The Howie Carr Radio Network

Biden's Sunday Surprise and Kamala Falling Out of the Coconut Tree | 7.22.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Grace discusses the bombshell news that Biden is out of the presidential race. But will Kamala Harris get support from the Dem voters?

Broadcast on:
22 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trataria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. - Well, you don't want too much Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. - You either have Grace. - That's how you don't. - Especially Grace, Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Hello everyone and welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. Happy Monday, thank you for joining us. I hope you all had a relaxing weekend. I'm sure you've heard by now. (laughing) The President Joe Biden announced yesterday afternoon, Mark Halperin was correct. Well, not hear me saying that very often on this show, but hey, every once in a while, someone deserves kudos. Joe Biden announced via a letter that someone else wrote for him and then posted onto his Twitter account that he will not be seeking another term in November. He will no longer be running for president. Also, I should mention, 'cause we are gonna get to this later, you never have to worry that we're going to miss anything here or that we're gonna focus on one thing and we'll leave the other stuff behind. We will get to everything. Bear with me though, 'cause there's a lot of news out there today. On Capitol Hill today, Secret Service Director, Kimberly Cheetoh, is testifying in front of the House Oversight Committee. There's already been a lot of notable moments, but when I was looking up some of the details for it this morning, I realized that Joe Biden wasn't the only one who had an important statement yesterday. Kim Cheetoh put out a press release and I got a little kick out of this. She said, "I look forward to the panel examining "what happened and providing recommendations "to help ensure it will never happen again." I kinda think we're good on the recommendations. I think you lost the giving recommendations card after what happened on Saturday. We appreciate the suggestions. Maybe you can leave them in some sort of box, like they do at companies you put in a little suggestion, but I don't think we need to hear from Kim Cheetoh about going forward what should happen. I think this is more of a, "Have a nice slice of humble pie." I also love from what I saw today in the hearings. I only tuned in for a minute 'cause I have all these cuts that we're gonna go through, but in the minute I tuned in, she's saying, she's answering a question and she goes, and the question was about there's all these semantics about, do they identify him as a threat versus a suspicious person? And in her mind, and I think the Secret Service's defense right now, what they're trying to do is say, there's a big difference between classifying someone as a suspicious person versus a threat. I'm gonna tell you right now, I don't like the sound of either. If someone were to come up to me and go, "Hey, just FYI, if I was at an event," and they say, "There's a suspicious person," I'm just as concerned as if you told me there's a threatening person, but they're taking that as, oh, that's the reason that we didn't give Trump a heads up. That's the reason we didn't keep him off the stage. And so she was asked about this by a Republican congressman and I'm just giving you what I remember here. So don't take me word for word. But she made the point that, well, no, he was not at that point classified as a threatening person. He was just a suspicious person. And then she dropped a, if we had known he was a threatening person, we would have, not had Trump take the stage. That's who we are, that's what we do. And I just thought, once in a while, it's okay to put the like Braveheart monologue aside and just sit there and take it. Like, you have to take it right now. This is your fault. You're probably gonna have to resign within the week, I would guess, after watching this disaster of a hearing. Even Jamie Raskin and AOC, when you've lost those two, when they don't think you're competent, when the most incompetent people on planet Earth are looking at you and saying, "You messed up," then I don't think that's the time for you to tell us, that's who we are and give us like I wish I had. Give us your motto or your mission statement that we are the Secret Service. I'll tell you who I think you are. I think you're an agency that's under a lot of scrutiny right now for good reason. I think, based off what I saw on Saturday, at least from the people of that rally, we're dealing with some clowns here. So I don't know if you wanna go with the, that's who we are, explanation of things. Because I think we have a different idea of who you are, Kim Cheadle, versus what maybe you think you are. - It's not a story, it's the truth. - Right now you're a Secret Service Director who is more concerned about a DEI and not putting someone on a sloped roof than protecting the President of the United States. Former President, probably future President. That's who you are. So I really don't think you wanna go down that road. Maybe be a little humble, it's amazing to me how even when these people are in the hot seat, even when they're the biggest screw-ups ever, they still get up there and they're gonna give us the, - Listen, let me tell you about the Secret Service. Let me tell you what we're all about. - It's like thanks, but no thanks. Keep your recommendations, keep your soliloquies about how brave and honorable you are and just show up and answer some questions. But they can't do that. One of the people asking questions pointed out, we've learned more from the YouTube videos than information you have here. She keeps referring to it, she's in KJP mode. I refer you to the Secret Service on that. I refer you to this agency. I refer you to this. What can you tell us? Can you tell us anything? Oh no, that's gonna take some more investigations. - Her favorite phrase has been less far. It's been nine days. - Is she saying it like that's not a lot of time? - Yes. - To me, that's a lifetime. It's been-- - Active and ongoing investigations, it's been nine days. - And by the way, let's talk about that nine days. Because on kind of a separate note from Kim Cheetah. - Nine days has felt like two months. - This nine days, someone on Twitter said this nine days has felt like 12 years. We have lived through so many historical, historicals really just a nicer way of saying bat bleep. When people say, oh, it's historical times we're living and these are historical. It's bat bleep crazy times we're in. That's the historical part. So let's go back here. We're gonna play all those sound goods. But let's go back to the unprecedented historical crazy announcement that came out yesterday. And obviously raises a myriad of questions about what will happen next. So Biden, and I wanna go over kind of the timeline of this. Biden puts out this letter, or who, you know, the Easter Bunny. - Somebody puts out a letter. - John Kirby, I don't know who's in charge. I don't know who's typing away and puts out this letter. But they put out a letter and they put it on Twitter. And my first takeaway when I read this letter was that while he praised his VP slash frenemy, Kamala Harris, he did not endorse her. So immediately my wheels are spinning. I'm sitting there, I'm waiting for some hot dogs to grill up, and I'm just in another world. I'm like, oh my God, he didn't endorse Kamala Harris. This is going to be nuts. This is going to be entertainment. Forget the hot dogs, bring on the popcorn. We have a show to watch in the next couple months. And then shortly thereafter, there's a tweet that comes out. And whoever writes his tweets, again, the Easter Bunny, Jake Sullivan, John Kirby, Antony Blinken with the guitar, I don't know who's writing these things. So if I could give credit, I would, but we really have no idea. Another tweet comes out where he does endorse Kamala Harris. - Oh, yeah. - And I would like to try and peel back what that lag was about. What happened in that timeframe? What happened in that short amount of time where he changed his mind? And I've heard rumors that he didn't want Kamala to feel the same betrayal that he felt when Obama backed Hillary. I'm here to tell you, I don't buy that for a second. There's no loss, love loss between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. I don't think he cares about her feelings. I'm thinking that during the past few days of Dr. Jill and Hunter negotiating the big guy severance package with Democrats, that they got something in exchange for this half-hearted endorsement. Either that or Pelosi and Schumer and the rest of the gangsters that are showing up to his house at Rehobith said, listen, you step aside and you back her or we're gonna 25th Amendment, your ass. Now the Democrats, and I always, like I said, I always give credit where credit is due, they can pivot faster than the Radio City Rockets. I mean, I've never seen pivots like this. I've never seen evolutions this fast. We've gone from, in the past month, we've gone from, he is Socratic. Joe is brilliant. Joe is everything, he is one mind that you'll never be able to replicate. He's so, so smart. And then quickly, we just go from that, we leave that behind and we get to dudes gotta go. Then we hit dudes gotta go. So phase one is he's Socratic. Phase two is dudes gotta go. And now we've hit phase three. The last change in the last 24 hours, which might be my favorite. That last change is he's beauty, he is grace, he is Mr. United States. We are not worthy. The man is a patriot, he is a hero, he is a statesman. He's a man amongst men. - Do gotta go. - Things change quickly when you're a Democrat and you are constantly lying about the state of play. - You are so brave. - But here we are, 14 million people voted for Joe Biden to run as the Democrat nominee. And then voila, George Clooney, Casa Migos man, writes an op-ed in the New York Times and suddenly all those people are disenfranchised. All those people have nothing to know where to go, no one to cling to. And suddenly democracy, this thing that every liberal in Congress and in the media, waxes poetic about and tells us how it's hanging on by a thread and democracy's under attack by Donald J. Trump. Democracy is fighting for its life. Just like that, democracy is now an afterthought. Democracy is collateral damage in getting Kamala Harris into the White House. And the VP who can't put a sentence together, Kamala Harris, who cares more about electric school buses than she does about our wide open southern border. - Look at the bus! The woman who's been unburdened by what has been and what will be, and she has fallen out of a coconut tree and right into the driver's seat. How scary is this? And the Democrats, they're not just trying to convince you that they're excited about this. They're trying to convince themselves. We are witnessing people who are not only trying to pull one over on us. They are now in such a state of delusion and denial that you can kind of see them trying to rev themselves up into a lather. Oh, I'm gonna, oh no, she's really, really great. We really, really like her. Sure, Jan, whatever you say. Elizabeth Warren's my favorite example because Elizabeth Warren, people forget this. But not me. I don't forget, I'm like an elephant. Elizabeth Warren, in January of 2023, wouldn't back Kamala Harris as Joe Biden's VP? They were asking her in 2023, do you think he should have Kamala as his VP in the next go round? And she couldn't even throw her weight behind Kamala then. When the idea was that maybe she'll be vice president again. That's how awful Elizabeth Warren thinks Kamala Harris is. And now she's telling us, she doesn't waste any time. Now she's telling, she grabs a beer and then she hits the TV and she tells us, oh, I think she's gonna be a wonderful president. Everyone should support her. This is great. So make that one make sense. You didn't think she could handle. Last year, you didn't think she could handle being VP. And now you think that she should be president? When she was talking to hired child actors about the moon, you thought that was too much. But being commander in chief, suddenly you think she has, she's made of the right stuff for this job. And the question for Kamala, of course, becomes, why didn't you say anything? And that's what I want to talk about when we come back. If these reporters are worth anything, and I have a spoiler for you, they're not, they're the worst of the worst. But if they want to say face and even the slightest way, if they want to appear as though they have a shred of credibility, the first question for Kamala Harris, it can't be, what do you say to people who are mean to you because you're a black woman? The first question has to be, how did you not know this? How did you not know that Joe Biden was in cognitive decline? And if you did know it, why didn't you say anything? Why do you think you just fell out of a coconut tree? We're going to talk about this. We have so many hypotheticals to run through. I have questions for you. I want you to weigh in. So it's 844-542-42. Do you send to candles, cover up sprays, or air fresheners for bad odors in your home? We'll stop, just stop it. You'll look ridiculous. Everything still smells, but now it just smells even weirder. It smells like whatever you got going plus lavender or plus some floral scent. You don't want it, we don't like it. Here's what you need to do. You need to destroy the odors in your home with an even pure thunderstorm air purifier. It uses oxy technology to send out all three molecules into your home that destroy bad odors rather than just covering them up. Candles and cover up sprays have to be bought over and over again, it's more expensive and it's less effective. So start saving money, get yourself a thunderstorm, and you can get the three pack for a great deal. You can get $200 off a three pack today for whole home protection. You can place one in your bedroom, your family room, your kitchen, your basement. Anywhere you think it can work, it will work. So visit and use discount code GRACE3. That's Don't forget the discount code GRACE3. We'll be right back. You're listening to the GRACE Curly Show. This is the GRACE Curly Show. The assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump on July 13th is the most significant operational failure of the Secret Service in decades. And I am keeping him and his family in my thoughts. Yeah, Kim Cheadle also said she takes full responsibility for any security lapse, which begs the question, so why haven't you resigned yet? It's not that difficult. If you, and by the way, if you admit to failure and you take full responsibility, I applaud that because it doesn't happen very often. But with that, it's not enough just to say it was all my fault, there has to be some sort of action or actionable move by the Secret Service. It can't just be like, oh yeah, we all screwed up, but we're all still here bringing somebody else so that we know this won't happen in the future, so that we can fix these problems. If you truly take full responsibility for what happened on last Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania, then you've gotta hit the road. You don't get to just stick around. I'm not saying you're a bad person. I'm not saying the rest of your life should be miserable. I'm not saying anything like that. But you certainly shouldn't be in that position because you failed. And sometimes when you fail, you have to take responsibility and there has to be some sort of accountability. It's not just enough to take responsibility. You've gotta leave, you've gotta give somebody else the job. You've lost the trust of the American people. And I'm certain that you've lost the trust of people who rely on the Secret Service to protect them and their families. Today's poll question is brought to you by Calitran. Do what Jared did, lose weight in a healthy way with Calitran's high quality collagen protein, specially formulated with digestive enzymes to help your body absorb the collagen protein to its fullest potential. Say 50% on a 30 day supply at and click store. Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is will Kimberly Cheetl resign as the director of the United States Secret Service? - I like the way, I'm trying to think of who said it today on Fox, or maybe it wasn't even on Fox. Maybe it was on social media. Somebody said Biden would sooner fire himself than fire anybody else. Nobody gets fired nowadays, especially with Joe Biden as the president. But watching these hearings, seeing everyone from AOC, to Steve Lynch, I mean, this is not a partisan issue. This is across the board. When Jamie Raskin and James Comer are putting out joint statements about you and about this hearing, that's a bad omen. And so I'm gonna say she's going to have to. - 27% say she'll resign. - I know, I probably sound naive. Let's go to Dan, your next stop on the gracecurlyshow. Go ahead, Dan. - Hey, good afternoon, Grace. This is Nurse Dan for US Congress. First, the lady, congratulations on your motherhood. - Thank you. - Oh, John, it's Grace. I am not concerned about Camilla. She's simply a placeholder. She's a useful idiot to bridge the time between Joe Biden acknowledging that we all knew that he's unfit for office and the convention. She, Camilla, is not gonna be the nominee. And the Democrats have a real problem. And the real problem is Joe Biden's signature policies. Bidenomics, the Build Back Better boss. - Wait, hold on, Nurse Dan, Nurse Dan, I gotta ask you. And we'll go through Kamala's greatest hits in all of her problems and the problems with this administration, which you're right. She's gonna have to answer for all of that. But who do you think is gonna be the dem nominee? - Well, I believe there's gonna be a free-for-all between Gretchen Whitmar, Eric Adams, Gavin Newsom, and Hillary Clinton. - Now, here's a scenario, where here's part of the problem that I find very interesting, is that if Joe Biden is stepping aside and he's not running for president because of cognitive issues, then he has no business serving as president for the remainder of this term. But if he wants to say, oh, no, no, no, that's not why I'm stepping aside. I just don't think I can win. I just don't think politically I look like there's a path to victory. That's a whole different story. You're not allowed. And JD Vance put this so well when he was being interviewed on Fox with Donald Trump by his side, he said, you know, if you don't think the guy can do it, it's the 25th amendment. You don't get to do with politically expedient and beneficial for you and just swap him out. That goes against the will of 14 million people who, and I don't know why they would, but they voted for Joe Biden. So now there could be some legal action involved. It's a threat to democracy. Democracy's under attack. (upbeat music) Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. - I am Kamala Harris. My pronouns are she and her. I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit. And. - That was one of the more entertaining parts of yesterday after the news broke that Joe Biden wouldn't be running for president. All of these flashbacks started popping up on Twitter and I forgot how bad Kamala Harris is. Like, you know, we don't really hear from her that much anymore unless she wants to tell us about a Venn diagram and kind of walk us through that. But otherwise she's out of the spotlight for the most part. And so you forget that she's had some real gems. She's had some real head scratchers over the years and we do have some flashbacks. We'll be playing them throughout the show. But really what I'm asking people today is what is going on? Like, what really happened? And also, how do you see this playing out going forward? I want to make something clear 'cause I have a lot of people who call up or, you know, text me on the side and say, "Oh, you know, there's no way Kamala Harris can be Trump." I think this is gonna be a lot closer than it would have been with Joe Biden. I was hoping that Joe Biden would stay in. I think that if people were sane and people had, were using their brains and seeing what's going on under this current administration and realizing that she's even worse than Joe Biden, that it would be a no-brainer for Donald Trump, but people are not sane. People see that she is younger, that she's a woman, that she checks certain boxes. And for a lot of people, sadly, for a lot of Americans, that is enough. So I think it's extremely important that Trump continue to campaign as though this is his to lose. And that's what we've been seeing. And what the Trump super PAC, one of the Trump super PACs did yesterday, was within minutes of this announcement that Joe Biden is bowing out, they put out an ad that really focused on what Kamala Harris knew and when she knew it. And that is the question for her. Why didn't you say anything? That's what the ad hit on. You have lunch with this guy once a week. Are you so inattentive? Are you so obtuse that you couldn't pick up on his decline after having an in-person lunch with him once a week for the last four years? Because I gotta tell you, I am not the smartest person in the world. I'm not a Joe Biden, I'm not even a Hunter Biden. But I was able to pick up on it from seeing him read off a teleprompter for three minutes at a time. But you're telling us how he's the sharpest tack you've ever come across, how he's socratic, he's brilliant, trust me. Behind the scenes, he's so smart. If you didn't know, if you weren't able to figure that out, are you dumb as rocks? Why did you go out or, or if you didn't know? If you're so perceptive, Kamala, and you were able to figure, you were able to put the pieces together, that maybe this dude's gotta go and he's not all there, why'd you lie about it over and over and over again? And why should we assume that you aren't lying now when you tell us that you're the best person to beat Trump and you're the best person to take over and take on this duty as a Democrat nominee? You thought Joe was until you didn't. Maybe your instincts, maybe your political instincts or any other kind of instincts aren't as razor sharp as they need to be, to be the nominee, maybe the Democrats would do better with a Gavin Newsom or a Gretchen Whitmer. But the polling does suggest that Kamala is closer to Trump than Biden. There's still a lot there to shake out there. There's still a lot to be determined. We won't really know for a month or two what kind of impact this has. Fund raising wise, she did bring in a lot of money. There has been a little bit of a boost that the Democrats are reenergized, that they're relieved that Joe Biden isn't going to be the nominee. But again, it comes down to why didn't you say anything? Why did you lie? She was lying. I mean, a lot of these people stopped lying like a week ago. She didn't even do that. She was, she never said anything besides he's great, he's smart, he's sharp, he's with it, he's on top of it. And then the question becomes the debate. Now, in my opinion, and I'm throwing this out to the callers, the numbers 844-542. In my opinion, Trump calls the shots with this debate. First debate with Joe Biden, he had to throw down the gauntlet. He had to say anytime, anywhere. And a lot of the listeners did not like that he agreed to the terms that the Biden campaign sent out. I understood his thought process. If you say anytime, anywhere, and then they give you a time and a place and you say, well, not that place and not that time, you're going to look like you're afraid and that's exactly what the media is going to do. They're going to say, he offered to debate, but Trump didn't want it. So I was all on board with Trump taking the debate and showing how far gone Joe Biden was. And clearly it was a successful debate. I actually think it will go down. It's one of the most consequential debates in American history. But this is different. This is not the same thing. Now Kamala Harris is going to want to debate Trump and they're going to try to prep her. They're going to try to get her ready with all these one liners. That little girl was me. What do you think you feel out of a coconut tree? She's going to have all these things ready to go. You know, to make t-shirts out of. They're going to really try to make her into a superstar. And then you think you just fell out of a coconut tree? And then the media, as the lack of subtlety they had when they were reporting on Biden's debate, they're going to have the lack of, same lack of subtlety when it comes to heaping praise on Kamala Harris after her debate. It's going to be like, we've never seen anything like that. She is so brilliant. She is so good. She is so good. - I mean, listen guys. - So that's just what's going to happen. But what I do like is that yesterday, Trump came out and said, I'll debate Kamala Harris on Fox News. And I was like, yes. Yes, that is the move. And he can even say, we either do it my way or it doesn't happen at all. And honestly, if I were Trump, I would say, and by the way, I might not debate it all because I'm afraid that if I debate Kamala Harris and it goes as poorly for her as it did for Joe, that you guys aren't going to have any candidates left to run. And I'm nervous about that. I don't want to eliminate, politically eliminate another candidate for president. I'm afraid it's not going to go well for you. Trump can do anything he wants in the scenario. That's just how I see it. I don't think that Trump has to play by their rules anymore. They need this debate more than he does. He can even say, I did the debates. I debated against the person that was democratically chosen by 14 million Democrats. I'm not going to debate with this person who's trying to overthrow democracy. I'm not going to debate with insurrectionist Kamala Harris. What's wrong with saying that? Let's use a little bit. Let's take back some of this verbiage. Nancy, you're up next on "The Grace Curly Show." Go ahead, Nancy. - Hi, Grace, how you doing? - Good, how are you? - My question is, what about all of the Republican leadership in DC, why didn't they say anything? I mean, they've met with him. They've had meetings with him. They should have spoken out, too. And secondly, this is a little pet peeve of mine as a US history teacher. Please, we're not a democracy. We're a constitutional republic. We have a republic, not a democracy. Please say republic. - I understand, Nancy, and I have had conversations about that on the show. I'm just more so saying it tongue in cheek because that's kind of the overall mission statement from Democrats is that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy. I'm really not using it in the literal sense, but I thank you for your point. And I do want to go back to what you said about the Republicans in DC because now there's this whole conversation. And the first person who comes to mind for me is Speaker Mike Johnson and others who have pointed out that Biden should resign from the presidency, that he should now step aside. And I think their point is, if you're not good, if your mind isn't sharp enough to run a presidential campaign, then you shouldn't be in charge, period. There's no reason that a man who cognitively can't run for president should be president. And this isn't like giving your two weeks at a sales company. You know, where you go, oh, I'm gonna get my two weeks and then I'm gonna kind of ride it out. I'm gonna get my severance package and then just gonna hang it out for the last two weeks. He's the president. If you aren't up for it, that means step aside. And by the way, if Kamala is as great as you tell us, she is the electric school buses, the moon, the borders are, if she's all of the things that we're now being told that she is, you should be able to do that with confidence. You should be able to pass the torch right now. Jim, you're next up on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Jim. - Hi, Grace, how you doing? - I'm good, what's going on? - Good, all right. You know, they've been protecting this guy for four years, the media. And you know what? It's interesting, you know, all of a sudden now, because he kept saying he wasn't gonna run, he was gonna run, and all of a sudden he's not gonna run. Who wrote that letter? I thought he did. And all these Democrats are called Trump, Hitler and everything. They should go take a visit nachos with the death camps. And you know, they have a good feeling. You know, they just keep feeling, feeling, you know, feel to the fire, calling him Trump's, he's a nazi and this and that. - Yeah, Jim, AOC called him a neo-nazi on Friday, so it was so much for toning down the rhetoric. But something that Jim just brought up, and it was actually on my list, I have two different lists going, I have one of, you know, all the main stories we have to hit. Then I have a separate list that says, "Things I don't want to forget to cover today." Because there are little gems that the day can get away from me and we might not get to. And Jim just reminded me of one of them, which was John King was on CNN, giving a report to Anderson Cooper. And since you just brought up the whole conversation about Nazis and Hitler and comparing Trump to Hitler, take a listen to what John King said. They're talking about VP speculation. Who will Kamala Harris pick as her VP? Who would accept it? That's my first. If you're willing to accept the role as Kamala Harris' VP right there, I think you're kind of crazy. But take a listen to what John King said. I think it might have been a slip of the tongue or something. This is Cut 31. - Pennsylvania's Governor Josh Shapiro is being discussed as one of Harris' potential running mates. He also endorsed her tonight. In your view, one of the pros and cons from putting him on the ticket. - Well, he's certainly under consideration. I know that from key Harris allies. He's a first term governor. He's Jewish. There could be some risks in putting him on the ticket. But certainly some of our voters here in Pennsylvania said, "Hey, we like Governor Shapiro. Give him a look." Also told, though, Anderson, that some other governors, Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona, were on the list of the Harris team. - Hold on, hold on, hold on. Hold on, hold on. Pause it right there. Did I hear that right? He's asked about the pros and cons, and he says he's Jewish, so there could be some risks in putting him on the ticket. What are the risks? I know Anderson Cooper doesn't care. He's not a real journalist. He doesn't have that kind of curiosity that I have. But my question for John King at that point would be, let's dive into this a little bit more. What is risky about picking a Jewish person? Oh, is it because so much of the far left progressive base is anti-Semitic and is pro-homos and hate Jews? Is that what you're referring to? Is that why it would be risky? It would tick off the people who support the savages, who beheaded people on October 7th. Oh, is that why Shapiro, you're kind of on the fence about him because he's Jewish? This is your Democrat party. They're telling you who they are. If you're a Jewish person out there, or if you care about Jewish people, if you're an ally of the Jewish people, you really have to open your ears to that. Here's John King on CNN explaining that we're in 2024 and if Kamala Harris were to pick a Jewish VP, there would be risks with that. And we all know exactly what he means. That's the part of it, that's the worst part. It's not like I'm asking, oh, I'm asking it rhetorically. I know what he's trying to say, but he won't say that part of it out loud, the important part, which is, you know all those people that were standing outside of the universities chanting about how they hate Jews and Jews are pigs and they've got the Hamas head gear on? Yeah, well, those people wouldn't be too thrilled with the Shapiro pick. Oh, do tell, this is so interesting. I just, sometimes I just wish we'd get the whole story. I just wish somebody would say, elaborate on that. Tom, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Tom. (chuckling) - Yeah, Grace, thank you for taking my call. You know, I heard that comment earlier this morning and while I was having my morning coffee and boy, did that just perk me up, like, whoa, wait a minute. He's a popular governor in Pennsylvania and he's considered to be a moderate and you're bringing up his religion, why? - I'm sorry, but, you know, it's not 1960 anymore when John F. Kennedy's Catholicism was brought up by people. And by the way, if we wanna really look at history, Richard Nixon, when he ran for Senator in California or Congressman, he had people calling up of potential voters the night before against a candidate and said he's married to a Jew. All right, we've come a long way in this country. - We have, and you know, what I was just thinking of is when people were talking about Trump's VP picks and I talked about it with a lot of Republicans, anytime a conversation came up about, oh, maybe he'll pick Byron Donald's or maybe he'll be like, it was always any identity politics was only a positive where it was the thought of, oh, and that might bring in, that might widen the tent, that might, there was never a thought of, oh, well, you shouldn't pick that person, is there Jewish? Because that wouldn't anger the Republican base 'cause the Republican base is an anti-Semitic, the same way picking Byron Donald's wouldn't anger the Republican base because we're not racist. It's like whatever they accuse you of being, they are themselves that thing and that is exactly what John King just highlighted. There's some risks with that. There's some political risks with picking a Jewish guy in 2024. Need I say more? 844-542, 42, 42, we'll take more calls on this, we have a lot more sound to get to as well. And like I said, Elizabeth Warren now endorsing Kamala Harris, you know who has an endorser? Barack Obama. And I tend to think it's because the same advice Barack Obama famously gave to Joe Biden, don't underestimate Joe Biden's ability to bleep things up. Remember he gave us that advice about Joe? I think Barack Obama knows that advice could also apply to Kamala. Don't underestimate this woman's ability to bleep things up. We'll be right back, we'll take your calls, don't go anywhere. Freedom! (laughs) - Follow Grace on Twitter @g_curly. (upbeat music) - This is the Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. One of my favorite Twitter followers, Bob Osgood, tweeted at me and said it's crazy that AOC was making sense today and the hearing, and she was, she had a lot of criticisms for Kimberly Cheetall, the Secret Service Director. But you know what stood out to me about her line of questioning? She kept saying this is not theater. This is not theater. You know, this is bipartisan. It shouldn't matter what side of the aisle. We rely on you to protect some of the most high profile people. But she said it like two or three times. This is not theater. And it reminded me of when someone says honestly and you think, okay, so you're lying to me, why do you have to differentiate this hearing from other hearings and you're telling us right now, this isn't theater. I guess what it makes me think is a lot of the other things you've talked about in the past, you are acknowledging have been theater because you never made that distinction before. She seemed very, very intent on letting us know, this isn't theater. And the follow up to that in my mind was unlike everything else I do, now I'm being serious, this isn't theater. But I do agree with you that she made sense. Even a broken clock as they said. The overall line of questioning here with Kim Cheetall, it doesn't matter how good or bad it is because she doesn't have any information for us. As she pointed out, it's only been nine days. And I guess that's just not enough time for them to figure out if the shooter was acting alone, if he was a thread, if he was a suspicious person. We'll play some of those sound cuts. I wanna take your opinion on what's gonna happen on Kamala, but before that, we've got Neil McCabe joining the show next.