Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

Stay Faithful to God

Stay Faithful to God - Morning Prayer

Broadcast on:
22 Jul 2024
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Stay Faithful to God - Morning Prayer

(air whooshing) - Hi, I'm a parcel, Dr. Caroline Cooper, from the Anita's for Christ Family Center, Freeport, Granda Hammer by Hammers. And behalf of myself and her husband, Bishop Pifton Cooper, we want to extend to you a warm welcome to the Miracle Service of Pastor Sean Pendant's Ministry and his wife, Pastor Amy. We pray wherever you are, or whatever you're doing, that you would come and be a part of these three nights of miracle-broken healing power of God. It will be a Plano Texas. Come, there is a supernatural divine healing in the arts. You will not regret it. I don't care what your condition is, Jesus will be there. Our spiritual son, Pastor Sean, was at our church and I can tell you, many sick were healed. Many deliverance was sent to the captive and recovery of the sight to those who were blind and bound. God bless you, see you there. Please invite someone else out in Jesus' name. (gentle music) ♪ I will trust in you ♪ ♪ Thank you, Jesus ♪ ♪ I will trust in you ♪ ♪ Let the weak, let the weak say I ♪ ♪ Am strong in the strength of the Lord ♪ ♪ I will trust in you ♪ ♪ I will trust in you ♪ ♪ Let the weak say I ♪ ♪ Am strong in the strength ♪ Tell them you are my hiding place. Come on, let's sing it to the king. ♪ You love my hiding place ♪ ♪ You always feel my heart with songs ♪ ♪ Of deliverance ♪ ♪ Whenever I am afraid ♪ ♪ Tell them you are my hiding place ♪ Sing it to him. ♪ You are my hiding place ♪ ♪ You always feel my heart with songs ♪ ♪ Of deliverance ♪ ♪ Whenever I am afraid ♪ ♪ I will trust in you ♪ Somebody lift your hand and step in and tell them I will trust. ♪ I will trust in you ♪ ♪ Thank you Holy Ghost ♪ ♪ Let the weak say I ♪ ♪ Am strong in the strength ♪ Glory to God, tell them I will trust. ♪ I will trust in you ♪ We love you with everything in us this morning. ♪ I will trust in you ♪ Glory to God, let the weak say I ♪ ♪ Am strong in the strength ♪ ♪ Of the Lord ♪ ♪ I will trust in you ♪ Sing it to him. ♪ I will trust in you ♪ ♪ Let the weak say I ♪ ♪ Am strong in the strength ♪ - Good morning and welcome to another Morning Prayer Broadcast. My name is Martin Zimmerman. Many of you know my brother, Jeffrey. He's been on the broadcast many times. Both of us have known Pastor Sean for many years, almost 30, we've met in 97. And let me tell you something. They are a wonderful man and a woman of God, a team I've never seen. A man or woman alone, let alone a man or woman of God with the character of Jesus that I see in Pastor Sean and Pastor Amy, amen. I know many of you have been touched by their ministry and so have me and my beautiful wife, Bernadine. And we are so honored to be on this platform today, helping them to share with you God's holy word, amen. Matter of fact, why don't you go ahead and give them some love down to the comments. Subscribe to their channel. I'm sure they would appreciate it and you will bless them amazingly. This morning, we wanna continue in this amazing series. You are never alone. And our topic today is gonna be to stay faithful to God. We're gonna start with the setting back in the first invasion of Jerusalem, about 605 BC. Prophecyed by Jeremiah in Jeremiah 2511. But our focus today is gonna be a young man named Daniel and his three friends, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. More specifically, they're unwavering faithfulness to their God. Let's pray. Lord Jesus, we thank you for this time. We're able to come together, Lord. We thank you for this time, Lord, that we're able to share your word, Lord, with your precious people, Lord, on this morning, God. I pray, Lord, that your word would go forth, Lord, and would be so simple, God, that even a child can understand and run with the knowledge that is coming from your word today, Lord Jesus. Because we know, Lord, it's not the size of the hands that build your temple, Lord Jesus, that build your kingdom, Lord Jesus. It's not the size of the hands that build your kingdom. It's the size of the willingness and the heart that's willing to obey you, Lord Jesus. We thank you, God, we give you glory for all things, Lord. We thank you, Lord, for your people, and Lord, give us ears to hear today what you have to tell us. In Jesus' name, we pray, amen. All right, like I said, there was a taking over, basically it was a time in history where Babylon took over Jerusalem. So basically a country was taken over another country. And the king, Nebuchadnezzar, ordered his unique aspen as to bring young men without blemish and handsome in appearance, skillful in all wisdom, endowed with intelligence and discernment, and quick to understand, competent to stand in the presence of the king and able to serve in the king's palace. Now, this meant they raided a lot of houses, and in one of them in particular, there was this meant that legally police raided people's houses, pulling them out, separating families, and Daniel Shadrach, Meshach, and Abedneo were among that group. There were upper class teens at this point, Daniel was actually 19 years old when this happened. They're rich in wisdom and excellent in spirit. Basically, they were singled out for making straight A's in school. But just because they were doing everything right, they were pulled from their families, and they never saw them again. Daniel Shadrach, Meshach, and Abedneo were different. On top of that, Daniel Shadrach and Abedneo were taught the literature, they were forced to learn the literature of the Chaldeans and the language of the Chaldeans. They were forced to learn another language, basically. And Daniel won five in the Amplified, says the king assigned a daily ration for them from his finest food and from the wine which he drank. For three years, it was a three-year preparation. So at the end of that time, they were prepared to enter the king's service. And the prince of the eunuchs even renamed them, instead of Daniel and the rest of the names that they had, it says Daniel was renamed Belta Shadrach. Hannah and I was renamed Shadrach. Michelle was renamed Meshach. And Azeriah was renamed Abednego. These are all Chaldeans names. And this whole re-education re-identification process was to make them unrecognizable as Jews, to forget their roots. Matthew Henry notes in his commentary, it was to make them forget the God of their fathers, the guide of their youth. They give them names that savior of the Chaldean or Babylonian idolatry, trying to change them into good Babylonians, basically. And most of the Jews captured at this time, buckled under the pressure. They simply adhered to the new administration, as many of us would probably do in the same situation, honestly. It was scary. It was a scary time. There was a country taking over and forcing them to do all these things. And as much as they could, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, they obeyed the new law set over them, as much as possible. They didn't just resist for the sake of resisting. That's another thing many of us may have failed to do, right? But the proverb says in 28 for just resisting the law, they that forsake the law praise the wicked. Resisting the law just for the sake of resisting the law, that's never a good reason. Romans 12, 18 says if it be possible, as much as lies in you, live peaceably with all men. But they drew the line at eating the king's meat. See, God never commanded them not to let these officials rename them. Or God never commanded them to resist learning the language or the culture or anything. But in Daniel 1, 8 in the Amplified, it says, "But Daniel made up his mind that he would not defile, taint, or dishonor himself, or God, with the king's finest food, or with the wine, which the king drank." By the way, shout out to their moms and dads for bringing these boys upright. They were away from their families at this point. They had been separated from their families, but they're still standing up for what's right. They still have a relationship with God, so kudos to mom and dad. Now, why was it to defile themselves when they were eating the king's meat or drinking his drink? Maybe the king's food may have included the meat of animals that God said was not to be eaten. It says it Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14. Or it could have included some animal fat which God said wasn't to be eaten either in Leviticus 7, 23. Some sources even say the food was offered to the Babylonian gods, whatever the case. It would be to defile themselves to eat if the king's meat, basically. One thing was for certain though, Daniel had such a deep love and relationship with his God. He wasn't about to risk dishonoring God by disobeying what he commanded him. John 14, 15, the Amplified says, "Jesus told us, if you really love me, "you will keep and obey my commandments." So the pressure was on. And we're in Daniel one, eight right now, the Amplified. So Daniel basically took the reins. He took control and asked Ashpinaz that he and Shadrach and Abednego might be excused from meeting the king's meat. Now God granted Daniel favor and compassion in the side of Ashpinaz. So this shows us that even in the middle of undesirable and unfair situation, God still gives you favor. So that's amazing right there. So because of this, even though Ashpinaz was afraid of the king, he let Daniel talk him into testing human his friends for 10 days by letting them eat vegetables and giving them water to drink, the things that God said was okay to do. And at the end of these 10 days, big surprise, right? They were looking better and healthier than all the young men who ate at the king's finest food. It's amazing what happens when you obey God, right? So the overseer continued to give them vegetables. Phew, disaster averted this time, this time. But over the years, they continued to enjoy the success and they adhered to the Babylonian culture as much as possible, but never to the point of compromise, that's very important. They never fell away from their God. As a matter of fact, they grew closer to him. And as a result, we're in Daniel 1 17 of the Amplified, God gave these four young men knowledge and skill in all kinds of literature and wisdom. Daniel also grew with God to understand all kinds of visions and dreams, God gave him that gift because the relationship he had with God. It was even to the point that whenever the king were in Daniel 1 20 in the new literal translation, whenever the king consulted them in any matter requiring wisdom and balanced judgment, he found them 10 times more capable than any of the magicians and enchanters in his entire kingdom. So they had that spirit of excellence on them too. In chapter two, King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream. He called together his Chaldean magicians, astrologers and sorcerers, I mean, he just finished grooming Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They already proved themselves to be 10 times better, but he's calling his Chaldean wise guys, whatever. Anyway, but they could not interpret his dream, big surprise. And even though Daniel and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, they weren't even there in the meeting. They weren't even called upon. Daniel 2 13 of the King James Version says, the king's decree went forth that the wise men should be slain, and they sought Daniel and his fellows to be slain. Now, ain't that some mess? Daniel Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, they weren't even in that meeting. They were actually obedient. They were doing everything right. Yet they still had people seeking out to kill them. I feel I need to say this. Sometimes you have those who are supposed to have your back. They betray you, and they stab you in the back. It's easy to feel that God has done the same thing. But I'm here to tell you, God is with you in these situations, closer than ever. He's not stabbed you in the back. He hasn't betrayed you, he's right there. The Bible says he will never leave us, and he will never forsake us. When unfair situations threaten to consume you, God hasn't stopped being God. God is still wonderful. God is still the counselor. He's still the almighty God. He's still righteous and beautiful and loving. And he's still your savior, your healer, everything. He's still God, no matter what happens. Some people feel like they're betrayed by God. He'll never betray you. I just feel like I needed to say that. We need to take these times to realize John 15, 19 through 20. Jesus is the new King James Version. Jesus chose you out of the world. Therefore the world hates you. A servant is not greater than his master. If they persecuted me, Jesus said, they will also persecute you, it's gonna come. You're gonna be at odds with the world. We're not gonna get along. That is if you have the spirit of God inside of you. John 1633 and the new King James Version, in the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, Jesus said. I have overcome the world. In Hebrews 13, five, there it is. I will never leave thee nor for safety. And Daniel knew this. So he with counsel and wisdom, godly counsel and wisdom, mind you. He bought some time with the King and the dude that was trying to go out and kill him, he talked to him. So he could give him with the meaning of his dream. Instead of complaining or talking about, this is an unfair situation or, go what was me or God, why are you doing this? He called Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to prayer meeting. And together, right there in Daniel 2, 18 through 19, American Standard Version, in verse 18, it says, they desired the mercies of their God of heaven. Concerning this secret, they went to use act opposite direction that the enemy expected them to go. They loved on their God. They desired of him in his presence. They drew near to him. Like a child has just fell down and skinned his knee, reaches out for his parents. The same way. Then, in that close time of fellowship with God, the secret was revealed unto Daniel in a vision of the night. Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven, very important, always be thankful. He spent then, verses 22-23, just giving thanks to God. He made sure he recognized who gave him that gift. Daniel went up before the King and gave the interpretation. And in verses 27-30, also, it says, too, he was making sure the King knew it was not him that interpreted that dream either. But rather the one true God in heaven, he made sure Nebuchadnezzar knew where this came from. After which the King still made Daniel a great man and made him ruler over the whole province of Babylon and chief over all the wise men of Babylon. Now he got promoted, right? Then he also said, "Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego "over the affairs of the province of Babylon." So your promotion is coming. You're going through it right now, but your promotion is in the middle of that mess. You're coming out of it on the other side of victory in Jesus' name. So because of their faithfulness to their God and their love for their heavenly Father, every trial came with a promotion every single time. Because of the love they had for their Father in heaven, every situation brought them higher and higher. But how many of you know, right? Was new levels come new devils? Many times situations will get worse before they get better. Ask me how I know. But as sons and daughters indeed refined by God himself. Let's look at Isaiah 48, 10 in the Amplified. As believers in Christ tested and chosen by him through the furnace of affliction, that includes trials and tribulations, guys. Don't let any of these situations change who you are. Don't let it make you reject the work that God has already begun in your heart. You've already been forged by fire, and the devil's going to do everything he can to try to get you to forget or to put off what God has helped you obtain already. God has already begun that work in your heart. Don't let go of God be faithful to him. First Timothy 6, 12 in the Amplified, fight the good fight of the faith in the conflict with evil. Take hold of the eternal life to the which you were called, and for which you made the good confession of faith in the presence of many witnesses. Never let go of your loving potter's hands that even now continue to form you into something even greater than you are right now. Daniel was promoted to third ruler in the kingdom by chapter six under a new king, King Darius. But even then, the king was tricked into passing a decree, you know, even though you have people, this man, this king favored Daniel, but he was still tricked. In Daniel 6 and 7 in the new literal translation, it says for 30 days, any person who prays to anyone, divine or human, except to the king, will be thrown into the den of lions. This was being set up by a bunch of people that were jealous of Daniel Shadrach, me and she could have been ready to go in one of them out of the way, they wanted a bid. Now in Daniel 6 and 10 in the Amplified, it says, now when Daniel knew that the document was signed, what did he do? Did he panic? No, he went what has been his life. This was a pattern in his life. This wasn't just something he just decided to do. This was in his soul, this was in his heart. He went into his house. Now in his roof chamber, his windows were opened towards Jerusalem. He continued to get down on his knees three times a day loving on his God, praying and giving thanks before his God, as he has been doing previously. He did not turn back on his God. He stayed faithful to his God. Well the king gave the command and Daniel was brought and thrown into the den of lions. Now we're gonna go back a few chapters in chapter three where King Nebuchadnezzar, a similar degree went out. This was in the Amplified again. At the moment anyone heard music, I believe this is chapter three, verse five. They were to fall down and worship this golden image that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up. And whoever does not fall down and worship shall the same hour be cast into the midst of the burning fiery furnace. But Shadrach and Abedne go who the king had set over the affairs of the province of Babylon did not regard the decree, same thing, and refused to serve false gods to worship any idols. They weren't about to turn their back on their God, no way. As a result these men were bound in their garments for in verse 21 and were cast into the midst of the burning fiery furnace. A furnace that was heated up seven times greater than normal and burned up the officials that picked them up and even threw them in there. But this is where our hearts need to be and it's the work of the Holy Ghost. You have to let the Holy Ghost work inside of you. The way they answered the king. Shadrach and Abedne go resolved in their hearts. In Daniel 3 17, new literal translation. If we are thrown into the furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. He will rescue us from the enemy's power. But even if he doesn't, what if God doesn't come through the way you think he's going to? What is your character gonna be like? Are you still gonna love on God? Are you still gonna seek him? Are you still gonna hang on to him? "We want to make it clear to you," they said, "your majesty," noticed they maintained that respect. They're not, they realize they're not fighting kings or kingdoms, they're finding principalities here. That we will never serve your gods or worship idols. So just like they just stay faithful to your first love. Love and pray for those who persecute you and realize you are never alone. (soft music) Daniel Shadrach and Abednego realized this. And because of it, an angel was sent to close the mouths of the lions and not even so much of a scratch was found on Daniel and he lived. Shadrach and Abednego fell down, bound into the fiery furnace, but did not burn up. Instead, Nebuchadnezzar the king was astonished to see four men walking around. Loose in the midst of the fire. Now he only cast in three people. Shadrach and Abednego, but the fourth was the son of God. And they also walked out of that furnace without a hair of their heads hinged or any smell of fire on their clothes. I want to make you very clear. These men were not delivered out of trouble because of their relationship with God. They were actually thrown right in the middle of it. But you know what's right in the middle of the situation you're dealing with right now? As a result, they experienced a visitation from King Jesus himself that they could not have experienced otherwise. And it's all because they were faithful to God. They loved on their God and they were never alone. Lord Jesus, Father God, I present your people before you today, Lord Jesus, and I pray, God, that whatever situation they're in today, Lord Jesus, Lord, they may be in an impossible situation. Maybe they're back to her against the wall facing a bad report from a doctor. Maybe they've been given a death sentence. But let them know, Lord Jesus, they are not alone. You were right there, you're their deliverance for Jesus. You are their father, you are their loving, heavenly father, and you will never leave them. And they will come out the other side more than a conqueror. If there are some of you out there today that haven't yet given your heart to Jesus and are trying to do this walk alone, you're gonna fall, you're gonna fail without Jesus, we can't do anything. But if you wanna give your heart to Jesus right now, I want you to lift your hands to heaven and just pray with me right now. Say, Father God, I believe that Jesus Christ is your son. He died on a cross, he was buried in a borrowed tomb, and three days later, he raised from the dead. He died from my sins. And I receive him in my heart right now. From this day forward, I turn my back on this world, on my flesh and on the devil. And I turn into a new direction, a child of the Most High God. From this day forward, I will obey you. I will love you, and I will stay faithful to you. In Jesus' name we pray, amen, amen. And if you just prayed that prayer with me, first of all, put a comment down below and say, I've just been saved. And let me be the first, me and my beautiful wife, Bernadine, let us be the first to welcome you into the family of God. Hallelujah. God bless all of you, thank you for your time today, and go with God and always stay faithful to him. He won't let you down, I promise. God bless. - To support the work of God, the preaching of the gospel, visit us online right now at You can also give through the ministry pay pile account that addresses forward slash shawnpinda ministries. You can also give through the ministry app. Many of you have downloaded the shawnpinda ministries app. Amen, you can give through that app as well. You can also give through the ministry ZEL account, the ministry ZEL email address is info at You can also give through the ministry cash up account. That address is the dollar sign, shawnpinda ministries. You can also give through the ministry Venmo account that address is @shawnpinda ministries. You can also text to give all you have to do, text the letters SPM to the number four, five, eight, eight, and a legal automatically be sent to you. You can also give by mailing your donations into the ministry. Just remember to make your checks and money all this out to shawnpinda ministries PO box to seven, two, six, McKinney, Texas, seven, five, zero, seven, zero. Join Pastor Sean Pinner in Plano, Texas with three nights of miracles at the Plano Events Center Tuesday through Thursday, August 13 through 15 at seven p.m. nightly. Come and experience a life changing time of anointed worship and powerful preaching and witness the power of God live as souls are saved the sick are healed and lives are transformed. Register today visit miracle to register. This is your time for a miracle. See you there. Never forget me and my beautiful white pastor, Amy, we love you. We appreciate you and thank you our wonderful partners and viewing audience for your support and your prayers. God bless you. See you again on tomorrow morning on another morning prayer broadcast. (logo whooshing) (upbeat music)