Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

Anointed to Win

Remember, with new levels come new devils, but with faith in God, victory is guaranteed. Watch as this video shares insight on how God gave David victory over his enemies, and how He is ready to do the same for you. Get motivated to face your battles head-on and trust in the divine anointing that ensures success. Don't miss out on this empowering message of triumph!

Broadcast on:
22 Jun 2024
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Remember, with new levels come new devils, but with faith in God, victory is guaranteed. Watch as this video shares insight on how God gave David victory over his enemies, and how He is ready to do the same for you. Get motivated to face your battles head-on and trust in the divine anointing that ensures success. Don't miss out on this empowering message of triumph!

# # Great is thy faithfulness # # O God # # My Father # # There is no shadow # # Of turning with thee # # Thou change is not # # That compassion # # They fail not # # And as thou has been # # Thou forever will be # Singing with me tonight, singing trips # # Great is thy faithfulness # # Come on # # Great is # # Morning # # Morning # # My morning # # New mercies I've seen # # In all I have needed # # Thy has has provided # Come on # # Great is thy # # Great is # # Great is # # Great is thy faith # # Of next # # Lord and # # Great is thy faithfulness # # Great is thy faithfulness # Come on # # Great is # # Morning # # Morning # # My morning # # New mercies I've seen # # Come on, Church # # In all I have needed # # Thy has has provided # # Great is thy faithfulness # Singing # # Great is thy # # Great is thy faithfulness # # Lord, I # Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ, as we prepare our hearts to go into the Word of God this morning. Minister to your people locally here in McKinney and those watching from around the world let somebody get a break through this morning. Speak through your Word, God. Let the power of the Holy Ghost take over this service, God. Have your way, Master. We are nothing without the Holy Ghost. Speak to us this morning until our cups run over this morning, God. In the name of Jesus, speak until deliverance take place, God. Till the prison doors fly open, God. Until every shackle is broken. In the name of Jesus Christ, somebody say, "I'm anointed to win." So, let's give some background of what's happening here. David was a shepherd boy. Come on, somebody. He was a shepherd boy and because King Saul, who had backslidden, are you all still here? Who had backslidden and forgot where God brought him from. Come on, somebody. That's a dangerous place to be when you forgot where God brought you from. Are you listening to me? So, King Saul, he thought he can do anything but God sent a man of God to tell Saul because you have disobeyed the word of God. I've taken the kingdom away from you and I'm going to give it to somebody that's better. So, Samuel was frustrated. He was overwhelmed when God spoke that to him because Samuel was the one who had anointed Saul. God whispered into Samuel and said, "Why are you weeping? Fill your horn with oil and coal." God's anointing the whole new generation. So, Samuel went down to Jesse's house and he anointed David, who was a shepherd boy. David wasn't even invited in when Samuel came. Even his parents didn't recognize what God was about to do in his life. So, David is only a shepherd boy and the Holy Ghost comes on him. My God, the Holy Ghost is anointing him for something that's 13 years ahead of him. So, whether that first anointing took David after he was anointed, we knew he took out Goliath. Well, first before Goliath, after he got anointed, he took out the lion and the bear. And then he was anointed the second time, right before that second anointing descended on David's life. God had to get rid of King Saul. Are you all listening to me? I said, "When that increase comes to that next level King Saul has to go." Come on somebody, the tribe of Judah, they caught the head and they said, "What in the world? Why in the world are we following Saul's son?" When we know God have anointed David and the second level of anointing came on David and he was crowned King over Judah. I want you to pay attention to this. I want you to see how God have to make sure you are faithful in the least first. So, he said, "Wait a minute." He said, "Wait a minute, David have proven himself. He's been faithful over one tribe." He's been faithful over one tribe. He's been faithful over one tribe. And now this brings us to 2 Samuel, chapter 5 beginning at verse 3. Watch this now. Because now David is coming into his final anointing. Oh, glory to God. Are you listening to me? I said, "David's getting ready to come into his final anointing because he outgrew. He outgrew the level that he was on." Verse 3 said, "So all the elders of Israel, they came to the King to Hebrin. And King David, remember he was only over one tribe. He made a league with them in Hebrin before the Lord. Watch this, your pay attention to this." And they anointed David King over Israel. Now David have reached a place where he is anointed over all 12 tribes. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. I said, "Now he is anointed. He's not watching the sheep no more. He's not over a thousand men. Now he's over all the tribes. Lord have mercy. What a promotion. I'm going somewhere with this." And David was 30 years old when he began to reign and he reigned 40 years. In Hebrew, did you hear what I say? Let me read that again. David was 30 years old when he began to reign. And he reigned, how long? I'm preaching to people today. This anointing that's coming on your life. This next level of anointing is going to be with you until Jesus call you home. So David was 30 years old when he began to reign and he reigned for 40 years. In Hebrew, he reigned over June 7 years and 6 months. And in Jerusalem, he reigned 30 years and 33 years over all Israel and Judah. Because you've got to understand anointing attracts trouble. Look at what I'm going to say, the anointing attracts trouble. When the anointing comes, everything changes. Watch this. Watch this. But when the Philistines heard that they had an anointing, anointed David King over Israel. Your enemy know what God's doing in your life. You didn't hear me. I said, your enemy is quite aware of what God's doing in your life. When the Philistines heard that they had anointed David King over Israel, look at someone and say, all the Philistines came. All the Philistines came. Now David, he never experienced nothing like this. You didn't hear what I say. All the Philistines came. Are you all still here? That means the whole camp. That's why everywhere you turn there is trouble. So the Bible says, all the Philistines, all of them, all of them. I heard David have been anointed, all the Philistines came up to seek David. When you anointed, you can't just trust anybody. They didn't come to negotiate with David. I hope everybody in church today, an online is listening to me. They came to assassinate him. They came to get rid of him. They came to finish him off once and for all. But they were about to get a taste of the anointing. Come on, somebody. So when David heard of it, David's a smart man. David did not depend on himself. He knew he didn't get in that position by himself. If God got him there, it's going to take God to keep you there. Hello, somebody. Don't never stop leaning to your own understanding and act like you got it all figured out because what did David do? The Bible says, when David heard of it, he went down to the hole. David went down to the stronghold. David began to pray. He began to talk to God. Look at someone and tell them God still answers prayer. The Philistines also came and spread themselves in the Valley of Ref. I mean, they spread out. They strategize in how they're going to bring you down. They strategize in how they're going to take you out. Oh, Lord, mercy, Lord, mercy. Watch this. And David inquired of the Lord. You can take prayer out all the schools you want. You can't take it out of my house. Come on. Yes, somebody. And David inquired of the Lord saying, "So I go up to the Philistines." And then someone said, "God, is this, is this, is this fight worth it?" I'm talking to somebody who's contemplating. You, you, something's going on in your life and you contemplating. Is this even worth it, God? Is this worth it? Is it worth it? Are you going to deliver them into my hand? Do you understand my name? It's praying to spread tuska? Because if God ain't fighting it, you can count me out. I dare someone to say, "God is telling you this one is worth fighting." Come on, somebody. Look at someone and say, "This one is worth fighting for. It's worth fighting for." God said, "God, David, I want you, God, for I will doubtless Lord have mercy." There's some strong language. God said, "Without a shadow of a doubt, I'm going to deliver them rascals into your hands." Who am I talking to? God said, "All of them folk fighting against you. I'm about to deliver them into your hands." So God said, "Without a shadow of a doubt, you're going to win and you're going to win big." And David came to bail Parisian. And what did he do? He played with them. He played with them. So the Bible says, "David, smoke them there and said the Lord has broken forth on my enemies." That means a sudden, a sudden breakthrough on the enemies. Before me, that's the breach of waters. I'm talking to somebody. God's breaking forth on your enemies right now. So watch this. Look at the next verse. My God, you've got to pay attention to this one. And there. Look at someone and say, "Right there, right there, right there, right there. Keep that verse right there. They left there. What? These folk we were fighting for at all. What did they left? That was the images they used to conjure demon spirits. Would you fight any normal? Are you all listening to me? This is what they used to conjure their evil spirits. But they ran into a different spirit. They ran into the chief spirit. It's called the Holy Ghost. Look at someone and say, "They just ran into the Holy Ghost." They left their images. So they used to work witchcraft. They said, "Can't work against me. I'm anointed. I dare someone say, "Can't work against me. I'm anointed. I'm anointed. I'm anointed. Look at someone and tell them I'm anointed. I'm anointed. Oh, I'm anointed." So David and his men, they took the images and they pawned them. When they pawned him, it represented and it meant that the power of witchcraft was broken. Someone saw this broken. It's broken. It's broken. It's broken. On the fire. Represent the fire of the Holy Ghost. Someone said, "There is one coming after me. He is mightier than I. He so baptize you. In the Holy Ghost. On fire. Someone saw fire. The devil is no match for the fire of God. Witchcraft is no match for the fire of God. Oh, there's no match for the fire of God. Liars are no match for the fire of God. Let them lie on you. Let them call you everything for the child of God. God is on your side. God is for you. And the Bible says, "If God be for me, who who who can be against me? Sow yes! Sow yes!" You're anointed to win. I'll summarize the rest of this because it didn't stop there. So the Bible says in the next verse. They came yet again. This devil don't give up easily, does he? He kicked their backside, broke the power of their witchcraft. They saw like taking a good whooping. They came again. They all listened. He beat him, and some of you are saying, "God, I thought you gave me victory over this devil." And here they are again. Who am I talking to? I'm preaching to somebody in here. Wait a minute, God, but I thought you gave me the victory. Yes, he did. The devil's persistent. Are you listening to me? He is persistent, but you've got to be more persistent than him. And guess what David did? He ran to God again. David said, "God, should I do it the same way I did the last time? This is why you can't trust in formulas. Are you all listening to me? This is why you can't trust in formulas. The formula is not what's giving you victory. It's God." He said, "God, how to do this?" God said, "Hold up, David. Don't rush out there this time. Wait until you hear the sound of the marching in the mulberry trees. When you hear the marching in the mulberry trees, then you can stir yourself. For the Lord has gone before you to smite the Philistines." And the Bible says, "And David did so, and the Lord smoked the Philistines." But wait a minute, how come David was winning and they kept coming back? Wait, we've got to look at this for a second. He won, but they kept coming back. I'll tell you why. Because David was only dealing with the leaves. Are you listening to me? He was only dealing with the leaves. I dare someone say it's time to go to the root. I dare someone say it's time to go to the root. And God gave David revelation knowledge. The Holy Ghost opened David's eyes. So David, David realized, "I'm only dealing with leaves. I need to go to the root. I need to take this rascal down once and for all." Are you all listening to me? Because they kept coming. If you keep dealing with the same problem over and over and over and over, you need God to give you insight to show you how to get to the root. David realized, "I'm only clipping leaves. I want to go to the root." So David did his research and found out there was a city. Isn't good? There was a city by the name of Methag Ama. Methag Ama actually was the mother rain. The ruling city that produced the giants. Put the word of the Methag Ama as mother city, the bridal of the mother city. That was the place of control or authority. So David realized, "Mama Flora, if I'm going to take these jokers out, I need to go after the mother load." Look at someone who said, "We going after the mother load." Who ready with the Holy Ghost pickaxe? We going dig up a tree. We going to take this joker out by the roots. I know someone said, "We going to the roots. I'm a nine-tut. Two in. I got to go to the root. Go to 2 Samuel chapter 8 verse 1. And after this, someone say after this. That man, he got revelation. He got insight. After this, it came to pass that David smote the Philistines. And subdued them. And David took Methag Ama out of the hands of the Philistines. Someone lift your hands to heaven and say, "I'm anointed to win." The anointing of God will show you where the root cause of the thing is. He went to the root and he conquered the city that was the producer of giants. He conquered it once and for all. Some will lift your hands to heaven and say, "I'm anointed to win." I'm anointed to win. You are anointed to win. Amen. And we go to the root cause of your trouble. We go to the root. We pull it up in the name of Jesus. Come on, pray with me, saints. We destroy this thing from the roots. From the roots when Jesus cursed the fig tree. The Bible says when they pass it up the next day they notice it had been dried up from the roots. I dare someone to say, "We curse the very roots in the name of Jesus." Come on, come on, saints. We curse the very roots of this trouble. We curse it at the roots. You'll never rise again. You'll never rise against my family again. You'll never hold us back again. You'll never mess in my finances again. You'll never bring cancer back into my family again. We curse it at the roots. We curse it at the roots. Some of your family can only go so far. The same thing that happened to your great grandma. It happened to your grandma. Now it's happening to you. The devil is a liar. I dare someone to say, "I curse it at the roots. I curse it at the roots." We breaking through this thing right now. We breaking through it. We breaking through it. Cause I'm anointed to win. Come on, pray with me, saints. I'm anointed to win. I'm anointed to win. I'm anointed to win. We curse this at the roots. In the name of Jesus, this same trouble. It keeps coming at us. We bind it. We rebuke it. We curse you at the roots. We curse you at the roots. In the name of Jesus. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God. To the pulling down of strongholds. We pull down every stronghold. Come on, see, pray with me. We pull it down. We pull it down. We pull it down. Every failure in your family. Call it by name. We pull it down. In the name of Jesus the lost. We pull it down. In the name of Jesus. Rebellion. We pull it down. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. We pull it down. Down. Down. Down. Down. Down. Down. to give in this offering. You can visit us online right now at You can also give through the ministry PayPal account that addresses You can also give through the ministry app. Many of you have it downloaded on your smart phones. You can also give through the ministry's cell account. The ministry's cell email address is You can also give through the ministry cash app account. The ministry cash app address is the dollar sign, shanpindaministries. You can also text to give. All you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number 4888 and a link will automatically be sent to you. You can also mail your donations into the ministry. Just remember to make your checks and money orders out to shanpinda ministries PO Box 2726 McKinney, Texas 75070. And listen to all of our wonderful partners that make this broadcast possible. May it pass to Amy, say thank you. You are doing an amazing job helping us preach the gospel around the world. Continue to support this work of God. We love you and we appreciate you daily. We will never take you for granted. God bless you. See you on tomorrow on another morning prayer broadcast. God bless. Bye bye. [MUSIC PLAYING] [BLANK_AUDIO]