Alabama's Morning News with JT

Former Congressman Mo Books discusses Biden stepping down from the Race

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22 Jul 2024
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It's time for today's Lucky Land Horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say. Your chance to win starts with a spin. So go to to play over 100 social casino-style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today at Available to players in the US, excluding Washington and Michigan, no purchase necessary, VGW Group, void river, headed by law, 18+ turns in condition supply. Congressman, former Congressman, Mo Brooks joins us now. We're gonna talk about what's taking place with the departure of Joe Biden and the, I guess, infiltration of Kamala Harris, if you will. Mo, welcome in. Thanks for being here. My pleasure. So when all this came down, I mean, we could talk for hours about the plan of all of this and the timing of all of this, it wasn't coincidence. Joe didn't just wake up one day and go, you know what, you're all right. It's probably the best. This is for the betterment of the country. Joe Biden had nothing to do with pulling out. It was a week ago he said I'm still in there. He was pushed out. I think we can both agree on that. So here comes Kamala Harris. I've just got some procedural questions for you. As a member of Congress, now that we're this close to the convention, and this close to November 5th, is there enough time to do a primary and let the Democratic voters pick who they want in that White House? No chance. So no chance of that moves us to the next step of, I guess, the delegates will have to pick. So the elite of the party gets to do it and the voters have nothing to say about it. Well, the voters pick the delegates. So the voters indirectly do have something to say about it. The Democratic delegate selection process is substantially different than the Republicans. Our way of example, congressmen and senators get automatic delegate positions. We don't have that on the Republican side. And then on the Democrat side, they often pick delegates based on intrinsic characteristics of a person. Are you a male or are you a female? That's a big factor. Males get a certain percentage. Females get a certain percentage. And I don't know what they do about the LGBTQ whatever community, what those folks are called during that male or female selection process. I don't think they've broken it down by race yet too. So you're going to have a group of people making the selection on behalf of the Democrats that don't necessarily reflect the Democratic party as a whole and certainly don't reflect the American people as a whole. But the game appears to be over. Biden is out. Kamala Harris is the overwhelming favorite now to win based on all the developments that have occurred over the last three or four days. To win the nominee to the nomination, right? Yes, to win the nomination. All right. Does it behoove the Republicans to have Joe taken out of the office? Now if he's not fit to run, he's not fit to serve. Or is it better if we leave him in there? I would imagine that would mean Kamala would step right in. Does that change anything? Does it make it better, make it worse? Well, I've long felt that Joe Biden's diminished capacity indicated that he was not able to serve as president. And certainly the Republicans are going to push that theme as evidenced by House Speaker Johnson beating the drum loud and clear. Donald Trump beating the drum loud and clear. I'm not sure what the polling says as to how that will help them in a presidential election in November. But apparently they believe that it does to raise this issue. From a practical standpoint, you're really talking about two different things here. If you're going to run as a candidate for president, then your mental capacity from January of 2025 to 2029 is the issue. If you're talking about serving out the rest of the term, well, then it's the six months from now until January, that is the issue. So Joe Biden is in decline. He's been a noticeable decline for about three years. And my personal observations of him, and I've met him personally before, and I've noticed the decline personally. I didn't think he would last this long. But the Democrat strategists and the powers that be did a superb job of deceiving the American people about his declining ability. I think it would be good for the country to have Joe Biden no longer as president. I believe the 25th Amendment ought to be invoked. Now, well, maybe it's the 26th, I forget which one. But I don't think the Democrats are intent on doing that. And the Republicans, for whatever reason, seem to think that going after president, Kamala Harris in November is a brighter prospect than going after vice president, Kamala Harris in November of this year. All right, Mo, I got to ask you, if the do move Joe out and put Kamala Harris in, is it better for Kamala Harris and the campaign leading up to November 5th to be in that seat as the president or better off still as the VP up until November 5th? Well, that's really an open question. The Republicans seem to think that they would have a better shot at winning if Kamala Harris is the president. I don't know that I buy that argument, but that's the argument that the Republicans are advancing right now by suggesting that Joe Biden should resign. Well, if he resigns and she gets in there, now they can kind of look at Kamala Harris and the Republicans and use it against her and saying, "Well, you came in for three months. You're still got a dismal policy here going on. You're Joe Biden's right hand person and you haven't changed the thing." Being on the sideline doesn't give her a little bit of a defense and ammunition to say, "Look, that was his policies. Now that I'm in here, things are going to change a little bit." Well, if Kamala Harris is president, then yeah, all the policies that emanate from the White House over the next four months, she will have to own them. However, if she is vice president, as one notable one said, the vice presidency is worth a warm bucket of spit, okay? Most people understand that the vice president is basically a cheerleader for whatever the president is doing. And so she can buffer herself from the bad things that have happened. In the Biden administration, by pointing out that those were Biden responsibilities, not her. So she can claim credit for the good and deny the bad if she's vice president. But if she's president over the next four months, whatever happens, good or bad, she's owning it. Yeah. Well, let's not forget who she is. I mean, she's a liberal California. I mean, she encouraged people to contribute to this bail fund, free criminals, which one of them ended up committing murder. She's a weak and uncrime prosecutor. She was all about defund the police. She wanted to abolish ICE. I mean, she owns all of Joe Biden's failures, doesn't she? Well, she does to a certain degree. And I agree with the argument that you've just advanced. I'm sure that the Republicans will advance. But I'll tell you, it's a whole new ball game, okay? With all of the negatives of the Biden administration and a candidate Joe Biden, who's mentally incapacitated and can't do the job, Trump was only beaten by two or three or four points, depending on which poll you look at. Now you have all the Biden policies and a candidate who has the mental capacity to serve as president of the United States. Plus, you've got the argument that the Democrats are going to advance, that Donald Trump is the one who's going to be suffering from diminished mental capacity as he reaches his 80s. And unfortunately, that's kind of a natural thing, natural human condition. The older we get sooner or later, we start being less sharp than we were, say, in our teens or 20s or 30s or 40s. And so the script has been flipped in the Democrats' mind, and whether the voters are Biden is a whole nother issue. But I'm sure the Democrats now are going to try to use against Trump what Trump has been using against Biden. And quite frankly, I've noticed a diminished capacity with Donald Trump. But it's so minor that it does not prohibit him from serving. He still has the mental capacity necessary to be president of the United States. But Trump today is not as sharp as Trump was, say, in 2016. All right, let's talk about the left field curveball in Joe Manchin. I was now suggesting he may come back to the Democratic Party and throw his hat in the ring. Can anybody challenge Kamala at this point? Well, anybody can change Kamala Harris. That's easy to do. But can you win? At this point, no. She needs only 51% of the Democratic National Committee delegates to be nominated. And right now, she's probably got about 80 to 90%. So anyone can declare, "Hey, I'm a candidate. I'm a candidate." That's one thing. It's another thing to get to 51% of the delegates to be elected, to be the nominee of the Democratic Party. And it's all lined up. I mean, you just had the 50 Democratic Party Chairman of the 50 different states unanimously say, "Kamala Harris is our nominee." You've got countless congressmen and senators who have votes saying, "Kamala Harris is our nominee." I haven't seen one come out and say, "I'm supporting somebody different." Now, some are keeping their powder dry. They haven't publicly made decisions. But nobody that I'm aware of has said, "I'm voting for somebody else." Now, if you were to get a real heavyweight like, say, a Michelle Obama who runs better than the polls than Kamala Harris does, okay, you might have a competitive horse race. But it does not look like Michelle Obama is going to jump in. And I don't know of anyone that's performing better than Kamala Harris that has a reasonable shot of being competitive with Democratic National Committee delegates. All right, quickly, if you're Donald Trump's campaign manager with all this news breaking and her probably being the one, as his campaign manager, what are the points you tell him to stay on to beat her? Well, I focus on public policy just as you intimated. That's exactly what has to be done. You have to focus on border security. After all, Kamala Harris was appointed to be in charge of border security. And as anyone knows, looking at border security, we have open borders with all of the deaths, all of the tax losses, you name it, that is occurring because of these open borders. And then you've got the economy that always has to be focused on. I'd like to say that we should be focusing on deficit and debt. But unfortunately, the Democrats have a good counter. And that is that Donald Trump's record on deficit and debt was the worst of any four-year president in the history of the United States. No one else had a seven or eight trillion dollar deficit in just a four-year period of time. So that issue is off the board. But focus on the issues where there's a clear contrast between Republicans and Democrats generically, and a specific contrast between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. I would hate to think that we would elect again a president who supports open borders. And that should be a killer for the Kamala Harris campaign. Time will tell. All right, Mo Brooks. Thank you so much. We'll have you back. I appreciate you this morning. It's time for today's Lucky Land horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane. So shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say. Your chance to win starts with a spin. 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