okay so when I was in this other dimension I was able to tap into any knowledge I like I was the knowledge I didn't need to even ask a question if I wanted to know something then I just thought it and I had that to receive and she's kind of thinking okay so where's that gone now why don't I have that anymore and she doesn't really go into deep exclamation of that or explain why we lose that knowledge and we cross back into this physical dimension but yeah that's where she leaves up all she says is she you know this experience has taught her that she knows now she knows what she is and this knowledge that she had in this other dimension even though she no longer has access to it she doesn't she she just kind of this is the way I'm reading it anyway says that it doesn't really matter so much anymore because she knows she knows what she is and even though it's she's experiencing more of this physical dimension as the human that she came into here as this is what she is you know her knowledge has gone back to this level that love feeling she had is no longer as intense she knows that for whatever reason whatever reason we are here for it doesn't matter and she just knows what she is now and that's all that matters to her and this is what the main thing she got out of this experience was is understanding that you know at our core we are love so she says she did not see any spiritual masters or experience any deceased loved ones but that doesn't matter to her either because she got to experience this powerful love and light and and she starts reflecting a little bit on on others who deprived of love and she says that she feels very emotion she's having when she starts reflecting on what these other people who are suffering and and live without love alike and she says that for whatever reason after this near death experience she feels they're they're paying a lot more intensely and just wants to love them back so she says it takes her five years to physically recover but she's obviously changed from a spiritual perspective so five years there's there's some really serious injuries there and yeah so what does she so here she's okay so she says she before this experience she was not a saint you know this is she's saying she was a sinner she was not perfect she didn't ask for forgiveness and all that stuff and then she says so if anyone was sort of going to go to hell it was me because I was not the best person doesn't go into detail as to what sort of person she was but anyway she she's basically saying she wasn't perfect and then she says which is I guess that that women cross over it's not it's not God who judges us or who decides what is going to happen to us even though in this experience it's kind of contradicting what she says here because earlier she did say that God kind of tells her that she's not supposed to be in this other realm yet and she needs to go back but doesn't actually force her but so she says it's not God who decides if we go to heaven or hell and what happens it's totally up to us and we're the ones that judge ourselves and this is kind of running counter I guess or making point for some of the religions out there that say that when we die God will judge us and say you know you were a good person you're a bad person so you know that's never made much sense to me how can someone who you know who's born into absolutely atrocious conditions abused as a young kid just had no chance and then turns out to be a serial killer themselves like how can how can that be their fault when it's the conditioning of this planet that makes them do the choices that they take and I know that's probably a controversial view to some people that condition you know the way someone is brought up and condition is going to directly result in the behaviors they conduct and obviously there's some elements in every decision we make that we can always choose which path we take but there's people in this world who are born into such conditions where and with such you know and have genetic conditions as well like mental health or whatever makes them more aligned to do so-called violent or evil things and does that mean that they go to hell and when they die and judge says no you were terrible when you did this and that and therefore you're never going to see heaven I don't think so I think it's I personally think now that I've had a good long look at these near-death experiences that someone who's born into a more evil life and terrible parents whatever you name it they're the brave ones they're the ones that are here to do a mission that none of that I wouldn't like to do which has hurt others but why why they choose to do that and why God's gives people missions to do that I don't know but yeah to live a life of violence suffering darkness it can't be any fun and I think if this is an actual fact and we do choose the lives we have and if someone does that and chooses to come into a life of you know quite severe darkness and suffering then yeah of course I can see that that courageous So yeah she just goes on reflecting and says she feels like very very touched by this love this has been a pretty profound experience for her she says that in this place she felt loved she felt repaired she felt forgiven she felt connected and and just she she felt herself as well and this is what when she she has tougher time she reflects on that you know this life isn't really the reality and we're just having this experience of disconnection of fear of darkness and this is counter to what our true home is like so her after effects of this near-death experience have been many she says she says she has supernatural visitors come in she doesn't say what happens she just says visitors so I'm guessing there's some form of communication whether there's any anything she sees as well I don't know but she just feels like she's had this experience and this is somehow open to a spirit up to this other dimension and even though she's back in a human body this connection has continued to exist and this connection means that she has strong intuition and I guess communication from this other realm as well so she says this accident that she was the exam that she was going to to take she no longer I guess it was always meant to be this crash in a way because after she has it she never takes the exam she was on a way to to undertake ever again she just has a total it sounds like change in her her life so she no longer is materialistic she no longer seeks wealth or financial gain she just wants to live a quiet life and get through this challenging human experience as best she can she wants to give love out to her close ones be surrounded by love and wants to offer her love to those who want to who need it because she says that in the end like when we die those things that we think are important to us as humans like the wealth the power the control or whatever you think is is important I don't know is not it all that is important is the love that you take with you when you die that those those experiences where you go love out and that's that's the main thing that's that's what she thinks is this whole purpose is to spread the love and that makes a lot of sense if what we are at our core is loving beings then of course this mission is as a human is going to be heavily geared towards love when we reflect on it in our near death experience and see how much of that we're able to give out because that is what we are at our core and the more of what we can spread at our core in a place of darkness and challenging the easier it is going to be for everyone else so this is what she regularly reflects on during her human experience now she she'll get up and she'll say okay so Lawrence how are we going to love today and at the end of the day she asks herself how did you love did you could you have done it better is there more you could have done yeah so I kind of like that little experience didn't go into much detail but at the same time it's about the love and that's definitely what I connect to these days and hopefully you like that one too but yeah just a little experience and hopefully you enjoyed it and got something out of it and hopefully you can continue to down this human journey with me feel free to send me an email pod if you want to say hi but other than that I love you and I want you to enjoy your time here as a human if you can and I look forward to talking to you next week goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]