Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

Even In Tough Places He's There

Even In Tough Places He's There - Morning Prayer

Broadcast on:
20 Jul 2024
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Even In Tough Places He's There - Morning Prayer

"Hi, my name is Pastor Kim Norris, and my friend, Sean Pender, an anointed man of God is coming to Plano, Texas for three nights of miracles to experience the extraordinary. This event will be at the Plano Event Center August 13th through the 15th, 2024. Now this event is free and open to everyone, so please register today at his website Come expecting God will do great things for you in these meetings, and the team will look forward to seeing you there. The death could not hold you down. Come on and worship him this morning. You are the risen king. Seed it. You're seed it in majesty. You are the risen king. Come on and sing it hallelujah. Come on church. Hallelujah, glory to God, you have won the victory. Thank you Holy Ghost. Hallelujah, you have won it all for me. Death could not hold you down. You are the risen king. You're seed it in majesty. You are the risen king. Come on and sing with me by His stripes, by His stripes. We are healed by His nail pierced, hats were free. Glory to God, by His blood will wash clean, sing with me church. Now we have the victory, the power of sin is broken, church. The power of sin is broken, Jesus overcame it all. Yes, He did, glory to God, sing in church. He has won a freedom, Jesus has won it all. Sing it along with me church, the hallelujah, glory to God, you have won the victory. Hallelujah, you have won it all for me. Death could not hold you down. Come on and worship the king. You are the risen king, you're seed it in majesty. You are the risen king. Father God, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, me in past Amy, we join our faith, which are wonderful people here on this morning. Father God, we pray that the Holy Spirit would touch every single one of them, lift their burdens, remove the stress that's on them, the anxiety, heartache pain, frustration, loneliness, suicide. Pain feeling abandoned, I pray that you would touch them and strengthen them right now. We lift up your people before you. We join our faith, being past Amy, which are wonderful saints this morning. Lord, you said in your word, "They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strand, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not get weary. They shall walk and not feigned. Touch your people this morning from the crown of their heads to the souls of their feet and have your way." In Jesus' name we pray, somebody say, "A good amen right there." Good morning. So good to be back with you as we continue. In this series, amen, we are continuing the series, "You are never alone." You know Jesus said in Hebrews chapter 13 verse 5, He said, "I'll never leave you, nor forsake you, but I'll be with you even unto the end." What a promise, what a promise. I'm talking about this on this morning, even in tough places, He's there. I'd dare someone to lift your hands to heaven and say, "Even in tough places, He is there." That's the kind of God we serve. He's faithful. He is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Jesus, He is that friend who sticks closer than a brother. We all have things that come against us and I walk with God in life. We have heartaches, we have pain, we have ups, we have downs, we have death, we have grief, there's divorce, there's bankruptcy, there's just all sickness, there's all kinds of things that comes against us. But even in your tough places, He is right there. Listen to what David said in the Psalm, David himself being a shepherd boy and know what it was to defend his flock, to defend the sheep against lions, against wolves, against bears, against predatory creatures that would come against those sheep that David was responsible for. And I believe God opened his eyes one day and helped him to realize the same way you are shepherding your flock, David. That's the same way I'm shepherding you, the same care you have for your flock, David. That's the same care that I have for you. And it was under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, David began to paint one of the most powerful Psalms in all of Scripture. The Lord is my shepherd, glory to God. Come on, lift your hands to heaven and declare it. The Lord is my shepherd. You got to make it personal and take personal ownership of your relationship with Him. David said, the Lord is my shepherd, my God. David realized the same way I am shepherding my flock. That is the exact same way God is shepherding his people, he is shepherding me, he's got me covered. First one, the Lord is my shepherd. Then he says, I shall not want because David realized it was not the responsibility of the sheep to go out and find grain passes or look for food. That was the job of the shepherd because the sheep followed behind the shepherd. So the shepherd would have to, when the sheep was asleep, and he would have to scout out grain of passes for them, or they would have them in a pen and he would go looking to see where can I take the sheep next to feed them. So it was on the shoulders of the shepherd to provide grain of passes for those sheep. So David said, the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. It's his responsibility to care for me the way I care for my flock. He makeeth me, glory to God. David said, he makeeth me to lie down in grain passes, prosperity, he's providing for me. He's taking care of me. He's making sure I stay healthy and strong, not only physically and mentally, but also spiritually, glory to God. That's why the Bible says, desire this and say a milk of the word that you may grow by it. Are you listening to me? Jesus said in John chapter 6 verse 63, the words, I speak unto you there, spirit and their life, man shall not live by bread alone. Look for for on Matthew 4, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word. That proceeds out of the mouth of God. David said, he makeeth me to lie down in grain passes, where it's safe, where it's healthy. And then he said, he leadeth me beside the still waters. He knows when I get exhausted, he knows exactly how to help me get refreshed and relax. Are you listening to me? Verse 3, he restoreth my soul. He restores my soul, have you ever went through something that left you shotted and broken and confused and just messed up, so to speak, discouraged, wanting to throw the towel. David said, he restores my soul. That's what the book of Joel chapter 2 says, he will restore unto us the years that the caterpillar and they can't go where I've stolen from us. My, my, my, glory be to God are you hearing me? He leadeth me, he leadeth me, you ain't got to lead yourself. Come on somebody, he will lead you, he will guide you, he will help you make, he will help you make the right decisions, he will show you and to say no, show you and to say, yes, it didn't mean you're not going to use your brain, of course, we got to use our heads, Jesus even said, would before you go to war, before you do something, sit down and count the cost to see if you can, see if you can handle it, see if you would have enough to make it happen. So he used these terms over and over, he leadeth me, you notice, he said it early, he leadeth me, beside the still waters of verse 2 and now on verse 3, he says he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake, he is going to lead you in the right path, he's going to lead you in a path that's best for you. You know, Romans 8, 28 says we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, even to them that are called according to his purpose. Glory to God, let me, let me throw Isaiah 48, 17 right along with that. Isaiah 48 verse 17, just a little detour says, "Thus said the Lord, Thy Redeemer, the holy one of Israel, I am the Lord, Thy God which teats it thee to profit, I'll teach you how to benefit, come on somebody, which leadeth thee, by the way, that thou shouldest go." Isaiah is continuing the same theme from David, David said he leadeth me, he leadeth me, he leadeth me, and then I love verse 4, verse 4 says, "Yay, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, the valley speaks of a low place, the valley speaks of a tough place." He's not only the God of the mountaintop experience, but he is the God of the valley. Are you hearing me? The mountaintop symbol it to breakthroughs when everything's going your way. You are happy, you're experiencing victory after victory, but the valley represents when things go against you, that you didn't see coming, you didn't expect it to happen, you were caught off guard so to speak. End those valleys, he's still the God of the valleys, that's why I call this, even in tough places, he's there, because the same God who leads you on the mountaintop is the same God who leads you down in the valley, he is still there. I don't care what you're going through this morning, how low of a place you may find yourself, you may be depressed, you may be discouraged. You may feel like throwing the towel in, well, I got a word for you this morning, even in your low places, he's there, even in your valley, he is there amidst the confusion and the frustration and the misunderstanding and you're feeling like you're losing, he is right there, greater is he that's in me than he that's in the world, the Holy Ghost is there with you, the spirit of Christ, he is Christ's representative in your life, he is there. You are never alone, I rebuke the lies of the devil, you are never alone saints, you are never alone, he is with you, the apostle Paul said it's not I, but Christ lives in me, he lives in us through the power of the Holy Ghost, watch this, yay, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fare no evil, why, here it comes, for thou art with me, someone throw your hands up and say the Lord is with me, the Lord is with me, David said, he's with me even in the valley, David said you are with me God, for thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me, that's the rod that the shepherd would use, to fend off the animals, the rod and staff, and you know that staff would hook around it, he can reach and hook the sheep and pull him out of the ditch, he knows how to get you out of the mess that you're in, and you're hearing me, my God, that rod and thy staff, they comfort me, thou prepare us a table before me, in the presence of my enemies, the lions are looking on, and if they even try to come there the shepherd would kill him, the bear the shepherd would kill him, I'm eating right in the front of the lion and the bear, and my shepherd is right there to protect me, in the face of the devil he will provide, he'll bring you out of that valley and he'll spread a table and bless you and vindicate you and defend you and take care of you and nourish you and heal you and deliver you and set you free and open closed doors and give you favor where you will lack in favor, and he would heal your sick body, he prepares a table before me, in the presence of my enemies, thou anointing us my head with oil, my cup runs over, thou anointing of the Holy Ghost that speaks of being refreshed, that anointing, to do the supernatural, to do the impossible, to do the unlimited, are you hearing me, now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all, that we can ask or think according to the power that works in us, Ephesians 320, is with you saints, sholly goodness and mercy shall follow me, all the days of my life all, I like that power you said my cup runs over, he will bless you beyond measure when you give it comes back to you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over saints, some of you have begun to withhold, supporting the work of God, let me talk to you for a minute, I'm serving a good God, I'm going to preach this gospel until the day I die, with or without you, if you don't stand with us God will raise somebody else up, and I'm not saying that to everyone, I'm saying that to the ones who have been withholding because there's a group of you who are consistent and you refuse to stop standing with Pastor Sean and Pastor Amy and supporting the work of God, but I'm saying to you who are getting blessed through this ministry, you're gobbling up, you're eating up the word of God, but you have been really slack and you're given, I'm saying to you as a pastor and someone who loves you, you need to tighten up, you cannot walk in the blessings of God while you close your hands to supporting the gospel of Jesus Christ, it don't work that way, so I'm saying to you get back in the flow of supporting the work of God, we need you, God has called us into partnership, we have to do this together, I'm saying that because we love you and we care about you, amen, so David said, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of God, house of the Lord forever, he's got you this morning and even in your tough places he's there, father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, me and Pastor Amy we pray over your people this morning, bring them through their tough places, bring them through it God, bring them through it, bring them through it, that person who want to give up, who want to throw the towel and who want to end their life, we rebuke that spirit, we curse the works of the devil in the name of Jesus Christ, strengthen your people this morning, come on if you have to have it, strengthen your people this morning Lord, strengthen them this morning, strengthen them this morning, we speak strength into your life, we speak strength into your life in the name of Jesus, somebody say amen and we invite you to be a part of three nights of miracles, me and Pastor Amy are personally inviting you, we extending that invitation to you, if you have not yet registered for three nights of miracles, you need to register saints, August 13, 14 and 15 is only a few weeks away, God is going to do mighty things, we will be at the Plano event center, August 13, 14 and 15, 7 p.m. nightly, God is going to do mighty things and we invite you to join us to support the work of God, the preaching of the gospel, visit us online right now at, you can also give through the ministry pay pile account that addresses, you can also give through the ministry app, many of you have downloaded the shawnpinder ministries app, amen, you can give through that app as well, you can also give through the ministry ZEL account, the ministry ZEL email address is, you can also give through the ministry cash up account that address is the dollar sign shawnpinder ministries, you can also give through the ministry Venmo account that address is @shawnpinderministries, you can also text to give all you have to do is text the letters spm to the number four five eight eight eight and a legal automatically be sent to you, you can also give by mailing your donations into the ministry, just remember to make your checks and money orders out to shawnpinder ministries, PO Box 2726 McKinney, Texas 7570. Join Pastor Sean Pinner in Plano, Texas for three nights of miracles at the Plano events center Tuesday through Thursday, August 13 through 15 at 7 p.m. nightly, come and experience a life changing time of anointed worship and powerful preaching and witness the power of God live as souls are saved, the sick are healed and lives are transformed. Register today. Visit miracle to register. This is your time for a miracle. See you there. Never forget me and my beautiful white pastor Amy, we love you. We appreciate you and thank you, our wonderful partners and viewing audience for your support and your prayers. God bless you. See you again on tomorrow morning on another morning prayer broadcast.