Turley Talks

Ep. 2700 UNSTOPPABLE: President Trump Goes to Nashville to Champion BITCOIN!!

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21 Jul 2024
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Some huge names are coming to the Bitcoin 2024 conference this week in Nashville. But none of them is more exciting than the man himself. President Trump is still coming to the conference to speak, despite the insane and unsuccessful assassination attempt. 

It’s not surprising at all that there was a surge when he endorsed Bitcoin and said that he’d make the US the supreme Bitcoin miner in the world. Since Saturday, Bitcoin has seen a nearly 14% gain in the week!

Mike Germano, president of Bitcoin Magazine and Bitcoin Conference, is here to dig into this and give the insider’s scoop on the upcoming Bitcoin conference.

Get your tickets for this week’s Bitcoin conference and hear President Trump speak HERE:

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Are we seeing the revitalization of conservative civilization? All over the world has been a massive backlash against globalization, its leftist leadership, and its anti-cultural liberal values. And it's just the beginning. I'm Dr. Steve Turley. I believe the liberal globalist world is at its brink, and a new conservative age is rising. Join me every day as we examine these worldwide trends, discover answers to today's toughest challenges. And together, learn to live in the present in life of even better things to cover. This is Turley Talks. Hey gang, it's me, Dr. Steve. And we got some huge names coming to the Bitcoin 2024 conference this week in Nashville. But none of them is more exciting than the man himself, President Donald J. Trump. Trump, he is confirmed that he is still coming to the conference to speak despite the harrowing ordeal that happened just days ago. If that iconic photo says anything, it is that a new world is rising. A world that the globalist powers have no control over. It's literally slipping through their fingers. And so it's no surprise that President Trump is a big fan of Bitcoin. He's promised to make the US the supreme Bitcoin miner in the world. Pretty impressive stuff. Here to dig into this and give the insider scoop on the upcoming Bitcoin conference is Mike Germano, President of Bitcoin Magazine and founder of the Bitcoin conference, which you can register for by just clicking on that link below. You better do it soon. You could imagine they're getting an onslaught of people coming in with number 45, soon to be number 47, speaking there. So Mike, dude, man, we were chatting before the interview. I told you it's an honor to have you on the channel. I follow Everyone should frequently and I absolutely love your work. Thank you so much for being with us. Thank you so much for inviting me on, actually. Well, it's an honor. So, I mean, wow, what a whirlwind over the last several days. Trump is showing up to the Bitcoin conference in a matter of hours. Just give us a sense of just the enormity of it. What does this feel like from your perspective? Sure. So, once again, the Bitcoin conference, which a lot of people have always, because Bitcoin's decentralized, which many of your viewers know, our company wanted to build it and take the reins of it and build an exciting Bitcoin conference. We had it in 2019 in San Francisco in tech. But 2020, as you know, with COVID, no one had anything. 21, we did. We had to move it to Florida. Thank God for Florida having some freedom. And we had a conference in 21 when everyone was afraid. We had no masks, you know, no cards. And with this became a kind of more of a freedom explosion that people understood how Bitcoin wasn't just a cryptocurrency that this was, you know, a conversation about freedom and a festival. And that's when obviously, President O'Kaley announced Bitcoin being legal tender. 22 was, and so from that point on really exploded, you know, 22 and 23. Both of mine is their first year, we're moving it to Nashville. And last year, we had RFK speak. And you know what? I think it's worth listening. If anyone wants to go back and look at Bitcoin, magazine, YouTube, RFK really understood the value of what Bitcoin was, but freedom was. And we talked about the Canadian truckers and we came, we were so impressed that this, you know, and we've had tons of politicians come mostly outsiders. So you have the Andrew Yangs in the world. You have the Ron Pauls, you know, the Vek came and speak last year. So politicians, you know, I think understand the value of not only this community, but this, this topic and, you know, look, we keep getting bigger and bigger. And it keeps getting stranger and stranger. And luckily for us, you know, we've been talking to Trump and his team for a while now. And he's really start to understand. I believe the value of what Bitcoin brings. And he's seeing it firsthand. And truthfully, it's, it's so exciting because it is decentralized. So there's no company that calls up. There's no company that has a lobbying group. So this is the most, you know, from the ground community. And, and look, Trump has his finger on the pulse and he understands that. He knew once he started making these comments that everyone, and I really appreciate. Trump goes to other events. He goes, people like Bitcoin are telling me, you know, Trump support Bitcoin. And they're making these and they're talking to him. And that's really reaffirming, I think, to him. So, you know, we, we wanted, of course, we've had him on our, our list. And we wanted to get him for a while. And luckily, you know, the week, what was funny was, obviously after the Biden, the, the Biden debate, the Trump team was a little bit silent, which they should have. And that's right when we were supposed to announce and we're like, please, Trump, you know, you're usually a guy who likes to get the press, you know, go out there and get it. And they were being, you know, very strategic and quiet. So obviously he announced then the following week was the assassination attempt and, and, you know, obviously our concern was with, you know, what was going to happen to our country and the president. And, you know, we understood if he was going to, you know, pull up, but his team called us. And his fighting nature that you saw when he has fists and his air is clearly evident and everything he does. So he's like, no, we're there. And, you know, let's go. And so we went from the highs and lows of having to organize this. And now, you know, our event always attracts some big names. I mean, we had everyone from Jordan Peterson to Aaron Rodgers. I mean, these are because Bitcoiners are everywhere. And so now everybody wants to, you know, who was already coming. We're going to have 20,000 people that are just going to be at our conference, not just, you know, in Nashville. So now we're just trying to rearrange all the last minutes of all the planings for eight months of this is going to come down to the next two weeks for some of the, I think the biggest Bitcoiners biggest names and biggest announcements in our space. Is the venue going to be to handle this kind of volume of people? So this is a Nashville, right? Where are you doing it at? The convention center. So there you go. Okay. Great. Yeah. So look, I mean, put this way, just to sometimes Bitcoin and crypto get mixed up, but it's important to note, you know, I think Bitcoin's its own thing. And the rest are cryptocurrencies. There's thousands of them. What's funny is we're Bitcoin magazine been around since 2012 and Bitcoin was eight dollars. We've only been about Bitcoin. And if you think about it, just Bitcoin, that's all we focused on. And there's other conferences that are crypto conferences, but they don't even have as many people as we did because Bitcoin is the driver. Bitcoin is obviously what's decentralized. Bitcoin is a tool of freedom. Everything else follows Bitcoin. So the exciting part of that is you would think of an event that just only focused on one, we'd have less people or less companies. But the truth is all the biggest names that want to talk about this. They want to be on stage where it's only Bitcoin. So someone's not pushing some altcoin or whatnot. We don't let any altcoins sponsor our conference. So they do stuff all around us, you know, so it's like hosting the Super Bowl and there's everything else around us. So we thought it was important to bring the conference to a different city. So we were in my emphyse. Now we're Nashville, which is a great time. Yeah, Nashville is a great town. Yeah. Great town. And look, if you want to talk about the energy that's there, it sounds funny. Why would you want to go talk about, you know, inflation and the federal. But like you go there and we left that some of our most important talks are backed up because there's a bunch of 20 year olds that want to listen to discussions about inflation and banking. But it's the, it's, you have that side, but then you have the fun side that this is like a biker gang of nerds coming into a city that are really excited to talk about what freedom is. And some people, this is their vacation. Some people are there for work. I mean, it's like half comic con. I mean, it's like the woodstock of freedom that just happens to use, you know, tech and finance. So it really is an exciting time. The energy is all there. And we try our best to put the people on stage to have that conversation. And then also Bitcoin magazine, we're going to be live stream the entire event. You know, we have over half a million people watch every day. So there's a lot of production that goes into how we have our live stream. And then there's events all around the city and all around the conference. Oh, it's so good. It's so awesome. And I love how you put it centering on Bitcoin itself. I've noticed when I go to Bitcoin It really is very, very Bitcoin centric. And I just, I appreciate that because it's the leading indicator. I mean, if you read about Ethereum, they're always asking, well, first we got to figure out what Bitcoin is doing. And then we'll see if it's lagging, you know, it'll, it'll follow what it's doing. Bitcoin is the tip of the, it's the tip of the spear. And, and you, and you just clearly have that central focus. You've always had it. It's, it's really admirable. You mentioned Naib Bukeli. I, I wanted to ask you about how important it is to have Trump position himself as a champion of Bitcoin. We were talking before the interview, how, you know, and Vegas right around the same time for that replatform conference, but I missed you. I came to the following day, but a colleague of mine said, dude, you got to listen to this guy and what he, his talk. It was so amazing. So I did, I went, I was on YouTube and I, and I watched it. And I remember these things and they was just really, it really was profound. In the end, Bitcoin has a life of its own. That's the confidence that you have with it as it were. It doesn't matter who endorses it. It doesn't, you know, it doesn't matter what any government is doing here there. The future of Bitcoin by definition of DeFi is not dependent on any particular state. It really is in the language we like to use here. It really is the parallel economy in its truest form and its absolute essence. The finance that's the foundation for the civilization building. So, so that said, that said, because I really made an impression on me. When you said that, I went, whoa, we're dealing with, yeah, we're dealing with something incredibly formidable here. So that said, what is the significance of Trump's endorsement of Bitcoin, perhaps big picture? Yeah, great question. It's interesting because we have some hardcore Bitcoiners are saying, why do we even want government officials to talk about this? Yeah. The whole point of Bitcoin is it's supposed to be the separation of money from state, right? State has been the one that's been the state of the ones that go through massive inflation, go into massive debt, you know, and really they're by controlling their own money has caused a lot of the problems that Bitcoiners are hoping to solve. So it's a balancing act because obviously when, you know, President Buchanan 21 said that Bitcoin's legal tender, you know, that was very unique because else have it or didn't have their own currency, right? They depended on the dollar. And, you know, we Bitcoin doesn't need President Buchanan. President Buchanan needed Bitcoin. Unbelievable branding opportunity and really was just showcasing what's possible. I mean, I'll be honest, I never went to El Salvador before that, but right after the announcement went down, I've been down there four or five times my family's vacation down there, right? We go to Bitcoin Beach. We just use Bitcoin and truthfully was a market, almost a marketing exercise, right? They were talking about it was identified as Bitcoin is something fresh, right? Exciting. And the type of people believe in it all started showing up to El Salvador. And you could see the hope and excitement. And really, President Bookelly's done a, you know, a lot of great things. And so it's really been almost like this part of this mark and rebirth for El Salvador that's come in there. Now, with that said, someone like President Trump, you know, when President Trump was in office, didn't really talk about the kind of crypto or Bitcoin side of things. And once again, he was dealing with a lot and Bitcoin was still, even though for a lot of us, it wasn't new, was still kind of new. But obviously what we saw with President Biden coming in and how they've cracked down on the crypto, how they made it impossible for a lot of companies to bank here, how they made it just really uncertain with the laws. It's really driven out innovation. It's driven out companies. And we're seeing the negative impact of it. No one, no country, no government can get rid of Bitcoin. That's they've all tried and they can't. And so once again, it's coming to terms with that and the differences, maybe between the Democrat and the Republican Party, the Democrats, they can't get rid of it. So let's try to control it and tax it and make it annoying and go after people. That's their way of looking at it. And what I think Trump was very wise with was by not only just adopting the idea about Bitcoin is he was saying, Hey, how can you all make Bitcoin great? Because I don't want to control Bitcoin. I want you to build more Bitcoin here. I want you to build. I want to give freedom to Bitcoin miners. I want to give freedom to people to use Bitcoin because why wouldn't our country, this is the future? This is this is involving tech, finance, energy and freedom that I'm this as American as you can get might as well hear a bald eagle scream in the background when you say those things. And you know, how could Bitcoin not be built here? You would hate for that and innovate here. And really, why would those financial institutions not want to be here? Because it's the inevitable future. Right. And if you can't control it, why don't you encourage it, right? And allow it to foster here. So, you know, I think that President Trump maybe just looked at maybe he was, let's say, even if he was looking at Bitcoiners is just a voting base. And we have an issue in Bitcoin magazine, we still do print, just in case they take us offline, which is the orange party issue, which we talked about like they're single issue voters when it comes to Bitcoin, right? Like, and that's it for me. You know, I was I got elected as a Democrat back in the day using Facebook. So I was a, you know, elected Democrat and didn't really, you know, I didn't leave the Democratic party. It left me, but I'm a single issue voter. And when it comes down to it, you know, Bitcoin is extremely important to me. And I think it's the foundation of freedom. So when you're taking a look at what is possible. And you start to see things through a Bitcoin lens, you start to understand, okay, this is what is possible with freedom. And it sends a clear message. And a lot of people were just Trump just saying this. Number one, he made the announcement that he was going to free Ross Ulbrich. You know, I mean, that's something that Bitcoin has been fighting for. You know, he was allegedly behind Silk Road, who's serving, you know, the longest jail term for nonviolent first time offender. It's, you know, they tried to throw a book at him. So he's taken on jail term for kind of being a Bitcoin pioneer. You know, so making that statement. And, you know, once again, he took the other thing was he put this into the Republican platform. Yeah. They asked Bitcoin Max to go to the convention. Right. So what's been Bitcoin is being put in. You couldn't expect this, you know, big in Trump and his team were like, look, you have the right to self custody, the right to mind. He met with Bitcoin miners, talked to them. And, you know, that was behind closed door that roundtable. But I talked to all those CEOs and they were like, wow, now I did this guy get it. He understands the value of it. What can we do in your innovation? So he's making all the right steps. Bitcoiners like a lot of others are very skeptical government and skeptical people saying things. And we should always be that way. Of course. Yeah. They have every right to be that way to be skeptical. But once again, he's taking the right steps. And for me, you know, a lot of people came to Bitcoin because of Ron Paul. You know, he was talking about the Federal Reserve and a bunch of young people like, what is he even talking about? So you, you kind of came from Ron Paul and then a huge Bitcoin delegation almost came out. Because they saw the Bitcoin was coming up and there was some, I guess, overlaps community. And man, I look at this as people, whether we talk about Magna country or Trump's Republicans or people who are just maybe not looking forward to complete government control of everything. Right. Introducing them to Bitcoin. They might, you know, come for Trump, but I think they're going to stay for Bitcoin. And when they see that they're accepting this community, you know, and more importantly, like we said earlier, no one controls this community. This is decentralized. So we don't need a Trump. We don't need a bouquet. We don't need a Biden. But it's the foundation that's a decentralized group that's going to grow with the community that comes with it. This is something that's going to outlast us. So we're very excited that that Trump just yet another Bitcoin or that hopefully when he wins and gets elected to office, that he's just going to allow Bitcoiners to be Bitcoiners and to innovate, you know, just not to not to try to stop us like the, like the current administration. And, you know, more that America can be home to Bitcoin, the better it's going to make our country in the long run. Amen. Well, well, so well said. Yeah, I mean, it's the new Gold Rush in many respects, right? 19th century. By recall, the United States really was the only country that was allowing the gold mining to be privatized out in California far, far, far away from from DC. You guys do it. Do your thing. Whereas Europe, it was much more state run. And, and I just love seeing the exact same thing from from Trump. But certainly, of course, Ron Paul. Go do it. Go do it. You know exactly what needs to be done. The government's just going to get in your way. Just go, just go rock and roll. One of the things that I think is amazing with with an endorsement from, from Trump or Bokelly or maybe Javier Malay and Argentina is just, in a sense, you know, just the, just the power of the endorsement for the fans of the endorser. Right. So these guys have, for lack of a better term, term fans, you know, tens of millions of fans and they turn around say, Hey, Bitcoin is awesome. You definitely want to get involved in this. I mean, the rush. I mean, you're, I mean, you're seeing it in real time with the amount of people now that are coming to the Bitcoin conference just because he's there. It just seems to me that it's, it's probably the best for lack of better term marketing, marketing scheme you could possibly have. Obviously, one you can't plan for. It's just, it's like divine providence. It just, it just happens. So for those who owned it, do you want to comment on that? Yeah, well, I think you bring up an important point, which is Bitcoin isn't a company, right? It's not Amazon or Facebook. So Bitcoin doesn't have a marketing budget. Bitcoin doesn't have a power department, right? Right. You know, so no one speaks for Bitcoin. We just talk about it all the time. So to think about it, there's such a group of people that I think would really start to go down this path and aligns with the law, their values. And they think of this as people who are storing gold because they want to make sure that they have certain assets that aren't controlled by inflation in the government. All of a sudden, these are the same people that are going to look at Bitcoin and understand maybe some of the core values, people who are against central bank digital currency. Oh, they look at the values. People are for, you know, freedom of speech and not being, you know, beholden to third parties or even the parallel economy that we talk about all time. Those people that have a gravitated towards Trump and the magma and the magma movement, they're going to see a lot of value there in Bitcoin. And what maybe held them back was that they weren't marketed to. They weren't told about this. They weren't informed because there wasn't a company do that. So you have to want to come to Bitcoin. So if you think of the top of fun, we're not buying ads, you know, maybe the Coinbase is of the world, but you know, you might not trust them. You know, you might not trust those exchanges. I had saying, hey, learn about Bitcoin. You know, someone has to tell you, hey, this is worth learning about. So it's really been organic, the growth, and that's why it's so much stronger. You're not just being average. And the problem is when you get advertised by just Dogecoin, you lose money, you get upset, right? Bitcoin is like, hey, listen, you have to trust some, you know, you're trusting some of your conversations. So Trump being a real vessel, just kind of introducing people to the concept. You aren't already there. And you know what it is. It's about being comfortable saying, I am the Bitcoiner. And other people go, oh, okay, because we have some people actually higher up in major corporations who meet with us go, hey, don't tell anyone. I'm a Bitcoiner. I don't want people to think of me as just a Bitcoiner. We're really hard in my profession. And we're like, that sounds kind of strange. Large corporate corporate CMO or CFO, but you know, we'll keep your secrets. It's like Fight Club, I feel like. So we have Bitcoiners everywhere. And, you know, it really is. And so like more, the bigger names that identify themselves, they're willingness to say, hey, of course, I think Bitcoin's important. It helps because once again, I think four years ago, Trump said, Bitcoin's a scam. And we didn't know a lot about it. And he said that, well, that probably turned off a lot of people. So he's willing to also look at things, you know, relook at things, understood the value of it. And he's, you know, he's been talking about it in a way that I think we're excited to introduce people to it and they can come to obviously Bitcoin magazine. We're always talking about Bitcoin. We have tons of content. We've done 11,000 articles over the years with the biggest repository and source for Bitcoin knowledge. We have guides and we're happy. So we see more people coming in, conservative media outlets are talking to us. I'll say the conservative media outlets are talking to us say, hey, we don't have experts in this. Can we take a look at what content there? How do we work together? The Democrats didn't write about how or the liberal media outlets say how Bitcoin mining is going to destroy the world and destroy everyone and don't care. So it's a different approach that we've had between between this. But we're here to just provide information to everybody. So we don't care. You know, we have Bitcoin magazines all over the world. You know, we have one in Ukraine and Switzerland. We're opening one in a couple of other countries because we localized it. So our content is translated all over the world because Bitcoin is a global language. So we're excited to introduce. I think Trump will be the best top of funnel, if you will, to mint some new Bitcoiners. Yeah. Again, we were talking about it earlier. That's what I love about Bitcoin. It is so civilizational. It goes beyond nation. It's literally, it's world changing. A very new world is rising. For those who are obviously are intrigued now and hadn't thought about coming to this conference, but now want to just give us a little aerial view of what to expect attending a Bitcoin 2024 conference. What could they expect in terms of issues you'll be covering topics and the like? Yeah. So once again, it's 25th, 26th and Nashville, July. So we know it's coming up. Once again, if you come, like I said before, it feels like a biker gang of nerds who care about banking and tech, but also then you had that wrapped up with people care about freedom. So you're going to walk in there and what your expectations are is going to be the complete opposite. I can tell you that because it's just a group of people all coming together that happen to be cheering for the same team. The topics, I mean, it rains from like the Human Rights Foundation has a stage where we talk about Bitcoin for human rights. We talk about globally, you know, talk about Bitcoin's growth in the global south, you know, really what we're talking about is you have some people talking about how countries are getting out poverty using Bitcoin. And then we have a whole track that deals with finance and enterprise. We talked about the large corporations are adopting Bitcoin. We have everything from a pitch day that shows up all the new companies in there. We have a whole stage just for mining and energy, right? Like, which is massive, right? I mean, Bitcoin mining is China made the biggest mistake in their country's life. But it looks like they're going to turn around on that one too. I think they realized that. So I'm supposed to say Bitcoin is the one who makes China think differently. There's no point out like China's never said they made a mistake Bitcoin. They might make it. They might say it was Bitcoin, but, you know, they had a lot of mining and then it went over the world. You know, luckily US taxes, a lot of places picked it up. And, you know, we have a whole mining stage where people are interested in Bitcoin mining and energy. And then obviously, the main stage, some of the biggest talks that are happening in Bitcoin, some of the biggest subjects, whether that's and everything from nation state adoption to guess what? Bitcoin Beach, which is a small little beach in El Salvador that started this. How can the home grown style? How can you grow Bitcoin in your local community? So it's a really good way to also get connected like-minded people. You know, it could be tech. You know, we laugh. We print a magazine. We're like, why? Well, because Bitcoins digitally don't see it or touch it, right? So we print something because it kind of shows you how important is the love that people craft into putting something in this movement. But when you're there at the conference and you meet up with everyone, you don't feel alone. Right? So, I mean, that's absolutely is realizing, like, you can talk on Bitcoin Twitter all day or you can talk on social networks. But at the end of the day, you want to meet with other people. You're like, oh, we do share the same value about where last year, future, our family, what's important to us. And, you know, it's funny. You would think it's not always just conservative, right? We have Bitcoiners. We have one who like lives in Oakland and came from Bernie Sanders and we have one that's from Texas and he wants the three guns. But Bitcoin is kind of bond and they're able to unite against it. So if you want to be in such a positive place, right? Because the argument can always be the economy's bad inflation and this is all bad. That's one way of looking at it in like parallel economy, but we're here to build something different. We don't need them, right? And that's what this has been the story for the last 10 years is we don't need those people to tell you what to do, right? Like Bitcoin is a freedom. It's a movement that we're building together. And it's so positive. And that was one thing that, you know, kind of working at the company since 21, you look at this go, hey, it really feels like this feels positive. I was politically nomadic and you were upset with your partisan let down by companies. There really is a positive movement here. People who are building. And if you want to be surrounded by that, I think that this is the best place in the world to see it. I love it so well said. If people want to grab some last minute tickets for Bitcoin, 2024. What's the best place to do that? We've got a link down below, of course. Cool. Yeah. I mean, if they go to Bitcoin, we have that little link that says, you know, the 10% off tickets. But if you really want, and I'm going to get in trouble for this, but if you use code BM 21 that gives you 21% off the tickets and, you know, love to have you there. And if not, watch us on our live stream and then come the following year, but there'll be some major announcements and, you know, I thank you for having me on. I'm excited to talk to your community. I feel like we are community share a lot of the same desire to learn and interact with others. So excited to see what comes out of this and welcome you all to Nashville. It's a great town. And, you know, let's go Bitcoin. Let's go big. I love it, gang. This is this is amazing. I mean, if you've missed your chance to sign up for this, guess what? Now you've got it. You can go and see not only Donald Trump, but you can attend the single best Bitcoin conference ever. And there's a whole amazing speakers. I mean, the weakest could be incredible. I was just, I was just telling Mike earlier, I'm just so I would have just loved just to attend and enjoy and so forth. Unfortunately, I'm going to be on a family vacation. Why did all I say that? Listen to me. The only thing more important than Bitcoin is your family. So you may go ahead and see everyone's back of you. I talk about faith, family and freedom all the time and area. But I just, you could tell I mean, you guys know I love Bitcoin. You know, I love, I just love what Bitcoin magazine is doing and what this conference is doing. So I just, I just, I just, just infectious just to be there. But you guys can be there for me and tell me all about it. So definitely click on that link below. Get your tickets. Mike gave you that wonderful discount code. Be there to gang. Be there to witness history. It's going to be absolutely amazing. Mike Germano. Thank you, sir, for being with us. Thank you so much. 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