Afterlife Pod

Episode 157 Frédéric M NDE 'There was only happiness I didn't feel any fear'

During the surgery, Fred had a profound near-death experience. He vividly recounts sensations of transitioning to a bright, white environment, feeling a sense of universal energy, and being able to observe and interact with his surroundings beyond the physical realm. He encountered his deceased grandfather, underwent a life review, and gained insights into the interconnectedness of all living things. The experience ultimately led to a decision to return to life for the sake of his children's well-being.

1h 2m
Broadcast on:
01 Jul 2024
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[Music] Hello, thank you for joining me. Today I am going to explore another person's experience of this dimension, in this region that is surrounding this physical world we live in, but separate at the same time. So this is what people do when they have a near-death experience. They transcend the veil and experience life in a different form and in a different reality, and the bottom line is basically life continues once this physical form expires just in a totally pretty much inexplicable way. So let's have a look at today's experience. Okay, this one is from a guy called Frederick, and this is Frederick's experience. It was before the Easter weekend of 2009. I felt very tired. I had punctures in my heart and the chest. I heard something like water flowing within my body. It was a very strange sensation. I was short of breath and had to sleep almost in a sitting position. It was impossible for me to lie down. So I decided to contact my doctor, but it was impossible for him to see me within the next couple of days. Considering my condition, I got an appointment with a country doctor who took me immediately. Her diagnosis was gastric flu. She prescribed some painkillers to spite me having a brief loss of consciousness, and she told me to come back if it got worse. My condition got much worse. I was sleeping in a sitting position that made it impossible to lie down without cutting my breathing. I heard something like water gurgling in my throat. The pain in my chest was so violent that it didn't let me sleep for at least two days. I took some of the painkillers every two days, two hours, which made me fall into a heavy sleep for about 45 minutes. After this very long weekend, a funny feeling overwhelmed me. I felt death, and I knew that I had to react. I told my ex-partner that it was time to prepare. It was time for me to get to hospital. I decided to go back and see the country doctor again. Upon arrival, her face froze. She understood the seriousness of my condition and asked me if I could go immediately to the emergency of the nearest hospital. Upon arrival at the hospital, they took care of me immediately. My lungs were working. I was placed on oxygen after receiving x-rays of the lungs. Again, I had a terrible night because of the pain. Then I was finally transferred to the hospital center of the university. Upon my arrival there, my condition deteriorated even further. I found myself in the intensive care unit. After several tests and ultrasound of the heart, there had to be urgent surgery. The doctor present at my examination told me in what condition my heart was as per the ultrasound test. We were in front of the large black mass with a small white point, and then he said, "You see that black mass? That's a water pouch surrounding your heart, and the small white dot is your heart." So as you can see, there's a high urgency to operate on you. It was also at that moment that he was astonished that the country doctor could have diagnosed gastric flu while my heartbeats were almost inaudible. He finished telling me not to worry as this is a simple and benign intervention that by chance they had a great cardiologist on hand and he would take care of me. Following all of this, I was taken to a surgical unit around 10 o'clock at night. Just before my arrival, the surgeon was already there. He was waiting for me. He introduced himself and explained to me that he would remove some of the water that was compressing my heart. He reassured me and asked me not to be scared. At that moment, I wasn't scared. I just had, again, a strange feeling and was aware of death. Inside the surgery unit, everybody was busy around me to change me from my bed and thus from my sitting position to the surgery table. There, the anesthetist was trying to get me to lie down and not to struggle, to remain sitting, but to get down flat on the table. There, I had those words that still resonate in my head. If I lay down, I will die. He looked reassuringly at me. Well, I do it and the more I was getting down, the less I was able to breathe. I still had this horrible pain in my chest. Finally, I was completely elongated on the table and lying flat. Suddenly, my vision went white and by whatever miracle I had no pain anymore. I found myself in a completely white environment, very bright of an extreme intensity, very indescribable. I didn't see with my eyes anymore. All was white, but I was aware and I was sitting again on this surgery table in this unit, in this hospital. I was astonished. Then I had the intention of moving and to look at my hands and there, very strange, I felt the stream of air passing between my fingers. I felt that my arms were moving, but I didn't see them as you see with your eyes. But I was aware of those movements in the position and place where I was. Everything was white around me in a serene atmosphere. And there, without hesitation, I became aware that I had just died. Immediately after this, I felt moving at a hallucinatory speed, circling in the room, making even bigger circles. I found myself in a room at the right side of the unit, probably the rest room of the surgeons. There, I saw a table with lunch, which was chicken leftovers with bottles of good quality wine and wrappings from a caterer. All this amused me and I even thought that the doctors didn't let themselves down and that they were able to have good lunches at their workplace. At the moment of the experience, I was well aware where I was. I felt a well-being that I had never felt before. I felt light and my pain that made me suffer for several days was gone. There was only a happiness that I didn't feel any fear about this situation. I felt free and decided to have fun with this. I had this strange sensation of being able to be everywhere at the same time. I had the sensation that I was universal energy. For me, the universal energy is the energy that animates every living creature on Earth. For a better understanding, imagine two levels. The first level is on Earth, where we are now. And the second level, you have to imagine above our heads. Much like an immense ocean of energy that is filling us more or less, depending on the physical capacity of everybody. For example, I need a strong visual correction nevertheless. As soon as I left my body, I could see instantly what I wanted to see and the same was for hearing and all other human senses. I suddenly wanted to see the sun was shining. I suddenly wanted to see if the sun was shining on the Maya temples in Mexico. I didn't have time to finish formulating my wish when I was at the foot of a pyramid. Excited to see that the sun really was shining on this Maya site. It was very beautiful. I hardly had time to observe a butterfly that at my arrival was flying away. Then I returned in full speed into this light. There I met my parental grandfather who died in 1984. He was my guide during this experience. I told him that I was happy for not feeling myself, so, so narrow in my body. I was no more frustrated, not hating, not in jealousy, meaning all those earthly feelings. He explained to me that it was not the moment for me to be there and that I had to make a return back to earth into that body. Indeed, being in this state is a big liberation. One is experiencing sensations that are difficult to verbalize. I had the feeling I understood the universe and at the same time I was the universe. I had more questions because as soon as a question passes into my mind I had the answer. There is no reason to be jealous or envious of anybody. You're in a total well-being state. It was there that I became aware that we are all part of this power, this energy, and nobody is more important than somebody else. I got the awareness that every living thing on earth was one, so it is unity in this energy. We, human beings, animals, plants, minerals are all equal as we are all the same energy. On the other hand, during my experience, I had no memory of being in contact with animals. Concerning plants, I had a strange contact. Following the words that my grandfather had told me about the fact that my children still needed me, I decided to visit them at home. I arrived in the garden through the roots of a tomato plant. I could see its molecules, its health condition, what seemed perfect to me. I saw the flowers to be fruits, and this had not been the case. I had the impression of being able to improve its condition in order to obtain beautiful fruits. I then found myself in the house, my family, my mother, my children, and their mother were sitting at the table. They were very anxious about my condition. They were looking for a key that I had been putting away in a small piece of furniture in the kitchen. At that moment, I found myself set back from the scene. I indicated to them the exact location of the key that nobody could hear me. Then I found myself again in the light with my grandfather, who made me aware of the suffering of my children. I had to do a second displacement. I found myself in the practice of my doctor. My mother was in the middle of the corridor. She was talking to the doctor. She was treating him as a bungalow. And if I was in hospital between life and death, it was his fault. This scene happened in front of the dumbfounded eyes of the secretary. I myself was behind my mother. I told her repeatedly that it was not his fault, but she didn't hear it. Again, back with my grandfather, I found myself sitting by a table with a council in the company of several deceased persons of my family, which I still have difficulties to identify. My grandfather led this council. There I was shown my past life. I had access to the purpose of my life. This council was organized only with the goal to come back to earth, something that, at the time, I didn't consider at all. Then they started to show me the life of my children without me, and they showed me the life that I would be living when coming back to earth. My children would be happier, professional lives, more in accordance with myself, a craftsman, trade, creative and independent. After this, they finally convinced me of a necessary return for the following experience and the well-being of my children. Then I felt again being on this surgery table, overwhelmed by an unprecedented pain in my chest. I had to inhabit my body again. Much too darrow in comparison to the space I had just been occupying. I was everything, and once again, in my too small body with this unbearable pain. I came to after four days of coma. I tried to tell my story immediately, but unfortunately none of the medical people wanted to listen. Just my partner was able to listen. Thanks to this, I still have partial traces of what I experienced. As over the hours, my memory of this event was fading, and I'm convinced that I lost much information and details. Nevertheless, I am happy having had this experience and to share it with you today. That's all we have from Frederick. Let's have another look at this one. Again, not much really to go through, not an overly detailed experience. Just glancing over here, what exactly was the reason this whole experience started. It was a bit of a confusion between the doctors. He is having some trouble breathing, and then decides he needs to go and see a doctor. He can't get in for two days, so he sees what he calls a country doctor. I don't know what country Frederick is in, but it's hard to say, because he doesn't really mention any particular place. He goes and sees a doctor, and this country doctor, as he calls it, diagnoses him as having something called gastric flu. This is very strange because he is having breathing problems, which usually is not related to how your gastrointestinal area is functioning. This is what this country doctor diagnoses and gives him some painkillers and tells him, looking for gets worse, come back and see me. Of course, the condition gets worse, but Frederick decides that this country doctor he is saying is probably, he doesn't actually say misdiagnosed him, but he has a bit of an instinct to try and get another opinion. So he goes to the nearest hospital, and they do some tests, and they find here as only 5% pulmonary capacity, or 5% of his lungs are actually functioning. So they of course put him on oxygen and do continue to do several more tests to find out what is actually the problem, and it turns out he ends up needing some urgent surgery around his heart. They said that he has shown an image, and the doctor explains to him that this large black mass you can see on the screen is fluid surrounding the heart, and inside that large black mass, he says he can see a little white dot. And in that little white dot is his actual heart, which would be very concerning. So the doctor is rushing him into urgent surgery, and he is instructed to lie down, which is something he hasn't been able to do. He's been sleeping upright, so when they tell him that he needs to lie down for this surgery, he gets quite anxious, but the doctor is reassuring that it's going to be okay. And as he's lying down, he's feeling more and more pain and getting more and more worried, and at this moment is when he crosses over to this other dimension. There's no tunnel, there's no grand entrance, it's like he is here one minute and gone the next. At the moment he crosses over, there's white everywhere, so almost like the opposite of the dark void. He's not feeling any pain, and he can't really describe where he is, it's different and unknown dimension to him. He says he can see, but doesn't see with his eyes anymore, it's more like he is in a state of awareness rather than visually absorbing his environment, he's just aware of where he is, it's the way he wears it. And then it's interesting because he goes to this inexplicable, indescribable dimension and then comes back, it seems, to this physical realm, and he can see his body on the surgery table in the hospital. But at the same time he can see white everywhere and it's almost like he's got a foot image dimension here because he is seeing his physical body in this earthly realm, but also this has been superimposed or some this scene he's seeing is somehow being transferred to another dimension in terms of him seeing lots of white and having this indescribable sensation that he has never felt before. So as he notices his body, then he says he feels this, he feels like he's moving, he's circling in the room, making bigger and bigger circles, and from there he kind of leaves his body and goes into a break room in the hospital. And there he sees some really good wine, which is a chicken, which is a little bit concerning that the doctors are drinking alcohol and nurses are drinking alcohol at their place of work and then going and caring for people, you know, as an Australian, that seems very unusual. Yes, there's countries out there where alcohol is more accepted and, or maybe this experiences from a long time ago and standards and practices have changed since then, but yeah, it seems a little bit concerning that someone, you know, a surgeon is potentially having a few drinks before they go and catch you up. This is what Frederick says he can see. Above all, he says that he feels light, he no longer feels constrained, he has this degree of freedom, and with that he just feels totally relaxed and the pain and the suffering that he had been experiencing through this heart condition has completely gone. He's in the state of happiness and doesn't feel any fear anymore at that time. He feels like, you know, he's just in a really good place. I can relate to this situation, not having a near-death experience or like this, I can just relate to it on a human level. When we have something scary or worrying, approaching, it's such a consuming, constricting, negative type energy that totally reduces or eliminates your ability to enjoy life. It doesn't matter what it is, if it's, you know, if you've got to go and get to the dentist or you've got to, you've got a doctor's appointment or if you're about to start a new job and your first day is coming up. That worry, that anxiety, it's totally, well not totally consuming, but at moments when your mind is in that anxious state, it is not a pleasant state to be. And Frederick here is saying, this is how he's feeling, he's feeling that any anxiety, any fear is far removed, and we all know when we're in a good state as humans, what it's like. We feel free, we feel happy, that I'm saying, not having a worry in the world, it's true, because when you are in that positive loving life state, fear and anxiety are usually a long way away. So I guess what I'm saying is I can kind of get an idea of what Frederick is describing here, but obviously in this spiritual realm and state, the feeling of detachment from the negativity of being a human is going to be a lot more profound and noticeable and potentially even more exciting because you could, for the first time, since you've been a human anyway, really feel that detachment. And no, look, I'm finally out of there, I'm out of that body, I'm no longer exposed to these negative sensations that the process of being human brings, and I think we all know what freedom from fear feels like a little bit. The only problem is, it's always a temporary experience and there's always some challenge or moment in the future that is coming our way, whether we like or not, that is going to cause us some concern. So I can kind of relate to what Frederick's saying here, it must be a nice feeling to not only leave your body and realise that life continues on, but this life that we have, that this form of us, this spirit soul that continues on seems to be able to detach from all these experiences we have as humans and is no longer exposed to that suffering, which is very reassuring. Frederick then says he feels like he has become this universal energy and I guess he uses the word universal energy there, I guess you could change that for a few things like we all know, if you've listened to this podcast or just, I guess most people know that God has many names, source, love, you know, it's just a long list and I kind of just got my tongue tired a bit there and I can't think of anymore, but there are a few and he uses universal energy and he says that this universal energy is what animates every living creature on earth. So I'm just trying to read here what he tries to use an example to articulate what he is trying to describe here, but for me the example doesn't make a lot of sense. But nonetheless, he says that in this form we take when we are no longer attached to our human, we have all the same human senses and all, so we were able to see, we're able to hear, touch, smell, all that thing, that sort of thing, but if you think about the complexity and miraculous nature of this universe, this planet, this body we're all in, the millions of processes that are going on within it, every single human body right now, you know, all these cells working together to connect to make this experience we're all having, just that as a miracle, and then you think about the possibility of what more could be created by a source that can create something as amazing as this universe, and this is just the physical part where you see an experience, so reading these experiences and seeing how a form of us continues on and is able to have the bare minimum experience life in a similar way in terms of the senses we experience as humans being translated to this other dimension, it just says to me that there is so much more for us to explore and understand and experience in this other realm, like this physical realm is miraculous enough, but to think of what awaits us in terms of no restriction from our human bodies, potentially more senses to see an experience just a whole other realm that we can't probably really get our heads around because we're in this physical world and we experience this on a daily basis and this is all we know, so to leave this realm and go and explore the next is something I am certainly looking forward to so Frederick decides he wants to see the sun shining at the Maya or Maya, sorry I don't know how I'm supposed to pronounce that word, but I have heard of the Maya civilization before, I didn't know they were in Mexico, but I guess that's where it is and this is where Frederick decides he wants to go, so goes to the foot of a pyramid and sees this Maya site and it's very beautiful, sees a butterfly and then he decides to, it doesn't really say what he does after that, he just says he returned after seeing the Maya into the light, so I guess that's another way of describing this white dimension, this all started him, he has worded it now as the light, as the light, it's interesting, he doesn't go too much into this overwhelming feeling of love or pulsating sense of belonging and just feeling very welcome here, like a lot of people do, he just basically says it's freedom from suffering and I guess in a way that's the same thing and so when he returns to this light again he sees his grandfather who he says passed in 1984, apparently this grandfather is the guide for this experience and this guide has bad news unfortunately, he tells him, the grandfather tells him that he needs to return to earth to get back into his body and that feeling, this liberation he is experiencing will be experienced once more, just not right now, it's not his time so in this case, Frederick isn't really given a choice, he is told he has to come back, which would be difficult to hear when you're in this state of ecstasy before he goes back though, he has this feeling that he understands the universe and at the same time he is the universe, he gets access to the knowledge of the universe, he just has to think of a question and the answer comes just has to think of it and there it is, there's the answer, in this state there's no reason to be jealous or envious of anyone, everything is equal and everything on this earth is made up of this powerful intelligent energy everything, so mosquitoes, to dogs, to trees, to rocks, they're all equal and we are all part of this energy it's a little bit confusing when I hear this, I guess the confusion arises from what the soul that we have, the energy that we have in ourselves is is aware of the experience we're having whereas an energy in a rock or a mosquito is not aware, so when say a mosquito dies, does that bit of, does a mosquito have a soul, does that go into this other dimension and have a life review and reflect on its experience, like is there different levels of souls or this, my guess my question is what does the soul decide to come into this human and why and is that a choice but then when it goes back does it retain its individuality or does it merge into this one consciousness for me I'd like to think that we all have individual souls and us as individuals make up the whole because it just sort of makes sense that we would choose to come here and grow and evolve and learn from our lives something I guess we can be proud of as individuals for coming to this planet and surviving here, it's not easy, it's difficult for everyone no matter who they are, no matter how much money, no matter what country they're in it's challenges and they never end, so it would be kind of nice to think that the soul that is within us all maintains some degree of individualisation and can continue on its journey once it goes back to this dimension we all came from the thing is with these experiences sometimes you hear that and sometimes you hear that like this one for example that this energy is all there is it's like a universal consciousness and the consistency of this consciousness of God is often debated in terms of it you know how it's all chopped up or separated, is it just one made of many or is it just one that brings life to various parts of the universe and experiences life through these forms it has created like you and me or is there more of a decision process in terms of God has separated itself into an infinite number of individual portions that go is on their own individual journeys I don't know because either way we're God at the end of the day, we're made of God stuff, so when you look at it like that, how can you lose? From my own experience I have contact or communication or I don't know how you describe it, experiences with other beings you can't see, I hear them, so from that point of view that says to me that this other realm does consist of some individual entities and you hear people channeling individual entities all the time at the same time we're also told that everything is one and there is no separation between beings, so how can both of those things be true? How can you have individuals but only one as well? I don't know I guess that is something we'll find out eventually though how that works So Frederick here continues on his journey, he is now where is he he's floating around and then he says he finds himself in his own house where he meets with his family, his mom, his kids and his wife and they're sitting around at a table and they're obviously upset because Frederick's in hospital and then worried about him and Frederick watches this scene and he sees them looking for a key for something and in his spiritual state he somehow tries to contact his family and tell them where this key is because he's the only one who knows but is unable to do so you can see and watch and experience exactly what's going on but is unable to actually cross over and affect what is happening in the physical realm It's interesting isn't it how entities, beings, souls can watch what is happening in this physical world but are unable to communicate with people here, obviously some people can do that I just said I can do that but why that is or why these beings that want to contact their family aren't able to do so I don't know I guess some can and some can sense them as well like an intuition some can see signs from the other side but it's not like a conversation and a communication that we have with each other while we're here, different form, it's for whatever reason most people and most spirits are unable to break through that veil and contact maybe that's because that's the way it's meant to be and the ones that do you do and have their reasons the spirits that continue to hang around earth I don't know I guess it's another thing we'll all find out but one thing for certain from my point of view is there's more way more to this physical realm than the physical stuff that the physical things we see and experience on a daily basis so Frederick then says he is taken by his grandfather, his guide to this council-like situation where there's several people sitting around the table and this council is specifically organised to get Frederick back to earth he doesn't go into much detail here other than to say he's showing the life of his kids of what it would be like without him there he is then showing their lives when he is there to father them and guide them and when he's showing this side of it he is given a glimpse of the kids having appear more professional lives and more successful lives so I guess this is the last thing he sees because then the next paragraph he writes is back on the surgery table being overwhelmed by this unprecedented pain so he's back in his body and all the constriction and limited movement that brings and obviously being in hospital he is suffering from a physical point of view as well yeah that's what happens when they come back it's never really a pleasant thing it's usually physically distressing and psychologically scouring as well because you are exposed to all the challenges of living with a human ego the judgments and the fear and it's made even worse for these people who've had a near-death experience because they've just come from this place where you don't have to go through all that to be thrust back into this state of being where there's a lot of competition a lot of suffering a lot of hate, angry greed yeah it's just painful I guess difficult to live with when you know that there is another place that those things aren't as prevalent anyway or gone altogether so for me this experience has been another reminder of the essence of what we are continuing on back to its source once the body is no longer functioning as it usually does these experiences raise questions so for me one of the most common things I tried to get my head around is what is the difference between my essence and God is that any and your essence and God and every living thing's essence and God is it true that there is no separation there and if that is true why doesn't that essence give the answers to all these questions most humans have why is the universe here why am I walking around on this earth right now the purpose of all this these sort of questions the essence of us the spirit the fragmentation of God that we are should theoretically know all these answers and when the human part of us the ego questions its own existence and these bigger questions why is there no response from our soul or our spirit why is that that disconnection between the eternal essence of what we are and the ego is it to give us as souls or the universe this experience at least for a while of not knowing everything possibly of having to search hard to find the answers it's possible it's possible because we just heard from that experience there where Frederick was able to just think a question and the solution would instantaneously appear so to ask the spirits or souls or individual forms of consciousness come here to have a break from not knowing everything is that something we as spirits or God itself is that what it wants to get out of creating a place like earth to give us a new experience and I say give us I mean souls or do I say to give God itself God its oneness a break from knowing everything and then I start thinking okay so what is this thing that people start talking about having a relationship with God what is that is that your human body your ego your mind trying to connect to the divine and if you are able to do that can you get the answers to these bigger questions and if so how do you do that effectively I mean some people claim to have this really close bond to God I do I mean I do I think I do or at least it's there now and it's a good thing and I guess the way I would describe my relationship with God is more of a knowing that God is there knowing there's a higher power there and particularly in states of joy and happiness that higher being is more prevalent and it's easier to connect to and to experience but on the flip side I still get reminded of its existence in in the darkness as well so that's my relationship but I've had all kinds of mystical experiences along the journey and that continue to happen just as not as often as I'd like so what is that what what is that mystical experience it's it's it's a miracle it's something beyond the explanation of our current understanding as a human race and why do these things happen I'm you know I is it just to prove the high powers existence and to remind me of where I came from and for everyone else this has happened to I don't know so many questions so many questions it's it's it's difficult because you want you want all the answers and they feel so close yet so far away but this is how it is I guess we must not get frustrated not resist the experience we are having and just accept it for what it is because what other choice do we have easier to discover the flow than it is to fight the reality that we're having thank you for joining me I am loving talking to you I send you all my love and thank you for listening and joining me on this exploration of this fascinating topic I will talk to you next week have a good week goodbye bye bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]