The Howie Carr Radio Network

Tulsi SLAMS Kamala plus Bill Brusard for Mechanic Monday | 7.22.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

The Dems are throwing their support behind Kamala, but Tulsi Gabbard isn't on board. Plus, Bill Brusard joins the show for Mechanic Monday.

Broadcast on:
22 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. - Well, you don't want too much Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. - You either have Grace or you don't. - Especially Grace, Grace stand up. - Grace Curly. - Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show, J.D. Vance, hopefully future Vice President J.D. Vance is speaking now in Ohio. And I wanna talk about J.D. in just a minute here because Kamala Harris took some digs at him, not that she's going to be running against him, she's no longer gonna be VP, she's running, she's gonna be running as president, but there was a conversation that happened on social media about what her biggest problem is going forward. Now obviously one problem is that she was covering up for Joe Biden, that she knew that this man was in cognitive decline and she didn't say anything. Now the alternative to that is she didn't know, which just means that she's somehow dumber than people already think she is. She's unburdened by what has been, by what has been done. - Those who are unable to see what can be. - And there's not enough Venn diagrams or electric school buses in the world to make me understand that level of stupidity. So I'm gonna go with the first one, that she knew Joe Biden wasn't sharp and she didn't say anything and she lied about it. It's worse than not saying anything, she denied it, she told us not to believe our own eyes. Oh no, that was my favorite John Stewart standup is when he said, you know, he played a cut of Kamala Harris saying behind the scenes, he's really, really bright and smart and sacratic. And John Stewart said, maybe show us that guy. You know, stop putting out TikToks of him saying chocolate chip cookies. Maybe show us this brilliant mind that you all see behind closed doors. But the other problem that's being pointed out, which is just as important and what is, what I think the Trump administration or I'm sorry, the Trump team, hopefully the future administration should focus on is that she not only has to answer for the Biden-Harris track record of the last four years, she has to answer for the worst parts of it. This woman had a lot of jobs. She wore a lot of hats, borders are, AI's are, you know, abortion rights are. She wore so many different hats and she messed up on everything, everything she touched turned into a disaster. So it's not just that she has to explain to people who just endured, and that's the right way to put it, endured for years of Biden-Harris, but now she has to somehow repackage these four years and convince people that they really enjoyed it, that this hasn't been a rollercoaster of different scandals and chaos. And something that I was watching that the Sunday shows yesterday and Katie Pavlich, who does a lot of work at Town Hall, she had a great point. She said, you know, Trump used to get a lot of grief for chaos in his White House. That was always the narrative. It's like a revolving door, you know, it's always chaos. There was plenty of White House palace intrigue, conversations happening when Trump was president. This is pretty chaotic. I don't know how else you described this last minute, swapsy situation other than chaotic. And so there's so many different problems here or facets of this that Kamala Harris is going to have to try her best to navigate. Navigation is not her strong suit. She's going to have to try to convince people that she didn't know that Joe Biden was losing his mind. And she's going to have to try to convince people that everything they've implemented for the last four years has been hunky-dory. That's a hard lift for anyone, let alone a political lightweight like Kamala Harris. And now we have different people coming out. We just announced to you that Nancy Pelosi is supporting her. The New York Times editorial board was not convinced. I think that says something. There's been a lot of politicians who have remained quiet, Chuck Schumer. I'm sure we'll get these as the day goes on or maybe the week goes on. But the hesitancy tailor to me tells a lot of the story. It's the fact that these Democrats who typically are in lockstep with each other. The fact that there's even a beat where they're trying to figure out what to do next and they're really sitting there thinking to themselves. I don't know if she's the right one. Tells you how bad she is because they thought they could get away with Biden pushing him over the finish line yet again. And this was weekend at Bernie's. So to understand, to wrap your head around how bad they must truly think she is behind the scenes is a scary prospect. - Right, as you just said, they have to reconcile the fact that they pushed Biden over the finish line, as you put it. They had to deal with him and cover for him and all of his weird little things that he did, the whispering, the forgetting, the yelling, all of it, all of the constant lying, this terrible policies. - The hair sniffing. - All of it, all of it. And now the cats out of the bag and they have to reconcile with their constituencies and say, well, look, you know, when I knew them, the last time I talked to them and you'll keep their cover story going. Now they have this fact that people know how bad Kamala Harris is and how dumb she has been and continues to be, her dumbness is unburdened by what has her dumbness that has been before. - Put it on a sign. - So they have to consider their own futures here and say, do I continue a cover story for this next candidate or do I take a step back here? Do I just want a fresh start? And I think the conversation around like, oh, would Gavin Newsom or any of these people step in? Would Gretchen Whitmer step in? I can't really speak to the ambition of these people because I don't really know. Maybe I could have Gavin Newsom, not so much Gretchen Whitmer. But the thing I would go with is if none of these people had the cajones to do it when Joe Biden was floundering, I don't think the time that they're gonna step up is when the rest of the party, including AOC and Nancy Pelosi, are gathering around Kamala Harris and trying to make do with her being the candidate. I don't think that would be the time Gavin Newsom would suddenly have a backbone or that he would suddenly go against the establishment. That doesn't strike me as a possibility. I do wanna read you what Tulsi Gabbard, who has a long-standing feud with Kamala Harris. You'll remember back in 2020, remember Kamala Harris ran for president. People like to forget that. I understand why. She didn't get one delegate. It wasn't a huge success. But Joe Biden said he'd pick a black woman to be his VP, so it worked out for Kamala Harris in the end, even though she couldn't convince any voters that she was right for the White House. She still managed to get in there. But Tulsi Gabbard destroyed her on the debate stage. And Kamala Harris wrote it off as, oh, she knows that I'm a top-tier candidate. It was a political way of saying she's jealous of me. She's just jealous that I'm so cool and popular and everyone wants to be my friend. Well, looks like Tulsi must be still jealous, right? Kamala, 'cause this is what she said. She said, I'm going to sound the same warning now that I have been for years, going all the way back to 2020, when both Kamala and I were running for president on the Democratic ticket. She is unfit and unqualified to be our president and commander-in-chief, and would be incredibly dangerous in that position. The prospect of Kamala Harris making decisions about war and peace and where to send my brothers and sisters in uniform into harm's way is not only terrifying to us, it should be terrifying to every American. There should be no question in your mind that if Kamala is allowed to be our president and commander-in-chief, she will be the maidservant of this queen of war mongers. That would be Hillary Clinton. Who Tulsi Garrett has also had the audacity to criticize. She's a brave woman. Right there, I am astounded at your bravery to go after the Clintons on a public stage like that. If we cherish peace and freedom, and if we love our country, we must vote against Kamala Harris in this election on November 5th and vote for Donald Trump. It should also be noted that she took Umbridge with what Kamala Harris had to say about JD Vance and questioning his loyalty to the United States of America. She said he wouldn't be loyal to his country. That's a bold thing to say about anyone let alone a veteran who actually served. And Tulsi Gabbard didn't take too kindly to that. And neither did JD Vance. He was at a rally this weekend, and I loved the way he put it. He listed off his credentials. He listed off his time serving our country as a veteran, and now he's a veteran. And then he said, what has Kamala Harris done besides collect a check? And I really liked the phrasing of it. And by the way, side note, just started Hillbilly Elegy this weekend. Making my way through it. Excellent read already. I started this weekend too, and I finished it one night. Oh, wow. Yep. Oh, good for you. Only two hours long. Great, great directing job by Ron Howard. Oh, I meant the book. I meant the movie. Oh, I was going to say, damn, one night. He's a genius. He's a speed reader. But yeah, I loved JD Vance's response. Like, what has she done besides collect a check? You're criticizing me? Huh? How does that work? And so Tulsi Gabbard came out and she said that. Now, also at this rally, I did want to play one more sound cut here from Donald Trump, because we've all been thinking it, but he finally said it. Taylor, can I have cut 29? They keep saying he's a threat to democracy. I'm saying, what the hell did I do for democracy? Last week, I took a bullet for democracy. (audience cheering) What did I do against democracy? Yeah, but people who are trying to disenfranchise 14 million voters are now, I think your threat to democracy play is over now. I think we've heard enough about democracy. And if you're manufacturing this chaotic game of like chess about who's going to be the Democratic nominee, I don't think you're that worried about democracy. You must feel like democracy is in an okay place if you can pull this swapsy 107 days out from the election. Do you send to candles, cover-up sprays, or air fresheners for bad odors in your home? Well, you shouldn't, you should stop that. Stop it right now. Stop masking these smells with more odors. All you're doing is adding more harmful odors to your home. You need to destroy odors with an eat and pure thunderstorm air purifier. It uses oxy technology to send out all three molecules into your home that destroy bad odors rather than just covering them up. So candles and cover-up sprays, you're trying, and I applaud you for that. But you're gonna spend more money on trying to cover-up smells with more smells. And that's never a good idea. You should start saving money, get yourself a thunderstorm, or three, and eliminate those stubborn household odors for good. Now, maybe you're hearing this and you're thinking, my house is in stinky, my dog doesn't smell, I don't need this. Well, there's also allergens. Dog smells. Yeah, that's number one, your dog smells. We all know it and you just are nose blind to your pup. But the other thing is, it's great for allergens and pollutants. It purifies the air. So there's so many different reasons to get a thunderstorm. And right now you can get three pack, get $200 off a three pack today for whole home protection. Visit and use discount code GRACE3. That's, discount code GRACE3. Now, hear me out for a second. I know you're all in the lines. You wanna talk about comedy. You wanna talk about Tulsi. You wanna talk about the election. But we have a very special guest joining us in the next segment and that would be Bill Broussard. So I'm going to encourage anyone who has a car question to call up now. I always tell people this, but it's true. This is an opportunity to get free car advice. That is a rarity in this world. Usually you show up, you're gonna get charged and a lot of times you don't even get the answers that you wanna hear. Bill Broussard is a straight shooter. He's from JB AutoCare. He's gonna give you some answers quickly and it's very efficient. You just call up with your question and Bill Broussard will give you all the information he can. The number is 844-542-42. We'll be right back. And I have a 1967 Corvette that I got as a wedding gift. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. (upbeat music) - This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show and thank you for joining us today. It's not just that the Democrats, I would have more respect if they said, "Listen, Kamala's what we have. "We're obviously in a pickle here. "We're in a bind. "She has the most access to the money that's been raised. "It just makes sense." I would have more respect for that, but they have to take it a step further. They have to really try such a crazy, crazy explanation, which is Pelosi saying she's brilliantly astute. Come on now, Pelosi, do you think we all just fell out of coconut trees? Come on, that is now you are insulting our intelligence. It's okay to say we get what we get. This is our choice. We gotta make do. We're gonna do the best we can with the situation at hand. But then to tell us, oh, she's brilliant. Oh, so first for four years, you've been trying to convince us Biden's brilliant. Now you're telling us, oh no, no, no. Kamala Harris is really the smart one of the two. Huh, that's amazing that you just filled us in on that. 844-542-42, obviously also today, we had the hearings on Capitol Hill for the director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheetoh, which brings us to our poll question, which is brought to you by Calitrin. Do what Jared did, lose weight in a healthy way with Calitrin's high quality collagen protein, specially formulated with digestive enzymes to help your body absorb the collagen protein to its fullest potential. Say 50% on a 30-day supply at and click store. Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is will Kimberly Cheetoh resign as the director of the United States Secret Service? I said yes at the beginning, and now after hearing some of her responses, I mean, maybe she's just going to try to ride this out. I'm still gonna vote yes, though. She says she's the best person to lead the Secret Service, which is a very scary, you know, that's a very scary prospect that she's the best we can do, but I'll take her out her word and say she's not going anywhere. 22% say yes, she will resign. Okay, let's go to, we are joined now by Bill Broussart from JB AutoCare. Bill, thank you so much for coming on the show. I always let people know that when you're on with us, people can get free advice on what's going on with their car. And what I like about the way you give advice is you don't mince words, you don't try to sell people anything. You're just here to call it as you see it. And that's very rare nowadays. So with that being said, the number is 844-542-42. Let's start with John. You are first up with Bill Broussart. What's your question, John? Yeah, hi, I have a Volkswagen Golf diesel, indeed. Oh, I'm sorry, John, you cut off there. We'll try to get John back on the line. I do have a question for you, Bill, that has been coming up a lot in politics and that has to do with the Rust Belt. So people are very concerned, Democrats are very concerned based off polling that the states that are considered the Rust Belt are going to go for a Republican this time around. They're looking at Donald Trump and they like what they see more so than Biden or now Kamala Harris. And a lot of it has to do with the auto industry. Can you explain to us what are some of the qualms that people in the auto industry have with the last four years? I don't wanna say with the Democratic Party in general, but just the last four years, what has happened to this industry that has them changing their minds a little bit about who they wanna vote for next? Yeah, I would say a lot has to do with the electric cars. It seems like the Republicans, if I had a guess, they wanna keep their gas powered cars and diesel cars and then the Democrats seem to wanna push that zero emissions which there is no zero emissions 'cause the electricity is produced somewhere and the cars are made from petroleum products. So that seems to be the big heat and I'm these the last four years. But how does that affect the way that they're able to work? I mean, are they just concerned that because people aren't buying them as much, there's gonna be less work in the future or where does their actual problem lie there? I can't say what the actual problem lies 'cause it's you're gonna have to replace the batteries. They still have brakes, they still have tires and the people are still gonna have to buy them so that not cars that'll last forever, they just operate differently. So I think the fear is the unknown. Yes, okay, that makes sense, yeah. It's never, you know, electric cars have been around for over a hundred years, it's never worked yet. So why should it work now? Yeah, and they do seem hell bent like you said on zero emissions and some of these pipe dreams. Let's go to John, you're back on the line. Go ahead, John. Yes, hello, can you hear me? Yes, you sound great. Okay, yeah, I have a Volkswagen fault diesel and the diesel particle filter like came on a little while ago. It went away and the check engine like came on right away after that. A friend of mine put a code reader on there and it does show DPF diesel power filter at the fault. Is there a way to clean that? Or is that something I have to change? I'm not too familiar with that product, but I've definitely seen those problems where, you know, it's low and fluid and the system does get clogged up and I've had experience where you had to reprogram the computers 'cause they're like super sensitive. So if it's a newer car, I'd probably just, you might want to go to the dealer with that one 'cause it could be complicated. Okay, thank you for the call, John. 844-500-42-42, I see people on the lines, we will take your calls when we come back so everyone can get, you know, enough time to ask Bill Bruceard their questions. Don't go anywhere. It's 844-500-42-42. We'll take all of your questions for Bill and if you want to text in, it's 617-213-1066. I'll bring in the textor and I'll read some of those off to Bill as well. Bill Bruceard from JB AutoCare joins the show. You can get some free car advice. That's right, it's free, so call in now. We'll be right back. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Live from the Aviva Trattria studio, start your engines. It's Mechanic Monday with Grace Curly and Bill Bruceard from JB AutoCare. And man, did I like that 57-4 fair line. (upbeat music) Get your questions in for Bill now. 844-542-42. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly show. I'm joined now by Bill Bruceard. We're gonna go to your questions. The number is 844-542-42. But first, Bill, if people want to see you in person, if they're thinking to themselves, I got questions, but it's not gonna be cleared up over the phone. Where can they go? They come visit us 291 Bridge Street in North Weymouth. It's a Route 3A, and it's 71-331-6068. Perfect. All right, let's go to Dale. You are next up on the Grace Curly show with Bill Bruceard from JB AutoCare. Go ahead, Dale. Hi, quick question for you. I have a 2023 Dodge Ram Pro Master. It's a work vehicle and it does not have cruise control, oddly enough. So I'm either doing 40 or 80 on the highway. I'm wondering if there's a way to add that. You know, I know there used to be a kit that you put on about the new ones. I don't believe, you know, you could tap into that 'cause there's just so many computers involved. So if it's not available through the manufacturer, I think you're out of luck on that one. Do you use cruise control? You know, I've never even used it. I know, I don't get it. I should though, because sometimes on the highway, if I get distracted, I do slow down a lot. And it's like, I could be probably making better time with just a consistent, you know, 60 miles per hour or something. Yeah, I think he kind of does off. He kind of lose control of him. Oh, you think that more people are gonna fall asleep if they're using cruise control? Fall asleep kind of, you know, your mind wanders. Yeah, I always, I don't know. I always, but you use it, right, Taylor? People that don't use it are wild. What are you doing out there? You just-- Just pressing down on the gas yourself. Pressing down and letting go and pressing down. Yeah, I think that's what we're doing. Constant, you're killing yourself. What are you doing? But you're also going a pretty long distance every single day. Like some of us are just, I sit in traffic for a pretty short distance on my way here. So I have to be kind of ready to move, you know? You're going, you're going a long stretch. Yeah, I don't do a lot of highway driving. You guys travel every now and then. You don't use cruise control at all. When it's my husband and I traveling, I don't drive. I sit, I'm the passenger princess. I like to sit, get my eyes coffee, do my nails, listen to music, that whole thing. Who wants to try it on the right home? Yeah, there you go. Great. And with the newer cruise control now, they have the traffic genesis, so it does it all for you. Wow. What are you, like big cruise control? What are you trying to butter them up for? I'm big cruise control. She's got money in this somehow. Maybe we can bring them in and answer some questions. Susan, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. What's your question for Bill Bruceard, Susan? Hi, I am 2023 Audi A5. And I recently had to bring it in because mice ate all the wires and the harness. And I was told that they're covered with a soy-based product that attracts rodents. And the bottom line is insurance that all covers it. It's $2,100 out of your pocket. What can you do to prevent this from happening? And is there anything I can do that I'm not stuck paying $2,100 for it? Yeah, I would revisit that with your insurance company, because we've had a bunch of those. And that is a problem. The mice eat the soy-based wire. And that's definitely not a good idea. But the insurance company covers it every single time. They typically total the vehicle. So I would revisit that and argue with that with the insurance adjuster. Does it happen more in the winter than the summer because they're looking for a nice little-- Yeah, typically, I mean, it happens all year long. We get them. You can use peppermint to deter them. But once again, it's a deterrent. Where do they usually hang out? Right under the hood. We see like rodent nests. And in the air filter box, you'll pull acorns and leaves out. Do they ever get through while the person's driving? And it's just kind of-- That's a good question. Well, we have had them in the blower motor for the heater. They get stuck in there. And then you turn it on and you get all kinds of noises and smell it. Yeah, it's not good. Yeah, that's not the first time we've had those kind of questions. 844-542-42, still plenty of time to get your question in for Bill Broussard, or you can text in to 617-213-1066. Bill Broussard from JB AutoCare is here to answer all of your vehicle questions. Let's go to David. You're up next on the Grace Curly Show. What's your question for Bill David? So I just recently purchased a 96 Chevy six cylinder garage fine, no rust. I've got a P145 question, bank 3, run and lean. Do I check the profit injectors? Do I change the O2 sensor or do I just get rid of the catalytic converter because it's a 96 and I don't need it? Yeah, I mean, you don't have to do emissions anymore, but it is good to have all your sensors working correctly. So if it's run and lean, it's pulling in too much air somewhere. So you need to have that diagnosed whether it's a vacuum leak, or you get the injector, it's not spraying a fuel, but you definitely want to narrow that down because what happens is it goes into like a full rich mode and you use more gas, which your gas point of energy is going to suffer. So you definitely want to address that. All right, thank you, David, for the call. Again, the number is 844-542-42. I'm talking to Bill Broussard from JB AutoCare in Weymouth. And this is a really great time to get your car questions answered without having to go in and see the mechanic, which we also do recommend if you're going to do it. But, Bob, you're up next with JB AutoCare's Bill Broussard. Go ahead, Bob. Hey, hi, everybody. Listen, I got a 2004 Prius, and I'm having an issue with the ABS system. I had to replace it a few years ago. And it's a periodically, it'll ask up and come on, usually going to Wello. But I've only been able to overcome it. I still would have some brake. I would have just to manipulate how I did it. Last time I came on, the brake was so hard. I didn't have any kind of play whatsoever, and I had a tow. I did have a rear bearing replace, and I believe it's never sensor there for the ABS. And probably, if you thought, I just jumped the car and get a new one. Yeah, and I wouldn't junk it. But, I mean, there is a sensor back there. All the wheels have sensors on them. And if it's getting a false reading, sometimes the sensors can get rusty and give the computer a false reading, where you won't get a code, but it'll actually activate the ABS system as you come into a stop. So once it gets you to have that diagnosed and you can do it, we have tools that you can hook up and see all those sensors that operate at the same time. Because if it sees one wheel at a difference being the other, it'll kick on the ABS system. A lot of these sensor systems, the computers make it tough for people. They sure do. Because sometimes you get one of these things that pops up. You're not even sure if there's anything wrong with the car or if it's just the computer messing up. It's a computer. Very sensitive. John, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show with Bill Broussard. What's going on, John? Yeah, so I had the same issue with rodents getting into the hood and chewing the wires. And I tried all the different things, the peppermint and whatnot. And what I found online was an alarm system. So you put three AA batteries in it. It's about the size of a deck of cards. And you can put it in your engine compartment. Just make sure you take it out. Or underneath your tires. I've actually put them. I live in the-- I have a lot of woods in me. So I actually put a couple at the beginning of my garage. I put them under the car. And in the last two years, I haven't had a problem. So I swear by these things, and I would highly recommend it. Yeah, I think it sends out like a signal, like a high-pitched signal. Is that what it does? It's very high-pitched, and it's like a beeping, and it's light-slashing. It seems to work for me. OK, great. Now, how common is this, though? Because like, should the average person who's not-- has never had an issue with rodents in their car, is that an investment worth making? Like, oh, I'm going to try to proactively rub stuff on the wire so that they're not attracted to it, put an alarm system in. How many people are actually being affected by this? I know it happens by the way, because it happened in my mom's car, too. But how frequently does it happen? Should people be paranoid about this? I mean, it's pretty frequent, but there's not many people that are really affected where they chew into the wires. If you have a problem, you can't seem to remedy it. Obviously, you have to do something in the parking in a different place, drive the pavement, or those alarms. I like that idea. Yeah, OK. Jessica, you're next up on the Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Jessica? Hi, quick question. So I have a 2005 Toyota Sienna. Is it possible just to have-- if it's when you start the car, that sound from a belt, almost, to get a belt replaced pretty easily? Or is it something like a mechanic? Because I was told it was going to cost about $145 just to see if it was just a belt. Just to see. Yeah, probably just needs an adjustment. But typically, we don't charge. Look at the cars. We'll tell you what it needs. I know a lot of shops don't charge you. They'll charge your money just to walk in the door and sign the piece of paper. But we'll-- we check that out. If you live local, we could pop the hood for you. And you can shake the belt up and down to see if it's tight enough. Or if the belt's old, you should be replacing it on a 2004. You should be replacing them, say, every 60,000, 70,000 miles. All right, Jessica. Now, if she wants to go see, where could she go? We're at 291 Bridge Street in North Whameth. North Whameth? Yeah. OK. All right, well, thank you. Oh, Jessica, do you have another question? I had one more question. If I just think that I have like an exhaust pinhole leak that just started, and that's something that should be looked at at the same time? Yeah, absolutely. So some of them, they could just-- you can tack weld them a lot of the exhaust today, a stainless steel. So they typically don't rot out. And you can typically repair them. But you definitely want to take care of that because you can have carbon monoxide traveling into the cabinet of the car. All right. That could be a safety concern. Thank you, Jessica. Go visit Bill Broussard in North Whameth. Yep. And 291 Bridge Street, should I get that right? OK, perfect. Everyone, make sure you go visit Bill Broussard if you're having car issues. Don't go if you don't have any cars. Come on, say hi. Oh yeah, you can come by and say hello. Thank you so much, Bill. We appreciate you taking the time to come on with us once a month. We'll be right back with how we car. I'm going to ask him about this hearing with the head of the Secret Service Kim Cheeto, what he made of it, and also his take on all of the breaking news from this weekend, including that Joe Biden will not be running for president, and that he's passing the torch to Kamala Harris. And what other Democrats think about that? Is this democracy at work? I'm not so sure how we think so. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Dr. Cheeto, because Donald Trump is alive and thank God he is, you look incompetent. If Donald Trump had been killed, you would have looked culpable. There is no aspect of this that indicates that there has been any protection to Donald Trump. The threat was identified before he took the stage, and the shooter was only killed after Donald Trump himself was killed. Not only should you resign if you refuse to do so, President Biden needs to fire you, because his life, Donald Trump's life, and all the other people which you protect are at risk, because you have no concept of the aspect that the security footprint needs to be correlated to the threat. I yield back. That was Representative Mike Turner of Ohio in today's hearing with the director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheeto. Now, someone who's very aware of the Secret Service's past mistakes and scandals is how we car. How we, it doesn't appear as though Kimberly Cheeto thinks she should resign. They even asked her, hey, if he had actually been killed, would you resign then? And she couldn't give a straight answer. Give us your overall takeaway from today's hearing. - She's really pitiful. I mean, it's unbelievable. It says somebody tweeted out, I hope she was guarding the reedos better when she was working for Pepsi, then she was guarding the president. I mean, this is sad, and she then she doesn't even admit that the guy who was director of the Secret Service when Reagan was shot resigned. I mean, she was asked about that by a Democrat, and she lied. And you have to imagine if you're, if you're her, you have to be thinking to yourself, he's asking this question because he knows the answer. He's not just asking it 'cause he's curious. - And you know the answer too, 'cause you're the director of the Secret Service. If you didn't know the answer before, we could go Saturday, you certainly know the answer now. - But how we, we talk about this all the time, and we talked about it last week, and we were discussing Nixon and, you know, how compared to what Biden and the Democrats have been doing the last 10 years, it's Nixon was nothing. But you always say, like, Nixon had Shane. He felt that there was a level of shame in our society. This woman has no issue sitting there and just, you know, hoping that she can get through it. - As terrible as this incident was, it's really a microcosm of the entire Biden administration, isn't it? I mean, just solely selected because of cronyism and DEI. Totally incompetent. Unwelling to resign in, in shame and humiliation because of what she didn't do. It, again, this is it? - That's the perfect way to put it now. Speaking of the Biden administration, obviously what people wanna hear your take on is the crazy shakeup that occurred yesterday. Joe Biden, or whoever runs his Twitter account, put out a statement he will not be running for president. He's going to be passing the torch to Kamala Harris. Talk about how he is someone who is-- - It's really a bad thing, I think, for Democrats to be using the word torch. There are a lot of connotations with the Ku Klux Klan, aren't there? - Yes, and, you know, considering-- - Lynch mobs. - Yeah, I do wanna ask you though, when it comes to Kamala Harris, when it comes to this recent shakeup, as far as the DNC goes, as far as these 14 million people who already voted for Joe Biden to be the nominee, how are they gonna play this? Are they gonna say that he's not fit to stand for the election? And if so, why is he still the president? - You know, I don't know, that's my poll question. You know, should Joe Biden remain his president or not? And I think he should. I don't know what these Republicans are doing. I don't understand why they wanna give him the bum's rush out the door. I mean, as long as he's around, he's a reminder of the fact that Kamala lied as much as anyone else did, including the acolytes in the state-run media. - Yeah, and also, and this was a great point by Meghan McCartill today on Twitter. She said not only does Kamala Harris have to answer for why she lied about Joe Biden, but she also has to answer for some of the worst parts of the Biden administration. She was in charge of a lot of the dysfunction that we're seeing now. It might just be in name only, but she was the borders are. And as pointed out today in the Boston Herald, this story of people haven't seen it, Massachusetts Migrant Family Shelter Program has had 300-plus serious incident reports this year. - Yeah, we're gonna talk to Senator Peter Durant about that, 'cause he's been on top of the, at six o'clock tonight. - But this is all part of Kamala Harris's border problem. - Right, right, and as far as we can tell, I mean, I was just saying that there's been 300 serious incidents, and as far as I can tell, there's been one arrest in Plymouth County, where there's a Republican district attorney. They're just, they're just moving everybody around. And these, I mean, these are, no wonder we have this terrible crime problem, and you should see the story, you didn't even get to them today in the New York Post over the weekend, about this Rite Aid and Astoria Queens, and old abandoned Rite Aid has been taken over by Bums, and they're just selling drugs, and living, and squatting in there. And one of the top Democrats in the legislature, in Albany, it's his district, and he can't get 'em to do anything about this. It's just astonishing what's going on. And the Biden, the Biden's don't care. And then they even, yesterday when I was writing my column for The Herald Light, they said, "Should I call Frank and Jim Boosebags, the brothers?" I didn't think about it for long, but I said, "Yeah, that's okay to call him a Boosebag." - Well, little family did. - And then that's what, yeah, that's what I'm saying. So like, you know, less than 12 hours later, they're calling Frank an alcoholic themselves. - And I thought it was a great point. I've already mentioned it today, but Katie Pavlich said, you know, Trump used to get a lot of heat for having chaos in his White House. I don't know how else you describe this besides chaotic, and I thought, and any time someone says, "Oh, this is unprecedented," or, "This is historical." If they're describing something to do with Joe Biden, it just means this is a Charlie Foxtrot. That is just a nicer way of saying what the bleep is going on in the United States of America. - No one's seen the guy. No one's seen him, Zeintz, the chief of staff is running the whole show. Zeintz is, you know, a careerist who went to the same high school, the same prep school as Al Gore and Brett Hume, $78,000 a year tuition. - How far has got more of this after the break? - You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? [BLANK_AUDIO]