Tweens to Teens Real Girl Christian Talk

What is a Decree?

In this episode, Coach Mel talks about using scripture and making decrees to get the angels moving on your behalf!

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Broadcast on:
13 Jul 2024
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Hello and welcome to tweens to teens real girl Christian talk. I am your mentor and coach Mel and I'm so happy you're here today. So today I want to talk about what a decree is. What is a decree? So if we look at Job in the book of Job and in the book of Job 2228 it says you shall decree a thing and it shall be established. What does that mean? Well, you know what? The Bible is not just a book. It's a living, breathing, every single word, everything that's in there is a life. It's not like a regular book. It's not at all. It really is a living, breathing book. So when we take and we take a scripture, for example, let's just, you know, Isaiah 53 5. Let's say we have a sickness in our body, you know, and we're like, we're standing in faith on the Word of God and we're good because Isaiah 55 53 5, sorry, says, but he was wounded for our transgression. He was crushed for our wickedness, our sin of injustice and our wrongdoing. The punishment required for all well-being fell on him and by his wounds we are healed. So, as I said in Job 22 says that if we decree a thing it shall be established. That means it's gonna happen. It's going to happen. So when we take the Word of God and we take a scripture over a situation and we decree it because this Bible is a living and breathing book. God is not a man that he should lie. He wrote this in his book by his stripes. We are healed. When we decree it, we decree it like that. We get the angels moving. You've given them assignment to do. Of course God hears all your prayers. No, don't get me wrong. But when you decree something, it's just something that happens with that. Okay? Like that Isaiah 53 5, you just keep decreeing that when your prayer is out loud, if you have a sickness in your body or if it's something else that you're dealing with that the enemy is coming at you, the devil is coming at you and causing you trouble, find a scripture that has to do with your situation and just say I decree and then you're going to say, you know, like Isaiah 53 5 and you can read the whole scripture out loud or you could just decree Isaiah 53 5. It don't matter. But it's the point that this book, you know, is a living breathing book, everything in there as a promise to you and me, every word in there is a promise. Okay? So let me give you an example of how I've been doing making decrees and things of that sort for a long time and I know I've told one story about the air conditioner but I do have another story to tell you that where I made it decrees that for my husband to find a job working close to home, you see, my husband was, he worked out of town for many many years and he would only come home on weekends and it was just really a struggle for me because I'm a mom and I have two children and it's a lot of responsibility to do everything, you know, so I just wanted my husband to come home so I knew that because we were married and we had a family that God does not, you know, this is not God's will for us to be split apart, you know, so I kept making decrees over our situation and sometimes remember everything happens in God's timing, we cannot give up, he hears our prayers, he hears our decrees, okay, because sometimes there's what you don't see is sometimes there is there's a conflict between your prayer getting answered, okay, and that's because the devil doesn't want your prayers answered, so he's creating wars in between you speaking and God hears you already and that prayer happening, but doesn't mean it's not going to happen, okay, the more that we pray, the more that we are prayer warriors, the more that we are rooted in the Bible and are having a strong relationship with Jesus which just simply is just reading your Bible and praying, okay, but it took me three months of making these decrees, now I'm not saying that's gonna happen in every situation, I've had things happen in a few days, okay, but in three months all of a sudden my husband gets a call for a job and it was a work-from-home job and he, the interview was very quick, they did, they usually they have like three different interviews, he didn't even have to go through the process of three interviews, they did the first interview and I started a Korean, I said the day that he did the interview, I said this is, this is what I've been praying about, this is what I've been to Korean that you were gonna get a job close to home and what happened was, as I said, now that you've had that interview, I'm decreeing that they're gonna call you in three days and say you got the job and my husband laughed because he said that's that's Friday, they're not gonna call me on a Friday, they're gonna wait till Monday and give themselves time to think if I'm the good person for this, you know, a good fit for this position, I said no, they're gonna call you on Friday morning, I decreed it and Friday morning, 9 a.m, they called and gave him the job, so I just want to say that is a, you know, some adult stuff there but, you know, God will, your decrees, whatever it is, God's gonna honor it because though if you're matching your problem to a, the Bible that has the solution, your decrees will not go and hurt but the thing is, is don't give up just because you don't see it tomorrow happening or the next day because remember we have to keep in mind and, and this is hard for us as humans, is that we want something here now, especially if, if something's like sick in our body, we want it gone, like now why God, why God, you know, we're like why is it not gone, why you're not answering my prayers, why, why, why, that's our flesh talking because we're human but in God's timing is perfect, it's always, always, always perfect timing, okay, so don't give up on your prayers, make your decrees, write them down, I have like two pages worth of decrees I make, they're not really long but they're just, it's about specific situations in my life that I want changed and you know I did this over my children too, I wanted them to have the right, the right friends and trust me, God removed all their friends and gave them all new ones I'm telling you, decrees work, decrees work, decree a thing and it shall be established, God is not a man that he should lie, that's a biblical verse too, he is not a man that he should lie, everything in that word of God is nothing but promises and truths, so I just wanted to tell you all about decrees because it could be another way that you could build your warfare and I say warfare, I mean against the devil when he's coming at you in different areas of your life because even though I'm an adult and I have adult issues I know it's hard for you teenagers too, I remember when I was a teenager and I wish I would have known some of the stuff that I know now to be able to you know use in my life as a teenager, so be encouraged and of course if you have any questions you can email me at, that is it for this episode and I hope you all have a blessed weekend and I will talk to you next time