The Howie Carr Radio Network

Where is Joe? Plus Kim Cheatle's DISASTER of a Hearing | 7.22.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Grace talks to Neil McCabe about the Dems in disarray. Plus, SS Director Kim Cheatle is so bad that she is uniting the Dems and Republicans.

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22 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trataria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. - Well, you don't want too much Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. - You either have Grace or you don't. - Especially Grace. Grace, stand up. - Grace Curly. (upbeat music) - Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. So Kamala Harris, soon to be president, Kamala Harris, perhaps, had her first big presser. It wasn't a presser. She just had, you know, a ceremony with the NCAA championship, men and women's teams. And the only takeaway I've seen so far on social media and in the New York Post is that she had a Jeb Bush police clap moment. She was encouraging people to, you know, give some pity claps for Joe Biden. Hey, he did the best he could. Let's get him around to applause type situation. And now we're finding out, there's reports that Biden was the one who was doubting Harris's election chances. How bad do you have to be? For Joe, I'm shaking hands with dead people around the clock Biden to be looking at you and going, I just don't know if she's made of the right stuff. I just don't know if she can handle the pressure. This man is never really in public anymore. He imploded on the debate stage. He meets with her once a week. I had just gone on this whole monologue about how, how come she's meeting with him once a week for lunch and she doesn't know enough to understand that he's in cognitive decline. Little did I know that at these lunch meetings, he might have been looking at her and going, oh, we are in bad shape here. If I bow out of this and they're left with Kamala Harris, I do think it's worth mentioning that Obama has not endorsed her. I think that says something. I think, and it says more than just, oh, I want the process to play out fairly or whatever the go-to company line is that a lot of these Democrats are trotting out. I think it goes to something a lot deeper. Now, I did want to mention before we get into some of these Kimberly Cheetel sound cuts, I wanted to mention that Biden's brother, Frank, and I believe Frank is the nightclub owner. That's how I remember him. He said something very strange. He was asked about Biden dropping out, and he said that declining health absolutely played a considerable role in Biden's decision. - I just had a brief conversation with Frank Biden, one of President Biden's two younger brothers, and here's what he told us. He said, I'm incredibly proud of my brother. Selfishly, I will have him back to enjoy whatever time we have left. He is a genuine hero. Country over self sounds corny in our cynical political environment, but he nor I are cynical. The goal remains the same. Defeat Trump and continue the work that Joe has done. My hope is that our party rallies around this heroic act. We asked him whether he feels that his brother's overall health and vitality played a major role in this decision, and he says, in my humble opinion, absolutely. - A few things. One is that if what Frank Biden is telling us is true, then Joe Biden has no business being the current President of the United States, and that kind of goes toward JD Vance was talking about. But two, and I think this is some critical context for that cut, is that the Biden team or some insider with Joe Biden's team responded to it by essentially saying, don't trust what Frank Biden says. He's an alcoholic. - So a member of the President's family now confirming that the President's health was indeed a major factor in this decision and calling his brother a hero for making the decision to pass a torch to Kamala Harris. - What's all this hero talk as if he did this willingly? - As if this wasn't just the entire arm of the Democrat party telling him, you have to do this, you have no choice. Like this was essentially the mean girls in high school saying, you can't sit with us anymore. There was nothing about this that was selfless. ♪ And there's a hero ♪ - He's a true patriot. ♪ If you look inside your heart ♪ - He's the gift that keeps on giving. He will not stop, but here's what I think is going to come back to bite all these Democrats is that come November, if Joe Biden doesn't win. And I saw Dana Perino laying this out and she was on the money. She said, if Joe Biden doesn't win in November, his whole family is going to be able to tell themselves. They should have kept us there, you know, Joe would have got it done. The big guy would have been able to handle this a lot better. We were right. And that's what they'll tell themselves that will help them go to sleep at night while Willow is pitter-pattering around the house. But at the same time, I think the media and Democrats in general are going to hate Joe Biden. I think they're going to blame this on him. Right now they're doing the civil, oh, what a wonderful move by him, how selfless, how great. But that's just something they're doing right now because they're still hope that maybe they could win. I don't think they'll be singing this tune in November if they lose. I think it will be a lot more of why the hell did it take him so long? Why wouldn't he listen to us? It was selfish of him to stay in. I mean, this guy has given them, what is it, 107 days till the election? And the Democrat party is in complete disarray. He could have made this announcement 300 days ago, 400 days ago, 500 days ago. He made it 107 days before the election to finally, say to the bullies, say to the gangsters, pushing him around, okay, you got me, I'll bow out. And Taylor, you had brought up to me this morning, you said, oh, let's do a poll question about what was the big event that really caused Joe Biden to rethink this? I don't think there was any event that caused him to rethink it. What I have to imagine move the needle for less of Joe Biden, I don't think he's really in charge, but more of his team, the people that are sucking off of his power, like Dr. Jill and Hunter, I think what moved the needle for them was the subtle shift in conversation from the chuck-tods of the world that brought up the word legacy. Like this idea that we might revisit some things that we otherwise have been ignoring, purposefully, and not just ignoring, but purposely covering for Joe Biden on, we might look back on things with a little bit more scrutiny. And I think that scared them. I think they said, okay, okay, okay. We get it. You've made the threat clear. It was very much like it'd be a shame if someone were to look into all these scandals of your past. We'd hate to do it. And I think that as dumb as Jill and Joe and Hunter are collectively, they all could understand what was happening. Now, I do wanna go, I'll take a few calls here, but then I do wanna go to some of this sound from Kimberly Cheeto, the director of the Secret Service, and a lot of great questions, not just from Republicans, but from Democrats, and it's refreshing. It's refreshing to see both sides of the aisle understand that there is a lot, there is a lot of concern here for the American people that we should all care about the safety of these politicians, and it doesn't matter if they're Republican or Democrat. I don't really know if that's why the Democrats are giving Kimberly Cheeto an actual hard line of questioning. I'll take your theories on that as well. There's probably some ulterior motive that I'm not really thinking of, but Paul, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Paul? - Hey, Grace, just wanted to say, be careful what you wish for. If Biden resigns and Kamala Harris becomes president, then we are set up for a Wag the Dog theater. The president has a lot of levers they can pull, and drama and trauma could happen that suddenly might make Kamala Harris look better than reality. - So that is a really excellent point. Paul, and it was actually gonna be my poll question, because you keep hearing about the 25th Amendment. And I wanna play this cut from JD Vance. JD Vance was doing an interview alongside Trump, and this is what he had to say, cut 16. - Is it a coup against Joe Biden? - Uh, a sort of-- - I think it is. I mean, look, there's a constitutional process, the 25th Amendment. If Joe Biden can't run for president, he can't serve as president. And if they want to take him down because he's mentally incapable of serving, invoke the 25th Amendment. You don't get to sort of do this in the most politically beneficial way for Democrats. If it's an actual problem, they should take care of it the appropriate way. - So let's play this game, whether it's what Paul is saying or what JD Vance is saying. And I understand that those two things are different. Paul is saying if Joe Biden willingly resigns, and then hands the torch over to Kamala Harris, versus the 25th Amendment, which I think is a little bit more complicated. It involves the executive branch, it involves cabinet members. I don't think that any of those people who have been Baghdad Bobs for Joe Biden for the last four years are going to want to utilize the 25th Amendment against him. But let's just take kind of the baseline of that and say Kamala Harris becomes president before the election. Whether or not that is something as Republicans that we would want. And I tend to agree with Paul. I think that that puts her in a position and it doesn't matter how unlikable someone is. It doesn't matter that her approval rating is 38 and Joe Biden's is 39. Being the president and going into a presidential election already coming from that office gives you a certain amount of leverage and gives you a certain amount of momentum that I don't want her to have. So I don't disagree with you there, Paul. But be careful what you wish for applies to all of this because I didn't want Joe Biden to leave. I wanted Joe Biden to stick it out. I said on Friday, I hope he doesn't give it up. I hope he stays in there till November. So my heart is already broken into Paul. My little heart can't take no more. All right, now let's get to the Secret Service 'cause we're talking about incompetence. We're talking about idiots and obviously Kimberly Cheel deserves a little bit of air time. So let's start with, I actually want to start with Rokana, Democrat, one of the first Democrats to question Joe Biden's mental decline. He is also a very, very adamant that Kimberly Cheetall should resign. And I like the way he set this up. This is cut 27. - Would you agree that this is the most serious security lapse since President Reagan was shot in 1981 of the Secret Service? - Yes, sir, I would. - And you know, do you know what Stuart Knight did when he was in charge at the time of the Secret Service? You know what he did afterwards? - He remained on duty. - He resigned, he resigned. And Stuart Knight was not a Democratic appointee or Republican appointee. - How'd you get that one so wrong? And false. You know what the difference is though, Taylor, between what Stuart Knight did and what goes on now? It's back then people had shame. Like people had a lot of shame. If you messed something up and you felt the world was watching and you knew the world held you accountable, even if you had your own reasoning, like, oh, well, this went wrong and this technically wasn't my fault, if you were at the head of something and something went wrong, there was a real palpable amount of shame in our society that no longer exists. Now people are just like, yeah, I'll write it out a couple of months. - Yeah, like if you were the president and you knew that some people in the Republican party in your administration were spying on the DNC, you resigned as president. - Right. - That doesn't happen anymore. - No, I mean, Nixon just must be like rolling over in his grave, like, why? You didn't have me to kick around anymore and now I'm looking at all this nonsense and what I did pales in comparison. But yeah, nobody has any shame. So, and in fact, this is how little shame Kimberly Cheetah has. Not only does she get out there and she's like, that's who we are as the Secret Service. She's giving us her like Jack Bauer impersonation. That's who we are. That's what we do. We are the Secret Service. And everyone's like, we don't care, okay? Just answer the questions, yes or no. But take a listen to what she says here. This is Kimberly Cheetah, director of the Secret Service, to representative Virginia Fox, cut 28. - But you think you are the best person in the country to head the Secret Service? - I think that I am the best person to lead the Secret Service at this time. Wow, I hate to see what the other contenders look like if you were the best. I shudder to think how incompetent the other higher ups of the Secret Service are if you are the best person available at the current time. That does not bode well for any of us. It must be slim pickens over at that agency. I know it's a small agency, but surely there can be, there's someone who's better than this. There's someone who could give a better response than, well, the roof was sloped. So we kind of just, you know, our hands were tied. This is embarrassing. Let's play another one more cut here before we go. This is representative Jim Jordan. Obviously, he's a very prominent voice on the House Judiciary Committee, and he was letting Kimberly Cheetah know that this is unacceptable. But beyond that, he brought up the raises. This is cut 22. You know what it looks like, director? It looks like you won't answer some pretty basic questions. It looks like you got a 9% raise and you cut corners when it came to protecting one of the most important individuals, most well-known individuals on the planet, a former president. Likely the guy's going to be the next president. Looks like you guys were cutting corners. That's what it looks like to me. Is that true? - I am here today because I want to answer questions, but I also want to be cautious. - You might want to, but you have an answer. I don't think you've answered one question from the chairman, the ranking member, or me. We've got a lot of other people asking. We'll see if your record improves, but right now you have an answer and I don't think any questions. I yield back. - She also went on to say she would move heaven and earth to find out what happened. You'll move heaven and earth, but you won't resign. Weird. It seems like that would be even easier. Forget moving heaven and earth. How will we take this one step at a time? How about you just resign? That would be the easier. Leave heaven and earth to somebody else. You've got enough on your plate. Just hand in your resignation letter and let's call it a day. We'll be right back. We'll take more of this sound. Don't go anywhere. And I also want to talk about Jill's response to Joe Biden or the Easter Bunny, whoever put it out. Joe Biden's tweet will go over the first ladies' response to that announcement when we come back. - You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - If Trump had been assassinated that day, if the gunman had succeeded, okay, would you have come and tendered your resignation? - I would still be sitting here because I would want to ensure the integrity of the investigation. - Totally understand, that's a fair answer that you would have set up that process. But would you have had the honor to come in front of the committee and say a president was assassinated? Foreign president was assassinated on my watch. There should be new leadership. - I think that I have admitted that there was-- - No, no, no. - Would you have tendered your resignation if he had been killed? - That occurred on my watch and I am accountable for that. - Okay, but would you have tendered your resignation if he had been killed? - I think that I've admitted that I've taken accountability and will take responsibility. - Okay. - God, she's awful. And that was Moscow-its? Moscow-its, a Democrat. Again, this is the most unified hearing I've seen in years. And it's funny how incompetence of this nature, this level of just dereliction of duty and a refusal to answer for it can bring people together. It has a unifying effect. I haven't seen this kind of unity since Bill de Blasio, when everyone could unify about how much they couldn't stand them. But that's your response, is that you've taken accountability? And again, I still can't get over her press release from Sunday where she's like, "I look forward to giving my recommendations." You don't get to give any more recommendations, lady. We're not interested in your recommendation. Here's a recommendation. Here's a tip, resign. How's that for a recommendation? You keep your suggestions to yourself, okay? This isn't a survey. We don't want to know what you think. We just want you to resign so that someone who's hopefully qualified can take over and avoid anyone, any political figure being assassinated or almost assassinated again. Today's poll question is brought to you by Calitron. Do what Jared did lose weight in a healthy way with Calitron's high quality collagen protein, specially formulated with digestive enzymes to help your body absorb the collagen protein to its fullest potential. Say 50% on a 30-day supply at and click store. Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is will Kimberly Cheadle resign as the director? Sorry, she just answered this for us of the United States Secret Service. Yes or no? I'm going to say yes. I think this hearing is such a disaster that I don't think she's going to have another option. 20% say yes, she will resign. I did love, and we're going to play this later. We've got Neil McCabe from Red State joining us right after the break. But at some point today, I just added this to my do not let the day go by without bringing up Trump's comments about how not only is he not a threat to democracy, but he almost took a, well, he did. He took a bullet for democracy. We'll play that cup for you later. Neil McCabe joins the show. Happy best. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. - Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. Okay, so this just in some breaking news for you on endorsement gate representative Nancy Pelosi, who it feels like it was just yesterday. She was pushing Joe Biden around and telling him he had to bow out of the presidential election. Well, now she's endorsing VP Kamala Harris for president and who knows, maybe that will make all the difference. Joining us now is Neil McCabe. He's a front page contributor at where he covers national politics and he grew up in Franklin Mass. You can follow @ reporter McCabe on all socials. Neil McCabe, thank you so much. You were the first person I thought of on a day like today. I first want to start with what's going on. Yeah, it's a disaster right now in DC. So naturally Neil McCabe was my first thought. Give us your reaction to the news that broke yesterday and also walk us through how this unfolded. What did you think of this rollout that a lot of people on team Biden found out that he wouldn't be running for reelection through social media? Jill responded, now today we have Frank Biden saying things like the time he has left with Joe. What did you make strategically as far as the rollout of this announcement goes? - It was interesting that after Trump's speech, somebody I know in New York who is involved in politics but has friends on both sides, told me that the president saw Trump's speech and said, "Oh, I can beat this guy." And that is completely just rumor intelligence but I'll just repeat it, of course, irresponsibly. And what he said was that the Biden staff was trying to figure out are we gonna tell people he had a stroke, how are we gonna do this? And then all of a sudden the president is like, "No, I'm not quitting." And then sometime between Thursday night and Sunday afternoon, they basically put the touch on him. And I think what really happened, Grace, is that the Biden position became untenable when Homeland Security and the Secret Service just really went full on denying the reports that they had turned down requests for more security for Trump. And when that turned out to be a bold-faced lie, that became just a few Democrats were looking at just an insane news cycle of having to defend not protecting Trump when he asked for more protection. Then you had the collapse of the polling numbers and then that disastrous fundraiser in Provincetown where Kamala Harris was talking to people in person but it was also a conference call and somebody unmuted the participants and they started catcalling and screaming and swearing and it just turned into a complete embarrassment and circus so that the Biden team, both White House and campaign team were basically presenting themselves to the Democratic Party as Keystone cops and it's like, "Hey, if they had shown any kind of confidence, Grace, "in the last three weeks, "maybe they could have ridden this thing out." But on top of everything else, nobody had any confidence in the Biden team to stick this landing so they had to go. - Yeah and I also think and this kind of goes to your point that the money from donors was drying up and that's never something that sits well with the Democrat Party or any political party. You just brought up Kamala Harris, Neil and that's my next question for you. So obviously yesterday we get this statement released on Twitter, I have no idea who wrote it but Joe Biden signed it, allegedly. And it says that he's-- - It's coming into Joe Biden. - Yes and it says that he's going to move aside and he talked about how much he respects Kamala Harris, he said nice things about Kamala Harris but I think it's worth noting that he did not endorse Kamala Harris in the original statement that we got. Then shortly thereafter he goes on Twitter and he does throw his support behind Kamala Harris. I love talking to you about how these things play out, what happened in that amount of time and talk a little bit to the audience 'cause you know this better than anyone about the complicated relationship between Joe Biden and Jill Biden and Kamala Harris, this hasn't been a smooth road thus far. So walk us through that and why he was so hesitant to endorse her in the first place. - Right and you could chalk that up to an oversight but the rumors I saw that when people were saying that this thing is going to end, the rumors I saw is that Joe was going to support some kind of open process but obviously once he sent out that letter or that letter was sent out with his name on it, more accurately, his position as president became diminished and now Kamala is in charge of the campaign fund and he's no longer running and so now the Biden staff is scrambling to save their own jobs and the only way to save their own jobs is to become part of the Harris team and so what I suspect is that somebody on the social media side basically said, hey, if they're not going to, if they drop the ball on the letter coming out of Rojovic, we're going to sort of save our bacon and show that we're on board and on duty and absolutely the money was drying out. The only reason anyone quits is because the money runs out and I don't know how it played in Boston but the disaster of that fundraiser in Provincetown, what was interesting in the write up is that the source for that was not the campaign staff, it was the campaign finance team that was leaking what a disaster it was because remember those guys, every four years, if you're a top fundraiser for a presidential campaign, you should be making a, you know, a few million dollars and if the fundraising dries up, you know, you can't buy your kid a new bike for Christmas with 30% and nothing grace. - Yeah, the other part of this Neil that I'm confused about is this idea that, well, he's not going to run for president because he doesn't see a viable path forward or he doesn't think he can win but he's still going to remain president until the end of his term and there's a couple of reasons why I think that's going to be a problem for him but mostly because of the 14 million people who voted for Joe Biden to be the nominee just because they don't think they made the best choice politically, that's not a reason to disenfranchise those voters and they are getting accusations that they're allowing the donor class to essentially throw this coup against the voters. I want your take on that and fill us in a little bit on this talk of the 25th amendment. Do you think that that's even a possibility and do you think that this reasoning that we're hearing from Democrats that, oh, Joe Biden, he's not fit enough to run for president but he's fine for the remainder of the time there. Is that going to pass the smell test? - The problem with the 25th amendment is that it was written in such a way that after you throw the president out the first time, well, I guess it's a vote with the cabinet, all the president has to do is write a letter saying I'm fine now and then you have to go to the, and then the process begins again, right? You have to take another bite of the apple and while he's president of the United States, you know, he can shut off everyone's phone. He can tell Harris, you can't use Air Force planes anymore. Like you can, you know, he's now the crazy guy in the attic who has all the nuclear codes and so he's still there and his handlers are still around to basically hand out favors and award retribution. So if you attempt a 25th amendment, like that's a bit of a distraction going into a convention. You know, you were talking about before about the complicated relationship with Harris and the Biden's, it's not so much with Joe because Joe has this affection for Kamala because when she was Attorney General of California, she was friends with Bow Biden when he was the Attorney General of Delaware. It's a Jill that has a problem with Kamala. That's like girl on girl crime. And so it's been a cat fight for the last three and a half years. A year ago, there were horrendous leaks in the papers about how horrible Harris was to work for, all the turnover, all the rants, all the tantrums, everything came out and that all came. I'm convinced that all came from Jill Biden who was personally offended that in one of the debates, Harris basically called Biden a racist and basically said, he's like in responsible for forced blessing and segregation and everything else. And so it was my understanding that Harris was chosen as VP over the objections of Jill Biden. And so, you know, Jill's still there. Dr. Biden is still there and basically running the show. And so who's to say, who's to say how this thing is going to go down? But Harris still has to remember, or she's going to certainly be reminded that the President of the United States still controls her life and her use of public resources. - Yeah, I want to talk about the narrative that's now being pushed from the media. And it's hard to keep up, Neil, with what they're trying to feed us at any given day. One day they're telling us, you know, Joe Biden is this brilliant mind. He's solving equations on whiteboards and, you know, that 30 year old staffers can't keep up with him because he's fit as a fiddle. And then the next day they're telling us, all right, well, Joe really needs to step down. We might start questioning his legacy. We're going to revisit some of these things, essentially threatening him to move along. And now we get to today where we're getting all of these soliloquies about how he's a hero. He's a patriot. He did this to save democracy. He's a selfless politician. Is that the vibe from what you know about Joe Biden? Is that what happened here? Is this a man who just cares so much about the country that he's willing to put himself on the back burner to save America? - I believe that Joe Biden is a craven, egotistical, greedy, corrupt guy who has three or four beautiful homes in Delaware that he somehow bought on a Senator's salary. You know, he allowed his son to be an influence broker all over the world. And of all of his sins, Hunter Biden facilitated the transfer of F 35 technology to the Chai comms. So I'm not so convinced that he's worried about his reputation. I don't think he's lucid. I think that this has been like the madness of King George. And this is a regency. And that basically Biden's handlers are trying to stick their landing because they know that they need to somehow find another job in January of 25. And so now they're trying to basically set themselves up either and possibly in a Harris administration or somewhere else. Now the handlers are scrambling and they basically sold out their boss to save their own skin. And I believe that they cut private deals with Obama or whoever else to say, okay, we'll slide Joe out the door, but we got to be taking care of too. I really doubt that Biden made this decision himself because there was no, there was nothing in it for him. And you know, Neil, it's funny because, and you're someone who's covering this stuff all the time. So I don't have to lecture you on this, but there's so much crazy stuff coming out of this White House at all times that over the weekend when he came out with this statement, it didn't really dawn on me until I did a radio interview with WGAN this morning and the host of WGAN, Mack and Jan said to me, let's talk about the fact that he never came out and delivered an address. Like typically a sitting president is going to get on camera and tell the American people, here's what's happening. I know there's only 107 days of the election. Here's why I'm dropping out. Here's what I think should happen next. There's something very, very, I keep using this word today, but bizarre about a president putting it on Twitter and then his wife reacting to it with like hard emojis. I know it's 2024. I know times are different, but there's still, this is a monumental moment in American history. And for him, we still haven't seen or heard from him beyond social media. Yeah, I'm not the first guy to say that I need to see a picture of Joe Biden with today's newspaper. No, Dana Prino said the same thing, a proof of life photograph. This is, and I'm not saying that to be mean or to be sarcastic, it's concerning, his brother's coming out saying, you know, how much time we have left with him. I think people are actually concerned about his well-being and whether or not he's okay. Well, I mean, I believe that he's suffering from a Louis body dementia, which first attacks the mind and then attacks the muscles, which is the opposite of Parkinson's, which first attacks the muscles, then attacks the brain, but they're basically, you know, two sides of the same coin. This guy has not been running our government, at least since the fall of Kabul. My sources have told me that he's been cut out of the national security decision making. And what we've had is this flying Dutchman White House, where basically it's these warring factions, and that's why, Grace, if you notice, some parts of the government are saying, we have to do something about securing the border, and then another part of the government is saying, we have to sue Texas because they're securing the border, because you have rival factions and there's no unity of command. And so everybody's just sort of playing their own game. There's no set program. And so indicative of that is what we're seeing now. I really worry about the guy, that maybe this COVID thing, I mean, literally it's the last guy in America to get COVID. And nobody even believes COVID existed anymore. Like the American people have so moved on from COVID, the idea that you're telling me that guy has COVID is like, what? And of course, if he really does it tech COVID, then when he was at the NATO summit coughing in the middle of his speeches, you're not supposed to turn your NATO summit into a super spreader event, you know? That's almost like a national security thing. Absolutely. Neil McCabe, we got to wrap up here, but I really thank you for joining us. Neil McCabe, again, he's a contributor at Red State. You can follow him on social media at reporter McCabe on all socials. I thank you, Neil McCabe, for joining us. Make sure you follow him on Twitter and read all of his great work. We'll be right back. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2PM. This is the Grace Curly Show. There are those who are unable to see what can be, but there are many more who are able to see what can be unburdened by what has been. Wonderful. Wonderful. Need I say more? I mean, she just really nailed it. That was Kamala Harris. Now all the conversation has turned to who's she going to pick for her VP? 844-542-42. Let's go to Dr. X. What's going on, Dr. X? Hey, Grace, I'd like to share with you and your listeners the idea that there's nothing preventing Barack Obama from running as a vice presidential candidate and there's nothing preventing him from taking over and serving as president if she were to resign. The only restriction is on him being elected for a third term. I don't know if Obama, and I can't confirm that. I would have to look into it. There's a lot of things now. I'm looking into the 25th Amendment. There's a lot of rules and regulations that are still new to me. But just on its face, I would say, I don't know if Obama would want that. Like, if you can pull all the strings and not have to actually be the person with the title, then I think you have a lot more freedom in some ways. I think -- and I used to say that about Trump, when I knew that he was going to want to be the president again, I thought if it was power that he was after, he would probably have a lot of success being a kingmaker, you know, being the guy behind the scenes. Obviously, that was not what Trump wanted. But I did see a Babylon B headline this morning, and so I'm really glad Dr. X floated this theory no matter how wild it might be. And the Babylon B headline was, "Obama reassures nation. He's still running the country." Don't worry, there's a lot of moving parts here, but one thing is consistent. Barrio is behind it all. We'll be right back. We got a lot to get to in this last hour, and we're going to take tons of your calls, so don't go anywhere. (upbeat music)