Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

The Power of Your Obedience

Unlock the incredible power of obedience with this eye-opening morning devotion! Discover how David's decision to obey his parents led him to face Goliath, and ultimately conquer the giant and step into his destiny!

Broadcast on:
29 Jun 2024
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Unlock the incredible power of obedience with this eye-opening morning devotion! Discover how David's decision to obey his parents led him to face Goliath, and ultimately conquer the giant and step into his destiny!

Join Pastor Sean Pinner in Plano, Texas for three nights of miracles at the Plano Event Center Tuesday through Thursday, August 13 through 15 at 7 p.m. Nightly. Come and experience a life-changing time of anointed worship and powerful preaching and witness the power of God live as souls are saved, the sick are healed and lives are transformed. Register today. Visit miracle to register. This is your time for a miracle. See you there. Glory of your presence. We your temple. Give you reverence. So arise to your rest and be blessed by our praise as we glory in your embrace. As your presence now gives you reverence. Give you reverence. So arise to your rest and be blessed by our praise as we glory in your embrace. As your presence now feeds this place. Well, good morning and welcome to another morning prayer broadcast with Sean Pinner Ministries. I'm Sarah Pender, one of the daughters of Pastor Sean and Pastor Amy Pender and I just want to say what an honor it is to be filling in for them. They are faithful, committed people. They love God. They love us their kids and they love you, their church and their online family. And I just want to say what an honor it is to be filling in for them and speaking with you on this morning. I believe that God has a word for you on this morning, the power of your obedience. We will be reading the story of David and Goliath and I believe that God is going to minister to you on this morning. But before we jump into the word, I just want to pray with you on this morning. Father God, we lift you on this morning. We thank you for another day just to serve you, just to see your beautiful plan manifest in our lives. God, we are just grateful for you. And Father God, I pray that you use me to minister this word in a way that only you want this word to administer God. I lift up your people before you on today God. I pray that you encourage them. I pray that you strengthen them. I pray that you bless them God. I pray that you open their eyes and their hearts to understand this word. I pray this word resonates with their spirit God. I pray for revelation, knowledge over your people in this morning, God, and that they know how to apply this word to their lives today. In Jesus name, Amen. So we will be reading from the passage of 1 Samuel chapter 17. And we're going to begin at verse 4 through 7. And at this point in time, the Israelites were at war with the Philistines and the Philistines had sent out this giant Goliath. So the Israelites were facing this problem. They were facing this obstacle that they had never faced before and they're terrified. So we're going to begin with first four it says then Goliath, a Philistine champion from Geth came out of the Philistine ranks to face the forces of Israel. He was over nine feet tall. He wore a bronze helmet and his bronze coat of male weighed 125 pounds. He also wore bronze leg armor and he carried a bronze javelin on his shoulder. So this dude was carrying heavy thick equipment on him and he wasn't just that strong enough to carry it. He was planning to fight with it. And it says the shaft of his spear was as heavy and thick as weavers beam tipped with an iron spear hit that weighed 15 pounds. His armor bear walked ahead of him carrying a shield. In verse 8 it says Goliath stood tall and shouted a taunt across to the Israelites. Why are you all coming out to fight he called? I am the Philistine champion, but you are only the servants of Saul. Choose one man to come down here and fight me. So this was basically a fixed fight in the in the physical sense. He was basically a big giant carrying all this heavy armor and expecting one man to come out and fight him. One ordinary man. And it says when Saul and the Israelites heard this they were terrified and deeply shaken. So have you ever had a new challenge appear in your life? Has things ever gone wrong in a way that you never expected? How how can we be prepared for these sudden obstacles that suddenly appear in our life and we have no idea how to face them? So now we're gonna read about David and we're gonna turn to the verse verse 12 of verse Samuel chapter 17 and it says Now David was the son of a man named Jesse and Ephrithite from Bethlehem in the lands of Judah. Jesse was an old man at the time and he had eight sons. Jesse's three oldest sons, Eliab, Abinadab and Shimya, had already joined Saul's army to fight the Philistines. David was the youngest son. David's three oldest brothers stayed with Saul's army. But David went back and forth so he could help his father with the sheep in Bethlehem. So you see David was a common shepherd. He was just looking after sheep in the fields, watching sheep. This seemed like a very non-important job. In fact in those days that was actually considered very lowly job. So he was just in the field serving his father and also he was an errand boy. The Bible says he was running up and down from the fields all the way to Saul's army just to deliver food to his brothers. He wasn't even delivering important messages. He was just delivering food so no doubt this job felt unimportant. This job seemed unimportant. But what is significant here was that David was serving his father. What's important was that David was honoring his father. And we're going to move on to verse 16 verse 23 and it says for 40 days every morning and evening the Philistines champions strut it in front of the Israelite army. And one day Jesse said to David take this basket of roasted grain and these ten levels of bread and carry them quickly to your brothers. Now notice here that Jesse told David to carry them quickly. Now we don't even know why Jesse said this. I don't know what the urgency was. But maybe this was being orchestrated by God because we're not even sure why Jesse told David to carry this quickly to his brothers. And he said give these tickets of cheese to their captain. See how your brothers are getting along and bring back a report on how they were doing. David's brothers were with Saul and the Israelite army and at the Valley of Ela fighting against the Philistines. So David left the sheep with another shepherd and set out early the next morning with skips as Jesse had directed him. He arrived at the camp just as the Israelite army was leaving for the battlefield with shouting butterflies. So you see this was just another ordinary trip for David. This was just another ordinary Aaron. He was running for his father. He was just delivering food to his brothers checking on them bringing a report back to his father. But if it's one thing I want to note here is that the will of God is found in daily obedience. This was just another day for David. This was just an ordinary day that he was obeying his father just as he always did. And Jesse was entrusting David with this simple task the simple mission and he gave David detailed instructions because he knew David would carry it out exactly the way he wanted him to. You see David was responsible he left the sheep with another shepherd. David was someone Jesse could depend on and it says in verse 21 soon the Israelite and the Philistines forces stood facing each other army against army. David left his things with the keeper of supplies and hurried out to their ranks to greet his brothers. So you see not only to David obey his father he obeyed his father exactly the way he wanted him to. Jesse told him to leave quickly and David hurried out to greet his brothers. So you see in obeying the timing of his father David was actually walking into the timing of God and it says as he was talking with them Goliath the Philistine champion from Geth came out from the Philistine ranks then David heard him shout his usual taunt at the army of Israel. So it because David obey the timing of his father he was walking in the timing of God. As he hurried out there to Saul's army he happens to come when just as Goliath came out again and was taunting the Israelite army again. Now you see David didn't respond the same way as Saul's army. When David heard this he was actually disturbed like you got to remember David had just been previously anointed by the prophet Samuel in chapter 16. So God this at this point in time God had rejected King Saul because of his continual disobedience. So God told the prophet Samuel that I'm going to anoint one of Jesse's sons. So when Samuel came to Jesse's house to anoint each one of the sons he kept trying to anoint one of them and God kept saying it's not that one it's not that one. So Samuel was finally like Jesse do you have any more sons because God told me it's one of your sons who's going to be King and it's none of these seven. So Jesse told the prophet Samuel yes I do have one more son and he's out in the fields. So here's something to consider here David's brothers were lining themselves up to be King they were lining themselves up to be God's next annoyance at one hoping to be in that position of authority and in the meantime here David was out in the fields looking after his father's flock he was out in the fields just doing his technically non-important job but here he was serving his father. You see David wasn't seeking a position of authority he was seeking to obey God by honoring his father. You got to remember Jesus told us in the book of Matthew chapter 6 verse 33 but seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and then all these things shall be added unto you. So we have to seek God's kingdom first and how do we seek God's kingdom we obey his word we obey the simplicity of his word and you see development doesn't happen on the platform. It actually happens in the secret place often it's actually fun and we often pray to God to show us his will to imagining it's this you know one major decision or one major moment or a life that leads us into God's perfect destiny but the truth is the will of God is found in daily obedience. It's not suddenly just this one moment in our life that we suddenly do something big for God and fulfill his will for our life it's actually our daily submission to say yes to God it's our daily submission to say yes I'm not gonna respond to this person this way yes I'm gonna have the right attitude yes I'm gonna respect my parents yes I'm gonna respect those in a position of authority yes I'm gonna respect my boss man on the job and carry out his task the way he wants it to be done. And you see even Joseph found the will of God on a mission for his father to check on his brothers. Jacob had told Joseph to go check on his brothers who are out in the field and obviously Joseph was consistently obeying his father and walking in obedience because Joseph did it and Joseph may have not even seen the reward of his obedience so immediately in fact I bet Joseph thought he got himself in trouble for obeying his father and act of obedience to his father that's when he actually got sold into slavery and he became a slave and he was actually lied on at throne and prison but you see even though the reward of our obedience may not come immediately God has a great plan for you just trust God and obey his plan because Joseph was later on promoted to the palace and he ended up saving his entire family just through one of acts of obedience just through a daily lifestyle of obedience to God. So you see as Samu was trying to anoint each of Jesse's sons God told him people judge by outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart so I want to ask you this morning where is your heart are you seeking some position are you seeking to look good or are you just seeking to please God's heart are you just seeking to obey God that's why your heart should be we should just want our hearts to please God's heart and here's the good news we can be in the will of God right now we can be in the perfect will of God right now it starts with the basics of just obeying his commandments even the fifth the very fifth commandment the Bible says to honor your father and mother then you will live a long full life in the land your Lord God is giving you that that's in the book of Exodus chapter twenty verse twelve and one of the very first words of wisdom King Solomon one of the wisest men on earth before Jesus this is what he said first he tells us to fear God but then he says in problems chapter one verse eight my son here the instruction of my father and forsake not the law of thy mother so you see there is such power and just even honoring our parents and just obeying our parents you know why that is because how we obey our parents how we honor our parents how we treat those people in position of authority how we treat our bossmen on the job that's how we're treating God God tells us to obey our parents so when we will bear our parents we're obeying God God tells us to respect those in positions of authority so when we respect those people we're respecting God this is why it's so important to carry out your tasks the way your boss tells you to this is why it's so important to just respect and obey those in authority like your parents because when you obey your parents you obey God your honor and God in this that it may seem simple it may seem small but God is watching and it's obvious that David knew these principles it was obvious he was out there in the fields meditating on God's word day at night David honored his father because he honored God and you see because he honored God he was walking in the will of God verse 27 David acts the soldier standing nearby what will a man get for killing this Philistine and ending his defiance of Israel who is this pagan Philistine anyway that he is allowed to defy the armies of the living God so you see David didn't see Goliath the same way that the Israelites saw him he knew that God was with him and he he wondered why they were so afraid because God was with them they just needed to trust God and we're gonna skip on to verse 31 through 37 and it says then David's question was reported to King Saul and the King sent for him don't worry about this Philistine David told Saul I'll go fight him now these are very bold words where is David getting this idea or faith that he could fight the giant and that's because David understood who God was who God was but where did he get this exact idea that he could defeat a giant and in verse 33 Saul said don't be ridiculous there's no way you can fight this Philistine and possibly win you're only a boy and he's a man of war since his youth but David persisted I have been taking care of my father sheep and goats he said when a lion or bear comes to steal a lamb from the flock I go after it with a club and rescue the lamb from its mouth if the animal turns on me I catch it by the jaw and club it to death I have done this to both lions and bears and I'll do it again to this Philistine too for he has defied the armies of the living God so you see it was behind the scenes doing his father's work when David learned to depend on God he had seen God deliver him from lions and bears and he knew that the same God would do it again he know that God would not fill him again you see his training actually took place in his father's field and verse 37 Dave said the Lord who rescued me from the claw of the lion and the bear will rescue me from this Philistine so Saul finally consented all right go ahead he said and may the Lord be with you and in verse 40 it says he picked up five David he picked up five smooth stones from a stream and put them into his shepherd's bag then armed only with his shepherd staff in a sling he started across to the valley to fight the Philistine Goliath walked out toward David with his shield bearer ahead of them snareg and contempt at the ruddy faced boy am I a dog he run a David that you come at me with a stick and he cursed David by the name of his gods come over here and I'll give your flesh to the birds and the wild animals good life young so you see when these certain obstacles come challenging you what's important to know is that they're not actually challenging you they're challenging God God is living inside of you when your enemy tries to challenge you they're actually challenging God and David replied to the Philistine you come to me with a sword spear and javelin but I come to you in the name of the lord of heaven's armies the god of the armies of isro whom you have defied today he didn't say I will conquer he said today the lord will conquer you and I will kill you and cut off your head and then I will give the dead bodies of your men to the birds and the wild animals and the whole world will know that there is a god in isro you see David want to god to get glory out of this David and say and everyone will know that I served god or didn't David didn't even say everyone will know that I conquered the shrine he said everyone will know that there is a god in isro david just wanted god to get the glory out of this battle and everyone assembled here will know that the lord rescues his people but not with sword and spear this is the lord's battle and he will give you to us and as goliath moved closer to attack david quickly ran out to meet him reaching to his shepherd's bag and taking out a stone he heard it with his sling and hit the philistine in the forehead then the stone sank in and goliath stumbled and fell face down on the ground the giant was defeated so david triumphed over the philistine with only a sling and a stone where he had no sword then david ran over a poor goliath sword from its sheath david used it to kill him and cut off his head when the philistine saw their champion was dead they turned and ran this was a great victory for isro there were no longer in fear of this giant champion he was down he he was defeated and you see god was able to deliver an entire nation through one boy's obedience imagine if david had not had not obeyed his father imagine if david didn't run the arin for his father and said this is a non-important job i'm not going to do this i have more important things to do but instead david chose to obey his father he went out to deliver the food to his brothers and in this he actually came across the giant with god he defeated him also imagine if david hadn't obeyed his father consistently in the fields he wouldn't have known that god could use him to defeat the line in the bear and this is what gave him faith that he could also defeat the giant so you see there is so much power and just daily obedience trust and obey god he never fails you know maybe god's asking you to do something simple something you think is not important something you don't even want to do but just trust god just obey him trust he has an amazing plan for your life that if you just obey his word you will be walking in his perfect will of your life maybe he's just asking you to honor and obey your parents and maybe your parents are asking you to do simple tasks maybe they're asking you to mow the lawn wash the dishes help with chores run errands help all that church in doing these simple tasks is you're respecting god you're honoring god so honor your parents because in honor your parents you are honoring god you're telling god that i can be faithful in small things and that you can uh trust me with bigger things in fact in Luke 16 verse 10 Jesus tells us if you are faithful in little things you will be faithful in large ones but if you're a dishonest in little things then you won't be honest with greater responsibilities so just trust god obey your parents trust that god has an amazing plan for your life because in doing these simple small tasks you are walking in god's perfect will for your life and i just want to pray for you this morning father god in the name of Jesus i lift your people up before you on this morning i pray i'm pray for that person who thinks what they're doing now is unimportant who thinks that doing these small tasks is unimportant and that they're not doing something significant for you but god help them to realize that if we are faithful in the small things then we are faithful in the big things and that in simple things like obeying our parents and honoring our parents and respecting our boss that we are respecting you god it may not be significant in our eyes but it is significant in your eyes and god i just pray that you guide our hearts in the right place god i pray that we don't seek after man's approval that we don't seek after what man thinks about us but we only want to serve you god we only want to obey you god lead our hearts in the right place god we just want to serve you god because in serving you that is the purpose of our life god and god i pray for those people who are already obeying you they're already honoring their parents they're already doing everything right but they feel unseen god there overlooks people may even mock them for it and think they're not important god but i pray that you help them to realize that you see them that you've that you call them righteous that you say i am pleased with you because you are obeying me and god also pray for those people who's facing giants i pray for those people who's facing obstacles who's facing new challenges god i pray that you help us to defeat our giant and like david god i pray that you show us how to defeat big obstacles in our life god god there is so much you can do with our simple acts of obedience god i pray that like moses you show us if we could just stretch out our rod that you will part the ritzy open if we just march around the walls of Jericho like josh or that you will crumble our walls if we just roll a stone like the men did at last was grave you will resurrect our dead situation that situation that seems impossible god i pray that if we just put our obedience in a sling god that with your power we could crush any giant god and god we thank you for this victory we thank you that you always give us the victory god we thank you for your power we thank you that we have the same holy spirit that resurrected jesus from the grave and if god is forced then who could be against us greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world so god we thank you for this victory on this morning god we just thank you god thank you for this word on this morning thank you for encouraging us god thank you for hoping us realize that we have the victory in jesus name amen and i just want to thank you for tuning in on this morning prayer broadcast thank you so much for tuning in and we actually have more broadcasts coming out for you on a daily basis i would encourage you to listen to them you will be encouraged your faith will be strengthened just continue to trust and obey god he has a beautiful plan for your life just walk in daily obedience to god that is god's will for you i love you god bless you no god has an amazing plan for your life and we'll see you in another broadcast to give and support the work of god visit us online right now at you can also give through the ministry app you can also give through the ministry pay pile account that addresses pay pile dot me forward slash shawnpinda ministries you can also give through the ministry zell account the ministry email address is info at you can also give through the ministry cash app account the ministry cash app address is the dollar sign shawnpinda ministries you can also text a give all you have to do is text the letters spm to the number four five eight eight eight and a link will automatically be sent to you you can also mail your donations into the ministry just remember to make your checks and money orders out to shawnpinda ministries peel box two seven two six mckinney texas seven five zero seven zero never forget me and my beautiful wife and my family we love all of you and appreciate you and we will never take you for granted we look forward to seeing you again on tomorrow for another morning prayer broadcast god bless you bye bye