Dominic Carter

The Dominic Carter Show | 07-22-24

On The Dominic Carter Show, Dominic discusses the recent breaking news that Joe Biden has decided to reject the democratic nomination as he chooses to endorse his vice president, Kamala Harris. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

1h 37m
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22 Jul 2024
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On The Dominic Carter Show, Dominic discusses the recent breaking news that Joe Biden has decided to reject the democratic nomination as he chooses to endorse his vice president, Kamala Harris.

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I was close to leaving Milwaukee, the site of the RNC 24 hours ago. Sid Rosenberg and I are on the same flight coming back. To New York. His flight had been canceled from the day before. Mine was set to leave on Saturday. And Sid and I was having a conversation about what other Democrats going to do. Now, 24 hours later, the other shoe has dropped. President Biden announcing Sunday that he's dropping out of the presidential race. Minutes later endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris to be his successor. Never gonna happen. Not gonna work. Not going to succeed. 800-848-9222. 800-848-9222. Dominic Carter here with you until 1 a.m. the goal. The goal is ours. In fact, the goal over the next two hours is to hear from you folks reacting to basically what is Biden stepping aside as Democrats are spending this as in the best interest of the party. The president was facing mounting calls from within his own party to step aside after that debate performance against Trump in June. This is the first time an incumbent president has declined to run for reelection since Lyndon Johnson dropped out of the presidential race in 1968. We'll let you hear what President Johnson said at that time. That's coming up. But first, Democrats reacting at this hour. Consultant Van Jones on CNN, almost breaking down in tears. Even people who are pushing for this to happen, it's kind of like when you're grandpa, you gotta take the keys. And everybody, you gotta take his keys, you gotta take his keys, you gotta, and he's fighting, and he's fighting. And everybody's so frustrated. And then you finally get the keys back. And then you just cry. Because this is somebody that you love. This is somebody that you care about. This is somebody who was there for you. This is somebody you wouldn't be here without him. And you have to take something from him. Now, this is not, look, this politics is politics. But this is a human moment for one of the great humans in America. This is a huge moment for him, for his family, for all of us who love him, for all of us who want him to get across the finish line. - And that's not going to happen. Jen Psaki on MSNBC used to be the president's spokeswoman taken aback by her former boss's decision. - Basically, this is a significant breaking news development with the president announcing he is stepping back from the race. There was very little indication from people close to him and many people in the campaign that this was what was about to happen as much as there were reports of Democrats calling on him to do that. - And that's Jen Psaki, RFK Jr. on Fox, a declaring Democrats shut down their primaries and look at you now. - They shut down the Florida primary. They shut down a bunch of primaries. Just said, we're not running them. We already have our candidate. You know, a few weeks ago, President Biden was ridiculing Vladimir Putin, who won 88% of the vote in Russia. And he said, you know, that that was a fixed election because President Putin had gotten rid, made sure no adversaries could challenge him and also that he had fixed the press. So the press wouldn't cover his adversaries. Well, the Democratic Party succeeded in doing the same thing. - Interesting, RFK Jr, a candidate, minor party candidate, in terms of the voters, the voters, what you folks are saying. In a moment, we'll begin with your telephone calls at 800-84-89222, 800-84-89222. Listen to this, what voters told the Fox News Channel, what voters have had to say regarding this move. And in just a second, we'll let you hear when Lyndon B. Johnson announced that he would not seek re-election in 1968, first a montage of voters talking to Fox. He can go, he needs a break, but not thought. He can use a break, that I don't blame him. - All I can do is say it made the best person win. Made the best person win. - I think it was the right call. - It was a surprise? - No, not particularly, I think the right he was on the wall. But yeah, you know, I think he's a great president and I think Kamala Harris to be a great number 47. Is that next, yeah. It is big news, it's a surprise, but all we can do is just pray. - Yeah, that's it. What are you praying for? Praying that our country is in good hands. - And again, folks, this is the first time an incumbent president has declined to run for re-election since Lyndon B. Johnson dropped out of the presidential race in 1968. At that time, this is what President Johnson had to say. I do not believe that I should devote an hour or a day of my time to any person causes, or to any duties other than the awesome duties of this office, the presidency of your country. Accordingly, I shall not see and I will not accept the nomination of my party for another term as your president. - President Johnson back in 1968, Lyndon B. Johnson. Let's begin with your telephone calls. I'm here, Dominic Carter with you folks until 1 a.m. this morning on this historic night and coming up at that time at 1 a.m. Frank Marano and the other side of midnight taking you overnight again on this historic night. Let's begin with Michael and New Jersey, line two. Good evening, Michael. You're on talk radio 77WABC. - Now it gets interesting because the only one who's talked about hasn't supported, hasn't given a commitment to the vice president is Obama and he's being shrewd. He's being very smart because he's saying to himself, I didn't kill myself to get Nick Biden leaving because Biden would definitely lose, to get the job over to Kamala Harris who is definitely gonna lose. - First of all, first of all, Michael, Obama is not the only major Democrat hedging this bet. - Right, but he was, I think, one of the strongest because he didn't want to see the Democratic Party. - Manchin is doing the same thing. Leadership is doing it. Pelosi is doing the same thing. None of them are committing to an endorsement right now. - Okay, here's the problem. All right, nobody is going to challenge her because they said on TV already, the Black Caucus is supporting her one-out. - Here we go, Michael, please. I'm not in the mood for that black, black, black tonight. Come on, man. - Okay, okay. - Do you really think, wait a minute, do you really think the Black Caucus is gonna make the ultimate decision on who the next Democratic nominee is? Every time I talk to you, it's black, black, black. - You don't want to hear the truth. - I don't know. I'm getting sick of it. I'm getting sick of it. Every time I take your call, all you say is black, black, black. - Because they are the main base of the Democratic Party. - Okay, go ahead with your point. Go ahead with your point. - No one wants to get, but I don't blame them. They don't want to lose their base. Now, here's the thing, no one will challenge her, which means she's gonna be the nominee. - That's not true. Where are you getting your, there are a number of people like Joe Hampton. There are a number of people lining up right now to consider it. - And they already said that if a white person goes in and challenges her, they will, the black vote will not vote for her, for him. They will stay or they won't vote for Trump, but they won't vote for him. - They are already voting for Trump. Where are you getting your information tonight? - They are already dominant. - Okay, the majority is irrelevant because if Trump gets 30% of the black vote game over. So Michael, what are you talking about? - Well, I'm telling you what all of the experts, suppose that we have a safe-- - You know what you can do? You know what you can do with that? You know what you can do with the quote, unquote experts, right? I don't know what the hell they're talking about. I told you guys, the night of the debate that Biden was done, look exactly what happened. - Who's going to be our vice president? Nobody wants to go with her because they know she's going to lose. She'll have a problem just getting the vice president. - No, she won't. No, she won't. Did Trump, did Trump, did Trump, did Trump have a hard time getting the number two phrase ticket? Okay, he is going to win. First of all, Michael, you gotta call up. You're talking to a journalist. You're not talking to a talking head that doesn't know what they're talking about. Number one, you would take this assignment, right? Especially if it's a free run up until, you know, maybe they have to give up their other job because of the name recognition, because you go from being a local player just like JD Vance to a national player overnight. So she's not going to have a problem coming up with the number two. Plus, the number two is going to believe that the media may treat her like she's the next Obama in waiting and that she could walk on water and may try to propel her to the White House. Michael, thank you for the call. Do me a favor. Next time you call, call back with facts or at least know what you're talking about. And please, man, give the race card a break. You make me want to throw up. Every time I take your call, it's black, black, black. Hunter Manhattan, good evening. You're on talk radio 77 WABC. Okay, Dominic, I think anyone who thinks that Biden had a better chance of being Trump over Kamala Harris is a complete fool. I think that Kamala Harris has a far less shot of being Trump and I can give you several reasons. People are going to realize that she's a radical. She backed a group that was all about a no bail reform and bailing out all these people during the George Floyd protest. - Agreed. - And they're going to realize what a disaster she was being a DA in San Fran and they're going to realize all of her woke agendas such as being a main advocate of the DEIs. So people are going to realize that and I don't think that Kamala Harris will get any boost in the woman vote. I really don't think so. - It's the one, you're right, you're right. And the country learned that lesson with Hillary Clinton, right? - Precisely. - You know, the numbers didn't blow out through the water for-- - I don't think so when the black vote too. I don't think so. - I think she'll win the black vote. I think she'll win the black vote. I think she will win the black vote. But again, Trump gets 30% of the black vote game over. And I think-- - I don't think so. - Go ahead. - Go ahead. - I think I'm-- - Well, but if you're Trump, you're sitting back laughing right now and I mean laughing hard because the Democrats have just jumped into the fire. If that's why others, Joe Manchin, that's why others are talking about seeking the nomination. Sure, go right ahead. - One thing about Kamala Harris that is different than Biden is that she is a radical. She is a radical leftist. Biden was not a radical. Kamala Harris is a radical. Everyone says radical right, radical right, Nazis. Kamala Harris is essentially a radical left. She is a nut. She is a complete nut who would completely radicalize this country if she were to get into office, which obviously would never happen unless an absurd thing happens. But she is a radical. She will make this country so far left. It won't even be funny. It'll be the ruination of this country for four years. - Well, Hunter, I hear you, I hear you, I hear you. And frankly speaking, her life changes overnight. All of a sudden she goes from being a joke to a complete joke. She'll have a better secret service. She'll think that she's the president and waiting, she'll think that on the debate stage that she can handle Trump, all I can say, Madam Vice President is good luck with that. Good luck with that because you're gonna need luck because we're looking at a blowout election. As I said from day one, even before the Republican primary, Trump is going back to the White House. It is his time. There are some people, just like Obama, that it was his time, it's Trump time. And no one's going to stop that. Demetri, in Colorado, good evening, Demetri, you're on talk radio 77 WABC. - How are you, Dominic? I love your show. - Thank you. - Here's, I agree with you wholeheartedly that there are other challengers, and I sincerely believe it's my opinion, that she's the sacrificial lamb. There's no way that people like Obama, Pelosi, and all the others who have not supported her yet to honestly think that a woman who's on the coattails of Joe Biden and his policies is actually going to win this. I agree with you, this will be a landslide. This is really, she's a sacrificial lamb and they're worried about 2028 now. They know that this is done. They're just now trying to show some kind of unity right now. But I believe in what you said, they're going to find another candidate and they're in total disarray. That doesn't matter who they put up there, Dominic, because the party is in total disarray and the country sees this, and they're not going to vote for a party that's totally in disarray. It's not going to happen. - Well, I'm looking at a headline of Up On Fox News, and it says the media calls challenging Harris, political suicide. So yes, she is the nominee in waiting, and Demetri, let's be honest about this. She's a black woman, an African American woman. And so if you think you're going to surpass her or beat her, she's going to double down on the race card. In fact, triple down on the race card, but she is a sacrificial lamb to your point, you're correct. There is no way Kamala Harris will come near to beating Donald Trump. - Yes, I'm saying, what people don't realize is that, I'm sorry, what people don't realize is that they're not, okay, she's not going to win the South, and you need the South to win the election. No one in the South is going to vote for her. No one, she's a liberal from California who has destroyed that state. End of story, just my opinion, but-- - Well, it's a solid opinion, and you're correct. Demetri in Colorado, thank you so much for joining us tonight here on "Talk Radio 77W ABC." Let's go to Norman and Brooklyn. Good evening, Norman. You're on "Talk Radio 77WABC." - Well, Dom, the way I'm thinking about it, I can, you can draw parallels to President Johnson, when President Johnson quit, that brought on Nixon. And I think that that's basically when the head of the, you know, when you have a great instability when a president leaves office, I don't think that can be easily just replaced. And, I don't know, I think, you know, and people were looking to get out of the Vietnam War, and Johnson was accelerating it. And we're currently, you know, accelerating war all over the place. So, you know, I think that, I think it's time. And I think, I actually feel good about this move. - You feel good meaning for Trump victory. - I feel good, I feel good that Biden left, 'cause I honestly think Trump, I think Trump against Harris will be a better match. Now, even if they bring on-- - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, when you say it, when you say it, when you say it, Michelle, please, Norman, that's not, I keep telling you, folks, I don't understand why you're even wasting breath discussing that. There's more of a chance of you being the Democratic nominee than it is you and me than the former first lady, Michelle Obama. So, you said it's a better race. So, do you mean it's a better race for Trump? Or what do you, okay. - So, I think you'll have a better shot of it because I think the Democratic Party basically just committed suicide. So I think that by Biden leaving, they are in flux now. There's a great deal of instability that's going to happen. And the question is, I think Democrats, a lot of Democrats say, well, why did they let this unstable man be president for four years? So Norman, what were they supposed to do? Keep running them. But you said, why would they let this this man be the president? Well, the flip side of that is removing that unstable man. Now you get now you get an even I mean, I think she's more unstable in a different way. You know, I mean, I think she's a you say a joke. The only thing that's the only thing Norman that's wrong that you just said, as you said, more different in a different way. She's more different in every single way that counts the race is over. Norman, thank you for the call. The media will try and build it up Kamala Harris, the first black woman president. Not going to happen. Not with her. Maybe in the future, not future, not with her. So as to Mr. Trump and his running mate, they were in Michigan just 24 hours ago, where he was asking Mr. Trump this question. So who would you like to most run against if you're us if we want to win? Ready? Kamala Harris. Crooked Joe Biden. All right. I don't think we have to go too much further. And so folks, now here's the here's the unknown factor, right? So if she gets the Democratic nomination, and who knows she may be challenged at the convention, who knows what's going to happen? The unknown factor is Trump has to go up against not just a woman, but a black woman. And that's fine tune. That's, that's, you got to walk and step very carefully. She's going to throw haymakers at Trump. Absolute haymakers. She's going to try, and I don't mean this in an offensive way, she's going to try and come off as an intellectual. Good luck with that. Good luck with that. Let's go to Anthony and Woodridge, Anthony. Good evening. What's on your mind? Great show. I just want to say, and no offense to you, but you know, it is not an African American. Her descendants are. Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, what does she identify as? She can identify. Okay. Okay. What does she identify as? What does she run on as the Biden ticket? This whole argument, Anthony is ridiculous. Yes, she does. As a African American, you know, Obama is ridiculous. That's just like saying that Obama wasn't black. Come on. Okay. No, it's still black. Anthony, I'm not wasting my time tonight with this nonsense. Let's go to Teddy and Yonkers. Good evening, Teddy. You're on Talk Radio 77 WABC. Oh, hello, Dominic. I'm I'm happy. As I told the Sweden, I'm happy and I'm sad at the same time. I'm happy that we don't that Biden has made the wise decision. He's not capable of being president of the United States because of his health deterioration. No, that's not why he's not capable of being president. That's only a small reason of wise. Now, it's called the migrant crisis. It's called the southern border. It's called crime in America, Teddy. It's called the high cost of food, gas. I can go on and on. Go right ahead, Teddy. Okay. If you want to put it that way, but I don't want to have a I don't want to have someone who is lied about January 6 when I saw it in the paper documented. Okay, so you said he lied. I believe you're referring to Mr. Trump. How did he lie? What did he say that was a lie? He said that he created more jobs than any other president, which is a lie. I got the documentation by the 15 million jobs and he did 9 million jobs. Okay, well, I do excuse me, Teddy. I do believe that Trump was hit with COVID. Is that correct? Meaning the country? Is that correct? Yes, Dominic. Okay, so go ahead. Continue, please. Okay. And, uh, unemployment also, he said unemployment was at the lowest rate with him compared to Biden. And that's not true. And inflation has hurt Biden. Yes. I acknowledge that. Okay. And his overall character. Okay. I thought that after he was shot, which was deplorable, regardless of my feelings towards him, deplorable. I thought he would have a different tone about life and how his direction of his campaign would go. He did have a different tone. He did have a different tone, but go ahead. Go ahead, Teddy. I don't want to mess. I don't want to mess up your good story. Go ahead. Thank you. I know you were being sarcastic about it. Absolutely. Okay. Dominic. I went to the report. 40th reunion last night. Okay. There were 150 people there. Many of them know about you. Okay. And this is not what they say. But you always have this comment. Oh, don't go down that road. You don't want to go down that road. This is one of the things they said. Oh, and then another thing they would say, Mr. walked out. They say, this guy does the same thing. Don't go down that road. Oh, you want to come with that? You want to come with that? Are you also? Are you serious? Are you serious? Dominic, you're using the same terms over and over and over again to try to weasel out. You do that with Anthony Wiener. You do that with Anthony Wiener on Saturday afternoon. Okay. Dominic, the bottom line is I'm not voting for a man of such rotten character. Okay. Character matters. And you always say to me, well, who would you rather have president? What were you better off four years ago than now? Dominic, all I know is the men raised by taxes. So with 6,000 and Tracy. Tracy, you're a nut job. Tracy, you hear me from Rockland County? You're a nut job. You would fail all my mad classes. That's what I got to say, Donna. Okay. So, so Teddy, you said you, that first of all, that was a bad Dominic Carter impersonation. Is that what you were doing, Teddy? Is that what you were doing, my friend? What my students were saying? Okay. So Teddy, Teddy, I don't, I don't talk that way. Maybe you confusing your host. I don't say you don't want to go down that road. That's not something Dominic says. But you said that though, Tom. You said that on the radio. I said that, Teddy, on the radio. Yes, you would have. Oh, wow. I said that on the radio breaking news. Don't don't don't. Teddy, Teddy, I hate to be the one to break the bad news to you. Okay. I hope you're sitting down. I hope you don't. I hope you don't get upset. But Trump is going to win the election. It's over Teddy. It's over right now. You played me right up there. We're what? Maybe a little more than a hundred days from the election. For Nito. That's how Dominic Carter talks. It's done. Put a fuck in the Democrats. It's not going to work. You can put Kamala up there. You can pretend she's the next Nelson Mandela, the female version, Teddy. Teddy. It is simply not going to work. Teddy game over. Talk Radio 77 WBC. Ryan Reynolds here from Mint Mobile. With the price of just about everything going up during inflation, we thought we'd bring our prices down. So to help us, we brought in a reverse auctioneer, which is apparently a thing. Mint Mobile unlimited. Premium wireless. 10 to get 30, 30 to get 30 to get 20, 20, 20 to get 20, 20 to get 15, 15, 15, 15, just 15 bucks a month. So give it a try at $45 up for three months plus taxes and fees. 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And then you just cry, because this is somebody that you love, this is somebody that you care about, this is somebody who was there for you, this is somebody you wouldn't be here without him, and you have to take something from him. Now, this is not, look, this politics is politics, but this is a human moment for one of the great humans in America. This is a huge moment for him, for his family, for all of us who love him, for all of us who want him to get across the finish line. I don't mean this in an offensive way, Dominic Carter back with you, that's Van Jones on CNN commentator almost breaking down in tears. I don't mean this to be offensive, but boo, boo, boo. I mean, I know you said nice things to support Mr. Trump when he was shot, the attempted assassination effort, but Biden's team agreed to the early debate. That's what ended this campaign. If the Biden folks were smart, they would have said, let's get the nomination first at the DNC convention in Chicago. Let's do the formality first, so you can't get rid of me no matter how bad I do with the debate, but oh no, they decided to do an early debate. I don't know if it's because they took the trap that Trump set out for them. And again, remember what happened at that debate. Trump didn't pile a one. Biden was sinking during that live debate, and Trump just simply got out the way. And that's what happened. And that's how we got to this point where we are right now back to the telephone calls 808489222. We are here with you until 1 a.m. this morning. Frank Marano takes over at that time. Bob on Long Island. Good evening, Bob. You're on talk with you 77 WABC. Good evening. I've been interested into a lot driving home from work. I got to say, man, I love you show first time I'm calling into you. Thank you. That's wonderful news, Bob. Thank you. So everybody's talking about Kamala Harris and a couple of your callers prior to us. They were a little unhinged, but that's why your show was great because I love listening to everybody. But they were saying that, well, Kamala Harris is going to be the first black female. She's going to be the first this. She's going to be the first that. But here's the problem. She has a track record that is awful. So she could be the first whatever. But they start talking about what her track record all that's out the window. Agree. Agree. Agree. Can you imagine the commercials? Can you imagine the commercials that President Trump is going to run the television commercials? They write themselves. They write themselves. And I read something and I wish I'm driving, so I can't look it up. But it was something where she had said that sex work for females should be decriminalized. The prostitution should be legal or it was something like that. I don't have to quote 100% on, but it was something about women and sex work and how that should be decriminalized. And I'm thinking, Oh my God, like if I'm coming up with this and I'm not that smart, there are people now that are salivating at the thought of her running for president. There is absolutely no way she can. There is absolutely no way, not a, not a, not a, I've, I've, I've, that you can win. I've talked to four women of color, women of color. And they have said they all consistently said that this is going to be an embarrassment and that she cannot win. So why do it if you can? I guess, I guess she thinks that, you know, it's going to be like the Bob, Bob, like the bottom of the ninth and the bases is loaded. And, and all she's got to do is get the pitch out the infield and chicken win the game and Kamala Harris is the president of the United States of America, not going to happen. Hey, Madam Vice President and Bob, thank you for the call drive carefully. Madam, Madam Vice President, the first black President Obama is not endorsing you as of yet. He says the Democrats will pick the right candidate. That's the handwriting on the wall where he's stating good luck with that. You're not going to be the next Obama. I know that you are Madam Vice President, and I know that you're saying, okay, we got biting out the rain. We can start measuring the drapes. You know who measured the drapes as well. Hillary Clinton, how well did that work out for her? You know who measured the drapes at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the mayor of New York City, Eric Adams. How good did that work out for Mayor Adams? Sorry, Madam Vice President. This is as high as you're going to go. And, and this is it. So enjoy the moment. Enjoy it. Because Biden was not going to beat Trump and your, your, for lack of a better term, Madam Vice President, you're not even in Trump's league. Robert in Philadelphia. Good evening. You're on talk video 77 WABC. Hey, Dominic is always good to talk to you, man. Great show. And I hope you had a great weekend. I was going to call. I'm calling about Kamala because it occurs to me that one of the big issues that are driving voters right now is illegal immigration. And as the last call was saying, since she was the face of illegal immigration being these are, I think there's nothing that she has to run. She don't have any more to run on than Biden does. Okay. And I think I agree that she's putting out as a sacrificial lamb. But like Teddy, I was talking to my, my kids this weekend and, and you actually did come up because I tell them who I talk to in New York and they looked them up and all that. And my oldest son was really impressed with your story. And, but while we were talking to him when Kamala came up, my oldest son, who I guess you could say is the only one that kind of identifies either way. He kind of identifies more black than biracial unlike the other kids. And I'm fine with that. Okay. But the first words out of his mouth was great. Kamala had no problem putting black men in jail, but couldn't get herself to marry one. And that never occurred to me as an issue of any kind until he mentioned it to me. So I wanted to ask you. Do you think that any of the support that she would still be able to keep in the black community would be affected when she's from the center with a white heart. And that's not meant with any kind of, you know, it's not a loaded question. I'm honestly asking what you think about that. I think that people love who they love and the race should not be an issue. The fact that she's not married to an African American man. I don't see that playing much of an issue. I do feel, and the country's in uncharted waters because I do feel that her personal life is going to be more in sharp focus. And I think that's when she's going to be in trouble because the press corps is going to ask about Willie Brown. And I can almost tell you what the question is going to be, Robert, because if I was asking her, I would say, Madam Vice President, you are a heartbeat away from becoming the President of the United States of America. And Madam Vice President, character matters, character matters. And Madam Vice President, there are reports that Willie Brown got you your first employment in the world of politics that Willie Brown got you promotions that Willie Brown, that Willie Brown, that Willie Brown, the former speaker of the Assembly in California and big in San Francisco politics. And what that is, is just casting a net, a white net for her to set her own self up because no matter what she says, it's going to be a problem. There was one other thing that you didn't mention, and I don't know if you're even aware of it, but Willie Brown told Obama that Kamala was a politically attractive, useful idiot. Those were his exact words on a hot mic. So I think that they might want to tamp down Willie Brown a little bit too. I don't see a win here. I'm hearing what you're saying right now, Dominic. Warren, anything crazy, Donald Trump is going to be our next president. And after I saw him with his kids at that convention, and the fact that he got to teach his daughter granddaughter how to play golf is beyond cool to me, that his home was made. So I don't see any way that anybody on the Democratic side is going to be able to be Trump. And I'm happy about that. We've come a long way, Dominic. Have we not? Yes, yes, and thank you for the call, Robert. One of the issues where members of the Fourth Estate, journalists like myself, are going to have to be very careful because, you know, you can't ask men about their personal lives, but don't really dive in. And so it's unfair for the Democratic nominee, if it's Kamala Harris. I mean, there are a whole lot of rumors out there. Okay. As it relates to her personal life. And if your team Trump, you're going to find a way to bring this up without fingerprints. You're going to make sure that the campaign fingerprints and not on it. But those stories are going to get out there. And they're going to find a way to plant questions with reporters. And Robert just said, quoting Willie Brown about the vice president's intelligence. All of those days of hiding, hiding, but basically behind the establishment of the White House, Madam Vice President, when you get in that first news conference, I hope as a candidate, I hope you're ready. Because members of the Fourth Estate, people like me, and this is no joke, folks, are going to spend a going to spend a full 24 hours to craft one question. That's going to be a trap at every potential answer. If you don't think that so, go ask Trump, go ask Biden, where you might be able to answer part A of the question, but then part B, part C, part D. And it's all going to be a trap trick question. And I'm sure that her team is right now planning responses for how she deals with her personal life in terms of she wasn't married at the time. You know, but, but these are all things. I mean, there are stories that the nicest way I can say this, there are stories that prior to being vice president in politics that Kamala Harris was out there. And I'm being as nice as I can be as respectful as I can be. But all of that is over now. If you're the top dog, meaning the candidate, Madam Vice President, good luck with that. I hope that you are ready. We will be right back. This summer, enjoy less doggy paddle and more paddle shifter, less summer heat, and more wind in your hair, less belly flop, and more heart racing sensations. Find more thrills this summer at the Lexus Golden Opportunity Sales Event. It offers on our select exhilarating vehicles, but hurry, the opportunity ends September 3rd. Experience amazing at your Lexus dealer. Show up and run the vibe with both Soundlink Max portable speaker. Big stereo sound and deep bass gives the party people the music they can feel. Whether you're at a chill hang or an all out bash, when you drop your playlists, the party is on. Grab and go convenience means it's easy to bring the vibe wherever you are and it's built to withstand any party spills. All you need to do is press play. Both Soundlink Max speaker. Start the party at Talk Radio 77. Aren't you looking for me? Hello. Tell me where you're from. You know. You're a baby. You're a baby. You're a baby. You're a baby. I know. You're a mister. I'm a baby. And we are back on this Sunday evening, 49 minutes past the hour of 11 Dominant Carter here with you until 1 a.m. 1 a.m. That's when Frank Marano takes over the overnight show. The other side of midnight with Frank Marano. He is standing by so Obama Obama did not endorse Kamala Harris stating thus far that Democrats will pick an outstanding nominee. He didn't endorse her in his first statement on Biden stepping aside from the party's ticket. Obama was joined by former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and not immediately backing the 59 year old vice president. Stating they both favored an open process to replace Biden Obama says we will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead. You know what that means? That means that Obama knows at the end of the day that the vice president is a joke and that she cannot win. When Obama and Pelosi are backing an open process, that means they're looking for the best person to give them the best shot and that is not the vice president of the United States. Let's go to Mora in Illinois. Good evening, Mora. What's on your mind? Well, hey, good evening, Dominic. I was going to comment a little bit on the full moon affecting people, but I think truly that that many people, Democrats, progressives, whatever, they're kind of going to the stages of grief right now and they're lashing out of it. Seems like you got a couple of direct shots there. With regard to the vice president and her personal life and turmoil and getting everything together because they're going to have to batten down the hat just for sure. The way that it seems to be in shape is that, well, of course she is the woman for a woman's right to have an abortion. That's about all they got so far from what I can tell. OK, OK, wait, wait, one more time, Mora. All they have thus far is what? Oh, that she supports, you know, that you can a woman's right to choose. OK, well, first of all, we're just saying that's all the critics have. Yeah, that was that was a highlight of what I got from that and the fact that he does win election. OK, they didn't mention Willie Brown in passing. OK, but only only. Willie Brown is just scratching the surface, but but but one, yeah, but one more, you know, a large percentage of the country support abortion rights. So that's not necessarily a negative, but I but now that I have you on the line as a woman because I'm trying to figure out how do we cover this. So is it fair for the media? So she wasn't married at the time to point out her different love and stress. She's no different than a man candidate and often the men candidates are married. Is her personal life going to be fair game of going back? Yeah, you know, hey, look, if we're going to play fair. What's good for the whole thing about that was good for the goose, good for the gander. Yeah, I don't like that. I don't like that more. I don't really like that one either. I've heard that I've heard that a million times my Dominic, you know, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. What's good? Oh, I don't mean it. Oh, I'm sorry. No, no, no, I'm just. What I'm trying to say more is is that that at least when it's been said to me more is that that's women's way. That's women's way of checking you over letting you know whatever you do. I can do it even better. So that's. Oh, yeah. That's the more. That takes it. Oh, yeah. More. Yeah. What? More. More. And more often. More. Yes. More. More. Have I shocked you? I don't know on the radio anymore. Yes. No, no, you're allowed on the radio. And thank you for thank you for the for the support with my book. It's in route. Thank you for that. I saw it. But more. How could you? I'd like you. But wait more. You just checked me and women can do it. What did you say? What did you say? We will do it better and we will do it more often. Probably with other partners, more many more partners. Then you are going to do that to me. I'm going to show you. We can be bad. Oh. Oh. Mora. Mora. I need to take a break here. You just left me upset. Mora. I love you. But oh. Mora. So every time I had to listen to that, that's what the woman really was telling me. Not necessarily. You really, really have to be honked off to go for the multiple partner deal. But it's just kind of like, you keep it up and I will do something like that. I will pull that jock. Doesn't mean that you're going to sleep around, but it does mean you're going to pull some jock. Oh. Oh. Well, Mora. Maybe we should have an offline. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Mora. Mora. Mora. Mora. It's been great talking to you. But Mora, we're four minutes from midnight. Mora. You're leaving me shocked here, Mora. Oh. I mean, oh. Mora. I'm in shock. If I ran, I'm going to revive you. Could track Mora revive you? I mean, he's here in studio, right? Or is Curtis? Yes. Do you give me CPR and stuff? Yeah. I guess Curtis, you know what Curtis says, I would never put my lips on your lips. You know, Curtis. You know, Curtis. Oh, he would. And he would be the first one to run over and give CPR and all that nonsense. Mora. Mora. Thank you. Thank you for the call Mora and for the rude awakening at three minutes to midnight. And Mora is telling me what time it is. Thank you so much for the call. Linda, Long Island. Good evening, Linda. What's on your mind? Yeah. Hi, Tom. I'm really glad you're back. Thank you. I am too. Great. I am too. Yeah. Great. You have a lot of time. Hey, but Linda, but Linda, because Sid tried to get out on Friday. Milwaukee. And, you know, I got an issue with Sid because when Sid is not, I mean, oh my God, he's a pretty boy. And when he's not working like, like when he was in Milwaukee, he's in the gym and he's making us all look bad and I had a great time talking to his wife, Danielle. But when he's not working, he's in the gym and he's in the gym, Linda. And he's like, one, two, three, one, two, three is like, oh, go ahead, Linda. Okay. I want to comment. But before you mentioned it, I couldn't believe I just heard that when you said, um, she wants to make sex work as legal, um, that was, that's the reason because that's how she made it, you know, to think that's how she made it to, you know, to where she is now. And that was one thing. And the other thing is, I don't know about that, Linda, I don't know what I mean. You know, I do, I do know what you mean, but I have to cover myself. I don't know. I don't know about that, Linda. Yeah. I wasn't there. I wasn't there in the bedroom. Go ahead. Linda was alright. Right. But it's what, what we know. Right. Okay. So the other thing was now when she goes out that out there, is she going to stop with the giggling now? Because before she used the giggling over time, so she never had to say anything. You know, she never ever commented, you know, talked about anything. Nothing intelligent, just giggled, giggled, giggled. And now she's going to have to talk, right? Does that mean the giggles go away? I don't know, but if you're running for president, and thank you for the call, Linda, you're running for president of the United States, you can't giggle your way through to the election. But who knows? Who knows? Mr. Biden ran a campaign from his basement saying very little, and he won because it was an election that was a referendum on on Trump. So to Harry and Val Haller, Harry, you got about 30 seconds here, go right ahead. Good morning, Dominic. So I would just want to remind you, Dominic, you know, I wouldn't be surprised if we woke up tomorrow morning, and Joe Biden decided that he was going to retire. And Miss Harris can be our president tomorrow morning. Right. But she still would have to, she still would have to run the election. That is a, that is a good point, Harry. I didn't even consider that, but there's no, but there's no way that's going to happen. Thank you, Harry, for the call. We are going to take a break when we come back. Our number two, stay with us folks right here, Trump Radio 77, W.A.B.C. Hear that? That's what cooked when you ordered juicy beef sounds like. The steaming hug of two slices of melted cheese, the crunch of tangy pickles and sliced onions all topped with a toasted sesame seed bun. That's the sound of a McDonald's quarter pounder with cheese. First beef had participating US McDonald's, exclusive Alaska Hawaiian US territories. This episode is brought to you by Missouri. Missouri does find jewelry differently. They're all about buying for yourself, where you decide the occasion. Everything is handcrafted with quality, craftsmanship, and responsible sourcing in mind. So these are pieces you can feel good about in more ways than one. Plus there are so many designs you can mix and match to create a stack for every look. Shop online at or in-store today. Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. And good morning, President Biden drops out and endorses his number two Kamala Harris up ending the 2024 election. Dominic Carter here with you. Let's go ahead and open up the phone lines, 808489222. No matter what you may think of Biden, he delivered a political earthquake Sunday afternoon announcing he would end his reelection campaign. The decision brings an abrupt and if you will humbling conclusion to his long political career and a scramble for the race for the White House just four months before election day. I've told you folks that no one is going to beat Trump. I said it before the Republican primary. I said it during the primary when Trump refused to debate his primary opponents. I said it was one of the best moves one could ever make. The name of the game is to win to win. And I said it before the general election debate and I questioned. I know that Biden was trying to stop the bleeding. That's why his team agreed to her early debate, but boy, oh boy, was that a major mistake. He went against tradition, Biden, if he had received the nomination first at the convention, Democrats would have been stuck with him. The money would have had to continue because he would have been the nominee following the convention. He would have been on the ballot in many states, Democrats hands would have been tied. So Senator Joe Manchin is considering rejoining Democrats to run against Kamala Harris. Now that Biden has stepped aside, a long time moderate from West Virginia. And we are airing in markets in West Virginia right now, but a West Virginia Democrat who turned independent this year is weighing whether to return to the Democratic Party and make a run for the White House. Manchin, 76 years old, had called for Biden to drop out of the race Sunday morning, just hours before Biden announced his withdrawal. And Obama, Obama, Pelosi, the Democratic leadership, Democratic establishment, they're not endorsing Kamala Harris as of right now, declaring that Democrats will pick an outstanding nominee. So Obama and Pelosi are not making an endorsement yet, but this is a statement from Obama. I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges. I want you to listen to some of the doubters and there are many in Kamala Harris because she cannot win. She can not win. In a moment, we're going to go to Mary in Richmond, Virginia, another market that we air in. But first, but first, I want you to listen to what Tulsi Gabbard had to say, expressing her worries of, dare I say, a Harris presidency? I'm going to sound the same warning now that I have been for years, going all the way back to 2020 when both Kamala and I were running for president on the Democratic ticket. She is unfit and unqualified to be our president and commander in chief and would be incredibly dangerous in that position. The prospect of Kamala Harris making decisions about war and peace and where to send my brothers and sisters in uniform into harm's way is not only terrifying to us, it should be terrifying to every American knowing that we would all pay the price for her dangerous actions and dangerous decisions. And Fox's Dana Perino is asking the White House to give a blanket apology. Well, you know, folks, shunning reporters that were critiquing Biden's health in the past. I would imagine that the White House press office might consider, you know, issuing a blanket apology to reporters who were doing the right thing. Lucas Tomlinson, almost a year to the day when Biden was in Nantucket last year, he shouts a question, Mr. President, are you too old to run for office? And remember, they came down on him again, like a housework. They tried to make Lucas Tomlinson look like the meanest biggest. He was right. He was right. Let's go to the phones 808 489222 Mary Richmond, Virginia. Good morning. What's on your mind? President Trump, the only thing he has to do for advertisement is play Kamala's speeches where she repeats over and over and over again. And then he just has to sit there and let her talk. And the fact that she said that she wrote a school bus, even her father said she was a child of privilege. Right. I agree with you, Mary. And this is why I say that she's going to do even worse than Biden. All they all they have to do is let her talk. Fair enough, Mary. Thank you for the call in Richmond this morning. I don't know what Democrats are thinking. Yes, the money will come back from the the money crowd. But what's the point in having the money when you cannot win? She cannot win. And Jim Clyburn of South Carolina, who's now retired, he is predicting a loss. If Democrats cannot rally around a candidate and keep in mind, Chicago and the Democratic Convention is right around the corner. If you go to the convention, have an open process in the convention, it will come out the same way it came out in 1968, 1972, and 1980 when we had contested processes on the floor of the convention, and in 1980, we lost an incumbent president, and in 1972, we carried one state, Massachusetts, and the District of Columbia, and all of us know what happened in 1968 when we took, we ran Lyndon Johnson out of the race, but a great record Lyndon Johnson had, we got rid of him over one issue, the Vietnam War. Here we are now using one issue to get rid of a president, the result would be the same. It was going to be the same, no matter what, and here's why, it's Mr. Trump's time. When you go after this man legally, the way that you did on trumped up charges, and you have federal judges that say stop wasting my time. You have the Supreme Court to say, wait a minute, presidential immunity. The New York case, you know, some folks have fond of stating, Trump is a convicted felon, not for long, not for long. The judge in this case, remember he was supposed to be sentenced in early July, the judge put it off until September, and pretty soon he's going to have to put off the conviction overturning the conviction or an appellate court is going to do it for him. Let's go to Ted, Forrest Hill's line five and Queen's Good Morning Ted, what's on your mind? Thank you very much, God bless you. My concern is what is good for the country. Michelle Obama is not good for the country. The other one the vice president is not good for the country. President Obama is not president of, I can't think it was named now, president Trump is good for the country, who is going to meet these foreign leaders who have busting our chops on their mind if you don't have a strong president. And I agree with you, Ted, and I thank you for the call and as Trump points out, no wars on his watch, but look at around the world, but look at the situation now. David New Hampshire, good morning, Dave, what's on your mind? You know, I think Camilla Harris is going to have a real problem on our hands. If you really think about it, 10 million immigrants going to mostly inner cities, and many of those inner cities are in swing states, she's going to have an awful lot to answer for. They've destroyed the inner cities, they destroyed their community buildings, they've destroyed their veterans areas, they've taken away public service money, and their taxes are going sky high. They've lost all of their services in fentanyl coming in, you know, like crazy. So I don't know how in the world she's ever going to explain this, and if I were Trump and, you know, he's debating her, that would be the first thing I would bring up and say, how can you be standing here saying that you are for the people, you are for the poor, you want to help them out when you damage just about every single inner city out there that you could possibly do? That's what I got to say. Okay, well fair enough, Dave, and thank you for the call. I just, you know what's going to happen? The polling, I don't know what's going to, how it's going to play if she is the nominee. But then when the press starts exposing all of her weaknesses, then you know what's going to happen. You already know what's going to happen at that point. It's racism, it's sexism. You won't let me walk into the presidency, it's racism, it's sexism. Let's go to Silas on Staten Island, line one, what's on your mind? Silas, don't pay attention, okay, we're going to move on to the next call. Let's go to Connie Long Island, folks, please do not pay attention to the radio. You have to monitor the phone because there is a delay, and so if I go to you, and so there's no point calling back because we're keeping the show moving, if I go to you, you have to be ready to go right then in the economy, Long Island, good morning. Hey, Dominic, good morning to you too, great show. I just want to bring it all back to this whole vice presidential possibility of Kamala moving up to be the Democratic nominee. I understand there's a lot of momentum behind her, but the fact that Obama did not endure us, it leaves a kind of a dark cloud over the whole thing. What's your view? Of course it does. What he's really saying is she's not, she's not my person. That's what he's saying, and he's saying that we're waiting for the best candidate. All right now, what do you think his feeling is the best candidate, Michelle? I don't even want to waste my time discussing that, and at Connie, thank you because anybody, any talk show host that tells you for real that Michelle Obama is a potential kind, does not know what they're talking about, talking about. That's just a talking point to rile you folks up. I'll say what I said to you to someone else, Connie, you got a better chance of being the nominee than Michelle Obama. She does not have the temperament. She's not the answer. Connie, thank you for the call. I've got to take a break, folks. When we come back, I see here Tyrone in the Bronx, New York is not a fan of Trump. We will find out why this is Dominic Carter. Gift knows I'm not just a parent during the school year. I'm a chauffeur, a tutor, a problem solver, and so many other things. That's why I love same-day delivery was shipped. I don't also have to be a grocery shopper. A personal shopper handpicks my order, then delivers it right to my door. 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Bonus issue is an honorable bonus bet that expires seven days after receipt. Restrictions apply. See full terms at fan Jam and prom, call or text, 1-800-GAMB. Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. So who would you like to most run against if you're us, if we want to win? Ready? Kamala Harris, Crooked Joe Biden, all right, I don't think we have to go too much further. Former President Trump over the weekend in Michigan with his running mate, Jay D. Vance, their first rally, political rally together. Let's go to Tyrone, line five, Tyrone in the Bronx, New York. Good morning, and what's on your mind? Good morning, Dominic, of several things, but first of all, I want to talk about the amount of the truth of all, I want to remind you that a recent poll shows that 51% of America does not like Trump to me. Okay. It's a little more than that. Okay. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, why does that matter? Because if you're going to quote the polls, quote the whole story, Trump is beating Kamala and he's beating anybody that's out there. You can't quote part the story, you got to do the whole story. Why are we finally talking about the percentage of people that do not like Trump? Of course, because you're, because you're trying to give me a spin to make it look like it. Okay. Okay. Okay. So now, okay. Okay. Tyrone Tyrone, what's the rest of the fact? Don't, don't, don't give me half the fact. What's after, what's the other part of the fact? You've got my fact that any fact I want is just that if you want, but that's not fair, Tyrone. You're giving your say, you're saying, okay, how many like Biden, how many like Biden before he dropped out? I know you're not talking about Biden, because Biden was at 37%, because Biden was at 37%. I know. Okay. So Tyrone, Tyrone, Tyrone, Tyrone, Tyrone, I don't want to cut you off, Tyrone, lower his mic. Now maybe you'll listen to me as I'm trying to speak to you. You're not going to get on the air and give half facts. We don't do that on this show. So let's bring his mic back up again. And so now Tyrone, go ahead with your point, because I'm short on time. Okay, Tyrone, if you say it one more time, you're done for the morning. What is your point? I just said move on to your point. Thank you. You people kick Kamala around. You people. Oh my God, you people. You know, that's borderline racist in some areas. You people, because you don't want me to get out my point. No, it's not that I don't want you to get out your points, Tyrone, with all due respect, with all due respect, my friends. You know why I'm talking over you? You know why I'm talking over you, Tyrone, because you're a joke. Thank you. You're the weakest link. Goodbye. Thank you for the call, Tyrone. And I hope you have a great morning. The next time you call back, please have some facts and some substance. Oh, Kamala, Kamala, Kamala, give me a break. Give me an absolute break. Let's go to Valorina in Florida. Good morning. What's on your mind? Hi, Dominic. I haven't talked to you in seven months. It's so great to hear your voice. You're doing fantastic. Congratulations on an excellent job at the orange face. Thank you. While we're making fun of Kamala. Okay, but wait, wait, wait, Valorina, I don't want to cheat you out of time because I've got a heart out in less than less than 20 seconds. Oh, please do me a favor. If you could hold on, I promise you'll be the first call or when we come back. I should not have wasted time on the last call. Trump, 51% don't like Trump. Trump is still winning the election and is killing him in the swing states. We will be right back. Elsewhere, a family is camping under the one star visible from their backyard. Oh, wait, that's a streetlight. In North Carolina, real adventures await. For real, visit NC. This is brought to you by Fruity Pebbles. 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I do not believe that I should devote an hour or a day of my time to any person causes or to any duties other than the awesome duties of this office, the presidency of your country. Accordingly, I shall not see. And I will not accept the nomination of my party for another term as your president. Lyndon B. Johnson 1968 CNN commentator Van Jones on air becoming emotional almost breaking down in tears. Even people who are pushing for this to happen. It's kind of like when you're grandpa, you got to take the keys and everybody you got to take his keys. You got to take his keys and he's fighting and he's fighting and everybody's so frustrated. And then you finally get the keys back and then you just cry because this is somebody that you love. This is somebody that you care about. This is somebody who was there for. This is somebody you wouldn't be here without him and you have to take something from him. Now, this is not, look, this politics is politics, but this is a human moment for one of the great humans in America. This is a huge moment for him, for his family, for all of us who love him, for all of us who want him to get across the finish line. One thing I believe you can bet on here. I guarantee you that part of the deal includes Kamala Harris. If she wins, that there's a presidential part and for Hunter, don't forget that. But how does President Trump play that because he's going back to the White House, it will never be a President Kamala Harris. Frankly speaking, the lady should have never been vice president based on her qualifications. But okay, she's there. Back to your telephone calls. We were just speaking to Valorina and Florida. Sorry about that, Valorina. Go right ahead, please. No worries. Thanks again, congratulations on an excellent job at the RNC. I love to listening to you. Thank you. I just wanted to say to make it a political joke, wouldn't it be funny in the same respect as evening Carol and Stormy Daniels? If some nutty guy or maybe a girl came out of the woodwork and started making accusations about Kamala Harris the way accusations were made against President Trump because we all know that was a political hit job to try to get him in jail so he wouldn't be able to run. But I just thinking about everybody talking about Willie Brown and Montel Williams and all of the men that she's been seen with, wouldn't it be funny if somebody came out of the woodwork and then we would get the last laugh on a Democrat party? Agreed. Agreed. And in this day and age it could be a man, it could be a woman, but your right Valorina is probably coming. And I want to ask you this question as a woman. So how do we cover her private life when she was not married and frankly, some will say she was only doing what men do? So how do you think that should be covered? Well, she was the typical lady that anything you can do, I can do better and maybe more like the other lady said, it's true because people were talking about President Trump from when he was a teenager. I mean all three wives in between the wives, during the wives. I mean, there was no holds barred. And I think the same should go true for Kamala and Hillary or anybody else who's running. They did all kinds of crazy things to that governor who made the very bad decision to kill her dog, the one from the Dakotas, I forget which Dakotas she was from. Yeah. So I mean, and Sarah Palin, they were very cruel with her. So I'm not saying it's okay to be cruel because everybody else is cruel, but let's face it, Kamala Harris has a horrible record as an AG in California. She has a horrible record with men that are married. I mean, let's, I'd like to hear what Mrs. Brown has to say about, you know, the dalliances that Kamala had with Willy. And there might be other married women that have, they'll come out and say, oh yeah, she was fooling around with my husband too. I mean, she, you know, she likes to brag. So I think she went on Charlemagne to God and, you know, talking about how she was smoking hot and getting, getting high and then, and then, but before that, you know, I mean, after that, he's putting men in jail for part, you know, you know, violations in California. I mean, the woman's a train wreck. Look, I don't want anything bad to happen to her, but she's a train wreck. And anything bad that comes out, she, she had it coming because she could have went on the record to say, why don't we just back off President Trump on this, the aging carol thing and this Stormy Daniels thing. This is a little bit cray cray, you know, and a woman that's got that reputation, it would have been nice for her to come out at the very beginning before this crazy New York trial began because, you know, she's basically the same as Trump. She fooled around with a married man, Willy Brown, and she had no concern for his wife. And, you know, Trump, even though I love him, he had no, he had no concern for his first wife when he was fooling around with Marla Maples. And what the heck was he doing with Stormy Daniels, you know, I don't know what happened with Stormy Daniels. I can only tell you that Mr. Trump denies it. She says it happened. It's a classic case of, she said, he said, and so I, Stormy Daniels, I don't know. I, I just don't know Valorina, but what I do thank you for the call and Valorina says that the vice president boy, is she in for a rude awakening one is no guarantee that she's going to win the nomination because she's not the most qualified by far, by far. And Democrats may, you know, Democrats are like, she's going to change the world. She's going to bring it to Trump on the debate stage when he tells a lie, she's going to challenge him. Excuse me, when Kamala Harris came up with that line of, I was that little girl on the bus Joe Biden, folks, first of all, somebody else wrote that second of all, how many times do you think she practiced that one line to connect and Trump, he's moving constantly on a million issues. She's not going to be able to keep up with that at all. Trump is going to embarrass her in a debate setting and he's going to embarrass her come November 5th, election day, Gary Pennsylvania. Good morning, Gary, what's on your mind? Well, you've been very amusing tonight and I'm glad that I got a chance to speak with you, Dominic, a couple of things here and I know Willie Brown has come up and just came up. Okay. The thing is, she is not a black, black, black, okay, Gary, do me a favor. Let's pass on that part of it. Please go on with your point. She identifies as a black woman. Go ahead. I know she identified five in Willie Brown and I watched their own news match. They played them and the stock was written up back in the time in California that she was said to be black American, okay, but she's Indian. Okay, Gary, can you please move on? Okay. And then the other thing, there's three states, Wisconsin, Arizona and Georgia. Buying is on the ticket. They cannot take him off. So they've got a problem there. The other point is with Johnson wasn't going to take the nomination. He had a standing vice president. He did not wait because of health or anything else. So he had the vice president there. I was old enough to vote back then and there's a lot of misinformation that some of these people and I don't know how you put up with them. Y'all I'm actually on the on the phone, but but whatever, but I enjoy your program. Well, thank you. I just want to make those. Hey, Gary, but why why would I let them bother me if they if they yelling it's their blood pressure that's going up? I mean, no offense, Gary. Do you think I really care if they're raising their voice yelling? I don't. I mean, I'm just being honest with you, you know, maybe thank you for the call, Gary. Maybe it's because I haven't had much sleep, folks, in the last 24 hours, but just so that you know, if you do call me up and start yelling and screaming, do you really think that I'm going to go, Oh, I am so upset, he just screamed at me, or do you think I'm just going to look at the producers and engineers and we just look at each other and smile and go into the next call? Which one do you think it's going to be folks? It's not going to be. I'm upset. Let's go to Mary Ann and Queen's good morning, Mary Ann. What's on your mind? Good morning. Dominic. Yes. I was listening about what they say about the racial issue that they have been doing this so far. Oh, they're doing this because I am a woman because I am black. But let me tell you, and that issue, I don't think that all black women will stick to this moment. Okay, because she is not making them look good or any woman, why a woman has to go to men with men to get positions of power. And that has to be women to the people because nobody has touched in that. Okay, but that's not confirmed. That's that's a belief. We know about Willie Brown, but that's not that's not confirmed, Mary Ann. But they think something with him, that man was a man on top of that and they say, they say, they say people like Anthony Wiener and others, they say that he was separated from his wife. I don't know. And frankly, I don't care. But when it involves taxpayer dollars, and you're promoting your mistress for a job, that's not a good look, Mary Ann. Exactly. And that's why he said that why she's running for vice president in the first place, when she has such a very difficult past. Because the thing is that they assume that women are going to vote for her. And that is not true. I will in my situation, I believe that I will not give my support to a woman that have to go to bed with men, just to become famous or powerful. That is no one women are for. We have to run in our talents so far as a vice president, let's focus on that. What she has, she don't as a vice president, when they assign her to take care of the borders, and she was not even going over there. When she went to Guatemala, she was just laughing and laughing and laughing. I don't think that she has done anything capable of a woman that is supposed to be doing that we are capable of doing. I don't think she is a candidate. I hear you, Mary Ann, and thank you for the call. Let's go to Gracie Rockland County, New York. Good morning, Gracie. What's on your mind? Good morning. Dominic, first, like what she said was right. What was wrong with the really brown thing was that if she was in his mistress and he gave her jobs, that's what's wrong in public life. As far as the morals of these candidates, you know what, I really do not care. I care more about the policies, more what is happening to this country. I can list 10 things that are wrong. When you talk to a Democrat, all they do is lose their temper and go bananas and then they hop on one issue. If they hop on two issues, it's all right. Now, Biden, all right, he's not going to, he's not running, but the committee in Congress said he took his family $18 million from foreign countries, Romania, Russia, the Ukraine. That's what's bad, all right? Just crooked, that's no character. And then, as I said, I could give 10 issues why I'm supporting Trump, why I supported him in 2020. I supported him in '16 because I knew he was the only one who could beat Hillary and my son hit me with, "Ma, ma, he's a womanizer." I said he's not my husband. I don't care. Gracie. Yeah, I've got it. Gracie, I've got to take a break. I do apologize, but I hear you. He's not your husband. You know, today's a meat. I looked, I thought the package of meat was 147 in Costco, no, it was 47. I almost had a heart attack. We don't want you to have a heart attack, Gracie. Thank you for the call. I've got to take a break and I'm coming right back. This is Dominic Carter. No matter what you're looking for in a non-alcoholic beer, there's only one name that has it all, athletic brewing co. Full flavor? It's athletic. Huge variety? It's athletic. Award winning styles you can get online, at the bar, or the grocery store? It's athletic. In fact, when it comes to amazing non-alcoholic beer, there's no question, it's athletic. Ask for it and find out. Go to to find your closest retailer today, near beer. If you're an athlete, you know the greatest motivator of all is the fear of letting your teammates down. After all, a team is only as good as its weakest link, so you owe it to those wearing the same jersey as you to be your best every time you step on the field. That's why there's no vape in team. When you vape, you can expose your lungs to toxic chemicals that can damage your lungs. If you're a step behind, the team's a step behind, brought to you by the real cost and the FDA. It's Dominic Carter. I am looking at my Twitter at my ex and Catherine Trump just tweeted to me, "Great show, Dominic TV." You can follow me on Dominic TV. You can send me a comment and she says, "Agree, more details will come out about Kamala." Instead of Manchin reverting back to the Democratic Party, RFK Jr. could do so and give the Democrats a run for their money. Catherine, you are exactly correct. You are correct. David, Brooklyn, New York, line five. Good morning, David. What's on your mind? David, David is gone. Let's go to, let's see here, let's go to Amy, me, me, me. I'm only joking, folks. Let's go to Simon and Brooklyn, New York as well. Good morning, Simon. What's on your mind? Yeah. Hi, Dominic. I want to let you know the whole thing, what happened with the Democrats, it's all about credibility. Incredibility is number one. I think it's shot and it's going to take many, many months and I don't think they have even time to bring back credibility to them at the Democrat Party with the border and everything else. It's not just Biden. Biden is another story. You know, they hit the secret that he has dementia and the whole world saw what happened by the debate, but that's a disaster and then you have the borders and I don't think they even have a chance and Vance and Trump are going to sweep them away. They don't have a chance at all. They don't have a chance. I think the American people got smart. They realize that the world is not the whole world sees what's gets an embarrassment, but I think it's too late in the game. So hopefully hopefully. And thank you for the call, Simon. If the answer is Kamala, you're wasting your time, Democrats, she's not Obama too. I'm sorry to tell you it's not going to happen. She's going to embarrass herself in a big way. Mo and Brooklyn, good morning, Mo, what's on your mind? Good morning, Dominic. What's on my mind is I think the focus is more on the presidential election. The Democrats know they lost that election and the question is if they can put forward a candidate and say there were a new party to try to hold on to their majority in the Congress and try to flip the Senate, I think that's what us as Republicans have to be concerned about. We really need to start focusing on all of our, you know, I'm picking up in our majority in the Senate than expanding our lead in the Congress. They were losing and that was where the pressure on Biden came to step aside. That is ultimately what made Biden step aside. He doesn't want to go down in history. He's the one who gave Trump four years of total control of both houses and it doesn't matter who they put forward as long as they can say, we're a new party and we're going to, you know, putting our best foot forward that can get out of it, that can bring out people and wouldn't come out to vote for Biden and help them, you know, boost their majority in the Congress and potentially flip the Senate. I hear you, Mo, you raised some great points. Thank you for the call. I do strongly believe that Trump has coattails, coattails, that is that Vance JD Vance has coattails that Republicans are going to do well down ticket down ticket with Trump Vance. It's a winning ticket. Mo just raised some very, very good and excellent points. Alex Brooklyn, New York. Good morning. Alex. What's on your mind? Hey, good morning, Tom. I mean, thanks for taking the call. I think about Kamala Harris. I think she might end up being the pick, but she's not for depth and I think the reason why she got all these endorsements right now is because the handlers, they know that they have to put somebody as the presumptive nominee so that it shouldn't, you know, turn into a full-out race with different people contending for being the nominee because they still don't have a choice or somebody else that they're going to take other than Kamala and their complications with removing her. But I think this week is going to be the week where they're going to, in the media, try to play with White Liberals and get them to be able to keep the polls are going to change for now. Alex, I have to step in. I apologize. I hope you can give me a call tomorrow night. We're out of time. Folks, you want to stay with us on this radio station for the very latest on the campaign that is very much up in the air.