Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

The Breaking Process

Broadcast on:
17 Jul 2024
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[music playing] Bless the Lord. Come on, sing with me, Church. Oh, my. And all that is within me. Come on. Bless His whole listening. Come on, sing it again. Bless the Lord. Bless the Lord. Oh, my. So, oh, my. So, and all that is within me. Bless His whole listening. Come on, sing it again. Bless the Lord. Bless the Lord. Oh, my. So, and all that is within me. That is within me. Bless His whole listening. His done great things, sing it, Church. And He has done great things. Come on, open your mouth and sing it with me on the night. And He has done great things. We serve a mighty God, and He has done great things. Come on, bless His whole listening. His done great things, and He has done great things. Sing it to the King, and He has done great things. We love you, Jesus, and He has done great things. Bless His whole listening. Want to talk about the breaking process. Smile our heads and pray, Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ as we prepare to go into the Word of God on today, minister to your people. We pray that you make it so simple that even a child would be able to understand and comprehend what the Holy Ghost is saying to the church. We pray for wisdom. We pray for knowledge. We pray for understanding. We pray for insight. Help us to understand exactly what's happening in our lives, and what season we are in, and what season we are about to go into, what season we are coming out of. In the name of Jesus Christ, somebody say amen. So on this morning, we're talking about the breaking process, the breaking process. Let's go into the book of Matthew chapter 14. I want to start at verse 17, go all the way through 21, and then we're going to jump into the life of Moses. I've got to get you to see this. We're talking about the breaking process. And they say unto Him, we have here but five loaves and two fishes. And He said, bring them here to me. Now watch this. We know Jesus was about to perform the miracle of feeding the five thousand men besides women and children, but He did something with that bread, and I believe it's an example of what God would do in His life, and it's an example of how God deals with every single person that called their name, a child of God, somebody say amen. So He said unto them, bring them here to me, and it's the five loaves. Watch this y'all. And He commanded the multitude, He commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass. And what did He do? Watch this, repeat this verse, He took it. He took the five loaves and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, what did He do next? The first thing He did with the loaves is He took it. Second thing He did, He blessed it. And what did He do next? And He break. Come on, somebody. Open your mouth and say, He broke it up and gave. Someone said the next thing He did was He gave. He gave the loaves to His disciples and the disciples to the multitude. I want to repeat this. So there is a process on how God deals with His children. It's called the breaking process. He took bread. He blessed it, He broke it, and then He gave it. Your life is in one of these stages, now you're listening to me. You are either in one or you either coming out of one and going into the next one. Come on, somebody. He took the bread, He blessed it, He broke it, and then He gave it. There is a process that every single child of God in this house has to go through. And I remember years ago when we were very young in ministry, we wanted God to give us a massive breakthrough in ministry early on and the Holy Ghost. He just refused to give us that breakthrough when we wanted it, almost 30 years ago, 26 to be exact. He kept refusing to give us a breakthrough. Why? Because there is a process. Look at someone and tell them there is a process. For today now, they don't want to go from the bottom of the ladder straight to the top. Who knows if you're going to go up on a ladder, who knows it's one step at a time, darling. Have you ever tried, and what happened, either your pants ripped, or something stupid, who know what I'm talking about? Can you imagine trying to go from ground one straight to ground two without taking steps? I mean, come on, somebody, it's one step at a time. Come on. But nowadays, people want to go from the bottom straight to the top. Look at someone and tell them you are in the process, darling. Nobody skips the process in the house of God. You got to tell them until nobody, nobody skips the process. That is a process for you to get from number one all the way to number four. I need nobody going to skip it. Are y'all still here? I said, ain't nobody going to skip God's process. So he took bread, he blessed it, he broke it, and then he gave it. And watch what happened. Watch this. Because I want you to see. I want you to see this. It was 20 says, and they did all eat. I wonder why they did all eat. I'll tell you why they did all eat because the bread went through the breaking process. Come on, somebody. The bread went through the breaking process. And they did all eat and will fill, and they took up the fragments that remained 12 baskets full. Watch this. And they that had eaten were about what? Come on, talk to me, church. Eat the scripture, they that were eating were about besides women and children. So the five loaves and the two fish fed about 25,000 people, are y'all still here? It's normally twice the amount of women is men. Can you imagine that 5,000 men besides women and children? And the Bible says they all ate and will fill, and they took up the fragments that remained 12 baskets full. Why was that bread multiplied? Because it went through the breaking process. Are you listening to me? Watch this. We'll see this again. After Jesus arose from the dead, he appeared to the two men on the road to a mess. And the Bible says in the book of Luke 24 verse 30 and 32, the Bible says, and it came to pass as he sat at meet with them. What did he do? He took bread, Lord of mercy, and he blessed it, and then he break it, and he gave it to the men. And when he did that, listen to what verse 31 says, and their eyes were open. Are y'all following me? And their eyes were open, why were their eyes open? Because he took that bread, and he put the bread through the breaking process. Are you listening to me? Now, I believe I'm preaching to somebody in this house today who is going through the breaking process. And we will see this in the life of Moses. Let's go into the book of Exodus chapter 2 verse 2 through 5. We'll see this in the life of Moses. We'll see stage one in the life of Moses. And the woman conceived and bare son. And when she saw that he was a goodly child, she hid him for three months. And when she could no longer hide him, she did what? She took for him an archival rushes and daunted with slime and with pitch and put the child therein and she laid it in the flags by the river's brink. And his sister stood a foul to wit what would be done to him and the daughter of Pharaoh came down to wash herself at the river and her maidens walk along by the riverside. And when she saw the arch among the flags, she sent and made her maid to fetch it. Are you listening to me? So what was happening right there? Moses was being taken. Are you listening to me? What took him from his parents? Are you listening to me? So there is a taking process. Who am I talking to? So there's this taking process. There's this taking process. And you're following me? He took Joseph, took him from out of the pit. Lord of mercy. Somebody say he took him and then he took him from out of the land of Canaan and sent him on down to Egypt. I don't know why I'm talking to the Holy Ghost who's laying his hands on somebody. I say the Holy Ghost laying his hands on somebody. So we see stage one in the life of Moses. We see God took him, took him from his parents and then took him from out of the river Nile. We went to the sauce of the river Nile. It has two sauce, one in Ethiopia, the other one in Uganda. We went to the sauce of the river Nile in Uganda. And scientists, they said scientists comes from all over the world to examine the sauce. And no scientist can find not even one germ where the sauce has come on somebody. Lord of mercy. What's this now? Let's go on to phase two. Second thing he does is he blesses. And this is where people get confused. Because most people want to park on stage two that God has served as a move in God. He is always moving. Watch this now. Let's go on to the book of Exodus chapter 2, verse 6 through 10, says, "And when she had opened it, she saw the child, this is the life of Moses, and behold, the babe wept." This is Pharaoh's daughter, man. The babe wept. And she had compassion on him and said, "This is one of the Hebrews' children." "Wait a minute. It's a big deal, y'all. Let's slow this down." The orders came from Pharaoh's palace to kill up all the young boys. This is Pharaoh's daughter. The odds are stacked against Moses. Come on, somebody. He's a baby. He can't even defend himself. And the Holy Ghost causes the woman to have compassion on Moses. Watch this. Verse 7, "Then said his sister, the Pharaoh's daughter," by I tell you, Miriam is quick, "shall I go and call to the unnerse of the Hebrew women that she may nurse the child for thee? Lord, have mercy. The Holy Ghost, don't play, man." And Pharaoh's daughter said to her, "This is Moses's sister she's talking to." Pharaoh's daughter said to her, "Go!" And the maid went and called the child's mother, "Lord, have mercy." And Pharaoh's daughter said to her, "Take this child away, and nurse it for me, and I will give thee thy wages. I'ma pay you to raise your own child, Lord, have mercy." And she gave her orders to all the Pharaoh's gods. If you even look at that boy, your head is mine. Come on, somebody. It's God amazing, or what, the artist came from the palace to destroy every young boy. But God broke the rules for Moses. Who knows God will break the rules for you sometimes? My God, so, so watch this, y'all. Pharaoh's daughter said, "Take the child away and nurse it for me, and I will give thee thy wages. I'ma pay you to raise your own child." And the woman took the child and nursed it, and the child grew, and she brought him into the Pharaoh's daughter, and he became her son, and she called his name Moses. And she said, "Because I drew him out of the water, but what I want you to realize is, Moses is experiencing unusual blessings, unusual favor, all of his people are slaves. But he's a free man, Lord, do you see this, do you see this? All of his people are slaving for what they've got to eat, and it's just being brought to the table for Moses to have it. Moses is experiencing the blessings of God. That's what happened in the life of Joseph, when he went to part of his house, and the Bible says part of her, but Joseph in charge of his entire house, because he realized that the blessing of the Lord was on his house for Joseph's sake, somebody in his experience in the blessings of God. You on stage stupid, don't park that because God ain't done with you yet, come on somebody, because when people see that they are blessed, they think they have arrived, because you blessed doesn't mean you arrived, you are in the breaking process, come on somebody. He took Brad, and then he blessed him. He took Moses, and then he blessed him. He took Joseph, and then he blessed him. He took David from among the sheepcoat, and then he blessed him after David killed Golai, he was promoted. He took on somebody. So we see there's this taking process, and then there's this blessing process, but it didn't stop there. So if you enjoin the blessings of God, hang tight, buckle up, because you are being processed. Look at someone that said, "God ain't through with you yet," no sir, he ain't through with you yet. Now we want to go, we want to talk about this. He broke it, the breaking process, what's this? Verse 11 of Exodus chapter 2, "And it came to pass in those days when Moses was grown, that he went out unto his Hebrew brethren and looked on their burdens, and he spied an Egyptian smiting a Hebrew, one of his brethren, and he looked this way and that way, and when he saw that there was no man, he forgot to look up. God's always looking down, right? He saw that there was no man. He slew the Egyptian and hid him in the sand, and when he went out the second day, behold, two men of the Hebrews strove together, and he said to them that did the wrong, "We're a false smite of style, thy fellow, why are y'all fighting y'all related?" And they said, "Who made dear prince and a judge over us, in tender style, to kill me as thou killest the Egyptian, your business cast, stay secret, y'all." I said, "Your business can't stay secret." And Moses fed and said, "Sholly, this thing is known." Now, when Pharaoh heard this thing, he sought to slay Moses. That's the breaking process of you listening to me. I said, "That's the breaking process." It comes right after God finished blessing you, are you listening to me? Pharaoh, when Pharaoh heard this thing, he sought to slay Moses, but Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh, and dwelt in the land of Median, and he sat down by a well. That means Moses just lost his princehood, come on, somebody. He was next in line to be king, Moses lost all of it, are you hearing me? His nice big house, he lost it, come on, somebody. He rode in a nice chariot with somebody escorting him around, he lost that, come on, are you listening to me, big old table with all types of food, spread on it, he lost that. I'm talking to somebody who is going through the breaking process. You having the fight of your life, you're being misunderstood, somebody is out to destroy you. It's not Pharaoh, but it's your adversary, the devil, who goes about like a wrong line seeking those whom he made devour, I'm preaching to somebody who is going through the breaking process. You're being misunderstood, come on, somebody, you're being misunderstood, you're being persecuted, come on, somebody, you in the breaking process, who isn't that God's breaking? And now you're confused, because you're saying to yourself, God just start blessing me. How in the world can God just start blessing me and all of a sudden, I'm going through hell, I'm going through how they, I'm going through pain, are you in the breaking process? Somebody open your mouth, say I'm in the breaking, I'm in the breaking process, I'm in the breaking process, God's working on you, he's making you into something that you never was before, he's working, he's breaking you, he's breaking you, he's breaking you, my life was so peaceful, and now it's not a confusion, it's not a frustration, what's going on in my life, what's going on in my life, what's going on in my life, he's spinning you, come on, somebody, he's spinning you, I'm preaching to somebody, he's spinning you, shout spin me Jesus, spin me Jesus, spin me Jesus, spin me Jesus, man things were looking good that way, but now it's going, I'm in another direction now, and then I'm in another direction, and then all of a sudden it seems like I'm back, seems like they like me here, and then you come back to work the next day, but then I'm seeing people then change, what's happening in my life, me and my family was getting along great last month, but this month all the demons came out of the woodworks, oh come on somebody, my marriage was going great, but all hell's breaking loose, someone's out spinning me Jesus, spin me Jesus, spin me Jesus, spin me Jesus, spin me Jesus, spin me until all the filter is out of my life, spin me, and spin me Jesus, until I look like you spin me, until I'm full of love, spin me, until I'm patient, spin me, until I'm kind, spin me, until I love my enemies, somebody's out spinning, spin me, spin me, spin me, spin me glory to God, someone's in the breaking process, someone's in the breaking process, someone's in the breaking process, somebody's in the breaking process, so he took the bread and then he blessed and then he break it, someone's in the breaking process, if you're in the breaking process, wave at me, someone's in the breaking process, someone's in the breaking process, if you're in the breaking process past the dawn, that's a good place to be, because after the breaking process God can read or take you places, oh Jesus you didn't hear what I say just now, I said after the breaking process Edwin, God's can read or take you places, watch this, the next step, he gave him, let's go into the book of Exodus chapter 3, verse 1 through 10, remember Moses thought he could do it in his own string but first he was 40 years old, God had to break him, now Moses is 80 years old, God's got it, it took 40 years for God to empty self out of Moses, watch this, now Moses kept the flock of Jethro, his father in law, the priests of Median and he let the flock to the backside of the desert and came to the mountain of God even to Horeb, and the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush and he looked and behold the bush burned with fire and the bush was not consumed, and Moses said, I will now turn aside and see this great sight why the bush is not burnt, and when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see God called unto him out of the midst of the bush and said, and he said, here are my, and God said, draw not nigh, hear the pull off thy shoes from off thy feet for the place where on thou standness is holy ground, moreover he said, I am the god of thy father, the god of Abraham, the god of Isaac and the god of Jacob, and Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look upon God, and the Lord said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters, for I know their sorrows. God said, I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them out of the land unto good land and lodge unto a land flowing with milk and honey under the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perazites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, now therefore behold the cry of the children of Israel as come unto me, and I have also seen the oppression well with the Egyptians, oppressed them. And now therefore, and I will send thee under Pharaoh that thou may spring forth my people, the children of Israel out of Egypt. Now God was ready to give Moses to be a deliverer, and to work in the life of Moses to bring six million people from out of Egypt, but God couldn't do it when he was full of himself. When he was in Pharaoh's palace, when he was comfortable, when he was unbroken and unmolded, God couldn't use him. Moses tried to do it in his own strength. That's why he killed the Egyptian. And now that he is an older man, an emptied of self-catriona, when God car Moses tried, when all he said, "Who am I?" That's a man who'd been broken, that's a man who went through the process. Moses said, "Who am I?" He realized, "I'm a nobody, and when you reach that place, now God's ready to use you." That's why I went my wife, said, "You understand technology, you already got a phone, you got the internet on it, you need to go on YouTube, I believe God wants to use it." I was so broken, I so rejected, and had so much door slamming my face. I didn't even feel like I had anything to offer. I thought I was going to sit and listen to me, but that's where you want to be. That's how you know you're ready. When you don't feel like you're ready, when you say, "God ain't good enough," there's no way I can do this, you're right. He's ready to take you like those loaves and use you to reach the multitudes. He took him, he blessed him, he broke him, shotted him, and then he gave Moses, and Moses went with Aaron. Moses didn't even, Moses said, "God, I can't speak." Wait a minute, 40 years ago, he was ready for the world. He was ready to take on the whole world. And after God got done emptying him himself, Moses said, "I can't do it, send Aaron with me." He said 40 years earlier, he didn't need nobody, he cut the man's throat and bury him himself, and he accomplished nothing. Catherine Coleman had a saying, "All of self, none of the, some of self, some of the, none of self, and all of the, God's trying to get you to that place," that's none of self. To give in this offering, you can visit us online right now at You can also give through the ministry pay pile account that addresses ministries. You can also give through the ministry app, many of you haven't downloaded on your smartphones. You can also give through the ministry's cell account, the ministry's cell email address is You can also give through the ministry cash app account. The ministry cash app address is the dollar sign, Seanpender ministries. You can also text to give. All you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number 45888 and a link will automatically be sent to you. You can also mail your donations into the ministry. Just remember to make your checks and money orders out to Seanpender ministries, PO Box 2726 McKinney, Texas 75070. And listen to all of our wonderful partners that make this broadcast possible. Main past to Amy say, "Thank you. You are doing an amazing job helping us preach the gospel around the world. Continue to support this work of God. We love you and we appreciate you, Deli. We will never take you for granted. God bless you, see you on tomorrow on another morning broadcast. God bless. Bye-bye. Join Pastor Seanpender in Plano, Texas with three nights of miracles at the Plano events center Tuesday through Thursday, August 13 through 15 at 7 p.m. nightly. Come and experience a life-changing time of anointed worship and powerful preaching and witness the power of God live as souls are saved, the sick are healed and lives are transformed. Register today. Visit to register. This is your time for a miracle. See you there. in the next one.