Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

From Tragedy to Triumph

From Tragedy to Triumph - Morning Prayer

Broadcast on:
05 Jul 2024
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From Tragedy to Triumph - Morning Prayer

Join Pastor Sean Pinner in Plano, Texas for three nights of miracles at the Plano Event Center Tuesday through Thursday, August 13 through 15 at 7 p.m. Nightly. Come and experience a life-changing time of anointed worship and powerful preaching and witness the power of God live as souls are saved, the sick are healed and lives are transformed. Register today. Visit miracle to register. This is your time for a miracle. See you there. Because I'm gonna see a victory. I'm gonna see a victory for the battle belongs to you, Lord. Sing with me, Church, because I'm gonna see a victory. I'm gonna see a victory for the battle belongs to you, Lord. Because I'm gonna see a victory. I'm gonna see a victory for the battle belongs to you, Lord. Because I'm gonna see a victory. I'm gonna see a victory for the battle belongs. Come on, sing in the weapon, maybe form. Listen here, sing. The weapon may be formed, but it won't prosper. And when the darkness falls, it won't prevail. Thank you, Jesus, because the God our servant knows only how to try him. And my God will never fail. Say that again, my God, and my God will never fail. Guess what? Because I'm gonna see a victory. Come on, Church, I'm gonna see a victory for the battle belongs to you, Lord. 'Cause I'm gonna see a victory. I'm gonna see a victory for the battle belongs to you, Lord. 'Cause I'm gonna see... Hello, everyone. I first want to give an honor to God, and to my pastors. Pastor Shine and Amy Pender for allowing us to be here today and giving this opportunity to be able to introduce my lovely wife, Andrea Jones. She's been ministering now for over 20 years, and I'm sure you guys gonna be in for a treat. Proverbs 69 says, "A person's heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps." With that being said, you have the heart and your own understanding, and sometimes you think that, oh, that's the right way, but God is the right way. Follow and obey God, and he will always see you through and give you the victory in the name of Jesus we thank you. And without further ado, I'd like to introduce my lovely wife, minister, Andrea Jones. God is so good. He's good all the time, and all the time, God is good. I first give honor to God who is the head of my life. He is my salvation. He is my source. He is my strength. He is my every, hallelujah. He is my everything. Lord, I glorify your name. Hallelujah. I'd also like to honor my husband, Edwin Jones. Amen. I love him so much. He is my love of my life. Amen. But I'd also like to give all the honor to my pastor's pastor, Sean, and pastor Amy Pender. God is so good. And I just thank God for that, for putting us together. Amen. I feel like this is divine. Amen. It's a divine intervention. That's even coming to know each other that God would lead me to this church miracle healing center where I could find such great pastors. It's not been easy. It hasn't been an easy journey. My husband can attest to that. When we left our homes in California and moved to first Georgia and then here to Texas to find a ministry that we could really connect to where we felt that the unadulterated. Amen. That's the key. The unadulterated, uncompromised gospel of Jesus Christ was being preached. Amen. And he led us to miracle healing center. I thank God for that. I was just looking for the power of God. Amen. A move of the anointing. The fivefold ministry. Amen. And God's self fit to give me a platform and I'm praising for it. Amen. Because as I said in my last opportunity that to speak a few months ago, hallelujah. My calling was delayed, but it was not denied. Amen. My ministry was delayed, but not denied. Amen. We are going to continue speaking to you from the topic. God never fails. But before I go into the topic for today where I want to talk about going from tragedy to triumph. Amen. From tragedy to triumph. Let's just take a moment and pray. Dear Heavenly Father God in the name of Jesus. Thank you Jesus. You're an awesome God. You're a beautiful God. Amen. Hallelujah. And your mercy. Hallelujah. It's everlasting. Hallelujah. Your truth. It endures. Hallelujah to all generations. Thank you God for just loving me. Thank you God for your anointing power. I ask you God to look on your people today, Lord God. Every single person that is tuned in this morning. Look on them, Lord Jesus. Touch them. Let your anointing power flow upon them. Lord Jesus and open their eyes and their ears to understand and their spirits to understanding Lord God. So that I may be able to minister a word to them that might give them encouragement to let them know that they can hold on just a little while longer. That their change is going to come. That no matter what circumstance has come in their life, Lord God, that you can turn it around. Amen. For their good. In Jesus name. Amen. Amen. The last time I spoke, I spoke about why God never fails. Amen. And I spoke about how God is omnipresent. He's everywhere. How he is omniscient. He's all knowing. And how he is omnipotent, meaning he's all powerful. Amen. But sometimes we in our humanness, we start to question and wonder, well, God is so loving. And if he can't fail, then why is there so much suffering in the world? Doesn't he love us? Amen. Why did I have to go through this tragedy? Why did I have to suffer so much pain? If God loves me, why is life so hard sometimes? Amen. And I want to answer this for you today. Amen. But what I would like to do is first go back to the beginning. We got to go back to the beginning. We got to go back to the garden to understand, amen. And examine this. Let's look at Genesis so we can examine the fallen man. So I'm going to be jumping around. I'm going to read some scriptures to you first, and then we're going to dive in and dissect. Okay, if that's all right. We're going to go to Genesis the first chapter. I'm going to start at the 26th verse. And it says, and God said, let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fall of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth up on the earth. So God created Mansar in his own image, and the image of God created he male and female created he them. And God blessed them and God said unto them, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fall of the air and over every living thing that moved up on the earth. And moving on to Genesis two, eight, 16 and seven geniuses, and the Lord planted the garden eastward and Eden. And there he put the man whom he had formed and the Lord, God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. Dremping down to the 16th verses says, and the Lord commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden down may is freely eat. But the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shall not eat of it. For in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shall surely die. And in the third of chapter beginning at the fourth verses says, and the serpent said unto the woman he shall not surely die so he immediately contradicted God. He said, for God doeth know that in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. So what did Eve do? She took that forbidden fruit, took it to Adam and they ate. And in the 22nd verses said, and the Lord God said, behold, the man has become as one of us to know good and evil, and now lest he put forth his hand and take off of the tree of life and eat and live forever. Therefore the Lord sent him forth from the garden of Eden to till the ground from which he was taken. So he drove out the man and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden, cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life. Amen. When God created man, he created him perfect and in his image. He created him in the image of God. God breathed his breath into man and he became a living soul. Amen. That breath of God was the creation of a spirit into molded clay. Literally, Adam means dirt. It means ground. He created man from the dust of the ground and he molded this dirt and breathed into this dirt. Amen. He breathed into him and man became a living soul. And just like God has a free will, he gave man a free will. He gave that soul free will to make choices. Amen. Just like man started off sinless. Amen. And perfect relationship with God. But Satan having been kicked out of heaven because of his rebellion became jealous and sought to corrupt this man that the Bible says was made a little lower than the angels. And Psalms eight and five speaks to this. So because Satan, remember Satan wasn't angel and he got kicked out of heaven. And he got high minded and he started thinking of himself more highly than he should and he thought that he should even take the throne and the place of God. Now, God, in Satan's mind, he's saying, now God, he's creating this life form. That's a little lower than me. I was an angel. He created this life form lower than me. And now he's giving it dominion over the whole earth. He's giving it power to subdue the earth and to control it. I want it to be God. I want my own dominion. I have a plan. I know what I'm going to do. So Satan, the disrupter and distorter, the liar, the killer and the jealous hearted thief that was cast out of heaven along with one third of the heavenly host that he was able to convince to come and follow him. He convinced him and he was sentenced to eternity. In hell. And so he sought to steal man's birthright. He said before, I can't let this go. I want to have my own dominion. I want to have what God is giving this man to rule over. This piece of dirt to rule over. I'm higher than him. He could still rulership over earth. That's what he sought to do. After all, Satan thought how dare God convict me to hell and give a whole world to this lump of dirt, the audacity. He thought the audacity of God. So Satan got very high minded. And see, the thing is he thought he was better than man. And he thought that he should have power and authority that God had given to man. And that right there, I'm telling you, that's the foundation of racism right there. It's the concept and the ideology that comes straight from hell to think that someone is better than someone else and higher than someone else. But that's a little sidebar right there. So Satan, he succeeded in his plan and causing man to sin. And just as Satan was kicked out of heaven, he caused a man through sin to be kicked out of Eden. But Eden in Hebrew means presence and/or delight. The word Eden itself is made up of three Hebrew letters that are made up of five shapes. And each one of those shapes has its own meaning. And the meaning of those shapes are spot, moment, presence, open door, and delightful. But so man was kicked out of the spot in the moment in the presence of God where he had delight. God had an open door to him. There was a communion with man and God. They dwelt together. They talked together. They walked together. There was purity. There was innocence. But through sin, it became corrupted. And nothing that is corrupt can dwell in the sight and in the eyes of God. So he had to remove him from his presence. So he was removed out of Eden, out of the presence of God. But thank God for his grace and for his mercy because God gave him a second chance. God has given man a second chance to redeem himself back to him. Like the prodigal son who had went astray. God has given man an opportunity to come back into communion with God. We have an opportunity to reenter relationship, to reenter Eden, amen, with God. To be in the delight of God, to be in communion with God. So let's get to the point. Sin is a corruptor brought on by the author of Confusion. Sin brought death and suffering into the world. When Satan presented himself before God in the book of Job, he said that he was going, had been going back and forth to and fro around the earth seeking whom he may devour. Amen. Suffering was brought into the world through sin. It is not God that brought suffering. But he allows it. God will allow it. And he will bring forth correction and punishment for disobedience because he sees the bigger picture that we can't not always see. He is putting the pieces of our story together to work out everything for our good. As it says in Romans 828, and we know that all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord and are the called according to his purpose. The key point in that verse is love the Lord. Then there's a scripture that says if you love me, you will keep my commandments. Amen. Those that love the Lord follow him. Those that love the Lord worship him. Amen. And there's another scripture that says that you praise me with your lips, your hearts are far from me. God knows the difference. You can't fool God. If we love him and we keep his commandments, then he will bless us. All things work together for the good of those that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. Now, I want to share this story with you because this speaks to how God can turn your tragedy into a triumph. Amen. He will turn your tragedy into a triumph. My parents lost their firstborn child when he was just six months old. They were young at that time and they were unsaved. My mother was 19 years old and my father had just turned 21. And it hurt them to their very core because it didn't seem to make sense. He had been sick, but he had gotten better. He had a big brother, Daryl, and they woke up on the morning of February 28, 1960, and they went over to his bed and they felt him and his body had turned cold. And so in a rush and in a panic, they called for the ambulance and the police came and eventually the coroner. And they pronounced him dead. She was overwhelmed and her heart began to race as she called for my father. But the Lord had already taken Daryl home. Now, at his funeral, my mother was given a card with a poem on it that she probably still has to this day because I know I saw it about a decade ago. And there was a line in this poem that she will never forget because it stuck with her from that point in time when she was still unsaved to this day. And that line said, "But will you, till I call him back, take care of him from me?" Even though she was unsaved at the time, she knew that her child was with God. That his purpose on earth had been fulfilled in the short six months that he was here. And that his life and his demise were all a part of God's plan. My parents didn't understand it in that moment, but they came to realize that that tragedy in their life was part of God's bigger picture. Just about a year ago, I was talking to my dad and I called him again this morning to ask permission to share this story. And my dad had shared with me that he believes that had that tragedy not taken place in their life, that he would not be saved today. He knew that he wasn't saved and he knew that he wouldn't have raised his son right. But God used that tragedy, that baby, that infant to come into their lives, to realign them to get their attention. So my father and my mother, short time later, they both wound up dedicating their lives to God. They both got saved. They got saved for real. My dad had been in church. My mother had been in church. She was in the Methodist church. My father was in the Baptist church. He would go out and he would teach Sunday school, go out and smoke and drink and do everything else that he wanted to do, just living like the world. But when he got saved for real, amen, they got saved after their son had died and they got filled with the Holy Ghost. Amen. And it was evidenced by speaking in tongues and they grew in their faith and they became active in the ministry. They birthed four more children into this world and they raised us in the fear and the admonition of God. My father went on to pastor at church for over 50 years and while he was pastoring, he mentored many young ministers who went on to become pastors themselves and started churches throughout the United States. And every last one of his children, including myself, are saved, sanctified, Holy Ghost filled in the church and spreading the gospel in our communities, living Godly lives on purpose in front of the world so that they can see the light of Jesus in us. So, you can't tell me that God can fail. God doesn't fail. He can't fail. We just can't look into the eternity and see what he sees. We are finite and he is infinite. We have limited understanding while his knowledge is limitless. And our Bible tells us that God is a reward of them that diligently seek him, meaning that no matter what the situation looks like on this side of eternity, God has a reward for you. You may not get all of the blessing in this lifetime. You might get a partial blessing, but he has an eternal reward for you in glory. Let me leave you with this scripture from Jeremiah. In Jeremiah 29, 11, it says, "For I know the thoughts, meaning the plans that I think towards you," said the Lord. "Thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end." Amen. God never fails. He has it all in his hands. Quickly let us pray. Dear Heavenly Father God, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for your word. I thank you for your people. Let them understand that no matter what they're going through, no matter how hard, no matter what tragedy they've come against, Lord. No matter what mountains are in their way, the Lord God, you can turn that mountain into a molehill. You can turn that stumbling block into a stepping stone. You can turn that hurdle into a highway that takes them one step closer to your throne, dear Jesus. Lord, let them understand that there is a purpose for their pain, that you can turn that tragedy into a triumph in the name of Jesus. Thank you, Father God. Amen. To give in this offering, you can visit us online right now at And also many of you have the ministry apps on your phone. You can also give through the ministry app. You can also give through the ministry pay pile account that addresses You can also give through the ministry zeal account. The ministry zeal email address is You can also give through the ministry cash app account that addresses the dollar sign Seanpinda ministries. You can also text to give. All you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number four, five, eight, eight, eight, and a link will automatically be sent to you. You can also give by mailing your donations into the ministry. Just remember to make your checks and money orders out to Seanpinda ministries PO Box 2726 McKinney, Texas 755070. Never forget me and my beautiful wife past Amy. We love you. We appreciate you and we'll never take you for granted. God bless you and see you get on tomorrow morning as we continue this series. You are never alone. And if you did not have a chance to subscribe, subscribe to this video. 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