Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

The Other Side of Faith

The true test of faith is not when everything is going your way. But can you worship God when all hell is breaking loose in your life? Can you give God the glory he deserves in the midst of disappointment, sickness, and even death? 

Broadcast on:
25 Jun 2024
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The true test of faith is not when everything is going your way. But can you worship God when all hell is breaking loose in your life? Can you give God the glory he deserves in the midst of disappointment, sickness, and even death? 

you are my hiding place you always feel my heart with songs of deliverance ever I am afraid I will trust in you somebody help me sing it to him tonight I will trust in you let the weak say I am strong in the strength of the Lord I will trust in you come on raise that music I will trust in you mighty God let the weak say I am strong in the strength let me just hear those drinks for a minute I will trust in you thank you Lord Jesus I will trust in you I got my trust in you let the weak say I am strong come on in the strength give it everything you got tonight somebody lift your head cuz I will trust in I'm gonna trust in you Lord I will trust in I feel the morning of God blanket in this place tonight let the weak say I am strong in the strength somebody lift your voices sing I will trust in I will trust in I'm gonna trust you Lord I'm gonna trust you let the weak say I am strong Father God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ as we prepare our hearts to go into the word of God on tonight as we teach and preach the word we pray for wisdom we pray for knowledge we pray for understanding we pray for revelation God we pray for strength tonight minister to us make the word of God so simple that even a child would be able to understand what the spirit of God is saying to the church on tonight bless your people through the word in Jesus name we pray somebody say amen glory to God can someone repeat those words the other side of faith we gonna take a look at the other side of faith there's different sides to faith come on somebody yes your faith is working glory to God I want to take you into the book of Job chapter 1 I believe in the church too often we are guilty of only preaching one side of faith amen and if you focus on only one side you gonna you gonna get out of balance who know what I'm talking about tonight come on somebody you have to look at the Bible for what it is from Genesis to Revelation you have to look at the full picture you can't just grab one scripture and pull it out of context else you gonna end up in error amen I want to take you in the job one but before before I jump in the job what I just want to say this a faith that is celebrated when everything is going well is not genuine faith come on somebody let me say that again I said a faith that's only celebrated when everything is going well is not genuine faith come on somebody Lord have mercy David said I'm gonna bless the Lord at all times are you listening to me on tonight his praise shall continually be in my mouth David said I can't just praise him when everything's going in my direction I can't just praise him when everything's going my way come on somebody I gotta learn to praise God when all hell is breaking loose in my life can I get someone to say amen now watch this I want to take you into the book of Job chapter 1 beginning at verse 1 all the way through verse 22 the Bible says in verse 1 there was a man in the land of us whose name was Job and that man watch this y'all that man was perfect and upright perfect there means he was blameless his sins had been forgiven one that fed God an issue it evil the word issue that means he avoided evil Job was in compromising for nobody verse 2 says and there were born unto him seven sons and three daughters I mean the Holy Ghost is painting this picture verse 3 his substance that means his business his wealth his influence his substance also was 7,000 sheep this man was wealthy he had 7,000 sheep and 3,000 camels and 500 yoke of oxen and 500 she donkeys and a very great household so that this man was the greatest of all the men in the east he was the most influential man of his day in his entire region in his nation everybody knew about Job this man was blessed beyond measure now watch this verse 4 says and his sons went and feasted in their houses everyone everyone his day and sent and called for their three sisters to eat and to drink with them and it was so when the days of their feasting were gone about that Job sent and sanctified them I love this man he was letting his kids get away he sanctified them and rose up early in the morning and offered burn offerings according to the number of them all for Job said it may be that my sons have sin and curse God in their hearts thus I love this thus did Job continually Job was always calling them to make things right with God it's not good to have parents who still believe in a good old fashioned gospel who's willing to tell your kid you need to repent you need to get it right with God come on somebody thank God Job was that type of parent he constantly he constant them he constantly led his children into the prayer of repentance he constantly sanctified them he didn't compromise with them and the Bible says he did this continually thank God for a parent like Job who refused to lower his standard now we go a little deeper into the story the Bible says now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also all sleut foot you can have church without the devil showing up there come on somebody but the the angels of God came to present themselves in the presence of God and Satan came also now we about to see God is about to issue a challenge to Satan himself watch this in verse 7 and the Lord said unto Satan glory to God if God have the first word in your situation he certainly go have the last come on somebody he is the Alpha and the Omega he is the beginning and the end can someone lift your hands to heaven and say it ain't over until the Lord say so God's got the last word I know the devil think it's over for me my God I may be weeping right now my back may be against the wall right now but it ain't oh can someone say it ain't over yet it ain't over yet no there is more to this story now watch this let's go back to the word so God said to Satan in verse 7 and the Lord said unto Satan when's comestar where you coming from now you know God knew exactly where the devil's coming from but God just want to make the devil make some confession here to give us a little enlightenment when's comestar then Satan answered the Lord and said from going to and from in the earth and from walking up and down in it I'm just looking for trouble anywhere I can turn east west north of south Africa America didn't matter I'm just looking for trouble watch verse 8 I want you pay attention to this and the Lord said unto Satan my Lord and my God and the Lord said unto Satan has thou considered my servant Job now God's beginning to brag on his servant by the name of Job has thou considered my servant Job that there is none like him in the earth my God only God can make this statement about a person are you listening to me only God can make this statement about a person God is bragging to the devil come on you think God would brag among all of his angels and say check out my boy look at my boy Joe no he is bragging directly to Satan himself God is leaning over and talking in his ass brag on me Jesus some will wave your hands to heaven she let the devil know I'm all yours Lord have mercy have mercy so God it begins to God begins to issue the first challenge God lean over to the devil and say how have you considered my servant Job that there is none like him in the earth my God a perfect and an upright man one who fears God and he avoids evil you ain't got nothing on this one devil he is all minds from head to toe come on somebody Job is all minds and God is just bragging Lord have mercy verse nine then Satan answered and said does Job fair God for nothing are you seeing into the mind of old sleutha he is answering back and saying ah Job it job job job there's a reason Job is serving you nobody is just gonna serve God for nothing now what's the accusations what's the accusations that Satan begin to hurl at him because Satan is the accuser of the brethren are you listening to me listen to what Satan begins to say in the next verse has not down made an hedge about him you got this man circling you got him hemmed in on every side my God you got a heads around Joe you got a you got a heads around his house you got a heads around everything you have dawgus bless the work of his hands and his substance is increasing the land oh Lord let me look at the laws for care today do you understand the devil's walking around with a notepad taking note of everything God given to you I mean the devil is just ranting and raving over how God's blessing somebody holler I'm blessed now what's this what Satan now he he tries to answer God back and brings his challenge what's what he says but put ford then hand win not not not next year put ford your hand now do it right now and touch all that he has and he will curse you to your face and now you know he's telling God job job job is only serving you because he is real blessed they ain't no man in his right mind that will serve God if you put your hand on everything he got anyone in that right mind they will curse you to your face they will go to hell over it Lord have mercy God's about to prove this lion devil wrong come on somebody can someone wave and say God's about to prove this lion devil wrong you can see the devil doesn't have as much wisdom as what we think only a fool will challenge God and the Lord said unto Satan be whole all that he has is in your power what watch watch God put limitations on the devil now only only upon himself put not forth God so you can't touch him unless I give you permission I hope you follow in the story here so Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord all hell's about to break loose now watch this verse 13 and there was a day when Job's when his sons and his daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldest brother's house and then messenger number one came and their came a messenger under Job and said the oxen were plowing and the donkeys feeding beside them and the Sabians fell upon them and took them away yay this is Job's business this is his employees yay they have slain the servants with the edge of the sword and I only am escaped alone to tell the my God calamity begin to strike Job's household Job's business his wealth his investments came up under attack and Job is about to enter in to loss after loss not in a matter of months in a matter of hours Job loses everything are you listening to me here on tonight this is messenger number one come on let's keep it moving let's go into verse 16 watch this and the Bible says while he was yet speaking while's messenger number one was talking to Job he didn't even finish his sentence messenger number two came along there came also another and said the fire of God Lord help us Jesus the fire of God is fallen from heaven and has burned up the sheep and the servants and consume them and I only my God are you paying attention to this story and I only am escaped alone to tell the verse 17 the Bible says while he was yet speaking my God messenger number two hadn't even finished delivering the bad news and messenger number three came on down while he was yet speaking there came also another my God and said the Chaldeans made out three bands and fell upon the camels and I've carried them away yay and slain the servants with the edge of the sword and I only am escaped alone to tell the Lord have mercy bad news after bad news have anybody ever been in the season where there was bad news after bad news after bad news Lord have mercy now the Bible says these words here why's messenger number three was speaking why's messenger number three was speaking and he only had enough chance to say I only am escaped alone to tell them why he was yet speaking here come messenger number four Lord have mercy are you following this story that came also another and said now it's gonna get real personal thy sons and thy daughters were eating and drinking wine in the eldest brother's house and behold there came a great win that came a great win from the wilderness and smote the four corners of the house and it fell upon the young man and they are dead and I only am escaped to tell the are you following this story here is the proof that your faith is working who won't prove that your faith is working who won't prove that your faith is genuine who won't prove that you're not serving God because of what you can get from ever you're not serving God because of the blessings of God here comes the proof that your faith is genuine we're going to the next verse the Bible says didn't show the rules I feel like preaching tonight didn't show the rules and tore his mantle and save his head and fell upon the ground and he began are you with me on tonight in job God the news that all his kids had just died my God my God job didn't get mad at God job didn't curse God job didn't say I'm done with Christianity I'm done serving God win job hard to news that is that is 10 kids I just died the Bible says he fell on his face can I get somebody to get in your worship position can you get in a worship position get in a worship position he felt on his face listen to what Job said he said the Lord gets and the Lord takes away bless it be the name of the Lord I'm talking to somebody that's been praising God through heartache praising God through pain praise and God through death praise and God through illness I will bless the Lord have all things I said I need somebody to jump on their feet and say I'm gonna praise him in the good times I'm gonna praise him in the bad times when things are going my way I'm gonna praise him when things is not going my way I'm still gonna praise him I'm sold out to the name of Jesus I'm saved I'm sanctified I'm full of Holy Ghost I got Jesus listen to me good when Job said bless him be the name of the Lord the devil got confused he didn't know what to do it himself he didn't know what to do it himself how could this man how could he serve God I took everything he had I kill his children I'll wipe out his business how can this man still so God my God someone hold on I'm saved I'm in for the long I'm in I'm in for the long haul I'm committed to the Lord Jesus Christ the Apostle Paul said for me to live is Christ and to die is key I'm committed I'm committed if God be force who can be against us no happen from the kids may we'll be able to prosper and every tongue that arise against us in judgment be condemned this is the other side of faith there is a faith that can praise him in the midst of adversity in the midst of heartache in the misery pain in the misery sickness in the midst of death somebody holler that's the kind of faith that I have that's the kind of faith of faith that has been tried in the fire and job said do he slay me yet I'm going to trust him some will live your hands to heaven and say do he slay me do he slay me do he slay me do he slay me I'm gonna bless him somebody jump to your feet and help me praise him help me bless him help me worship him help me magnify him help me lift up the name Jesus the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous run therein and we are safe somebody shout I'm holding on I'm holding on I'm holding on in the name of Jesus Christ come on some will lift your hands to heaven where you are tonight me and Pastor Amy we join our faith with every single one of you on tonight we pray strengthen to your spirit into your soul into your mind into your body yes your faith is working the enemy had some of you on the tax or that you had begun to question your own walk with the Lord but you can say tonight yes my faith is working strengthen your people help them to be rooted and grounded God help them to be anchored in Jesus help them to be anchored oh glory to God we feel the strength of God tonight you are keeping them Lord now unto him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you spotless on that day to him be glory and honor thank you for your strength on tonight thank you for speaking to your people on tonight blessed be the name of the Lord to give in this offering you can visit us online right now at you can also give through the ministry pay pile account that addresses pay pile dot me forward slash Sean Pinder ministries you can also give through the ministry app many of you have it downloaded on your smartphones you can also give through the ministry's cell account the ministry's cell email address is info at Sean you can also give through the ministry cash app account the ministry cash app address is the dollar sign Sean Pinder ministries you can also text to give all you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number four five eight eight eight and a link will automatically be sent to you you can also mail your donations into the ministry just remember to make your checks and money all is out to Sean Pinder ministries PO Box 2726 McKinney Texas 75070 and listen to all of our wonderful partners that make this broadcast possible made past day and he say thank you you are doing an amazing job helping us preach the gospel around the world continue to support this work of God we love you and we appreciate you deli we will never take you for granted God bless you see you on tomorrow on another morning prayer broadcast God bless bye bye (dramatic music)