Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

The Love of God Never Fails

The Love of God Never Fails - Morning Prayer

Broadcast on:
13 Jul 2024
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The Love of God Never Fails - Morning Prayer

my name is evangelist Paula box and I am super excited to invite all of you out for three night miracle crusade being held in Plano Texas at the Plano events center with Pastor Sean and Amy Pender this is gonna be held August 13th through the 15th 7 p.m. nightly that's Tuesday through Thursday these three nights of miracles you do not want to miss it does not matter what you've been battling your body or how long you've been battling in your body it could be heart disease it can be cancer lung issues hey maybe it's not even in your body maybe you've been battling in the mind maybe you've been battling schizophrenia by polar suicidal thoughts whatever your need is we've got a God that's gonna meet us in Plano Texas and he is going to move in a very powerful way so I encourage you to bring your loved one bring your friend and come out don't forget to register though it's a free fit but you need to register at that is we hope to see you there and God bless you [Music] [Music] operate this morning operate on me oh my god operate on me take out what shouldn't be operate on me dear Lord tell him to operate this morning church operate on me dear Lord mighty God you are operate on me dear Lord tell him to operate this morning operate on me take out what shouldn't be operate on me good morning and welcome to another morning prayer broadcast once again this is Jeffrey Zimmerman speaking before all of you today on behalf of Pastor Sean and I'm filling in for him again today as you can see and I'm always so honored and privileged to be able to do that I don't take this lightly or for granted it's it's a great honor for me and my wife Melanie to serve in ministry alongside Pastor Sean and Pastor Amy great people of God just great people you know they love God with all their hearts they love each other they love their kids they love us and they love all of you the wonderful people of God and so we love you as well and we're excited and delighted to be here before all of you today and before we get started today we would like to say a word of prayer for God's people amen Father in the name of Jesus Melanie and I stretch our hands towards your people today we join our faith with them Lord God and we asked that you touch them in a mighty way I curse every power of the devil that is attacking them that is trying to destroy them the thief comes to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we might have life and have it more abundantly God I pray that you touch your people today I pray that you would strengthen them I pray that you would encourage them I pray that you would lift them up and and help them to their faith to be encouraged and strengthen Lord God so that they can know Lord that they have met with you today Lord I pray that you would anoint these lips of clay God let me speak the words of Jesus today and let the word be so simple that even a child can understand what the Lord is saying to his people today God we bless your people and we thank you for every one of them in Jesus name we pray amen and amen so today we are continuing in the series God never fails and we're so happy that God never fails amen God is not a man that he should lie know the Son of man that he should have to repent if he said it he'll make it good if he spoke it he will bring it to pass that's good news isn't it so we're happy that God never fails on the title of today's message is the love of God never fails amen I think all of us have heard the words of first Corinthians chapter 13 at one time or another it's called the love chapter you know where Paul talks about love and but I think it's always good to to hear it again and to hear what God has to say about love amen it's very important and Paul said this starting with verse one this is the new King James version though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels but I have not loved I have become sounding brass or a clanging symbol listen to what Paul is saying here now this is the man that wrote over half of the New Testament this is the Moses of the New Testament amen this is the great Apostle Paul and what he's saying is even if I speak with the tongues of men and of angels if I don't have love all I'm doing is making noise that's a powerful statement isn't it amen he goes on to say and though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge and though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains if I don't have love I am nothing now what is Paul saying is he saying that prophecy isn't important no is he saying that it's not important to understand mysteries or have faith no he's not saying that at all all these things are important but what he's saying is if I have these things but I don't have love I am nothing that's what he said he said I am nothing isn't that amazing he said though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor and even if I give my body to be burned but I have not loved it profits me nothing now this is the part that gets me even though I give all I got to feed the poor and I've got nothing right I give everything I've got and I even give my body to be burned I make the ultimate sacrifice I lay my life down do you mean to say that it's possible to lay your life down and not have love oh yes it is possible and it happens all the time unfortunately but the possible Paul says if I do not have love it profits me nothing so let's look at what Paul's talking about when he's talking about love he starts to to describe it love suffers long and his kind love does not envy love does not parade itself it's not puffed up it does not behave rudely it does not seek its own it is not provoked it thinks no evil it does not rejoice in iniquity but it rejoices in the truth love bears all things believes all things hopes all things endures all things love never fails now isn't that interesting the title of the series is God never fails and yet in this verse it says love never fails I think God's trying to tell us something and we're about to see exactly what God is telling us in just a little bit here but first I want to kind of break these words down a little bit these different words and talk about kind of what they mean love suffers long that word suffers long means to forbear or to be patient Pastor Sean used to tell it to us like this he said long suffering you know when you say it like that you hear it like that you come to understand that what it means is that you you bear long with someone even someone who tries your patience you know even someone who is hard to love sometimes do you know that love is not always an easy thing to do I think some people need to hear that because I know for me when I was much younger in the faith when I was first starting to be discipled it was hard for me because I didn't feel love for people very often I'll just be honest with you you know sometimes I get irritated or sometimes you know people would do certain things or say certain things I just wouldn't feel it you know and I would say well shouldn't I be feeling it you know but love isn't always something you feel amen sometimes people irritate you sometimes people frustrate you you know and sometimes they mean to sometimes they don't mean to but regardless we got to be patient with them that's what this word means suffers long it means to be patient to bear long to patiently endure you know and sometimes when we're going through something you know I spoke earlier this week about when we pray to God and we don't get the answer right away you know or sometimes when God's putting us through a difficult situation and we want to hurry up get out of that situation as fast as we can and we're praying about it and we're asking God about it but instead of getting us out God leaves us right there for a certain amount of time that ever happened to anybody I know what's happened to me man I'm praying to God I said God give me a victory give me a breakthrough and God just keeps me right in that right in that spot and I can't get out you know we got to patiently endure that because why because we love God and for the people who really love God you will patiently endure and see sometimes that's God's way of telling the people that really love them from the people who maybe don't really love them because if you don't love God when the pressure's on you're gone amen you know the the slightest little thing happens and you're out amen yeah I've seen it happen over and over again you know and and and so that means we got to be patient that's how come sometimes this verse is is translated love is patient amen because love is patient kind it means to show oneself useful I thought that was an interesting translation of that word kindness acts benevolently in other words for someone else is good showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity that's what kindness is I think we all kind of understand what it is to be kind to somebody amen to to be sympathetic towards them if they're going through something to be understanding to be generous you see somebody with a need man help them if you can help them you know give them something if you can give we do it in this ministry all the time amen we give why because that's God's will he wants us to help each other I mean how can you tell somebody you love them and then not help them if they're in need if you have the ability to do it amen so so you know now of course there will be times when you don't have the ability and if you don't have the ability then you know this is not nothing much you could do but if you have the ability and you can always do something if you if you can't give something you can pray for a person amen amen so you can always give something but now if you do have something to give God expects us to do it amen amen envy it means to be moved with jealousy someone's jealous of you someone wants something you've got something someone wants your position you know you don't know what somebody went through to get that thing sometimes you know and I guess all of us have been guilty from time to see and somebody that had something man how did they get that man I wish I had that you know and I guess that's natural but what's not natural is when you start dwelling on it and it becomes your focus and it's all you can think about and you're like I got to have that thing that that person has I want that from that now that's jealousy that's dangerous amen it's better to go to that person and say how did you get that how can I get one for myself you know that's the right thing to do but envy is jealousy and jealousy is very dangerous jealousy is no good next one is love does not parade itself love does not boast love does not want you know some people when they got something nice that you don't have man they got to walk around with it you know and look at you and say hey look what I got you know and boy that that rubs you the wrong way doesn't it and then we can't be like that you know love is not like that if you have something good you're not gonna try to make somebody feel bad if they don't have it and then you're gonna try to help them if you're able to do that to be puffed up means to blow up to inflate to be puffed up with pride you know like the Pharisee that said oh Lord I thank you that I'm not like this guy over here you know that's puffed up with pride and the public it is what he was talking about a tax collector you know and what was he doing he was beating himself on the chest saying Lord be merciful to me a sinner and Jesus said that he was the one who went away justified not the Pharisee that was all puffed up with pride and thanking God that he wasn't like other people amen so be careful of pride because you know God doesn't like it and love is not puffed up to act rudely means to be unbecoming, shameful, misbehave. Well, we know the opposite of rudeness is politeness, right? So always be polite. Say, please, say thank you. Don't break in front of people in line. If somebody breaks in front of you in line, you can't deal with it. You can't retaliate. You see, you have to behave yourself. You have to, you know, I know that's hard for me sometimes, you know, I'll be driving my car and somebody will cut me off. Boy, I want to say all kinds of stuff. And my wife has to say, hey, you know, you're here not supposed to act like that. You're supposed to be a preacher, you're supposed to be a Christian, you know, you can't be like that. You, you, you, you got to calm down. And I say, yeah, okay, all right, you know, and so I have to call myself down. Love is not easily provoked means to sharpen alongside to exasperate, to stir up. Amen. Now there's people that are going to try you. Amen. Some people try you on a daily basis. How many of you know the kind? I know there's got to be hands going up all over the place. Amen. There's people that are just going to try your patience and they are going to try to exaggerate you and you got to be careful because sometimes people will do it on purpose because they're trying to get a reaction out of you to make you do something you ain't supposed to do. And then if that happens, well, you're in real trouble because I mean, almost everybody's got a smartphone today, people taking your picture, even when you don't think they're taking your picture. Amen. And you could lose it in the middle of, you know, where you think you're in some corner somewhere, nobody sees you. Next thing, you know, that thing's on YouTube. So we got to be really careful, especially today, of how we treat people even when they try to provoke us, you know, we can't give into that. Amen. And it says here, love thinks no evil. To think evil means to impute evil, to reckon, account, or to suppose evil. In other words, love thinks the best of everybody. Amen. Love gives somebody the benefit of the doubt. If somebody comes to you and says, I heard thus and thus about so and so, first of all, fits a rumor. Don't even listen to it. Shut them down, especially if they're talking to you about your, your pastors or somebody in authority. You just don't let them do it. You say, Hey, if you have a problem, let me take you to, to the pastor and let, let you talk to them. Amen. Or if it's your boss, even at your job, don't let it happen there either. Someone else trying to come to you, trying to talk to you bad about the boss, say, Hey, you know what, we need to go talk to the boss if you've got a problem. Amen. You know, you don't think evil and you don't go spreading stuff like that either. You know, even if somebody does do you wrong, you know, just, just take it and stride. You know, we just got it. We just got to, we got to live with love even if somebody else doesn't. But, but to think no evil just means that we give somebody the benefit of the doubt and we don't just assume that the person is guilty until we've heard the whole story. Amen. That's very important to do that. The Bible says love does not rejoice in iniquity. It rejoices in the truth. You know, we're not happy about sin. We're not happy when somebody else trips up. You know, the Bible says, if you see some, if you see your enemy fall, don't let yourself rejoice in that because God will stop being mad at them and it'll turn his wrath on you. Amen. That's in Proverbs. So, so, you know, we don't rejoice when bad things happen to people. You know, we rejoice in the truth. We rejoice when good things happen. We rejoice when people get on their knees and repent and make things right with God and we rejoice that our name is written in the book of life. Amen. Amen. We bear all things. We believe all things. We hope all things. We endure all things. Let me tell you something. If you really love somebody, you will put up with stuff from that person. Amen. Even if they're difficult. Anybody can love somebody that's easy to get along with. Amen. Those people are easy, but it's when you get the people that are hard to get along with. Sometimes it takes a little more effort, you know, and, but we are called to do it. We are told to do it. We're commanded to do it. Now, sometimes you got to be like this. You got to say, no, God, look, now this person doesn't make me mad. This person did this thing and I don't like it. And I'm mad at him. And Lord, I, I don't want to stop being mad at him. But Lord, you got to help me. You got to help me not be mad at this person and show this person love because I know that's what you want me to do. I don't feel like doing it, but God, if you'll help me, then I'll do it. And sometimes we got to say prayers like that. Just be real with God, you know. Just come clean with him. Don't act like you got it all together. Amen. Because why? The love of God never fails. I'll never forget. Pastor Sean told me them words, love never fails. You see someone who's difficult. You see someone who's having struggles. You know how you treat them? You treat them in love. You always treat them in love because love never fails. Now, why is it? The Bible says love never fails. And yet the title of the series is God never fails. Well, 1 John 4 8. He that loves not, knoweth not God. For God is love. How about that? So God is love. So when we say love never fails, we're really saying God never fails because they're the same thing. So that's why God wants us to love people because God is love. That's what he is about. He loved me. He loved you. He puts up with you, doesn't he? And you and I aren't always the easiest people to get along with, you know. I know when I first joined this ministry, I was, I was, I had some rough edges. Amen. And Pastor Sean and Pastor Jamie were very patient with me. And you know, and, and now here I am today and ministering before the people of God. Why? Because they believed in me. And that's what love does. Love believes in people. Amen. And if I did wrong, I always admitted it and made it right. That's the key right there. Jesus said in John chapter 13 verse 34, a new commandment I give to you that you love one another as I have loved you. And that you also love one another. Then he makes a very powerful statement in verse 35. He said, by this, all will know that you are my disciples. If you have love for one another, how does a person know if you're a real disciple of Jesus Christ? If you have love for the other brothers and sisters in Christ, if you show love for the person who maybe is a little little rough around the edges, maybe doesn't see things the way you see them. Maybe doesn't do things the way you do them. You know, everybody's different. And, you know, God loves all of us the same. And he wants all of us to love each other. Amen. You know? And the Bible says, love never fails. The love of God never fails. Amen? Because if we walk in love, we walk in forgiveness, we walk in mercy, then when it comes our time to need love, our time to need forgiveness, our time to need mercy, the Bible says Jesus said, blessed are the merciful, for they shall what? Obtain mercy. Amen? And if you're listening to me today, and you say, Brother Jeff, I really haven't been very loving towards other people. I've been kind of judgmental. And I, you know, I know sometimes people are hard to live with and, you know, it's sometimes they, they provoke me. And I haven't always been the best towards them. Well, guess what? God can help you, you know? And you just got to bring it before God, you know? And let's, let's pray for you today. Father God, Melanie and I join our faith with our brothers and sisters today, those who are Christians who may be having a hard time loving other people or loving one or more people in particular. God, I pray that you strengthen them. Lord, as they come before you in honesty and just presenting themselves before you, not trying to hide nothing, not trying to pretend nothing, but just being honest before you today. God, I pray that you would manifest your love in their heart and love those people or that person through them today. Give them the ability, Lord. Give them the strength to do it, Lord, in Jesus name. Amen and amen. And if you have a hard time loving somebody today, it doesn't mean that you're not a Christian. You know, it just means that you're a human being and some people do make it difficult. But if you choose to do it God's way, love that person anyway. Watch and see what God will do, not only in their life, but in your life too. Amen. Amen. And for those of you who haven't received Jesus into your heart, I have good news for you as well. The love of God never fails. Just say this prayer, say, Father God, I thank you for loving me, even though I'm a sinner. Lord, I ask you to forgive me of my sins. I thank you that you died on the cross for me, that you were buried in a borrowed tomb and that three days later you rose again and that you are in heaven with God the Father today praying for me. And one day soon you're coming again. Lord, I turn my back on my sin. I turn my back on the world, the flesh and the devil. Lord, I ask you to forgive me and cleanse me. And from this day on, I'm going to walk in the love of God and the love of Jesus towards you, Lord, and towards everybody around me as well. In Jesus name, Amen. And if you prayed that prayer today and meant it with all your heart, we want to welcome you to the kingdom and the family of God. And we're so grateful that you are now a child of God. Go ahead and type below the video and say, I have just surrendered my life to Jesus. We want to hear from you. It's very important to testify that you have surrendered your life to Jesus because Jesus said, if you're ashamed of me here on earth, then I will be ashamed of you before my Father and the angels in heaven. Amen. And if you have given your life to Jesus, do these three things. First of all, pray every day. That just means talk to God. Just talk to him about anything just like you would a friend and end every prayer by saying in Jesus name. The second thing we want you to do is begin reading your Bible every single day. You can download the ministry app. There are several translations of the Bible on that app as well as some other good stuff that we have for you. And you can find you a translation of the Bible that's easy for you to understand and just start reading out of the book of John is the best place to start. It's very easy book to understand. And then the third thing we'd like you to do is find you a Bible believing church where you can go and worship God every Sunday. And if you live in the DFW area, come by and see us at Miracle Healing Center Church. We're in the Cockrell Middle School in McKinney, Texas. And we have service every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. Central Standard Time. We'd love to see you out there. And if you don't live in the DFW area, then come and be a part of our online church and join us online. We have a great time in the Holy Ghost. We just love God with all our hearts and God is moving mightily among us. And we're so excited about it. Thank you for listening today. God bless you. We'll see you again next time. Amen. To support the work of God, the preaching of the gospel. Visit us online right now at You can also give through the ministry pay pile account that addresses You can also give through the ministry app. Many of you have downloaded the shawnpindaministries app. Amen. You can give through that app as well. You can also give through the ministry cell account. The ministry cell email address is You can also give through the ministry cash up account that address is the dollar sign shawnpinda ministries. You can also give through the ministry Venmo account that address is @shawnpindaministries. You can also text to give all you have to do is text the letters spm to the number four five eight eight eight and a link will automatically be sent to you. You can also give by mailing your donations into the ministry. Just remember to make your checks and money orders out to shawnpindaministries PO Box 2726 McKinney, Texas 7570. Join pastor Sean Pinner in Plano, Texas with three nights of miracles at the Plano events center Tuesday through Thursday, August 13 through 15 at 7 p.m. nightly. Come and experience a life-changing time of anointed worship and powerful preaching and witness the power of God live as souls are saved. The sick are healed and lives are transformed. Register today. Visit miracle to register. This is your time for a miracle. See you there. Never forget me and my beautiful white pastor Amy, we love you. We appreciate you and thank you our wonderful partners and viewing audience for your support and your prayers. God bless you. See you again on tomorrow morning on another morning prayer broadcast. [Music]