Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

Start With What You Have

Broadcast on:
21 Jul 2024
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[Music] Come on open your mouth and sing with me on tonight. And he has done great things. We serve our mighty God. And he has done great things. Come on. Let him go. He has done great things and he has done great things. Sing it to the king and he has done great things. We love you Jesus and he has done great things. Let's Lord, come on, let's the Lord, oh my soul and all that is within me, let's His Lord, come on and sing it again, bless the Lord, oh my soul and all that is within me. And all that is within me bless His, oh, holy. I want to share a word with you this morning, start with what you have. Look at somebody and say, start with what you have. You've got to start somewhere. I believe the Holy Ghost impresses this message on my heart for somebody this morning. Let's pray, Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, as we go into the Word of God on this morning, we pray for the fire and the anointing of the Holy Spirit to fall and move in this place, encourage your people, give them a breakthrough God, give them a miracle, give them answers to their prayer, give them direction, somebody who is stressed out, lift that burden, lift that weight from off their shoulders, God. Somebody needs direction in the house this morning. You said in your Word, that Word, O Lord, is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path, speak to your people this morning. Jesus said, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. In Jesus' name we pray, somebody say amen. Can you look at somebody and tell them start with what you have? Start with what you have. I want to take you into a familiar passage of Scripture for some of you. For some of you, this may be new, you can't make that statement lightly anymore and just assume people know their Bibles. They don't know their Bibles like they used to. Amen? So I want to take you in a passage of Scripture that has to do with something that took place in the life of Elisha, the prophet, the man of God who walked in the anointing and the power will carry the mantle of Elijah. Elisha was anointed by the Spirit of God. The Bible says in the book of 2 Kings, chapter 4, beginning at verse 1, the Bible says one day the widow of a member of the group of prophets came to Elisha and cried out. She cried out to him. This woman was in desperation. She had something going on in her life. My husband who served you is dead, Lord of mercy, and you know how he fed the Lord. But now, someone say, but now right now, she said, but now a creditor has come threatening to take my two sons as slaves. Have you ever been needing a financial breakthrough and you go and check the mail and there's more bills than you ever dream possible? Come on, somebody. Have you ever wondered how in the world is the timing work like that? It's almost the morning. Right when you believe in God for financial breakthrough, that's when your bill collectors who you hadn't heard from in a few years. I'm talking to the right group of people. I haven't heard from them folks since Godzilla was a lizard and all of a sudden they show and up. Come on, somebody. They're coming out of nowhere. I've been there. Come on. I said, I've been there. I said, I've been there. Lord of mercy. Now, watch this. This woman, her husband, her husband work under the ministry of Elisha, the prophet, her husband served along with Elisha, the prophet, her husband was a man who knew how to take care of business. He was a good provider. He did what he was supposed to. But you know what? Sometimes, sometimes we suffer losses in life. Come on. Talk to me. I know what it is to suffer loss. So her husband died and because her husband was the sole provider, she ran into death. Sometimes whatever your main source of income is, you run into trouble. You may not have suffered the loss of a husband or wife, but some of you may have suffered the loss of something that was the source of your income. Who am I talking to in here? Now watch this. So she came to Elisha, the prophet. She said, you know he fed God. You know he fed God. But now that he is not here, a creditor has come threatening to take my two sons and slaves. Man, these folk ain't got no new tricks in the book. Don't they love to threaten? I said, don't they love to threaten? My mark you laugh and laugh back, they sound like you know something about it. So this woman is in, she's in dire straits, her situation is desperate. She need a miracle. She need a breakthrough. She need God to come through for her because things are tight, Lord have mercy. The bank account didn't have, what it used to have, the thing is it has dwindled down all the way to zero. Have you ever heard that message on the zero factor? I preach it about two or three times, the zero factor. You know the zero factor has to do it when you run out of money. You are at zero. Remember the woman with the issue of blood? The Bible says she spent all that she had and nothing got better for her. In fact, things just got even worse. Not only was she sick, to be sick is one thing, but then to be sick and in debt and don't know where you're going to get your funds from to supply and pay for your bills. That's double stress. Come on, somebody. So the woman with the issue of blood, she was at zero. She was at the breaking point, but who knows, that's exactly when Jesus Christ, the miracle worker shows up on the behalf and he always seemed to put himself right in reach and distance for somebody to get a miracle. I'm here to tell somebody in the house this morning, I believe you are in reaching distance of getting a miracle. I believe you soon. Get a miracle. I believe you soon. Get a breakthrough. The Apostle Paul said, but my God, someone hold on, my God, so supply, oh, my God, my God, you're going to work me this morning, right? I want you to see something in this passage of Scripture that we're talking about this morning because I believe some people are making the same mistake this weird old woman made and it's okay because we all get there. You know, when you under pressure, come on now, talk to me. I said, when you under pressure and the clock is ticking, that's a whole lot of pressure. When you know the bills are about to be due, come on, somebody, come on, come on. When you get under that pressure, you need help. You need somebody who is walking in the power of God, you need somebody who is full of faith to join up with you to help you break through the cloud so you can see clearly and think clearly. Are you hearing me? I like this woman. This woman is a humble woman. She did not say, well, I know the voice of God, I'll figure this out by myself. The Bible says, too, a better than one. Lord, help me, Jesus. Am I right about it, La Shauna? Two, a better than one, for they'll get a good return for their labor, don't they? No need to try to do it by yourself. Look at someone and say, don't you try? Don't try to do it by yourself. Elisha being a man full of faith and power. What can I do to help you? Elisha, ask. And this next question, it only could be the Holy Ghost that was speaking to this man of God. Listen to what he says, tell me, what do you have? Help! In the house, Elisha and the Spirit Elisha said, you got something that God can use. You got something. Point us someone to say, you got something. See, see, the Holy Ghost, the Holy Ghost had to teach me that there came a time in our life past the dawn of the Holy Ghost said, the Holy Ghost said, son, you're making a mistake. You expect in the miracle to come from on the outside. I'm talking to somebody, the Holy Ghost said, you expect in the miracle to come from outside. The Holy Ghost said, your next miracle is going to come from what you already have. Your next miracle going to come from what seems insignificant to you. So Elisha said, what do you have in the house? You got to do self-inventory. Elisha's trying to help her understand, you are overlooking something that you have. The devil's trying to get your mind on what you don't have. It takes more faith for God to give you something you don't have. It's much easier for God to jump start your faith if you're ready, God, come on somebody. I'm talking to somebody in here. Elisha said, what do you have in the house? Listen to her answer because her whole mentality, he's trying to pull this woman from out of that lack of faith stuff. Are you listening to me? Her first three words were nothing at all. That's not true. Her first three words was, no, I don't have nothing. You can tell when the enemy is working on your mind, I dare someone to say, help me, Holy Ghost, help me, Holy Ghost. She said, nothing at all then she called herself, accept. I got a flask of oil, I dare someone to say, I do have something. I do have something that God can use. I got something to ask her, come on, come on, I got something, Marie, so Earl, I got something. I'm talking to somebody. She said, all I got is a flask of oil. And Elisha said, borrow, already in debt, are you crazy? Oh, are you listening to this? Borrow as many empty jars as you can from your friends and neighbors, come on somebody. Lord, have mercy, when you ask God for a miracle, he sends an instruction. We have no wine, fill the water pots, Lazarus is dead, take away the stone, but you got to start. This woman, Elisha said, go borrow, she don't want to hear that. You mean I got to go to my neighbors, it's okay, God knows what he's doing. He said, go borrow as many empty jars as you come from your, as you can from your friends and neighbors, what's the next verse? He said, then go into your house with your sons, you already even got to help, you need. You even got to help, you need. We started our YouTube channel with me, my wife and my children, are you all here? Are you all here? I said, are you all here? Then at the end of 2018, we went and passed it down and invited us to go to Nassau for a meeting. I thought to myself, who's going to show up, nobody, come on, who knows what I'm talking about. I thought nobody's going to show up. When the pastor came to pick me up from the hotel, he said, pass a lot of people to hear, I thought, whatever. When we got to the parking lot, parking lot around the church was crowded, I thought, wow, well, I said, your church is pretty big, man. He said, no, he's from Africa. He said, no, passa. These are not my people. These are your people. They watch your broadcast. I said, are you kidding me? Went in there and the church was packed to capacity. Sometimes God got to close wrong doors in your light to get you to the point of creativity. I'm talking to somebody in here. I say, sometimes God got to close doors in your face to get you to the point of creativity because he wants you to be your own boss. He want to put you in the driver's seat. Who am I talking to in here? You got something to offer. You got something. I said, you got something to offer. So he said, go into your house. That's the same house you've been struggling in, that's the same house you've been battling in and wrestling in and frustrated in. He said, go into your house and shut the door behind you, glory. You got to shut the door down. Come on, somebody. You got to shut the door and unbelief. You got to shut the door on negativity. Everything that's not talking in line with faith, look at someone and say, shut the door. Shut it. Shut it. Give no place. Look at someone and say, shut it. You got to shut the door. You got to shut it. He said, and once you close in on just you and your sons, look at what he says, he said, begin to pour all of our from what? From, that's, that's the preacher's daughter. I know when that God preaches kids that are from, from whose flask? You got something. He said, you got to pour. You got to pour from what you got. You got something. You got something. The whole, look, we have to learn that when you ask God for a financial breakthrough, we have to learn that the Holy Ghost begin to give you creative ideas. Your breakthrough is in your house. The help you need is in your house. You look, saints, do inventory. What am I good at? What is it that I like to do? How can I use this to solve somebody's problem? Do you know money flows to people who solve problems? The chair you're sitting in is solving a problem. The shoes you got on is solving a problem. That Gatorade bottle is solving a problem. Come on, somebody. The lights are solving a problem. You got something that somebody's willing to pay for. I'm trying to get you to think outside the box. God's trying to put you in the driver's seat. Are you listening to me watching this? He said, go into your house, shut the door behind. You pour all the oil from your flask, from what you got, poured into the jars, and setting one, setting each one aside when it is filled. That sounds ridiculous, but it's just one small bottle. I'm going to fill all these big drinks, just obedience, just obey. Look at someone that says quit reasoning. Quit re-calculating, you're going to catch this one. Just throw that calculator into the trash, it ain't going to work on this one. Something of you, who am I of any analytical people in here? Who are the analytical folks? Jeffrey, just wave a big white flag, surrender. Jeffrey is a brainiac, he even understands calculus. You speak in German now. Yeah, I'm talking to some analytical people. You add, and you add, this one ain't going to add up on paper. This is a miracle. Come on, somebody. He said, set each one aside as it is filled. Go to the next verse. So she did, that's what I like, obedience. Come on, somebody. So she did, as she was told, her sons, you see this, her kids, these are the kids she got, who's about to go into slavery. Her sons kept bringing jobs with her. Kids, I'm talking to some kids in here, just obey your parents. Even if it don't make sense, just trust them. I'm just, I'm messing with Tariah. You saw a look like your mom, a lord, I'm Rosie. I'm messing with, look, just trust your parents. Just, you know, it's easy to say this knowledge, I'm a dad, so this is, it's fun preaching from this side. Just obey, her sons kept bringing jobs and she said, fill one after another and they involve in the business now. Come on, somebody. They involve it. Don't leave your kids out in the miracle. Come on, my son on the camera, my son working this on, my son on the drums, my daughter playing the keyboards, my other daughter singing, my other daughter working the chat. You've got to get your kids involved. Come on. Don't leave them out. Come on, somebody. The next breakthrough is generational, I'm talking to somebody, I said, your next breakthrough is generational. We got someone to say it's generational, it's generational. I'm talking about God's about to create generational, well, we got someone to say we're coming out of poverty. We can pour, son, pour, I got someone to say, pour, child, we're coming out of poverty, we're coming out of poverty, we got someone to say, plow, plow, we're coming out of poverty. We're coming out of luck, we're coming out of the land of luck. We're on the way to the land of heaven and the ones we get to the land of heaven. God's going to take you to the land of more than enough. Somebody shout them out my way, I'm on my way. Want some? What's the next verse, Lord of mercy, soon every container was full to the brim. But it started with one container that you got to understand when you trust God, God already see a thousand barrels fill, but you got to take the first step of faith. Are you listening to me? God sees the whole thing, watch this, he sees the end from the beginning. She said, bring me another job. She said to one of her sons, listen to what he said, mama, I'm from the Bahama, ain't no more, man. So there ain't no more washers, he told them, and then the oil stopped flowing. The oil stopped flowing because she had every container fill, go to the next verse, when she told the man of God what had happened, Lord of mercy, listen to this, he said to her, Edward, this woman who was broke, who art she was used to as cooking for her husband and taking care of the kids, now God's about to throw this woman into business. He's about to change her from just being a regular house mom into being a business entrepreneur. Are you listening to me? I'm talking to somebody in here, you women are good, you women are aggressive. Guess what? He said now, sell the oil, he's putting this woman in business, now she have her own products. I'm talking to somebody in here, now she own her own products. She said, go sell the olive oil, it all came from the small flask that she had in her house. Go sell the oil and do what? Do what? And where's all this coming from? What she already had, what she all, how miracle, how miracle was right there all along. Where did it came from? From what she already, hotbody, do you see that? Where did the funds came from? From the oil that was sitting right there in her house. Are you listening? Are you listening? Go sell the oil and do what? He putting you in the driver's seat, sell the oil and pay your debts. You see the Bible says only a wicked person borrows the loan and doesn't pay it back. So God's going to keep your integrity intact. A good name is better than great riches. He said, go sell the oil and pay your debts. But something happened once she started selling the oil. She went from broke into overflow. She went from broke to overflow. She's about to go from broke to overflow to overflow to overflow. Listen, he said, go sell the oil and pay your debts and you are going to make so much money that you can put the rest in the bank and you and your sons can live on the entrance. Come on somebody. Okay. What am I talking to in here? Somebody is about to get blessed. Everybody stand to your feet and lift your hands to heaven. He's about to bless somebody in this house. He's about to bless someone if you're in heaven. He's about to bless somebody in this house. To give in this offering, you can visit us online right now at You can also give through the ministry PayPal account that addresses ministries. You can also give through the ministry app. Many of you have it downloaded on your smartphones. You can also give through the ministry's cell account. The ministry's cell email address is You can also give through the ministry cash app account. The ministry cash app address is the dollar sign Sean Pender Ministries. You can also text to give. All you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number 4588-888 and a link will automatically be sent to you. You can also mail your donations into the ministry. Just remember to make your checks and money orders out to Sean Pender Ministries PO Box 2726 McKinney, Texas 75070 and listen to all of our wonderful partners that make this broadcast possible. Me and Pastor Amy say thank you. You are doing an amazing job helping us preach the gospel around the world. Continue to support this work of God. We love you and we appreciate you deli. We will never take you for granted. God bless you. See you tomorrow on another morning broadcast. God bless. Bye-bye. Join Pastor Sean Pender in Plano, Texas for three nights of miracles at the Plano Event Center Tuesday through Thursday, August 13 through 15 at 7 p.m. Nightly. Come and experience a life changing time of anointed worship and powerful preaching and witness the power of God live as souls are saved, the sick are healed and lives are transformed. Register today. Visit to register. This is your time for a miracle. See you there. in the next one.