Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

I Have Set Before You an Open Door

God's blessings are unstoppable. He has special opportunities reserved for you that no adversary can prevent you from claiming. Just as God defeated Pharaoh's army, He will overcome any obstacles in your path to fulfilling His promises for your life.

Broadcast on:
23 Jun 2024
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God's blessings are unstoppable. He has special opportunities reserved for you that no adversary can prevent you from claiming. Just as God defeated Pharaoh's army, He will overcome any obstacles in your path to fulfilling His promises for your life.

(swooshing) ♪ Great is thy faithfulness ♪ ♪ O God, my Father ♪ ♪ There is no shadow of turning with thee ♪ ♪ And thou change is not that compassion ♪ ♪ They fail not and as thou has been ♪ ♪ Thou forever will be singing with me tonight ♪ ♪ Singing trips, great is thy faithfulness ♪ ♪ Come on, great is morning, morning, morning ♪ ♪ Number change I've seen ♪ ♪ In all I have needed thy has provided ♪ ♪ Come on, great is thy great is ♪ ♪ Great is, great is thy faithfulness ♪ ♪ Lord, I praise that faithfulness ♪ ♪ Great is thy faithfulness ♪ ♪ Come on, great is ♪ ♪ Morning, morning, my morning ♪ ♪ Number change I've seen ♪ ♪ Come on, church, in all I have needed thy has ♪ ♪ For my name ♪ ♪ Great is thy faithfulness ♪ ♪ Singing ♪ ♪ Great is thy ♪ ♪ Great is thy faithfulness ♪ ♪ Lord, I ♪ Father God, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ on tonight, minister to every single person under the sound of our voice tonight. Let the anointing of the Holy Ghost fall tonight as we go into the Word. Let the Holy Ghost speak to us tonight, God. Let the Holy Spirit speak to us tonight. Let the Holy Spirit speak to us tonight. Encourage us tonight. Let the Word get deep down in our soul tonight. Speak to us, Lord. You're serving some listening. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Not our will, but let you will be done tonight. In Jesus' name, somebody say amen. So I want to talk about this. God said, I've sent before you an open door. So there's three things you need to know about an open door. The first one is found in the book of Revelation, chapter three verse eight. Let's go on to the Scriptures, amen. This is what the Lord said in Revelation three, and he said, I know thy works. Behold, I have sent before you an open door, glory to God, and no man can shut it. Lord, I have mercy, that's enough to shout of right there. We can go him after that one verse. He said, behold, I have sent before thee an open door and no man can shut it. Lord, I have mercy. The first thing you need to know about open doors is when God opens a door, no man can shut it. Did you hear what I say just now? The first thing you need to know about open doors is when God opens it, no man. Can someone repeat that last part? No man can shut it. There's a second thing about open doors. I want you to see this now. Watch this, I first Corinthians chapter 16 verse nine. The Bible says, this is the apostle Paul. He said for a great door, a great door, and effectual, this is an effectual door. It's open unto me, and there are many, Lord, I have mercy. There are many adversaries, let me read that again. For a great door and effectual is open unto me and there are many adversaries. This is the second thing you need to learn about open doors. Open doors come with many adversaries. Open doors come with many adversaries. A lot of us want to walk through the open door and we are hoping it's just a flowery bed of ease, but that's not reality. I said, that's not reality. Exodus chapter 14, you know what? Just put the point up there, I won't even make them wait. I'll just read it in advance. They know where I'm going with this. Watch this. Any enemy, this is the third thing about an open door. Any enemy who follows you through your open door will be defeated. Lord, I have mercy. Somebody ought to get happy right about that. Any enemy who follows you through your open door will be defeated. Glory to God. Let's go into the book of Exodus chapter 14. Watch this. And Moses said unto the people because God had told Moses to lead the children of Israel, lead them in park right there in the front of the Red Sea. The Bible says, and Moses said unto the people, fairy not, stand still. Glory to God, my Lord and my God, Lydia. You got to get in that position. Stand still, glory to God. Some of you, I'm tossing and turning all night. But the Holy Ghost is saying to tell you, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will show you when next year. No, he said, I'm gonna show it to you today for the Egyptians whom you have seen today. He said, you shall see them again, no more forever, verse 14. The Lord, I mean this scripture is loaded. The Lord shall fight for you. The Lord, the Lord shall fight for you. The Lord, the one who made the heavens and the earth. The great I am. Listen, the one who is all powerful. Come on, somebody. The one who defeated death, hell and the grave. The one who stripped the keys from Satan. Come on, somebody. The Lord shall fight for you. And he said, and guess what you're gonna do? I just need you to hold your peace. Just hold your peace. And the Lord said unto Moses, where for Christ thou unto me? Speak unto the children of Israel. I feel the Holy Ghost here tonight. I'm sorry y'all, hang with me. He said, speak unto the children of Israel. He says, speak unto the children of Israel and tell them. Go forward. Who's the Holy Ghost talking to here tonight? The Holy Ghost say, you're talking about, you're waiting on me. God said, no, I'm waiting on you. Go forward. Somebody help me shout it. Someone on a go. Someone on a go forward. You got to go. I hear the Holy Ghost telling me to tell somebody. You've been waiting for a long time. You've been in Egypt for 400, I'm 30 years. But I've come down to deliver you, to bring you out of Egypt and to take you into the promised land. A land that's flowing with milk and honey. Who am I preaching to? Your weight is finally over. Your weight, your weight is finally your weight. Your weight, your weight is finally over. Park your part. It's time to move. Get ready. I'm bringing you out. I'm bringing you out. My God, shout, go forward. No, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. I don't want you to miss. I don't want you to miss this walk of faith. Now, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute, Donnell. 'Cause the Red Sea ain't open yet. The way I'm even made yet, I feel the Holy Ghost right here. The Red Sea ain't open yet, Sami. My, my, my, my, my Lydia. The Red Sea, the Red Sea, still set up. But I got so much faith in the God I serve. I'm gonna just start walking towards the Red Sea. My faith is God to open it. He'll let me walk on top of the Red Sea. He didn't ask me to figure out what he's about to do. He just told me, "Go forward." Someone said, "Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go forward, go forward, and need about a hundred people. Jump to your feet and say, "I'm going forward. I'm going, I'm going, come help, or I wanna let Pharaoh come, let his whole army come, but I'm going forward. I'm going forward. I'm making progress. We walk by faith and not by sight. Somebody holler, "Go, go, go, go, go." What's this? And the Bible says, the Bible says, "God said Moses, why are you crying out to me? What is that?" I see where David got this from. What is that? In your hands. Moses said, "God, this is a rod, this is a rod. God said, stretch it out. I need, give me a broom. I need something in my hands. Lord, I'm mercy." You got something to offer. Ah, my God. See, we always think the deliverance is coming from someplace else. What you need for your next breakthrough is right there in your hand. Moses said, "God said, Moses said, God, all that God is a rod." No wonder David said, "You're a rod." (laughing) You're a rod, and you stop. They comfort me. You prepare a table. Be for me in the presence, in the presence, in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil, my cover hustle. What is that? In your hand. Stretch it out. Stretch it out. Stretch it out. Stretch it out. Stretch it out. Stretch it out. Use what you got. Use what you got. Little is butts. When God is in it, stretch it out. And the Bible says, when Moses stretch out the rod, the Bible says, "God sent a strong East wind, and it began to blow." (breathing heavily) Stretch it out. Stretch it out. Stretch it out. Stretch it out. Stretch it out. Stretch it out. The wind is beginning to blow. The wind is beginning to blow. Someone hollers. It's the Holy Ghost. It's the Holy Ghost, coming to your rescue. It's not by power. It's not by might, but it's by my spirit. Says the Lord, wind the enemy. So come against you. Like a flood, the Holy Ghost will cast somebody and say the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost will raise up a stand against him. And the wind begin to blow all night. And as they walk towards the Red Sea, the wind blew even half. By the time they were about to put their foot into the Red Sea, the Holy Ghost, blew it wide open. And all they could see was dry land. Somebody hollers. The doors open. The doors open. The doors open. The doors open. I have set before you an open door. I'm no man. Someone hollers, no man. No man. No man. Can shut it. I'm crossing over. I'm crossing over. I'm crossing over. I'm coming out of bullets. I'm coming out of Egypt. I'm coming out of luck. I'm coming out of sickness. I'm coming out of poverty. Somebody hollers. I'm coming out. I'm coming out. Someone shout. We cross it over on dry land. We cross it over. We cross it over. It's breakthrough time. It's open door time. Your season is changing. It's deliverance. It's deliverance time. My God. My God. And when the last person, when the last person stepped out of the Red Sea, they became Moses and God. That looked like Pharaoh and his whole army. Speeding. Coming through the Red Sea. But the Bible says, "God, God, get on him." Somebody say, "God, God, get him." And begin to yank off their chariot wheels and put their cars on four blocks. I say, "God, God, get him." He rip off their chariot wheels until the Egyptians begin to cry out. Let us flee from the face of Israel. For God is fighting for him. God is fighting for him. He said, "Moses, what is that in your hand?" Stretch it out. Doors are open. No man can shut. And doors are shut. No man can close. And when Moses when he stretch it out, the Red Sea closed in on Pharaoh, on his horseman, on his horseman, on his chariot, and the Bible says, "Not one. Not a single one. Not a single one. Escape. I'm here to tell you not one enemy is going to escape in this season." Shout somebody. The doors open. The doors open. No weapon. Phone begins you. We'll be able to prosper. And every tongue that lies against you in judgment. It's sound like a dam. We cross over. Somebody shout. We made it. We made it. We made it. We made it. We made it. My God, in the name of Jesus Christ, we join our faith, which you right now made by standing. We cover you tonight in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. The doors open before you. God said, "I've set before you." An open door. No man can shut it. When God opens a door, only God can close that. When he split that Red Sea open, nobody can shut it. He said Moses stretched that rod out again. And that Red Sea closed in on those Egyptians who joined the Lord's people. The Bible says, "Not a single one of them escape. Not one of your enemies will escape." There's a time and a day coming when God will avenge you of your adversaries. We cover you tonight in the blood of Jesus. We speak encouragement into your spirit, into your soul, into your mind, and into your body tonight. God is on your side. God is on your side. The Lord shall fight for you and you shall hold your peace. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will show you today. We cover you in the blood of Jesus, you and your family, your future, your marriage, your health, your finances, your career, your business, your job, your ministry, your children, your relationships. We cover you tonight. We cancel the plans of the enemy. And we establish the plans and the purpose of God for your life. He says, "For I know the plans I have for you." Plans to prosper you, to give you a future, and an expected end. God is on your side. He is for you. Glory to God. We thank you for speaking to us through the Word. I have sent before you an open door. The Holy Ghost is speaking to a specific group of people tonight. He said, "I have set before you an open door. I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it." You don't have to be afraid. You will make it through that open door. Thank you, Jesus. To give in this offering, you can visit us online right now at You can also give through the ministry PayPal account that addresses PayPal .me/shanpindaministries. You can also give through the ministry app. Many of you have it downloaded on your smartphones. You can also give through the ministry's account, the ministry's account address is info at You can also give through the ministry cash app account. The ministry cash app address is the dollar sign shanpinda ministries. You can also text to give. All you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number 45888 and a link will automatically be sent to you. You can also mail your donations into the ministry. 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