FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Jeff Poor Show - Tuesday 7-23-24

2h 1m
Broadcast on:
23 Jul 2024
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[MUSIC PLAYING] From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porsche Show. I don't think Hank done it this way. [MUSIC PLAYING] Good morning, and welcome to the Jeff Porsche Show Day for the talk, 106.5. We made it to Tuesday. Congratulations. Thanks for joining us on this Tuesday morning. It got up on the program about an hour and a half from now. Scott Butler from The Trust will tribute. It's been a while since we heard from him, but he'll join us here in a bit. And then in the 11 o'clock hour from the Alabama Republican Party, Chairman John Wall making his weekly appearance on the program. So please stay tuned for that. In the meantime, 2513430106 is the text line. If you want to get in touch with the program, that is how you do so. But joining us now, we're going to kick it off here with our senior United States Senator Tommy Tuberville. Coach, good morning. How are you? Good morning, Jeff. I'm doing pretty good considering the last month of our country has been in peril. But that being said, it's a beautiful, I guess, summer day up in the swamp, Washington, DC. And getting ready to start another week and listen to this nonsense. But it is what it is, and we just got to continue the fight. Well, before we get into the serious matters of politics, policy, college football season, any-- how do you feel about it right now? You know, it's very different with all the 10 I/O stuff. You really don't know what people have. You can't build a team anymore, you buy a team. And I think there are going to be some really good teams. Obviously, Alabama is still going to be up there along with Georgia. Kirby's done a great job of recruiting high school kids and doing NIO. And then, of course, you got Texas and A&M that's rolling in. But two teams that are going to be-- that I've talked to coaches and looked at what they've done is Ole Miss and Missouri are two teams that are dark horses outside looking in. But man, they're going to have good football teams. Missouri seems to be a pick for a lot of people. But I guess we'll see. But it can't get here soon enough. It's a necessary distraction. Here's where I want to kind of kick it off. And this is kind of broadly speaking. When Trump was on his way out and when he was running in 2020 and everybody was like, the chaos, we just want to break from the chaos of everything. And we need to hit something indifferent than Trump. And everything will hopefully settle down. You know, I can't remember a more chaotic time in American politics in my lifetime than this last month. And it's just-- the chaos is with the other guys. Oh, yeah. Well, they're fighting to maintain control. Look at what disastrous results we've had in just three and a half years that they've been in power. But they won one world government. They want their globalists. They want to remain in power. And you've got to have a dozen people in this country that have been telling people that they've been running it. Joe Biden has not known what they did ever since. He took election. He's just gotten worse. The media has hidden all this. Now they got caught after the debate. They didn't know what to do. But it was kind of their plan. If he fails, we've got to urge things alone and try to get somebody else in. Well, they managed to do it, along with Hollywood and all the elites and people that want to remain in power. And here we are, getting ready to anoint Kamala Harris. And I mean, they were just ripping her. Not too long ago now, a sudden she's the best thing ever. But that's how you do it up here. And we'll fight through it and see if President Trump can win this election coming up. I guess it should be pretty good about it. I mean, still, it may not be-- I don't even know if it's an upgrade or a downgrade for Democrats. But it doesn't matter. Trump still looks strong at this point, doesn't he? Yeah, he's strong, Jeff. They will just think of what happened in the last couple of weeks President Trump came with them. A hair of being assassinated. Not a big deal to the left. They said a few words about it, and they've gone on now. Oh, a 20-year-old kid, yeah, he's just crazy. He tried to shoot President Trump. I had this kid-- he walked around for an hour and a half beforehand, walking around with a range finder, and he'd get on the building with a rifle and take shots and kill people. It doesn't add up. We all know that this director from the Secret Service, she was one of Joe Biden's best friends, and she was head of security for Frito Lake, and that made her qualified to run a $3 billion business from 8,000 agents. And she's never been to Pennsylvania. She came to active in the announcement when happening. She came to a convention, and Milwaukee, for some reason, took a tongue lash in from a bunch of senators. But she just clamped like a bunch of the other ones, and it was a sad situation that could happen again any time. And you just noticed how quickly they got off that narrative, and the mainstream media and got away from it that happened to a Democratic woman. We had chaos in the streets. But just let people know you're in trouble, and this is going to be a fight to the finish. This is not one of the things Kamala Harris is not up for elections. The deep state is up for elections. The people behind the scenes, Obama and Pelosi and Schumer, all the elites, the corporations, they're behind all this, and they're going to manipulate it. And I told people this, and I'll tell you this. I met with the CDC director about three or four weeks ago. She took Fauci's place. And she foresees a pandemic coming in the fall. She told me this, probably around September of Birdflow. Well, what does that mean? Here it comes, I'll put all kinds of things out there, regulations where you can vote from all kind of different places. I see everything shaping up the way it did the last time, because they know they have to manipulate what's going on to get her elected, and they know if they can do it. Our country will never be the same. Well, tell me this, I guess I asked you this the day after the debate. Who's really running the country? Well, I think it's by committee. I think nobody would really want to take the blame personally, individually for all the nonsense, all the-- we've let a few good people in this country feel across the board. Obviously, they're coming for the right reasons. But millions have come that I call garbage. It's just the prisons, the jails, that the daring gap a couple of weeks ago with the new president of Panama. And they've got people from Africa coming now. And CIA just down there told me that opportunity of more ISIS come in and brought in by the cartels. We're in bad trouble here. And nobody's holding the Democrats accountable, because even the senators and the Congress people up here, they, oh, this is nothing to it. We need more people in this country. It's devastating. And our country can't-- no country can survive this. Look at Europe. Europe is in chaos because of their mass immigration in the last 10 years. We're the only country they hadn't gained through globalization. And they've almost got us. And so that's the reason that they know if they can get two or more years, it'll be over for the United States as we know it. And it'll still be here, but it'll be controlled by the globalists. And it'll be chaos. And what you see now on the streets is just minor compared to what our economy would be, what the crime would be. They don't want to educate anybody because they control you a lot better if they don't educate you. It's just-- it's sad to see the greatest country ever going this direction. Would you like by Senator Tommy Tuberville here on the program? Coach, especially what I would have is this. The change from Biden to Harris, we'll see what happens. But down ballot, getting control of the Senate, the House, maybe the changing course has been raised. They salvage a seat or two. But you still feel like Republicans are in a decent shape as far as Capitol Hill goes. Yeah, no, that's if it's a fair election. 19 states have decided now that they can allow these illegals to have drivers license and register to vote. Secret Social Security officers are taking in people. All the state spaces in you come in here and sign up for Social Security, and that never paid in, by the way, that you register to vote. In fact, this weekend with Bernie Moreno of Ohio, we're going around and trying to help him, I think we got a great opportunity to get three or four, maybe even five seats. Get us up to 53, 54. Yeah, it's a fair election. But you can't count these people out. They continue to let these people vote. You know, we had to say back, go through the House. And I was one of the instigators of the say back. Say back means that have safe elections, fair elections. Have identification and be a citizen. We'll have passed in the House, but not one Democrat voted for, not one. They won't illegal to vote. And we can't, obviously, Schumer will not bring it up in the Senate because he loves power. And so there will be illegal to vote in probably at least half the states. Can we overcome that? We're gonna have to get everybody out to vote. 'Cause we're gonna do it the right way. And we're spending millions of dollars at a lot of these polling sites in six or seven states to make sure they don't do what they did last time. Stop the counting, run people out of the building, and then start bringing in ballots and counting them. It's just, you know, we have got to do it the right way. But we, I think, we have a great chance to get the House, the Senate, and get President Trump elected. They know that, we know it. And it's the only way we can save this Constitution Republic. Again, we can't go the other way with it, or win bad bad trouble worse than we are today. Coaches is still, I mean, throughout the selection cycle, immigration has been like at the top of the list. But what do you think about that? I mean, the chaos of the Democratic Party, you know, an assassination attempt of Donald Trump, and then just the general economic head wins. Inflation continues to be pretty awful. What is it that is, you think, primary for Republicans to push out the voters? Yeah, the stars are aligning. You know, nothing's going right. You know, the crime, the immigration, the inflation, the recession. Look at the farmers. Yeah, if we lost 150,000 farms in the last three years, 150,000, we've lost 25,000 farmers. They've just given up. I talked to farmers yesterday in Alabama, on the phone, had a call. This is micro-bracket year. And, you know, they can't depend on just their hard work. They have to spend on the good weather, and the prices right now are terrible. And we're gonna have a huge problem with farms staying in business if we don't have a good year. But that being said, everything, the stars are aligning. There's no reason that we shouldn't win in 2022, though. See, that's what I keep telling people, you know, the red wave, and the red wave was there. The problem is, the red wave got overcome by something. I don't know what it was, but it got overcome by something in several states. And we better get that rectified. We better be able to count on everybody getting one vote and cast that vote fairly and honestly, if not, we can't win, because these Democrats will do anything they possibly can to win at the ballot mark. - Last question, we'll wrap it up on this. The selection of JD Vance, you serve with him or serve with him, and the United States said it. How do you feel about that pick? Is Trump's running mate? - Oh, I think he's awesome. He was my, if he don't take the Senator, I talk several times with President, but in fact, he called me about two hours before he selected JD, there were several Senators and asked me what I thought, and I told him. And he knows, I'll tell him what I believe, and I'm not a politician. And he was my choice. Now, again, I did, there were some other people that weren't Senators that could, I think, could have been good vice Presidents for candidates, but you come from our group. Obviously, I've been around them, most of them for four years, and I understand them. I wanted to take some of my non-politician expression, got new ideas, and there was no doubt JD. Poor kid, went to the Marines, graduated Ohio State two and a half years, went to Yale, understand our country, love our country now. He didn't like Trump, and he'll tell you that. But after understanding the situation, he understood very quickly, hey, wait a minute, I've been listening to media, I've been brainwashed by the mainstream media, and he came around very quickly. And so that's a type of person you want somebody that's actually seen and understands the situation that's going on in our country. So I'm glad he's there. Again, I was a small part of it, but at least President Trump asked me my opinion. Now they're going to attack him, 'cause they've done everything they can do for President Trump, including trying to kill him. So they'll go after JD, and they'll dig up everything they possibly can or make it up. But, you know, this is gonna be a three month rights. So folks grab a hold on, they're gonna throw everything at you, Jeff, I was in Atlanta yesterday, I'm telling you a crowd strike thing, is another diversion away from what American people deserve in what a disaster from airlines, the healthcare to the banking system, glitch in the system, I call it a glitch. I call it a, you know, a perfect timing by somebody to get everybody's mind on something else. But it is what it is. - Coach, we always appreciate your time. Let's talk again real soon. - Let's do it. It'll be an interesting time. Thank you, Jeff. God bless you. - You, Tommy Tuberville, ladies and gentlemen, our senior United States Center. We got to get a break in here. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff Moore Show of the Fifth Talk, 106.5. ♪ We're dead ♪ ♪ We're caught in a threat ♪ ♪ I can't walk out ♪ ♪ Because I learned too much, baby ♪ ♪ Why can't you see ♪ - Look about a 10 to Jeff Moore Show of the Fifth Talk, 106.5. They just stick it around on this. ♪ When you don't mean it ♪ - Tuesday morning, 2513430106 will be a touch with the program. Please use the text line. So I brought up with Coach Tuberville there. And you know, in 2020, one of the big selling points for Joe Biden was as such. That the chaos was just too tremendous. Donald Trump in the country, we were being whatever. We laughed at them and things are chaotic and people were just tired of the chaos. They were just tired of the revolving door. They were tired of the tweets. They just wanted things to settle down and get back to normal. That's what they want to remember that. I was sitting in the office of an editor of a prominent publication in the mobile area. And that is what he told me that they were just tired of the nonsense. They were just tired of it all. We would just just whatever, get Trump out of there. We don't care, get Joe Biden in there. You know, he's probably terrible too. Let's just get Joe Biden in there and be done with the Trump chaos. How's that working out? How's that going? What, what, you're telling me that the things are the most chaotic, like month of politics in American history, that it turned out that it really is, it's just, I mean, maybe it's just the world we live in. I don't know. But do you remember they blamed, they blamed Trump for everything. Do you think that like all of this stuff, the weird Jude presidential debate, having a presumptive major party presidential nominee step aside at this stage of the game, having the other nominee for the major party and former president be shot at almost killed. Forget about all the law fair and all the things that the Department of Justice and these these ambitious Democrats, overzealous prosecutors are doing to the other party's nominee. Is this, is this the chaos you were hoping would go away? Does this feel like we're back to some kind of equilibrium in American politics? Tell me that. All you people who said, I am just tired of Trump. He just tweets too much and says too many things and uses dirty words. And I just want it to all end. Do you feel better about where the country is? ♪ Stayed up late again ♪ 'Cause I would argue, the chaos in America, especially through the prism of the world lens, is probably higher than it's ever been going back to the Civil War right now. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff Porte Show at FM Talk, one, zero, six, five. ♪ Yes we are big figures ♪ ♪ Yes we are hill raisers ♪ ♪ People get out of our way ♪ ♪ Wherever we go ♪ ♪ Wherever we go ♪ ♪ Come and do your life like I do every night ♪ ♪ From the heart of your radio ♪ ♪ I play a little sand ♪ ♪ And I play a lot of play ♪ ♪ And if you all change the song ♪ ♪ There's open everybody ♪ ♪ I'm ready on land ♪ ♪ I find the love just as true ♪ - Look it back to the Jeff Porte Show at FM Talk, one, zero, six, five, 34 minutes out to the hour on this Tuesday morning. Do appreciate you listening. Still to come on the program here in about an hour. We'll talk to Scott Butter for the trussle tribute. It is about two hours. Alabama Republican Party Chairman John Wall, stay tuned for that. So, Kimberly Cheetell is out. She has resigned. I don't know if she committed a motion yesterday and just, but the Secret Service Director has resigned. And it was a pretty, pretty embarrassing performance. I thought she has stepped aside and we'll see where this goes. Like I said, guys, just more chaos for you. More chaos in the system. I'm glad she resigned. Don't get me wrong, but it's clearly she is not. I don't think she's really in charge. Like I figure ahead, bring it in, let the train sort of drive itself and then she'll like kind of toy around with some kind of DEI virtue signaling exercises. And the thing was, what was it? They went back and she was like really, really big on getting more women's Secret Service agents or something. But she needed to go, she just had to go. And it was all a culture calls or a girl power. Kimberly Cheetell was like in our title. So she's gone and then the news cycle, just, I mean, just keep getting these like body blues in the news cycle. But doesn't seem chaotic. Am I alone here? I mean, like looking at this and just look at it like what's going on in the world pretend you don't have a dog in this fight that it's not, you're not Republican or Democrat. You're just looking at the world, you're looking at the landscape and you're looking at Washington, D.C. and you're looking at national politics with Democrats in charge of that town. What the chaos was supposed to end with Donald Trump, the adults were back in charge. Remember that? And how did that work out? Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. Let's get some text here. Wow, we got a bunch of text, blah, blah, blah. Chris asking me to ask Coach about daylight savings time, not really topical. John, during the election season, the federal government should require that social media accounts are various candidates to be shut for six months until after the election. No, that's stupid. Uh, the social media is such an important, it means our communication. Right now in our culture, maybe that changes someday, but no. Uh, I, I don't, I don't get it. Look, why would you have it? Are you conservative? Well, I don't. Okay. Kind of a bumpy, bumpy, bumpy morning here, but we're working through some minor technical difficulties, but we're back at it. Let's get back to the text here. And I was going through a Jamesy official troll on the Jeff Moore show, says this. My question, Jeff, is how in the hell did Tommy Tiberall get elected to represent Alabama with the riots? He just spewed of lies and misinformation. Jeff listening to this gun, speaking, it's just embarrassing for the state, but James, how do you know? Like the things he said may or may not be true, but you don't know that they're not true. It becomes like, James, like you operate in this realm of like conventional mainstream media wisdom that it's something isn't official until like MS or not even MSNBC until the Associated Press declares it so. And here's the thing, James, for the last two years, we're told that Joe Biden was just perfectly fine. And there was nothing wrong with his mental state that he was, you know, that was all like Republican misinformation. We were told that there was nothing wrong with the Hunter Biden laptop escapade with something but Russian disinformation. Well, we were told these things, James, and they turned out not to be true by our all-knowing all-wise media. So like you say something is lies and misinformation. How do you know? What makes you an authority, James? Want you to read the New York Times and work the crossword puzzle? Cheetos display the competence only displays what abides accomplishments come all bragged about yesterday and comparable to past presidents. When you are able to bump Jimmy Carter out of the bottom spot, I agree, not many can hold that position. Cheetos, like an ostrich who was pursued by a pride of liads and pursued bearing your head to saying does not prevent the truth of the matter. Now, the Cheetle walking away from the job, you know, the thing that bothers me about this, the carefully Cheetle thought she could hang on. But she thought she could survive this. So there was a, it's the same with Biden. So these Democrats are really bad at accepting defeat. And I, yeah, but this is like on display here. I said this earlier, I don't know if we were cut off or not, but Kimberly Cheetle was put in that spot as a figurehead, as a virtue signal to like diversity in the workplace. And she was told to, to, to react to such, to be as such. Let's, let me let's just call what it is. And they, they did like a, well, what a 60 minute segment about how she was trying to get more women's secret service agents. And these people get like. All of the wrong, they get distracted from the mission. Ben, if Trump was the one that was shot, then why does it feel like Biden was the one that was assassinated? It's a daddy contradiction. Fire dog, you know, like I've had like a poor calls for civil world radio show, and they don't actually listen. They'll listen to the clips when we post them. Toothless Bummer, democratic party has, has some sort of candidate. It hasn't had a substitute to get it in years. And we can't criticize Kamala because of her color. Democrat party is telling minorities, see what we have chosen for you. This is demeaning and racist. Well, I mean, I'll say this though, Obama was. Obama was just light years better than what they're offering to us now. Obama was a very talented politician. And Obama did a lot of things that were bad for the country, but a substantive, I think he was very substantive. It's just the substance was wrong. But I would agree the Hillary to some degree, but more so Kamala and Biden are very, very lack of it. Ah, substance, and Martin, tell the Trump. They say, or don't worry about what he says. Look at what he's done in trying to deal with his patriotism. Something in the left doesn't have Ricky. Ricky sending me AI generated content from his phone. Ooh, Ricky mixed with AI. How about AI, Ricky? But this Summerdale, Tony writes, she wanted the secret service to be 30% female. Well, like, why is that not that that's a bad thing or anything? But why is it on the front burner? It should be. We really, really, the left, the modern left. It despises meritocracy that they want to like social engineer everything and impact themselves on the back. And do they teach this at the Ivy Leads? So my first taste of this in academia, South Alabama, and it was kind of a low rent version of it all. And political science professor tried to like justify affirmative action and quotas. And this guy was just a walking pant load. I mean, he, he had a kind of a cult falling. I think he still teach it out there. But it was like the idea was that if you ask somebody on the payroll, who I identify with this group of people, that's only going to make your business better because those other people identify with this person are going to come and they'll be customer. So therefore we should have quotas. Leads, what, why can't we just have the best? Regardless, I have a colorblind society. Dirt nigger, our country is in a deeper hole when the other side changes the vital laws for globalist elections. We need to be America first that help other countries or we can afford it, not getting deeper in debt. So we, the people are put in a bind a name texture. I saw this story yesterday in New York Post about the forcibly removed Biden and they were going to impose the 25th Amendment on name texture. They must have had to offer some kind of gold and parachute, something to keep the piece there. Damn, Yankee, let me some coach number one. There's a deep state really thinking will fall for the pandemic trick again. They be in the deep state. I don't think I think it's too late. They may scare off their, the problem, the problem with another pandemic at this stage in a game. The only people, the only people who are going to like buy into this, that you need to mask up, that you need to like, whatever, are lefties. And I think they'll scare their own voters away. And this was the lesson from COVID-19, ladies and gentlemen, did, but when you, when you watch what was going on, when you would go to like, blue cities, for example, or versus red city. So you take a, take a walk around. I was a Tallahassee at the time. And that's a very blue city. I mean, they're all masked up. They're all like six feet apart. The science, whatever they would like, justify how ridiculous they looked. It was always the science doesn't lie as if they had any scientific understanding. To them, science is just deference to authority. Well, they're the ones that are going to be scared off. I think with the another pandemic, the, the curveball thrown here, they thought that Joe Biden was going to be okay. And Joe Biden, I mean, they, they operated all the conventional wisdom that there's no possible way Donald Trump would be even close to the nomination. And then it was, well, we get, you get to close to the nomination. It'll be, it'll be a cakewalk will be there because he's had 34 convictions and whatnot. Turned out that wasn't the case. Still got a bunch of your texts to get to here. Looks like about 10 or so. We'll try to get to those over the next few segments. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. That's the text on right back. This is the Jeff course show and I've been taught one oh six, five. Oh. Oh. Oh, I'm leaving off that midnight and changing more. And I know just where I'm going. I've got my troubles and I've thrown them all away. Welcome back to the Jeff poor shoulder from talk one oh six, five, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six on this Tuesday morning. Text me. That's how you get in touch with the program. If you haven't heard the Secret Service Director, Kimberly Cheetel has resigned after sort of a disastrous performance yesterday. She said that she takes full responsibility, but the writing was on the wall. Whenever I really know like who forced her out, it's just what a weird time to be. To be to be watching the DC and the horrible thing to do would have been sort of more of an immediate resignation. But maybe she was just trying to set up a transition and go through the motions. I don't know. Uh, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six text line. It's hard. The Secret Service Director is on. I didn't do a fact checked. I'm sure what that is. Uh, Josh writes this mainstream media wisdom. That's probably an actually more most conventional wisdom and like there's so much narrative crafting and so many talking points. And we have, they view themselves in the media as like a, they are smart. I mean, some of them are smart people, but they just operate an assumption. It's your dumb. They're smart. Do what they tell you to do. Do what they tell you to do. Don't bless your little, little, little uneducated heart. They went to Northwestern. Study journalism. You're lucky to have studied at community college and they know better than you. And if it wasn't for you guys voting for Trump, we would be such a better place in this country or I could roll a doctor. Biden gets 88 million votes 2020 more than any president of history there. And he doesn't have the nats to come on TV and tell 88 million of them. He's retiring. Yeah, right. Fish, do you, Jeff, do you think your Democrat listeners even know what a scorched earth policy means? No. But I, then think about my Democrat listeners. They always give Democrats to benefit of the doubt. Yeah, I mean, not that I do that all the time, but I try to on occasion. Say, well, look, Democrats want the country to perform well. They want success for you and I, but they're just wrong about how to go about it. Then you look, you start to peel back the layers of the onion. And no, it's just a a a a battle for power. The ideological arguments are like, yeah, you know, this way is better. That way is better. But they, they preach these ideas. They preach this big government stuff. And it's always like Republicans wanting to take away something that the government gives you is their main line of attack. And with, with that, you should vote Democrat and then they get in an office. They do nothing about it. And they, it's like a, it's just all this pursuit of power. The Republicans do the same thing instead of talking about what government can do for you to talk about less government and rolling back Obamacare, you know, how's that working out? And all these different things, we need the short social security. We need welfare reform. We, we, we hear that here, that here, that here, that here, that, and then nothing essentially ever gets done about it. It becomes sort of a third rail. Then they take the path to least resistance. Well, how about a tax cut? And it's, it's like the main achievement of the last two Republican presidents has been what? Tax judge. Who can oppose a tax cut? But we, not the tax cuts are bad, but we'd like to see one more meaningful rollback of government. And this is all levels. Let's get a break in here. Be right back. This is the Jeff Porsche, what I could talk when I say five. Now, if you're leather jagged means to you, what this hat means to me. From bucks pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porsche show. I don't think they've done it this way. We'll go back to the Jeff Porsche show of the talk. One of six, five. Thank you for staying with us on this Tuesday morning. 2513430106 will be a touch of the show. All you do is text me and I do my best. I promise to respond to whatever it is that is on your mind. A few break, one breaking news thing is the occasion is tuning in. Kimberly Cheeto, the Secret Service Director, has resigned. Should they go a little further up to Alejandro May Orkis at this point now? Yes, they've just kind of give it up on him, but she has resigned. And I mean, she was put in place to to implement sort of the deiification, girl powerification of the secret service. And it came at a cost. Uh, tipped on a major presidential candidate's life. Look, this is much of these guys yesterday. And I was listening guys talking about it this morning on mobile mornings. Democrats and Republicans just bipartisan frustration with Secret Service. No Democrats. I mean, yeah, you try to make it about guns. You know, why do you think Democrats are so invested in? This, well, why do you know, Democrats, typically they're Democrats, Republicans are miles apart on any issue. What do you think? What do you think is going on here? And I just kind of thinking about this. My, my take on this is a such Democrats know that that assassination attempt might have caused them to White House. The Trump surviving that assassination attempt makes him a kind of a folk hero. His numbers are up. They will acknowledge this, but this is what this is why they care. It's not that they care about democracy. They care about democracy. Joe Biden would still be the nominee of their party. But this gives. This whole thing gives Donald Trump sort of a different branding. He's not just the mean tweets guy anymore, is he? In some ways, he's even perhaps superhuman. And that's what I think Democrats are like, well, how do you let this happen? Why would you let this happen? And that's your frustration with or that was their frustration yesterday that hearing with Kimberly Cheetos. Something else, pick up on here yesterday, Johnny Hatcher on the Mobile County School Board talking about a social media ban for 16 and under 16, no social media. And it's not particularly crazy about the idea, but there are a lot of people who are. And hearing from a little lawmaker this morning, very interested in. Johnny Hatcher's comments of what his thoughts were on it. It does feel a little bit government to me. There ought to be some kind of parental consent to social media. And I was thinking about this. I mean, like if you're social media, I am not for my child having social media, not only have a three year old and it's a very different. But if you want to glimpse into their life, read their Facebook, right? But government doesn't need to be doing the parenting. And I hear this, well, some parents just don't care. Well, I'm sorry, I care. I don't I don't want government. I don't want government telling me when or how or what. What methods to the parent, my child, I just, there's some basic. There's some, there's some basic rules here. But I think we are. I think we're getting a little too big government intrusion into our lives with some of this stuff. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. If you want to be in touch with the program, you got to text me. That's the best route to the for for my response. So let's see. What do we have here? Um, we'll kick it off with a texture, your response to Mike Pence's statement on Biden's resignation. I, I, I, if I do what that was, I wouldn't tell you. And we've been a whole lot of attention to the former vice president. Um, Derek, why is nobody happy that they hired a woman who actually had a. Well, uh, actually out of a giant and Derek, I don't know, Gary, I'd like to hear from Ricky versus James getting under my skin. We should put those two on the air together. So Jeff, I bet you bite. We'll even part in the damage ever to have been on the secret service. Sean, I let it gauge. Well, during COVID, that place locked down hard. It was hell. Yeah, these blue cities and it was like it was your patriotic duty to lock down. And I got so disgusted with it. You're part of the problem. The sanctimonious, holier than now, like approach these people had telling me that, you know, because I resisted the mask. There are even some Republicans who were preachy about this stuff. Yeah, that'd be a shame to yourselves. I wanted a stupid mask only because I had to. And I got the vaccine because I didn't want to wear a stupid mask because I knew it wasn't doing anything. But it became like a religion for these guys. Remember? And you still see people wear masks, but they like wearing around their chin. It's like a, uh, not really understanding the purpose of the mask. But maybe it has some kind of magical powers to ward off the evil COVID spirits. Like a superstition almost. It's a weird world we live in. But like, as it turned out, everybody got COVID anyway. And then once you kind of got through it, sure, you could get it again, but you started to build up your old antibodies and your own immunity to it. It was just like the measles. Or chicken pox or something like that. But no, we, uh, we have to, uh, we had to all do our part. But I just, I think it's too late in the game. Coach thinks that the bird flu or keep going to coach our seniors. United States Senator thinks that there'll be a bird flu pandemic that will change the way we vote. And I mean, I'm not saying it can't happen, but the only people that's going to keep out of the poll. Yeah, our Democrats, because Republicans are not going to buy this stuff. Full be once shame on you. Full me twice, shame on me. And I think we were fooled the first time. COVID was serious. COVID was something that could have, uh, it could kill the wrong people, but it wasn't something to shut down the entire economy. And we had a governor, the most disgraceful thing this governor has done was like resist. Looked at these mandates, shut down churches, but she won her reelection bid. Uh, what even close, uh, primary and, um, general election. Somerville, Tony, I went to New Orleans during the COVID, could not get anything to eat. People looked to be crazy without a mask, wouldn't even let me in some places out of mask. If I didn't have a COVID card, I was not allowed. People are scared, but people, this is, this people were legitimately scared. Like they really weren't worried about COVID, but it was his deference to these authority figures who were in government. And the media that was kind of riding shotgun with them at the time, people, so we're not telling you, I think we're really, really, really worried about like getting sick and dying. But we have to be skeptical of our government. I don't see you have to say everything they tell you is a lie, but, but a little bit of skepticism is healthy in a democracy, a democracy. I mean, they, they have ulterior motives. They have perverse incentives to tell you stuff, like all the federal money that was coming out of Washington, D.C. And the way they were counting COVID patients and the numbers were like really skewed. Because the more COVID deaths or the more COVID cases you had, the more money you've got. And they made the pandemic, I mean, it was all of this weird stuff happening at the same time. And, and people were told if you're skeptical of your government, well, you're a part of the problem. But people didn't like really look at it analytically. There was no like, there was like just a critical analysis of the situation at all. And even if you believed it was really a serious threat, as you were told, then was there a better way to handle it? Was there a, you know, but you weren't even allowed to discuss that. You weren't even allowed to talk about it. It was like, shut up, put on your mask, go hide in your basement. And then when the summer of hell broke loose, when the, when the authorities stopped, you know, enforcing all of these mandates, people got out of their house, they went crazy because they had been bottled up inside for months. I'll see, Carlton's already issue with getting a new candidate on the state ballot this late in the game. No, I don't think so. It's strange the way I this will be challenged. Some of these states probably have some kind of laws about this. In Alabama, I don't think so. And the thing about, in Alabama, at least Carlton, in 1986, Charlie Grady come on to democratic nomination for governor. But the party elders, the democratic party at the time said, well, no, that was because of crossover Republicans, Republicans go in to vote in a democratic primary. And they took to strip him of the nomination and gave it to Bill Baxley. Now, Baxley ran against Guy Hunt, Guy Hunt was, I mean, like, back then, even 86, the Republican candidate was like, okay, whatever, you can run, it said that adorable, but you'll never win. And Republicans, there were enough people upset with the way the democratic party in Alabama handled that Guy Hunt won and became the first Republican governor in Alabama since Reconstruction. And this is what that reminds me of. It's funny they're all talking about George Wallace right now, but not Guy Hunt. John, it's so damn stupid to make the pandemic a red-blue issue. If you voted for Trump in 2020, I didn't vote for whether or not everyone would wear a mask. Well, I think it is a red-blue issue because real quick, this is like, you can boil every policy discussion down to this. The left side looks at the collective, the group, and the right side looks at sort of the individuals. And I think that was the core argument of COVID. We stripped individual rights for the betterment of the collective. We're right back, this is the Jeff Moore Show at Epip Talk, 106, 5. Here's someone for everyone. Welcome back to the Jeff Moore Show at Epip Talk. Well, those 6-5 dates are sticking around on this. Tuesday, morning 25134301, 016 to be in touch with the show. You text me. That's the best way to communicate with the program. Let's see here. We've still got a few texts to get to here before you get to our next guest. Got a bunch of them from the Trust World Tribune. Please stick around for that. Motor man, poor. Good morning, Jeff. The new view talk show, your host, Jeff Moore, Shawn Sullivan, Dale Jackson, and Parker Griffith. Probably not. I don't understand why Dale and Parker don't do your stuff together, but there's some distrust there. Joel, because... Joel writes, "So Democrats have probably gotten word in the ear. Yeah, I like to push back like you're doing something on this topic. That's it, because it was Democrat administration to try to kill Trump. Somebody above the director's head was calling the shots and the only problem is the assassination didn't hit the mark. That's why she's out. Come on. Really? Joel, what would you base it on? Just just your general skepticism of the Deep State? Dale's secret. The Deep State is... they have very, very evil ambitions, but they're not very competent. So Donald Trump got elected the first time. Bob, Jeff, concerning the battle social media for young people, do you agree with cigarette laws to me that they're saying? Well, yeah, I mean, that's different. That is a substance. It's just like the transgender therapy ban. And I think cigarettes, smoking cigarettes at that age, and I think that, like I said, the transgender therapy ban, there's some others. Other things that I think will at that age have repercussions later on in life, and they're not at an age really to to make those kinds of decisions. However, and maybe the case could be made for social media, but I don't think there's like a, you know, I don't think it rises to the level of the cigarette smoke or drinking or these things that are I mean, perfectly legal in a normal society, just not... you don't even regulate social media. I can't, to be honest, I can't see that going anywhere, but I know there's a lot of interest in it. Look, I'm not going to let my child have social media till he's out of the house, probably, but I want to make that decision on my own. I don't need the government telling me what to do. That's my point. Unnamed Texture. Why didn't I didn't have a mask on when he was going back to rahobith or nobody in the Secret Service, wouldn't that include and to be a super spitter? My little 478 Texture, my suspicion is that he doesn't really have COVID, but who knows? Mr. Plot. I don't wear a mask at work, even though I knew it didn't work, but I must be honest, it was nice I had to wear my ditches all the time. Well, thanks for that stunning admission. Uh, G-Man, you're right about why the Democrats went after the Secret Service head, but I'd like to think a little bit of it if it happens to him. What about me? Well, somewhere in their head starting a process. I think you're right, G-Man. But I think they're sitting there thinking, you people, you people are the reason that Donald Trump's up in the polls. Pat, I wore a mask one time. I had COVID. It was going to the doctor to get meds and never took the shot and have an autoimmune disease missed a total of seven days. What everyone else sheltered in place over orange man virus on the texture. Fauci should be beat in the town square shot and all that COVID cash getting south ball in the hospital, a new wing that people that run the hospitals love COVID on a texture secondary to yes events yesterday. Just how many old congressmen women we have in DC remember Eleanor Holmes Norton from a few years ago and a Republican can't even recall when a total gray lady short hair. It's our old men. It's hard for me to believe they are doing the job. It's the staff doing the work. It got me that to vote for Shelby by the way, I just turned 80. All right guys, we will return Scott Mutter go up next. This is the Jeff Porte show. I've been talking one oh six five then I could shoot but it flew it all when there was no like a rhinestong cowboy Welcome back to the Jeff Porte show of the dog one oh six five thanks for staying with us on this Tuesday morning 2513430106 if you want to touch me that's where you can do so and we will respond accordingly. Joining us now it's been a little bit but you know I hung out on the 4th of July Scott Butcher but the trust will tribute us with us. Scott good morning. How you been? Man I've been great. I've been great. I you know I will say a little bit hurt here that you know I get called in week two on the B team. Set there all last week. President's been shot. I don't hear from you. Don't hear from Dale Jackson. Don't hear from Phil over there. Gads that nobody wants to talk to me. Y'all had all the big wicks last week so I had to just wait my turn. Well um actually there was a time or two where I had some last minute cancellations but well last week everybody was up in the I mean up in Milwaukee for the R and C and it was like oh yeah oh I'll call it and yeah sure yeah yeah absolutely yeah I'll call it and like okay uh we we we did all right last week but it was not quite what everybody thought it would be. Oh I'm not you got you got the 18 man. What? You haven't come in? Well I'm I'm still waiting my my my uh trust will tribute uh unscripted invite but uh we won't get into that won't we? Hey we're good we're going to do that except just running right during the middle of your show. How many years has it been? Not a not a not an invite at all so uh that's that's really we need to we need to rectify that. I'm not I'm not ABCD or even F team here I'm just uh I'm just kind of like over there somewhere. Well I'll check with Paul DeMarco our political columnist to see if he would let an outsider come in for me. Paul seems to like me these days. Yo Paul does like it yeah yeah I mean you know there's uh as you kind of figured out there is a um a market for conservative talk already up in the state of Alabama. Yeah well I mean now Paul uh he he you know that saga don't you why he uh fell out of sorts we'll talk radio. Um I'm assuming it went back to the election when uh um Jerry Palmer was elected over to market. Right it will matter. Did you get to know Matt Murphy at all when you were uh over the years? Not well um but I was at that event uh in fact uh not only was I was at that event I was sitting off to the side right next to my old friend from Puskel or so Rick Journey um as we watched that unfold. I don't think my taking risks were the same. I'll leave it at that. Well I it's so like Paul really just really turned on talk radio. I'll tell you something be in a talk radio host and people especially in the state kind of power political circles or whatever they think of Matt Murphy and Dale Jackson those two totally poisoned the well for guys like me. My buddies. Well but they all their ambush interviews over the years and everything they did made people say I don't think so we got one guy he's a uh sometimes he listens and I hope he's listening right now as a matter of fact but I am told that he likes to mentor um young elected officials. He's retired uh he's the former pro-tim of the House of Representatives if I didn't give it doesn't give it away. Tells him to avoid talk radio altogether which really kind of upsets me it hurts my feelings but uh it is what it is. Well that's uh that's bad advice. I'll tell you right now but yeah I mean I listened in you know during those days and uh and and here's the thing if and it reached a point where Matt ambushed you. You kind of chose to get ambushed. Matt's interview style uh was not a surprise for very long so anybody walk into it walk into it but um and I you know Matt's views were also especially in the early days very swayed by his libertarian libertarian views so there were a lot of times that that that matches up well with concern reviews most of the time but there are some areas that does it and I so I wouldn't uh I wouldn't have had to listen or I would I would just well he he became uh he and Ani who and then look I have filled in from Ani filled him down a lot I thought. I have uh I've been I was friends with both of them um but they were they were like kind of state media for the governor for a while. Yeah that was absolutely. KIV that's what she listened to that's what her staff listened to was Matt and Ani on 99.5 in Birmingham. They didn't listen to the local station there with Joey and Baron Coleman and all those guys it was Matt and Ani, Matt and Ani all day long which and you know you got a good signal there go away from Coleman to Selma as a hell of a uh FM signal too but that's what they that's what they'll see. Anyway enough of the uh ribbon to signal about the glory this you and I are talking off air and I mentioned this a little earlier the uh Charlie Granica vacation of the uh modern Democratic party and the kind of history is repeating itself here where the party elders don't have I think they got the candidate they wanted but then they had buyers remorse and like a lot of us with buyers remorse we just kind of suck it up but they said the hell of that we're gonna get rid of this guy and they succeeded. Yeah we we've lived through this in Alabama and it's bizarre because the the national Democratic party is following the Alabama blueprint from 1986 um and it's just a little background Jeff that I had my first job in the publishing world I've gone to I was working for Randall publishing in Tuscaloosa and the late Pettis Randall uh brand company and I I you know I've had become friends he had he was Charlie Gratix high school uh college roommate fraternity brother he was his campaign manager he knew I love politics and was gracious enough to kind of give me a front row seed allowed me to work a lot in that campaign while I was working for uh Randall publishing and so I got I got to see all the stuff close up and just to review or refresh you were listeners minds and some who may not have been around back then Charlie Gratix if you if you first of all there were no Republicans elected to state office in Alabama at that time period had not been for a hundred and something I think it was 117 years we had not had a Republican governor in Alabama uh every state wide office was held by Democrats if you were going to get elected statewide in Alabama in 1986 you had run this Democrat period and so they held the Democrat primary uh Bill Baxley and Charlie Gratix I think you ended up in a run all Gratix won the Democratic Charlie Gratix won the Democratic nomination for governor of Alabama the Republicans four years earlier earlier had run a what was considered the first viable candidate in decades in Emery Fulmer uh Fulmer the Montgomery mayor and he got absolutely drilled in that he took by the by the Democrat so in '86 the Republicans weren't taking it very seriously they had an amway salesman from uh what's that north just north is it good hope just north the Coleman or polypond polypond uh guy hunt uh part-time minister part-time amway salesman and he was the Republican nominee welcome the Democratic executive committee the bottom players they didn't like Charlie Gratix built Baxley had been their boy and that's who they wanted and so they flushed uh Gratix and made Baxley the nominee had put him over ballot and for the first time in 117 years Alabama elected a Republican governor the the part-time minister part-time amway salesman uh was elected governor of Alabama and so we had our first uh the first Republican governor since Reconstruction now a lot's been made about whether or not that actually changed the balance of power in the state of Alabama and they good conversation room for a lot of opinions but Jeff I would just point out that from the point guy hunt was elected governor the Democrats didn't just die and disappear right away it took a little while but there has only been one Democrat elected governor since then and he went to federal prison well I'd say this though I think it started six years earlier when Reagan won Alabama our our note four years two years earlier when Reagan won Alabama Carter won in the car one city six Reagan won in 80 so it would be 1980 when a Republican when Alabama went Republican and not Democrat and what Democrats it's got Republican and presidential elections ever since I agree with you on the presidential side Alabama had elected or had voted for Jim he Carter when he ran the first time but when Reagan ran against Carter um you're right Alabama was was a Reagan state I do think that Reagan was the one that kind of started turning the Alabama's reaction on presidential races I think Alabama may have carried Gary Goldwater as well um yeah yeah yeah you're right you're right they did they call it more like you're trying to keep off that close LBJ punished Alabama by taking Brookley airfield or at Brookley Air Force base away from uh and they say Lady Bird Johnson got booed here in Mobile but yes he took he took it away and I think probably set off like kind of a depression in Mobile for like 20 years downtown Mobile was nothing and then slow came back but yeah you're right uh when they went for Goldwater LBJ uh was very punitive toward this right right so I reckon did start affecting Alabama voters response to presidential elections but I know it did not touch statewide races at that point um you were still state you were Democrat on statewide offices across the board with no real viable threat from any Republican candidate and I'm talking lieutenant governor attorney general secretary of state all of that would have just locked down by the by the Alabama Democratic Party um but that that election that election when they just went against the will of the voters replace the nominee that changed everything and Jeff you know there may be there may be something to this though because the electorate was starting to shift on presidential races due to Reagan maybe voters were more ready than a reason to vote from the Alabama Democrats than they even really probably and it took what you're right it took I mean it took the Tea Party and Obama uh the pushback against the Obama presidency to really fully transform the state back to this it natural what 40 state you know being yeah it was it was really 20 10 in my opinion uh when they when the Republicans took over the the House and the Senate Montgomery and just you know just really went in there with a club and ended it for Democrats at that point you and I follow some of these Democrat 40 leaders in Alabama there's nothing there is nothing there in leadership that would give me any reason to believe that's ever going to be a viable party in my lifetime probably I think they offer voters nothing and and I think this upcoming presidential election in the state of Alabama I think we're going to see more Democrats walk away from the Democrat nominee than we've seen before and that's a state that actually will probably play pretty well for Kamala Harris so by scott butcherman truss will tribun here on the program scott uh before we got a few more minutes every we got we got to talk about the uh the infinite wisdom of Cal Whitmire comparing JD Vance and Doug Jones and I I cannot I just I cannot believe how moronic that and so guys and we were talking about this yesterday a little bit Cal Whitmire's fighting a world dom said well you know who would make a great running mate for Kamala Harris is Doug Jones and then he is what he actually is what uh JD Vance claims to be now I don't know I doubt that uh Cal Whitmire has really has fully immersed himself in the story of JD Vance and his upbringing and and and how he came out of middlestano IO and eventually went to Yale and you know became one of the elites in this country however I mean Doug Jones did not live I mean did not live a a hillbilly lifestyle at Fairfield Alabama and yeah just absolutely a just for all comparison the similarities between JD Vance and Doug Jones have now risen to zero I mean we can we can both mail both white men uh you got that similarity if we're going to be fair beyond that there were zero similarities in these guys in their upper I could not believe that Cal even suggested such thing and and while Cal and I have very differing political views I don't look at Cal as a complete moronic but that particular comparison and that was sliding pretty hill uh pretty hard for the morons out of see if I'm Doug Jones parents um I'm wanting to know why Cal Whitmire is calling um uh Doug Jones dad a deadbeat and his mom a heroin addict uh if that's the comparison we're going to make here but well I would say go back in the region's dad's obit I mean these people were married for 70 years uh JD Vance's mother went through at least three marriages and divorces I think the father pretty much they got divorced when JD was just a toddler we know about his mom struggles with addiction she was he was actually raised by his grandparents that that's who had to step in and take care of him. Doug Jones just lived the uh his family was the epitome of the uh middle class American dream. I mean I'm from middle class and in here he wrote about it in his book I mean like they you know Doug Jones writes about the um uh the black help in his house like coming to do the thing I know you're thinking like Richard JD Vance didn't have any of that JD Vance really had a bed to sleep on so like just a total acid eye comparison. Oh I don't know what I don't know if if Cal thinks Fairfield has always been what it is today which is a bankrupt city thank you very much later Langford uh dead before he became mayor of Birmingham or at Jefferson County Commissioner but uh Fairfield was a model city in the 1950s that was a sought-after town to live in that is where the headquarters for U.S. still was as dad was in middle management his mom was uh was uh leaving the fevers mom stay at home mom get out baking cookies waiting for Dougie to get home from school every day and the beautiful picket fences uh of Fairfield. This was not some meth ravaged community. I mean I was absolutely baffled by the comparison and obviously somebody didn't put 10 minutes worth of research into that. And Brian Lyman who's now of a or the album reflector I mean the historical depth of these people is pathetic and they just what they craft things to fit their own stupid narrative and this is why ladies and gentlemen you just you can't really trust them their takes because they are rooted in a very shallow understanding of things I think they absolutely are their their opinions are and they're I'm gonna say something Cal used to be in my opinion one of the better off-eyed writers because of his ability to acknowledge different sides of an opinion he was offering and in a always I thought made his opinion stronger even if I didn't agree with it but he he flew all that out of it went a years ago it's just it's just this blind anti-alabama anti-conservative anti-republican and Doug Jones is still the only savior the guy's ever known uh I mean they he brought more congratulations on that I guess so copy in Washington they say Scott we got to leave it there a little along here but I guess we spent too much time talking about Matt Murphy uh we did we will uh we will pick it up again soon scot bunch of other trustful tribulation gentlemen we gotta get a break here I'll be right back this is effing talk for those six five then it crudges south of Nashville and it turned that car around he said this is where you get off boy cuz I'm going back to Alabama as I stepped out of that Cadillac I said mr many things he said you don't have to call me mr mr mr the whole world called behind you said look back to the Jeff Moore showed up and talked about those six five two five one three four three zero one zero six could have been about 45 minutes shot wall of the almighty republican party chairman wall will be with us so please make sure you stay tuned for that uh do we have any text here on the texture you can downplay it all you want but Trump's in trouble now he's absolutely melting now since they come on he's going to curb stop him in November okay uh no I'm gonna laugh at you because not downplay it because it's just not true and I think here's thing is it's not like oh koala socks or whatever but guys the problem is this it's it's just too late in game to do a presidential a national presidential campaign ride she's gonna have to use the campaign infrastructure she's inheriting from Joe Biden which I think has been kind of sitting there on the shelf it's got cobwebs on it it's just it kind of a silly thing no she's not going to curb stop Trump and probably a lot of people this country I know idea who she is you don't don't underestimate the voter in America and their familiarity their lack of familiarity I should say we'll be right back this is f him talk on those six five from bucks pocket to the shores of orange beach at all points in between an insider's perspective on Alabama politics it's the jeff pore show I don't think welcome back to the jeff pore show enough and talk one oh six five eight should be with us on this Tuesday morning two five one three four three zero one zero six you want to be in touch with the show all you gotta do is text me uh still to come on the program about a half hour from now public and party chairman john wall albam or public and party chairman I should say so stick around for that still having a this text telling me that uh the trumps in trouble the Kamala Harris is going to curb stop him in November since it's like a uh guys like especially be careful here and I'm telling you this on name texture as a friend don't treat politics like it's some kind of sporting rivalry don't treat it like it's Auburn Alabama you're just gonna be let down don't don't be that silly uh joe they let him walk around for a freaking hour dude come on man an hour dude joe it's entirely possible and joe still hung up on this being an inside job and like having talked to like law enforcement guys that I trust there's no way they could have conspired with like the local butler police department to pull off an assassination attempt and and joe if you think it was an inside job why did they pick a 20 year old kind of video game weirdo to to be the the trigger man huh they couldn't have found uh somebody who had been trained to shoot no you gotta stop watching so many movies James the unofficial troll Jeff Porsche keeps saying unofficial for some reason uh James I'm confused as to why you and I don't debate more you're listening audience wants it fair and mallet's chef uh Sean good luck with your social media ban Jeff yours he's some meltdowns been there before we'll see what the world looks like when he's old enough uh unnamed texture Jeff your commentators illustrative illustrative of how many of us fill the US federal government's mostly evil vile it's the owner today or any is called to grace Satan I understand the sentiment now for your textures comments oh well I look I think there's a lot of people to go into federal government that want to do something positive for society that want to make things better I don't think it's just evil evil is evil implies that there's like a motive there and having like lived in Washington DC knowing just all kinds of sort of career civil servant bureaucrats all kinds of staffers and the executive judiciary and the legislative branches of our government you get and I mean I used to kind of be there with you but I think in the federal government now I mean it's just it's just incompetence it's you you would be so unimpressed we put our government up on a pedestal as if it's capable of other things but you know a lot of things go wrong we have a lot of incompetence and I'm telling you I think there's a lot of incompetence sure there's a lot of like one world government and a lot of idea that the big Leviathan the the administrative stake and it can be a force for good and it's very ideological in that sense but to assume that they sit around all day or even like they have secret meetings and they think of ways to apply assassinations and tell you what I mean they don't care enough they work in an environment where there's no meritocracy that it's all seniority and you're assuming that people care enough in the federal government dark digger Harris is part of the Biden presidency and his failure she was part of it own what own it uh what Trump has done is now starting to fade away that is everything is getting worse but Trump could turn around like he has done before Paul did Kamala drop out first in 2020 he she was among the first I'm sure there was some other ones but she she actually led the polls for like five minutes there were some polls showing her as the front runner and then she just Josh do you think Roger is regretting his ability elegy when it came out he got media trouble suggesting that was such thing as a poor white person now he's getting in trouble because the guy it's based on is become the vice Republican vice president I never saw read it I grew up poor white I know the story already happy days cast is probably really mad at him except Scott Beow he is probably laughing you you should watch the movie it's not a very long movie um it's all Netflix I read the book too it's it's it's worth your time Josh it's not a tip it's not your I mean there's everybody has a poor story but they're not all the same but it tells I mean like and this is Josh I think this gets in the core of the matter and understanding why people identify with a movement like Trump I mean there are people who are lower middle class working class barely scraping by but they're still proud to be an American and they're they're happy with their family I mean there's all kinds of these traditional norms that the the the left the elitist left just sneers at and sneers at them and tells them that they need to lead their life a certain way that they need to eat certain foods that they they need to give up on church and guns and and American traditions and they need to look elsewhere for uh you know their higher spiritual endeavors or whatever and they get tired of that what do you think happens is when a guy like Donald Trump emerges and he's just like hey let's just go back to what America used to be and say Merry Christmas and and listen to Lee Greenwood and um you know the you know just things that you like uh celebrate you know birthday parties and whatever boy scouts and a good old American tradition people flock to that it's the uh it's the two Americas and Democrats they want to be for the little guy they want to be for the downtrodden but what I think is happening in modern democratic parties they've gotten a little two they've gotten a little two in the weeds they've gotten a little too woke they've overthought it and they gotten so far out of the mainstream that it's it's rejected they don't they overplay every hand they ever have um mr. plot the great Charles Carl Hammer once said we're dealing with government if your choice is between conspiracy and incompetence it's almost always a competence I agree with that I think conspiracy is just a it's a way to make something you don't really understand understandable but the world doesn't work that way when does Keith overman go too far could charges be filed against him already I saw I saw somebody talking about that so they bankrupt Alex Jones over Sandy Hook for being for denying the Sandy Hook tragedy what could could Keith overman be sued for denying the assassination attempt James right's this uh Joe needs help Jeff he needs the programming from the cult he is in Sean advanced brings out Richmond north of or Richmond north of Richmond guy I'm out that guy was kind of uh I don't know a little on the flaky side all right old dare politicize my song but shoot yeah I'm gonna go fox news John I don't treat politics like sports it's more important what Lyndon Johnson did ruined the life of many including myself economically and ended the lives of Vietnam soldiers closure of Berkeley in the middle of the war well could have done both some people do treat it like sports though some people treat politics like it's just a sports rivalry and hey my guy's better than your guy but they don't I mean they're just I don't know it's sort of the culture we live in but I would I'm probably put myself there as a um it's like a high school student it's hard to have like a really really uh deep a knowledge of what's going on in the world and understand how it all works at a certain age so you just kind of gravitate toward sporting rivalries but when you're an adult there's no excuse for it but I just think that there are people because especially on the left left tends to be way more emotional living in DC and this is what opened my eyes to it when Obama was elected so I was there for the end of George W Bush in the beginning of Obama well I was there for almost the entirety of Obama but when Obama got elected and the way people were just so it felt like two comparisons I can make here the the month after Obama won the presidential election it felt like I was back in college at Auburn and Auburn at one iron bullet it was the day after it was a day after and most of the people in town had had left for Thanksgiving break are we had just gotten back from Thanksgiving break but a little pep in your step everything just sort of you know the weather is a little different it felt that way and it and then when Trump was sworn in it felt like the day after Alabama beat Auburn and Iron Bowl being at Auburn I mean they did that's just that's emotional vibe you can feel it you sense it you sense it around town it's just you you can it's just an emotional state but that I don't I don't necessarily get that same vibe in red places in fact like in some places where they're just so republican it just seems like they they almost are completely oblivious to the politics of the situation and think about it what what were you what and I know like where were you when the the shot was taken at Donald Trump my wife and I were on a date at Topgolf and started getting the my phone started blowing up and just kind of looking around at Topgolf no one seemed to even be aware no one was talking about it the TVs were all in sports which I don't know what the ESPN and those channels are doing at the time but imagine that had been Barack Obama and I mean in your end say not Mobile Alabama let's just say you're in Providence, Rhode Island or something they would have shut it down I mean they would have like closed mr. plot they should just let Riley Gaines beat Obama's I mean overman's ass starting there no Jeff they have gotten into the weeds uh that side of the country is because they smoke weed and do drugs instead of asking God to help them through life's troubles drugs make problems bigger we're always looking for an escape and this is like a guy who just like had my own share of bad decisions I mean like I don't know two five one three four three zero one zero six maybe I can elaborate on that more later this is a Jeff Porsche would have to talk about those six five that's it just leave it up to you and get on it look at my attention to Jeff Porsche would have been talking about a six five get up tomorrow on the program we got Joey Clark from News Talk 93.1 in Montgomery a couple of guests to be named later um they never did the guest list doesn't really come together till the last minute as it did today but uh worked out uh earlier in the program had uh senator Tommy Tiberville on go check out the podcast if and talk about a six five dot comma or you could check it out on the app whatever your device may be um let's see here two plus bam relation to a bomb in particularly in leek at park avenue was close to a religious experience like the Messiah or second coming older blacks are crying kind of understandable done or older blacks um yeah I don't disagree with that I mean it was certainly a but it was that's different than like that albert finally beat alabama in the 1982 iron bowl and people crying and carrying the goal post uh down the street there john i know people to trust god spoke we didn't oppose abortion and then ricky talking about black rock always topical there ricky thank you for that uh anyway uh time permitting we'll do more text two five one three four three zero one zero six boy the media moved on from the uh give a little new cycle and then it's it's all this like kamala Harris propaganda oh my gosh it's embarrassing no no she is not a good vice president she doesn't pull well i don't know why i don't think she's been particularly and i said this yesterday kamala Harris had a prime opportunity in this administration to really to really make a difference to really do something to make her star shine brighter set herself up for this moment in history uh nature reports of acu you had a weak president she did not follow through on any of her mandates she was just not like i said just not an impressive person she could have been but i i think that hurts her i i just think this sort of like yeah well well whatever a vice president and not capitalizing on the the opportunities you have it's going to hurt her and then it goes back to the 2020 election and she is she gets she has Biden on the ropes she has Biden admitted that uh there was uh you know he was pro segregation and he's just looking flat-footed and terrible she goes in for the kill she goes out of that debate as the front runner she squanders it she she doesn't want to campaign she stops spending time in New Hampshire and Iowa or whatever she she'd her staff she hires is just totally incompetent and then eventually the money dries up and she gets a step away why is given the 2020 experience what we know about Kamala Harris Kamala Harris whatever um why is this time going to be different what why do you guys think this is going to be better maybe she's got a little more experience i i think a lot of you guys that are just like very emotionally like involved and just have this irrational hatred for Donald Trump and the big bad orange man and all that are going to be very very disappointed when you see her lack of urgency 2 5 1 3 4 3 0 1 0 6 that's the text line hit us up on the text line in time permitting we'll get to your text this is a jeff pore show an effid talk 106 5 i can't say the same for me i've done it many times somebody take me home through those out of their mind. [Music] [Music] [Music] they're sticking around on this Tuesday morning 2 5 1 3 4 3 0 1 0 6 the time permitting we'll get to your text if there are any remaining joining us now he is the chairman of the Alabama Republican Party John Wallace on the line with us chairman good morning how you been you know i am i'm doing well it's good to be on the show hey tell me have you recovered uh i mean it was a it was a big week last week you know i am i am partially recovered um i literally still have some things to unpack because as soon as it got home got flooded with a whole new round of both both both work in political things so getting the job done um we'll talk about a historic historic in world when a few weeks within the political process um both here in Alabama and especially nationally i i mean i i watched on television but i detected i mean alabama's alabama as it has done i guess the last couple of conventions i would say but i kind of uh seems like a little bit bigger presence a noticeable presence at this convention is that fair i think it's definitely fair um you know a couple of things playing a role there one the percentage of the total delegations of the elements has increased um but that's growing more more red other states growing less red we're in the top one third of the largest delegations in the entire country um and that gives you just a bigger footprint but also you know i think we definitely seen a shift um here in alabama where alabama being more recognized for our our political efforts and in for just the party in general the the things we keep happening whether it's at third presidential debate being held here in alabama um first time in alabama history um you know the the presidential candidate to visit the inner state i think this has been you years of work but we're seeing alabama getting more and more credit and i think that is appropriate i'm obviously biased i think alabama is the best state in the country we have the best people in the country and it's about time we started getting recognized more yeah i just like you said i think it's the um in some ways maybe not completely but you look around the country and the uh the sort of the uh kind of the pulse of the republican party maybe a little bit uh is as set forth here um let me ask you this uh some presidential races uh uh back underway and i i've seen some of our um very mediocre liberal commentators talk about this they think that with Kamala Harris assuming the role as the democratic presidential nominee really bolster shamari figures chances in al2 i am i don't know the desiccase i don't know that it impacts it a whole lot i i still think you're gonna see al2 and and this is where it matters i think you see al2 still kind of go probably for trump uh just just i don't know that this really does much to get out the vote yeah you know i've been putting it this way the the people of america and the people of alabama and we'll add cd two in here the people of cd two are not stupid um and i think this is what the democrat elite you know these these establishment democrats across country do not understand about the situation people jovine was not losing popularity with the people because of his age or because of his debate performance he was losing popularity with the people because of the values he put forth because of the failed policies um that are dragging america down and making life harder for americans to live um whether that's the economy the open borders foreign policy the woke agenda in our classrooms and i think with that in mind kamala harris as his vice president was expressly involved at every single one of these bad policies that have led the american public down and so i'm not sure that the american public is going to react any better to kamala harris than they were to jovine like that this is about values it's about issues it's about the american people and how what we can do you know what they stand for what we can do to help them have a better life and i think maul harris is is directly involved with these policies and i don't expect her to pull that much better than did you imagine it when i don't understand and this is more of a natural question like she's always underwhelmed um she's just kind of meandered about and wound up where she is i'm sure she's not uh completely uh a novice by such imagination but she's like she underwhelmed in the national spotlight as the front runner and democratic party for five minutes and she's certainly and and think about the presidential politics inside the west wing inside the executive branch you have a weak president joba and i think that's like a pretty much well known at this point now she never like moved into fill in that vacuum she never likes and i'm not saying that she should have assumed and played president or anything but there was a lot she left a lot on the table there to set herself up for a future political run she didn't really take a leadership role on any of the biden policies i i i just i don't i i think the media are kind of trying to force some kamala harris honeymoon upon us right now but i i think that i think the democrats are especially gonna be very very let down i agree a hundred percent like look look at kamala harris over the last few years you were correct she had what an opportunity preferred to stand by the president um but he's a strong leader within that administration and the bottom line of kamala harris is not a strong leader period she wasn't in california she wasn't uh from the presidential campaign trail she wasn't in the white house and she's not going to be at the democrat nominee so i'm sitting here and i'm looking at this i'm like what are the democrats thinking but but let's get back a few steps and then look at this from a critical angle who do the democrats act we're actually seen why what happens when you choose your leaders based on the dei process instead of who actually um has risen to the top is it is it is a true leader look at the republican base you got it you got a stacked base behind democrat you got ron the status you got glen young can you got you got all these guys across the country who are who are strong leaders recognizable could take you take on the job and up repeat but on the democrat side most of their people be rooted age small here these are people who were chosen because of their demographic not because of their actual skill set and i think we're seeing play out why dei fails in real life we're seeing literally seen a play out in the presidential race and and this is nothing negative toward these people it's just the fact that that we should look to not look at people based on their demographic we should not look at them based on the color of the skin we should not look at them based on their sexual identity we should look at every individual as an individual and and and they should be promoted or demoted based on their skill set and i think that is is what we have are watching play out right now and we're watching why this is a failed system and why we should respect people in the words of dr Martin Luther king we should look at people um and but paraphrasing this i've had an entire recently for for not getting clued exactly right or for the right people um but i'm going to paraphrase this we should look at people based on their character and their their content of their hearts and not their not their outward appearance and i think this is the lesson from this election cycle let's get back to do that idea the dark Martin Luther king's idea and our founding father's idea that we should look at people as individuals and not in groups or or people because of some other demographic yeah i i mean i would say that like you know this this uh this we've abandoned meritocracy for these like virtue signaling exercises that are not going to produce any kind of like i mean maybe they produce results but not the tangible results that a lot of us would prefer speaking about this and kind of look at this tactically as a political tactician i i just kind of wonder about this chairman i still think the democratic party while all of this has been going on is still incredibly divided they're divided on different things uh foreign policy uh and whatnot now now Kamala Harris has got to invent herself to fit whatever narrative that will get her the most votes i think it's too late in the game to do that but also i don't think that she is going to be much of a unifier to kind of galvanized to shore up her base enough to to win some of these swing states that she needs to win oh look absolutely and just like i said it goes back to policy right the american people have seen the consequences of the democrat party's radical agenda and it really is radically this is out of touch with not just republican voters the democrat party to come out of touch with democrats um you know some of the the transgender athlete stuff um bathroom you know putting you know no one wants a drag queen going to the bathroom with their with their little girls um maybe moving on you know maybe it's the economy the polling chose the vast majority of americans recognize the fact that fiscal conservative policies and the republican party would be best um you know the best party to solve the political crisis the economic crisis where foreign policy um securing the border like the things that actually affect the people's everyday lives the democrat party have completely left them down and the american people know it like the media can talk all they want they can try to say that you know Biden inherited this from from the past you know that's what Biden tried to do in the debate and tried to kick it back four years ago the problem is every single one of these issues has gotten worse over the last four years and the american people know it and they're ready to hold the democrat party accountable for it yeah and uh you know the the polling sort of shows this the these people especially on the left of the media i i just do they really want to win uh does this really move the needle to tell us is she how great she is and she was so great why why why wasn't she the nominee in the first place uh look when the mainstream media has to tell you that someone is great and i don't already know it you know there's a problem um look the democrats could win this rate and i'll tell you how they can win it they could actually move back from their horrendously disastrous horrible policies and they could nominate proper Kennedy dinner and that would make it very very hard for us republicans but they'll never do it because they are so committed to their radical woke agenda that they would never put some uh you know more moderate more common sense voice as their nominee and i think that's what we have here democrats are true believers in this new socialist agenda they have they're so committed they're so sure that this is the better thing for america that they know how to live our lives better than we do and they're so committed to that concept that they would rather lose than actually put a candidate in a different way yeah and then uh the other thing they got and i know this points have made a million times but it's like just bugs me to be guys like you and i lectured about democracy for the last five years and democracy this democracy that and we we had a whole discussion and i i think the um cal whip bars there's slowly losing this fastball here made a big deal about it but i made it all the way to msmbc i i already want to msmbc attacking me for not understanding that you know for for saying that we're a constitutional republic well i i consider that a badge of honor we are a constitutional but they don't like it when he challenged him on the democracy narrative but but uh that being said well they said the hell of democracy with their primary process and they have decided to anoint a a nominee with Harris i mean how they're gonna have to explain this right that look we were all about democracy this democracy that 14 million people go to the polls they they vote for joe biden to be their standard bear to be their guy on the ballot and only two because he's not pulling will in a few um democrats down ballot democrats are worried about their own incumbency uh decide that he needs to buy nasa go and they're successful with it look that's exactly right we are not talking about a party that people leave in democracy we're talking about a party that believes in elita um and that they'll read no better how to live our lives than we do and they know better what candidates should run in their party than their voters do um but look this this is this idea that they actually believe in democracy it's this is a good example but this is not the only example look back just a few months ago when they were the ones leading the charge trying to keep Donald Trump off the ballot in Maine in pro korato in so many states they didn't want democracy for the american people posted it aside they wanted to step in and force their elitist mentality on the public and not even give them the option to vote for the leading candidate on the conservative side so so yeah there argument that they actually believe in the will of the people and actually believe in democracy is a complete fraud they are one ever can sold out to their agenda and whatever it takes to keep themselves in power and that's the bottom line it's not about the will of the people it's about their will and the fact that they think they know how to run this country better than anyone else uh one more uh jab at the uh the the Kyle Whitmire media establishment here just to get bounces off of you uh Whitmire said that uh he's comparing JD Vance to Doug Jones and that I believe his words were that Doug Jones is actually why JD Vance pretends to be I don't know how familiar you are with either one of those and they're upbringing but that that is like one of the silliest comparisons I've ever heard him other and he said some really dumb things in his um illustrative career no I look I think that's absolutely ridiculous right um and number one because of what we've been talking about what's more important than the way someone was brought up or or their background or that it's the values and the principles they stand for um and you have to admire JD Vance took his hard life his situation and he came out of it saying look how do we what what's the best way to move forward for people in the situation I was in it's the American dream it's liberty it's freedom it's the pre-market and the ability for people to actually go out and beat and and supply them up um out of out of poverty or out of struggles and and government was created to help them have the tools they need to have a free society and have the opportunities to be successful that Jones is the complete opposite he wants government to be the nanny state to keep people you know under the control of the government and sure look we talked about we want to help people need it but we'd have to be honest that our current welfare system most of the time it doesn't help people and he keeps people in poverty and I I think we have to understand that that the the message and the opportunity to those who are struggling is not more government it's a less government and the ability for less government to help them be successful and grow to the point where they don't need to be government and that's our goal and I think this is something that people completely lose sight of on the daily basis chair we got to leave it there folks want to find out more about the alma mater republican party how can they do so well we always like to get involved with folks so we're on social media at alma mater republican party and then of course our website is and they can sign up for newsletters or to sign up for volunteer to help as we get ready to take back america chairman appreciate your time we'll talk to you next week good to be on the show all right alma mater republican party chairman john wall will we'll be right back this is our fifth talk one oh six five now but they still smell the powder burn and they're probably always will and only you look about to the jeep or show it up and talk what oh six five tomorrow on the program we'll hear from joey clark news talk 93 one got a good piece up kind about jd vance and the um the the whole that's going to be a narrative and i'm sure it's going to be challenged but uh uh you should check it out 18 19 news 18 19 news dot com the way of any text here squirrel you know the dim sheep don't care and we'll back them all uh oh all the identity nonsense it must virtue signal to distance themselves from the threat to democracy they have characterized mr. plot i think republicans should recognize that glen yuckin is today scott walker shan right day of c would be a better choice of kamala she's a big booty latina that has ideas i did not realize that uh jeff it's david it's sad for people though this country i've got to where they uh need to be a popularity contest because it is the best it doesn't matter what face or person they put out there for a presidential came from the campaign for the democrats all smoke and mirrors uh martin and i flush more patriotism down the chillet every more than the harris has ever had jet the october surprise has already occurred or do you think there's more to come there'll be something else and then honestly james is the official troll the jeff porter honestly get trump enough time he will sink his lead watch it happen i'm going to personally send you guys kamala harris t-shirts are you on the kamala uh kamala harris paneling in there james shot so we come up in devo bill what you got nothing but big booty latinas for the uh two hours of the tuesday edition the show i feel like i need like a a music or a sound or something to hit i would love that uh that's all in my wheelhouse but in yeah if we don't have big booty latinas we do have my friend uh rubber candy jr a democrat response to some big democrat stories out there we'll talk with him in the first hour plus april mary fogle and a lawsuit filed against the core of engineers and the dredging of the ship channel that a whole lot more on the way y'all check that out so i appreciate it i got to get out of here i'll try to do better tomorrow so i feel as forgot to say goodbye this has been the jeff pore show on f and talk one oh six five [MUSIC PLAYING] [BLANK_AUDIO]