Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

God Is Ready to Forgive You - Morning Prayer

God Is Ready to Forgive You - Morning Prayer

Broadcast on:
08 Jul 2024
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God Is Ready to Forgive You - Morning Prayer

[MUSIC PLAYING] Join Pastor Sean Pinner in Plano, Texas, with three nights of miracles at the Plano Event Center, Tuesday through Thursday, August 13 through 15, at 7 p.m. Nightly. Come and experience a life-changing time of anointed worship and powerful preaching, and witness the power of God live as souls are saved, the sick are healed, and lives are transformed. Register today. Visit to register. This is your time for a miracle. See you there. This is my daily breath. Come on in worship him on this morning. This is my daily breath. Your very word is of every word. Come on, say, "Spoke up to me." Come on, say, "This is my daily breath." This is my daily breath. Come on, church, worship him this morning. This is my daily breath. Your very word is of every word. Glory to God, spoken to me. Tell him I'm desperate, and I'm desperate before you. Do we have any desperate people this morning? Are you desperate for him? Come on, church, and I'm desperate for you. I'm desperate for you, Jesus. I'm desperate for you, and I'm desperate. I'm desperate for you. I'm desperate for you, Jesus. I'm desperate for you, and I'm desperate for you. Good morning. Welcome to another morning prayer broadcast. This is Jeffrey Zimmerman. Once again, filling in for Pastor Sean Pinder today is always an honor and a privilege for me to be here in this platform, ministering to the precious saints of God today. My wife, Melanie, and I are so excited and honored to be serving alongside Pastor Sean and Pastor Amy in the ministry, and we're excited to be before all of you again today. We're just excited for all of the great things that God is doing for his church today, amen, and in the world. God is on the move, amen, and we're very grateful for the move of God. And so we want to begin by praying with all of you today. So let's pray. Father in heaven, Melanie and I join our faith with the wonderful people of God this morning. Lord, we ask that you would strengthen each person under the sound of my voice. We thank you for every one of them. No one is here by accident today. No one is here by accident, but they've tuned in today because you have a word for your people. Lift your hands to heaven today and just say thank you. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, God. Thank you for allowing me to be on this broadcast today. Thank you, Lord, for bringing us all together, Lord. And God, as I speak your words today, I pray that they would be your words. Lord God, let your people be strengthened. Let them be encouraged. Let them be uplifted, Lord God. Let faith come alive in their hearts today, Lord God, and let the word be so simple that even a child can understand what you are saying to your church today, hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. And we thank you in Jesus name, amen and amen. Amen. So we're still in the series. God never fails. Isn't that, isn't that powerful? Aren't you glad that God never fails? Because you and I fail, right? I mean all the time. You and I fail sometimes more than several times a day, amen, you know, but God never fails. God is always at maximum efficiency, at maximum effectiveness, amen? And that's good news for us. And today's title is God is ready to forgive you. Why don't you just say that and make it personal today? God is ready to forgive me. Look, the Bible says all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. You know, you're not no worse than me. I'm not no worse than you. You're not worse than somebody else. You're not better than somebody else, amen? All of us are the same as far as God is concerned. But the good news is that God is ready to forgive us, amen? And we're going to start in John chapter 6, verse 37, Jesus said, "All that the Father giveth me," this is the King James Version, "shall come to me and him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out." Isn't that good news? Anybody that comes to Jesus, he is not going to turn you away. Boy, somebody ought to shout right there, amen? Let's give God a hand clap of praise. Thank you, Lord, that you don't send any of us away. Lord, when we come to you in honesty and sincerity and faith, you will not cast us out. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Just come as you are. Just as you are, amen? Jesus says He will in no wise cast you out. Verse 38, "For I came down from heaven not to do my own will, but the will of Him that sent me." So what is the Father's will? Well, Jesus tells us, "This is Mother Father's will, which has sent me, that of all which He has given me, I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day." And this is the will of Him that sent me. That everyone which sees the Son, Jesus is the Son, and believes on Him may have everlasting life and I will raise Him up at the last day. So in other words, what Jesus is saying is, "The will of God is this, anyone who comes to Jesus, anyone who sees Him and believes on Him, who believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who believes that Jesus is the Savior of the world." That person may have everlasting life and Jesus will raise Him up at the last day. Jude verse 24 says, "Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling." Boy, that's encouraging right there. How many of you Christians sometimes, you know, wonder, "Boy, am I ever going to fall? Am I ever going to backslide?" You know, sometimes it's a concern for us, you know, and there is some teaching in the Bible that we've talked about before on this program many times about how you can not backslide, amen, but what this is saying is that Jesus is able to keep you from falling, amen, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, amen. Now how does Jesus do that? How does Jesus prevent us from falling? Well, it's very simple. You see, as I said at the beginning of the broadcast, all of us are sin. All of us have done wrong and come short of the glory of God, amen? So the Bible says in 1 John chapter 1 verse 8, "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us." So, you know, it doesn't do any good to say, "Oh, I haven't done anything wrong." There's people that act like it though, you know, and that's not the truth, amen? And you and I know it's not the truth. We know that we've done wrong. But if we confess our sins, verse 9, "He God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness," isn't that good news? So when God confronts us with our sin, we have to confess our sin. You see, we have to admit, "Yes, Lord, You're right, I have sinned." And then what does God do? He cleanses us, you see, and He forgives us. Isn't that awesome? Amen, you know, David said in Psalms 51 verse 10, "Creating me a clean heart, O God, and renew our right spirit within me." This is what David prayed after he had sinned with Bathsheba, and Nathan the prophet had confronted him, and he admitted that what he had done was wrong. You know, he said these words in verse 11, "This was David's greatest fear." He said, "Cast me not away from your presence." He's talking to God, "And take not your Holy Spirit from me." That's the one thing that David was afraid of above anything else, was that God would take His Holy Spirit from him. But see, the good news is, if we confess our sins, when God confronts us with our sin, and we say, "Yes, Lord, You're right, I've done wrong. I'm sorry," and we genuinely repent and turn away from it, then God forgives us, amen? David said, "Restore unto me the joy of your salvation." See, God is about restoration, folks. You know, there's a lot of people who think that God is just up in heaven with holding on to His lightning bolt, just waiting for us to blow it, you know, so He can strike us down and punish us, you know, and that's not the way God is at all. Amen? God, God isn't angry with us, and He does hate sin, but He's not angry with us. He wants us to make it right. He wants us to come clean. He wants us to come to Him. Jesus said, "He that comes to me, I want to know why it's cast out." He wants us to come. He's saying the day, "Come, I don't care what you've done, I don't care who you did it to, I don't care how bad it was, come and let me cleanse you, let me forgive you." And those of us who are living for God, sometimes God corrects us, amen? You know, God may use our parents, or sometimes He may use her husband or our wife, amen? And sometimes He'll use our pastors, amen, to correct us, and nobody likes to be corrected, I know I don't, amen? You know, nobody likes to be told that, you know, you're doing this wrong, you need to straighten up, you need to fix it, you know? Hebrews 12 verse 5 says, "My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when you are rebuked of Him." In other words, don't despise it when God corrects you, amen? Regardless of who He's correcting you through, you know, don't despise it, don't get tired of it, you know? For whom the Lord loves, He corrects. That word, chastens, means corrects. And He scourges every son whom He receives and every daughter whom He receives. So this is what God does because He loves us, because He doesn't want, because He knows that that sin, if it's left inside of us, it will kill us. So He's got to get it out of there, you see. So when He's corrected us and scourging us, then we need to receive it. And the Bible says in verse 7, "If you endure chastening or correction, God deals with you as with sons or daughters, for what son is He whom the Father chastens not?" God chastens everybody. I don't care who you are, I don't care how long you've been in ministry, I don't care how, you know, powerful God may move in your life, how big your church is or whatever. You are going to be corrected by God until the day you go to heaven, amen? None of us have arrived, amen? We all have things in our lives that God has to, you know, point out and say, "Hey, you need to fix that, you need to straighten that up." Amen? All of us. Watch verse 11, "Now no chastening or correction for the present seems to be joyous, but grievous." It's not any fun to be corrected by God, amen? Nobody enjoys that, you know? It's grievous, nevertheless afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby. I don't know if you've ever noticed, but when someone genuinely repents and they make things right with God, afterwards there is a fruit that comes from that person that is peaceable, you know, and you just know when a person's heart is right with God. You see a person who is producing a lot of fruit from the kingdom of God, well, that person was corrected, amen? Corrected many times, but each time you're corrected, you know, I think it was Smith Wigglesworth that said, "When the sword points to you, bow to it," amen? The Bible says it's better for us to fall onto the cornerstone than to have the stone fall on us and grind us to powder, amen? What that means is it's better for you to just go ahead on and repent and make it right, and if God has to break you over a thing, just repent, and He'll put you back together and He'll make you right again, amen, better than you were before even. John 1, 12 says, "But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name." So see, God gives us the power to serve Him. God doesn't ask you to do anything but that He gives you the power to do it. Isn't that awesome? So you don't have to do it on your own, you don't have to figure it out by yourself. God will give you the power to do what He needs you to do, amen? And if you're serving God today or if you're not serving God, maybe you've never had a chance to ask Jesus into your heart. The message today is God is ready to forgive you, and He is able to forgive you. God never fails. If we come to Him, honestly with a sincere heart, He will not turn us away. First scripture he read, Jesus said, "He that comes to me, I will know why it's cast out." If you are listening today and you've never made Jesus the Lord of your life, then I want you to bow your head with me and pray this simple prayer after me. First say, "God, I thank You for the word that I've heard today, and I thank You for Jesus Christ, Your Son. I believe that He died on the cross for my sins. I believe He was placed in a borrowed tomb, and that three days later He rose from the dead. And one day very soon He is coming again. Lord Jesus, I ask You to forgive me. I ask You to cleanse me of all unrighteousness. Lord, I receive You into my heart today as my Lord and Savior. I turn my back on the world, the flesh, and the devil. And I will serve You, the true and living God, in Jesus' name I pray, Amen and Amen. And if you prayed that prayer with me today and meant it with all your heart, Melanie and I want to welcome you and all of us that Sean Pender Ministries want to welcome you into the family of God, please type below the video and tell us that you have surrendered your life to Jesus today. Do it right now because Jesus said, "If you are ashamed of me before men, I will be ashamed of you before my Father and the angels which are in heaven." And for those of you who are saved, maybe God has been correcting you. Maybe you've been receiving a lot of correction lately, and you get a little tired of that. Let me encourage you today, don't despise the chastening of the Lord. And if He's correcting you, then just receive it. Just receive it, and let God have His way with you, you know, because it's going to produce fruit in your life, greater fruit, and you will do greater things for God than you ever imagined possible. Amen? Lord, Melanie and I join our faith with our brothers and sisters today. Lord, and God, we just ask that You remind them of the love that they have for Jesus. Remind them of the first time that they got saved. Remind them of that first love that they had for You, Lord. And God, I pray that You help them not to be tired of getting corrected. None of us like to be corrected, Lord. But Lord, help them to receive it because they realize that You correct people that You love, and that if we'll receive it and we'll fix it, then You will do mighty things to our lives. And You want to do mighty things to our lives, and You're ready to forgive Hallelujah. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen. To give in this offering, you can visit us online right now at And also many of you have the ministry apps on your phone. You can also give through the ministry app. You can also give through the ministry PayPal account that addresses ministries. You can also give through the ministry's cell account. The ministry's cell email address is You can also give through the ministry cash app account that addresses the dollar sign shawnpinda ministries. You can also text to give, all you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number 45888 and a link will automatically be sent to you. You can also give by mailing your donations into the ministry. Just remember to make your checks and money orders out to shawnpinda ministries. See you in the video box, 2726 McKinney, Texas 7570. Never forget me and my beautiful wife past Amy, we love you. We appreciate you and we'll never take you for granted. God bless you and see you'll get on tomorrow morning as we continue this series. You are never alone and if you did not have a chance to subscribe, subscribe to this video. Do it right now and make sure you turn on all of your notifications. That way you are guaranteed to be notified every single time we put out a new video. So subscribe right now. God bless you, see you on tomorrow on another morning prayer broadcast. [Music]