Dominic Carter

The Dominic Carter Show | 3PM Show | 07-22-24

Today Dominic Carter started his show talking about president Biden dropping out of the presidential race after all the pressure he experienced from people inside his own party. Dominic continued by saying that Kamala is even worse than Biden and that the director of the secret service Kimberly Cheatle should resign.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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22 Jul 2024
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Today Dominic Carter started his show talking about president Biden dropping out of the presidential race after all the pressure he experienced from people inside his own party. Dominic continued by saying that Kamala is even worse than Biden and that the director of the secret service Kimberly Cheatle should resign. 

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She's trailing Trump by two percentage points, but at the end of the day, this election is not going to be pretty. It's going to be a blowout. You've just gone Democrats from bad to worse with Kamala Harris. Well, Dominic, what are you talking about? Day one, day one, day one right now at the White House. She could not even handle her first news conference in her new capacity in terms of being the leader, the face of the Democratic Party. What are you talking about, Dominic? Well, and trying to get applause for President Biden, it was a forced moment where she basically told the crowd, and this is how you know when you're flopping as a speaker, when you say you can clap now. Our president, Joe Biden, wanted to be here today. He is feeling recovering fast, and he looks forward to getting back on the road, and I wanted to say a few words about our president. Joe Biden's legacy of accomplishment over the past three years is unmatched in modern history. In one term, he has already. Yes, you may clap. And that's how you know, folks. That's how you know when you bomb as a public speaker, and the Democrats want this woman to be the president of the United States of America. Are we serious, folks? And I'm being diplomatic. I'm being as nice as I can be as it relates to the vice president of being the Democratic nominee for president 808489222. And so, here's the good news for Kamala Harris. Democrats are falling in line with party leadership behind her. For example, Nancy Pelosi, the former speaker and powerful person in Democratic politics, has endorsed Kamala Harris, referring to her as, quote, brilliantly astute and says that Biden is on the right side of history. Of course, let's just overlook the fact that Pelosi was pushing for him to drop out of the race. So Pelosi had earlier said she would favor a competitive process rather than a coronation, and it's starting to turn into exactly that, a coronation. Kamala Harris, the vice president, also won endorsements from governors seen as potential rivals for the nomination. But let's call it for what it is. It's nothing more than racial politics. There's no way none. Finito Dunn could not happen that Democrats could overlook Kamala Harris. And please, you don't have to call me and tell me she's not black. She identifies as a black woman. Okay. So there's no way that Democrats could have overlooked her. But if you think that this is the making of Obama too, in terms of getting elected, I've got a few bridges to sell you. And I'll give you a sweetheart deal. I'll sell the bridges to you folks for only a dollar each. Director Kimberly Cheeto admits Trump shooting was the worst Secret Service blunder in decades. And here's what she had to say before a congressional committee looking into this. The Secret Service's solemn mission is to protect our nation's leaders. On July 13th, we failed. As a director of the United States Secret Service, I take full responsibility for any security lapse of our agency. We are fully cooperating with ongoing investigations. We must learn what happened and I will move heaven and earth to ensure that an incident like July 13th does not happen again. And there you have it, the director of the Secret Service speaking at the testifying before the committee. And we're going to begin with your telephone calls in just a second. But I want you to listen to a former President Trump, former President Trump at an interview with the Fox News channel in which he's discussing the situation as it relates to what happened to him. And take a listen to this, folks, mistakes were made. They were monitoring this guy for an hour beforehand. No one told you not to take the stage. No, nobody mentioned it. Nobody said there was a problem. And I would have waited for 15. They could have said, let's wait for 15 minutes, 20 minutes, five minutes, something. Nobody said I think that was a mistake. How did somebody get on that roof? And why wasn't he reported? Because people saw that he was on the roof. I mean, you had Trumpers screaming the woman in the red shirt. She was screaming and then a man in the roof. And then other people said, there's a man on the roof who's got a gun. And that was quite a bit before I walked on to the stage. So you would have thought somebody would have done something about it. The former president in an interview with the Fox News channel with Jesse Waters. He also had this to say. They keep saying, he's a threat to democracy. I'm saying, what the hell did I do for democracy? Last week, I took a bullet for democracy. What did I do against the democracy? All right, folks, Dominic Carter here with you. Let's go to your telephone calls Joe in Mount Sinai, line four, Joe, good afternoon. What's on your mind? Hello, Dominic, either either they're delusional. I think they can win with her or they're putting her up as a sacrificial lamp or they're going to replace her. And I don't think she could run because I think she's going to be in the middle of a probe of a Manchurian candidate or he's like the dummy on a guy's lap. Joe Biden being like a puppet. This is not a nothing deal. This is democracy. They're the ones that are, they want to subvert our countries because they don't like it. They want to knock it down to nothing and bring it up the way they want it. And on all the no good doers and the people that believe in God, you can go to health as far as they're concerned. I say this, Joe Biden, if you're near the end, you better get a casket with a big opening for a big 24 million BTU air conditioning because your ass is burning in hell and you'll say hello to a lot of your family there. So good night and good luck. That's good. That's going a little too far, Joe. I mean, I'm sorry. I get it, you know, but do me a favor, Joe. I'm not the type of host that wants to hear that type of hate. To be honest with you. Okay. Call another show, call any other show on W ABC. Don't call me with that. That's going too far. Okay. We have an election. Biden is is out of the picture. It's now whatever you want to call the vice president against Trump, but we don't have to take it that far talking about a coffin and an air conditioning and a coffin. I mean, get a life. That's what I'm trying to say. Get a life. Don't call me with that nonsense. Let's continue with your calls. Let's go to Robert and Brooklyn line one. Good afternoon, Robert. What's on your mind? Good afternoon. Thanks. Well, you know, first of all, in terms of Kamala Harris, I think they're going to the parties, the powers that be in the Democrat party, they're going to give a certain amount of time. And it seems like it's still going to be a landslide in favor of the Republicans. They might replace it with something like Hillary Clinton. That's number one. That's not going to happen. That's not going to happen. But go ahead. I don't even know where you're getting that from, Robert. What makes you think once the convention happens, you can't just put Hillary Clinton in there. Where are you getting that from? Well, where is the convention going to happen? It's still it takes a toll, but it's not happening so quickly, right? It's about it's about a little under a month, about a month away. Right. So in the next, let's say three or four weeks, the polls are very bad. They might be placed with Hillary. But I want to make the second one. Wait, wait, wait, wait, no, no, no, no, no, you can't make it. Robert, you can't just throw some la la land stuff out there and then go, wait a minute. Let me go on to my second point. If Hillary Clinton didn't beat Trump the first time around, what makes you think she's going to do so all these years later? It's a good point. I hear what you're saying. And the second point I wanted to make was it's about the horrible testimony that the second the director, the secret service gave today. Yes, very forthcoming, very forthcoming with information. And it's after what she said, a lack of candor for whatever reason, a lack of confidence in the secret service, very concerned about the well-being of the protectees, especially Donald Trump, especially because admittedly, there's a threat from Iran, which is a very hostile, powerful country and a very concerned for the well-being of our wonderful voters Trump. And I think he should hire his own private security because what she said today, in addition to what happened to you. >> Okay, Robert, Robert, Robert, you do understand that a presidential nominee for a party cannot supersede the secret service and bring in their own ticket. Robert, okay, thank you for the call, Robert. Folks, come on. We got a deal in reality. I'm two for two with calls today here, this afternoon. What's going on with the callers? Come on, we got a deal in reality, folks. Let's go to Ralph Manhattan, line two. Good afternoon, Ralph, what's on your mind? >> Well, I'm here to bring some sanity to the whole situation. That opening call, I'm so glad you reacted the way you did. We do not need that from either side. That's a wonderful job on your part, I have to say. They are treating Cheadle unfairly. It was brought up on a prior program. I swear, I thought of it myself, you have to take my word for it. They are grilling this woman up there for five hours straight. With no break, no reprieve, she can't do anything. And again, she did a terrible, terrible job. She probably should never have the job in the first place, but you have to treat the woman fairly. Don't you agree, Dominic? >> No, no, I don't, Ralph. I don't. I'm not concerned with having a water break. I'm concerned with blood dripping down the face of the former president of the United States. I mean, I hear you on your point, but I don't have much sympathy at all for this lady. In fact, Ralph, and thank you for the call. I don't even think she's qualified for the job. I hope I pray it's not a DEI situation. We will be right back. >> This is Dominic Carter. Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. And we are back. And some news out of Washington, as it relates to the Vice President Kamala Harris, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, they say that Kamala Harris is off to a quote, great start rallying support for her presidential run. But get this, folks, they're stopping short of endorsing her. And this is in a joint statement, just like Obama thus far has not endorsed her. And you shouldn't know what that means. When you look at the real impact of such a move, they are stating that they know, they're not stating it directly, but indirectly, they know she can't win. A first year political science student in college could tell you that there's no way that she can beat Trump. Absolutely no way. Also, we're following Kimberly Cheeto, the Secret Service Director testifying about what happened, the shooting in Pennsylvania with the former president. One of the questions that she faced was, did the suspect have a range range that is finder? Did he have a range finder? There were some reports that the individual had a range finder. That would, that would certainly raise my suspicion. Did he have a range finder? Yes, he did. But may I explain that at a number of our sites, especially when you're at outdoor venues, a range finder is not a prohibited item. It is sometimes an item that is brought in by individuals who are going to be in the back. Did anybody, anybody confront them on that? Anybody ask him questions? What are you doing with the range finder? Anybody confront him on his presence where he was in proximity to the president? So again, to my knowledge, I believe that that was the process that was taking place was to locate the individual. Did they confront him? Did they go up to him? Did they talk to him? I do not have those details at this time. Those are important details. Indeed, they are. Let's go back to the telephone calls 808489222. Robert in Westchester, line five. Good afternoon. What's on your mind, Robert? Hey, Dominic. How you doing today? Good. Good. Please go right ahead. Okay. Two things actually. First thing is, I, since, uh, Miss Cheadle doesn't know the time, I just want to inform her that the, the assassin's father called in the gun missing at about 1 p.m. that day. So what I want to know is how he got an AR 15 into those closed grounds on that day. That's number one. I'm not worried about the grounds. No, no, no, Robert, you got it wrong. The secret service has the perimeter. You cannot get the AR 15 within the perimeter. That was outside the perimeter. That's why he was on the rooftop. That was area. It was supposed to be patrolled by local police, but the secret service had the perimeter. So it would be much easier to get the gun there to answer your question. Didn't they have to park far away and walk in? That has nothing to do with the perimeter that's set up by the secret service. Okay. The perimeter is set up based on protecting Trump's life, whatever area that they define, that they deem as necessary for security purposes. And it has nothing to do with a parking lot. Unless, unless it's within the perimeter. I, I understand your point. And the second question, the second comment I have is actually with regard to Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. You have Bebe Netanyahu coming in this week. That's right. And I believe that they're going to keep Biden away and let Kamala Harris deal with him and try to get her international chops going with this. And maybe even show that she's more pro-Israel than everybody thinks she is. So that's my thought on it. Well, we'll see, Robert, that would be a major break in protocol, but the way they could get around that is to say that the president is still under the weather with COVID. We are going to take a break when we come back more of your telephone calls. Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. Our president, Joe Biden, wanted to be here today. He is feeling that we're covering fast and he looks forward to getting back on the road. And I wanted to say a few words about our president. Joe Biden's legacy of accomplishment over the past three years is unmatched in modern history. In one term, he has already, yes, you may clap. So there goes the laugh, the giggle, first speech, right out the gate and praising the president that's on the way out on the White House grounds. And she could not even get an applause at that point. And this is who, the Democrats are putting up up against Trump, who is no joke and who is headed back to the White House. And when it's all said and done, remember, I told you this, all of these criminal cases will be gone and be careful what you wish for, because my, the tide is turning. Trump faces all these criminal investigations. And now, Mr. Biden, pretty soon, you will be out of office and Trump will be the president of the United States. It's not his nature from what I know of him to go after his rivals like that. But the way Trump was treated this time around, who knows what is going to happen. So two big stories, Kamala Harris speaking for the first time today, the vice president, and you know, the media is already treating her like she's the president, which she is not. And also the director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheeto on the hot seat regarding the Trump shooting in Pennsylvania, calling it the worst secret service blunder in decades. No, really, madam director. Let's go to Jim Staten Island, New York. Good afternoon, Jim. What's on your mind? Yeah, Dominic, I just wanted to, I can understand out of the caller, slim, because he's the way he hated biting him. We're not, you know, listen, I'm not an equal person by habit, but you know, you gotta understand how much biting and company and who never else how much they hate you, me, and a lot of Americans in this country itself is so much heavy hatred there. How could you say that, you know, that you don't put up with that kind of hate talk? I don't I don't I don't because that's not my nature. It's not my nature. I understand how much they hate us. Well, I don't I don't look at life that way, Jim. I'm gonna be honest with you. You have talk show host that will do nothing but engage you in that all day long. You know why? It's called red meat for the base. I don't do that. I'm trying to find ways and I don't know how at this point, I'm trying to find ways to bridge the gap to bring people together. And when we start down a hatred line, that's just not my cup of tea, Jim. It really isn't. Listen, I respect that. I understand that. But you know, in my mind, they are so I call them the evil being with their cycles at a devil. And you know, that's my feeling towards what's in government and everything else that's going on. And you know, when it gets to that level of life, you got to be careful then, because they hate people that much in this country. So what's going on, you know, that that's what's the problem with me then, you know, there's no way I'm going to love somebody that's going to hate them and that you will wait. I didn't say I didn't say you have to love someone. I didn't say that. Myself. I'm just saying it myself. I got your life. Fair enough. Fair enough, Jim. Thank you for the call. Maria. And Pennsylvania. Good afternoon, Maria. What's on your mind? I guess. Hi, Dominic. Can you hear me loud and clear? All right. When Biden announced that he wouldn't be running for reelection, I wish he would just step down right now. But anyway, right after he did that, Obama came out, but he did not say anything about Harris or anybody else. He just stuck that state out of it, which made me think that Michelle is going to be in there somehow. I know you probably don't agree. I don't. But the moment you the moment you bring up Michelle Obama, you lose me in the conversation. That's got to be the biggest joke I've ever heard, Maria, with all due respect in my entire life. And again, it's something that that lazy host do to give red meat to row you up, knowing that Michelle Obama is not going to be on the ticket. How could it be the lady? The lady didn't have the temperament when she was the first lady. You know, remember the I'm proud of my country for the first time. And you think that that same lady will be able to deal with the White House press corps for our news conference? I don't think so. I don't think so. Well, thank you. Well, Maria, thank you. Thank you so much for the call. And we appreciate you. So one of the points where the director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheetoh, one of the questions she was asked, and it was a good one from Congressman Rokahana of California. And by the way, folks, coming up in about 10 minutes, Curtis Lee, what a guardian angel leader will be joining me for his take on the news of the day. But the Congressman referenced Stuart Knight. You may recall that name. He was the head of the Secret Service under President Reagan, right? And that near assassination in 1981. And this is what the questioning of the director from Congressman Khohana sounded like. You know, do you know what Stuart Knight did when at the time of the Secret Service? You know what he did afterwards? He remained on duty. He resigned. He resigned. And Stuart Knight was not a Democratic appointee or Republican appointee. Look, I'm not questioning your judgment. I just don't think this is partisan. If you have an assassination attempt on a president, a former president, or a candidate, you need to resign. That's what Stuart Knight did. He was a Republican appointee. And he took responsibility. And I think you need to reflect. This is not a question of you. It's a question of the American people. You cannot go leading a Secret Service agency when there is an assassination attempt on a presidential candidate. I would say that about anyone who is running. And so I guess my question to you is, what's the difference between your position and what Stuart Knight did? What I will tell you, sir, is that I am dedicated to finding the answers to what happened. And like every Secret Service agent, we don't shirk from our responsibilities. I will remain on and be responsible to the agency, to this committee, to the former president, and to the American public. Is there a reason you wouldn't just do what Stuart Knight did after the Reagan assassination attempt? I believe that I provided an answer. There's nothing more that you have to say. I mean, do you really believe at this moment, given how divided the country is, and the questions asked that your service in this role is the best for the nation? I mean, I'm not saying you can't do public service again. You can't do something else again. Do you really genuinely in your heart believe that you being in this role is what's right for America at this moment? And so that's the way the questioning went. And it was appropriate for her to have a hard time because there needs to be answers, answers to what happened Mr. Trump could have lost his life. Let's continue with your telephone calls 808489222. Carlotta, Rhode Island, the great state of Rhode Island. What's on your mind, Carlotta? Hi, Dominic. Just hear me out. I know you're trying to take the high road, and you should, because we can turn phone calls into just, you know, grants and hate and whatever. But the thing is that Trump does not have blood on his hands. People did not die under his watch or because of his policies. The people who are calling you who are so angry at the Biden people are because of the deaths that were caused by the drugs and the border. So just maybe you should just give them a little wider birth, probe them out, and see why they feel the way they do. I hear you. Carlotta, I really do. But I'm just being honest with you. They are riled up like that because talk show hosts push that agenda, the red meat. And they're taking advantage of people to be honest with you. If I can be, that's just not my style. If if someone wants to be angry, listen, there've been a lot of bad things that happened under Biden. For example, the 13 soldiers in Afghanistan, it's just not my style. Talk show hosts that do that. They're taking advantage of the public to try and score ratings. And it doesn't work, but go right ahead. Maybe just to be a little more probing and say, why do you feel that way? I understand. And just let them get the anger out. Maybe that would modify some of their anger. Okay. Now maybe you're right. But what happens if the next nut is listening to that person articulating that and decides to act on it? But I don't know. All I'm talking about is hearing people out rather than. And I thought I thought I clearly heard them out. No, you sort of cut them short. You said you don't want to hear that kind of talk. Okay. Well, that's just not me, Carlotta. And if that's what you're looking for, then this is not the show to get that. I don't engage in pushing hate. I just that's not me on either side. And Lord knows the Democrats are guilty of that from Black Lives Matter to the protest that have gone on it on each side. I'm not saying one side or the other. But just that red meat for the sake of red meat to rile people up, that's just not me. I'll give you the final word before I move on. There's a difference between hate and anger, justified anger. Okay. All right. And thank you. Thank you for that call. Let's go to Richard and Florida. Richard, good afternoon. What's on your mind? Good afternoon, Dominic. Listen, Kamala was given two mission on the Biden's term. Okay. Try to do something with the border. How that works out. Try it. There's a total go to Ukraine. Try some work, some out there, how that worked out. The war got worse. The total go to Europe, the negotiate zone with the leaders over there. How that worked out. Okay. And one thing about these Democrats, they don't get it. Okay. Obama, Biden cannot, he's going to show up on election day on those ballots. They cannot remove them out of those ballots. So I don't know how they're going to deal with that. The only way they can remove it if he dies in the discussion in some states, they can even remove them, period. And the reason Kamala is hanging around, the Democrats, because all about the money, meaning you know that. Okay. And she's a joke, like he says, you want to make believe that everything will Bob Biden done doesn't follow her. She's in the same boat, Biden. And now he's going to change the economy skills, folks. The legal shall steal crossing, crime is out of rage. Those are each prices. They're going to think because Kamala got a pretty face. Everybody's going to forget what she's doing or dead. You know, the only thing she's good at is dancing with the clubs, dancing with the college kids. That's so she goes and tackling her way out. She's going to have a decent conversation with the people of this country. You know, you know, Richard, you raised some valid points. Can you imagine in meetings with world leaders as the president of the United States, and she starts tackling and starts laughing? I mean, I don't know what Democrats are saying. I mean, I know what they're doing. They're rolling the dice and they're saying, you know what? The same way that Biden got elected, which was the Biden folks, Biden said, you know, I don't really like that Kamala Harris. She basically called me a racist. But then they said, Joe, Joe, Joe, we can win. We can win Black Lives Matter. We can we can milk that Joe all the way into election day. And now, Richard, they're trying to do the same thing. But instead of having Kamala at number two, they believe it'll work at number one. And you say, absolutely not correct. Correct. And I'm going to get another thing. God forbid this woman becomes president. She'll make Biden look like a boy scout. That's fair. That's fair. Thank you for the call, Richard. Let's go to Alan Yonkers. Good afternoon, Al. What's on your mind? A good afternoon to you, Dominic. Yeah, Dominic, I want to say today, the hearing to the Capitol is the appropriate forum to question and grill the security director on the breach with the president in Pennsylvania. I think it was inappropriate this weekend at the convention. And I don't know if the two senators realized how bad they look following her around at the convention, Senator Blackburn and the Wyoming senator, the number three and the leadership for the Republicans. It was inappropriate. And I don't know if they realized how bad they looked. Do you agree? I had just spoke the day before to Senator Blackburn. And she's really upset. And one consensus thought coming out of the convention, thank you for the call out, was how upset people really are. Because when you think about it, seriously, I know it's been said a million and one times over. If the president, former president had turned his head a quarter of an inch, either direction, the firefighter that died, unfortunately, where the doctor said there was brain matter. I mean, I don't even want to think about it. But where the doctor said there was brain matter exposed. That could have been the former president of the United States and the leading candidate for the White House this time around. I will be right back and joining me will be Curtis Silewa, the guardian angel. And folks, wish me luck. It's the first time he's back with me since I'm back from Milwaukee. And God only knows what he wants to do. This is Dominick Carter. And now it's time for the Tunnel to Towers Foundation. Final thoughts. Tunnel to Towers, the foundation, they do excellent work all over the country for first responders and veterans. They are the real deal. Also the real deal. Curtis Silewa, guardian angels. Nice to see you again, man. Yeah. I didn't think that you said whatever get back from cheese land. You guys had those cheese hats on. They had you stuck there. Saturday, I warned you there was a cyber attack on Friday. Nobody listened to me. My wife Nancy knows all about this. She said, they ain't going nowhere. And you guys went nowhere for a long, long time. This is true. This is true. You mentioned Sid Rosenberg. His flight was canceled. He ended up coming back with me on Saturday night. Oh, I'm sure that was a party and a half, right? That was Ebony and Ivory, right? Oh, God, that was. No, no, no, no. He, you know, he's like buff, you know, the gym. And I'm like, uh, Sid, you can work out for both of us. That's right. He's the peacock there. So you had to understand where you were, you were involved in there. It's like he came strutting into the arm seat roasting bird. Yo, he's my man down the car. And you're like, what the hell did I get myself into? Right. Can I have a cup of coffee and another big Mac? Anyway, what do you have, Curtis Lee? Come on. We saw earlier today up on the hill, especially when Nancy Mace pimps slapped the director of Secret Service, classic plausible deniability. Now, what does that mean? You've heard the term before many, many times. That means it's the ability of people, typically senior officials in a formal or informal chain of command to deny knowledge of all responsibility for actions committed by or on behalf of members of their organizational hierarchy. She gave the classic example of that Sergeant Schultz of Hogan's hero, Stalock 13. I know nothing. I see nothing. I say nothing. How do you like the fact that she says that she didn't speak to anybody that was part of the Secret Service team assigned to President Donald Trump in Butler County until 72 hours later? Now, did she give herself enough distance between what happened there and what she's supposed to be responsible for and almost every question? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. What the hell are you doing there, lady? And then at the end of it, she gives an aid grade to the Secret Service agents, classic example of social promotion. You know, oh, we're the best. We're absolutely outstanding. If Donald Trump did not turn his head, that bullet would increase his skull. He would have either been dead or a vegetable. There's no doubt about it. OK, but wait a minute now. We have to give the agents that threw their bodies on top of his. We have to give them enormous credit, correct? Why are you looking at me like that? That young lady was like four or two. I was in front of Donald Trump that I allowed him to stand up and go fight, fight, fight. If there were another gunman, that would have been another shot right to the head over. You know that, Dominic. They don't give you that opportunity. Why did she position herself right in the front? And I know a lot of you right now, Diego. You're going, boy, that sounds conspiratorial. Well, guess what? The morning of the rally, the Secret Service had organized a meeting of all the law enforcement agencies involved. Guess who didn't show up to the meeting? The Secret Service. Wow. Shoot a boy, sniper boy, had a drone out there and was flying it all over the place. And nobody even went up to him and said, what the hell do you think you're doing? Nothing. OK, but Trump has praised those agents have been with him for years. He's praised. Oh, but he's starting to ask questions. That's true. That's true. This kid who they said was a nobody, you know, no social networking footprint. Had encrypted phone calls made to three separate foreign countries. And we're supposed to just forget him. Where's the autopsy? Where's the ballistics report? Watch. The next thing we're going to see is ashes are in the urn. And his parents have said, well, we didn't want an autopsy because of our religiosity. Well, look at how you didn't lit up all the phone lines. But unfortunately, we're completely out of time. Curtis Lee, well, thank you very much for joining us. Pick it up tonight. Pick it up tonight. That's right. That's right. At midnight, folks, all it takes is $11 a month. Donate $11 a month to the tunnel to Towers Foundation at When you need meal time inspiration, it's worth shopping king supers where you'll find over 30,000 mouthwatering choices that excite your inner foodie. And no matter what tasty choice you make, you'll enjoy our everyday low prices, plus extra ways to save, like digital coupons worth over $600 each week. You can also save up to $1 off per gallon at the pump with fuel points. More savings and more inspiring flavors make shopping king supers worth it every time. King supers, fresh for everyone, fuel restrictions apply.