Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

Divine Intervention

No matter how tough things may seem, always remember, it's not over yet. God will come through for you in ways you cannot even imagine.

Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
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No matter how tough things may seem, always remember, it's not over yet. God will come through for you in ways you cannot even imagine.

Join Pastor Sean Penner in Plano, Texas with three nights of miracles at the Plano Events Center Tuesday through Thursday, August 13 through 15 at 7 p.m. Nightly. Come and experience a life-changing time of anointed worship and powerful preaching, and witness the power of God live as souls are saved, the sick are healed, and lives are transformed. Register today. Visit to register. This is your time for a miracle. See you there. When Christ shall come, mighty God, which shout of I, could make sure to take me home with joy shall fill my heart. Come on, somebody, and I shall bow. In humble Adam, break shut, then proclaim, my God, how great thou art. Sing it with me. Then sings my soul, my simply God, to me, how great thou art. How great thou art, then sings my soul, my simply God, to me, how great thou art. How great thou art, now sing it with me. Then sings my soul, my simply God, to me, how great thou art, how great thou art. Then sings my soul, my simply God, to me, how great thou art, how great thou art. Mighty God, when Christ shall come, the shout of I, could make sure to take me home with joy shall fill my heart. Glory to God, then I shall bow. In humble Adam, break shut, then proclaim, my God, how great thou art. Sing it with me today. Then sings my soul, my simply God, to me, how great thou art, how great thou art. Then sings my soul, my simply God, to me, how great thou art. Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, we pray for a move of the Holy Spirit this morning, pour the Holy Ghost out on this word, God. We pray for spirit of wisdom, knowledge, understanding. We pray for spirit of revelation. God move in this place, speak to somebody through the word of God. Jesus, you said, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Somebody is at the end of their rope this morning. Somebody is at the breaking point, God, and they need you to do something ridiculous. They need you to do only what you can do this morning. Do it form in the name of Jesus. Somebody say, amen. Repeat those two words for me. Divine, divine intervention. Say it again, divine intervention. We know whenever we use the word divine, it's talking about God. Amen? I said, it's talking about God. Now the word intervention and you'll see this, you'll, you don't see this word in Scripture, but you can see the action of God in this word. The word intervention means the act of interfering with the outcome. Who need God to interfere with your outcome this morning? I need somebody to talk back to me here. I said, who need God to interfere with your outcome? Intervention means the act of interfering with the outcome or cost, especially of a condition or process. There are times you just need God to intervene on your behalf. Divine intervention is at the end of about 2016. We were, we were in trouble. We were about to lose our vehicles. Come on somebody. Not only that, we were behind several months in rent. Who know what I'm talking about? Come on, we will be, look, if you're behind one month, you're in good shape, we were behind several months. Come on. We didn't have the money. We didn't have the money. So I was contacted by a Nigerian businessman out of Australia. He said, no, our channel didn't even take off yet. We only had a few thousand people watching. Didn't, wasn't going the way yet. This guy sent me an email. He said, Pastor Sean, I watched one of your videos. God touched my heart. I want to bless you and your wife. I thought, I'm gonna send my bank account to a home and where I thought he tripping. I deleted the email. I thought he's crazy. Would you send your bank account information to someone halfway across the world? So about three months after that, I was on my knees crying and praying to God. We about to lose everything. This is what I heard in my spirit. I send you help, but you rejected it. I said, God, you talking about the Holy Ghost? I went inside my email. I went straight to the trap, to the digital trap scan. And I was just, I went through three months worth of email that I had deleted. And I found it Edwin. I thought, well, let me hit the guy. I text. I emailed the guy. And he responded within hours. He said, I was wondering what was taking you so long. So we traded full numbers. Are y'all listening? We had owed at least about $17,000 right somewhere around there. It was a lot. Because of decanos, all this stuff was behind. That man wired me more than $16,000. Somebody said divine intervention. Someone shout divine intervention. I'm here to tell somebody. Help me preach, daughter. I'm here to tell somebody. There is no way you can lose. God is on your side. I know weapon from against you. So be able to prosper on every time that rise again to judgment. It shall be compact. When the enemy comes against you, when the enemy comes against you, like a flood, the Holy Ghost. Because somebody said the Holy Ghost, the Holy Ghost, the Holy Ghost will raise up a standard against him. I'm here to tell somebody it's working together for your good. I know it looks bad. I know you stressed out. I know your back is against the walls. I heard my brother preach a message back into Bahamas about 30 years ago. Man's extremity is God's opportunity to prove himself real. Look at somebody until this is an opportunity for God to show himself on your behalf. So, yes, God is going to come through. Look at someone and tell them God is going to come through. Tell them God is going to come through. Tell them God is going to come through. I say God is going to come through. Tell them God is going to come through. God is going to come through. Look at someone and tell them you getting it back. You getting it back. I feel some demons moving out of your way. Look at someone and say you getting it back. Some of you were in business. Some of you were in business. I suffered great losses. You didn't understand what was happening in your life. You didn't understand. But I preached on the blessing of Abraham for seven weeks. Now some of you begin to understand. That's rightfully mine. God don't want me to keep working and fighting up corporate America. God wants to put you in the driver's seat. Some will leave your hands to heaven. God wants to put somebody in the driver's seat. You can get it back. Divine intervention. God is going to give you your financial freedom. Some of you never had it you are about to get it. Some of you had a taste of it and lost it. You are about to get it back. God is about to put you in the driver's seat. In the first time he was up to 30, David lost everything he had. David said, God, shall I pursue the enemy? Are you going to give it back to me God? Shall I pursue the enemy? Is the fight even worth it Danny? Is it even worth it? David was seeking God. He was inquiring from God. God answered David. There's some will leave your hands to heaven and say, God still answers prayer. He still answers prayer. He still answers prayer. God said, David, and he said, David, pursue talking to somebody who suffered great losses. He said, pursue the queerness. He said, David, pursue after the enemy. And then you go overtake the enemy. And he said, and you will without fail, recover all. Look at someone and say without fail, without fail, without a shadow of a doubt, without a shadow of a doubt. God said, you will recover all. Look at someone who said, all, not someone. He said, all. We had one Honda CRV repossessed. Was a used one paid for. Someone gave it to us. We lost no. It was another one. It was another one. We lost. Honda CRV. 2016. Black CRV. Now I got two brand new ones sitting out there. Look at someone who said, double. Double. I am preaching to you the tickle yes. I'm preaching to you what I walked out. He should have just left me with the one I had. Now I got two doubts a much better. But when God give it back to you, it's coming back better. I said, it's coming back better. You can't give him. I said, it's coming back better. We lost our house, a pastor stole our house from us legally. Our most back slid. But nobody worth your soul. It's ain't nobody worth your soul. The devil wants you to lose it. Because if you give in to your flesh, then God's hands are tied. Come on. But the Holy Ghost gave me a brand new house. What he stole was some news. The Holy Ghost gave me something brand new. Nobody never lived in it. Come on, somebody. Divine intervention. God's about to intervene. David said, I'm doing it, God. So David went after the enemy and he found an Egyptian man who had raided Davis hometown. But they threw that man out. You see, that's what the enemy will do. When he's done with you, he'll throw you out like trash. And David found the same guy that the enemy discarded. David gave him water and food. And the man will die. David said, can you show me where my family is? The enemy said, if you spare my life. David said, are you going to join me? He said, of course. And I'll show you where the stuff is. Some of your enemies are about to switch sides. I'm talking to somebody. I said, some of your enemies are about to switch sides. When a man's waist, please, God, he will make even his enemies to be at peace with him. Somebody is about to make peace. I said, somebody who was fighting you tooth and nail. They about to change their mind about you. They about to join forces with you. They about to come in your corner. Somebody who's been fighting you and calls you great havoc, great pain, great agony, sleepless nights. The Holy Ghost sitting about to switch sides. They about to switch sides. They about to switch sides. And one of the enemy's own people joined David. David said, can you take me down and show me where the stuff's at? Where my family is because his house was burned to the ground. All of his possession as well. His whole family was taken out slaves. And the Bible says, when David approach the enemy's camp late at night, the enemies were sitting around dancing, celebrating. Out of all the stuff they stole from King David, from David, he was in King. They were dancing and rejoicing. I dare someone say devil, the party's about to be over. I'm going to have the last life. Somebody lift your hands to heaven. I'm prophesying to somebody. You about to have the last life. I said, you about to have the last life. You suffered other humiliation and embarrassment which you had to deal with. The Holy Ghost say you about to have the last life. When they hung Jesus on the cross, he was naked. That was embarrassing. The Bible says in Hebrews, in Romans or Hebrews he despised the shame. He despised it. It's okay to despise what you're going through. Nobody enjoys humiliation. Not even Jesus enjoyed it. But the Bible says he endured because of the joy that was set before him. He put up with it. Because of what was on the other side. Someone lift your hands to heaven. God say you're going to make it to the other side. The Holy Ghost say you're going to make it to the other side. Some of you can only see crucifixion, death and burial. But there's a resurrection coming to your life. I prophesying the name of Jesus. There is a resurrection coming to your life. I said, There's a resurrection coming. There's a resurrection coming. There's somebody opening them out. There's a resurrection coming. There's a resurrection coming. There's a resurrection coming tasker. There's a resurrection coming tasker. It's coming. It's coming. It's coming. It's coming. It's coming. It's coming. It's coming. The devil in one. I said the devil in one. Come on somebody. He didn't win. He didn't win. When you say Jesus, I put my life in your hands. The bottle is over. You got to put it in his hands. Can someone say it's over? It's over. It's over. Somebody say it's over. So when David reached the enemy camp David looked at them. And David and his men began to spread out. The enemy was drunk from celebrating. The devil always overplayed his hands. You didn't hear me. I'm going to make this point. I said he always overplayed his hands. Guess what? The enemy didn't only have David's stuff. He had all the stuff from the other cities and nations that he had robbed and looted. Are you all still here? And David sprung a surprise. Somebody saw it. Surprise, surprise. I'm back. Somebody saw it. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. Somebody saw it. I'm back. Somebody saw it. I'm back. Somebody saw it. I'm back. Help me preach. I feel the Holy Ghost. Somebody saw it. Somebody saw it. I'm back. David! You thought it was over. But it ain't over. Until God says it's over. I got my second win. You mess with the wrong man. The Bible says, touch not my anointed. And do my prophets. No harm. I'll bless him. Who bless you. And I'll curse him. Who curse you. I said 41. Said fear down not. For I am with you. I will strengthen you. I'll go uphold you. With the right hand of my righteousness. And all of those who fight against you. They got parents. I'll go wipe 'em out. I'll go snuff 'em out. I'll go beat 'em down. Shout it out. Shout it out. Shout it out. Shout it out. Shout it out. Shout it out. Shout it out. David! You'd ship it. If you think I'm gonna let you. Keep my wealth. Keep my possessions. Keep my family. You dreaming. My Bible says this battle is not yours. It belongs to the Lord. Somebody shout this battle is not mine. This battle belongs to God. And David is the one who said in Psalms. Chapter 27. The Lord is my light. And my salvation. Home shall I fear. The Lord is the strength of my life. Of home shall I be afraid. We know wicked. And my enemies. And my thoughts. Keep upon me. To eat up my flesh. They stumble. They stumble. Somebody's enemies. I'll stumble in. Right now. They stumble. And they fail. My Bible says. He that dwells in the secret place. Of the most high. Shall abide under the shallow. Of your mighty. And go save. Of the Lord. He is my refuge. And my fortress. My God. In him will I trust. His truth shall be my shield. And my booklet. A thousand shall fall. On my side. And ten thousand. On my right hand. But it shall not come mighty. Psalms 21. I will look to the hills. From whence? Come in my help. Someone's on my help. Shut my health! Shut my health! My health! My health! My health! My health! My health, that's enough. My health, that's enough! My health, my health! My health, my health! My health, my health! Shut my health! My health! My health! My health! My health! It's coming! Not from a mama! Not from a dad! Not from my sister! Not from my brother! Not from my boss! Not from the bank! Let my health! Shut my health! Shut my health! It's coming! It's coming! It's coming! It's coming! It's coming! From the law to vanish! Somebody's sown here! It's on the land! Yeah! To give in this offering, you can visit us online right now at You can also give through the Ministry PayPal account that addresses You can also give through the Ministry App. Many of you have it downloaded on your smartphones. You can also give through the Ministry's ZEL account. The Ministry's ZEL email address is You can also give through the Ministry Cash App account. Cash App address is the dollar sign Sean Pinder Ministries. You can also text to give. All you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number four five eight eight eight and a link will automatically be sent to you. You can also mail your donations into the Ministry. Just remember to make your checks and money orders out to Sean Pinder Ministries PO Box 2726 McKinney, Texas 75070 and listen to all of our wonderful partners that make this broadcast possible. Me and Pastor Amy say thank you. You are doing an amazing job helping us preach the gospel around the world. Continue to support this work of God. We love you and we appreciate you deli. We will never take you for granted. God bless you. We'll see you on tomorrow on another morning broadcast. God bless. Bye-bye. [BLANK_AUDIO]