Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

Help Is on the Way

In the midst of life's raging storms, remember that help is on the way! This powerful morning devotion will remind you that even when you feel overwhelmed, Jesus is walking towards you on the water. Embrace faith, step out boldly, and trust that you are never alone. No matter what challenges you face, there is always hope. Don't give up! Help is on the way!

Broadcast on:
21 Jun 2024
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In the midst of life's raging storms, remember that help is on the way! This powerful morning devotion will remind you that even when you feel overwhelmed, Jesus is walking towards you on the water. Embrace faith, step out boldly, and trust that you are never alone. No matter what challenges you face, there is always hope. Don't give up! Help is on the way!

[music] Oh Lord, my God, and I in awesome wonder, come on, sit her off, the words thy hands have made. I see the stars, I see the stars. I hear the rolling thunder, your power throughout the universe. This place, come on and see you with me. Then sings my song. Said you go to me. How great, how great. How great, now I. Then sings my song. And I said you go to me. How great, now I. Oh Lord, my God, oh Lord, my God. We're now in awesome wonder. Consider all the words thy hands have made. I see the stars, I see the stars. And I hear the rolling thunder, your power throughout the universe. This place, live your voice and sing. Then sings my song. And I said you go to me. How great, how great. How great, now I. Then sings my song. And I said you go to me. How great, now I. How great, now I. Come on, lift your heads to heaven and say, help is on the way. Help is on the way. Glory to God. One of my favorite scriptures to preach them on tonight, amen. Let's get ourselves ready and go into the Word of God on tonight. Glory to God. Matthew chapter 14, beginning at verse 22. And I want to really take my time in the Word of God on tonight, amen. Because I want you to get this, get this. I believe there's a lot of ministry in the Word of God here tonight. Lord, don't let them miss it tonight. In the name of Jesus. Let me give you a little background on what's happening here. Jesus, who is our perfect example, had just gotten some tragic news. He had heard the tragic news that John the Baptist, his cousin, had just been beheaded. Come on, somebody. And who knows if you hear news like that? You don't feel like ministering to nobody. You want to get by your lonesome. Come on, and that's when Jesus multiplied the five loaves and the two fist and fed five thousand men beside women and children, Lord of mercy. See, we talk about that miracle, but we don't look at the circumstances surrounding the life of Jesus when that great miracle took place. Now, you know, that was God's way. Come on, somebody. That was God's way of letting Jesus know I'm right here with you, son. I got you. Come on, somebody. Some will lift your hands to heaven and say, God got me. God got me. God's got me. That was his way of letting Jesus know, yeah, they killed John, but I got you. I'm right here. Come on, somebody. We know what happened to crowd. They got their eyes off the anointing of God, and they begin to put it on the bread. Come on, somebody. They wanted to be around Jesus because their bellies were filled. Not because of their anointing. Are you listening to me on tonight? And Jesus realized what confusion was happening there. His apostles began to be taken up with that. Peter said, well, we know James and John, am I going to be on the left or on the right? When you sit on the throne, because that crowd, come on, somebody. That crowd got their minds off of Christ as the Messiah, and they got the disciples' minds in the flesh. You got to be careful who you hang out with. Somebody can either help you to have a spiritual mind, or they can cause you to pull into the flesh. Come on, home I talk to you here tonight. Lord, how mercy. And that's when we get into verse 22, because the Bible says in verse 22, and straightway, glory to God. The Lord don't put up with foolishness, man. Straightway, or immediately, Jesus, Jesus constrained his disciples. He constrained his disciples to get into a ship and to go before him, onto the other side while he sent the multitude away. The Bible says in straightway, Jesus constrained his disciples. The word constrain right there, watch this y'all. The word constrain right there means to compel. Jesus compelled his disciples to get away from that crowd, because it was the wrong crowd they had their mind on the wrong thing. He compelled them, he began to drive them away from the wrong crowd. And all constrain also means to use force. He was fussful and aggressive, because he didn't want their minds contaminated. And he didn't want them to get out the will of God, and also by other means. Who am I talking to? Have God, have God had to compel you to get from around the wrong crowd? Have you ever had to drive you away from the wrong crowd? Jesus had to break that app. He had to break that influence up from off of his disciples. Normally, he would let the disciples see the people off, but Jesus said, "I can't trust this one." You get in the ship and you go to the other side, "I'm going to send the multitude away. I can't have this, I can't have the wrong crowd getting all up in your inner circle. Come on, somebody. Come on, somebody. Someone who is on this broadcast tonight, you have to walk away from some wrong relationships. You're even trapped folk. Even trapped folk, you've got to walk away from some of them. Come on, somebody. They just as bad as the world if you're in watching yourself. So Jesus sent them away. And the Bible says, it brings us to verse 23. The Bible says, "When, come on, when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up. Lord, help me Jesus." Do you think that's coincidental the way the Holy Ghost have this thing where to death? And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up. Come on, somebody. You want to go higher? You got to get from around the wrong crowd. My Lord and my God. He went up into a mountain, a pot. A pot. You got to separate yourself. A pot to pray. And when the evening was come, he was there alone. There ain't nothing like it. Alone with God, you got to get alone because it's in the secret place. God's preparing you. He is getting you ready to do something you've never done before. Lord, help us here. Do you got to understand God was preparing Jesus. He was getting ready to do something in the life and the ministry of the Lord Jesus that he had never done before. So Jesus now, he got these disciples. He told them what to do. He got them separated from the wrong crowd. And the Bible says it was the evening time. My, my, my. It was the evening time to the disciples. They headed over to glory to God. The Bible says, but the ship was now in the midst of the sea. Glory to God. But the ship was now in the midst of the sea and it was tossed. It was tossed with the waves for the wind. For the wind was contrary, Lord of mercy. Now you see why all hell begin to break loose into disciples life. My God, my God. Why were they on the ship? They were on the ship because Jesus told them to get on the ship. Why are you on this broadcast tonight? I dare someone lift their hands to heaven. See, I'm following Jesus. I'm following Jesus. Ah, but you mix something in that verse. I want to point it out to you. I'll tell you why the wind begin to blow and the waves begin to get rough because the Bible says, the ship, I'm going to just quote it to you. The ship was now in the midst of the sea. The midst, the midst of the sea means, come on somebody. They were halfway there. And the Bible says, right in the midst of the storm, they stuck halfway, Jeff. They don't know east from west, not from south. They can't see nothing. My God, my God, my God. And then the Bible says, all of a sudden, all of a sudden. John said, I thought I saw something glad out the corner of my eyes. John said, I saw something. Lord, have mercy. I think that's a ghost. Lord, have mercy. Someone said, that ain't no ghost. Help is on the way. Glory to God. Help is on the way. John said, wait a minute. Peter said, no, John. You ain't going crazy in the thunder. John ain't going crazy. I see something too. Lord, have mercy. And they're all holding on to one another. Jesus, they've got to be behemians. And all of a sudden, what's amazing is, they're crying for deliverance. And when the answer starts coming, now they're scared. Now they're scared of the answer. Lord, have mercy. Can someone open your mouth and say, this is Jesus, man. This ain't no devil. This ain't no devilling or help you in no storm. He's the one trying to sing the boat. But this is Jesus. Jesus said, be of good care. It is I. Be not afraid. But wait a minute. Wait a minute. The Bible says it was the fourth watch of the night. When he came walking, the fourth watch simply, the fourth watch means three a.m. in the morning. Jesus. Somebody said joy comes in the morning. We've been manned off for a night, but joy comes in the morning. Now remember, when he told him to go to the other side, it was evening time. And now it's the next day in the morning. Lord, have mercy. They were in this thing for nine hours. Have you ever been in a storm? And it felt like you were in it for an all eternity. Come on, somebody. But I don't want you to miss this. They were so focused on the storm, can you? They did not realize they had entered into a new day. Lord Jesus. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. I dare someone to say the day of change. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. He sent them that evening. Amen. And Jesus shows up early in the morning. This is the whole next day. I dare someone say, devil, the day has changed. The day has changed. Oh, come on, somebody. The day. Someone home to help is on the way. Help, help, help, help. Help is on the way. The day of change. Someone home, it's a new day. You couldn't kill me then. You sure enough can't kill me now. Cause I see help. Someone home of Jesus. Of Nazareth. Mary's baby. The lion of the tribe of Judah. My heel. He is headed my way. And guess what? He is swimming the grass. He is swimming camp. He is swimming camp. He is walking on top of the water. Somebody hollered me and said, my storm is under his feet. Now what's this? You can tell Jesus is there now. Because all of a sudden Peter mouth is getting big and bold. Peter said, Jesus, if you know he was Baptist, if I'm messing with my Baptist folk tonight, I'm ordained by this minister. Peter was so full of faith, man. He's so excited. He said, if this is you, command me. Peter said, I'm going to put him to the test. I'm going to put him to the test. Let the storm car dries. Let the stormy wind blow. But if Jesus tell me to walk on the water, it don't have to be calm. The wind can blow. The waves can be, I can crazy. And I'll still walk on and watch here, y'all. The winds are still blowing. The boat is still shaking. And Jesus said one word. Come! He didn't print a long print like Pastor Sean. Come! And the Bible says. The Bible says, when Peter was calm down, when Peter was calm down out of the boat, he began to walk on the water to go to Jesus. The Holy Ghost said, you know why some people can't get a miracle? They're too high. Come on, somebody. They're too high. Someone said, calm down! Come down! Come down! Come down! You're too high. You think too much of yourself. Somebody said, calm down! Humble yourself! Under the mighty hand of God, and he will exalt you. Induce Jesus. Someone on the humble yourself. Humble! Humble! Watch this. The winds are still blowing. The waves are still rocking the boat. And Peter, he is out. He's on top of it. Peter's looking at himself. Are you serious? Come on. Someone open your mouth. Say no to storm! It's under my feet! He gave you power! Can I preach like a field of Jephthah? He gave you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and all the law! The power of the enemy. And absolutely nothing! Someone had nothing! Nothing! Nothing! Nothing! Nothing! Shout by any means! Now Peter, wait a minute. Now Peter, I mean Jesus is bad to the bone. The storm, watch this now. The storm hasn't changed. It's still blowing. It's still thunder and lightning. The winds are still blowing like crazy. Peter said, wow. I'm on top of this thing. The Lord just pleases you on the top of your storm. Oh am I talking to God just pleases you on the top of your struggle. That thing you've been struggling with! Somebody jump up and say I'm on top of it! Someone jump to your feet! Come on, Tim! Someone jump to your feet! Say it's under! It's under! It's under! Come on the rash! It's under! Come on! It's under! It's under! It's under! He's under my feet! You stop us halfway! But you can't stop us no more! You are under my feet! Now watch this. So the Bible says, right when Peter, my God, right when Peter start to feel good. Just when he thought he had a down pack. Some salt water splashing his eyes. And knocked him right out of the spirit. Come on somebody. You ever had some knock your spirit? Come on talk to me. You're right there walking my faith. You're on top of this storm. And some splashing, all of a sudden, you're back in the natural. Peter said, what? Am I crazy? The Bible says, says, and he beginning, he beginning, beginning to sink. He didn't go all the way. I mean, you listen to some preachers. You would have think Jesus had to put on school but dive in again. Go down to the bottom of the ocean and get peed out. No, no, no, no, no. The Bible says, and he beginning to sink. Who am I talking to? I'm talking to somebody your faith was just high. Your faith was just strong as ever. And something slapped you upside the head. And now you're starting to sink. Your faith just dreaming out of you. Lord, how mercy. When Peter realized he was starting to go down. Peter said, I ain't going down without a fight. The devil is a liar. Peter's like, Jesus got me in the mess. He go off to get me out. Come on. Jesus help me. Someone on the help. Help. Help. Help. We ain't got time for no longer. Someone on the help. Peter said, Lord, save me. Watch this. And the Bible says immediately Jesus reached out his hands and he grabbed Peter, Lord of mercy. Lord of mercy. The minute Jesus put his hands on you, the sink can stop. Who am I preaching to? I hear the Lord spoke to me earlier when I was going back over this passage of Scripture. Jesus said, you tell my people. I got them. They ain't going no lower. Someone on the help. I can't go lower. I can't go lower. Jesus got his hands on me. Jesus is holding me. Isaiah 41-10. He says, fair thou nor for I am with you. I will help you. I'm going to uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness. All of those who are angry against you, going to be ashamed, will be a thing of not. Somebody holler, I'm in the hands of God. I can't go no lower. Who am I talking to? You've been low enough. Jesus told me to tell you, you ain't going no lower. You ain't going no lower. Do a good man fall seven times. He going to get up again. Someone holler, I'm on the bonks back now. I'm on the return. I'm getting up. I will sink in. But I'm getting up. I'm getting up. The Bible says, when they, when they will come into the ship, the wind cease pay attention. The Bible says, when they, who's they? Jesus and Peter. Listen, good Kenny and Paulate and Andrea. Jesus and Peter, Peter walked on water perfectly. The second time. He didn't sink the second time. Come on, somebody. Preaches like to talk about how he began. No, no, no, let's talk about the second part. Let's talk about the Peter who got it right the second time. I'm talking to somebody. God's giving you another chance. The Holy Ghost say, you ain't sinking this time. Come on, somebody, lift your hands to heaven. You ain't sinking this time. You ain't sinking this time. You ain't, come on, come on. You ain't sinking this time. You're not going down this time. And the Bible says they made it to the other side. They made it. They made it to the other side. Glory to God. Somebody lift your hands to heaven. I'm going to make it to the other side. I'm going to make it. We're going beyond halfway. We're going all the way with Jesus. We're going to make it all the way to the other side. All the way to the other side. They made it safely to the other side. Unscaled, unharmed. They made it. Help is on the way. Somebody lift your hands to heaven and receive. The Holy Ghost is pouring out strength. He is pouring out strength on tonight. He is pouring out strength. Come on, somebody lift your hands to heaven. He's pouring out strength tonight. He is pouring out strength on his people tonight. He is pouring out strength. Strength in your people tonight. Glory to God. Thank you, Jesus. He's pouring out strength. He's pouring out strength tonight. He is pouring out strength on his people tonight. He's pouring out strength. Receive the strength of God. Receive the peace of God. Receive the comfort of God. The assurance of God. The faith of God. The hope of God. The miracles of God. The breakthrough of God. That peace. And that assurance. You're coming out of this more than a conqueror. To give in this offering you can visit us online right now at You can also give through the ministry PayPal account .me/shawnpenderministries. You can also give through the ministry app. Many of you have it downloaded on your smartphones. You can also give through the ministry's cell account. The ministry's cell email address is You can also give through the ministry cash app account. The ministry cash app address is the dollar sign. Shawnpender ministries. You can also text to give. All you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number four, five, eight, eight, and a link will automatically be sent to you. You can also mail your donations into the ministry. Just remember to make your checks and money orders out to shawnpender ministries. PO Box 2726 McKinney Texas 75070. And listen to all of our wonderful partners that make this broadcast possible. Me and Pastor Amy say thank you. You are doing an amazing job helping us preach the gospel around the world. Continue to support this work of God. We love you and we appreciate you deli. We will never take you for granted. God bless you. See you on tomorrow on another Morning Prayer broadcast. God bless. Bye-bye. [MUSIC PLAYING]