Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

Jesus, the Healer of Broken Hearts

Broadcast on:
19 Jul 2024
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[music] ♪ 'Tis so sweet ♪ ♪ To trust in Jesus ♪ ♪ Just to take him out ♪ ♪ His word ♪ ♪ Just to rest ♪ ♪ Upon his promise ♪ ♪ Just to know the said ♪ ♪ The Lord Jesus Jesus ♪ ♪ Jesus, how I trust him ♪ ♪ How I prove him over and over ♪ ♪ Jesus, Jesus ♪ ♪ Christ Jesus ♪ ♪ Hope for grace ♪ ♪ To trust in more ♪ ♪ I'm so glad ♪ ♪ I learned to trust him ♪ ♪ Christ Jesus ♪ ♪ My Savior and my best friend ♪ ♪ And I know that you are with me ♪ ♪ You will be with me too ♪ ♪ The end call is deep tonight ♪ ♪ Jesus, Jesus ♪ ♪ How I trust you ♪ ♪ How I prove you over and over ♪ ♪ Jesus, Jesus ♪ ♪ Christ, Jesus ♪ ♪ Hope for grace ♪ Father God, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, as we prepare to go into the Word of God on tonight, Father God, we pray that you would speak to your people tonight from the Scriptures, Lord. There are many tonight that's here who are broken in heart God. This is not an outward healing that they need. They need to be healed inwardly on tonight. Heal every broken heart here tonight. Men together, every broken heart that's here on tonight. Set your people free tonight. Some people are to stand still in their walk with you because their heart has been so broken. They haven't moved on, Lord. Lord, you will help your people tonight. You love your people so much. You cab on us deeply on tonight, minister to every single person under the sound of our voice tonight. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray, as somebody say, "A man." Glory to God. Strange title. Jesus, the healer of broken hearts. I'm going somewhere with this tonight and you'll see why I call this. Jesus, the healer of broken hearts. I want to take you into the book of Isaiah chapter 61 verses 1, 2, and 3. I want to read this, and then we'll come here and take our time and really go over this. He said, "The spirit of the Lord God is upon me." This is Isaiah giving a prophecy about what the Messiah of the Lord, Jesus, which would declare when he comes. The spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings or good news under the meek as the poor. He had sent me, pay attention to this. He had sent me to bind up the broken hearted to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to them that abound. Verse 2, "To proclaim the acceptable ye of the Lord at the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all that mourn." Verse 3, "To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes." Praise the name of God. God is gonna give somebody here tonight beauty for ashes, Lord of mercy. Someone type those words, "Beauty for ashes." There's a supernatural exchange getting ready to take place in somebody's life. God's about to give you beauty for ashes. Are you listening to me? He's gonna take your ashes and he's gonna turn around and hand you beauty. Glory to God, that's the miracle working power of God. He's gonna give you beauty for ashes. Then he's gonna give you the oil of joy for mourning. Come on somebody, someone that's weeping and broken up. He is going to give you the oil of joy. That's the anointing. There is an anointing that brings joy into your life, glory to God. And then he's gonna give you the common of praise. Lord of mercy for the spirit of heaviness. God will give you the common of praise for the spirit of heaviness that they might be called, trees of righteousness. The planning of the Lord that he might be glorified. Now I wanna fast forward into the New Testament and show you the prophecy that Isaiah saw about the Lord Jesus Christ. He prophesied about Jesus. This is what Isaiah was saying. He was saying Jesus being handed a book in the synagogue probably over a thousand years into the future. Now I wanna take you to the fulfillment of what Isaiah was prophesying about in the book of Luke chapter four. And I wanna just read verse 18 and then I wanna highlight some things to you. Watch this. Jesus in the synagogue, the book was handed to him. And he began to read Isaiah's prophecy, the spirit of the Lord, glory to God. The spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel. Good news to the poor. Pay attention to this line right here. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted. That's not an outward healing somebody. Are you listening to me? That's not a broken boon. That's not a blind eye. That's not a death. They are tongue of the dumb. That's not someone that's humped over from paralysis. Are you listening to me? That's not someone who's having a deal with cancer whatever the case may be. No, he said brokenhearted. This have to do with, this have to do with your heart. Come on, somebody, my God, the seat of your mind, your will, your emotions, the real you. He said, I'm gonna, he had sent me to heal the brokenhearted, glory to God. There's some people who don't need a healing from cancer. They don't need a healing from blind eyes, but they need a healing from having a broken heart. They've been living with this thing for years. Tonight is your night for a miracle. Tonight is your night for a breakthrough. Tonight is your night for deliverance. Tonight is your night where the Lord himself is gonna take that broken heart, that broken spirit and mend it back together again. Lord of mercy, he said, he had sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach deliverance to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised. Now, I wanna take my time, glory to God. I wanna take my time here and explain to you what the word brokenhearted means. I wanna take my time and look at it and just read the meaning off to you. Let's look at this word brokenhearted. I wanna take the word brokenhearted right there in from Isaiah, it's up to 61. And look at what the word brokenhearted means. To rend silently, it means to wreck. Y'all paying attention to these words here tonight? It means to crush, means for your heart to be shattered. It means for your heart to be hurt, for you to be wounded deeply is what that means. It also means, it means to be brokenhearted means you are someone who have been crushed. Something in your life happened and have left you crushed and have left you broken in pieces. Something, listen to me, this stuff is so serious that in Jesus' inaugural speech, in his declaration that he is the Messiah, he said, the Spirit of the Lord God is on me. Put that scripture back, I'm deaf of me, please. Look for it and I want you to see this. He had just finished his 40 day fast, 40 days in 40 night. He had just finished being baptized in the river by John. The Spirit of God and the power of God had just come on him and now he's making this announcement on the purpose of the anointing of God in his life. The first thing he said is the Spirit of the Lord's on me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. First and foremost, the second thing he said, this is how you notice stuff is very important in what's happening in people's lives. Jesus said he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted. That must be real, that must be real important. That must be a problem worldwide. That Jesus has said this is part of his divine call. For all eternity he had sent me to heal the brokenhearted. As long as the earth remains, he have sent me to heal the brokenhearted, glory to God, to preach deliverance to the captions, to the coming of sight, to the blind, to send and liberty to them that are bruised. But I want you to focus on that. He had sent me to heal the brokenhearted. Let's go back to that, do those meanings, Josh? Brokenhearted that, it means to be crushed. It means to break in pieces. It means to bruise. It means to tear one's body and shadow one's strength to break down. Listen to me good, I'm talking to people here tonight. Life of doubt, some of you, life of doubt, some of you, some tough blows. Life of doubt, some of you, some blows to the point. You are broken down. You are like a car who ought to pull up the side of the road because something went wrong with the engine. You are like a car who ought to pull on the side of the road because you've got four flat tires. You are broken down and when you have a broken heart, you may smile outwardly, you may put on that makeup and you know you men can put on the tie and the coat and do the whole thing, but inwardly, I'm talking to somebody here tonight, inwardly you something took place in your life that have left you like Humpty Dumpty, sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king horses, all the king men, they could not put Humpty together again. Glory to God, but I thank God. I'm dealing with the king. I'm not dealing with the king's man. I'm dealing with king Jesus. Jesus can put you back together again. Are you listening to me? I said Jesus can put you back together again. Something that happened in your life. It might have been the death of a loved one, a child, something, it might have been a divorce, a bitter divorce. It might have been church hurt. Something crazy happened, happened in a church. It might have happened among leadership in a church. Are you listening to me? Something have left somebody here tonight crushed. It might have been you got fired off of your job wrongfully. Something happened to you. You might have been taken advantage of. For some of you, it might have been rape, molestation. It might have been something, all the other. Are you listening to me here tonight? But something have left you with a broken heart. Your heart is broken. You've been carrying this thing in your life for years. And listen to me, this part of the verse jumped on at me. He has sent me to bind up the broken heart. A dumb word, bind literally means to heal. That word healed that means he gonna put you back together. Bind means to heal. He's gonna put you back together. He's gonna put your heart in the, to the state that it was in before it was broken. Are you listening to me? Some of you are stuck because you have a broken heart. Something has happened in your life to just break you down. All the other parts in your life are working. But you have a broken heart tonight. The Holy Ghost is talking to you. Let me read that meaning again to ran violently. That's what, that's what the word broken heart means. To ran violently, something happened in your life. It's, the Bible said, I mean, this is the meanings of it being to wreck, to crush, to be shattered. Something have crushed you. Something have shattered your heart. Something have caused you, great pain. And of course you, great hurt. You have been crushed. Put down the word of that, Josh, to break in pieces, to bruise, to tear one's body, to shatter one's strength, to break down. And you need help tonight. And the Lord warns you to know tonight, I'm anointed to do this. He, the spirit of the Lord's orbit, because he has adored me to preach the gospel. He have sent me. Jesus said, I'm sent to heal your broken heart. I'm sent, this is part, this is part of his mission, is to heal your broken heart. You cannot bring it down for me. You cannot go on in your life like this. You can't go on like this. You cannot go on like this. God said, I wanna fix this thing once and for all tonight. I wanna read your scripture Psalms 147 verse three. Listen to what the Bible says about the person with a broken heart tonight. I have good news for you. He healeth the broken and heart. Thank you, Jesus. We focus a lot on outward healings. That's the part of, that's a great part of our ministry. You know that? I'm talking about somebody who's carrying you a messed up. You are messed up on the inside. I don't know about you, but I'ma just shoot it real tonight. I've been there. Jeff, you know we all been there. Just so beat down, discouraged, rejected. Dawes, slammed shut in your face. People who you thought were for you, you found out they were against you. Betrayal, you don't think Jesus' heart was broken? That is on disciple? Turn against him? Come on here, somebody. Put that scripture back up there for me. Psalm 147 verse three. He healeth, glory to God. The Holy Spirit's talking to somebody here tonight. He healeth the broken and heart. You don't just, your problem is physical tonight. Your problem is spiritual. Your problem is emotional. Your problem is internal. He healeth the broken and heart. Grady, that's the healing you can't see. He healeth the broken and heart. And bindeth up their wounds. You see, people are wounded internally as well as outwardly. This is a person who's wounded internally. This is a person who is paralyzed internally. That this is a person who's bleeding internally. And God sees it. Man looks out with the appearance. But God's looking at your heart. And he knows you've been wounded. You've been suffering with a broken heart for a long time. You've been carrying this thing. Every so often, the minute your life begins to make progress. That broken heart resurfaces because it hadn't been healed. And all of a sudden, it throws you back 10 or 15 years again. Who know what I'm talking about the other night? I need some honest people with me. Come on, talk to me here. Come on, you know exactly what I'm talking about. And you are bruised, you're broken on the inside. But the Lord says to you tonight, all the sounds, 147 verse three. Put that scripture out there for me. He healeth the broken and heart. I'm your healer tonight. I wanna fix your heart tonight. I wanna heal you internally tonight. This is the inward healing. You've been carrying this thing. And every now and then, the enemy just yanks that chain. And there you go again. He healed the broken and heart. And by the thump their wounds. Let's go to Jeremiah chapter 30 verse 17. He said, "For I will restore health unto thee." And we always take health to just focus on the natural. And outward, he's not just talking about outward healing. He's also talking about internal stuff that people need to be healed of, like that broken heart. He said, "I will restore health unto thee." And I will heal the other ones, said the heart. Because they called the adult cast saying, "This is I, no man, seek it after." But I want you to focus on. I will restore health unto thee. Father God, touch them right now. Touch them in their hearts. Bring that inner healing God that hurt, that pain, that grief, that betrayal God. (gentle music) That person who lied on them and cost them great harm to their reputation. Heal your people tonight. Heal your people tonight, God. Heal your people tonight of this broken heart. Discouragement God. Heal them tonight, Lord. Complete healing, Jesus. Set them free. Men together, that broken heart. Look, right where you are, just call those people names, say God, I let them go. I forgive them, I know they cost me to suffer with a broken heart and cost great pain. Call their names out before the Lord. I release them, I let them go, I let him go. I let that family member just call their names out before the Lord and say, Lord, I let them go. I'm moving on, I'm moving on. It's moving on time. It's moving on time tonight. I agree with you. He's gonna give you the grace to forgive, to let go and move on. Glory to God, he's helping a lot of people here. To give in this offering, you can visit us online right now at You can also give through the ministry pay pile account that addresses You can also give through the ministry app, many of you have it downloaded on your smartphones. You can also give through the ministry's ZEL account, the ministry's ZEL email address is You can also give through the ministry cash app account. The ministry cash app address is the dollar sign, Sean Pinda Ministries. You can also text to give. All you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number four, five, eight, eight, eight and a link will automatically be sent to you. You can also mail your donations into the ministry. Just remember to make your checks and money orders out to Sean Pinda Ministries, P.O. Box 2726 McKinney, Texas 75070. And listen to all of our wonderful partners that make this broadcast possible. May it pass to Amy, say thank you. You are doing an amazing job. Helping us preach the gospel around the world. Continue to support this work of God. We love you and we appreciate you, Deli. We will never take you for granted. God bless you. See you on tomorrow on another morning prayer broadcast. God bless, bye-bye. (upbeat music) Join Pastor Sean Pinner in Plano, Texas with three nights of miracles at the Plano Events Center, Tuesday through Thursday, August 13 through 15 at 7 p.m. Nightly. Come and experience a life-changing time of anointed worship and powerful preaching and witness the power of God live as souls are saved, the sick are healed, and lives are transformed. Register today. Visit to register. This is your time for a miracle. See you there. [MUSIC PLAYING] [BLANK_AUDIO]