Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

Where We Are and Where We Are Going

Broadcast on:
30 Jun 2024
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Join Pastor Sean Penner in Plano, Texas with three nights of miracles at the Plano Events Center Tuesday through Thursday, August 13 through 15 at 7 p.m. Nightly. Come and experience a life-changing time of anointed worship and powerful preaching, and witness the power of God live as souls are saved, the sick are healed, and lives are transformed. Register today. Visit to register. This is your time for a miracle. See you there. Great is thy faithfulness. Oh God, my Father, there is no shadow of turning with thee. Without change it's not that compassion they feel not. And as thou has been thou forever will be singing with me tonight. Singing trips. Great is thy faithfulness. Come on. Great is morning, morning, by morning, new mercies I've seen. And all I have needed thy has provided. Come on. Great is thy. Great is. Great is. Great is thy faithfulness, Lord. Great is thy faithfulness. Come on. Great is. Morning, morning, by morning, new mercies I've seen. Come on, church, and all I have needed thy has provided. Great is thy faithfulness. Great is thy. Great is thy faithfulness. Lord, I'm this morning. I want to share with you where we are as a church and where we're going. Amen. It's important for you to understand the vision of this church, the vision of this ministry made past the Amy we've been in ministry for almost 30 years. Amen. I was raised in the house of a pastor, but because you raised in the house of a pastor that didn't mean anything. Hello somebody. Because I was a devil. Come on somebody. Lord, I cost the most trouble in my family. Lord, I'm mercy, but he got a hold of me. He saved me, sanctified me. And he set me free. Amen. And I just want to say this as a ministry, the Holy Spirit, the call of God, the mantle on this ministry is to not just preach Jesus, but to demonstrate Jesus to the people. Are you listening to me? There's a lot of people just talking about what God can do. Amen. But I believe we need a demonstration of the power of the living God. We need to present a resurrected Jesus who have all power in his hands. Let me just share something with you. I hadn't shared it. I don't believe I shared it like this in the front of the entire church. But when we moved to Dallas in 2009, we had a desire to plan a church. And sometimes you can get ahead of God. I'm sure none of you are guilty of that. I can tell all of you got it together, but I need prayer. Come on, somebody. I need prayer. Have anybody, have anybody in here ever gone ahead of God? I don't expect to see no hands. Well, Lord, I'm very sad. I'm preaching to the right group of people this morning. Amen. So in 2010, bring it down for me. Just a little. In 2010, we were living in Carrollton, the city of Carrollton, Texas. And one night, and I'd like to say, "Oh, I was fasted and praying. No, I wasn't. I was just living my life. Come on, somebody." But of course, we were here for ministry. And I went to go to bed that night and before my head, I want you to hear me now, before my head hit the pillow. I was not even in my bedroom. I was standing on a platform in a church of 25,000 people. Are you listening to me? You know, some visions, you can tell when the vision is from God. I didn't need too much pizza because I didn't even go. Come on, somebody. I stood on the platform. It was in this building, but it was a building that seated 25,000 people right in the DFW area. Are you listening to me? And the Holy Ghost said, "Dots, the church, I'm calling you to establish. Are you hearing me? Is there anything too hard for God?" Now, I know some people may get offended at that and say, "Well, oh, yeah, here we go. Get us about numbers. Wait a minute. If God wasn't interested in numbers, he would have never wrote a book called numbers." Are you all still here? You ever wondered how in the world did they know it was 5,000 men besides women and children when he multiplied the five loaves in the two fish? Because God is interested in numbers. Jeff, I want you to read Joshua chapter three, where it's two and four. Let's go for it, Andrea. On the third day, officers went through the camp giving these instructions. When you see the priests carrying the ark of God, follow them. Wait a minute. He said, when you see the priests carrying the ark of God, who knows the presence of God dwelling in the ark? So God was even telling his people back then, "Don't just follow anybody." Look at someone who said, "For God's sake, don't just follow anybody." But if they carry in the ark, come on, somebody didn't follow them. Read the next line for me, Jeff. You have never before been where we are going now, so they will guide you. Can someone lift your hands to heaven and say, "God's taking me somewhere? He's taking me somewhere that I've never been before." So you can't just depend on the knowledge that you had before you get here, before you got here, because we're going somewhere that you've never been before. Are you listening to me? Can you look at someone and say, "God's taking us to a place we never been before." God's about to do some things in the front of your eyes that you never seen done before. That's what I say in chapter 43-19. He said, "Behold, I'm about to do a new thing." Look at someone and say, "New, new, new, new, new." Look at somebody and tell them, "New." "Oh, God help me, Jesus." Look at someone and tell them, "New." He's about to do something new. So all of what you learned from in the past, to get you up to this point wasn't good enough. Come on, somebody. So we doing this, we doing this God's way. Are you here? That this is unique. And we, in the main past, they ain't going to do all the preaching. We believe God, call us the equipment, disciple and raise other people up to preach the gospel, to cast devils out and to heal the sick. And you're still here? The Bible says the apostle Paul preached the gospel with many others also, even the apostle Paul didn't believe in a one-man show. Some of you go, "God's going to raise some of you up to be launched out of this church to start your own ministries to stop these other churches." I'm not going to try hang on to 50, 60,000 people that's silly. Why don't you raise other pastors up and let them grab some of them people and go pass through them? Come on, somebody. Somebody say amen. Let's let's get on. Let's go a little further here, Jeff. I want you going to the book of Habakkuk, chapter 2, verse 2 and 3. "And the Lord said to me, write my answer on a billboard large and clear so that anyone can read it at a glance and rush to tell the others." That's it. Go to verse 3, Jeff. "But these things I plan won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely." Hold on one second. Can someone repeat these words? Slowly, steadily, and surely. Said against slowly, steadily, and surely. Keep going, Jeff. "The time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, do not despair. For these things will surely come to pass. Just be patient. They will not be overdue a single day." Oh, come on, somebody. Put your hands together. Lord, how mercy. Can you look at somebody and tell them the vision is going to come to pass? It's going to come to pass. Come on, look at someone and say, it's going to come to pass. Some of you sitting up under my voice, the Holy Ghost already showed you yourself in ministry, breaks in the gospel to people by their thousands. Is there anything too hard for God? If God said it, it's going to come to pass. Help me holler for just five minutes. I said, if God said it, look at somebody and say, if God said it, it's going to come to pass. It's going to come to pass. For God is not a man that he's alive, not a son of man, that he should have to repent. If God said it, he's going to make it good. If he's a power can, he'll bring it to pass. If somebody and tell them, God is going to bring it to pass. So the mantle of God on this ministry is miracle crusade evangelism. Come on, somebody. Miracle, I said miracle crusade evangelism. It's the mantle that's on this ministry. God called us to be in churches, hotels, convention centers, and stadiums here in the USA and around the world. So we're going to treat you on the work. Come on, somebody. We can't do this all by ourselves. We're going to develop a man's ministry, a woman's ministry, youth ministry, children's ministry, college and young adult ministry, church, small groups, prison ministry. Come on, somebody. Feed the hungry and the homeless and raise up on the churches. Hey, you all still here? We don't call it to be a pew said of saints. Look at someone who said, we call the work. We called, we called the work. Read that first Corinthians chapter two verse four and five. Go for it. And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the spirit and of power. Wait a minute. Are you, are you listening to that scripture? Paul said that didn't come with these words a mile long that nobody could understand, even if they read the web sediction area a thousand times. Paul said, I didn't do nobody no good, because Paul had all of that education. He was a Pharisee among the Pharisees. He was a well-educated man and this well-educated man said, all the man made wisdom I had would have done gospel, no good. Come on, somebody. But Paul said, I came in demonstration, Lord, have mercy. He sound like a Jesus preacher. Paul said, I came in demonstration of the spirit and of power. Get someone said, we need power in the church. What's this read the next verse for me, Jeff? That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. Lord knows we need the power back into the body of Christ. Look at someone who said, we need power. We need power. The dischurch, we, we're not a golf club. Are you listening to me? People are trying to turn it, churching to everything but would God intended it to be. She's in a place to hand out your business God, looking for the next deal. Come on, somebody. No, big people need Jesus. People are dealing with real demons. People got real problems going on in their lives. Look at this lady, hot surgery on her back and all kinds of stuff going on. Hot and touch of tools for almost 10 years. But the healing power of the Holy Ghost flowed into her body. Come on, look, look, come on, look at the gentleman in pain for two to three years off the fell of that roof. He don't need somebody to come up here with a fancy lecture because that's not going to help nobody. He need to have an encounter with the resurrected Christ. Come on, somebody. These folks have an encounter with the power of God. Paul said, this is how you get the job done. In fact, this is how Jesus came. Jesus didn't just come lecturing. He came demonstrating. He healed the sick. Come on, somebody. He cast devils out. He restored sight to the blind. Are you listening to me? Unstop the heirs of the death. Lord, have mercy. The cripples caught up and walk. Are you listening to me? He said to Martha, where have you laid him? The Holy Ghost is talking to somebody. Somebody threw the towel in. Somebody gave up lately. Someone said, God, this is too much I can't take it. Jesus said, show me. Show me the place. Show me the place where you gave up. Show me the place that made you start doubting God. Show me the place that made you question your faith in me. Mary said, are you serious? Jesus said, take me there. Mary said, but he's been dead for days. So, and put by this time, by this time, he stinks all the better. Take me there. The Holy Ghost has warned you to take him to your stink. Come on, somebody. Come on, come on, come on, come on. Does anybody have to deal with some stink? Come on, somebody. Something that you are very embarrassed of. Something that you were ashamed of. Something that you didn't want. Nobody didn't know about. Come on, somebody. Jesus said, I want you to take me right there. But by this time, Lord, he's been in the grave for a day. Come on, come on. Do you hear this woman trying to talk Jesus out of a miracle? Come on, somebody. Have you ever said to God, is this you talking to me of the devil? Come on, somebody. Lord, don't leave me out. Don't make me look like I'm the only unspiercer one in here. I said, I said, God, is this you on a devil time? I mean, I find myself, rebuke him, come to find it, I'll rebuke him. God, I know he ain't under you guilty of that. Jesus said, take me right there. Okay, Jesus. Okay, Jesus, let's go. Let me see what he's about to do. Jesus looked at that thing and he said, take away the storm. Let me clean my eyes. Oh, I must be hearing things. Just got to be a demon in my eyes. Take away the storm. Yes, take away the storm. What does, what does, take away the storm, me and Pastor Sean? There is something you can do, Andrea. You see, Jesus ain't going to do everything for you. Are y'all still here? He said, you can take away the storm. He said, I'll turn the water into wine, but I ain't feeling no water parts. I'm talking to somebody in here. I'm not Jericho walls down, but I ain't marching around it. Why don't you look at someone and tell them you can do something, you can do something, there is something you can do. So those people are looking at each other, Jeff. He must be crazy. I know I ain't nothing will happen, but I'm a move it anyway. This is on him. Look at someone and I said, I'm pushing my storm out of the way. Come on, somebody. I dare someone to lean on something. I got to, I got to, this storm is between me and my miracle. Oh, this storm is gone, darling. I ain't nothing getting anywhere. My something is up on one of them chairs. Someone puts you on the chair. Come on, somebody. Come on. I got to make, I'm making room. I'm making trouble. Shove one of them chairs. I don't care. I'm crazy looking at you. Just shovel. That's what I'm talking about in the car. Someone shovel one of them chairs. I got that. That's what I'm saying. Come on. Look, something's about to happen in your life. I'm asking you to push on something. It's a prophetic symbol, be that you believe God's going to give you a miracle. Some somebody shovels something. Some somebody. Some somebody doesn't. Some somebody shovels. Just find something. I hear it. Come on, somebody. I'm moving my storm. I'm moving my storm. Somebody shovels something. I'm moving my storm. Come on, come on, girl. Come on, girl. Help me, girl. Puzzle, something. I'm moving. I dare somebody to say I'm moving. I'm moving. I got to get this storm. I got to get it. I got to get it. I got to get it. It's standing between me and my miracle. It's standing between me and my next breakthrough. It's standing between me and my new seat. You got to go, stew. Say, stew. You got to go. You got to go. You got to go. Vanessa will say, you got to go. You got to go. I'm moving the storm out of my way. God said, I'm going to give you a miracle. But I need you to activate your faith. I need you to do your part. Take away the storm. Take it away. I need someone to say, take it away. I'm moving it. I'm moving it. I'm moving it. Shout push. Shout push. Shout push. I'm talking to somebody who almost gave up lately. But the Holy Ghost told me to tell you pass. Someone push. Somebody push. Push. Listen here. This is your day for a miracle. This is your day for a breakthrough. This is your day for a turnaround and Jesus. He walked up. He walked up to Lazarus tomb. And in his mind, he is saying to the people who moved to stone, you've done your part. Now I wish my time. Oh, Jesus, who am I talking to prophetically? I say, God, say you've done your part. Look, I'm going to say you've done your part. You've done your part. It's miracle time. I said, you've done your whole my talking to. You've done your part. Come on, somebody. Katrina, you've done your part. Look at somebody. I'm telling the God factor. Just kick in. The God factor. Just kick in. And he opened his mouth. And he hollered with power. Our authority. And he didn't say it twice. He said it once. Lazarus. Somebody shout, Lazarus. Come out. Come out. Come out. Say, come on, Lazarus. Come out. Come out. Come on, Lazarus. And folk got nervous. So when Jesus said, Lazarus, come forth. All the black folk we went in the back of the line. Someone said, I heard something. Someone jumped. Someone said, I heard something. We went further to the back of the line. I see one white sheet. Look at somebody say something happening. Look at somebody say something happening. He was tired. He couldn't walk. So all he can do was somebody jump. Your Lazarus is coming out of the grave. Your finances are coming out of the grave. Your marriage is coming. Out of the grave. Your children are coming. Out of the grave. Someone shall come out. Come out. Come out. And with Lazarus was fully out. When he was fully out, Andrea, Jesus said, loosen and let him go. Because someone said, loosen, loosen and let him go. That's the short. Why did Jesus let Lazarus die? Why did Jesus let Lazarus go through all that sickness? Why didn't he heal him? Why didn't he give him a miracle of healing? Why did he, why did Lazarus have to die? I'll tell you why. And the Bible says, when those people saw Lazarus, who was dead for four days, come out of the grave. The Bible says many people believed on Jesus because Lazarus was the reason from the dead to come on somebody. I'll tell you why you had to go through what you had to go through. Somebody leave your hands to heaven. I'll tell you why you had to go through what you had to go through. So that's somebody. So that somebody can know and see that Jesus is absolutely real. Don't ask him why anymore. He just answered you. So somebody, it will convince somebody who's watching you. Somebody close is watching you. The only Jesus they will see and get to know is the one that's manifested through your life. Without you, they would never believe. And Jesus, the Bible says he's not willing. Got a single one should perish. But that all should come to the saving knowledge of Jesus. So Lazarus had to go through what he had to go through. To rescue somebody else from going to a Christless hell who otherwise would never put their faith in the Lord Jesus. You've got someone to tell him he's real. He's real. To give in this offering, you can visit us online right now at You can also give through the ministry PayPal account that addresses You can also give through the ministry app. Many of you have it downloaded on your smartphones. You can also give through the ministry cell account, the ministry cell email address is You can also give through the ministry cash app account. The ministry cash app address is the dollar sign Seanpender ministries. You can also text to give. All you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number four, five, eight, eight, eight, and a link will automatically be sent to you. You can also mail your donations into the ministry. Just remember to make your checks and money orders out to Seanpender ministries, PO Box 2726 McKinney, Texas 75070. And listen to all of our wonderful partners that make this broadcast possible. Me and Pastor Amy say thank you. You are doing an amazing job helping us preach the gospel around the world. Continue to support this work of God. We love you and we appreciate you deli. We will never take you for granted. God bless you. See you on tomorrow on another morning prayer broadcast. God bless. Bye bye.