The Unexpected Cosmology Podcast

370 | Torah Portions Week 41: NUMBERS 25:10-30 | Phinehas + Elijah the Same Person? Time Travel in Bible

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1h 59m
Broadcast on:
22 Jul 2024
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Ministry and Widow Fund: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support:   / membership   Contact: Facebook:   / theunexpectedcosmology  

Shabbat Shalom from Under the Dome. My name is Noel. This is the unexpected cosmology. All praise and glory of course goes to our Father in Heaven and His Son, Yohushaha Mashiach, or for you Greek-speaking Italians out there, Yaisus, Kristus. What a week it's been. Where do we even begin? I can just sit here with my coffee and just go over those details for you again if you want. Of course we're here for the weekly Torah portions. Thank you for making this a weekly tradition in your home. And yeah, if you are not able to, if you haven't been attending our Tuck Discord group, which is a two-hour live conversation before I go live on here, you really missed out this week. It's good every week, but this week it was really lively, discussing whatever it was as we saw happen on the TV earlier this week. If you happen to be watching this video two or three or four, ten years from now, I am referring to what happened on July, I think it was 13th, 2024. You can look that up and see what happened on that day. It's been a good week. I did. Let me show you this here. Last night I gave my presentation on the Anunnaki, I went through Zechariah's Sitchin's book, and I gave my whole book report on this, you can't really see on camera, but this book right here, all 14 tablets and very intellectual, very deep, very thorough research. Go check it out. It's a two and a half hour podcast. Of course, you get to stare at my lovely mug on there as well if you choose to go the YouTube route. Let's get right into this. One of the things that I have stated in the past, the way I am starting to see Tor, I'm starting to see the Tor in a number of different ways, and that does happen as you grow older and you start studying it out more and comparing and stuff, I'm starting to understand the Tor. Some of you will be like, no, I'm starting to see it as a father-child relationship. We have a father in heaven. Of course, I do believe, as you guys have heard many times before, that Yahuwah, that's the paleo for Yahuwah or Yahuwah or Yahweh, however you pronounce it, and I guess in English, Jehovah. But I believe that Yahuwah is the son of the Most High, that he is Yahushahama Shiyak, side point for the moment. Let's give a scenario. Imagine you're watching, well, let me just say really quickly. The way I'm seeing the Tor is that he puts out these very simple commands. It starts with, say, in the Garden of Eden in Paradise, where he's like, don't eat that fruit. Then they go and eat the fruit and he's like, all right, I think I need to be more specific about some things because clearly you failed at a very, very simple task. Imagine as a parent, you tell your child not to cross the street and that they have to hold your hand if they cross the street, and then they do cross the street, and you're like, all right, I'm going to have to kind of be more specific and detail oriented about what you're not to do, and you see that happen all through the Tor where they rebel. He gives out some very simple commands, and then they rebel, and then he has to either lay down more laws, or he has to clarify, tonight is going to be one of those where it's reactionary, where he's going to be like, all right, I'm going. You clearly didn't get it the first 10 times that I told you, so I'm going to tell you again. So imagine like in a sitcom from the '80s or '90s, it's like a family sitcom, a scenario where the father tells his teenage son, and he has teenage sons and daughters, but he tells the oldest, he's like, all right, your mother and I are going away for the weekend. This is the first time we've gone away for the weekend, you are manned for the house, and here's your instructions. Your instructions are that you are not to invite anybody over, okay? Nobody's to be in this house, you are not to invite anybody over. And he's like, oh, come on, dad, can I have my friends like, no. While my mother and I are gone, we will be back on Sunday, and two nights do not invite anybody over. And so, of course, he agrees, okay, you know, and he, of course, the mom and dad, they leave, they drive off. In 30 seconds to a minute, one of their friends shows up at the door and he's got like pizza or something, right? So here's the temptation. And the son, the oldest son, says, my parents said that I'm not to invite anybody over. And then the other guy with the pizza says, but you didn't invite me over. I didn't know about those instructions. I didn't get invited over. I came over. Your dad didn't say anything about that. And of course, the son, he knows that the intents of the law is that, no, he's not to have anybody over, that the not inviting people over is kind of almost a mute point. And he's like, oh, yeah, and he invites him over. And then, of course, you know, these hot babes come over and then a party starts, you know, how it goes down. And then, you know, pretty soon, the whole school shows up. And then somebody steals the other school mascot and they come, you know, the dad, of course, has to turn around, right, that the parents, they don't make it the weekend. They walk in in this terrible situation where their house is trashed and there's somebody boxing a kangaroo in the living room, right? And so the father's like, okay, you clearly, you know, you didn't get the rules. So now I'm going to, you're grounded for the next month and I'm going to lay more ground rules for you to make this tighter because apparently I had to loose on you. That's how I see the tour unfolding, so that's what we're going to be going at tonight. Once again, welcome. Last week was the Balaam episode. Actually, two weeks ago, what happened was, so in recap, two weeks ago, the Canaanites, I guess you could say, the people around Bishan, they unleashed Aug, you know, the last of the riffing in, and I showed you that he appeared to be a protector of the dead. You know, the question is, is Bishan, is that somehow identified with Sheol? So I'm really interested in stuff going on and there have been like grave markers and things like that where Aug was considered a, found to be considered a protector of the dead. Well, that didn't work. He was killed off. According to the Aramaic Targum, Moshe took him out like Jack in the beanstalk, took an axe to his ankle or whatever. And so they're like, all right, well, let's bring in Balaam. And then I showed you how Balaam is the duality of the Moshe. He's like the polar opposite. If we want to get like another movie scenario, you know, dark side, light side, Star Wars, Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, like Moshe is the light, he is the darkness. They are opposite wizards, Moshe's not a wizard, I'm not saying that, but you guys get the idea, right? They are checkerboard duality opposites. And this whole point was is that he, as a prophet, and someone who did prophesy for YAH, interestingly enough, he gave a very interesting star and a rod of this, or scepter prophecy that then the Magi brought to fruition. He realized that he couldn't curse Israel as he was paid to do, but he could only bless Israel, but he could also leave them into temptation. So we discussed that. And this is what is reactionary to what we're going into this week. We saw on the Balaam text that Balaam overhears a judgment from the Divine Council in heaven. This is not in the Bible. This is a separate document that has been found in Jordan in the same area as where Balaam was in this incident. Here is a judgment from the Divine Council in heaven involving specific Canaanite gods, Allahram, who were being demoted. And it was kind of a sad pronouncement. It's kind of interesting. I actually think that it backs up the Exodus counts, and it was probably around the same time where he hears, I think it was, it might have been Ishtar, or Astrath, that she was being demoted, kind of from her land there in Canaan. We talked about Balaam's talking, we talked about the talking donkey, which reminded us of the first confusion of tongues in Jubilees, which was animals no longer speaking the universal language. So I would say that the second confusion of tongues was Babel. The first was when Adam and his woman left paradise, and they could no longer communicate with the animals. We did see an example of a wolf that spoke to Yaku that would be Jacob in the book of Jasher, and also the fact that Solomon could once more speak with the animals. I covered the idea, according to the Aramaic Targum, the donkey says that he is unclean and couldn't enter the kingdom. Really interesting thoughts, and then I back, I showed with the book of Revelation and unclean animals, and I let you guys kind of work that out, because I know that when it comes to pets, dogs, cats, that kind of thing, those are of course unclean animals, nothing wrong with owning those. I'll let you guys work those out with your own thoughts. You guys kind of know how I operate, I'm a bit stoic, I'm just kind of looking at the text and say, "Okay, this is what the text have to say," kind of let that direct my understanding of spiritual truth. At the end of the day, I don't know. I don't know. Will it be dogs in heaven? I'm leaving YAH to decide that one. I would love it. My whole life up until the time I had children, and I would love to have, there was one dog in particular who was, "I will be shocked if he makes it to heaven," let's just put it that way. There's a few others that were total angels on this earth. Balaam still existed as a spirits prototype in the apostolic writings. We see Balaam going around in the New Testament. We saw Balaam in Pergamum at the seat of Satan in Revelation. Of course, I talked about the star and scepter prophecy which was fulfilled with the Magi. Who adhered to the teachings of Nimrod, interestingly enough, according to the, I will tell you where I'm sourcing that. You're going to have to watch the video for yourself to figure that one out. The Cain prophecy appears, oh yeah, we dug up the Cain prophecy in the Paleo, which appears to state that Cain was still alive at the time of Balaam, not physically, but his spirits, Ruach, so wandering the earth like a Nephilim demon that he kind of was and that he was there for explicit purpose, similar to Og's purpose. We saw Finnehaz the zealot, which we will revisit him this week, and of course, I talked about the duality of Moshe and Balaam, so let's get right into it. Now I want to also stress, before I read the Torah portions tonight, we are reading from the Paleo Hebrew, which is very special. This comes from Pamela's translation, I got word that she just finished Deuteronomy this week, so we are now in the editing process, getting it ready to premiere in about three weeks, two or three weeks, whenever we do the start to Deuteronomy Torah portions. And I understand that there's a lot of words in here that are hard for people to follow. Look, it's hard for me to read them, all right? And let's just be honest here, reading in the English is hard enough and following in the English is hard enough, all right? So there are individuals that tell me that they love the research that's being done here, but they just can't follow the payload, it's just too hard for them. And so just so you guys all can see here, I put the King James right next to the Paleo every single week so you guys can follow on screen. Also, of course, I'm not trying to make a sale here, but we do, we sell this book in the store, you can go get it as well as the Torah portion study guides, which just what you see are the King James line with the Paleo Hebrew, and then I take the Greek LXX and the Aramaic Targum, you can put them up side by side for your study purposes and follow along back at home. So when I have a hard time, I struggle with the word and you struggle hearing it, you can at least look at the word on screen or in your book and help follow along. Thank you all for being here with me, let's get into this. And yeah, wahabi ever living set words in order toward Al-Mashah to declare, finihas or in the Paleo, phaya nukas, son of Elazar, son of Aaron, the priest, has with his zeal turned away my hot displeasure from the sons of Yashoril and with his zeal, my art of jealousy in their midst. So we're going to see last week the ending rehearsed again, where what finihas did is he took like a big spear or a lance, a stake, I've seen illustrations of a long sword, but he takes a long spear like a lance and he stabs the man and the woman having intercourse in the tabernacle. Of course, this was a temple prostitute I'll talk about, I'll get into her and who the man was, but this is just rehearsing that refreshing our memory from last week. Therefore, I did not completely finish the sons of Yashoril and my jealousy because of finihas. From that account, I declared behold, I given to him my covenant of Shalom, a covenant of peace, and it shall exist in to him and to his seed after him the covenant of a perpetual priesthood because he was jealous for his alahiah, and that would be for his God. And he made a covering atonement over the sons of Yashoril and the name of the man of Yashoril who was slain along with the Midonite woman was, it's a, let's see, what's his name here in English, Zimri, or in the paleo Zama Riah, son of Salua, a lifted up chief of a house, a father among the Simeonites. Now put a flag on the Simeonites there, we're going to be talking about that, why it's so important, that like we saw with Cora's rebellion, Cora was a Levite but he teamed up with the Rubenites, and it seems like the people leading the charge this time are the Simeonites. Why is that? And the name of the woman who was slain was Cosby or Kazabaya, daughter of Zor, the head of a house, he was a chief in Midian. So it seems like they were both top dogs of their fields. In Yahweh, the ever living said a word in order toward Al-Masha'a did declare, bring into distress the Midianites or the Mariah Newyam and strike against them for they brought distress upon you with their machinations, when they acted fraudulently until you over the matter of Kazabaya or Cosby, the daughter of the lifted up chief of Midian, their sister, who was slain in the matter of Peor or Fa'ayur. And it existed after the plague that Yahweh, so now we're going to read a whole section about a census, which I'll be talking a little bit about tonight too. So we're going to see a lot of a numbering of the tribes here. And it existed after the plague that Yahweh, the ever living declared toward Al-Masha'a and toward Al-Alazar or Iliyazar, son of Aaron the Priest to say, lift up the heads of all the sons of Yashirel from a son aged 20 years and higher according to their father's house. He who was able to go forth the war in Yashirel and Masha'a and Iliyazar set a word in order with them in the dry arid region of Moab over against the Yarden near Jericho to say, number the people from a son aged 20 years and higher like that which Yahweh had the ever living commanded Masha'a and the sons of Yashirel, all those going forth from Arat's midstream or the land of Egypt. Again was first born of Yashirel, these are the sons of Reuben for Hanukk, the families of the Hanukkiah, which is interesting because I think that's the word for Enoch there. For Palu, for Chatsar on, this is, I'm sorry guys, this is one of those name chapters. Give me a lot of names in here, so just hang with me, read along if you can. For Chatsar on, the families of the Chatsar onuya, for Karamiah, the families of the Karamiah, these are the families of the Reubenites and they existed of their number 1, 3 and 40,730 and the sons of Palu is Iliab and the sons of Iliab are Namah, Wal and Daifen and Abraham and of course you remember what happened to Daifen and Abraham, the sons of Reuben, they teamed up with the wrong guy and you're swallowed them and they were of course, Daifen and Abraham were pretty rots and guys all the way back, and this is the same Daifen and Abraham called out ones of the assembly who continued against Masha'a and against Aaron and the gathered assemblies of Korok. When they continued against YAHwah, you were living and Ha'arats opened up her mouth and swallowed them down and Korok was among that assembly, 250 men who died in the consuming fire and they existed for a sign but the sons of Korok died not, so his mind did live on his sons. Oh boy, here we go, a lot of families, these are the sons of Shama'a, whatever, Simeon, according to their families, for Nema'wul, the families of the Nema'a, for Yama'a, the families of the Yema'a, Nu'a, for Yek'a'an, the families of the Yek'a'a, Nu'a, for Zarak, the families of the Zarak'a, for Sha'ul, the families of the Sha'ul, Sha'ul, La'a, these are the families of the Simeonites, or the Shama'a, Anu'a, two and twenty thousand and two hundred, the sons of Gadd, according to their families, for Zefan, the families of Zefanu'a, for Chagaya, the families of Chagaya, for Sha'ul, Nu'a, for the families of Sha'ul, Nu'a, for Azanu'a, the families of the Azanu'a, for Eraya, the families of the Eraya, for Eraya, I should have had Pamela come and read this week, so I could just sit here like this if she's reading her translation, for Eraya, the families of the Eraya, for Eraya, the families of the Eraya, these are the families of the sons of Gadd, according to their numbered ones, forty thousand and five hundred, the sons of Yehuda were Eren Anun, but Eren Anun died, and this would be, you know, the Eren Onan, the two meat brothers, died in the land of Canaan, and the sons of Yehuda existed according to their families, for Shilaha, the families of the Shilaha, the Shilaha, for Farats, the families of the Faraziah, for Zarakh, the families of the Zarakhaya, and he existed the sons of Farats, for Chatsaron, the families of the Chatsarah, Unu'ya, for Chama'u, the families of the Chama'u, Wailaya, these are the families of Yehuda, according to their numbered ones, six and seventy thousand and five hundred, the sons of Ishikar, or Yasha, Yasha Shekar, according to their families, for Tola, the families of Tola, for Pua, the families of the Pua'u, for Yasha'u, the families of the Yasha'u Biah, or the, you see the Jazu Bites, I put, you know, some of the King James names in here just to help me out through this reading. For Shama'ran, the families of the Shama'u, Ratnu'ya, these are the families of Yeshikar, according to the numbered ones, four and sixty thousand and three hundred, the sons of Zebulun, according to their families, for Surah, the families of the Saradiah, for Ala'un, or Ilan, the families of the Ala'unu'ya, for Jalil, or Yak'al'al, the families of the Yak'al'alaya, these are the families of Zebulun, according to their numbered ones, six thousand and five hundred, the sons of Yosef, according to their families, was Manesha and Yifrim, these are the sons of Manesha for Macayar, the families of the, for the Makkah Yaria, and Macayar, fathered Gala'ed, for Gala'ed, the families of the Gala'edayab, these are the sons of Gala'ed, you guys just love watching me up, you're doing this, don't you? That's the only reason you just keep them back a week after week. For Ayah Azar, the families of the Ayah Azaria, for Chalak, the families of the Chalakku'ya, and for Ashar Ra'ya al, the families of the Sad family, and for Shechem, the families of the Shechemiah, and for Shammaya Da'ay, the families of the Sad family, and for Shafar, the families of the Sad family, and unto Zala Fakad, son of Chafar, existed no son to him, but rather daughters, this is kind of interesting, and the names of the daughters of the Sad individuals, Sala Fakad, were Makhalaha, and Nuhayah, and Hagalaha, Malakaha, and Zara Saha, let me just see what their names are on this next page, it goes way down here, we'll get there, oh here they are, so the daughters of Zilafihad were Mala, and I found this interesting, it says in the King James Noah, and Noah, which I guess in this case would be a masculine anithym in a name, maybe there were women named Noah, named their daughters Noah, I don't know, but Mala, and Noah, and Hogla, Milka, and Terzah, these are the families of Menesha, and their numbered ones were two and 50,700, these are the sons of Ephraim according to their families, for Shat'u Thulak, the families of the Sad family, for Bacar, the families of the Sad family, for Thukan, the families of Thukanuya, and these are the sons of Shat'u Thulak, for Eren, the families of Erenuya, these are the families of the sons of Ephraim according to their numbered ones, two and thirty thousand and five hundred, these are the sons of Yosef according to their families, these are the sons of Benjamin, or Benu Yaman, according to their families, for Balai, the families of the Sad family, for Ehabol, the families of Ashabalea, for Akayaram, the families of the person, for Shat'u Thum, what does it say that over here? I didn't highlight that, the families of the Sad individual, for Shat'u Thum, the families of the Sad individual, and the sons who existed until Balai, Arad, and Naimin, the families of the Eredaia, for Naimin, the families of Naimin, these are the sons of Benjamin, or Badu Yaman, according to their families, and their numbered ones were five and forty thousand and six hundred, these are the sons of Dan, I'm so glad that Dan is universal in all languages, Gadd and Dan, thank you all for that, Dan, it doesn't matter if you go to Japan, or India, or Africa, it's still Dan, just good old Dan, these are the sons of Dan, according to their families, for Shakushukam, the families of the Sad family, these are the families of Dan, according to their families, all the families of Shat'u Ka Maya, by their numbered ones, are four and sixty thousand and four hundred, the sons of Ashar, or Ashar, are according to their families, for Yaman Nuha, the families of the Yaman Nuha, for Yasha'u Ya, the families of Yasha Yuha, for Bara Ya'aha, the families of the family, of the sons of Bara'aha, for Chabar, the families of Chabar Rea, for Malakiah Al, the families of the Sad individual, and the name of the daughter of Ashar is Sharak, these are the families of the sons of Ashar, according to their numbered ones, three and fifty thousand, four hundred, for Yatsar, the families of the Yatsa Rea, for Shalom, the families of the Shalamaya, these are the families of the Nafafulaya, according to their families, and their numbered ones are five and forty thousand and four hundred, I'm guessing that's Naftali, these are the numbered ones, the sons of Yasharil, six hundred, thousand, and a thousand, seven hundred and thirty, the division of the land ordered, and Gawaw, the overliving, said a word in order toward Al-Mashah, did declare, until these you shall divide Ha'arats, or the land, for an inheritance, according to the number of the names, until the great you will increase his inheritance, and until the few you will diminish their inheritance, each man to the month of his numbered ones, so he shall be gifted his inheritance, the families of the La-Wach-Yam, or the Levites, and these are the number ones of Levi, according to their families, for Garashat Shun, the families of the Sad individual, for Kuhath, the families of the Sad individual, for Merah Rea, the families of the individual, these are the families of La-Wach-Ya, or Levites, the families of the La-ban-Nu-Ya, the families of the Chaba-Rah-Nu-Ya, the families of the Makalaya, the families of the Ma'a-U-Shaya, the families of the Cura-Kaya, and Kuhath, followed Amoram, and the name of Amoram's covenant woman was Yocabed, the daughter of La-Wach-Ya, she who brought forth unto La-Wach-Ya in Metrine, and she brought forth unto Amoram, Aaron, and Mashaha, and Maryam, their sister, so of course Yocabed, or Yocabed, I believe in the King James, of course you guys know that's the mother of Moses and his brother and sister, and then to Aaron, where brought forth Nadab and Abihu, and didn't go so well for them, and Elieiser, and Ayyathuma, and Nadab died, Abihu Oso, and they're bringing near strange fire to the face of Yahuwah, the overliving, that would be back in Leviticus, and he existed their number ones, three and twenty thousand, all males from the sun of a month and higher, for they were not numbered among the sons of Yashirel, for there was not given into them an inheritance in the midst of the sons of Yashirel. Speaking of course of the Levites, they don't get an inheritance. These are those numbered by Mashaha and Elieiser, the priests, who numbered the sons of Yashirel in the dry and arid region of Moab, over against the Yarda near Jericho, or Jericho, but there existed not a single man from those who were numbered by Mashaha and Aaron, the priests, when they numbered the sons of Yashirel and the wilderness of Sinai, Sayonuya, I always love that, instead of Sinai, Sayonuya, for Yahuwah, the overliving, declared to them, dying, he shall die in the wilderness, and there remain not a single man from them, except conditionally, Caleb, son of Yathenuha, and Yaha'u-Sha'i, that would be Joshua, or Yahushua, son of Nun. Laws of inheritance. So remember now, we are dealing with, I guess in this case, a case study comes up based on the father with the daughters. And then she approached the daughters of Zillofhehad, son of Chafar, son of Galat-Aid, son of Mekear, son of Manesha, son of Yosef, and these are the names of his daughters. He had Makalaha, a new Akh, that would be the Noah name, the King James, and Chagalaha, or I guess that Togla in the King James, and Malakaha, or Milka, and Tursa. And she stood to the face of Mashaha and to the face of Eliaizah, the priests, and the face of the lifted up chiefs, and all the congregation, by the entrance of the Tenen meeting to declare. Our father died in the wilderness, but he was not among the assembly of those who gathered against Yahwah had they ever living. In the assemblies of Khorach, for he died in his own iniquities, and no sons existed to him, for what purpose should the name of our father be scratched off from among his families, because there was no son to him, given to us a possession in the midst of the brothers of our father. So I hope you guys understand the scenario here. There is father is dead, no sons, who gets the inheritance. And Mashaha brought near the judgment to the face of Yahwah, the ever living, and Yahwah, the ever living spoke toward El Mashaha to say, "Upright and honest is the purpose plan of the daughters of Zilafaha'i, and giving you will gift to them a possession of an inheritance in the midst of their father's brothers, and you will cause the inheritance of their father to pass into them, and toward the sons of Yasharil you will set forth these words to say, "If a man shall die and has no son unto him, then he will cause his inheritance to pass along to his daughter." But conditionally, it to him there is lacking a daughter, so conditionally now he has no son, goes to a daughter, but now he has no daughter, where does it go? He is lacking a daughter, then you shall give his inheritance into his brothers. So this would be like an uncle situation, right, the father's brothers, but conditionally if it to him there is lacking brothers, and he will give his inheritance into his father's brothers, but conditionally if there is lacking to his father's brothers, then you will give his inheritance to his nearest blood relation to him from his families. So it's kind of interesting, it goes to his brothers, it avoids his sisters, it goes to his father's brother, so this would be now like a great uncle, but if he doesn't have a father or father's brothers, I guess it goes back, then it's his nearest relation, so then they would maybe go back to his sisters. It goes back to the women at that time because they would be the nearest relative. It could be wrong about that. Then you give his inheritance to his nearest blood relation to him from his families, and he shall take possession of her, and it shall exist until the sons of Yashriel, an ordinance, a judgment like that which has been commanded by Yahweh the Everliving unto Mashah. The death of Mashahah or Moses or Deim, and Yahweh the Everliving spoke toward Al-Mashahah, ascend toward the Mount Eberim and observe the earth which I have given into the sons of Yashriel, and after observing, you will be gathered toward your people. You, just as Aaron your brother was gathered, just as you were bitterly rebellious against my mouth in the wilderness of Azan, that's kind of it really interesting, say he was rebellious against his mouth. In the assembly's bitter contention, failing to regard me as kudash at the water before their eyes, at the water of Maribath in the wilderness of Azan. We went through the story probably two or three weeks ago now, and I pointed out when Paul says that the rock which the water flowed out of followed them through the wilderness and that the rock was Mashah, it was Messiah. Really interesting because now the individual speaking, Yahweh, is accrediting himself there in that position. So just another clue to drop in the bucket of who Yahweh is. And Mashah has set words in order toward Yahweh the Everliving to declare, Yahweh, the Allahaykah of the Ruachoth of all flesh. So that would be the Spirit's right, plural for Ruach. Set a man over the assembly who will go forth to their faces and who will go out before their faces and who will lead them out and will bring them in so that the assemblies of Yahweh will not exist like sheep which lacks to them a shepherd. And Yahweh the Everliving spoke toward Al-Mashah. Take to yourself, this would be Joshua or Yahushua, but Yahushah, a son of none, a man who has Ruach in him. How exciting is that? He has Ruach in him. And we would assume this is the Ruachhah Kadesha, the Holy Spirit, but you know there are interestingly enough seven Ruach from the Father, right? And Chopma or wisdom is one of them and Yahawah is one of them too. And he shall take a stand to the face of Eliaizar, the priest, and to the face of all the assembly. And a charge shall be laid upon him before their eyes. And from your heavy way to splendor, you shall gift upon him for the purpose of all the gathered assemblies of the sons of Yash Ril, shall hear and obey. And he shall stand to the face of Eliaizar, the priest, to acquire the judgment of our rayon. Let me just look at this real quick. The word is for lights. Excuse me. I've got to find my place now. Where was I? Where there we are. To the face of Yahawah, the ever living at his mouth, he shall go forth and add his mouth. He shall come in. He and all the sons of Yash Ril with him. And he took Yuhushua and made him to stand to the face of Eliaizar, the priest, and to the face of the gathered assembly. And he supported his hands over him and gave him a charge as Yahawah, the ever living, had purposely planned in the hand of Mashah. And now we're going to go into a large segment about daily offerings and of course Passover, which I started out saying that it's like it seems like Yahawah is just rehearsing all this stuff again, as he is charging, getting ready to replace Moshe. And now of course Aaron and Maryam are dead as well. And Yahawah, the ever living, said a word in Oritor al-Mashah had to declare, command the sons of Yash Ril and make declaration unto them concerning my gift offerings and my bread for the fire offerings delightful aroma. You shall watch to bring near unto me in his appointed time and make this declaration unto them. This is the fire offering which you will bring near unto Yahawah, the ever living. As a lamb, a son of a year, one that is complete whole sound, two for a day, a perpetual ascending offering. And the one lamb you will fashion and daybreak and the second lamb you will show fashion between the dust and a tenth part of an ayah faha, a fine flower or meal with oil poured over, the fourth part of a hyen. It is a perpetual ascending offering according to the fashioning amount Sainouya for a delightful aroma of fire offering unto Yahawah, the ever living. And the drink offering is the fourth part of a hyen for one lamb in the kudash, pouring out the drink offering as an intoxicating beverage unto Yahawah, the ever living. And the second lamb you shall fashion between the dust, ha-ah-ah-rah-bhayam, like the gift offering and daybreak, and the drink offering you shall fashion a fire offering a delightful aroma unto Yahawah. And on the south day two lamb, son of a year, perfect whole sound, and two tenths part of fine flower or meal for a gift offering with oil poured over and a drink offering. The fire offering shall be for the Sabbath on his Sabbath over the perpetual sinning and the drink offering. In the heads of your mouths upon your rash kadashaya, you shall bring near and ascending unto Yahawah, the ever living two young bollocks, son of the herd, and one ram, seven lamb, son of a year, sons of a year, perfect whole sound, and three tenths part of fine flower or meal for a gift offering with oil poured for one young bollock and two tenths part of fine flower with oil poured over one for ram, and a tenth part of a tenth part of fire flower or meal as a gift offering with oil poured over for one lamb. For an ascending offering, a delightful aroma is a fire offering unto Yahawah, the ever living, and their drink offering shall exist half a high end to a young bollock and a third part of a high end to a lamb. This ascending offering of wine is for a kadash upon his kadash months throughout the year. And one of the hairy goats for sin offering into Yahawah, the ever living over the perpetual of sitting offerings he shall fashion in his drink offerings. And the first kadash on the 14th day of the kadash is the passash or the Passover until Yahawah. And on the 15th day of this kadash is the festival seven days shall unfermented bread be eaten. You see what I mean? So this has been given now at least two times that I can count once in Exodus, I think again in Leviticus. And we're going through these details again. Seems like he's kind of kind of straight teaming them out again. Okay, you just have this big bale ritual, much all these people died going off and doing your own thing, doing away with the Torah. A lot of people were probably still angry about it. And according to some sources. And so he's just laying this out again. Okay, this is how we're doing this. This is, yeah, I know you're the old guard is dead now. Moshe is still here, but he's going to be dead any minutes. He's going to drop over. He's going to take him up to his mouth. He's going to die. And you new generation of priests, you keep doing this. Don't don't go off and do what they did with bale. On the first a makkurah kudash or a set-apart calling together, you shall not fashion a prescribed work or work of service. And you're bringing near a fire offering as an ascending unto Yahuwah, they are living, their gift offering shall be two young bullocks, sons of a year and one ram and seven lamb sons of a year. They shall exist perfect whole salmon to you. And their gift offering shall be a fine flower or meal with oil poured over three tenth parts for a young bullock and two tenths part for ram. You shall fashion him a tenth part of a tenth part. You shall fashion for one lamb for the seven lambs and one of the hairy goats for a scent offering to make a covering atonement over you. It's separate from the ascending offerings, a daybreak, which is for a perpetual ascending offering. So you shall fashion these like those fashioned daily for seven days. The bread of the fire offerings is as a delightful aroma and say, yeah, we'll have the ever living. Over the perpetual ascending offerings, you shall fashion in his drink offering. And on the seventh day, she'll exist to you a makkara krash, a set-apart calling together, you shall fashion no malakath abba daha. And we just saw that up here as a prescribed work. You show how fashion no prescribed work business work or service. And on the day of first fruits and you're bringing near a gift offering on the set-apart calling together the feast of weeks, he shall exist unto you that you shall not fashion any prescribed work of service. And you shall bring near and ascending for a delightful aroma unto yahwah the ever living to young bullocks, one ram, seven lambs, sons of a year, and their gift offering of fine flour or meal with oil poured over three tenths part for one young bullock, two tenths part for one ram, a tenth part of a tenth part for one lamb. For seven lambs, one of the hairy goats to make a covering atonement over you. This is separate from the perpetual sinning offerings. I think that's talking about the day of atonement goat, the azazel goat and the yahwah goat right there. With his gift offerings, you shall fashion him. He shall exist unto you perfect whole sound and his drink offerings. And in the seventh kadash, on the first of the kadash, or maybe not, because actually we haven't gotten to the day of atonement yet, we're coming up on whatever, we'll get there. And in the seventh kadash, on the first of the kadash, a makurah kudash shall exist to you. You shall not fashion any prescribed work of service. It is for you, yam taruah. And I was going to say rasashana, but that's inaccurate because that means like new year. And this is not the new year. But anyways, this is the seventh month run, you know, September territory here, yam taruah, a day of shouting, rejoicing, sounding of the trumpet, the fisa trumpets. And you shall fashion for yourselves in a sinning offering for delightful aroma. And say, yeah, why have you ever living? A young bollock son of the herd, one ram and seven lambs, sons of a year, one ones that are perfect whole sound, and their gift offering a fine flower or meal with oil poured over three tenth part for a young bollock to tenth parts for a ram, and one tenth part for one lamb for seven lambs. And one of the hairy goats is a sin offering to make a covering atonement over you separate from the sending offerings of the kadash. And the gift offering of the perpetual sending offering and their drink offerings, like the judgment for a delightful aroma of fire offering unto yahuwah. And on the 10th of the seventh kadash, this would be the 10th day, of course, is the makkara kudash will exist into you. You shall annuha. What is this word here? To afflict, yeah. And I was going to say this is the day of atonement. Flick your soul, your nafashat. You shall not do any prescribed work of service. And you're bringing near and ascending offering unto yahuwah, the living for a delightful aroma shall be one young bollock son of the herd, one ram and seven lambs sons of the of a year, perfect whole sound they shall exist to you. And their gift offering a fine flower or meal with oil poured over three tenths part for a young bollock and two tenths part for one ram and a tenth part of a tenth part for one lamb for the seven lambs one of the hairy goats for sent offering separate from the sent offering of the covering atonement and the perpetual as sending offerings and the gift offerings and the drink offerings and on the 15th day of the seventh kadash shall exist to you makkara kudash, a set-apart calling together. You shall fashion no prescribed work of service. You shall observe a pilgrimage festival. This becomes begins to coat leaping dancing in a circle. I like that you did that pamma leaping dancing in a circle because she knows my my research into the carousel or the carol the circle the lost dance of the the dark ages the medieval dance that apparently has been completely scrubbed from history but so that's really interesting right there leaping dancing in a circle being giddy which is what they did in the dark ages until yahuwah the ever living for seven days and you're bringing near shall be ascending offering and offering made by fire a delightful romance a yahuwah the ever living 13 young bollocks sons of the herd two rams and 14 lambs sons of a year they shall exist to you perfect whole sound and their gift offerings of fine flour or meal with oil poured over three tense parts for young one young bollocks for the 13 bollocks two tense parts for one ram for the two rams and a tenth part of a tenth part to one lamb for the 14 lambs and one of the harry goats for sent offering separate from the perpetual sitting offering the gift offering and his drink offering i think we're almost done guys with the reading and on the second day you shall offer 12 young bollocks sons of the herd two rams 14 lambs sons of a year ones that are perfect whole sound and their gift offerings and their drink offerings for the young bollocks and for the rams and for the lamb shall be numbered according to the judgment and one of the harry goats is the sent offering separate from the perpetual sending from the perpetual sending offering and the gift offering and their drink offering and the third you shall offer 11 young bollocks two rams 14 lambs sons of a year ones that are perfect whole sound and their gift offering and their drink offerings for the young bollocks and for the rams and for the lambs according to their numbering after the judgment and one harry goat for sent offering separate from the perpetual sending offering and his gift offering and his drink offering and on the fourth you shall offer 10 young bollocks two rams 14 lambs sons of a year the they are perfect whole sound and their gift offering and their drink offerings for the young bollocks for the rams and for the lamb according to their numbering after the judgment and one harry goat for sent offering separate from the perpetual sending offering and the gift offering and the drink offering and on the fourth you shall offer 10 young bollocks two rams 14 lambs sons of a year ones that are perfect whole sound and their gift offering and their drink offerings for the young bollocks and for the rams and for the lambs according to their numbering after the judgment and one harry goat for sent offering separate from the perpetual sending offering and his gift offering and his drink offering and on the fifth you shall offer 9 young bollocks two rams 14 lambs sons of a year they are perfect whole sound and their gift offering and their drink offerings for the young bollocks for the rams and for the lamb according to their numbering after the judgment and one harry goat for a sent offering separate from the perpetual sending offering and the gift offering and the drink offering and on the sixth you shall offer 8 young bollocks two rams 14 lambs sons of a year ones that are perfect whole sound and their gift offering and their drink offerings for the young bollocks and for the rams and for the lambs according to their numbering after the judgment and one harry goat for a sent offering separate from the perpetual sending offering and his gift offering and his drink offering and on the seventh you shall offer 7 young bollocks two rams and 14 lambs sons of a year they are perfect whole sound and their gift offering and their drink offerings for the young bollocks for the rams and for the lamb according to the numbering after the judgment and one harry goat for a sent offering separate from the perpetual sending offerings and the gift offering and the drink offering and on the eighth you shall exist to you oh she shall exist to you a solemn gathering together you shall not fashion any prescribed work of service and your bringing near shall be an ascending offering made by fire for a delightful roman to Yehovah the ever living one young bollock one ram seven lambs sons of a year ones that are perfect whole sound their gift offering and their drink offerings for the young bollock for the ram and for the lambs according to the numbering after the judgment and one harry goat for a sent offering separate from the perpetual sending offerings and his gift offering and his drink offering these you will fashion and to Yehovah the ever living on your appointed time separate from your vowed sacrifices and your voluntary offerings for your sending offerings and for your gift offerings and for your drink offerings and for your shalom offerings and masha'a declared toward the sons of yeshral like all which Yehovah the ever living had commanded masha'a and then we oddly have one verse here in in chapter 30 and masha'a declared toward the heads of the tribes and sons of yeshral to say and I did it that concludes the reading of yah's word tonight's our Torah portion so I have a lot to cover but I need to take a breather in fact I think that deserves a little bit more of a pour of coffee to get through the rest and boy is it hot in this room I turn off the uh just you guys know how much I love you guys um I get so many complaints that the the fan up on the ceiling is is distraction apparently people just stare at the fan in the reflection behind me so I turn it off and I'm boiling in this room you could just like see the sweat coming down probably so uh so I don't know what's more distracting my my sweat and my panting like a dog here or the fan uh being on you guys decide and you you guys come to a decision let me know but anyway so let's talk about finnihas the zealot or the zealous we learned in first chronicles chapter 9 that he was uh the keeper of the gates in fact he was the keeper of that he was like the head gatekeeper and I know that has a very negative connotation today when we talk about gatekeeper and conspiratorial realms but come on we're talking about he this guy's security okay so uh if if um there was a search and event that happened on the 13th of july this year 2024 you guys gonna look that up and there was a call for the head of security to resign after an incident happened it's the same thing if if something happens uh it would be on his watch like finnihas is the guy that has to get things done and so it makes sense that uh if nobody else was going to drive a spear into these two individuals right here he was because he was going to be resigning from his job if he did it because nobody else was going to do it so it's like okay fine I'll take matters into my own hands and this is what this is in first chronicles nine and shalom the son of core core the son of abiyash south the son of corea and his brother and at the house of their father the corea heights were over the work of the service keepers of the gates of the tabernacle and their father is being over the host of yahoha were keepers of the entry and finnihas the son of eliaizir was the ruler over them in time pass and yahoha yahoha was with him now I want you guys to think about this okay think of finnihas as the gatekeeper top security of the what the tabernacle the holiest uh the mysteries of the kingdom and so you can even think about this with the tabernacle or temple today with that you know that the ruach is supposed to inhabit our bodies right think about him as he is zealous for the holiness of the temple uh numbers 25 11 says finnihas the son of eliaizir the son of arim the priest hath turned my wrath away from the children of yahshua while he was zealous for my sake among them so whereas this last weekend there is a call for the top security official to resign it's quite the opposite yahoha is saying your top security official is the only reason that you guys are living right now because he took matters in his own hands and make sure that this situation was dealt with nobody else where was all the other security why weren't they dealing with this he was the only guy that went and did it think about that oh we're gonna look at yahusha really quickly as a type of finnihas character he had the zeal of finnihas and this is um we just read about Passover so this is the at the uh Passover of the yahudim is at hand and yahushua went up to Yerush Layim it's really interesting whenever john talks about the Passover he calls it it seems the Passover of the yahudim and he's not saying that he doesn't keep Passover I think he's saying that that they kept a different Passover it was on a different day it's why he's saying it's on the Passover of the Jews but yahushua had a separate day um that's a whole different talk anyways uh yahushua went up to Yerush Layim and he found in the temple those that sold oxen sheep and doves and the changes of money sitting you guys know the story and when he had made a scourge of small cords he drove them all out of the temple and the sheep and the oxen and poured out the changers money and overthrew the tables and sent into them that sold all doves take these things hence make not my father's house a house of merchandise and the talmedean remembered that it was written the zeal of thine house hath eaten meat up then answered the yahudim and said into him what signs show us thou unto us seeing that thou doest these things now i find this really interesting yahushua answered and said unto them destroy this temple and in three days i will raise it again up again and there is a connection here we all know that he resurrected you know his body physically did not see decay resurrected after three days but there is a connection here i believe also to finnihas um when we get into finnihas being Elijah eliyahu i'm kind of jumping ahead of myself but also literally one of the two witnesses and their resurrection from Jerusalem after said number of days now the thing about zeal is that we all want to have zeal but zeal has to be coupled with knowledge there is nothing worse than zeal amongst an arrogant ignorant person it's it's terrible to behold it's terrible to watch zeal amongst a proud person but we want to have knowledge with our zeal if we don't have knowledge at least a destruction this is what it says this is a beautiful chapter Romans 10 this is one of Paul's greatest chapters brother in my heart's desire and prayer to alahayam for yahshua is that they might be saved for i bear them record that they have a zeal of alahayam but not according to knowledge and if you can pit uh Paul's entire ministry up against the Pharisees it it starts making a lot more sense and you see how these people were hounding Paul not because Paul went off and formed some new religion but because Paul was in their religion in their synagogues keeping their Torah and they uh didn't like his mashiach and according to Paul they had they had a zeal which the Pharisees you can't say they didn't have zeal the zeal is not the problem you know she did not criticize them for being you know uh for having his works based zeal it was their terrible lack of knowledge for they being for they being ignorant of alahayam's righteousness where does righteousness come from it's the way it's right the way the truth life it comes from the Torah there's instructions in righteous living and going about to establish their own righteousness they were creating the Talmud their oral traditions they were adding making a heavy yoke with new laws have not submitted themselves into the righteousness of alahayam isn't that interesting in adding their man-made doctrines they were no longer submitting themselves the Jews the Pharisees to righteousness of the Father for mashiach is the end no for mashiach is the goal of the Torah for righteousness to everyone that believes so the the righteousness being spoken of here is the Torah this is the lack of knowledge that the Pharisees didn't have and this is why Paul says later in Galatians that no man taught me he's not talking about the apostles he's saying no Pharisees taught me either that that education I had was a wasted education wasted college degree no man taught me I had to go back to the Torah and it is the spirit that instructed me through the Torah people say the same thing today right so mashiach is we want to walk us mashiach walked he is the goal of the Torah he he set the bar of the Torah that we want to aim for right that's the goal for everyone that believes because the Torah is righteousness he says right there that defines it the Torah is the righteousness for moshay describes the righteousness what's moshay described it that's what we're going through the Torah portions which is of the Torah so he actually adds that there in case you're confused as to what moshay is describing that the man which do with these things shall what live by them I always love here how Christians love to just cherry pick this they are the the professional cherry pickers and they love oh oh Christ is the end of the law and they'll throw it's like keep reading keep reading the next patch actually read the two verses the three verses beforehand and just read the rest of Romans 10 while you're at it but anyways look I digress let's keep going because I can just go off on that all night hosea of chapter four here's another one oh man I remember when I went and I declared that I'm gonna start keeping the commands I had probably 30 people coming at me going they were shaking their head going my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge they're quoting this verse right here you know my they're saying that my lack of knowledge is leading me to be obedient and it's like oh how I get jokes yeah let's finish this verse how about we read the rest of this because you have rejected the knowledge what knowledge am I rejecting grace I mean what am I rejecting it well let's keep reading I will also reject you that you shall be no priest to me seeing you have forgotten the Torah the law of your aloha yam this isn't talking about the made up law of Christ this is the Torah of Mosheh I will also forget your children okay so it's a lack of knowledge that leads us to be disobedient to not know that the truth which is the Torah and it's a shame so here's a no one from Hebrews for if you know I've quoted this a lot this year for if we send willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth what is the knowledge it is the Torah it is the truth so now we you have received it for those of you following along you are in a position now of responsibility you are all responsible now to not willfully disobey and sin whereas before you were in ignorance you were transgressing in ignorance and it wasn't held against you the same way but now you do know the truth there remains no more sacrifice for sins for those who keep willfully breaking the Torah that is dangerous ground guys very very dangerous all right so lack of knowledge leads to destruction and of course knowledge of the truth and rebelling against it is actually I would say to worse it's almost like in in the matrix where the character cipher and he I think he took the the pill where he could forget everything because he was from he he wished he never learned the truth wanted to go back to ignorance all right and then here's another great one from second Kefa an popular passage of course we're talking about zealousness match with knowledge right an account that the long suffering of our adenai is salvation or of yahushah is yeshua right these are yeshua salvation even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you as also in all his epistles speaking in them of these things in which are some things hard to be understood I agree there is nobody more difficult to understand than Paul of that time period you read Clement you read origin you read or origin you read you just go down the list I mean you I'm sorry origin is a couple centuries later um Philo I'm sorry Philo of Alexandria Joseph endless guys they write beautifully eloquently you understand it he's hard to understand but let's keep reading they that are this is what Kefa says about Paul's writing they that are unlearned and unstable why are you unstable you're like a ship tossed with the waves with morality you just go back and forth you're unlearned you don't know what knowledge is knowledge is the truth the truth is the Torah as they do also the other scripture so he's saying that that however you twist Paul if you're twisting Paul to be lawless then you're also twisting the other scriptures for the same effect and he says unto their own destruction so the people that are twisting Paul they're twisting the other scriptures in such a way that they don't have to be obedient to him and it's leading to their destruction something to think about it's just so black and white isn't it like you how many times have we grown up in the Christian church being fed a certain point of view and then you look at it from a different point of view and it's so black and white now I went over the death of bailin last week I do want to read this in numbers 25 in the air make target the last passage and it says this is Yahuwah speaking he's speaking of Phanihas son of Eliazar bar Aaron bar would be son of Aaron he says swearing by my name I say to him behold I decreed to him my covenant of peace my covenant shalom and will make him an angel of the covenant that he may ever live to announce the redemption at the end of days what in the world's going on well we're going to be talking about this tonight and I'm going to be showing you that there is a case to be made that Phanihas is Elijah Eliyahu not just a prototype but he actually is Elijah and then I'll be asking further questions about is Elijah another individual that we know and love in the bible because I went over the death of bailin last week I don't want to go over it again I do want to just point out though well I will go over this that according to the air make target in deuteronomy chapter 31 it specifically and I did point out that we know that bailin is killed in the book of Joshua that comes Joshua chapter 23 it talks about that he was killed by the sword in a very specific battle and I have pointed out that I think deuteronomy 31 it's actually pointing ahead to Joshua because when you look at the air make target in Joshua as well it doesn't steer away so but it basically says Phanihas he he sees bailin in the battle and he starts pursuing him he's running after him and I always imagine like the T-1000 you know just running really fast and bailin is on his motorcycle trying to get away and he can and of course long story short Phanihas in his zealousness executes the great villain of the Old Testament bailin all right so before I get into Phanihas as Eliyahu I'm going to make you sit on your seat a little bit longer and let's talk about the Simeon Levite prophecy so there's an instance in Genesis you will recall where Dinah the daughter of Lea which she bear until Yaakov went out to see the daughters of the land they they're they're there in Shechem they're kind of at the like the the well what's called Jacob's well today Yaakov's well and Shechem is like right there just walking distance right a cool summer evening they have a festival where all the ladies are invited and it was when Shechem the son of Hamor the Hivite prince of the country saw her Dinah he took her and lay with her and defiled her and of course her she has a daughter named Asuneth who Yosef later marries that's whole another story but you guys know that Simeon Simeon and Levi are the two who come up with the plan to circumcise the town and while they are in the pain of their circumcision they go and annihilate them so skipping ahead to the end of chapter 34 and Yaakov their father said to Simeon and Levi you have troubled me to make me to stink among the inhabitants of the land among the Canaanites and the parasites and I being few in number they shall gather themselves together against me and slay me and I shall be destroyed I in my house and they said should he deal with our sister as with a harlot now you know when we go through this Torah portion again we'll cover this in Joshua where it this just opens up battle after battle after battle and it's epic and it's the the 10 brothers because Yosef and Benjamin are not involved in this but the 10 brothers just going up against just thousands of people and just just annihilating them over this but Yaakov was upset about this incident to the end of his days because we get into where he actually doesn't bless Simeon sadly enough and there seems to be a prophecy on his deathbed and when he gets to Simeon he says this in Bereshith or Genesis chapter 49 Simeon and Levi are brethren instruments of cruelty are in their habitations so Yaakov knows his sons better than anyone I mean he knows he he's interacted with them in all the chapters of the Bible that we don't get right all day to day and for whatever reason he has concluded that when Simeon and Levi are together watch out they need to be separated they they just plot together that's not even having the same room and he says oh my soul come not thou into their secret until they're assembly my honor be not thou united for in their anger they slew a man and in their self will they dig down and well cursed be their anger for it was fierce and their wrath for it was cruel I will divide them and Yaakov and scatter them in Yasharil so they plotted together they did their thing and they seem to be after this incidents they seem to be kind of an odds with each other as tribes go and of course Simeon is one of those the kind of drifts out of history with the with the tribes whereas Levi of course stuck around but I'm asking the question here is this Levi versus Simeon you notice I did point out earlier that the the the the guy who took the midnight prostitute was the chief of Simeon in the tabernacle and so much like with Koris rebellion when he teamed up with the Rubenites here we see Levi going against Simeon so it says this and Yasharil abode and shits him and the people began to commit boredom with the daughters of Moab and they called the people into the sacrifice of the sacrifices of their allahayam the people didn't eat and bow down to their allahayam not good and Yasharil joined himself into Be'el Pior and the anger of Yaakov was kindled against Yasharil how in the world did they think it was going to inwell for them right I mean we I guess it was their parents generation at this point that did the the the golden calf before with Be'el and maybe they were a little two-year-olds at the time maybe they don't remember it but man such as human nature isn't it well let's read a little bit about who these people were now the name of the Yasharilite what that was slain by you know on the the lance even that was slain with the Midianite Tish woman was Zimri the son of Salu a prince of a chief house among the Simeonites and of course the woman's name a Midianite-ish woman with the was slain was Cosby the daughter Zur and Zur was head over a people and a and of a chief house in Midian all right so so this is a princess and Zimri Zamarea means celebrated in song of mine or my music seems like he was dancing to the beat of his own drum and the name of the Midianite Midianite-ish woman Zimri which means my lie worth lying interesting thing to name your daughter Liar come here Liar I want to talk to you Liar she was a temple prostitute a missionary missionary position was it and Zimri Zamarea of Simeon entered the tabernacle to apparently to teach Yasharil how it was done they were both making an example and they were rebelling against the Torah the Torah was once more hooray done away with we can now live like the pagans of course they didn't end well with them so there were 24,000 that died in the plague you can see right that right there excuse me numbers 25-9 and those that died in the plague were 20 and 4,000 of course the reason we know that the plague was saved and the Yahuwah did not finish off all of Yasharil was because of the Nihas alone in his amazing he's not so great a security team but he alone went to take out the bad guys and like your regular Chuck Norris type of character so let's look at Simeon's count at the beginning of numbers at the beginning of numbers Simeon is numbered as 50 and 9,300 at the end of numbers now keep in mind 40 years have passed or 38 years so because we went to the whole incident where the the 10 evil spies and then they're given the 30 or the 38 39 years up to 40 years and now we're at the end of that so they started out 59,300 and they dropped after this incident to 22,200 so in half a century they have shrunk 37,000 in number that's not typically how reproduction works so now again 37,000 in number there were only 24,000 killed so I didn't do the time to add up the math with each tribe but I'm thinking Simeon had a lot of people killed a lot of it didn't go well for a lot of them all right now this is interesting here because we're looking at now we're not going to look at Simeon's deathbed when he's speaking to his sons he's in Mitreem this is his prophecy of the coming Messiah to his sons and you can see how Levi is on his mind through this behold I have told you all things that that I may be acquitted of your sin now if you remove from you your envy and all stiff nakedness uh envy is one of the themes here of course of the 12 patriarchs that the spirit of jealousy it's a very very rural thing that the spirit of jealousy causes people to want to murder other people and by murder it's it's that hatred in your heart where you look out and you're like I want what that person has it could be on youtube land it could be social media it could be ministries it could be anything like that uh I want what that person has I want to dethrone him I don't want to do the work but I want I want what that person has I'm going to hate him and do everything I can to top on him that's what they try to do with Joseph of course um now if you remove from your own envy and all stiff nakedness is a row is it is a rose shall my bones flourish in the ashirel and as a lily my flesh in the alcohol let me just skip down here diverse six for lack of time then the mighty one of the ashirel shall glorify shim actually no oh man I always do this uh yeah then the mighty one of yashirel shall glorify shim for yahua alahayam shall appear on earth and himself save men now you could you could say I'm I'm playing with the translation here it says the lord god in english all right and I put yahua alahayim but this specifically says that the lord yahua yahua yahua the lord god himself is going to save men he is going to be their yeshua by coming to earth so let's put that one in the bucket too for uh evidence that yahua is yohushaha mashiach I mean that's what he's saying here he's saying our alahayam who we serve he is coming to earth to save us then and let's see what happens when he comes then show all the the spirits of deceit be given to be trodden underfoot and men shall rule over wicked spirits that's what happened under yahua almashiach's ministry people were able to rule over wicked spirits they were given that authority cast out demons and such then uh this is when I think that they you know remove their crowns the evil spirits and the the anunnaki and so and so forth if they hadn't lost them already then shall I arise and joy and will bless the most high because of his marvelous works I think this is a reference to the resurrection that he will arise enjoy he will be resurrected because alahayam hath taken a body and eaten with men and saved men so he's saying god himself will take on a human body eat with them he will be their yeshua and now my children and yahuda and obey Levi and yahuda and be not lifted up against these two tribes for from them shall arise into you the salvation of alahayam of course this was a problem for simian this is why they needed the reminder for yahua shall raise up from Levi as it were a high priest and from yahuda as it were a king so who is this high priest coming from uh from Levi I think this is our man and uh and of course yahuda as it were a king that's yahuchaha mashiach of course he is also high priest but we also get a high priest from Levi he says that he is alahayam and man the king of yahuda he shall save all the goeem and the race of yasharah how exciting is that well let's keep looking at fanny hasar man oh was simian from the tribe of simian i'm talking about the simian from the uh the new testament now in the book of uh luke and is this kind of fulfillment of weds as simian talked about in the 12 patriarchs and behold there was a man in yurushalim whose name was simian and i i looked into this and a lot of people think that it was a fulfillment um and that his name was simian on purpose because he was from the tribe of simian and the same man was just in devout waiting for the consolation of yasharah and the ruha kakadesh was upon him that's interesting so here we have a guy with the ruha kakadesh before the pentecost events so that just goes to show that people did have the ruha kakadesh they didn't have to wait around so that one in another bucket for evidence and it was revealed unto him by the ruha kakadesh you don't have to wait around for another 30 something years for that passover event i sorry pentecost that he should not see death before he had seen yahwahaz mashiach and he came by the ruha kak into the temple and when the parents brought in the child yahusha to do for him after the custom of the torah then took he him up in his arms and blessed allahayam and said adenai now let us thou thy servant depart in shalom according to thy word for mine eyes have seen thy yashua which thou has prepared before the face of all people a light to lighten the goyim and the glory of the people yasharah and joseph and his mother marveled at these things which were spoken of him and simian blessed them and sent into mariam his mother behold this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in yasharah and for a sign which shall be spoken against yay asor it shall pierce through his own soul also with the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed luke chapter two all right now let's get into it arfanihas and eliyahu the same so we see here in biblical antiquities of pseudofiloh that fanihas and eliyahu when i say eliyahu i'm speaking of eliyahu by nihas and eliyahu are directly compared at that time fanihas was verging toward death at what time well we'll see in a little bit and yahua has said to him behold you have passed that 120 years that have been established for every man no it doesn't actually say he is 120 years i had to look at this few times according to this it says you have passed 120 years it could mean you have gone well beyond what you're supposed to now rise up and go from here and dwell in the desert of the on the mountain and dwell there many years what i thought he's already passed the the 120 years now he's saying he's going to live on this mountain many many many many more years i will command my eagle and he will nourish you there and you will not come down again to mankind until the appointed time arrives and you will be tested at the appropriate time and then he will shut up the heaven from rain why is this also familiar and by your mouth it will be opened up afterward you will be raised up to the place where those who were before you were raised up and he will be there until i remember the world then i will bring you and you will get a taste of death so this is really interesting according to that now let's talk about this mountain all right this is is this Mount Sinai if people were for hundreds of years to go to Mount Sinai would be like a Sasquatch sighting you know they see like you know oh there's finnihas he just went and it's like no i don't think i don't know if it is that mountain i kind of think this is like the real Mount Zion the one i've been talking about in the wilderness the desert could be wilderness could be Sinai or Seinuya could be that but i think that this is uh the Zion in his wilderness about you know we could chalk up the paradise if you want to eat in uh but um all right so so he says that he's going to come back uh to shut up the rain and be fed by these birds and then after that there's going to be another if you want to say incarnation another arrival where he's going at the end of the world where he's going to taste death so you guys already know where this is going we see here that Elijah or Eliyahu shuts up the heavens from rain and is fed by ravens now with with finnihas he's fed by eagle so that's the only difference here uh eagles versus ravens maybe they were trying to make it not too obvious and Eliyahu the tishbite who was of the inhabitants of giliad sit into ahab as yahuwah allahayam of yashr liveth before whom i stand there shall not be due norane these years but according to my word and the word of yahuwah came to him saying get the hens and turn the eastward and hide thyself by the brook charath that is before yarden and it shall be that thou shalt drink of the brook and i have commanded the ravens to feed thee there so he went to dead according to unto the word of yahuwah for he went and dwelt by the brook charath that is before the yarden and the ravens brought in bread and flesh in the morning and bread and flesh in the evening and eat drink of the brook and it came to pass after a while as the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land and the word of yahuwah came into him saying arise get thee to zareth path which belongeth to zidin and dwell there behold i have commanded a whittle woman there to sustain thee it's an amazing story where like like obviously eliyahu had to be a super or finnihas/eliyahu had to be a super zealous person to be able to trust yah where he is like hey i'm gonna go live in the wilderness and you're gonna literally feed me by birds and you're gonna give me the rain uh the runoff of water but there hasn't been any rain so that's shriveled up so now i'm gonna go to this woman and literally like water is gonna come out of pots not just an amazing story but let's just keep reading we see that both are zealots we saw that with numbers 25 that the the plague was stayed because alone finnihas was zealous for my sake among them we see this in first kings regarding eliyahu and he said i have been moved by zeal for yah wah ha allahayam of host for the children of yah shawl have forsaken thy covenants thrown down their notters insling thy prophets with the sword and i even i only am left and thy and they seek my life to take it away time to gain people always like oh see the problem with israel was that he gave them a tour that they couldn't possibly fulfill and they just yearn for the day that they didn't have to do anymore wrong the problem with israel was that they had forsaken the covenants they weren't doing the tour they had done away with it and you have a guy coming along like Elijah who is zealous and just saying just teach his commands it's not that hard it really isn't both lived very long lives now only enough um you could say that well you know he was just a little boy here you know he was obviously in the priesthood so he had to be of a search and age at least 30 but he was still alive in joshwood chapter 22 now this is okay fine maybe he's you know maybe he's in his 30s here right but you can see right here it says verse 13 of chapter 22 and the children of yashiro sent into the children of rumin into the children of gad and to the half tribe of meneshia into the land of gilead the knee has the son of iliadized or the priest undoubtedly the same guy i highlighted this so this must be important is the iniquity of pure too little for us from which we are not cleansed till this day although there was a plague in the congregation of yahua hab oh so he's yeah he's he's basically saying here like look you remember that plague that happened one that i stopped from happening because i took a um a lance through that you know the the missionary couple uh there's this stain on us like that's not forget that right let's be cleansed all right well so it's kind of like a big deal right okay well let's read this here and when fanny has the priest and the princes of the congregation and heads of the thousands of yashorel which were with him heard the words of the children of rumin and the children of gad and the children meneshia spake it please so there was a big debate here about did ruben and these gad and meneshia did they put up these pagan um altars to bale or the surrounding gods and this is what fanny has is reminding them do you remember what happened last time because we know what happens at these altars as well there's these you know these hot babes that show up these missionaries let's not repeat this anyways fanny has and they said no no no that's not what we're doing and fanny has the son of ellie iser the priest sent into the children of rumin and to the children of gad gad and to the children meneshia this day we perceive that yahua is among us because we have not committed to trespass against yahua now you have delivered the children of yashorel out of the hand of yahua and fanny has the son of ellie iser the priest and the princess returned from the children of rumin and it all was good okay so no big deal right okay he lives to the end of joshua but then he shows up again in judges but not just at the beginning of the book at the end of the book at the end of the book so i want you to look at this timeline here and a lot happens in in judges we have debra remember the the woman who likes to drive uh you don't want to go on a camping trip with her and get drunk and she'd like to drive a stake into the head of a dude uh we got giddy in we got uh samson yeah he happens his whole life he goes through his thing um we see elie apparently he might appear in the timeline of judges as well as samuels a boy which will then lead into sol and david and uh at the end of judges it's when they go to war with benjamin for some naughty acts and look who's on the scene and the children of yashorel inquired of yahua for the ark of the covenant of alohaiam was there in those days and who was there at the ark of the covenants uh to be inquired with yahua but finnihas the son of eliaizir the son of erin same dude how old is this guy he stood before in those days oh really saying shall i yet again go out to battle against the children of benjamin my brother or shall i cease and of course finnihas and his zealousness is like yeah go to go to war benjamin let's take these guys out uh for their horrific acts and of course they go into battle so the question that has long been asked by the rabbinical community maybe the christian community too i don't know but at least the rabbinical community has documented is finnihas and eliaizir the same person this is what we read and by rabbi levi ben gershan in the officially the years 1288 to 1344 since we see this amazing longevity for eliaizir and we see that the same for pinch us or finnihas as we discuss earlier and we find both of them were lifted by the ruok of alohaiam as if they were angels of alohaiam and we find a covenant of life for pinch us as we discuss earlier it is fitting to suggest that he is eliaizir since one peculiar postulate is better than two peculiar postulates or two immoral people this is the conclusion of legends of the jews as well in those days allahiam spoke to finnihas thou art 120 years old thou has reached the natural term of man's light now i had stated earlier that uh it it said you know according to uh that text that he had gone beyond those years um that of course this could be at the end of joshua too i mean he could have gone up in the mountain and come back and get at the end of judges we don't really know we don't really know what's going on here but anyways thou art 120 years old and this is according to the understanding of the writer legends of jews thou has reached the natural term of man's life go now but take thyself to the mountain danaben and remain there many years i will command the eagles to sustain thee with food so that thou return us not to men until the time when thou walkest fast the clouds and openness them again then i will carry thee to the place where those are who were before thee and there that will tear thee until i visit the world and bring thee tither to taste of death all right so we know that uh according to this according to these texts Elijah infinihas is the same guy settled that you can agree or disagree i'm just giving you the the paper trail as it were well this is what let's let's look a little bit more at uh we know what happens to eliyahu Elijah he the chariots of fire um some great songs attributed to that and he goes off to paradise to heaven to await his coming again this will read in the gospel or the i should say not the gospel but the questions of Bartholomew though it might originally have been the gospel Bartholomew and billiar said unto shiole isn't she how billiar and shio are two different entities look carefully who it is that who it is that for it is eliyahu or enoch or one of the prophets that this man seems me to be billiar doesn't know he's totally uh arrogant but shiole answered death and said now it's saying that billiar is the angel of death here not yet are six thousand years accomplished and whence are these oh billiar for the sum of the numbers in my hands and you know this is where i get my timeline from and this is taking place in the year five thousand five hundred at the resurrection of yuhu shama shiok so he's saying that eliyahu is not Elijah and enoch are not coming together uh until another five hundred years from that point in time at set a six eighteen in the tarragon states he lived to see finihas who is eliyahu the great priest who is to be sent to the captivity of yashril at the end of the days okay so right there it says in the tarragon finihas is Elijah and that uh it's going to bring uh Israel out of their captivity out of their diaspora at the end of the days which could be referring to uh to john the baptist could be that's one theory or it could be on my timeline to 500 years later we see in deuteronomy chapter 30 of the tarragon though you may be dispersed into the ends of the heavens from this well the word of yahwaha gathered you together by the hand of eliyahu the great priest and friend this will he bring you by the hands of the king mashiha lamentations 422 in the tarragon says and after this your iniquity will be finished oh congregation design and you will be freed by the hands of the king mashiach and eliyahu the high high priest and yahwaha will no longer exile you and at that time i will punish your iniquities wicked Rome built in italy and filled with crowds of edamites and the Persians will come and oppress you and destroy you because your sins have been made known before yahwah so once again you see eliyahu and mashiach interlinked holding hands or arms linked together at the end of days here's a great passage from uh i quote from chapter 20 of the gospel nickname is all the time then aden i hide holding adam by the hand and now remember the reason he went down to shioel was a promise that he personally made with adam saying after he kicked him out of the garden he said if you live a righteous life if you obey my commands uh it's conditionally right it's not a promise but it's conditionally if you if you you know show yourself to be worthy i will come and i will i will personally bring you out of shioel and of course he didn't just bring you out of he brought his children out as well he delivered him to mike el the archangel and he led them into paradise filled with mercy and glory and two very ancient men met them and were asked by the kota sheen who are you who have not yet been with us in shioel and have had your bodies placed in paradise and one of them answering said i am enoch who was translated by the word of alahayam and this man who is with me is eliyahu the tishbite who was translated in a fiery chariot here we have hitherto been and have not tasted death but are now about to return at the coming of antichrist being armed with divine signs and miracles to engage with him in battle and to be slain by him at yerushlayim and to be taken up alive again in the clouds after three days and a half remember what i told you the zealousness of yahusha and he's like he's continually being compared to the uh fannyhas type of zelliness there and he talked about the three days rise again same thing here with uh fannyhas slash uh eliyahu will be resurrected after the three days so i i see i see uh three potential outcomes now in this in this instance according to the gospel nikonemus he cannot possibly be john about this all right so is that a problem i shouldn't say he couldn't possibly be john about this i don't think he's john about this um a lot of people are gonna theorize that he's john that's could be maybe this is wrong um it could be uh that when enoch and lygia came back they were getting ready to come back that could have been in the 70 AD region they could have been the two witnesses then or of course according to gospel nikonemus it makes it pretty clear it it says that it would be 500 years later so according to gospel nikonemus theory it cannot be 70 AD it has to be 500 years later here's another uh fascinating book called the uh the uh apocalypse of eliyahu or the apocalypse of eliyahu this was originally written in hebrew it is uh it is thought to predate the new testament uh maybe early first century or even b.c some people think the paul may have read it and quoted from this book and this talks about the coming battle between antichrist and benihas/eliyahu so i'll read a couple chapters from this because it's really fascinating read the virgin whose name is tabitha and i want to do a study on tabitha because i dug into her it's been a couple years now so i've kind of lost some of those notes interesting moment though from what i recall tabitha will hear that the shameless one has revealed himself in the holy places this is speaking about the when the illuminati pulled the well no i think this happened actually in the 500s and by the way um i this here i really believe the Jerusalem was rebuilt for all the people out there saying it was destroying 70 AD never rebuilt i have shown so many prophecies that said no it would be rebuilt again and that's it would all go down in Jerusalem again i actually kind of wonder what if the crusades was kind of a cover for that uh what if it did actually happen again uh and i've shown of course according to uh the uh the sibling oracles where it prophesizes that the the man we know is uh emperor Hadrian would rebuild Jerusalem and he did he rebuilt it anyways tabitha she goes to Jerusalem confront the antichrist and she will put on her garment of fine linen and she will pursue him up to yahuda scolding him up to yerushleem saying oh shameless one oh son of lawlessness i can totally see a middle-easter woman doing this just you know shame on you shame just that following him around just you know yelling at him to the point of annoyance oh you have been hostile to all the saints then the shameless one will be angry at the virgin he will pursue pursue her up to the regions of the sunset it's kind of interesting he will suck her blood in the evening so what is this guy vampire i don't really know and he will cast her upon the temple and she will become a healing for the people she will rise up a dawn and she will live and scold him saying so she resurrects but the next day oh shameless one you have no power over against my soul or my body because i live in the yahua always and also my blood which you have cast upon the temple has become a healing for the people that's i don't know what's going on there that's a whole study in itself then when eliyahu and inok there they are here that the shameless one has revealed himself in the holy place they will come down and fight with him saying are you indeed not ashamed when you attach yourself to the saints because you are always estranged you have been hostile to those who belong to heaven you have acted against those belonging to the earth you have been hostile to the thrones you have acted against the angels you are always a stranger you have fallen from heaven like the morning stars you were changed and your tribe became dark for you but you are not ashamed when you stand firmly against elihin you are a devil the shameless one will hear and he will be angry and he will fight with them in the marketplace of the great city and he will spend so this is a total parallel to revelation here i don't know if it's a repeated event or if it is talking about revelation and he will spend seven days fighting with him and they will spend three and one half days in the marketplace dead so there's the three-day prophecy but essentially it's three and one half days though we did see earlier three and a half one days the second time we've seen while all the people see them but on the fourth day they will rise up and they will scold him saying oh shameless one oh son of lawlessness are you indeed not ashamed of yourself since you are leading astray the people of elihin for whom you did not suffer do you not know that we live in yahua hap all right this it goes on it's a great passage i did a study on this a couple years ago i think i highlighted okay so here we go so let's just go here let's see that's what i want to read on that day i'm going to start in verse 25 on that day the mountains and the earth will utter speech the byways will speak with one another saying have you heard today the voice of a man who walks who has not come to judgment of the son of yahua hap the sins of each one will stand against him the place where they were committed whether those of the day or the night those who belong to the righteous and will see the sinners and those who persecuted them and those who handed them over to death in their torments then the sinners in torment will see the place of the righteous and thus grace will occur in those days that which the righteous will ask for many times we'll be given to them by the way um i could cross reference to this book with second-edged rus and for those of you who are i i am not a rapture guy okay please do not confuse me for a rapture that for those of you out there who do say that the rapture is on biblical i politely disagree with that i actually think they do have a case i do not think it's just a judge the wit theory um in in second-edged rus it specifically talks about the righteous who are taken away who are then the wicked then see them at a later time here the same thing has just happened i skipped the part where the righteous were taken away they were taken away the angels carried them away so there was an instance where the angels carried away the good guys and now they look and they saw those who were taken away and the place they were taken to and on that day yeah well how would judge the heaven and the earth he would judge those who transgressed in heaven and those who did so on the earth he would judge the shep so that's interesting so it seems like right here is the judgment of the council the 70 the anunnaki as well um the 70 shepherds and again i think i need to do a whole presentation to add this to my 7,000 year timeline deception i think that this is in the 500s he will judge the shepherds of the people he will ask about the flock of the sheep and they will be given to him without any daily guile existing in them why is this so interesting because in eenok he talks to the 70s shepherds and he's like uh i'm giving you these sheep you better not harm them so now he's judging the shepherds and he's getting his sheep back after these things iliyahu and eenok will come down they will lay down the flesh of the world and they will receive their spiritual flesh hmm so it looks like this is where they died they will pursue the son of lawlessness and kill him since he is not able to speak on that day he will dissolve in their presence like ice which was dissolved by a fire he will perish like a serpent which has has no breath in it it's interesting kind of comparison isn't it they will say to him your time has passed by for you now therefore you want those who believe you will perish they will be cast into the bottom of the abyss and it will be closed for them on that day hama shiak the king and all his saints will come forth from heaven he will burn the earth he will spend a thousand years upon it because the sinners prevailed over it he will create a new heaven and a new earth no deadly devil will exist in them he will rule with his saints ascending and descending while they are always with the angels and they are with michiaak for a thousand years now that's where the book ends i think it doesn't say what happens after thousand years or why they are only with them for a thousand years it seems the context is pretty straightforward though that the thousand years that they're with them is on the earth so the resurrected are physically on the earth thousand years and the the death of and resurrection of eenok and uh illiyahu or finnihas seems to be the the myo marker when that happens and of course i've asked the question many times did that happen in the five hundred why would official history tell us that if it did we see a lot of clues though that it did happen i want to go over really quickly just to be fair to everyone because i really don't know at the end of the day like i said this is a paper trail right i'm just following following where the clues take us and this is what we read in malachi chapter three behold i will send my messenger and he shall prepare the way before me and yahua hum yish seek shall suddenly come to his temple even the messenger of the covenant whom he delighted and behold he shall come say yahua hah of host but who may abide the day of his coming and who shall stand when he appears for he is like a refiner's fire and like fullers soap not a bar of soap but just soap and he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver and he shall purify the sons of levi and purge them as gold and silver that they may offer unto yahua hah and offering in righteousness then shall the offering of yahuda and yerushline be pleasant unto yahua yahua as in the days of old and as in former years and i will come near to you to judgment and i will be a swift witness against the sorcerers and against the dolechers and against false wearers and against those that oppress the hiring in his wages the widow and the fatherless and that turn aside the stranger from his rights and fear not me say yahua hah of host and i say time again guys whenever he whenever yahua hah starts talking about his heart what's on his heart he talks about the widows to follow this those would be the orphans and of course turning a blind eye to injustice all right so then we jump over to mark chapter one and it says this the beginning of the gospel of yahushah mashiach the son of allahyam as it is written in the prophets behold i send my messenger before they face which i'll prepare the way before the so this is referring to malachi the voice of one crying the wilderness prepare you the way of yahua hah make his paths straight and then of course we can see that yahushah shows up he baptizes him same thing is said in Luke chapter one so the angel appears to zechariah his father he talks about how for he shall be gray inside of yahua han shall drink neither wine nor strong drink and he shall be filled with the rua kakadesh even from his mother's womb and many the children of yashril shall he turn to yahua their allahyam what better person to do that than the gatekeeper fanihas right and he shall go before him in the rua k and power of eliyahu of elijah right there so we can sit here and talk all day what is the rua k in the power of elijah was he the literal rua k of elijah as i you know in as i believe elijah was the literal spirit of fanihas and i say i believe that you guys hope hopefully you know what i mean by that because it seems like the paper trail leads me in that direction i'm just going by what the books say uh no fear in that and of course in matthew chapter 11 they're talking about john the baptist yokanon and and uh this is what yahushah says verily is saying to you among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than yokanon the baptist not withstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he and from the days of yokanon the baptist and to now the kingdom of heaven sufferth violence and the violent take it by force for all the prophets in the torah prophesied unto yokanon that's kind of interesting and if you will receive it so if you will receive it this is eliyahu which was for to come he the hath ears to hear let him hear so i just want to be clear i have no problem with yokanon the baptist being eliyahu and in turn fanihas living three lives apparently the the issue i have is what we're going to get into it um actually it's not an issue at all but in terms of you know if according to some texts eliyja hadn't returned yet uh right with enoch and eliyja um and including with you know i i just read you from a few of them so how does that work out i don't really know and i'm going to let you guys i'm just going to be content in the uncertainty of not knowing and the tension of that and maybe one day i'll be able to work it out maybe you guys already have and you just start keeping from me i don't really know it's watching me squirm up here but let's i promise uh according to on youtube tonight that i was going to talk about time travel and this is kind of interesting because um you guys know about the transfiguration of course my position is that this was a case of time travel so let me go over this really quickly in matthew we see the transfiguration this is what it says and after six days yahusha took kipa yakov and yokanan and his brother and brought them up into a high mountain apart and was transfigured before them now in the the the book of the natsurim or the book of the illuminators it talks about in this transfiguration that it was this bright uh or this like bluish color now keep in mind i think it was purple uh the gospel in nikonema specifically said that a purple light entered shi'ol when yaha waha went down there that is the light of the resurrection the human eye cannot see that that purple light they can only see the blue scale to my understanding so it's kind of interesting in the book of the natsurim they saw a blue light they couldn't detect the purple um it could be wrong about that but that just my research what i've come to anyways he's transfigured before them like the light the purple light i believe of the rua katadesh and his face did shine as the sun and his raiment was white as the light and behold they're appeared into them moshay and eliyahu talking with him all right you guys know the story now the problem here and there it is a problem is that um moshay is dead now we could argue about eliyahu some people would say he is dead i i obviously believe he was still alive but the big issue is mosh moshay because is he having communication with the dead now i i know you say oh he's the he's the eliyim of the uh the living not the dead but in the torah it specifically says not to have communion with the the deceased with spirits so if he's bringing him up from shi'ol that could be a problem some people may have a problem with that now i'm of the position that he's actually communicating with them in their lifetime so um it's really tricky to think about because this is true uh i don't know if you want to call it a paradox or what but it it's it's cyclical because we think a time in it is a straight line and yet well i'll show you i'll show you um we see here with el uh eliyahu that he's on the run for his life from Jezebel the wicked Jezebel who ruled her people with magic i believe it was psychodrama i believe that she ruled her people the same way that they do today through the media through psychodrama which of course originated from babylon which makes sense she would have learned it from from numero the numerotic religion through basically hoaxes and things like that but um he's on the run and this is what we read he rose and he did eat and drink and went in the strength of that meat 40 days and 40 nights unto core of the mount of eliyam he goes to cyanuya cyanide mount cyanide so he has an encounter with him there and uh and he speaks with him there was an earthquake and after that a fire but yeah yeah while i was not in the earthquake nor was he in the fire and after that he fired a still small voice beautiful story and it total contrast to mochay with like you know the flames and the the smoke and the voices and the trumpets it's just a still win and it was so when eliyahu heard it that he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood it stood it entering in of the cave and that's where he speaks with them and interestingly enough he's uh eliyahu is always feeling alone that that's what a righteous man would the more righteous you become the more wise you become you start recognizing that you're surrounded by a lot less righteous people and a lot less wise people and you know finnihas probably felt the same way he's like why am i the only one here taking you know playing the part of security why is nobody else doing this right and of course yahoo wahab response says yet i have left with me seven thousand in the ashirel all the knees which have not bowed into the ale and every mouth which has not kissed them i am suspect that the seven thousand could be a play on words it could be the seven thousand years of history he's saying look i know it's pretty grim for you right now but there's you know this seven thousand it could be a play on that because we're dealing with time travel it could be saying over these seven thousand years i have my servants who have never bowed down the bale all right so don't sweat it eliyahu keep in mind eliyahu has got a lot of lives to live here so my position that i'm coming with here is that uh when he is speaking with yahoo wahab he is speaking with yahoo shahama shiak during the transfiguration and so that's the biggest hurdle here for most people and the reason why this has never really been picked up is because people don't think of yahoo wahab as yahoo shah they think yahoo wah is the father and of course my position is that yahooe yahuwah yahuwah is the son of the most high he is masai he is yeshua our salvation and so he's having a conversation with him in the future the other person in this discussion is moshay now with moshay's transfiguration the interesting thing about this is that he comes down famous uh you know he has these uh are they horns of light are they actual like goat horns that come out you know that we can get into the whole mandala affecting um i have i have conceded on this that's i i think it is possible that they could be actual horns i don't think they were i think they could be horns there's you know there's nothing uh horns are kind of pretty badass actually you know we think of horns in terms of pan you know and like devils and gargoyles and stuff like that but horns can also be a sign of authority uh i think contextually that it was light and i think that it was these horns of light were people talk about like radiation from like an atomic bomb type of situation uh that he was he was glowing because he was in the presence of yahoo wahab he was transfigured and he came down he didn't know it and that's the difference with elijah because he had no one to tell him hey dude you're glowing or like keep away from us he was all alone so by time he was around people again it could have been weeks later days later i don't really know it the the glow would have worn off but not so before moshay they had to put a paper bag over him but again doesn't really make sense if it was horns seems like they were trying to cover his skin but anyways he was there with yahoo wahab 40 days and 40 nights just like elijah who saw a common alley, same mountain, cyanuya, cyanide, 40 days, 40 nights they're fasting so basically if you want to have visions and hear from yah you fast you want to be badass righteousness like try fasting for 40 days 40 nights now i'm a parent with children that sounds like a death sentence i might be able to do it uh but uh yeah like you you uh are able to get your by yourself you don't have family to take care of you want to go off in the woods for 40 days and try that you might uh get a serious encounter with uh yah hua who knows you might even go outside of space and time but anyways i believe this is the other incident so when yahusha hama shiok is speaking with eliyahu and moshay i think it's these two incidents in history i think there's a good case to be made for it moshay saw yahusha in uh in bizora yokanan the gospel of john and uh yahusha says do not think that i will accuse you to the father there is one that accuses you even moshay in whom you trust for had you believe moshay you would have believed me for he wrote of me but she believed not his runnings how shall you believe my words and um so there's kind of interesting there that he's writing of him and of course he's writing of who yeah hua right uh and then we see of course one more passage in john he says that no man has seen alahayana he's speaking of his father at any time the only begotten son which is in the bosom of the father he has declared him so clearly moshay and eliyahu did not see the father they saw the son and that's it for tonight wow i'm three minutes early um finishing this so i hope you guys enjoyed that hope you guys gave you guys things to think about and um one last thing for those of you who have made it this far uh just you know check out the link below this video to uh to see how the ministry and widow fund is coming along we are now toward the last third of this month we did break the first half and now it's like getting into that territory and i will tell everyone out there that once we fill the budget uh for this month anything above that again we'll go towards miss pamela and she really needs it she is translating the bible she has finished dudorani but then she's going to begin another book i don't know what the next book is i'm hoping it's song Solomon but it's up to her to decide uh she's talked about doing joshua she's talked about doing math u revelation uh paleo Hebrew translations um and she needs that support and of course we support Rebecca here she runs the store she uh edits books and put things out just she does so much work i mean she works way too much i was on the phone with her telling her today you need to stop working six days a week she only takes Sabbath off i'm like can you please take an extra day off can you just she's like well there's too much to do i'm like you know what there will always be work to do and then you're gonna die so it whether you take that day off or not there still always seems to just take that off but anyways we work very hard here so thank you all for your support for your prayers we are still looking for minish tree supporters um to help us out and uh we'll do this again next week i got a lot of uh great content coming up and one more reminder guys i really really really enjoy our discord group guys it's it's it's free okay you just show i'm not taking your money it's free every uh friday night seven p.m going to nine p.m we had a great discussion tonight we do every single week and um i'd like to if you haven't been there before please come by next week think about it set it aside i know that some of you are still getting off work if you're uh pacific time i know it's tough but if you can make it please consider coming by and we'll do this again good Good night, everybody. Have a great Sabbath rest. [BLANK_AUDIO]