Afterlife Pod

Episode 156 Bolette L NDE ' to die is so amazingly beautiful'

When Bolltte crossed over she experienced darkness but then was approached by a distant light. As the light enveloped her, she encountered a radiant, loving being with whom she reviewed her life. Emphasiing acts of love and heart-driven choices, they communicated through thoughts. Death felt beautiful, with heightened awareness, joy, and freedom. She received messages about her future, divorce, writing books, and a different life path. Her friend showed her the face of a future love. After the life review, she explored a vibrant landscape, walking with her friend. Meeting departed loved ones, including grandparents and friends, she received hugs and love. In a profound moment, she connected with a group of souls, unknown in her current life but deeply familiar. Overwhelmed with joy, she questioned why she hadn't remembered them earlier.

1h 0m
Broadcast on:
24 Jun 2024
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[Music] Hello everyone, thank you for joining me. So I woke up this morning and I had those thoughts that I think all humans do at some point or another, I seem to get them pretty regularly now myself. They're the thoughts of what am I, where am I, what is this universe, what is this planet, what is this human body I have. Depending on how much faith I have at that time, I might start to think I'm just a mortal being that dies and that's the end of it and this universe is a big fluke. But when I'm connected, when I have faith, when I feel close to God, then it's more I am this eternal spirit having a human experience in this universe is never really going to be able to be explained by human words and science as we know it today. Anyway, I might be able to throw up a few formulas to give it some definition but what's behind it all. And luckily for us or for me and for you that believes these near-death experiences, we kind of get some a bit more closer to understanding why we're here and what this place is all about. And if near-death experiences are to be believed, and I strongly do believe them, but I guess I'm biased because I do a podcast about them, then what these experiences try to say to us at their core is we are spiritual beings having a human experience. And at our core we are light and love and we come here to experience the opposite of that, so that seems to be a big message that comes through. So today I've got another experience, hopefully we can get a little bit more of an insight into what some of these answers are that I just threw up at the start. I had a quick glimpse through, it looks like a good experience, but it starts off with a few medically challenging words and definitions. So if you aren't a healthcare professional or lack a bit of knowledge in that field, don't worry about it because it's only the first paragraph or two where it's a little bit hard to understand and then we get into the best bit of all, which is the experience of this other dimension that near-death experiences have, so let us begin. This one is from someone called Bolet. It is the 11th of February 1996. I had a post-partum pre-clampsia after the birthing of my youngest son the day before. I gave a normal birth to my son which lasted one hour and 15 minutes. The doctors would have cut into me, given me a C-section, even though there was an imminent danger of cramps and the risk of bleeding to death due to the lack of platelets was great. My pre-clampsia persisted after birth. "The child, my son, my 10th child," she says in brackets, "was fortunately healthy and was fine after the birth. He lives today and is still going strong. He was soon to be 17 years old. I bled from my nose, my mouth and my eyes as I lacked white blood cells in my blood. They are affected in pre-clampsia. The personnel and the attending physician came once an hour to take blood samples. I received intravenous platelets in the arm and some other form of medicine I do not remember." I knew that I was very ill. The attending physician came once an hour to check on me and samples were taken of my blood once per hour, all through the day and night. I was luckily with my newborn son and was so happy. I also got to breastfeed him. At some point during the evening, on February the 11th, I sat in my bed with pillows supporting my back as I had just breastfed my son and put him back in his crib. I felt very weak and ill. I also felt befuddled and dizzy. Then I knew I would lie down and I would die. I just got that knowing in a calm manner without drama. I just noted it. Feeling very tired and exhausted, I tried all I could to remain sitting, but then I just couldn't go on and I lied down on the bed. Then I died in silence and calm by feeling and observing myself slipping out of my body out of the back of my head. Right after I floated in the air under the ceiling of the hospital room I was in while my body was still in bed with my son sleeping by the bed in his crib. I died and slowly floated and calmly floated out of my body as though it was the most natural thing in the world. After floating under the ceiling, I left the room, leaving my body behind. The hospital ward and the hospital where I lied were in the hospital room where I was with my newborn son. After leaving the hospital, I reached some nice, very comforting and soft darkness. It felt so nice, soft and loving. Then I saw a light very far away. It came closer and closer while the soft and loving darkness pushed me towards it. Then I was surrounded by this unearthly loving, very beautiful radiating light. In that other overwhelmingly radiating light, I met a glowingly beautiful, very loving being. It was as if I knew him, it was apparently a he. I knew then that I knew him and felt completely comfortable and happy. His loving presence completely surrounded me and together we went through my life and all that I had experienced in a loving way, not judging at all. It was observed and all the feelings involved during the life were examined. All was and felt good to see with him. While we were observing something particularly good, my good friend, this light being made a kind of joyous outbreak of light and loving messages about what good I had done in that moment we had just observed. We communicated with the use of thoughts and mind. There are a lot of smiles and happiness related with the review of my life, even though my life wasn't anything but easy. It had been tough with many tears, betrayal, loneliness, abuse and more, but much joy with my grandparents and good playmates during my childhood and later with my own children. All situations were examined and all the good was emphasised and shown. I could see it with him, endure it all without feeling of single negative emotion through it, which is strange to think about afterwards. While there in my near-death experience, almost nothing made me wonder or question anything throughout the entire experience. Only much after when I thought back did I wonder about some of the experiences I had. I was told what was especially good, but also included experiences where I had acted with my heart and not giving any particular thought. This was really pointed out. In this way I got to know what is especially good, to be an act in love with the heart, to be happy and to be as good and pure in heart as possible with others, not to lie but to stand by myself and take care of myself. I learned to be true to my own values and myself, to forgive without accepting negative actions from others, to let go and forgive and to stand in joy. I also learned to be in the present as much as possible, to nourish myself and to be my own best friend and to be as good friend to others as I could. We all have our own path to learn and work on accepting this so I try not brooding over problems, but to let go of them even when it's difficult. I try to address the challenges and problems again when I have the strength to overcome them, to forgive myself and not push myself too much, to feel myself more and not cross my own limits and values, to be good and honour all living. I learned that death, that to die, is so amazingly beautiful and so full of joy and love. I felt myself to be very awake and aware the whole time. I was immensely curious and observing and my awareness was unearthly, much larger than when I am here in life. I could see 360 degrees around myself, I could focus on what I wanted to and keep it close up without any problems, even without thinking about it. I could look up, down, forward and behind me all at once. I felt more fresh and energised than ever, much more than when I am in life. I had that feeling that I could do anything, not that I thought about it, but I had no problems at all, and never speculated on anything negative. I was energised, joyful and curious. I was there in the present moment, totally in the present. I felt no pain or gave it any thought. At some time, at the same time I went through the life review, with all of the emotions and experiences together with this vibrant and very loving being who just knew, who I just knew so well. Without knowing from where, other than it just must have been when I was in the afterlife, when I have been physically dead, I was totally safe. Everything was sharper and I could focus on it when I wanted to. Colors were clear and vibrant. My field of view was all around, it was so beautiful and all the colours were unearthly beautiful. I was so happy and calm during all of my near death experience. I have hearing loss in my life. I did not have that in death. I could hear much better than in my human life. I had no trouble with my hearing. The sounds were beautiful and melodic. Conversations I had with others did not take place with sound but rather with telepathy. I was completely filled with emotions such as great joy, deep, deep love, comfort, gratitude, freedom. Everything is as it should be. Everything is as it should be feeling. All is well feeling. I got to know from the radiating being my loving friend that I was only a visit here at the other side of death and that I should return to human life again. I did not take this message in and did not pay attention to it because I was occupied but everything else with everything else going on. All that I got to know, everything that happened and all the joy and love I felt. I was told that I would be divorced with my husband later on because we could not go on together. My former husband and me that we both had something to do and that I should look at it as a joyful thing for me. As it would give me joy and much freedom to be divorced but that it wasn't to happen just yet. I was told that I should forgive my then husband and his actions and attitude and that I should with joy and gratitude go on with my life after even though he would hurt me deeply. It was required for me to let go of him. I was told that I would have many delightful experiences thereafter and begin to write and publish books about subjects I didn't know about yet. Then I was told that I would work with someone something completely different from then on, different from what I had worked on with up till then. I would get completely different goals about the future compared to now. I was told that I should take care of my health and myself and to be good to my body. If I was I would be able to reach those goals. I'd set myself before I came into this human life and that it would give so much happiness to those and it would give me so much happiness to reach those goals. There are also great challenges ahead which I had set myself to overcome in this human life and that I should work on not letting it weigh me down but rather take it in my stride with joy and forgive myself if I didn't progress as quickly as I wanted to. I would give it would give me great wisdom understanding and peace of mind to work with these problems. I should remember to ask for help because I would receive it and it was very important for me to learn that it would take its time. When I got sad from then on I should remember and learn to focus on the joy to remember all the good that happened in my life that it would heal my emotional wounds. I would meet a lot of nice people good friends and souls so I should be looking forward to that. I would also find love again between man and woman much later and it would be the dessert of the life I have for both of us then much laughter followed in a compassionate way. Right then I was shown how he looks he who would be my great love in the future so that I could recognize him the day of the future when I would meet him. The reason why that the reason I was told this was to give me enough calm so that I could work myself work on myself and on that life I want to have which I know that with the love it will happen one day. After the review of my past and future I visited a very beautiful and lively landscape where I had the experience of taking a walk with my energetic and radiating friend. All the colors were so beautiful and vibrant as if everything was alive and buzzing. Here I reached a beautiful spot where some souls came towards me I recognized some of them. Those I had known in my current life those who had passed my four grandparents who I loved so much in this life were also there they smiled and were quite happy. They gave me many hugs and much love and told me that they had fun and were well and they worked on whatever they desired the most. I also met several friends who had passed away and they came to greet me they all said that I had to go back and it wasn't my time yet. Everyone was healthy and smiling and those who had been old looked at least 20 years younger. I felt very strong and then and was then absolutely sure that there is a meaning to everything big that happens to us in our lives including everything I experienced in my near death experience. There is a meaning with the lives we have here. I then met a group of souls who didn't know who I didn't know from this life but when I saw them I just knew that I knew them deep in my soul. It was them that I knew the best and cared the most about. They were those who I felt the most connected to in this entire universe. I was totally filled with happiness by the reunion so much that it felt like I cried of joy and surprise. Meanwhile I wondered a lot about why in my 42 years of life I had no point I had at no point remembered them. Then most of all I was overwhelming it was overwhelming and incredibly wonderful to meet them again. Now that I look back upon that I can see that it wasn't all or just a bit of what happens in the afterlife that I saw there. What I saw and experience was especially arranged for me and my visit. It was at that same time so envelope with the experience that I didn't think about who or why I was or who I was or where I came from or for that matter worried about myself at all. Neither did I think about wanting to get back. I only wanted to be right there where I was. The experience took all my attention completely. Suddenly a young man stood in front of me and I knew that he was my newborn son. He stared at me intensely and then a voice shouted his voice throughout the place. Mom you promised to be my mother in this life otherwise I wouldn't be here. Then immediately I was propelled back into my body with immense speed. It only took a split second to come back and it hurt incredibly to get back in my body. When I was leaving the hospital the attending physician told me that I was that patient who had been the most gone and then come back again. He said that they couldn't do so much in that situation other than to give me plenty of platelets watch me and then pray to God. That's the end of Ballet's experience. Firstly let me say wow I'll just flick back to the start and just admiring this lady and her ability to have 10 children. This is how this experience will start. She's having her 10th child. I hear pregnancy and giving birth is one of the most painful things you can experience so to do it 10 times is very admirable. Not only the pain of giving birth from my perspective I don't have kids so I don't know what it's like but to live in a family with 10 children it's just incredible. I just can't get my head around it. I guess 100 years ago or so I was quite common to have large families like that but nowadays most people kind of had two maybe three tops and call it quits. I mean when I was a kid there was three of us and that seemed like three kids and that seemed like a very large family to me big enough anyway so to have 10 really it's difficult for me to get my head around. This is this lady's experience. She's having her 10th baby and this is when the near-death experience starts. I'll put my hand up here and be honest and say I'll be my final year of my registered nursing degree and I am a little bit confused by some of the terms in this beginning of this story. Pre-clampsia. I don't know what it means I'm going to Google it now. Pre-clampsia is a serious condition and pregnancy usually characterized by high blood pressure protein in the urine and severe swelling. So yeah there you go I guess that's dangerous when you have high blood pressure for whatever reason so having it while you're pregnant and giving birth is obviously going to amplify the possibility of something going wrong and in this case this is what happens. So she's giving birth. She's got some IV fluids going on. She is feeling a little bit weak and ill and then this progresses to a more serious state of she says feeling befuddled and dizzy. She gets this overwhelming sensation that she's going to die so she feels like look if I sit down or if I lie down here this is probably the end of me so I'm going to try and fight it. I'm going to try and sit up even though I'm exhausted. I'm just going to do my best to overcome this urge to lie down in bed but sooner or later the urge becomes too much and she actually lies down. As she lies down as she predicted this is the beginning of her death. It starts she says in silence and in calm and then she feels her body or herself she calls it she doesn't call it a soul or a spirit she says she feels herself slipping out of her body and she says this occurs through the back of her head and she just from there just oozes out so to speak and she's floating up into the air and finds herself up at the ceiling of the hospital room and she's able to look down on her body and her son, her newborn son sleeping sleeping on the bed next to her body. And this doesn't allow me like you'd think or I would think if I was in that situation and I was suddenly looking at this physical being I've looked at all my life from a new perspective I would get a little bit freaked out and start to panic but in her case she's calm she doesn't see this as an alarming situation at all so it feels like this situation to her is the most natural thing anyone could experience it just feels totally normal it's like yeah that's my body you know this is normal this is how it should be I'm looking back at this physical realm from a multi-dimensional perspective and it's like it's natural for her and she's saying that because in a way she has been in a situation similar to this before perhaps she's been in this other dimension not necessarily in this exact same situation but maybe so maybe she was doing it in her life planning before she came down here she knew this event would happen and maybe that's why it's familiar to her so she's up at this ceiling looking down at the body and she decides okay look if I'm able to come up this far and have a look at my body from this perspective maybe I can go somewhere else so she leaves the hospital ward she says goodbye to her baby and her body and takes off and then she says the next phase of this experience she reaches some nice comforting sort of dark dimension and when I read this I'm thinking it sounds a lot like the void there's nothing to really be seen it's just existence and whenever I read an experience when there's a visit to the void it kind of reminds me of what it was potentially like for source for us as souls before there was any physical universe created we would have just been in this realm of nothingness potentially or at least of a realm where there's nothing physical but sometimes when I read about the void this is what crosses my mind in her case in this void it doesn't feel scary which is quite often the case people will come to this realm and not be scared by her just feel pretty comfortable and she even goes as far as saying it feels nice it feels soft and it feels loving and then off in the distance she sees a light it's a long way away and it slowly creeps closer and as it gets closer the darkness kind of pushes her towards this light and then as she becomes embraced in this light it's overwhelmingly loving it's glowingly beautiful and within this light is a being and this being she knows she doesn't know how she knows him she says it seems like a hymn to her but I think if you've read enough of these experiences like I have gender isn't really a thing in this other realm it's more these beings have appeared to us in forms that we will feel comfortable in so sometimes they'll be angels sometimes they'll be human sometimes they'll have no form at all they'll just have a presence and I think that's what this other dimension is like at its core there's no such thing as form it's just like us as souls we can be a little bit like shape shifters we can take whatever form we like to and peer the way we want to make that other people that other person feel a little bit more comfortable so she's in this light she's seeing this light being and it appears to have the gender of male and yeah they connect and she feels a very strong connection to this being and feels as though she's known him for a long long time and there from there they start to review her life and she goes into fair bit of detail here into what this life review was like so they're observing everything all aspects of her life and she's particularly drawn to the good parts and this is what the light being that is accompanying her while they watch this is particularly impressed by she hasn't go into specific detail as to what these good moments of her life were like some experiences do often when they're described as so-called good it's it's when these people are reviewing their life and they see when they've done some random acts of kindness or they do do a good deed to help someone else without doing it for any reward so without doing it for without doing it to be praised or for some monetary game they simply do it silently and quietly and this is what this other spiritual realm tend to admire the most when when we go through a review these random act of kindness seem to carry the most significance but in her case there is no example of what they're reviewing and and what these good deeds she is reflecting on are actually encompassing so yeah they're communicating and as per usual in these types of realms there's no voice and that's pretty obvious when you think about it like they don't have physical forms like we do so obviously communication is going to be done differently and I've read so many of these experiences now it's just normal for me to accept that tele telepathy or communication through thoughts is generally the way it is done and her life review is it's it's pleasant for her to witness even though she is reflecting on on harder times as well like she she says she has many experiences of betrayal of loneliness of abuse and you know that's mixed with pleasant experiences too like she's the joyful childhood and remembers really wonderful times with her grandparents and her schoolmates and just this you know this is this is I guess typical of what we all go through there's highs and lows in this life and I don't think anyone's immune from the darker and more negative aspects of it because this is the world we live in there's there's no escaping the negativity but thank God there's also positive and joyful experiences to be had as well so she just says she's reflecting on both and all situations were examined thoroughly and she she she says that towards the end of her experience she's kind of beginning to sorry this doesn't make a little I'm just trying to read as I talk and it's not really making a lot of sense to me there were parts of this experience that were a little bit confusing so I think I'll just skip through that next paragraph so she continues on this near death experience sorry got a bit confused because the previous paragraph it's like she's jumping to a point in this experience which is closer to the end and the next paragraph it goes back into her life review that's what threw me out of there but yeah so this part this paragraph here is quite significant and profound it says that during this life review she is taught that those actions that are generated or focused or driven by love and with the heart and not so much thought about just not really using the mind at all just to do those loving actions that come naturally are the ones that are the most profound and and the one that carry the most impact and the ones that we're going to have the the most the least sort of negative effects to them and her life review teaches her that that's the way we should try to conduct ourselves not so much over analyzer actions and work out what's going to happen if I do this and that and overthink it just do what comes naturally and go with the flow so to speak and I guess trust your heart trust your instincts if you've got a loving intent towards someone or a situation just go with that and generally the outcome will be positive if you if you trust those sort of instincts she says that this teaches her to this review goes into aspects of learning to forgive ourselves learning learning that we're not going to get everything right perfectly we're going to make mistakes and just you know don't overdo it don't push yourself too much just work within your limits and trust you on the right path and stick to those values that that you hold dear this this bit kind of was was a little bit significant to me because often I'm doing this university course as I said before about and we just did a course in leadership and learning what being authentic in an authentic leader is like and this means obviously being truthful being honest just saying it like it is but obviously when you are I like that you're going to say some things that are going to hurt other people so so where do you find that balance between being honest supportive compassionate and with holding some information at the same time in order to not hurt other people's feelings and that comes down to a bit of an ethical dilemma so I guess what she's saying here is if you have those values and you stick to them that is a good way of being authentic by just having some certain values that you like to adhere to in your own life and using them to guide your behavior so she says she learned the death through this experience is so amazingly beautiful full of joy and love that she is absolutely blown away and wonders why people are so afraid of it she says when she has crossed over she feels so awake and aware and everything is so much sharper than she was when she was in the human body she even talks about her vision and as so often the case she can see in every direction she can see she can see up she can see down she can see behind she can see in front every direction she likes and that's without even really putting any awareness into it it's just there it's just available to her and I'm always impressed when I read an experience and they're able to talk about that because it's obviously difficult for us to understand when we have at least simple or not simple but these eyes that can only see in one direction and in three dimensions it's I guess this is an example of why human words are so inadequate to describe what these experiences are like because obviously our human eyes only see in one way and in one dimension and then to go to this other realm where you can see multiple angles all at once makes it difficult to put into human words what that is actually like but yeah she says she's just energised she feels refreshed she has this incredible feeling of joyfulness of curiosity and she feels totally present she doesn't worry about what's about to happen she doesn't worry what has happened she doesn't really think too much at all she's just present she's in the moment this is aligned with I guess a lot of Buddhist teachings in that you feel the most joy in life when you are the most attached from your mind and your thinking and you are able to just feel this incredible enriching experience just by living in the moment you're in and maybe this Buddhist teaching is somehow related to what end of years have had and they've come back and I don't know I don't want to go down that path but yeah I don't know certainly Buddha the founder of all that religion is he had definitely some kind of mystical experience and obviously learnt a lot about being present and the joy that brings and the reduction in suffering that brings I guess mostly because a lot of our suffering is mind based and forward and past thinking based it's worrying about the future or worrying about what's happened the more you can stay in this present moment like this Bolet tells us the more joyful that can be and sounds like in this spiritual realm being in the present moment is pretty much the core of her existence anyway and her experience but us as humans it's a little bit harder because obviously we're in this time based reality and thinking about what's going to happen is a pretty common part of the human experience and difficult to escape from but when you do when you are managing when you do manage to get away from your thinking and your thoughts even if it is just a brief moment life does get a little bit easier then Bolet starts to talk about her physical disabilities in this realm she says she has hearing difficulties and the fact that she can hear so clearly in this other realm is just miraculous to her the sounds are beautiful they're melodic and the conversations are so crystal clear because they're not done I guess with words they're done telepathically and just this whole experiences are filled with such emotions as love as gratitude freedom everything as it is as it should be all as well type of feeling and she's just feels incredibly love by this being that's with her and she's very very happy to be there and the experience takes a little bit of an unusual turn in terms of you don't often hear it's not overly common for them to start to see specific directions that their life is going to take when they come back to this realm so she's told that she's going to divorce her husband which sounds like a very difficult challenge to have to go through especially when you've got ten children and having to look after them all on their own or does he take a few of them with him it doesn't really go into that but it sounds like it would be a fairly difficult process to go through this is what she's shown she's showing that he's going to leave her but the interesting part is that this being that's with her tells her that she needs to let this happen with gratitude with joy and try to see the benefits of it and even though it is at times going to hurt deeply try to look past that and I guess attach to that part of you which is always love and light and to embrace that more than the pain you're going through and I guess we can all kind of take a little bit of wisdom from what she's saying here in that we all go through suffering and I guess we have a choice as to us getting totally absorbed by that pain and angry at that pain and start questioning why we're having that pain and some of us myself included might go that step further and start getting angry at God for creating myself in this universe and why do we have to put up with this difficult challenges that life throws at us but I guess what I'm getting out of what I'm reading here anyway is that if we try to look at even the harder times in life with gratitude as hard as that is I guess it makes it easier if we accept what we are going through what we are facing then the hardships aren't as overwhelming there then I guess what at the core of what she's saying is just try to see a life a little bit differently and be grateful for all the experiences whether they're hard whether they're easy whether they're painful whether they're joyful whether they're awesome whether they're boring I guess this experience we have as a human is very miraculous and we definitely experienced the whole gamut from from hard to low from love to fear from you know from even from the joyful energy of youth to the more lethargic nature of getting older and eggs and pains that come with that and yeah this whole life is a very miraculous experience and I guess when we do have those harder times those more darker moments it makes the blissful feelings we have more joyful and more we appreciate them more so I guess that's one way of looking at it if you are having a hard time at the moment be aware that this is just a single experience and eventually it will pass and it will be replaced by a situation in your life which is more desirable so she's told that even though her husband is going to be leaving her there is going to be delightful experiences just around the corner just like I just said so yeah we can take a lot of what she's saying here and apply it to our own lives she says this guide tells her she's going to write and publish books about subjects she doesn't even know about yet and her life is just going to take a completely different path to the path that it is on now and she needs to take care of her body she needs to eat well she needs to exercise and if she does that then the goals that she has set herself before she came into this human realm, this physical realm, this life as bullet will be easier to reach so I guess it's a little bit vague this bit you know she says there's great challenges ahead I think that can be applied to everyone there's always great challenges ahead in life and she says that these should be approached with confidence, with joy and excitement because this is what life is all about it's going down this path that is going to throw up hurdles and we can choose to let those hurdles knock us down and defeat us so we can take them on and challenge them so I see a lot of what Belat's saying here in my own life like I did let life overtake me and knocked me down and I was overcome a lot of times in self pity and that lead to depression and anxiety because I just decided to put myself, lock myself in a room for a while just didn't want to, in my early 20s I just didn't want to, I didn't want to work, I didn't want to have any friends, I didn't want to talk to my family, I just literally just you know it would lock myself in my room all day and it's just to try and avoid the challenges of life because I was sick of them even even in my early 20s and that didn't work because obviously life still continues to challenge you even if you run away from it there's, you know, you start to get challenged in another way in that you become bored, you become frustrated, you start to hate yourself when you lock yourself in a room and you don't take life on or at least that's what it was like for me and obviously from my own experience it's easier to get out there and take it on and be aware that it's never going to be easy and I guess when you approach life like that it becomes a little bit more enjoyable in that you're not waiting for life to knock you down, you're kind of taking the initiative to take it on rather than letting it defeat you and get you down and yeah I can see a lot of what Balette's saying here, it can be related to my own life and maybe to yours as well This next line she says I remember, I should remember to ask for help, this is another thing I personally am not very good at, I do tend to, you know, I live on my own, I don't have kids, I'm very independent and asking for help is very foreign to me in a lot of ways and I guess it's kind of an ego thing if I need to ask for help, I'm vulnerable and weak, but this is something I know I need to improve in my own life and I'm actually, I'll relate this to someone I work with at the age care, one of the residents in the late 90s, she is in the same situation, she is in this age care facility and she's been an independent woman of life and now she's in the situation where she needs help to dress, she needs help to shower, she needs help to go to the toilet, she needs help to eat and it's very difficult for her I guess sooner or later most of us are going to need to ask people for help and the more comfortable we can get with it, I guess the easier life would be because I guess when you're doing that you become more connected, you become you're bringing others into your life and the more you have that support around you, I guess the easier life becomes, so I don't know if that's a common problem out there, but I can relate to what she's saying So this guide is continuing to show her glimpses of her future, she says that he's now showing her the people she's going to meet, the friends she's going to make, the souls that are going to come into her life and she says that he then shows her that she will find love again and is even showing a picture of what this guy looks like and this is apparently done, so when he does come into her life at this future date, she will be able to recognise him And the guide says that this will take a while, but it will happen one day, so that's about all she says from her glimpse of the future, but it never actually tells us in this experience as to whether these future events happened That's kind of vaguely reflecting and generalising on past experiences I've read, listened to that have talked about future events and most of them kind of say, "Look, future events are never set in stone, there's a possibility that will happen, but it's no certainty" And that being said, sometimes what they're showing in the experience like this happens quite literally, and other times it doesn't happen at all, so as to whether this happened for Ballet, I don't know But after she's shown her future potential life, she is taken to a similar sort of scene that you see in a lot of near-death experiences and that is this beautiful, incredibly stunning landscape, the colours are just alive, different to anything we see in this round, everything is alive and buzzing And she comes to this beautiful spot and there she sees this past loved one, she sees her grandparents that died when she was younger, she made several friends who had passed away and they'd come to greet her, and these people she's seeing, they're all in their prime too, it's not like she knew them as they look like on earth, I guess when they're all in their 20s and 30s They're looking young and healthy and beautiful and this is what she's experiencing So this next bit, she says that everything has meaning in this life, we are here for a reason and this experience is something to be very grateful for, she says that we're always connected to the universe and we're never alone So she says when she comes back to her body that she reflects on this experience and kind of sees that what she went through is all kind of design, just for her, it was her little personal, movie type experience This is obviously what happens in all near earth experiences, everyone has a slightly different one and it all seems to be tailored to the individual and what they need to experience and what they need to go through Some of them have very dark experiences and these transports their own way of being to, it forces them to change from the way they were to going more towards the light, I can say this is what happened to me as well, like I'd never had a near-death experience but I've had several mystical experiences and have them on a daily basis in terms of hearing negative voices and also I have a connection to Love, Light, Universe, God, whatever you want to call it at the same time For me, my kick in the butt or my spiritual awakening was initiated by a more hellish type experience but in the end it's pushed me in a direction towards light and love, so this is how I see the more negative experiences being explained, it's just more of a way of forcing you to change your current direction and look at life a little bit differently If you so choose to continue down that path and so be it, if you want to stay with the darkness, it's your choice as always but if you see that the light and the love is a more desirable place to get to then as I think most people do I can't see anyone really voluntarily wanting to stay in darkness but I guess it's possible some people might like it But from my own experience I didn't and it took me a long time to see that but almost 30 years to truly find the light but now that I have, I can see that it loves me and I have a bit of a love/hate relationship in terms of me being upset with it at times when life gets difficult and challenging and kind of think of the light as the creator and wondering why we all have to go through this experience as a human but on the flip side I have those moments where I want this experience to last forever and I see when we all have those joyous, miraculous moments where it's incredible to be alive, it's just they're never there for very long and they're so fleeting Yeah, she's a bullet, wakes up in her body and that's it, she's upset to be there and feels a bit of pain but this is her experience and I am grateful for her for sharing it Yeah, that's pretty much all I have to say today, thank you for joining me, if you want to contact me, email at, hope life is going well for you, I send you my love and talk to you next week [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]