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Gorgons Mirror - A Dark Paranormal Erotic Fantasy - Part 1

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Laura is still persecuted by the cruel voices from her high school days. Despite her outward confidence and success, she is plagued by self-doubt.
Her so called boyfriend has little interest in her beyond casual sex.
But when she crosses paths with an antique mirror, does it reflections contain more than just tricks of light?
What mysteries lay beyond the mists that cloud this mirror?

Reflections of Demonic Desire

Imagine being trapped in a relationship that feels as shallow as a puddle. Laura's boyfriend, is more obsessed with his own reflection than with her. Their encounters, once filled with passion, have dwindled to mere casual sex devoid of any emotional connection. Just when Laura thinks her life can't get any more monotonous, fate intervenes in the most unexpected way—a mysterious antique mirror enters her world, and nothing is ever the same again.

Dark Romance Unveiled
In "Reflections of Demonic Desire," Laura's ordinary life is thrown into turmoil when she stumbles upon an antique mirror with a dark past. The moment she gazes into it, something awakens inside her—an insatiable lust, a craving for something far beyond the physical. This isn't just a story about love gone wrong; it's a dark romance intertwined with elements of paranormal fantasy and demonic lust that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Demonic Lust Awakens
Laura's newfound connection with the mirror unleashes a demonic lust that consumes her every thought. She begins to see things—visions of otherworldly beings and scenes of untamed passion. It's as if the mirror holds a secret that amplifies her deepest desires, pushing her to explore the boundaries of her own sexuality. But this isn't just any lust; it's a demonic force that threatens to consume her entirely.

A Murder InvestigationJust as Laura begins to grasp the extent of the mirror's power, things take a darker turn. A murder to upset whever sanity is left, and Detective Andino is on the case. Tasked with uncovering the truth, he finds himself inexplicably drawn to Laura and the mysterious mirror. As the investigation unfolds, Laura realizes that she's not just dealing with a paranormal fantasy but also a real-world nightmare. The lines between reality and the supernatural blur, making it impossible to discern friend from foe.

The Dark Secret
In the background there is a secret—a dark, horrifying truth that could change Laura's life forever. What was once a simple relationship issue morphs into a labyrinth of dark romance, demonic lust, and paranormal fantasy. Laura must confront the past she thought she knew and the sinister forces at play to reclaim her life, even if it means facing her darkest fears.

"Reflections of Demonic Desire" is an erotic tale that masterfully blends dark romance, paranormal fantasy, and demonic lust. With its intricate plot twists and suspense, this story promises to captivate readers from start to finish. Will Laura succumb to the demonic forces that threaten to engulf her, or will she find the strength to break free? One thing is certain—her life will never be the same again.Dive into this dark, erotic adventure and discover the captivating world of "Reflections of Demonic Desire." Your deepest fantasies await.

Broadcast on:
07 Jul 2024
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That's For call 303-974-9444 to speak to a rent-to-state advisor today. Hello, it is Ryan, and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on I looked over the person sitting next to me, and you know what they were doing. They were also playing Chumbakocino. Everybody's loving having fun with it. Chumbakocino's home to hundreds of casino-style games that you can play for free anytime, anywhere. So sign up now at to claim you're free. Welcome Bonus! It's, and live the Chumbalites! Sponsored by Chumbakocino, no purchase necessary, VGW Group, for where prohibited by law, 18-plus terms and conditions apply. This story was originally recorded for the Wild Embed erotic stories podcast. And you know, just search for Wild Embed in your podcast app, or come and see me at wild, where you can just follow the link in this episode's notes, and keep up to date with all the latest stories. I look forward to seeing you there. This week on Wild Embed, a Halloween special, I've collected over your filthy ideas. I've put them into the pot, and this is what I've come up with, a paranormal, erotic romance. Laura is still persecuted by the cruel voices from her high school days. Despite her outward confidence and success, she is still plagued by self-doubt. Her so-called boyfriend has little interest in her, beyond casual sex. But when she comes across an antique mirror, does its reflections contain more than just tricks of light? Its mysteries lay beyond the miss. Look how this mirror's antique fascia. Hi it's Devlin, and welcome to another episode of Wild Embed. Your destination for salacious stories, sensual satisfaction, and finger-looking good fantasies. You can know this podcast is best enjoyed laying on your bed, and just put your earbuds in, glistening clothes, close your eyes, and surrender to the pleasure of my voice, erasing over and inside you, and when you're ready to surrender to pleasure, just go ahead and take a nice deep breath, and hold it for a moment, and then release it with a sigh, letting go of all that tension and that stress for the next 30 minutes or so. It's just you and my voice. This is your time, your time to relax, your time for sensual satisfaction, your time to explore your inner passions as you listen to my voice, and fill the story moving through your body as you enjoy tonight's show. Laura looked again at the mirror, six feet tall and two feet across, that bronze artwork on the frame was faded from years of use. The glass itself was still in one piece, but seemed to be heavily misted. She sighed to herself as she looked at her client's order details. Everything was as they wanted. Her glass was intact in the frame original, their extensive testing had proven that, probably needed just a good clean she reasoned, a little elbow grease, and it would come up to its original beauty. Being a historic art agent was never what she planned as she left college, then again back then she didn't know what she wanted to be. Somewhere else, away from the tones about her weight, her music choices, and pretty much anything else, the merciless imagination of teenagers could create. The cork in mirror, Laura sighed as she stood still in front of it, slipping them a little folder back into her attaché case. She took a minute to study the mirror. It didn't look almost 500 years she had to admit. Underneath all the tarnish, its beauty still pulsed. Looking around the storage unit of all the hundreds of times she had been here before, she had never seen it so empty. The staff all seemed to have vacated the room, which was rather unique as she hadn't paid yet, and it would be easy enough for Laura to damage the mirror and deny them their payment. Staring back to the artifact, the mist in its glass seemed to move gently, almost dreamlike. Holding her breath, Laura raised a solitary finger to the delicate artwork, that adorned the frame. It was forbidden for her to touch the artifact before signing the relevant paperwork. But there was something about this mirror, something darkly enticing, and there was no one else around. Beneath the tarnish of the years, she couldn't quite make out of the imagery, was of tentacles or snakes. Whatever it was, it was strangely beautiful, beguiling, she thought. The metal was warm to her touch, something she had never expected. And tracing her fingers over the curves, she gasped and stood back, removing her hand as if she had been electrocuted. It moved, she was sure of it. Well, it writhed, she thought, like a nest of vipers, looking around the room in the hope of seeing someone else, of confirming her sanity, but she was still completely alone. She wondered if it was just a figment of her imagination. Her heartbeat pounded in her chest, a cold sweat bittered her skin as she looked back into the mirror. Her knee-jerk shock transformed into a strange attraction, an attraction that seemed to veil her mind, shutting out any sense. Raising her hand again, the movement was there still, a gentle pulsing sensation that seemed so strangely sensual as if the mirror was breathing in its sleep. Stepping back, calmly this time, she watched the mirror, lost in her innermost thoughts. After the longest moment, she picked up her attaché case and went off to sign the paperwork and get home. The young lady at the cashier desk was friendly and professional as she processed the paperwork, smiling occasionally, but other than that giving Laura very little attention. Eventually, she stopped tapping at the keyboard and asked, "Where would you like it delivered?" Laura stared at her for a moment as if she was speaking a foreign language. Laura's lips moved, but her brain was not involved with the words coming out of her mouth. For some reason, she was horrified to realise she had just given her a home address, not the secure office address. Unable to speak further, the young lady smiled and said, "Hold on, expect delivery later today" and handed her the receipt. Spellbound, Laura thanked her mindlessly and wandered out of the office. The journey home was clouded with confusion. Of course, the mirror should have gone to the office. They were the art agents that found the mirror, had secured the purchase of it and arranged its transportation here. Why on earth has she given her home address? Why hadn't she changed it? The fuck was her brain? She just hoped like hell, nothing happened to the mirror, as there was no way the insurance company would accept she just had a brain melt. Glosing the daughter of her apartment, she kicked her shoes off and walked into the kitchen dropping her attached case on the counter, grabbing a bottle of vodka from the side. She poured a generous measure and topped it with lime, sipping it. She tried to get control of her mind. Okay, so $15,000 worth of mirror was going to be arriving at her apartment this afternoon. And it should be going to the safety of the office. She was just going to have to say there was an admin error and a range for it to be moved to the office tomorrow. What the hell was a Gorgon mirror anyway? Laura never really got involved with the details of the history of the item she secured. Her clients had some broad desires, and she wouldn't judge how they spent their money. That was their call, as long as she got her 20% finder's fee, she was happy. Being interested in the history was a realm of the specialist archaeologists she employed. Pulling a store from underneath the counter, she sat and took her tablet from the Atashi case, and digging through the original notes. There was very limited information. The mirror was crafted in around 1580 in Britain for Edward Kelly. Apparently, Edward was a scrier that worked with John Dee, who was a sorcerer. Laura could already feel her headache gripping her mind. Reading further, ignoring the growing headache, the metal for the bronze frame was apparently sourced from Greece, who claimed the metal had come from the bronze shield of Perseus when he killed Medusa, hence the name. Closing the tablet, she decided this was all too much mythology without several vodkas inside her. A loud knock at the door did not help her headache one bit. The thudding sound pounded around her mind like a jackhammer. As she opened the door, two broad delivery drivers stood there, looking mildly confused. One step forward and looked at the clipboard in his hand, before looking back at the crate that occupied most of the corridor, then threw the door into the narrow space of her apartment beyond, and finally he looked at Laura and gave her a quizzical smile while he said, "We have a delivery of a large antique mirror." His tone sounding like he didn't quite believe his own words. "Damn," Laura thought, "where the hell would it fit in her tiny apartment?" Well, the only option was the bedroom, it would just have to be rested against the wall until she could arrange for it to be moved tomorrow. That's right, she replied, trying to sound like this was all perfectly normal, please bring it in. Unfortunately, the bulk of the mirror's creating made it impossible to manoeuvre through the doorway. The man with the clipboard looked at her again, his frustration painfully obvious. "Could you remove the creating, please?" Sighing, he took out a selection of tools from a bag at his side, obviously they were prepared for moments like this, and between the two men they quickly removed the creating. So what seemed like painfully long minutes, they positioned the mirror against the wall in a bedroom. There was space for it, just, but it would have to go tomorrow. She didn't like the thought of risking seven years' bad luck, every time she had to make a nighttime excursion to the bathroom, thanking the two men as they closed the door behind them. She watched them leave mumbling incoherently. Nor he grabbed the remains of a vodka from the kitchen and me handed into the bedroom to look at her new, temporary possession. While it certainly dominated the room, it had a presence of its own that mesmerised Laura as she sat on the bed, looking into its depths. Through the myths in the mirror, she could see her reflection. It must be her reflection, right? She was the only person sat in front of the mirror. Only it was distorted, but not in a bad way. The extra pounds she had carried since hitting puberty were now gentle curves. The sort she had dreamed of having, every night after high school, handled the taunts from her peers and drifted to silence. Her lips were fuller, more sensual somehow, her eyes sparkled with warmth, despite being clouded by the mirror's miss. It was as if the mirror photoshopped her automatically and showed her the one she wanted to be. And out of the corner of her eye, she had a glimpse at the writhing again on the frame. She howled a gaze on the image in the mirror, preparing herself to move her head quickly and catch the frame off guard, suddenly her cellphone ting to life, and the screen glowed brightly to announce the arrival of a text, breaking her concentration. "Hi babe, I've got a couple of hours free, so I thought I'd come and make your day." "Matt, just what she needed." She really wasn't sure there was enough room in her apartment for both the mirror and his ego. "Okay," she tapped out uncertainly. It is not came on the door within minutes. She must have been parked outside downstairs when he texted her. Laura sighed as she opened the door. As always, Matt pushed past Laura and dropped his gym bag on the floor next to a discarded shoes. His large frame dominated the corridor, his shoulders brushing the walls as he walked through to the bedroom. "I needed a little relaxation for a couple of hours before I hit the gym again," he barked from the bedroom, "and of course I thought of you." He finished, almost as an afterthought. They had never been on a real date as such, Laura repeatedly noted with a feeling of disappointment. Sure, when they first chatted on whatever the dating app was, they got on well, and they had had that one drink in a bar. But since then, all they hooked up for was casual sex, mainly to fuel his ego it seemed. He was good-looking and very muscular, but after that, there wasn't a lot about Matt that really attracted Laura on a deeper level, he certainly wasn't her intellectual equivalent. His conversation focused around him constantly, but he was cheaper than batteries, and it was nice to know someone found her attractive enough to at least get a heart on. She did find it strange that he always wanted to fuck her just before he went to the gym. They would have sex, he would sleep for 30 minutes or so, and then be gone, leaving Laura with another empty feeling, and by the time she reached a bedroom, he was already undressed, imposing in front of the mirror, "Fuck I look good," he said. Laura's eyes caress its titas, remembering the moment she had first seen it. She had actually whimpered, right then, knowing what was expected of her. Laura started undressing and laying her clothes on the chair, "Be nice of you made a bit more effort with your clothes," he said dismissively, focusing on his body in the mirror. "You're such a plain Jane," obviously his erection had no issues over her attire, she amused, catching a glimpse of him in the mirror, "Maybe it was the lighting, or maybe the angle, but his image in the mirror seemed faded and small, all apart from his erection, which positively vibrated in the mirror, "Get on the bed, I want to fuck you doggy style, so I can watch it in your new mirror," he commanded as he walked around the bed. Naked, Laura climbed onto the bed on all fours, partying her thighs, "Four play would be nice," she thought, "a little seduction, maybe," Mack climbed on the bed behind her, impressed inside her, she winced as he started to thrust into her dry pussy, "Oh, feel that hard cock, baby," Mack moaned as he pounded into her, lifting her head, she could see his face focused on his own physique in the mirror, as every thrust punished her dry pussy, she moaned gently when at last it started to feel good, but her thoughts were distracted by the mist in the mirror, which seemed to have a reddish hue and be swirling around his chest, it almost seemed aggressive, the sensations growing inside her pussy as he relentlessly hammered at her, a gentle orgasm rising through her legs at last, Laura grouped the sheets, pulling it to rise faster, pushing her sex back against Mack's thrusts as he suddenly tensed at his hot-come filter, looking in the mirror again, she watched Mack as he brushed his hand through his hair and winked at his reflection, she sighed as her orgasm fell away, next so many times before, "God, that was good," Mack said as he spanked her butt and pulled away from her, laying back onto the bed, "Okay, so I'll need those batteries after all," Laura thought as she lay back next to him, it was seconds before his breathing slowed and he was obviously asleep, a single tear drifted down Laura's cheek as she closed her eyes, letting herself fall asleep to escape the pain of this moment, her breath slowly sinking into time with Mack's, she couldn't really say how long she was asleep for, it felt like hours and yet felt like no time at all, the bedroom was dark, Mack's breath next to her showed he was still asleep, the mirror at the foot of the bed had a gentle icy low over it, like car headlights when illuminating the fog, and just like the fog on those icy winter roads, the mist in the mirror seemed to drift lazily, as if carried by some unfelt breeze, somewhere on the edge of her hearing, Laura became aware of a slow beating sound, as if her heart permeated the shadows of the room to her surprise, she gradually began to realise the mist in the mirror was moving in time with the beat, as if some painfully slow, sensual dance was happening before her, frozen with dread and curiosity, she watched the mirror waiting to see what might happen next, maybe a portal to another world, a place for ghosts and demons to dwell, the frame of the mirror began riding slowly, keeping its time perfectly with the beat, the tendril stretching beyond the confines of the bronze frame, the first touch of a tendril around her ankle, centred chill through her, a cold chill that seemed to transform, as if that gentle beat was moving through the tip of it as it moved up her leg, sending gentle throbs of warmth moving through her body, as the tendrils grasped the wrinkles, securing her tightly to the bed, only one word dominated her mind, surrender, a dark voice in primitive echoed through her, commanding surrender to every cell in her body, and all she could do was comply, to submit, laying her head back down, tendrils moved beneath her pillow, tempting her wrists above her head, circling them, her hands flexed under the warm bonds of the tendrils, it was a sensation, almost comforting about them, as if surrendering to them was the safest thing in the world, she felt strangely secure as the tendrils pulled her wrist tight against the mattress, her naked body prone and vulnerable, then there was a new sensation, not of tendrils, but of fingers, human fingers, was matte awake, but this touch wasn't anything like mattes, it was sensual and slow, exploring as it moved slowly up her calves, that gentle pulsing followed the caress of these strange fingers, intensifying the sensations, as if to show her body submission, Laura realised her heart beaded falling in perfect time with the pulsing, it resonated through her body, sensing sensations she had never known before, and somewhere beneath that pulsing, another warmth, the caress of a breeze, a breath, as if lips were moving along her leg, she realised gently, her body consumed with the expectation as the fingers, the breath, moved up the inside of her thighs, gently the throbbing, caressed at her folds, enticing the gentle ache that was already in her pussy to grow, her clit resonated with her ache to be satisfied, her core clutched in tempo with the beat, getting faster and faster, the breath danced over her clit, forcing Laura to arch her back, as shots of electricity fired through her body, raising her hips to invite her unseen lover further, the caress of her desire, traced on the inside with eyes, his warm touch promising unknown satisfaction, the heat of the breath, the intensity of the pulsing, accelerated as she felt the first caress over her clit, teasing it exposed and erect, she tried to suppress the moan echoed around the room, she tried to control the sensations, but her legs parted as lust veiled her mind, a strong chest, a strong chest, pressing over her thighs, parting them further, as the breath pressed between her lips, sending the throbbing through to her core, gently but firmly, the breath thrust into Laura's sex, stretching her pussy lips tightly around it, filling her completely, the throbbing tip of the breath teased along the walls of her pussy, inviting her sensations of lust to accelerate, the burning in her clit was now a furnace of need, she had surrendered all ability to control her desires, she had lost all desire to control them at all, and the belittling voices of the past and present vanished in this moment as she succumbed to the pleasure that veiled her, "Oh fuck!" she cried as she raised her hips violently and pushed onto the breath, releasing her orgasm, her body tingled warmly as the breath, the pulsing the chest, moved over her stomach, writhing under his caress as it brushed across the breast, tormenting her erect nipples with the whisper of a caress, pulling them into stiffer peaks, the afterglover pleasure spiraled in her breasts, intensifying the sensations burning through her nipples, the warm touch of an erection teased along the inside of her thigh, her pussy clutching with a desperate need to experience it, to feel it fill her as the waves of pleasure still pounded her sex, Laura raised her hips, but was held still by the weight of a strong man, opening her eyes in the faint glow of the mirror, she could see warm almond eyes watching her, a sensual but strong face, lips that promised a erotic abandon, let me make you mine, a voice warm and sensual echo through her mind, and I will show you what you can be, I will show you your true reflection, a day that had started with madness may as well end with madness Laura reasoned as she nodded silently, suddenly her ankles and wrists were released from the grip of the tendrils, desired consumed her body as she wrapped her legs around this man, flipping him over, pressing her hands against his firm chest, his body was defined but not in a gym bunny, steroid crafted way like Matt's was, this was a man who had spent every day of his life working hard and it showed in his body, desperation consumed Laura as she grabbed his hard cock, guiding it into her sex, she impaled herself down onto it, the aftershocks of her orgasm, grasped his girth with demonic want, pounding her pussy up and down his length, the sensation still moving through her perpetuated, accelerated, his hand grasped at her breasts, pinching her nipples tightly, before sliding over the curves of her stomach, discovering her exposed clit, he pinched it firmly before rubbing it hard against his erection, Laura moaned loudly with pleasure as another orgasm assaulted her senses, her body tensing around his shaft, the warm caress of his orgasm, danced inside her pussy as her own orgasm unleashed, panting, she glows to her eyes, just wanting to immerse herself in the sensation for a little longer, when she opened her eyes again, the room was back to dark, a very wet pillow pressed tightly between her thighs, matly motionless and silent on the bed next to her, and the fuck had he not noticed, looking at the clock on her nightstand, it glowed with 3.06 a.m. Laura pulled the pillow from between her thighs and shook Matt to wake him, no response, Matt, she called, "It's 3 a.m. you need to be going." No response, remembering something of her first aid training from years ago, she felt for a pulse, nothing. "Fuck," she complained as she grabbed her cell phone and punched in 911. "So, I hope you're enjoying this story." Part two, obviously next week. What killed Matt? Is he dead? Maybe he's not. Was it Laura? Was it the mirror? Was it that strange, spooky man? Or you'll have to tune in next week to find out, won't you? But until next week, when we can get wild and bad, all over again, and always with your pleasure in mind, this is Devlin Wild, wishing you salacious dreams. [Music] [Music] Well, it sounds like the tenants hit your rental property sure know how to throw a great party. You just wish they wouldn't throw so many parties on Tuesdays until 4 a.m. And if they could pay the rent on time, that would be nice too. Being a landlord can be stressful, but it doesn't have to be. 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