Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

God's Plan to Give You Increase

Broadcast on:
07 Jul 2024
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[Music] ♪ Come breathe upon me ♪ ♪ Breath of God ♪ ♪ Breathe upon me ♪ ♪ Spirit of the Lord ♪ ♪ As I lift my hands and surrender ♪ ♪ To your name ♪ ♪ Most high ♪ ♪ I'm healing ♪ ♪ To your spirit ♪ ♪ Walking in your love ♪ ♪ Jesus, I adore ♪ ♪ Jesus, I adore ♪ ♪ Jesus, I adore ♪ ♪ Your holy name ♪ ♪ Come breathe upon me ♪ ♪ Breath of God ♪ ♪ Breathe upon me ♪ ♪ Spirit of the Lord ♪ ♪ As I lift my hands and surrender ♪ Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ, as we prepare our hearts to go into the Word of God on tonight, minister to your people, teach your people tonight, give us a spirit of wisdom, knowledge, understanding. We pray for revelation, knowledge from the Word of God on tonight, feed us tonight, God, we are so hungry. You said man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that precedes from the mouth of God. Have your way on tonight, we surrender to the Holy Ghost. We say not our will, but your will be done, and show us, explain to us your plan to give us increase. In Jesus' name, we pray somebody say amen. We are talking about God's plan to give you increase. But I want to share something which he does very powerful. It's a game changer, and me and my wife, this is how we make it to every harvest. Are you listening to me tonight? We won't miss any harvest because of this one principle that I'm about to teach you on tonight. There's a reason the Scripture says be not wary and well-doing. There's only one thing you need from God, and you will not miss a single harvest in your life. Come on, talk to me. I can hear someone saying okay pastor Sean, you just salt my oats now, just get to the point. Now I'm not going to get to the point. This is how I get you to listen to everything I got to say. I got to get you hungry for the truth that's coming. And then I'll withhold the truth until I'm done teaching. You would call for you to learn and then boom. Then we bring it to you, amen. Any good teacher does that. Who said pastor, come on, just five minutes, get to it, get to it. Just now you on the journey with me. Now is the hook in there? Did you eat debate? Did you eat debate? All right now, so let's go. Come on, let's go. Joseph, let's feed him the word tonight. First scripture tonight, I want to take you into the book of Job, chapter eight, verse seven. Watch what Job says. Watch this. Now I love how the scriptures hit that secret key that I will reveal to you on tonight. Though thy beginning was small, though thy beginning was small. Watch this. Lord how mercy I love my Bible. Yet thy what? Lot of n, your lot of n should greatly increase. Though thy beginning was small. Oh Lord how mercy I hope you pay attention to the word tonight. Yet the lot of n shall greatly increase. Let's look at the large people here tonight. Are you paying attention to the word on tonight? So God is telling you, he says, I don't care how small you start. Lord how mercy, I don't care how small you start. God is telling you tonight, if you can just hang in there, your lot of n, come on somebody. I dare someone to say, my lot of n, glory to God. Can someone just, can someone just say, I'm headed to increase. Every single person under the sound of my voice. Evie you can just learn just one thing we're going to teach you tonight. You will never miss another harvest. Come on here somebody. That's what I, listen. I ain't never miss a harvest and we ain't going to never miss a harvest. Come on somebody. If you can just learn one thing I'm going to teach you on tonight. I want to take you to the book of Matthew 25 on tonight, beginning at verse 14. This Jesus talking now, for the kingdom of heaven is as a man traveling into a far country who called his own servants and delivered unto them his goods. You better pay attention when God trusts you with something because it's good. Come on somebody. I said, you better pay attention to when God trusts you with something because it's good. Go back to the word. He delivered unto them his goods. That's going to the next scripture. And until one, he gave five talents. You want your pay attention to this verse closely because this eliminates every excuse in the body of Christ. Pay attention to the scripture. And unto one, he gave five talents. To another, he gave two. And to another one. Let me look at the last few years for a minute. You know I like this scripture. Everybody got something. Come on. This is why you ain't got to be jealous of nobody else. You ain't got to carve it with someone else, God. Because I'm going to show you something. Pull that scripture back for me. Because I dare someone. I dare everyone rave your heads and say, I got something. Everybody got something. Everyone. Everyone. Everybody got something from the Lord. Come on somebody. Now watch this. Watch what the scripture says. Pay attention to it. And unto one, he gave five talents. To another, he gave two. And to another one. Now watch this. To every man. Glory to God. Glory to God. Ha ha. To every man. Watch this now. Oh. Caughting. To his several ability. And immediately he took his journey. Listen, listen, let's go back to his kit. Watch this, y'all. So, so the thing I like with God. Watch this, can you? He gave everybody something according to the God given ability. God built in them. We were created by him and for him. God knows what you can handle. Oh, Lord, have mercy. Are you all ready for me tonight? Put yourself and say, God knows what I can handle. He will not put more on you than you can bear. If you're in the fire, hang in there, baby. You can handle it. If you're in the flood, hang in there. You can handle it. Somebody live both hands in heaven and say, God allowed me to go through it. Cause he knows I'm built to last. I'm built to carry on. He put it on me according to the ability that he placed in me. Somebody saw him. I could handle it. I could handle it. Because he promised me he will not put more on me than I can bear. If he put me in a position, I could handle it. My God, if he put me in a desert, he knows how long I could survive without a water. Someone shout yes. Sound yes. I'm on my way. I'm on my way to increase. Sound increase. Hey, I feel the Holy Ghost. Increase. Increase. Increase. Increase. My God, my God, my God. So the Bible says he gave one guy. Listen to this good Raymond. He gave one guy five. He gave another one two. He gave another one one. Watch this. But he gave it to them. Built on the God given ability that he placed on the inside of them. Whatever hand you are dealt with in this life, you could handle it, darling. Come on, come on, come on. I said, whatever hand I feel the Holy Ghost here. I said, "Would have a hand has been dealt to you. You can handle it. Give me a lemon and I'll make lemonade." Come on here, somebody. All things work together for good. Somebody hold on me. It's working together. It's working together. It's working together. Flower. Taste nasty. Buy itself. Roar eggs. Taste nasty. Buy itself. Baking powder. Taste nasty. Buy itself. Butter milk. Don't taste too good. Buy itself. But if you mix it together, I'd dance somebody the same. The pain that I went through. The heartbreak that I went through. The light on me. It's working together. To bake me a cake. Someone is coming together. It's working. It's working. It's working. God is a master baker. He put in the egg. He put in the flower. He put in the bacon. He put in the vanilla extract. Now he gonna put some sugar on the thing. Say, "Give me sugar, Jesus." What I went through was too bitter. Put some sugar in here. Let's bake a cake. It's working together for good. Because I love God. And I'm called. According to his purpose. Sound yes. Sound yes. Sound yes. Sound yes. Glory. Glory to God. My, my, my, my, my, my. Watch this, y'all. So, so he's giving them these things. According to their own ability, my God, he gave one five. He gave one two. And then he gave another one one. Wait a minute. And we say, we want increase. Come on somebody. God's plan to increase you. Lord, have mercy, have mercy, have mercy. Watch this, y'all. Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same and made the mother five talents. I mean, he increased a hundred percent hands down. Lord, have mercy. The Lord gave the man five. So let's look at the Lord's people for a second. The Lord gave him five. And then he gave five more. How did he gain five more? What was the secret to this guy? This is what I'm interested in. How did he get five more? The one who had two. He also. Increase. Why don't we read it? Let's go. Let's go in the description. Let's go into the word. Come on. Come on. Verse 17 says, and likewise he that received two. He also gained another two. He started. He started with two. Now he got four. The one who started with five. Now he got ten. Watch this verse 18. Go into verse 18, Josh. But he that had received one went and digged in the earth. And what did he do? He hid. He hid his Lord's money. Now wait a minute. We know something's wrong with this last guy because God don't make no mistakes. I wish I had a witness here. God don't make no mistakes. The guy who had five. Let me slow down. Listen, this is why I'm saying God don't make no mistakes because the Bible says he gave to each man a calling to his God given ability that God gave him. That means the one who had one had the same ability as the one who had five. Are you all still here? This is, and I'll never get rid of this. You see the smart phone here? You couldn't give me a million dollars for this. Well, wait a minute. I reconsider. I'm just kidding. I feel the Lord talking to somebody out there. Okay, okay, let me quit. Let me quit fooling around tonight, man. Now watch this. You see this smart phone right here? You see this smart phone right there? You couldn't. You couldn't. You can give me ten million dollars and I still won't give it. I still won't sell this to you. Why? Because this is what I started social media with. You know, you know I started making videos on YouTube. It was just audio with a photo. Are you all still here? It was just audio with a photo. And guess what? If you take those videos that I did with just audio over probably over seven, over seven million people watch those. You see this, that's why you can't get this out of mind. Hello somebody. This is what I started with. This right here. We're going somewhere with this. Probably paid five, six hundred dollars for this. Now we probably got about sixty thousand dollars worth of equipment in the studio. Hello, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, y'all. Look, this, he gave one guy one. I'm the fellow with one dollar. This is my one dollar right here. Now watch this, y'all, because I'm about to hand you the key. I'm gonna hand you the key right now. We're 19 after a long time. You know, I just love God, man. After a long time. He's given you time to do something. After long, you see that, Jeff? After a long time, the Lord of those servants come it and record it with him. He's coming to check on them to see what they did with what he gave him, verse 20. And so he that received five talents came and brought other five talents in. Lord, thou deliver us unto me five talents. Behold, I have gained beside them five talents more. The secret is in the next verse. His Lord said unto him, well done. Thou watch this good and faithful servant. My God, that's the key right there between you and increase. His Lord said unto him, well done, thou good and faithful servant. Thou, Lord of mercy, thou has been faithful over a few things. He started with a few, Jeff. I will make the ruler over many things. Let's go to the next one. He also that had received two talents came and said, Lord, thou deliver us unto me two talents. Behold, I have gained two other talents beside them. I've increased what you gave me. His Lord said unto him, well done, good and what? Faithful, Lord of mercy, well done, good and faithful servant, thou has been faithful over a few things. I will make the ruler over many things and to thou into the joy of thy Lord. The next verse. Then I like how the story switch. Then he which had received the one talent who had the God given ability to increase his hundredfold just like the one on five and the one on two, listen to the nonsense he's going to accuse the Lord of. I knew thee the thou art and hard man. He's saying God's a hard man to deal with. Reaping where thou has not sown. He's lying on the king. And gathering where thou has not strung. God only reaps where he saws. Come on somebody. Watch the next verse because Jesus, he's about to get exposed as we move forward. Listen to what he has real, the real truth was revealed in his eye. I was afraid. Fair robbed him of increase. I was afraid and went and hid your talent in the earth. I hid it. I did nothing with it. No, here it is. You can take it back. No, there thou has not as done here. Take it back. Wow. And watch the next verse, y'all. His Lord answered and said unto him. The real truth comes out why people don't do nothing with God given. Thou wicked and slothful. The word slothful then means lazy. So, as some people don't do nothing with God give them, they lazy. Thou knewest that I reap where I sown not and gather where I've not strung. Thou honest. Therefore, to have put my money to the exchanges, I'm then at my coming, I should have received mine which usually means with increase. He would even got credit for that. Listen to what Jesus said to the people working with him. Take therefore the talent from him and give it unto him which has 10 talents. Let me look at the Lord's people here. Lord, have mercy, have mercy. The secret to increase is faithfulness. Somebody lift your hands to heaven. The key between you and increase is faithfulness. How faithful have you been with what God gave you. You can jump. You can jump into increase if you haven't done anything with what God gave you. You got to use what you have if you expect God to increase you. I started with this. Now we have several thousand dollars worth it. We have two cameras together and it costs two thousand dollars. We have the best keyboards that they have to offer. Are you all hearing me? See, you got to start somewhere. And listen, this is what this is what this is one of the greatest things God taught us. People are watching you whether you realize it or not. People are watching you. People are watching you to see if you believe in what God gave you because the Bible says at the end that division is going to speak. But it ain't going to speak until you prove faithful. Come on somebody. See, behind this was King television. We come in on World Trump at television. We were on CTN the other day. We were on top TV the other day. We were on Best Life TV the other day. All of that was behind this phone. And God refused to reveal it to me because he want me to do it not because the stuff that's attached to it. He want me to do it because faithfulness is in me and I'm committed to my God. Come on here somebody. You don't know what's behind. When God asks you to do something, you don't know what's behind. Listen, and you ain't doing it for stuff. You do it because you love Jesus. You do it from because it's inside of you. Come on somebody. It's in you. It's in you. Jesus said he said to the one who had five. He said, well done. My good on what? Faithful. Faithful. Come on somebody. Faithfulness means you are someone who refuse. You do it even when you don't feel like doing it. You are committed. That's why we're committed to bringing you the Word of God every day all year long. Faithfulness is between you and increase. Listen to this. C.S. Dowerman, diligent. He's faithful. He's committed. He got stickability. C.S. Dowerman, diligent in his business. He shall do what? Stand before kings. No one to Jesus stood before Pilate. He was diligent. Come on somebody. John stood before those kings. He was diligent to Apostle Paul. Peter, James, the list goes on and on and on. C.S. Dowerman, diligent in his business. David stood before Saul. Esther stood before the king. Come on. Nehemiah, Ezra, the list goes on and on. C.S. Dowerman, diligent in his business. He shall stand before kings. What really amazed me, and I've been noticing it for a while, but it really, it really hit me real hard today as I was going over these Bible stories in my mind. You notice when God called Moses, he was doing something. He's watching the sheet. When David's father sent for him, David was doing something. When Joseph's journey started on the way to the palace, he was going to check on his brothers. When God called Amos, Amos was a shepherd. Almost everybody God called, they were doing something. There's no place for lazy folks in the kingdom. There is no place for lazy people in God's kingdom. Are you listening to me? That there is no place for lazy folks. You hear me? To get for God to increase you, for God to trust you with more, you got to be faithful. To give in this offering, you can visit us online right now at You can also give through the ministry PayPal account that addresses You can also give through the ministry app. Many of you have it downloaded on your smartphones. You can also give through the ministry's cell account. The ministry's cell email address is You can also give through the ministry cash app account. The ministry cash app address is the dollar sign, shanpindaministries. You can also text to give. All you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number 45888 and a link will automatically be sent to you. You can also mail your donations into the ministry. Just remember to make your checks and money orders out to shanpinda ministries PO Box 2726 McKinney Texas 75070. And listen to all of our wonderful partners that make this broadcast possible. Me and Pastor Amy say thank you. You are doing an amazing job helping us preach the gospel around the world. Continue to support this work of God. We love you and we appreciate you deli. We will never take you for granted. God bless you. See you on tomorrow on another morning prayer broadcast. God bless. Bye bye. Join Pastor Sean Pinner in Plano, Texas with three nights of miracles at the Plano events center Tuesday through Thursday, August 13 through 15 at 7 p.m. Nightly. Come and experience a life changing time of anointed worship and powerful preaching and witness the power of God live as souls are saved, the sick are healed and lives are transformed. Register today. Visit miracle to register. This is your time for a miracle. See you there. [MUSIC]