Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

The Weapon Formed Did Not Prosper

Discover how Herod's evil plan to kill the infant King was thwarted by God's divine intervention. Don't miss the opportunity to explore this incredible story of faith, protection, and the unyielding presence of God's guidance.

Broadcast on:
27 Jun 2024
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Discover how Herod's evil plan to kill the infant King was thwarted by God's divine intervention. Don't miss the opportunity to explore this incredible story of faith, protection, and the unyielding presence of God's guidance.

[MUSIC PLAYING] Join Pastor Sean Pinner in Plano, Texas, with three nights of miracles at the Plano Event Center, Tuesday through Thursday, August 13 through 15, at 7 p.m. Nightly. Come and experience a life-changing time of anointed worship and powerful preaching, and witness the power of God live as souls are saved, the sick are healed, and lives are transformed. Register today. Visit to register. This is your time for a miracle. See you there. Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders. Let me walk upon the waters wherever you will call me. And take me deeper than my feet could ever wonder. And my faith would be made stronger in the presence of my Savior singing with me church. And Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders. Let me walk upon the waters wherever you will call me. And take me deeper than my feet could ever wonder. And my faith would be made stronger in the presence of my Savior. And Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders. Let me walk upon the waters wherever you would call me. And take me deeper than my feet could ever wonder. And my faith would be made stronger in the presence of my Savior. Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders. Let me walk upon the waters wherever you would call me. And take me deeper than my feet could ever wonder. And my faith would be made stronger in the presence of my Father God, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, me and Pastor Amy, we join our faith, which are wonderful people here this morning. Father God, we ask you to minister to them. We ask you to touch them, strengthen them, encourage them, Lord. You know exactly what they are facing. Let them know they are never alone. You promise to be right there with us. You say, when you go through the waters, I'll be with you. And through the rivers, they'll not overflow you. When you go through the fire, the hours shall not be burned. Neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. Refresh your people this morning. Answer them through the Word of God. Let them know everything's going to be all right. Give them peace this morning. Peace of mind. Heal that sick body this morning. Let's react with cancer. Stealing with diabetes, heart disease. Those who have just had surgeries on their body. Give them a miracle, God. Give them a miracle, I pray. Heal your people this morning. Let the touch of the Holy Ghost flow through their bodies. Make them well in the name of Jesus. Make them every been whole. From the crown of the edge of the souls of their feet. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Somebody say, amen. Good morning to you, Saints of the Most High. So glad to be back with you again on this morning. As we continue our new series, you are never alone. You are never alone. And on this morning, we're talking about this. The weapon formed did not prosper. Aren't you glad the weapon formed did not prosper? Because the enemy wants you destroyed. Jesus said, the thief comes to do three things. He come to steal, he come to kill, and he come to destroy. But Jesus said, I've come that they can have life and have it more abundantly. We wrestle not against flesh and blood. So Paul says in Ephesians 6, 12. But against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness, in high places, therefore take unto you the whole arm of God that you may be able to stand. And having done all to stand, stand, praise be to God. Let's go into the book of Matthew chapter two, verses one through three, and then seven through sixteen. The whole, this whole series is to let you know you are never alone because, you know, sometimes in life, as a child of God, walk in your faith out with God. You all right, girls? Sometimes as a child of God, walk in your faith out with God, there are times that we feel like, man, I feel like I'm here by myself. And the Holy Ghost in those moments have to remind you, you are not by yourself. Jesus said, I'll never leave you nor forsake you. Jesus said, when the Holy Ghost comes, the Holy Spirit will be with us, He will abide with us, and He'll live in us forever. So once you are saved and you give your heart to Christ, the Spirit of God comes to live on the inside of you, and He is there 24/7. Not a second of the year, the Holy Ghost is not with you. He is there, which you right now. This is why we walk by faith and not by sight, because our feelings, it's like a rollercoaster, it's up one moment, it's down the next. But God is consistent, He's always with you. Are you hearing me? Matthew chapter two, beginning at verse one through three. Now, when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of Herod the king behold there, came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, saying, where is he that is born king of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east and are come to worship him. When Herod the king heard these things, he was troubled and all Jerusalem with him because Herod was the king. Herod was the one ruling on the throne, and here comes these, the Magi saying, there's someone else born king of the Jews, my wife didn't give birth to no kid, we got problems. And we know we know where those kings feel threatened by anybody, their whole goal is to annihilate and assassinate and eliminate, come on somebody. They inherit, we need to privately call the wise men and quiet of them, diligently, this verse seven, would time the star pet. And he sent them to Bethlehem, listen to this deceiver now. There's this liar, watch Herod. And he sent them to Bethlehem and said, go and search diligently for the young child. And when you have found him, bring me word again that I may come and worship him also. Now, you know Herod didn't want to worship Jesus. He wanted to annihilate him. He wanted to do away with him. He wanted to put him out of the way. And in fact, so what he did as soon as the wise men went to Herod's palace, Herod called all of his, he called all of the rabbis together who knew the scriptures. And the rabbis told Herod the prophecies in the Old Testament that's pointed out where the Messiah would be born. And that's how Herod knew to tell the man, go to Bethlehem or go to this place. And so they got the information, they got the information that they needed from Herod from the very one, from the very one that Satan wanted to use to kill Jesus. Isn't this amazing that they got the information from Herod? And so Herod told them, Herod straight up told them, he sent them to Bethlehem. It's amazing who God will use the accomplices will, right? Now watch this, when they had heard the king, they departed and lo the star which they saw in the east went before them till it came and stood over the place where the young child was. They are following that star. I mean, God's making a massive announcement. This thing isn't done in a con in secret. God has let in the whole of everyone in that region. No, a king has been born because of the star. And the Magi had been following the star for several months and now they came to the place. The Bible says in verse 10, when they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy and when they will come into the house, they saw the young child would marry his mother and fell down and worshiped him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts, gold, and frankincense and mer. I mean, what an amazing moment this must have been in the lives of these wise men who had seen the star, knew what it meant and came from a whole nother country, traveled for months by way of camel. And then they got the rest of the information from King Herod that's just mind-blowing to me. Mind-blowing that they got the rest of the information from King Herod, the very one who wanted to destroy Jesus. Now watch this. Now these wise men, because notice Herod told them, in verse eight, listen to what Herod said, and he sent them to Bethlehem and said, go and search diligently for the young child and when you have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also. Now these wise men, they had believed what Herod said. So being men of their word, they had every intention to return to Herod and say, hey, look, we found the young child, the star was directly positioned over the place where this young baby was born and we presented a gift stamp. So the wise men had every intention to go back to Herod and tell Herod that they had found the king, the new baby who would be king and they would have given Herod all of the information and let Herod know exactly where he was. But watch how God interrupts the plans of the enemy because Herod deceived those men. They actually thought they can trust Herod. They thought they could trust him because they were about to return back to Herod. But don't you just love God, who was always there to block the plans of the enemy. The weapon formed did not prosper, watch this. So they went to bed that night, excited and ecstatic that they had seen the Lord Jesus Christ, they had seen the baby Jesus, they had seen the king, the promised Messiah and when they went to bed, listen to verse 12 says, verse 12 says, "And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way." So for God to have to want him in a dream and tell them not to return to Herod, they did not understand, they did not realize that Herod was deceiving them to get the information out of them where Jesus was so he could go and kill the baby Jesus so he can go and annihilate him and get him out of the way. But the Holy Ghost in a vein, God in a vein, God into vein in the plans of the enemy and shut it down, broke through his deception. And the Bible says in verse 12 being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod. God is saying, don't go that way. Don't go that way if you go that way, it's gonna be disaster. Being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way. Watch this, verse 13 says, "And when they were departed, behold the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream saying, arise and take the young child and his mother and flee into Egypt and be thou there until I bring thee word, for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. Not only did God warn the wise men, but now God is warning Mary and Joseph. God is telling them, I need you to arise and take the young child and his mother and flee into Egypt and be thou there until I bring thee word, for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. Are you paying attention to this? I'm here to tell somebody you are not alone and the weapon formed against you will not prosper. You are not alone, the wise men were not alone. You see, God is which, but God is not gonna speak until it's necessary. That's why sometimes you wanna God wear eye, you know? He is right there and at the right moment he'll open his mouth and he'll speak and he'll bring direction, he'll bring clarity, he'll cancel out the plans of the enemy, he will bring divine protection, he will bring victory and he'll bring you through love to the other side safely. And he said, flee into Egypt and be thou there until I bring thee word, for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night and departed into Egypt and was there until the death of Herod that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken of the Lord by the prophets and out of Egypt, have I call my son, the weapon formed. Didn't not prosper, you were never alone saints, he is right there with you. Can someone just lift your hands to heaven and say, God is right there with me? Open your mouth and say, I'm not alone, I'm not in this by myself. I didn't call myself, I didn't choose myself, God chose me. God called me, so he's responsible for me. God is right there with you, whether you feel like it or not. We have his word, we have his promise. I'll never leave you, nor forsake you, but I will be with you, even under the end. Come on, let's pray, join your faith with me. Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I cover your people, mean Pastor Amy, we cover them in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, we pray that you would strengthen them, we pray that you would encourage them, we pray that you would comfort them, give them that assurance in their heart and in their spirit, that the weapon formed will not prosper, give them that assurance law that you are right there with them, whether they feel it or not, you are right there with them. We thank you, God, for your faithfulness in the name of Jesus Christ. Listen, I wanna give someone an opportunity to give you a heart to Jesus, he loves you. The word of God declares for God, so love the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believe in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. He loves you and he wants to forgive you and restore you, quit running, it's time to yield. I want you to bow your head in reverence to God and say this pray with me, say, Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God, I believe you died on Calvary Cross for me. They crucified you and called blood, buried you in a borrowed tomb, but on the third day, God raised you from the dead. You are now seated at God's right hand and soon and very soon, you are coming again. Thank you Lord for forgiving me of my sins and writing my name in the Lamb's Book of Life. If you prayed that prayer and meant it with all of your heart, let me in pass the amen encourage you and say to you, welcome into the family of God, your sins are forgiven. I want you to type below this video right now, I've just surrendered my life to Jesus. I've just surrendered my life to Jesus. It's the most important decision you can make in your entire lifetime. We created a booklet for you as call first steps in a new direction. We encourage you to scan that QR code and download that booklet. We ask you to do three things. The first one, we encourage you and ask you to talk to God on a daily basis. It's simply, it's called prayer, talking to God. And you end every prayer by saying, in Jesus' name I pray, amen. The second thing we ask you to do is download our ministry app. We have over 4,000 teaching videos that would encourage you and help you grow in your relationship with the Lord Jesus. And also in this ministry app, we have several free translations of the Bible. And we encourage you, this is the second thing we want you to do. Begin reading the Gospel of the Book of John. It's the easiest, one of the easiest books in the Bible to understand. It would certainly encourage you and speak to you. God uses the Word of God through that Bible. They speak to us and encourage us and teach us many things. The third thing we ask you to do is join a Holy Ghost Bible Believing Church if you live in the DFW area. We invite you to join us at Miracle Healing Center Church, Sunday mornings at 10 a.m., right in the city of McKinney, Texas. We meet our Carkerel Middle School every Sunday at 10 a.m., the address, the information is on the screen. We'd love to have you as a part of our congregation. Amen. Listen, we love all of you, and we just ask you a wonderful viewing audience. Continue to support this ministry and the work of God. In fact, I'm asking you so see it right now so that we could continue to preach this Gospel around the world. We can not do this without your help. Amen. To give in this offering, you can visit us online right now at And also many of you have the ministry apps on your phone. You can also give through the ministry app. You can also give through the ministry pay pile account that addresses You can also give through the ministry Zell account, the ministry Zell email addresses info at You can also give through the ministry cash app account that addresses the dollar sign shawnpinda ministries. You can also text to give all you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number four, five, eight, eight, and a link will automatically be sent to you. You can also give by mailing your donations into the ministry. Just remember to make your checks and money orders out to shawnpinda ministries PO Box 2726 McKinney, Texas 7570. Never forget me and my beautiful wife, past Amy, we love you. We appreciate you and we'll never take you for granted. God bless you and see you'll get on tomorrow morning as we continue this series. You are never alone. And if you did not have a chance to subscribe, subscribe to this video. Do it right now and make sure you turn on all of your notifications. That way you are guaranteed to be notified every single time we put out a new video. So subscribe right now. God bless you. See you on tomorrow on another morning prayer broadcast. (dramatic music) (dramatic music)